

Jul 12th, 2019
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  1. # Uchat configuration file
  2. # Author: FabioZumbi12
  3. # We recommend you to use NotePad++ to edit this file and avoid TAB errors!
  4. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. # Tags is where you can customize what will show on chat, on hover or on click on tag.
  6. # To add a tag, you can copy an existent and change the name and the texts.
  7. # After add and customize your tag, put the tag name on 'general > default-tag-builder'.
  8. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10. # Available replacers:
  12. # uChat:
  13. # - {default-format-full}: Use this tag to see all plugin tags using the default bukkit format. # Normally used by 'myth' plugins and temporary tags.# If you want to use only of this tags you can use the replacer bellow and get number of tag separated by spaces;
  14. # - {default-format-0}: use this tag to show only one of the tags described on '{default-format-full}'. # The number is the posiotion separated by spaces;
  15. # - {world}: Replaced by sender world;
  16. # - {message}: Message sent by player;
  17. # - {playername}: The name of player;
  18. # - {nickname}: The nickname of player. If not set, will show realname;
  19. # - {ch-name}: Channel name;
  20. # - {ch-alias}: Channel alias;
  21. # - {ch-color}: Channel color;
  22. # - {hand-type}: Item type;
  23. # - {hand-name}: Item name;
  24. # - {hand-amount}: Item quantity;
  25. # - {hand-lore}: Item description (lore);
  26. # - {hand-durability}: Item durability;
  27. # - {hand-enchants}: Item enchantments;
  28. # - {time-now}: Prints the time now on server;
  30. # Vault:
  31. # - {group-prefix}: Get group prefix;
  32. # - {group-all-prefixes}: Get all player group prefixes and show on chat;
  33. # - {group-suffix}: Get group suffix;
  34. # - {group-all-suffixes}: Get all player group suffixes and show on chat;
  35. # - {balance}: Get the sender money;
  36. # - {prim-group}: Get the primary group tag;
  37. # - {player-groups}: Get all groups names the sender has;
  38. # - {player-groups-prefixes}: Get all group prefixes the sender has;
  39. # - {player-groups-suffixes}: Get all group suffixes the sender has;
  41. # Simpleclans:
  42. # - {clan-tag}: Clan tag without colors;
  43. # - {clan-fulltag}: Clan tag with brackets, colors and separator;
  44. # - {clan-ctag}: Clan with colors;
  45. # - {clan-name}: Clan name;
  46. # - {clan-kdr}: Player clan KDR;
  47. # - {clan-isleader}: The player is leader;
  48. # - {clan-rank}: Player rank on Clan;
  49. # - {clan-totalkdr}: Clan KDR (not player kdr);
  51. # Marry Plugins:
  52. # - {marry-partner}: Get the partner name;
  53. # - {marry-prefix}: Get the married prefix tag, normally the heart;
  54. # - {marry-suffix}: Get the married suffix tag, or male tag for Marriage Reloaded;
  56. # BungeeCord:
  57. # - {bungee-id}: Server ID from sender;
  59. # Jedis (redis):
  60. # - {jedis-id}: This server id;
  62. # Factions:
  63. # Gets the info of faction to show on chat.
  64. # - {fac-id}: Faction ID;
  65. # - {fac-name}: Faction Name;
  66. # - {fac-motd}: Faction MOTD;
  67. # - {fac-description}: Faction Description;
  68. # - {fac-relation-name}: Faction name in relation of reader of tag;
  69. # - {fac-relation-color}: Faction color in relation of reader of tag;
  72. # Dont touch <3
  73. config-version: 1.6
  74. debug:
  75. messages: false
  76. timings: false
  78. # Available languages: EN-US, PT-BR, FR-FR, FR-ES, HU-HU, RU, SP-ES and ZH-CN
  79. language: 'EN-US'
  81. # Enable the two way chat into discord and minecraft.
  82. # Generate your bot token following this instructions:
  83. discord:
  84. use: false
  85. update-status: true
  86. # The default status of bot. Available status: DEFAULT, LISTENING, WATCHING and STREAMING"
  87. game-type: 'DEFAULT'
  88. # If game-type = STREAMING, set the twitch url.
  89. twitch: ''
  90. # Follow this instructions to generate your token:
  91. token: ''
  92. log-channel-id: ''
  93. # Channel id to spy private messages
  94. tell-channel-id: ''
  95. # In-Game commands to do not send to discord
  96. # This is the commands names, not aliases without arguments and without \
  97. log-ignored-commands: []
  98. # Channel id to send commands issued by players.
  99. commands-channel-id: ''
  100. # Set your vanish plugin pemrissions here to do not announce player join/leave players with this permission.
  101. vanish-perm: 'essentials.vanish'
  102. # Put the id on 'commands-channel-id' option or/and enable server commands on channel configuration to use this.
  103. server-commands:
  104. # This alias is not needed if using the channel set on 'commands-channel-id' option.
  105. alias: '!cmd'
  106. whitelist: []
  107. blacklist:
  108. - 'stop'
  109. - 'whitelist'
  111. # UChat Api configs.
  112. api:
  113. # Using uchat api, format messages sent to console?
  114. format-console-messages: true
  115. # If using tag plugins from legendchat, put the tags here.
  116. legendchat-tags: []
  118. # Use mentions on chat to change the player name color and play a sound on mention.
  119. mention:
  120. enable: true
  121. color-template: '&e@{mentioned-player}{group-suffix}'
  122. # May change if using old minecraft version.
  123. playsound: 'note_pling'
  124. hover-message: '&e{playername} mentioned you!'
  125. general:
  126. # Template to show when players send links or urls.
  127. URL-template: '&3Kliknij by otworzyc link &n{url}&r'
  128. # Tag to show when sent messages from console to channels.
  129. console-tag: '&6 {console}&3'
  130. # Remove this from chat (like empty tags)
  131. remove-from-chat:
  132. - '[]'
  133. - '&7[]'
  134. - '&7[&7]'
  135. # Remove not converted PlaceholdersAPI from tags.
  136. remove-unnused-placeholderapi: false
  137. channel-cmd-aliases: 'channel, ch'
  138. # Aliases to send commands from system to players (without any format, good to send messages from other plugins direct to players)
  139. umsg-cmd-aliases: 'upv'
  140. # False if your server don't support json or if /tellraw is not available.
  141. json-events: true
  142. default-channels:
  143. # Default channel for new added worlds
  144. default-channel: 'global'
  145. # Default channel for each world. The channel must exist.
  146. worlds:
  147. world:
  148. channel: 'global'
  149. # Force player to join this channel on change world?
  150. force: false
  151. world_the_end:
  152. channel: 'global'
  153. # Force player to join this channel on change world?
  154. force: false
  155. nether:
  156. channel: 'global'
  157. # Force player to join this channel on change world?
  158. force: false
  159. IslandWorld:
  160. channel: 'global'
  161. # Force player to join this channel on change world?
  162. force: false
  163. pvp:
  164. channel: 'global'
  165. # Force player to join this channel on change world?
  166. force: false
  167. 1v1:
  168. channel: 'global'
  169. # Force player to join this channel on change world?
  170. force: false
  171. spawn:
  172. channel: 'global'
  173. # Force player to join this channel on change world?
  174. force: false
  175. kopalnia:
  176. channel: 'global'
  177. # Force player to join this channel on change world?
  178. force: false
  179. end:
  180. channel: 'global'
  181. # Force player to join this channel on change world?
  182. force: false
  183. vip:
  184. channel: 'global'
  185. # Force player to join this channel on change world?
  186. force: false
  187. event:
  188. channel: 'global'
  189. # Force player to join this channel on change world?
  190. force: false
  191. wulkan:
  192. channel: 'global'
  193. # Force player to join this channel on change world?
  194. force: false
  195. # Chat spy format.
  196. spy-format: '&7[&6SS] &7&o{output}'
  197. # Enable Spy on join?
  198. spy-enable-onjoin: true
  199. # If using the placeholder "{group-all-prefixes/suffixes}", exclude this groups from tags.
  200. dont-show-groups:
  201. - 'default'
  202. # Use the tag builder from channel configuration and ignore this tag builder.
  203. use-channel-tag-builder: false
  204. # This is the main tag builder.
  205. # Change the order of this tags to change how tag is displayed on chat.
  206. # This tags represent the names of tag in this configuration.
  207. default-tag-builder: 'marry-tag,prefix,nickname,group-suffix,player-chat,event-chat,vip-chat,helper-chat,jrmod-chat,mod-chat,gmod-chat,wlasciciel-chat,message'
  208. # Enable to allow parse tags and placeholders on messages.
  209. enable-tags-on-messages: false
  210. # Remember the channel the player is when logout/login until server restart?
  211. persist-channels: false
  212. item-hand:
  213. enable: true
  214. # Text to show on chat when using @hand.
  215. # Placeholders: {hand-amount}, {hand-type}, {hand-name}
  216. format: '&6[{hand-amount} {hand-type}]{group-suffix}'
  217. # Placeholder to use on chat by players to show your item in hand.
  218. placeholder: '@item'
  219. # Example alias for rename world name to other name. Support color codes.
  220. world-names:
  221. my-nether: '&4Hell&r'
  222. my-end: '&5The-End&r'
  223. # Example alias for rename Group name to other name. Support color codes.
  224. group-names:
  225. my-admin: '&4Admin&r'
  226. my-moderation: '&2Mod&r'
  227. # This will make a check if the player channel is available on destination world and put on the world channel if is not available.
  228. check-channel-change-world: false
  229. tell:
  230. cmd-aliases: ''
  231. prefix: '&6[&c{playername} &6-> &c{receivername}&6]: '
  232. format: '{message}'
  233. hover-messages: []
  234. bungee:
  235. # Change to a unique identification, and use on tags with {bungee-id}.
  236. server-id: '&4ChangeMe'
  237. broadcast:
  238. # Enable custom broadcasts.
  239. enable: true
  240. # Tag to use on broadcast message to set a hover message.
  241. on-hover: 'h:'
  242. # Tag to use on broadcast message to set a click event.
  243. on-click: 'c:'
  244. # Tag to use on broadcast message to suggest a command.
  245. suggest: 's:'
  246. # Tag to use on broadcast message to set a website url on click (with www).
  247. url: 'u:'
  248. # Aliases to use for broadcast.
  249. aliases: 'ubroad,uannounce,usay,uaction,all,anunciar,todos'
  251. # This is where you will create as many tags you want.
  252. # You can use the tag "custom-tag" as base to create your own tags.
  253. # When finish, get the name of your tag and put on "general.default-tag-build"
  254. # or on channel builder on "channels" folder.
  255. tags:
  256. group-prefix:
  257. format: '{group-prefix}'
  258. hover-messages:
  259. - '&'
  260. prefix:
  261. format: '{group-prefix}'
  262. playername:
  263. format: '{playername}'
  264. click-cmd: 'tpa {playername}'
  265. hover-messages:
  266. - '&bRanga: &d{prim-group}'
  267. - '&7Kliknij, aby wyslac zapytanie o teleportacje'
  268. nickname:
  269. format: '{nickname}'
  270. click-cmd: 'tpa {playername}'
  271. hover-messages:
  272. - '&bPrawdziwy nick: &d{playername}'
  273. - '&bRank: &d{prim-group}'
  274. - '&bPunkty: &d%isworld_points%'
  275. - '&bSmierci: &d%statistic_deaths%'
  276. - '&bZabojstwa: &d%statistic_player_kills%'
  277. - '&7Kliknij, aby wyslac zapytanie o teleportacje'
  278. group-suffix:
  279. format: '&r{group-suffix}'
  280. world:
  281. format: '&7[{world}&7]&r'
  282. hover-messages: '&7[{world}]&r'
  283. message:
  284. format: '{message}'
  285. ch-tags:
  286. format: '{ch-color}[{ch-alias}]&r'
  287. click-cmd: 'ch {ch-alias}'
  288. hover-messages:
  289. - '&3Channel name: {ch-color}{ch-name}'
  290. - '&bClick to go to this channel!'
  291. clan-tag:
  292. format: '{clan-tag}'
  293. click-cmd: 'clan search {playername}'
  294. hover-messages:
  295. - '&bClan Tag: &7{clan-tag}'
  296. - '&bClan Name: &7{clan-name}'
  297. - '&bClan KDR: &7{clan-totalkdr}'
  298. - '&bPlayer KDR: &7{clan-kdr}'
  299. - '&bPlayer Rank: &7{clan-rank}'
  300. - '&bIs Leader: &7{clan-isleader}'
  301. - '&3Click for more info about this player'
  302. marry-tag:
  303. format: '{marry-prefix} &r'
  304. hover-messages:
  305. - '&dKochanek: &5{marry-partner}'
  306. admin-chat:
  307. format: '&b[&r{playername}&b] '
  308. bungee:
  309. format: '&7[{world}]{ch-color}[bungee-{bungee-id}] {playername}: &7'
  310. hover-messages:
  311. - '{ch-color}Sent from server -{bungee-id}-'
  312. factions:
  313. format: '&7[{fac-relation-color}{fac-relation-name}&7]&r'
  314. hover-messages:
  315. - '&7Faction name: {fac-relation-color}{fac-name}'
  316. - '&7Motd: &a{fac-motd}'
  317. - '&7Description: {fac-description}'
  318. jedis:
  319. format: '{jedis-id}'
  320. hover-messages:
  321. - '&7Server: {jedis-id}'
  322. - '&cChange me on configuration!'
  323. player-chat:
  324. format: '&8&l»&r&7 '
  325. permission: 'chat.gracz'
  326. event-chat:
  327. format: '&8&l»&r&f '
  328. permission: 'chat.event'
  329. vip-chat:
  330. format: '&8&l»&r&e '
  331. permission: ''
  332. helper-chat:
  333. format: '&8&l»&r&a '
  334. permission: 'chat.helper'
  335. jrmod-chat:
  336. format: '&8&l»&r&b '
  337. permission: 'chat.jrmod'
  338. mod-chat:
  339. format: '&8&l»&r&a '
  340. permission: 'chat.mod'
  341. gmod-chat:
  342. format: '&8&l»&r&5 '
  343. permission: 'chat.gmod'
  344. wlasciciel-chat:
  345. format: '&8&l»&r&c '
  346. permission: 'chat.wlasciciel'
  347. # Use this tag as reference to create other new tags.
  348. custom-tag:
  349. format: '&7[&2MyTag&7]&r'
  350. click-cmd: ''
  351. click-url: ''
  352. suggest-cmd: ''
  353. permission: 'any-name-perm.custom-tag'
  354. hover-messages: []
  355. show-in-worlds: []
  356. hide-in-worlds: []
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