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Oct 19th, 2019
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  1. #!/usr/bin/python
  2. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  3. import subprocess
  4. import sys
  5. import os
  6. import tempfile
  7. from os import environ
  9. from PyQt5 import QtWidgets, QtGui
  10. from PyQt5 import QtCore
  12. rc_file_name = environ.get('HOME') + '/.config/apt-notifierrc'
  13. message_status = "not displayed"
  15. # ~~~ Localize 0 ~~~
  17. # Use gettext and specify translation file locations
  18. import gettext
  19. gettext.bindtextdomain('apt-notifier', '/usr/share/locale')
  20. gettext.textdomain('apt-notifier')
  21. _ = gettext.gettext
  22. gettext.install('')
  24. from string import Template # for simple string substitution (popup_msg...)
  26. def set_translations():
  27. global tooltip_0_updates_available
  28. global tooltip_1_new_update_available
  29. global tooltip_multiple_new_updates_available
  30. global popup_title
  31. global popup_msg_1_new_update_available
  32. global popup_msg_multiple_new_updates_available
  33. global Upgrade_using_Synaptic
  34. global View_and_Upgrade
  35. global Hide_until_updates_available
  36. global Quit_Apt_Notifier
  37. global Apt_Notifier_Help
  38. global Synaptic_Help
  39. global Apt_Notifier_Preferences
  40. global Apt_History
  41. global Check_for_Updates
  42. global Check_for_Updates_by_User
  43. Check_for_Updates_by_User = 'false'
  44. global ignoreClick
  45. ignoreClick = '0'
  46. global RepoListsHashNow
  47. RepoListsHashNow = ''
  48. global RepoListsHashPrevious
  49. RepoListsHashPrevious= ''
  50. global AptConfsAndPrefsNow
  51. AptConfsAndPrefsNow = ''
  52. global AptConfsAndPrefsPrevious
  53. AptConfsAndPrefsPrevious = ''
  54. global AptPkgCacheHashNow
  55. AptPkgCacheHashNow = ''
  56. global AptPkgCacheHashPrevious
  57. AptPkgCacheHashPrevious = ''
  58. global text
  59. text = ''
  61. # ~~~ Localize 1 ~~~
  63. tooltip_0_updates_available = unicode (_("0 updates available") ,'utf-8')
  64. tooltip_1_new_update_available = unicode (_("1 new update available") ,'utf-8')
  65. tooltip_multiple_new_updates_available = unicode (_("$count new updates available") ,'utf-8')
  66. popup_title = unicode (_("Updates") ,'utf-8')
  67. popup_msg_1_new_update_available = unicode (_("You have 1 new update available") ,'utf-8')
  68. popup_msg_multiple_new_updates_available = unicode (_("You have $count new updates available") ,'utf-8')
  69. Upgrade_using_Synaptic = unicode (_("Upgrade using Synaptic") ,'utf-8')
  70. View_and_Upgrade = unicode (_("View and Upgrade") ,'utf-8')
  71. Hide_until_updates_available = unicode (_("Hide until updates available") ,'utf-8')
  72. Quit_Apt_Notifier = unicode (_("Quit") ,'utf-8')
  73. Apt_Notifier_Help = unicode (_("MX Updater Help") ,'utf-8')
  74. Synaptic_Help = unicode (_("Synaptic Help") ,'utf-8')
  75. Apt_Notifier_Preferences = unicode (_("Preferences") ,'utf-8')
  76. Apt_History = unicode (_("History") ,'utf-8')
  77. Check_for_Updates = unicode (_("Check for Updates") ,'utf-8')
  79. # Check for updates, using subprocess.Popen
  80. def check_updates():
  81. global message_status
  82. global text
  83. global RepoListsHashNow
  84. global RepoListsHashPrevious
  85. global AptConfsAndPrefsNow
  86. global AptConfsAndPrefsPrevious
  87. global AptPkgCacheHashNow
  88. global AptPkgCacheHashPrevious
  89. global Check_for_Updates_by_User
  91. """
  92. Don't bother checking for updates when /var/lib/apt/periodic/update-stamp
  93. isn't present. This should only happen in a Live session before the repository
  94. lists have been loaded for the first time.
  95. """
  96. command_string = "[ ! -e /var/lib/apt/periodic/update-stamp ] && [ ! -e /var/lib/apt/lists/lock ]"
  97. exit_state =[command_string], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
  98. if exit_state == 0:
  99. if text == '':
  100. text = '0'
  101. message_status = "not displayed" # Resets flag once there are no more updates
  102. add_hide_action()
  103. if icon_config != "show":
  104. AptIcon.hide()
  105. else:
  106. AptIcon.setIcon(NoUpdatesIcon)
  107. command_string = "( [ -z $(apt-config shell U APT::Periodic::Unattended-Upgrade) ] )"
  108. exit_state =[command_string], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
  109. if exit_state == 0:
  110. AptIcon.setToolTip(tooltip_0_updates_available)
  111. else:
  112. command_string = "( [ $(apt-config shell U APT::Periodic::Unattended-Upgrade | cut -c4) != 0 ] )"
  113. exit_state =[command_string], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
  114. if exit_state == 0:
  115. AptIcon.setToolTip("")
  116. else:
  117. AptIcon.setToolTip(tooltip_0_updates_available)
  118. return
  120. """
  121. Don't bother checking for updates if processes for other package management tools
  122. appear to be runninng.
  123. """
  124. command_string = "ps aux | grep -v grep | grep -E 'apt-get|aptitude|dpkg|gdebi|synaptic' -q"
  125. exit_state =[command_string], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
  126. if exit_state == 0:
  127. return
  129. """
  130. Get a hash of the /var/lib/apt/lists folder.
  131. """
  132. script = '''#!/bin/sh
  133. find /var/lib/apt/lists/* 2>/dev/null | xargs md5sum 2>/dev/null | md5sum
  134. '''
  135. script_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('wt')
  136. script_file.write(script)
  137. script_file.flush()
  138. run = subprocess.Popen(["echo -n `bash %s`" %],shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
  139. RepoListsHashNow =
  140. script_file.close()
  142. """
  143. Get a hash of the /etc/apt/conf file and files in the .d folder,
  144. and /etc/apt/preferences file and files in the .d folder.
  145. """
  146. script = '''#!/bin/sh
  147. find /etc/apt/{apt.conf*,preferences*} 2>/dev/null | grep -v .d$ | xargs md5sum 2>/dev/null | md5sum
  148. '''
  149. script_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('wt')
  150. script_file.write(script)
  151. script_file.flush()
  152. run = subprocess.Popen(["echo -n `bash %s`" %],shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
  153. AptConfsAndPrefsNow =
  154. script_file.close()
  156. """
  157. Get a hash of /var/cache/apt/pkgcache.bin.
  158. """
  159. script = '''#!/bin/sh
  160. md5sum /var/cache/apt/pkgcache.bin 2>/dev/null | md5sum
  161. '''
  162. script_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('wt')
  163. script_file.write(script)
  164. script_file.flush()
  165. run = subprocess.Popen(["echo -n `bash %s`" %],shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
  166. AptPkgCacheHashNow =
  167. script_file.close()
  169. """
  170. If
  171. no changes in the Repo List hashes since last checked
  172. AND
  173. the Apt Conf & Apt Preferences hashes same since last checked
  174. AND
  175. pkgcache.bin same since last checked
  176. AND
  177. the call to check_updates wasn't initiated by user
  178. then don't bother checking for updates.
  179. """
  180. if RepoListsHashNow == RepoListsHashPrevious:
  181. if AptConfsAndPrefsNow == AptConfsAndPrefsPrevious:
  182. if AptPkgCacheHashNow == AptPkgCacheHashPrevious:
  183. if Check_for_Updates_by_User == 'false':
  184. if text == '':
  185. text = '0'
  186. return
  188. RepoListsHashPrevious = RepoListsHashNow
  189. RepoListsHashNow = ''
  191. AptConfsAndPrefsPrevious = AptConfsAndPrefsNow
  192. AptConfsAndPrefsNow = ''
  194. AptPkgCacheHashPrevious = AptPkgCacheHashNow
  195. AptPkgCacheHashNow = ''
  197. Check_for_Updates_by_User = 'false'
  199. #Create an inline script (what used to be /usr/bin/apt-notifier-check-Updates) and then run it to get the number of updates.
  200. script = '''#!/bin/sh
  202. #Create a temporary folder and redirect the apt-get upgrade and dist-upgrade output to them; doing this so only have to run the apt command 2 times.
  203. TMP=$(mktemp -d /tmp/apt-notifier.check_updates.XXXXXX)
  205. LC_ALL=en_US apt-get -o Debug::NoLocking=true --trivial-only -V upgrade 2>/dev/null > "$TMP"/upgrade
  206. LC_ALL=en_US apt-get -o Debug::NoLocking=true --trivial-only -V dist-upgrade 2>/dev/null > "$TMP"/dist-upgrade
  208. #Suppress 'updates available' notification if apt-get upgrade & dist-upgrade output are the same, and Unattended-Upgrades are enabled (>=1)
  209. diff "$TMP"/upgrade "$TMP"/dist-upgrade 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
  210. if [ $? -eq 0 ]
  211. then
  212. Unattended_Upgrade=0
  213. eval $(apt-config shell Unattended_Upgrade APT::Periodic::Unattended-Upgrade)
  214. if [ $Unattended_Upgrade != 0 ]
  215. then
  216. rm -rf "$TMP"
  217. echo 0
  218. exit
  219. fi
  220. fi
  222. if [ $(grep ^UpgradeType ~/.config/apt-notifierrc | cut -f2 -d=) = upgrade ]
  223. then
  224. mv "$TMP"/upgrade "$TMP"/updates
  225. else
  226. mv "$TMP"/dist-upgrade "$TMP"/updates
  227. fi
  229. #Suppress the 'updates available' notification if all of the updates are from a backports repo (jessie-backports, stretch-backports, etc.)
  230. if [ "$(grep " => " "$TMP"/updates | wc -l)" = "$(grep " => " "$TMP"/updates | grep -E ~bpo[0-9]+[+][0-9]+[\)]$ | wc -l)" ]
  231. then
  232. rm -rf "$TMP"
  233. echo 0
  234. exit
  235. fi
  237. sorted_list_of_upgrades()
  238. {
  239. #Create a sorted list of the names of the packages that are upgradeable.
  240. cat "$TMP"/updates | sed -n '/upgraded:/,$p' | grep ^' ' | awk '{ print $1 }' | sort
  241. }
  243. #suppress updates available indication if 2 or more Release.reverify entries found
  244. #if [ $(ls -1 /var/lib/apt/lists/partial/ | grep Release.reverify$ | wc -l) -ge 2 ]; then echo 0; exit; fi
  246. if [ -s /var/lib/synaptic/preferences ];
  247. then
  248. #/var/lib/synaptic/preferences is a non-zero size file, which means there are packages pinned in Synaptic.
  249. #Remove from the sorted_list_of_upgrades, packages that are pinned in Synaptic, and then get a count of remaining.
  251. sorted_list_of_upgrades | grep -vx $(grep 'Package:' /var/lib/synaptic/preferences 2>/dev/null | awk {'print "-e " $2'}) | wc -l
  253. else
  254. #/var/lib/synaptic/preferences is either a zero byte file, meaning packages were pinned in Synaptic at some time in
  255. # the past but none are currently pinned. Or the file is not present, meaning packages have never been pinned using
  256. # Synaptic. In either case, just get a count of how many upgradeable packages are in the list.
  258. sorted_list_of_upgrades | wc -l
  259. fi
  260. rm -rf "$TMP"
  261. '''
  262. script_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('wt')
  263. script_file.write(script)
  264. script_file.flush()
  265. run = subprocess.Popen(["echo -n `bash %s`" %],shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
  266. # Read the output into a text string
  267. text =
  268. script_file.close()
  270. # Alter both Icon and Tooltip, depending on updates available or not
  271. if text == "0":
  272. message_status = "not displayed" # Resets flag once there are no more updates
  273. add_hide_action()
  274. if icon_config != "show":
  275. AptIcon.hide()
  276. else:
  277. AptIcon.setIcon(NoUpdatesIcon)
  278. command_string = "( [ $(apt-config shell U APT::Periodic::Unattended-Upgrade | cut -c4) != 0 ] && [ $(apt-config shell U APT::Periodic::Unattended-Upgrade | cut -c4) != '' ] )"
  279. exit_state =[command_string], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
  280. if exit_state == 0:
  281. AptIcon.setToolTip("")
  282. else:
  283. AptIcon.setToolTip(tooltip_0_updates_available)
  284. else:
  285. if text == "1":
  286. AptIcon.setIcon(NewUpdatesIcon)
  288. AptIcon.setToolTip(tooltip_1_new_update_available)
  289. add_rightclick_actions()
  290. # Shows the pop up message only if not displayed before
  291. if message_status == "not displayed":
  292. def show_message():
  293. AptIcon.showMessage(popup_title, popup_msg_1_new_update_available)
  294. Timer.singleShot(1000, show_message)
  295. message_status = "displayed"
  296. else:
  297. AptIcon.setIcon(NewUpdatesIcon)
  299. tooltip_template=Template(tooltip_multiple_new_updates_available)
  300. tooltip_with_count=tooltip_template.substitute(count=text)
  301. AptIcon.setToolTip(tooltip_with_count)
  302. add_rightclick_actions()
  303. # Shows the pop up message only if not displayed before
  304. if message_status == "not displayed":
  305. # ~~~ Localize 1b ~~~
  306. # Use embedded count placeholder.
  307. popup_template=Template(popup_msg_multiple_new_updates_available)
  308. popup_with_count=popup_template.substitute(count=text)
  309. def show_message():
  310. #AptIcon.showMessage(popup_title, popup_msg_multiple_new_updates_available_begin + text + popup_msg_multiple_new_updates_available_end)
  311. AptIcon.showMessage(popup_title, popup_with_count)
  312. Timer.singleShot(1000, show_message)
  313. message_status = "displayed"
  315. def start_synaptic():
  316. global Check_for_Updates_by_User
  317. run = subprocess.Popen(['/usr/bin/gksu synaptic'],shell=True).wait()
  318. Check_for_Updates_by_User = 'true'
  319. check_updates()
  321. def viewandupgrade():
  322. global Check_for_Updates_by_User
  323. initialize_aptnotifier_prefs()
  325. # ~~~ Localize 2 ~~~
  327. # Accommodations for transformation from Python literals to Bash literals:
  328. # t10: \\n will convert to \n
  329. # t12: \\n will convert to \n
  330. # t16: '( and )' moved outside of translatable string to protect from potential translator's typo
  331. # t18: \\\"n\\\" will convert to \"n\" which will become "n" in shell (to avoid concatenating shell strings)
  333. # t01 thru t12, Yad 'View and Upgrade' strings
  334. t01 = _("MX Updater--View and Upgrade, previewing: basic upgrade")
  335. t02 = _("MX Updater--View and Upgrade, previewing: full upgrade")
  336. #t03 = _("Automatically answer 'yes' to all prompts during full/basic upgrade")
  337. t03 = _("Automatically answer 'yes' to all prompts during upgrade")
  338. #t04 = _("automatically close terminal window when basic upgrade complete")
  339. t04 = _("automatically close terminal window when upgrade complete")
  340. #t05 = _("automatically close terminal window when full upgrade complete")
  341. t05 = _("automatically close terminal window when upgrade complete")
  342. t06 = _("basic upgrade")
  343. t07 = _("full upgrade")
  344. t08 = _("switch to basic upgrade")
  345. t09 = _("switch to full upgrade")
  346. t10 = _("Switches the type of Upgrade that will be performed, alternating back and forth between 'full upgrade' and 'basic upgrade'.")
  347. t11 = _("Reload")
  348. t12 = _("Reload the package information to become informed about new, removed or upgraded software packages. (apt-get update)")
  350. # t13, gksu dialog
  351. t13 = _("The action you requested needs <b>root privileges</b>. Please enter <b>root's</b> password below.")
  353. # t14 thru t19, strings for the upgrade (basic) / dist-upgrade (full) script that runs in the terminal window
  354. t14 = _("basic upgrade complete (or was canceled)")
  355. t15 = _("full upgrade complete (or was canceled)")
  356. t16 = _("this terminal window can now be closed")
  357. t17 = "'(" + _("press any key to close") + ")'"
  358. t18 = _("Unneeded packages are installed that can be removed.")
  359. t19 = _("Running apt-get autoremove, if you are unsure type 'n'.")
  360. t20 = _("upgrade")
  361. t21 = _("Using full upgrade")
  362. t22 = _("Using basic upgrade (not recommended)")
  364. shellvar = (
  365. ' window_title_basic="' + t01 + '"\n'
  366. ' window_title_full="' + t02 + '"\n'
  367. ' use_apt_get_dash_dash_yes="' + t03 + '"\n'
  368. ' auto_close_window_basic="' + t04 + '"\n'
  369. ' auto_close_window_full="' + t05 + '"\n'
  370. ' basic_upgrade="' + t06 + '"\n'
  371. ' full_upgrade="' + t07 + '"\n'
  372. ' switch_to_basic_upgrade="' + t08 + '"\n'
  373. ' switch_to_full_upgrade="' + t09 + '"\n'
  374. ' switch_tooltip="' + t10 + '"\n'
  375. ' reload="' + t11 + '"\n'
  376. ' reload_tooltip="' + t12 + '"\n'
  377. ' rootPasswordRequestMsg="' + t13 + '"\n'
  378. ' done1basic="' + t14 + '"\n'
  379. ' done1full="' + t15 + '"\n'
  380. ' done2="' + t16 + '"\n'
  381. ' done3="' + t17 + '"\n'
  382. ' autoremovable_packages_msg1="' + t18 + '"\n'
  383. ' autoremovable_packages_msg2="' + t19 + '"\n'
  384. ' upgrade="' + t20 + '"\n'
  385. ' upgrade_tooltip_full="' + t21 + '"\n'
  386. ' upgrade_tooltip_basic="' + t22 + '"\n'
  387. )
  389. script = '''#!/bin/bash
  391. #cancel updates available indication if 2 or more Release.reverify entries found
  392. #if [ $(ls -1 /var/lib/apt/lists/partial/ | grep Release.reverify$ | wc -l) -ge 2 ]; then exit; fi
  394. ''' + shellvar + '''
  396. RunAptScriptInTerminal(){
  397. #for MEPIS remove "MX" branding from the $window_title string
  398. window_title_term=$window_title
  399. window_title_term=$(echo "$1"|sed 's/MX /'$(grep -o MX.*[1-9][0-9] /etc/issue|cut -c1-2)" "'/')
  401. TermXOffset="$(xwininfo -root|awk '/Width/{print $2/4}')"
  402. TermYOffset="$(xwininfo -root|awk '/Height/{print $2/4}')"
  403. G=" --geometry=80x25+"$TermXOffset"+"$TermYOffset
  404. I=" --icon=mnotify-some-""$(grep IconLook ~/.config/apt-notifierrc | cut -f2 -d=)"
  405. if [ "$2" = "" ]
  406. then T=""; I=""
  407. else
  408. if [ "$2" != "update" ]
  409. then T=" --title='""$(grep -o MX.*[1-9][0-9] /etc/issue|cut -c1-2)"" Updater: "$2"'"
  410. else T=" --title='""$(grep -o MX.*[1-9][0-9] /etc/issue|cut -c1-2)"" Updater: "$reload"'"
  411. fi
  412. fi
  415. case $(readlink -e /usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator | xargs basename) in
  417. roxterm) gksu "roxterm$G$T --separate -e $3"
  418. ;;
  420. *) gksu "x-terminal-emulator -e $3"
  421. ;;
  422. esac
  423. }
  425. DoUpgrade(){
  426. case $1 in
  427. 0)
  428. BP="1"
  429. chmod +x $TMP/upgradeScript
  430. RunAptScriptInTerminal "$window_title" "$UpgradeTypeUserFriendlyName" "$TMP/upgradeScript"
  431. ;;
  433. 2)
  434. BP="1"
  435. ;;
  437. 4)
  438. BP="0"
  439. sed -i 's/UpgradeType='$UpgradeType'/UpgradeType='$OtherUpgradeType'/' ~/.config/apt-notifierrc
  440. ;;
  442. 8)
  443. BP="0"
  444. #chmod +x $TMP/upgradeScript
  445. RunAptScriptInTerminal "" "update" "'apt-get update'"
  446. sleep 1
  447. ;;
  449. *)
  450. BP="1"
  451. ;;
  453. esac
  454. }
  456. BP="0"
  457. while [ $BP != "1" ]
  458. do
  460. UpgradeType=$(grep ^UpgradeType ~/.config/apt-notifierrc | cut -f2 -d=)
  461. if [ "$UpgradeType" = "upgrade" ]; then
  462. UpgradeTypeUserFriendlyName=$basic_upgrade
  463. OtherUpgradeType="dist-upgrade"
  464. upgrade_tooltip=$upgrade_tooltip_basic
  465. fi
  466. if [ "$UpgradeType" = "dist-upgrade" ]; then
  467. UpgradeTypeUserFriendlyName=$full_upgrade
  468. OtherUpgradeType="upgrade"
  469. upgrade_tooltip=$upgrade_tooltip_full
  470. fi
  472. UpgradeAssumeYes=$(grep ^UpgradeAssumeYes ~/.config/apt-notifierrc | cut -f2 -d=)
  473. UpgradeAutoClose=$(grep ^UpgradeAutoClose ~/.config/apt-notifierrc | cut -f2 -d=)
  475. TMP=$(mktemp -d /tmp/apt-notifier.XXXXXX)
  476. echo "$UpgradeTypeUserFriendlyName" > "$TMP"/upgrades
  478. #The following 40 or so lines (down to the "APT_CONFIG" line) create a temporary etc/apt folder and subfolders
  479. #that for the most part match the root owned /etc/apt folder and it's subfolders.
  480. #
  481. #A symlink to /var/synaptic/preferences symlink ("$TMP"/etc/apt/preferences.d/synaptic-pins) will be created
  482. #if there isn't one already (note: the non-root user wouldn't be able to create one in /etc/apt/preferences.d/).
  483. #
  484. #With a /var/synaptic/preferences symlink in place, no longer need to remove the lines with Synaptic pinned packages
  485. #from the "$TMP"/upgrades file to keep them from being displayed in the 'View and Upgrade' window, also no longer
  486. #need to correct the upgrades count after removing the lines with the pinned updates.
  488. #create the etc/apt/*.d subdirectories in the temporary directory ("$TMP")
  489. for i in $(find /etc/apt -name *.d); do mkdir -p "$TMP"/$(echo $i | cut -f2- -d/); done
  491. #create symlinks to the files in /etc/apt and it's subdirectories with exception of /etc/apt and /etc/apt/apt.conf
  492. for i in $(find /etc/apt | grep -v -e .d$ -e apt.conf$ -e apt$); do ln -s $i "$TMP"/$(echo $i | cut -f2- -d/) 2>/dev/null; done
  494. #in etc/preferences test to see if there's a symlink to /var/lib/synaptic/preferences
  495. ls -l /etc/apt/preferences* | grep ^l | grep -m1 /var/lib/synaptic/preferences$ -q
  497. #if there isn't, create one if there are synaptic pinned packages
  498. if [ $? -eq 1 ]
  499. then
  500. if [ -s /var/lib/synaptic/preferences ]
  501. then ln -s /var/lib/synaptic/preferences "$TMP"/etc/apt/preferences.d/synaptic-pins 2>/dev/null
  502. fi
  503. fi
  505. #create a apt.conf in the temp directory by copying existing /etc/apt/apt.conf to it
  506. [ ! -e /etc/apt/apt.conf ] || cp /etc/apt/apt.conf "$TMP"/apt.conf
  508. #in apt.conf file set Dir to the path of the temp directory
  509. echo 'Dir "'"$TMP"'/";' >> "$TMP"/apt.conf
  510. #set Dir::State::* and Dir::Cache::* to the existing ones in /var/lib/apt, /var/lib/dpkg and /var/cache/apt
  511. echo 'Dir::State "/var/lib/apt/";' >> "$TMP"/apt.conf
  512. echo 'Dir::State::Lists "/var/lib/apt/lists/";' >> "$TMP"/apt.conf
  513. echo 'Dir::State::status "/var/lib/dpkg/status";' >> "$TMP"/apt.conf
  514. echo 'Dir::State::extended_states "/var/lib/apt/extended_states";' >> "$TMP"/apt.conf
  515. echo 'Dir::Cache "/var/cache/apt/";' >> "$TMP"/apt.conf
  516. echo 'Dir::Cache::Archives "/var/cache/apt/archives";' >> "$TMP"/apt.conf
  517. echo 'Dir::Cache::srcpkgcache "/var/cache/apt/srcpkgcache.bin";' >> "$TMP"/apt.conf
  518. echo 'Dir::Cache::pkgcache "/var/cache/apt/pkgcache.bin";' >> "$TMP"/apt.conf
  520. APT_CONFIG="$TMP"/apt.conf apt-get -o Debug::NoLocking=true --trivial-only -V $UpgradeType 2>/dev/null >> "$TMP"/upgrades
  522. #fix to display epochs
  523. #for i in $(grep [[:space:]]'=>'[[:space:]] "$TMP"/upgrades | awk '{print $1}')
  524. #do
  525. # withoutEpoch="$(grep [[:space:]]$i[[:space:]] "$TMP"/upgrades | awk '{print $2}')"
  526. # withEpoch="(""$(apt-cache policy $i | head -2 | tail -1 | awk '{print $NF}')"
  527. # sed -i 's/'"$withoutEpoch"'/'"$withEpoch"'/' "$TMP"/upgrades
  528. # withoutEpoch="$(grep [[:space:]]$i[[:space:]] "$TMP"/upgrades | awk '{print $4}')"
  529. # withEpoch="$(apt-cache policy $i | head -3 | tail -1 | awk '{print $NF}')"")"
  530. # sed -i 's/'"$withoutEpoch"'/'"$withEpoch"'/' "$TMP"/upgrades
  531. #done
  533. # ~~~ Localize 2a ~~~
  534. # Format switch label. switch_to contains %s. eg "switch to %s" or "zu %s wechseln"
  535. # Result output to switch_label could be eg "switch to 'apt-get upgrade'"
  536. # or "zu 'apt-get dist-upgrade' wechseln'"
  537. # Should be able to use statement like:
  538. # printf -v switch_label "$switch_to" "$switch_type"
  539. # But fails, so use sed instead.
  540. # Format auto close message in same way.
  542. switch_type="'""$OtherUpgradeType""'"
  543. switch_label=$(echo "$switch_to" | sed 's/%s/'"$switch_type"'/')
  544. auto_close_label=$(echo "$auto_close_window" | sed 's/%s/'"$UpgradeType"'/')
  546. if [ "$UpgradeType" = "upgrade" ]
  547. then
  548. upgrade_label=$upgrade
  549. switch_label=$switch_to_full_upgrade
  550. auto_close_label=$auto_close_window_basic
  551. window_title="$window_title_basic"
  552. else
  553. upgrade_label=$upgrade
  554. switch_label=$switch_to_basic_upgrade
  555. auto_close_label=$auto_close_window_full
  556. window_title="$window_title_full"
  557. fi
  559. yad \\
  560. --window-icon=/usr/share/icons/mnotify-some-"$(grep IconLook ~/.config/apt-notifierrc | cut -f2 -d=)".png \\
  561. --width=640 \\
  562. --height=480 \\
  563. --center \\
  564. --title "$(echo "$window_title"|sed 's/MX /'$(grep -o MX.*[1-9][0-9] /etc/issue|cut -c1-2)" "'/')" \\
  565. --form \\
  566. --field :TXT "$(sed 's/^/ /' "$TMP"/upgrades)" \\
  567. --field="$use_apt_get_dash_dash_yes":CHK $UpgradeAssumeYes \\
  568. --field="$auto_close_label":CHK $UpgradeAutoClose \\
  569. --button "$reload"!reload!"$reload_tooltip":8 \\
  570. --button ''"$upgrade_label"!mnotify-some-"$(grep IconLook ~/.config/apt-notifierrc | cut -f2 -d=)"!"$upgrade_tooltip":0 \\
  571. --button gtk-cancel:2 \\
  572. --buttons-layout=spread \\
  573. 2>/dev/null \\
  574. > "$TMP"/results
  576. echo $?>>"$TMP"/results
  578. # if the View and Upgrade yad window was closed by one of it's 4 buttons,
  579. # then update the UpgradeAssumeYes & UpgradeAutoClose flags in the
  580. # ~/.config/apt-notifierrc file to match the checkboxes
  581. if [ $(tail -n1 "$TMP"/results) -eq 0 ]||\\
  582. [ $(tail -n1 "$TMP"/results) -eq 2 ]||\\
  583. [ $(tail -n1 "$TMP"/results) -eq 4 ]||\\
  584. [ $(tail -n1 "$TMP"/results) -eq 8 ];
  585. then
  586. if [ "$(head -n1 "$TMP"/results | rev | awk -F \| '{ print $3}' | rev)" = "TRUE" ];
  587. then
  588. grep UpgradeAssumeYes=true ~/.config/apt-notifierrc -q || sed -i 's/UpgradeAssumeYes=false/UpgradeAssumeYes=true/' ~/.config/apt-notifierrc
  589. else
  590. grep UpgradeAssumeYes=false ~/.config/apt-notifierrc -q || sed -i 's/UpgradeAssumeYes=true/UpgradeAssumeYes=false/' ~/.config/apt-notifierrc
  591. fi
  592. if [ "$(head -n1 "$TMP"/results | rev | awk -F \| '{ print $2}' | rev)" = "TRUE" ];
  593. then
  594. grep UpgradeAutoClose=true ~/.config/apt-notifierrc -q || sed -i 's/UpgradeAutoClose=false/UpgradeAutoClose=true/' ~/.config/apt-notifierrc
  595. else
  596. grep UpgradeAutoClose=false ~/.config/apt-notifierrc -q || sed -i 's/UpgradeAutoClose=true/UpgradeAutoClose=false/' ~/.config/apt-notifierrc
  597. fi
  598. else
  599. :
  600. fi
  602. # refresh UpgradeAssumeYes & UpgradeAutoClose
  603. UpgradeAssumeYes=$(grep ^UpgradeAssumeYes ~/.config/apt-notifierrc | cut -f2 -d=)
  604. UpgradeAutoClose=$(grep ^UpgradeAutoClose ~/.config/apt-notifierrc | cut -f2 -d=)
  606. if [ $(tail -n1 "$TMP"/results) -eq 8 ];
  607. then
  608. # build a upgrade script to do a apt-get update
  609. echo "#!/bin/bash"> "$TMP"/upgradeScript
  610. echo "echo 'update'">> "$TMP"/upgradeScript
  611. echo "apt-get update">> "$TMP"/upgradeScript
  613. else
  614. # build a upgrade script to do the apt-get upgrade (basic upgrade) or dist-upgrade (full upgrade)
  615. echo "#!/bin/bash"> "$TMP"/upgradeScript
  616. echo "echo ''"$UpgradeTypeUserFriendlyName>> "$TMP"/upgradeScript
  617. echo 'find /etc/apt/preferences.d | grep -E synaptic-[0-9a-zA-Z]{6}-pins | xargs rm -f'>> "$TMP"/upgradeScript
  618. echo 'if [ -f /var/lib/synaptic/preferences -a -s /var/lib/synaptic/preferences ]'>> "$TMP"/upgradeScript
  619. echo ' then '>> "$TMP"/upgradeScript
  620. echo ' SynapticPins=$(mktemp /etc/apt/preferences.d/synaptic-XXXXXX-pins)'>> "$TMP"/upgradeScript
  621. echo ' ln -sf /var/lib/synaptic/preferences "$SynapticPins" 2>/dev/null'>> "$TMP"/upgradeScript
  622. echo 'fi'>> "$TMP"/upgradeScript
  623. echo 'file "$SynapticPins" | cut -f2- -d" " | grep -e"broken symbolic link" -e"empty" -q '>> "$TMP"/upgradeScript
  624. echo 'if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then find /etc/apt/preferences.d | grep -E synaptic-[0-9a-zA-Z]{6}-pins | xargs rm -f; fi'>> "$TMP"/upgradeScript
  625. if [ "$UpgradeAssumeYes" = "true" ];
  626. then
  627. echo "apt-get --assume-yes -V "$UpgradeType>> "$TMP"/upgradeScript
  628. else
  629. echo "apt-get -V "$UpgradeType>> "$TMP"/upgradeScript
  630. fi
  631. grep ^CheckForAutoRemoves=true ~/.config/apt-notifierrc -q
  632. if [ $? -eq 0 ]
  633. then
  634. echo "echo">> "$TMP"/upgradeScript
  635. echo 'apt-get autoremove -s | grep ^Remv -q'>> "$TMP"/upgradeScript
  636. echo 'if [ $? -eq 0 ]; '>> "$TMP"/upgradeScript
  637. echo ' then'>> "$TMP"/upgradeScript
  638. echo 'echo "'"$autoremovable_packages_msg1"'"'>> "$TMP"/upgradeScript
  639. echo 'echo "'"$autoremovable_packages_msg2"'"'>> "$TMP"/upgradeScript
  640. echo 'apt-get autoremove -qV'>> "$TMP"/upgradeScript
  641. echo ' else'>> "$TMP"/upgradeScript
  642. echo ' :'>> "$TMP"/upgradeScript
  643. echo 'fi'>> "$TMP"/upgradeScript
  644. else
  645. :
  646. fi
  647. echo "echo">> "$TMP"/upgradeScript
  648. echo 'find /etc/apt/preferences.d | grep -E synaptic-[0-9a-zA-Z]{6}-pins | xargs rm -f'>> "$TMP"/upgradeScript
  650. # ~~~ Localize 2b ~~~
  652. #donetype="$UpgradeType"
  653. #donetext=$(echo "$done1" | sed 's/%s/'"$donetype"'/')
  654. if [ "$UpgradeType" = "upgrade" ]
  655. then
  656. donetext="$done1basic"
  657. else
  658. donetext="$done1full"
  659. fi
  660. echo 'echo "'"$donetext"'"'>> "$TMP"/upgradeScript
  661. echo "echo">> "$TMP"/upgradeScript
  663. if [ "$UpgradeAutoClose" = "true" ];
  664. then
  665. echo "sleep 1">> "$TMP"/upgradeScript
  666. echo "exit 0">> "$TMP"/upgradeScript
  667. else
  668. echo "echo -n $done2' '">> "$TMP"/upgradeScript
  669. echo "read -sn 1 -p $done3 -t 999999999">> "$TMP"/upgradeScript
  670. echo "echo">> "$TMP"/upgradeScript
  671. echo "exit 0">> "$TMP"/upgradeScript
  672. fi
  673. fi
  675. DoUpgrade $(tail -n1 "$TMP"/results)
  677. rm -rf "$TMP"
  679. done
  681. sleep 2
  682. PID=`pidof apt-get | cut -f 1 -d " "`
  683. if [ $PID ]; then
  684. while (ps -p $PID > /dev/null); do
  685. sleep 2
  686. done
  687. fi
  688. '''
  689. script_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('wt')
  690. script_file.write(script)
  691. script_file.flush()
  692. run = subprocess.Popen(['bash %s' %],shell=True).wait()
  693. script_file.close()
  694. Check_for_Updates_by_User = 'true'
  695. check_updates()
  697. def initialize_aptnotifier_prefs():
  699. """Create/initialize preferences in the ~/.config/apt-notifierrc file """
  700. """if they don't already exist. Remove multiple entries and those that """
  701. """appear to be invalid. """
  703. script = '''#! /bin/bash
  705. #test if ~/.config/apt-notifierrc contains a UpgradeType=* line and that it's a valid entry
  706. grep -q -e ^"UpgradeType=upgrade" -e^"UpgradeType=dist-upgrade" ~/.config/apt-notifierrc
  707. if [ "$?" -eq 0 ]
  708. then
  709. #contains a valid entry so do nothing
  710. :
  711. else
  712. #
  713. #if a UpgradeType=* line not present,
  714. #or not equal to "upgrade" or "dist-upgrade"
  715. #initially set it to "UpgradeType=dist-upgrade"
  716. #also delete multiple entries or what appears to be invalid entries
  717. sed -i '/.*UpgradeType.*/Id' ~/.config/apt-notifierrc
  718. echo "UpgradeType=dist-upgrade">> ~/.config/apt-notifierrc
  719. fi
  721. #test if ~/.config/apt-notifierrc contains a UpgradeAssumeYes=* line and that it's a valid entry
  722. grep -q -e ^"UpgradeAssumeYes=true" -e^"UpgradeAssumeYes=false" ~/.config/apt-notifierrc
  723. if [ "$?" -eq 0 ]
  724. then
  725. #contains a valid entry so do nothing
  726. :
  727. else
  728. #
  729. #if a UpgradeAssumeYes=* line not present,
  730. #or not equal to "true" or "false"
  731. #initially set it to "UpgradeAssumeYes=false"
  732. #also delete multiple entries or what appears to be invalid entries
  733. sed -i '/.*UpgradeAssumeYes.*/Id' ~/.config/apt-notifierrc
  734. echo "UpgradeAssumeYes=false">> ~/.config/apt-notifierrc
  735. fi
  737. #test if ~/.config/apt-notifierrc contains a UpgradeAutoClose=* line and that it's a valid entry
  738. grep -q -e ^"UpgradeAutoClose=true" -e^"UpgradeAutoClose=false" ~/.config/apt-notifierrc
  739. if [ "$?" -eq 0 ]
  740. then
  741. #contains a valid entry so do nothing
  742. :
  743. else
  744. #
  745. #if a UpgradeAutoClose=* line not present,
  746. #or not equal to "true" or "false"
  747. #intially set it to "UpgradeAutoClose=false"
  748. #also delete multiple entries or what appears to be invalid entries
  749. sed -i '/.*UpgradeAutoClose.*/Id' ~/.config/apt-notifierrc
  750. echo "UpgradeAutoClose=false">> ~/.config/apt-notifierrc
  751. fi
  753. #test if ~/.config/apt-notifierrc contains a LeftClick=* line and that it's a valid entry
  754. grep -q -e ^"LeftClick=ViewAndUpgrade" -e^"LeftClick=Synaptic" ~/.config/apt-notifierrc
  755. if [ "$?" -eq 0 ]
  756. then
  757. #contains a valid entry so do nothing
  758. :
  759. else
  760. #
  761. #if a LeftClick line not present,
  762. #or not equal to "ViewAndUpgrade" or "Synaptic"
  763. #initially set it to "LeftClick=ViewAndUpgrade"
  764. #also delete multiple entries or what appears to be invalid entries
  765. sed -i '/.*LeftClick.*/Id' ~/.config/apt-notifierrc
  766. echo "LeftClick=ViewAndUpgrade">> ~/.config/apt-notifierrc
  767. fi
  769. #test if ~/.config/apt-notifierrc contains a CheckForAutoRemoves=* line and that it's a valid entry
  770. grep -q -e ^"CheckForAutoRemoves=true" -e^"CheckForAutoRemoves=false" ~/.config/apt-notifierrc
  771. if [ "$?" -eq 0 ]
  772. then
  773. #contains a valid entry so do nothing
  774. :
  775. else
  776. #
  777. #if a CheckForAutoRemoves=* line not present,
  778. #or not equal to "true" or "false"
  779. #intially set it to "CheckForAutoRemoves=false"
  780. #also delete multiple entries or what appears to be invalid entries
  781. sed -i '/.*CheckForAutoRemoves.*/Id' ~/.config/apt-notifierrc
  782. echo "CheckForAutoRemoves=false">> ~/.config/apt-notifierrc
  783. fi
  785. #test if ~/.config/apt-notifierrc contains a IconLook=* line and that it's a valid entry
  786. grep -q -e ^"IconLook=wireframe" -e^"IconLook=classic" -e^"IconLook=pulse" ~/.config/apt-notifierrc
  787. if [ "$?" -eq 0 ]
  788. then
  789. #contains a valid entry so do nothing
  790. :
  791. else
  792. #
  793. #delete multiple entries or what appears to be invalid entries
  794. sed -i '/.*IconLook.*/Id' ~/.config/apt-notifierrc
  795. #
  796. #if a IconLook=* line not present,
  797. #or not equal to "wireframe" or "classic" or "pulse", then have default as follows for the various MX releases
  798. #
  799. case $(grep DISTRIB_RELEASE /etc/lsb-release | grep -Eo [0-9.]+ | head -n1) in
  800. 14 ) IconDefault="classic" ;;
  801. 15 ) IconDefault="classic" ;;
  802. 16 ) IconDefault="wireframe" ;;
  803. 16.1) IconDefault="wireframe" ;;
  804. 17 ) IconDefault="wireframe" ;;
  805. *) IconDefault="classic" ;;
  806. esac
  807. echo "IconLook=$IconDefault">> ~/.config/apt-notifierrc
  808. fi
  810. #test to see if ~/.config/apt-notifierrc contains any blank lines or lines with only whitespace
  811. grep -q ^[[:space:]]*$ ~/.config/apt-notifierrc
  812. if [ "$?" = "0" ]
  813. then
  814. #cleanup any blank lines or lines with only whitespace
  815. sed -i '/^[[:space:]]*$/d' ~/.config/apt-notifierrc
  816. else
  817. #no blank lines or lines with only whitespace so do nothing
  818. :
  819. fi
  821. #not really a preference, but remove obsolete *apt-notifier-menu.desktop files if present
  822. rm -f ~/.local/share/applications/apt-notifier-menu.desktop
  823. rm -f ~/.local/share/applications/mx-apt-notifier-menu.desktop
  825. #also not a preference, but remove obsolete ~/.config/autostart/apt-notifier-autostart-xdg.desktop file if present
  826. rm -f ~/.config/autostart/apt-notifier-autostart-xdg.desktop
  828. [ -e ~/.local/share/applications/mx-updater-menu-kde.desktop ] || cp /usr/share/applications/mx-updater-menu-kde.desktop ~/.local/share/applications/mx-updater-menu-kde.desktop
  830. grep $(grep IconLook ~/.config/apt-notifierrc | cut -f2 -d=) ~/.local/share/applications/mx-updater-menu-kde.desktop -q
  831. [ $? -eq 0 ] || sed -i 's/mnotify-some.*/mnotify-some-'"$(grep IconLook ~/.config/apt-notifierrc | cut -f2 -d=)"'/' ~/.local/share/applications/mx-updater-menu-kde.desktop
  833. [ -e ~/.local/share/applications/mx-updater-menu-non-kde.desktop ] || cp /usr/share/applications/mx-updater-menu-non-kde.desktop ~/.local/share/applications/mx-updater-menu-non-kde.desktop
  835. grep $(grep IconLook ~/.config/apt-notifierrc | cut -f2 -d=) ~/.local/share/applications/mx-updater-menu-non-kde.desktop -q
  836. [ $? -eq 0 ] || sed -i 's/mnotify-some.*/mnotify-some-'"$(grep IconLook ~/.config/apt-notifierrc | cut -f2 -d=)"'/' ~/.local/share/applications/mx-updater-menu-non-kde.desktop
  838. '''
  840. script_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('wt')
  841. script_file.write(script)
  842. script_file.flush()
  843. run = subprocess.Popen(['bash %s' %],shell=True).wait()
  844. script_file.close()
  847. def aptnotifier_prefs():
  848. global Check_for_Updates_by_User
  849. initialize_aptnotifier_prefs()
  851. # ~~~ Localize 3 ~~~
  853. t01 = _("MX Updater preferences")
  854. t02 = _("Upgrade mode")
  855. t03 = _("full upgrade (recommended)")
  856. t04 = _("basic upgrade")
  857. t05 = _("Left-click behaviour (when updates are available)")
  858. t06 = _("Other options")
  859. t07 = _("opens Synaptic")
  860. t08 = _("opens MX Updater 'View and Upgrade' window")
  861. t09 = _("Automatically answer 'yes' to all prompts during full/basic upgrade")
  862. t10 = _("automatically close terminal window when full/basic upgrade complete")
  863. t11 = _("check for autoremovable packages after full/basic upgrade")
  864. t12 = _("Icons")
  865. t13 = _("classic")
  866. t14 = _("pulse")
  867. t15 = _("wireframe")
  868. t16 = _("Auto-update")
  869. t17 = _("update automatically (will not add new or remove existing packages)")
  870. t18 = _("<b>Root privileges</b> are required to <b>enable</b> Auto Updates. Please enter <b>root's</b> password below.")
  871. t19 = _("<b>Root privileges</b> are required to <b>disable</b> Auto Updates. Please enter <b>root's</b> password below.")
  873. shellvar = (
  874. ' window_title="' + t01 + '"\n'
  875. ' frame_upgrade_behaviour="' + t02 + '"\n'
  876. ' full_upgrade="' + t03 + '"\n'
  877. ' basic_upgrade="' + t04 + '"\n'
  878. ' frame_left_click_behaviour="' + t05 + '"\n'
  879. ' frame_other_options="' + t06 + '"\n'
  880. ' left_click_Synaptic="' + t07 + '"\n'
  881. ' left_click_ViewandUpgrade="' + t08 + '"\n'
  882. ' use_apt_get_dash_dash_yes="' + t09 + '"\n'
  883. ' auto_close_term_window_when_complete="' + t10 + '"\n'
  884. ' check_for_autoremoves="' + t11 + '"\n'
  885. ' frame_Icons="' + t12 + '"\n'
  886. ' label_classic="' + t13 + '"\n'
  887. ' label_pulse="' + t14 + '"\n'
  888. ' label_wireframe="' + t15 + '"\n'
  889. ' frame_Auto_update="' + t16 + '"\n'
  890. ' auto_update_checkbox_txt="' + t17 + '"\n'
  891. ' rootPasswordRequestMsgEnableAutoUpdates="' + t18 + '"\n'
  892. ' rootPasswordRequestMsgDisableAutoUpdates="' + t19 + '"\n'
  893. )
  895. script = '''#! /bin/bash
  896. ''' + shellvar + '''
  898. #for MEPIS remove "MX" branding from the $window_title and $left_click_ViewandUpgrade strings
  899. window_title=$(echo "$window_title"|sed 's/MX /'$(grep -o MX.*[1-9][0-9] /etc/issue|cut -c1-2)" "'/')
  900. left_click_ViewandUpgrade=$(echo "$left_click_ViewandUpgrade"|sed 's/MX /'$(grep -o MX.*[1-9][0-9] /etc/issue|cut -c1-2)" "'/')
  901. IconLookBegin=$(grep IconLook ~/.config/apt-notifierrc | cut -f2 -d=)
  902. TMP=$(mktemp -d /tmp/apt_notifier_preferences_dialog.XXXXXX)
  903. touch "$TMP"/output
  904. cat << EOF > "$TMP"/DIALOG
  905. <window title="@title@" icon-name="@mnotify-some@">
  906. <vbox>
  907. <frame @upgrade_behaviour@>
  908. <radiobutton active="@UpgradeBehaviourAptGetDistUpgrade@">
  909. <label>@full_upgrade@</label>
  910. <variable>UpgradeType_dist-upgrade</variable>
  911. <action>:</action>
  912. </radiobutton>
  913. <radiobutton active="@UpgradeBehaviourAptGetUpgrade@">
  914. <label>@basic_upgrade@</label>
  915. <variable>UpgradeType_upgrade</variable>
  916. <action>:</action>
  917. </radiobutton>
  918. </frame>
  919. <frame @leftclick_behaviour@>
  920. <radiobutton active="@LeftClickBehaviourSynaptic@">
  921. <label>@opens_Synaptic@</label>
  922. <variable>LeftClickSynaptic</variable>
  923. <action>:</action>
  924. </radiobutton>
  925. <radiobutton active="@LeftClickBehaviourViewAndUpgrade@">
  926. <label>@opens_View_and_Upgrade@</label>
  927. <variable>LeftClickViewAndUpgrade</variable>
  928. <action>:</action>
  929. </radiobutton>
  930. </frame>
  931. <frame @Other_options@>
  932. <checkbox active="@UpgradeAssumeYes@">
  933. <label>@use_apt_get_yes@</label>
  934. <variable>UpgradeAssumeYes</variable>
  935. <action>:</action>
  936. </checkbox>
  937. <checkbox active="@UpgradeAutoClose@">
  938. <label>@auto_close_term_window@</label>
  939. <variable>UpgradeAutoClose</variable>
  940. <action>:</action>
  941. </checkbox>
  942. <checkbox active="@CheckForAutoRemoves@">
  943. <label>@check_for_autoremoves@</label>
  944. <variable>CheckForAutoRemoves</variable>
  945. <action>:</action>
  946. </checkbox>
  947. </frame>
  948. <frame @Icons@>
  949. <hbox homogeneous="true">
  950. <vbox>
  951. <radiobutton active="@IconLookWireframe@">
  952. <label>@wireframe@</label>
  953. <variable>IconLook_wireframe</variable>
  954. <action>:</action>
  955. </radiobutton>
  956. <radiobutton active="@IconLookClassic@">
  957. <label>@classic@</label>
  958. <variable>IconLook_classic</variable>
  959. <action>:</action>
  960. </radiobutton>
  961. <radiobutton active="@IconLookPulse@">
  962. <label>@pulse@</label>
  963. <variable>IconLook_pulse</variable>
  964. <action>:</action>
  965. </radiobutton>
  966. </vbox>
  967. <vbox>
  968. <pixmap icon_size="2"><input file>"/usr/share/icons/mnotify-some-wireframe.png"</input></pixmap>
  969. <pixmap icon_size="2"><input file>"/usr/share/icons/mnotify-some-classic.png"</input></pixmap>
  970. <pixmap icon_size="2"><input file>"/usr/share/icons/mnotify-some-pulse.png"</input></pixmap>
  971. </vbox>
  972. <vbox>
  973. <pixmap icon_size="2"><input file>"/usr/share/icons/mnotify-none-wireframe.png"</input></pixmap>
  974. <pixmap icon_size="2"><input file>"/usr/share/icons/mnotify-none-classic.png"</input></pixmap>
  975. <pixmap icon_size="2"><input file>"/usr/share/icons/mnotify-none-pulse.png"</input></pixmap>
  976. </vbox>
  977. </hbox>
  978. </frame>
  979. <frame @Auto_update_label@>
  980. <checkbox active="@Auto_Update_setting@">
  981. <label>@autoupdate_checkboxtxt@</label>
  982. <variable>AutoUpdate</variable>
  983. <action>:</action>
  984. </checkbox>
  985. </frame>
  986. <hbox>
  987. <button ok></button>
  988. <button cancel></button>
  989. </hbox>
  990. </vbox>
  991. </window>
  992. EOF
  994. cat << EOF > "$TMP"/enable_unattended_upgrades
  995. #!/bin/bash
  996. for i in @(grep 'APT::Periodic::Unattended-Upgrade "[0-9]+";' /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/* -E | cut -f1 -d: | grep -v ~$); \
  997. do sed -i 's/[ ]*APT::Periodic::Unattended-Upgrade.*"0".*;/ APT::Periodic::Unattended-Upgrade "1";/' @i; done
  998. exit 0
  999. EOF
  1000. sed -i 's/@/\$/g' "$TMP"/enable_unattended_upgrades
  1002. cat << EOF > "$TMP"/disable_unattended_upgrades
  1003. #!/bin/bash
  1004. for i in @(grep 'APT::Periodic::Unattended-Upgrade "[0-9]+*";' /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/* -E | cut -f1 -d: | grep -v ~$); \
  1005. do sed -i 's/[ ]*APT::Periodic::Unattended-Upgrade.*"1".*;/ APT::Periodic::Unattended-Upgrade "0";/' @i; done
  1006. exit 0
  1007. EOF
  1008. sed -i 's/@/\$/g' "$TMP"/disable_unattended_upgrades
  1010. # edit translateable strings placeholders in "$TMP"/DIALOG
  1011. sed -i 's/@title@/'"$window_title"'/' "$TMP"/DIALOG
  1012. sed -i 's/@upgrade_behaviour@/'"$frame_upgrade_behaviour"'/' "$TMP"/DIALOG
  1013. sed -i 's/@full_upgrade@/'"$full_upgrade"'/' "$TMP"/DIALOG
  1014. sed -i 's/@basic_upgrade@/'"$basic_upgrade"'/' "$TMP"/DIALOG
  1015. sed -i 's/@leftclick_behaviour@/'"$frame_left_click_behaviour"'/' "$TMP"/DIALOG
  1016. sed -i 's/@Other_options@/'"$frame_other_options"'/' "$TMP"/DIALOG
  1017. sed -i 's/@Icons@/'"$frame_Icons"'/' "$TMP"/DIALOG
  1018. sed -i 's/@opens_Synaptic@/"'"$left_click_Synaptic"'"/' "$TMP"/DIALOG
  1019. sed -i 's/@opens_View_and_Upgrade@/"'"$left_click_ViewandUpgrade"'"/' "$TMP"/DIALOG
  1020. sed -i 's|@use_apt_get_yes@|"'"$use_apt_get_dash_dash_yes"'"|' "$TMP"/DIALOG
  1021. sed -i 's|@auto_close_term_window@|"'"$auto_close_term_window_when_complete"'"|' "$TMP"/DIALOG
  1022. sed -i 's|@check_for_autoremoves@|"'"$check_for_autoremoves"'"|' "$TMP"/DIALOG
  1023. sed -i 's/@classic@/"'"$label_classic"'"/' "$TMP"/DIALOG
  1024. sed -i 's/@pulse@/"'"$label_pulse"'"/' "$TMP"/DIALOG
  1025. sed -i 's/@wireframe@/"'"$label_wireframe"'"/' "$TMP"/DIALOG
  1027. # edit placeholders in "$TMP"/DIALOG to set initial settings of the radiobuttons & checkboxes
  1028. sed -i 's/@UpgradeBehaviourAptGetUpgrade@/'$(if [ $(grep UpgradeType=upgrade ~/.config/apt-notifierrc) ]; then echo -n true; else echo -n false; fi)'/' "$TMP"/DIALOG
  1029. sed -i 's/@UpgradeBehaviourAptGetDistUpgrade@/'$(if [ $(grep UpgradeType=dist-upgrade ~/.config/apt-notifierrc) ]; then echo -n true; else echo -n false; fi)'/' "$TMP"/DIALOG
  1030. sed -i 's/@LeftClickBehaviourSynaptic@/'$(if [ $(grep LeftClick=Synaptic ~/.config/apt-notifierrc) ]; then echo -n true; else echo -n false; fi)'/' "$TMP"/DIALOG
  1031. sed -i 's/@LeftClickBehaviourViewAndUpgrade@/'$(if [ $(grep LeftClick=ViewAndUpgrade ~/.config/apt-notifierrc) ]; then echo -n true; else echo -n false; fi)'/' "$TMP"/DIALOG
  1032. sed -i 's/@UpgradeAssumeYes@/'$(grep UpgradeAssumeYes ~/.config/apt-notifierrc | cut -f2 -d=)'/' "$TMP"/DIALOG
  1033. sed -i 's/@UpgradeAutoClose@/'$(grep UpgradeAutoClose ~/.config/apt-notifierrc | cut -f2 -d=)'/' "$TMP"/DIALOG
  1034. sed -i 's/@CheckForAutoRemoves@/'$(grep CheckForAutoRemoves ~/.config/apt-notifierrc | cut -f2 -d=)'/' "$TMP"/DIALOG
  1035. sed -i 's/@IconLookWireframe@/'$(if [ $(grep IconLook=wireframe ~/.config/apt-notifierrc) ]; then echo -n true; else echo -n false; fi)'/' "$TMP"/DIALOG
  1036. sed -i 's/@IconLookClassic@/'$(if [ $(grep IconLook=classic ~/.config/apt-notifierrc) ]; then echo -n true; else echo -n false; fi)'/' "$TMP"/DIALOG
  1037. sed -i 's/@IconLookPulse@/'$(if [ $(grep IconLook=pulse ~/.config/apt-notifierrc) ]; then echo -n true; else echo -n false; fi)'/' "$TMP"/DIALOG
  1039. # edit placeholder for window icon placeholder in "$TMP"/DIALOG
  1040. sed -i 's/@mnotify-some@/mnotify-some-'$(grep IconLook ~/.config/apt-notifierrc | cut -f2 -d= | xargs echo -n)'/' "$TMP"/DIALOG
  1042. # edit AutoUpdate related translateable string placeholders in "$TMP"/DIALOG
  1043. sed -i 's/@Auto_update_label@/'"$frame_Auto_update"'/' "$TMP"/DIALOG
  1044. sed -i 's/@autoupdate_checkboxtxt@/'"$auto_update_checkbox_txt"'/' "$TMP"/DIALOG
  1046. # get what the Unattended-Upgrade status is before bringing up the preferences dialog
  1047. Unattended_Upgrade_before_pref_dialog=0
  1048. eval $(apt-config shell Unattended_Upgrade_before_pref_dialog APT::Periodic::Unattended-Upgrade)
  1050. # also use it to set the checkbox setting
  1051. if [ $Unattended_Upgrade_before_pref_dialog = "1" ]
  1052. then
  1053. sed -i 's/@Auto_Update_setting@/true/' "$TMP"/DIALOG
  1054. else
  1055. sed -i 's/@Auto_Update_setting@/false/' "$TMP"/DIALOG
  1056. fi
  1058. gtkdialog --file="$TMP"/DIALOG >> "$TMP"/output
  1060. grep -q EXIT=.*OK.* "$TMP"/output
  1062. if [ "$?" -eq 0 ];
  1063. then
  1064. if [ $(grep UpgradeType_upgrade=.*true.* "$TMP"/output) ]; then sed -i 's/UpgradeType=dist-upgrade/UpgradeType=upgrade/' ~/.config/apt-notifierrc; fi
  1065. if [ $(grep UpgradeType_dist-upgrade=.*true.* "$TMP"/output) ]; then sed -i 's/UpgradeType=upgrade/UpgradeType=dist-upgrade/' ~/.config/apt-notifierrc; fi
  1066. if [ $(grep LeftClickViewAndUpgrade=.*true.* "$TMP"/output) ]; then sed -i 's/LeftClick=Synaptic/LeftClick=ViewAndUpgrade/' ~/.config/apt-notifierrc; fi
  1067. if [ $(grep LeftClickSynaptic=.*true.* "$TMP"/output) ]; then sed -i 's/LeftClick=ViewAndUpgrade/LeftClick=Synaptic/' ~/.config/apt-notifierrc; fi
  1068. if [ $(grep UpgradeAssumeYes=.*false.* "$TMP"/output) ]; then sed -i 's/UpgradeAssumeYes=true/UpgradeAssumeYes=false/' ~/.config/apt-notifierrc; fi
  1069. if [ $(grep UpgradeAssumeYes=.*true.* "$TMP"/output) ]; then sed -i 's/UpgradeAssumeYes=false/UpgradeAssumeYes=true/' ~/.config/apt-notifierrc; fi
  1070. if [ $(grep UpgradeAutoClose=.*false.* "$TMP"/output) ]; then sed -i 's/UpgradeAutoClose=true/UpgradeAutoClose=false/' ~/.config/apt-notifierrc; fi
  1071. if [ $(grep UpgradeAutoClose=.*true.* "$TMP"/output) ]; then sed -i 's/UpgradeAutoClose=false/UpgradeAutoClose=true/' ~/.config/apt-notifierrc; fi
  1072. if [ $(grep CheckForAutoRemoves=.*false.* "$TMP"/output) ]; then sed -i 's/CheckForAutoRemoves=true/CheckForAutoRemoves=false/' ~/.config/apt-notifierrc; fi
  1073. if [ $(grep CheckForAutoRemoves=.*true.* "$TMP"/output) ]; then sed -i 's/CheckForAutoRemoves=false/CheckForAutoRemoves=true/' ~/.config/apt-notifierrc; fi
  1074. if [ $(grep IconLook_wireframe=.*true.* "$TMP"/output) ]; then sed -i 's/IconLook=classic/IconLook=wireframe/' ~/.config/apt-notifierrc; fi
  1075. if [ $(grep IconLook_wireframe=.*true.* "$TMP"/output) ]; then sed -i 's/IconLook=pulse/IconLook=wireframe/' ~/.config/apt-notifierrc; fi
  1076. if [ $(grep IconLook_classic=.*true.* "$TMP"/output) ]; then sed -i 's/IconLook=wireframe/IconLook=classic/' ~/.config/apt-notifierrc; fi
  1077. if [ $(grep IconLook_classic=.*true.* "$TMP"/output) ]; then sed -i 's/IconLook=pulse/IconLook=classic/' ~/.config/apt-notifierrc; fi
  1078. if [ $(grep IconLook_pulse=.*true.* "$TMP"/output) ]; then sed -i 's/IconLook=wireframe/IconLook=pulse/' ~/.config/apt-notifierrc; fi
  1079. if [ $(grep IconLook_pulse=.*true.* "$TMP"/output) ]; then sed -i 's/IconLook=classic/IconLook=pulse/' ~/.config/apt-notifierrc; fi
  1080. if [ $Unattended_Upgrade_before_pref_dialog = "0" ] && [ $(grep AutoUpdate=.*true.* "$TMP"/output) ]
  1081. then
  1082. gksu sh "$TMP"/enable_unattended_upgrades
  1083. fi
  1084. if [ $Unattended_Upgrade_before_pref_dialog = "1" ] && [ $(grep AutoUpdate=.*false.* "$TMP"/output) ]
  1085. then
  1086. gksu sh "$TMP"/disable_unattended_upgrades
  1087. fi
  1088. else
  1089. :
  1090. fi
  1092. rm -rf "$TMP"
  1094. #update Icon= line in .local mx-updater-menu-kde.desktop file if icon not same as IconLook config setting in ~/.config/apt-notifierrc file
  1095. grep $(grep IconLook ~/.config/apt-notifierrc | cut -f2 -d=) ~/.local/share/applications/mx-updater-menu-kde.desktop -q
  1096. [ $? -eq 0 ] || sed -i 's/mnotify-some.*/mnotify-some-'"$(grep IconLook ~/.config/apt-notifierrc | cut -f2 -d=)"'/' ~/.local/share/applications/mx-updater-menu-kde.desktop
  1098. #update Icon= line in .local mx-updater-menu-non-kde.desktop file if icon not same as IconLook config setting in ~/.config/apt-notifierrc file
  1099. grep $(grep IconLook ~/.config/apt-notifierrc | cut -f2 -d=) ~/.local/share/applications/mx-updater-menu-non-kde.desktop -q
  1100. [ $? -eq 0 ] || sed -i 's/mnotify-some.*/mnotify-some-'"$(grep IconLook ~/.config/apt-notifierrc | cut -f2 -d=)"'/' ~/.local/share/applications/mx-updater-menu-non-kde.desktop
  1102. #restart apt-notifier if IconLook setting has been changed
  1103. if [ "$(grep IconLook ~/.config/apt-notifierrc | cut -f2 -d=)" != "$IconLookBegin" ]
  1104. then
  1105. apt-notifier-unhide-Icon
  1106. fi
  1108. '''
  1109. script_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('wt')
  1110. script_file.write(script)
  1111. script_file.flush()
  1112. run = subprocess.Popen(['bash %s' %],shell=True).wait()
  1113. script_file.close()
  1114. Check_for_Updates_by_User = 'true'
  1115. check_updates()
  1117. def apt_history():
  1118. global Check_for_Updates_by_User
  1120. # ~~~ Localize 5 ~~~
  1122. t01 = _("History")
  1123. shellvar = ' AptHistory="' + t01 + '"\n'
  1125. script = '''#! /bin/bash
  1126. ''' + shellvar + '''
  1128. TMP=$(mktemp -d /tmp/apt_history.XXXXXX)
  1130. apt-history | sed 's/:all/ all/;s/:i386/ i386/;s/:amd64/ amd64/' | column -t > "$TMP"/APT_HISTORY
  1132. yad --window-icon=/usr/share/icons/mnotify-some-"$(grep IconLook ~/.config/apt-notifierrc | cut -f2 -d=)".png \\
  1133. --width=$(xprop -root | grep _NET_DESKTOP_GEOMETRY\(CARDINAL\) | awk '{print $3*.75}' | cut -f1 -d.) \\
  1134. --height=480 \\
  1135. --center \\
  1136. --title "$AptHistory" \\
  1137. --text-info \\
  1138. --filename="$TMP"/APT_HISTORY \\
  1139. --fontname=mono \\
  1140. --button=gtk-close \\
  1141. --margins=7 \\
  1142. --borders=5
  1144. rm -rf "$TMP"
  1146. '''
  1147. script_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('wt')
  1148. script_file.write(script)
  1149. script_file.flush()
  1150. run = subprocess.Popen(['bash %s' %],shell=True).wait()
  1151. script_file.close()
  1152. Check_for_Updates_by_User = 'true'
  1153. check_updates()
  1155. def apt_get_update():
  1156. global Check_for_Updates_by_User
  1158. # ~~~ Localize 4 ~~~
  1160. t01 = _("The action you requested needs <b>root privileges</b>. Please enter <b>root's</b> password below.")
  1161. t02 = _("Reload")
  1162. shellvar = ' rootPasswordRequestMsg="' + t01 + '"\n'
  1163. shellvar = ' reload="' + t02 + '"\n'
  1165. script = '''#! /bin/bash
  1166. ''' + shellvar + '''
  1168. #for MEPIS remove "MX" branding from the $window_title string
  1169. window_title=$(echo "$window_title"|sed 's/MX /'$(grep -o MX.*[1-9][0-9] /etc/issue|cut -c1-2)" "'/')
  1171. TermXOffset="$(xwininfo -root|awk '/Width/{print $2/4}')"
  1172. TermYOffset="$(xwininfo -root|awk '/Height/{print $2/4}')"
  1173. G=" --geometry=80x25+"$TermXOffset"+"$TermYOffset
  1174. I=" --icon=mnotify-some-""$(grep IconLook ~/.config/apt-notifierrc | cut -f2 -d=)"
  1175. T=" --title='""$(grep -o MX.*[1-9][0-9] /etc/issue|cut -c1-2)"" Updater: $reload'"
  1177. case $(readlink -e /usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator | xargs basename) in
  1179. gnome-terminal.wrapper) gksu "gnome-terminal$G$T -e 'apt-get update'"
  1180. ;;
  1182. konsole) gksu "konsole -e apt-get update"
  1183. sleep 5
  1184. ;;
  1186. roxterm) gksu "roxterm$G$T --separate -e apt-get update"
  1187. ;;
  1189. xfce4-terminal.wrapper) gksu "xfce4-terminal$G$I$T -e 'apt-get update'"
  1190. ;;
  1192. xterm) gksu "xterm -e apt-get update"
  1193. ;;
  1195. *) gksu "x-terminal-emulator -e apt-get update"
  1196. ;;
  1197. esac
  1200. '''
  1201. script_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('wt')
  1202. script_file.write(script)
  1203. script_file.flush()
  1204. run = subprocess.Popen(['bash %s' %],shell=True).wait()
  1205. script_file.close()
  1206. Check_for_Updates_by_User = 'true'
  1207. check_updates()
  1209. def re_enable_click():
  1210. global ignoreClick
  1211. ignoreClick = '0'
  1213. def start_synaptic0():
  1214. global ignoreClick
  1215. global Timer
  1216. if ignoreClick != '1':
  1217. start_synaptic()
  1218. ignoreClick = '1'
  1219. Timer.singleShot(50, re_enable_click)
  1220. else:
  1221. pass
  1223. def viewandupgrade0():
  1224. global ignoreClick
  1225. global Timer
  1226. if ignoreClick != '1':
  1227. viewandupgrade()
  1228. ignoreClick = '1'
  1229. Timer.singleShot(50, re_enable_click)
  1230. else:
  1231. pass
  1233. # Define the command to run when left clicking on the Tray Icon
  1234. def left_click():
  1235. if text.startswith( "0" ):
  1236. start_synaptic0()
  1237. else:
  1238. """Test ~/.config/apt-notifierrc for LeftClickViewAndUpgrade"""
  1239. command_string = "cat " + rc_file_name + " | grep -q LeftClick=ViewAndUpgrade"
  1240. exit_state =[command_string], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
  1241. if exit_state == 0:
  1242. viewandupgrade0()
  1243. else:
  1244. start_synaptic0()
  1246. # Define the action when left clicking on Tray Icon
  1247. def left_click_activated(reason):
  1248. if reason == QtWidgets.QSystemTrayIcon.Trigger:
  1249. left_click()
  1251. def read_icon_config():
  1252. """Reads ~/.config/apt-notifierrc, returns 'show' if file doesn't exist or does not contain DontShowIcon"""
  1253. command_string = "cat " + rc_file_name + " | grep -q DontShowIcon"
  1254. exit_state =[command_string], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
  1255. if exit_state != 0:
  1256. return "show"
  1258. def read_icon_look():
  1259. script = '''#! /bin/bash
  1260. grep IconLook ~/.config/apt-notifierrc | cut -f2 -d=
  1261. '''
  1262. script_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('wt')
  1263. script_file.write(script)
  1264. script_file.flush()
  1265. run = subprocess.Popen(["echo -n `bash %s`" %],shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
  1266. # Read the output into a text string
  1267. iconLook =
  1268. script_file.close()
  1269. return iconLook
  1271. def set_noicon():
  1272. """Reads ~/.config/apt-notifierrc. If "DontShowIcon blah blah blah" is already there, don't write it again"""
  1273. command_string = "cat " + rc_file_name + " | grep -q DontShowIcon"
  1274. exit_state =[command_string], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
  1275. if exit_state != 0:
  1276. file = open(rc_file_name, 'a')
  1277. file.write ('[DontShowIcon] #Remove this entry if you want the apt-notify icon to show even when there are no upgrades available\n')
  1278. file.close()
  1279.["/usr/bin/apt-notifier"], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
  1280. AptIcon.hide()
  1281. icon_config = "donot show"
  1283. def add_rightclick_actions():
  1284. ActionsMenu.clear()
  1285. """Test ~/.config/apt-notifierrc for LeftClickViewAndUpgrade"""
  1286. command_string = "cat " + rc_file_name + " | grep -q LeftClick=ViewAndUpgrade"
  1287. exit_state =[command_string], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
  1288. if exit_state == 0:
  1289. ActionsMenu.addAction(View_and_Upgrade).triggered.connect( viewandupgrade0 )
  1290. ActionsMenu.addSeparator()
  1291. ActionsMenu.addAction(Upgrade_using_Synaptic).triggered.connect( start_synaptic0 )
  1292. else:
  1293. ActionsMenu.addAction(Upgrade_using_Synaptic).triggered.connect( start_synaptic0)
  1294. ActionsMenu.addSeparator()
  1295. ActionsMenu.addAction(View_and_Upgrade).triggered.connect( viewandupgrade0 )
  1296. add_apt_history_action()
  1297. add_apt_get_update_action()
  1298. add_apt_notifier_help_action()
  1299. add_synaptic_help_action()
  1300. add_aptnotifier_prefs_action()
  1301. add_quit_action()
  1303. def add_hide_action():
  1304. ActionsMenu.clear()
  1305. if icon_config == "show":
  1306. hide_action = ActionsMenu.addAction(Hide_until_updates_available)
  1307. hide_action.triggered.connect( set_noicon )
  1308. ActionsMenu.addSeparator()
  1309. ActionsMenu.addAction(u"Synaptic").triggered.connect( start_synaptic0 )
  1310. add_apt_history_action()
  1311. add_apt_get_update_action()
  1312. add_apt_notifier_help_action()
  1313. add_synaptic_help_action()
  1314. add_aptnotifier_prefs_action()
  1315. add_quit_action()
  1317. def add_quit_action():
  1318. ActionsMenu.addSeparator()
  1319. quit_action = ActionsMenu.addAction(QuitIcon,Quit_Apt_Notifier)
  1320. quit_action.triggered.connect( exit )
  1322. def add_apt_notifier_help_action():
  1323. ActionsMenu.addSeparator()
  1324. apt_notifier_help_action = ActionsMenu.addAction(HelpIcon,Apt_Notifier_Help)
  1325. apt_notifier_help_action.triggered.connect(open_apt_notifier_help)
  1327. def open_apt_notifier_help():
  1328. script = '''#! /bin/bash
  1329. case $(echo $LANG | cut -f1 -d_) in
  1330. fr) HelpUrl="" ;;
  1331. *) HelpUrl="" ;;
  1332. esac
  1333. test -e /usr/bin/mx-viewer
  1334. if [ $? -eq 0 ]
  1335. then
  1336. mx-viewer $HelpUrl
  1337. else
  1338. xdg-open $HelpUrl
  1339. fi
  1340. '''
  1341. script_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('wt')
  1342. script_file.write(script)
  1343. script_file.flush()
  1344. run = subprocess.Popen(["echo -n `bash %s`" %],shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
  1346. script_file.close()
  1348. def add_synaptic_help_action():
  1349. ActionsMenu.addSeparator()
  1350. synaptic_help_action = ActionsMenu.addAction(HelpIcon,Synaptic_Help)
  1351. synaptic_help_action.triggered.connect(open_synaptic_help)
  1353. def open_synaptic_help():
  1354. script = '''#! /bin/bash
  1355. HelpUrlBase=""
  1356. #english HelpUrl = HelpUrlBase
  1357. #non-english HelpUrl = HelpUrlBase + "-" + "{2 character suffix - de, es, fr, it, etc.}"
  1358. case $(echo $LANG | cut -f1 -d_) in
  1359. en) HelpUrl="$HelpUrlBase" ;;
  1360. *) HelpUrl="$HelpUrlBase""-""$(echo $LANG | cut -f1 -d_)" ;;
  1361. esac
  1362. #test to see if HelpUrl page exists, if it doesn't change it to HelpUrlBase (english version)
  1363. wget $HelpUrl --spider -q
  1364. if [ $? -eq 0 ]
  1365. then :
  1366. else HelpUrl="$HelpUrlBase"
  1367. fi
  1368. #test to see if pdf or html (a 0 result = pdf)
  1369. echo $HelpUrl | grep \.pdf -q
  1370. if [ $? -eq 0 ]
  1371. then
  1372. TMP=$(mktemp -d /tmp/synaptic_help.XXXXXX)
  1373. curl $HelpUrl -o "$TMP"/$(basename $HelpUrl)
  1374. qpdfview "$TMP"/$(basename $HelpUrl)#$SynapticPage
  1375. rm -rf "$TMP"
  1376. else
  1377. test -e /usr/bin/mx-viewer
  1378. if [ $? -eq 0 ]
  1379. then
  1380. mx-viewer $HelpUrl
  1381. else
  1382. xdg-open $HelpUrl
  1383. fi
  1384. fi
  1385. '''
  1386. script_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('wt')
  1387. script_file.write(script)
  1388. script_file.flush()
  1389. run = subprocess.Popen(["echo -n `bash %s`" %],shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
  1391. script_file.close()
  1393. def add_aptnotifier_prefs_action():
  1394. ActionsMenu.addSeparator()
  1395. aptnotifier_prefs_action = ActionsMenu.addAction(Apt_Notifier_Preferences)
  1396. aptnotifier_prefs_action.triggered.connect( aptnotifier_prefs )
  1398. def add_apt_history_action():
  1399. ActionsMenu.addSeparator()
  1400. apt_history_action = ActionsMenu.addAction(Apt_History)
  1401. apt_history_action.triggered.connect( apt_history )
  1403. def add_apt_get_update_action():
  1404. ActionsMenu.addSeparator()
  1405. apt_get_update_action = ActionsMenu.addAction(Check_for_Updates)
  1406. apt_get_update_action.triggered.connect( apt_get_update )
  1408. # General application code
  1409. def main():
  1410. # Define Core objects, Tray icon and QTimer
  1411. global AptNotify
  1412. global AptIcon
  1413. global QuitIcon
  1414. global icon_config
  1415. global quit_action
  1416. global Timer
  1417. global initialize_aptnotifier_prefs
  1418. global read_icon_look
  1419. global icon_set
  1421. set_translations()
  1422. initialize_aptnotifier_prefs()
  1423. AptNotify = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv)
  1424. AptIcon = QtWidgets.QSystemTrayIcon()
  1425. Timer = QtCore.QTimer()
  1426. icon_config = read_icon_config()
  1427. # Define the icons:
  1428. global NoUpdatesIcon
  1429. global NewUpdatesIcon
  1430. global HelpIcon
  1432. # read in icon look into a variable
  1433. icon_set = read_icon_look()
  1435. NoUpdatesIcon = QtGui.QIcon("/usr/share/icons/mnotify-none-" + icon_set + ".png")
  1436. NewUpdatesIcon = QtGui.QIcon("/usr/share/icons/mnotify-some-" + icon_set + ".png")
  1437. HelpIcon = QtGui.QIcon("/usr/share/icons/oxygen/22x22/apps/help-browser.png")
  1438. QuitIcon = QtGui.QIcon("/usr/share/icons/oxygen/22x22/actions/system-shutdown.png")
  1439. # Create the right-click menu and add the Tooltip text
  1440. global ActionsMenu
  1441. ActionsMenu = QtWidgets.QMenu()
  1442. AptIcon.activated.connect( left_click_activated )
  1443. Timer.timeout.connect( check_updates )
  1444. # Integrate it together,apply checking of updated packages and set timer to every 1 minute(s) (1 second = 1000)
  1445. AptIcon.setIcon(NoUpdatesIcon)
  1446. AptIcon.setContextMenu(ActionsMenu)
  1447. if icon_config == "show":
  1449. check_updates()
  1450. Timer.start(60000)
  1451. if AptNotify.isSessionRestored():
  1452. sys.exit(1)
  1453. sys.exit(AptNotify.exec_())
  1455. if __name__ == '__main__':
  1456. main()
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