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a guest
Feb 28th, 2012
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  1. >Circles.
  2. >That's what everyone said. Keep drawing the fucking circles.
  3. >You've drawn hundreds, no thousands, maybe even millions of these damned shapes.
  4. >Your hand ached from the months of practice, and it didn't matter. Everything is worth this.
  5. >All for this moment
  6. >Your stylus touches the board,
  7. >A large circle. Almost perfect.
  8. >It's a great start. You then make an arc.
  9. >Yes, the guidelines. Everything must be in proportion. This has to look good, you can't risk hurting her image.
  10. >A couple more circles. A couple more strokes.
  11. >The basic shape was complete. You're amazed at your progression. Even such complex poses like this one could now be done to perfection.
  12. >But you couldn't celebrate yet. Oh no you couldn't.
  13. >You couldn't rest until her magnificent form os reflected across your monitor.
  14. >More strokes. It was almost automatic now. You laid the basic sketches for the unicorn. Her legs splayed open on her little bed.
  15. >All this time you've only been able to feel her in your dreams. The tender moments but a fleeting daydream.
  16. >You've worked hard just to bring those loving moments, those feelings of pure ecstacy into SOMETHING. Something that existed, even if only in a .jpeg.
  17. >The pen squeaks as you vigorously mash it against the board. You've added in her mane, her horn, and of course, those sultry looking eyes. This was almost too tempting.
  18. >You just had to ink the outlines.
  19. >Zooming in, you carefully trace the outlines of the sketch. Getting a closer look at her beautiful face.
  20. >The cursor followed gently across her curvaceous body, and then downwards
  21. >You close in, gently marking in the slit between her labia. Her innocent little cooch. You could almost taste it.
  22. >It was too much to bare.
  23. >Without you noticing, one of your hands slips into your sweat-stained pants.
  24. >Were you really this weak? You had to finish the drawing, but to see her just...lying there, inviting you...
  25. >You couldn't do it.
  26. >The hand grasped your shaft and began to move it.
  27. >Up, and down.
  28. >Each oscillation sending pleasure along your thighs
  29. >Up, and down.
  30. >The frequency increases. You had to finish this fast. You wanted to, no, you just HAD to complete the picture. It was your offering. A token of your love.
  31. >Faster. You gripped it tighter, and moved it even more rigorously than before. You were close, so close.
  32. >Release.
  33. >It covered the insides of your underwear. And the sticky substance oozed off your right hand.
  34. >You sigh, taking off the undergarments and waddling to the sink.
  35. >You'd have to finish it tomorrow.
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