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downlord log

a guest
Oct 8th, 2015
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  1. 11:41:55.571 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO o.s.c.a.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext - Refreshing org.springframework.context.annotation.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext@3a74f1: startup date [Thu Oct 08 11:41:55 CEST 2015]; root of context hierarchy
  2. 11:41:56.602 [JavaFX Application Thread] WARN - unable to change permissions for everybody: C:\Users\sondr\AppData\Roaming\Forged Alliance Forever\play-services
  3. 11:41:56.602 [JavaFX Application Thread] WARN - unable to change permissions for owner: C:\Users\sondr\AppData\Roaming\Forged Alliance Forever\play-services
  4. 11:41:56.666 [Thread-9] INFO c.f.c.l.relay.LocalRelayServerImpl - Relay server listening on port 64714
  5. 11:41:56.736 [JavaFX Application Thread] DEBUG c.f.client.mod.ModServiceImpl - Reading mod C:\Users\sondr\Documents\My Games\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\mods\common
  6. 11:41:56.736 [JavaFX Application Thread] DEBUG c.f.client.mod.ModServiceImpl - Reading mod C:\Users\sondr\Documents\My Games\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\mods\DualScreen
  7. 11:41:56.737 [JavaFX Application Thread] DEBUG c.f.client.mod.ModServiceImpl - Reading mod C:\Users\sondr\Documents\My Games\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\mods\EM
  8. 11:41:56.737 [JavaFX Application Thread] DEBUG c.f.client.mod.ModServiceImpl - Reading mod C:\Users\sondr\Documents\My Games\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\mods\Notify
  9. 11:41:56.737 [JavaFX Application Thread] DEBUG c.f.client.mod.ModServiceImpl - Reading mod C:\Users\sondr\Documents\My Games\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\mods\SCUNameTool
  10. 11:41:56.741 [JavaFX Application Thread] DEBUG c.f.client.mod.ModServiceImpl - Reading mod C:\Users\sondr\Documents\My Games\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\mods\SupremeScoreBoard
  11. 11:41:56.741 [JavaFX Application Thread] DEBUG c.f.client.mod.ModServiceImpl - Reading mod C:\Users\sondr\Documents\My Games\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\mods\UI-Party
  12. 11:41:58.126 [Thread-14] INFO c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Trying to connect to FAF server at
  13. 11:41:58.167 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.l.writer.JsonMessageSerializer - Writing to server: {"command": "ask_session"} Androish??
  14. 11:41:58.167 [Thread-14] INFO c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - FAF server connection established
  15. 11:41:58.204 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: ACK
  16. 11:41:58.205 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Server acknowledged 80 bytes
  17. 11:41:58.207 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"session": 3113059379, "command": "welcome"}
  18. 11:42:01.277 [Thread-14] INFO c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - FAF session initiated, session ID: 3113059379
  19. 11:42:01.280 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.l.writer.JsonMessageSerializer - Writing to server: {"login": "Androish","password": "********","session": "3113059379","unique_id": "CU5nb09LMEZiMnFkSzJ6MUlDUkNDd1E9PWNnQS9iL2pER3RDbEJxSElGVCtYUkRK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\nKzlCSWZoUk1YUmJQV1BiaGdTejFxVGsrZHgwdGhHZGZSd2tubVgxQT09","local_ip": "","version": 0,"user_agent": "downlords-faf-client","command": "hello"} Androish 3113059379
  20. 11:42:01.281 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"1": 3650, "2": 3640, "3": 3634, "4": 1, "5": 1, "6": 1, "8": 1, "9": 1, "11": 3650, "12": 3650, "13": 3650, "14": 3650, "15": 3650, "17": 3650, "18": 3650, "19": 3650, "20": 3650, "21": 3650, "22": 3650}, "mapname": "island zero.v0001", "num_players": 9, "game_time": 1444295676.409718, "uid": 3949454, "title": "all welcome", "sim_mods": [], "game_type": 0, "host": "BlInChIk", "teams": {"1": ["konkonam", "itsBokchoy", "monopoi", "brewersdrip"], "2": ["BlInChIk", "SMoq", "KrAk3n"], "-1": ["Iconoclast"]}, "access": "public", "state": "open", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "faf", "max_players": 8, "options": []}
  21. 11:42:01.317 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: ACK
  22. 11:42:01.320 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Server acknowledged 1456 bytes
  23. 11:42:01.341 [JavaFX Application Thread] WARN - konkonam is not returned by playerService
  24. 11:42:01.342 [JavaFX Application Thread] WARN - BlInChIk is not returned by playerService
  25. 11:42:01.345 [JavaFX Application Thread] WARN - Iconoclast is not returned by playerService
  26. 11:42:01.406 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: ACK
  27. 11:42:01.406 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Server acknowledged 2478 bytes
  28. 11:42:01.406 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"command": "welcome", "id": 15762, "email": ""}
  29. 11:42:01.407 [Thread-14] INFO c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - FAF login succeeded
  30. 11:42:01.407 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1500.0, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 0, "rating_deviation": 500.0, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "blacloss", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  31. 11:42:01.408 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.c.parsecom.ParseCloudService - Calling cloud function 'signUpIfNecessary' with params {uid=15762, password=84e62c637852beba407cf61d075cae012fa0b367ad299d32eb2cb12f0addf2b4,, username=Androish}
  32. 11:42:01.410 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1146.91, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 198, "rating_deviation": 69.6224, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 733.381, "login": "Rolve", "ladder_rating_deviation": 133.333}
  33. 11:42:01.413 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1500.0, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 0, "rating_deviation": 500.0, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "ast12321", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  34. 11:42:01.413 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 969.3095768883056, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 661, "rating_deviation": 70.20206947150244, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 737.675, "login": "cnsspd", "ladder_rating_deviation": 301.436}
  35. 11:42:01.413 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1242.9811561463282, "country": "AU", "number_of_games": 81, "rating_deviation": 115.97129466445091, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "Tinlegs", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  36. 11:42:01.414 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 2, "division": "Striker"}, "rating_mean": 1618.2919486520764, "country": "FI", "number_of_games": 413, "rating_deviation": 67.6024564574957, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1194.43, "login": "Giebmasse", "ladder_rating_deviation": 57.6983}
  37. 11:42:01.414 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1500.0, "country": "", "number_of_games": 0, "rating_deviation": 500.0, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "CrustyRag", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  38. 11:42:01.414 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1500.0, "country": "NL", "number_of_games": 0, "rating_deviation": 500.0, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "Kihou", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  39. 11:42:01.414 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1500, "country": "DE", "number_of_games": 0, "rating_deviation": 500, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500, "login": "iMysterY", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500}
  40. 11:42:01.415 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Selen"}, "rating_mean": 1211.1569073240173, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 64, "rating_deviation": 124.27122164629417, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1055.87, "login": "ReverendPoon", "ladder_rating_deviation": 70.4302}
  41. 11:42:01.415 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1500.0, "country": "AU", "number_of_games": 0, "rating_deviation": 500.0, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "Ribone", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  42. 11:42:01.415 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1852.394160357052, "country": "FI", "number_of_games": 1255, "rating_deviation": 67.89150234959695, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "Valonsurma", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  43. 11:42:01.416 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1351.016667827902, "country": "SE", "number_of_games": 0, "rating_deviation": 473.37151403652126, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "drakir", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  44. 11:42:01.416 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1500.0, "country": "CA", "number_of_games": 0, "rating_deviation": 500.0, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "Metzen", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  45. 11:42:01.416 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1618.8, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 453, "rating_deviation": 61.0543, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1051.54, "login": "Torch", "ladder_rating_deviation": 92.4077}
  46. 11:42:01.417 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1500.0, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 0, "rating_deviation": 500.0, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "wick", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  47. 11:42:01.417 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1500.0, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 0, "rating_deviation": 500.0, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "Shaded009", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  48. 11:42:01.417 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1148.27, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 159, "rating_deviation": 74.3535, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 899.744, "login": "grover234", "ladder_rating_deviation": 107.037}
  49. 11:42:01.420 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1500.0, "country": "NZ", "number_of_games": 0, "rating_deviation": 500.0, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "SparKill", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  50. 11:42:01.420 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Selen"}, "rating_mean": 1427.4876745216175, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 764, "rating_deviation": 66.25609806128723, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 863.464, "login": "Jokr", "ladder_rating_deviation": 54.7866}
  51. 11:42:01.420 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1293.21, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 2, "rating_deviation": 434.327, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 550.302, "login": "Banana_Man", "ladder_rating_deviation": 306.632}
  52. 11:42:01.421 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mech Marine"}, "rating_mean": 1678.68, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 230, "rating_deviation": 65.9283, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1381.8, "login": "Superdog", "ladder_rating_deviation": 53.805}
  53. 11:42:01.421 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1500.0, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 0, "rating_deviation": 500.0, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "mborr12", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  54. 11:42:01.421 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1318.0833349582576, "country": "NZ", "number_of_games": 20, "rating_deviation": 161.37150553640203, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 906.873, "login": "Rakuza", "ladder_rating_deviation": 215.38}
  55. 11:42:01.421 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1704.47, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 473, "rating_deviation": 68.4025, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "AngryArty", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  56. 11:42:01.421 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1075.72, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 40, "rating_deviation": 153.958, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "ambhamilton21", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  57. 11:42:01.422 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1103.53, "country": "RU", "number_of_games": 18, "rating_deviation": 224.929, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "NoobieBotMarkIV", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  58. 11:42:01.422 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "OCN", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1236.25, "country": "", "number_of_games": 1, "rating_deviation": 430.289, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 687.277, "login": "Kavron", "ladder_rating_deviation": 235.376}
  59. 11:42:01.446 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "FoE", "league": {"league": 2, "division": "Zthuee"}, "rating_mean": 1290.87, "country": "SI", "number_of_games": 287, "rating_deviation": 66.5644, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1049.8109948443162, "login": "Green_Nymph", "ladder_rating_deviation": 47.66292554302466}
  60. 11:42:01.447 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1489.973396174575, "country": "AU", "number_of_games": 15, "rating_deviation": 252.80493457929953, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "chunkymonkey", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  61. 11:42:01.447 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1179.0171629558067, "country": "CZ", "number_of_games": 238, "rating_deviation": 76.36475793077352, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "GeneralBlindShot", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  62. 11:42:01.447 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1213.13, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 147, "rating_deviation": 79.419, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 501.35, "login": "TheOnlyMan", "ladder_rating_deviation": 181.416}
  63. 11:42:01.447 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 3, "division": "Pillar"}, "rating_mean": 1587.9953748679668, "country": "SE", "number_of_games": 960, "rating_deviation": 66.70419596423177, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1427.7, "login": "SuperPanavision", "ladder_rating_deviation": 47.4902}
  64. 11:42:01.448 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "LDB", "league": {"league": 2, "division": "Zthuee"}, "rating_mean": 1237.76, "country": "GB", "number_of_games": 72, "rating_deviation": 67.0234, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 932.943, "login": "SWG", "ladder_rating_deviation": 47.7312}
  65. 11:42:01.450 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1500.0, "country": "", "number_of_games": 0, "rating_deviation": 500.0, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "dwissing", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  66. 11:42:01.450 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 795.142, "country": "LU", "number_of_games": 49, "rating_deviation": 153.77, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 681.529, "login": "Wallace", "ladder_rating_deviation": 328.652}
  67. 11:42:01.451 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1500.0, "country": "FR", "number_of_games": 0, "rating_deviation": 500.0, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "ivanesco", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  68. 11:42:01.451 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1619.16, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 2031, "rating_deviation": 67.7332, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "thnx4playing", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  69. 11:42:01.451 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Spirit"}, "rating_mean": 1877.53, "country": "RU", "number_of_games": 10, "rating_deviation": 224.786, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 2188.38, "login": "STAKKER", "ladder_rating_deviation": 110.534}
  70. 11:42:01.451 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1211.81, "country": "CA", "number_of_games": 84, "rating_deviation": 113.506, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": " supporter !.png", "tooltip": "Wildman supporter !"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "MagicDoc", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  71. 11:42:01.451 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Snoop"}, "rating_mean": 1366.9422625176098, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 202, "rating_deviation": 76.20453153582031, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 707.41, "login": "Mittur", "ladder_rating_deviation": 65.4597}
  72. 11:42:01.452 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1117.5837293951683, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 275, "rating_deviation": 71.65169765649934, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1288.8, "login": "cdrgary", "ladder_rating_deviation": 225.936}
  73. 11:42:01.452 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 652.2910998890353, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 56, "rating_deviation": 119.14908419712282, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 400.585, "login": "SATA24", "ladder_rating_deviation": 149.668}
  74. 11:42:01.452 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Snoop"}, "rating_mean": 1363.62, "country": "GB", "number_of_games": 585, "rating_deviation": 69.1565, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 808.947, "login": "Swolbraham_Linc", "ladder_rating_deviation": 74.1442}
  75. 11:42:01.452 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1494.5, "country": "VE", "number_of_games": 259, "rating_deviation": 57.9082, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1153.41, "login": "raishin", "ladder_rating_deviation": 55.3437}
  76. 11:42:01.452 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1138.82, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 1, "rating_deviation": 450.259, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "ClanSpanker", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  77. 11:42:01.453 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 941.491, "country": "DE", "number_of_games": 130, "rating_deviation": 81.3352, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 351.01542286568895, "login": "Felix5010", "ladder_rating_deviation": 137.24753433169573}
  78. 11:42:01.453 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 2, "division": "Striker"}, "rating_mean": 1548.35, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 914, "rating_deviation": 67.0452, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1221.83, "login": "stormbeforedawn", "ladder_rating_deviation": 48.3789}
  79. 11:42:01.453 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1818.24, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 1425, "rating_deviation": 68.6065, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "Ferball", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  80. 11:42:01.453 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1281.1043485204864, "country": "AU", "number_of_games": 684, "rating_deviation": 66.93936117432835, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "Assault000Legion", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  81. 11:42:01.453 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "SIR", "league": {"league": 2, "division": "Striker"}, "rating_mean": 1524.7624778769068, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 743, "rating_deviation": 68.05780611264476, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1034.98, "login": "TechN9ne", "ladder_rating_deviation": 52.4138}
  82. 11:42:01.453 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1500.0, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 0, "rating_deviation": 500.0, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "Lostax", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  83. 11:42:01.454 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "GB", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Snoop"}, "rating_mean": 1657.7176953382796, "country": "GB", "number_of_games": 890, "rating_deviation": 66.33458673738716, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 992.275, "login": "Katara", "ladder_rating_deviation": 71.9717}
  84. 11:42:01.454 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "VoR", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Selen"}, "rating_mean": 1618.52, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 2240, "rating_deviation": 67.7292, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": "", "tooltip": "I'm a FAF caster !"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 1262.63, "login": "BRNKoINSANITY", "ladder_rating_deviation": 59.8849}
  85. 11:42:01.454 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1331.3335976090616, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 355, "rating_deviation": 70.03919992592607, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 880.334, "login": "incidental", "ladder_rating_deviation": 237.101}
  86. 11:42:01.454 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1635.81, "country": "DE", "number_of_games": 1, "rating_deviation": 465.065, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "finstas", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  87. 11:42:01.460 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "BFA", "rating_mean": 1423.697796151549, "country": "FR", "number_of_games": 629, "rating_deviation": 69.90709310769002, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": "", "tooltip": "Clan War Participant"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "Dady_heretike", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  88. 11:42:01.479 [Thread-16] INFO - Connecting to IRC at
  89. 11:42:01.484 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1286.5, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 309, "rating_deviation": 64.2458, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1249.87, "login": "HEAVY", "ladder_rating_deviation": 189.07}
  90. 11:42:01.484 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mech Marine"}, "rating_mean": 1269.13, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 637, "rating_deviation": 68.542, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 862.43, "login": "nonzero", "ladder_rating_deviation": 48.0592}
  91. 11:42:01.484 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "VoR", "league": {"league": 2, "division": "Zthuee"}, "rating_mean": 1534.13, "country": "CA", "number_of_games": 1556, "rating_deviation": 58.3993, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": "", "tooltip": "The Voice of Reason"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 1464.2973177396864, "login": "Com", "ladder_rating_deviation": 46.82924872796017}
  92. 11:42:01.485 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Snoop"}, "rating_mean": 1219.55, "country": "", "number_of_games": 94, "rating_deviation": 104.365, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 613.9, "login": "Bell", "ladder_rating_deviation": 63.6519}
  93. 11:42:01.485 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1269.3585814715893, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 97, "rating_deviation": 100.42598118319059, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 681.471, "login": "Hakeldama", "ladder_rating_deviation": 131.144}
  94. 11:42:01.485 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "God", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 886.152, "country": "DE", "number_of_games": 20, "rating_deviation": 209.049, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 812.906, "login": "ibiq", "ladder_rating_deviation": 240.969}
  95. 11:42:01.485 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1500.0, "country": "CA", "number_of_games": 0, "rating_deviation": 500.0, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "royboy360", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  96. 11:42:01.486 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 3, "division": "Pillar"}, "rating_mean": 1231.84, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 182, "rating_deviation": 81.5982, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1155.0737377631526, "login": "dakenho", "ladder_rating_deviation": 48.58655432716884}
  97. 11:42:01.486 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "VoR", "rating_mean": 1624.33, "country": "CA", "number_of_games": 489, "rating_deviation": 60.3503, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": "", "tooltip": "Clan War Participant"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 1238.33, "login": "McNulty", "ladder_rating_deviation": 392.922}
  98. 11:42:01.486 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "BFA", "league": {"league": 2, "division": "Striker"}, "rating_mean": 1756.4522650215924, "country": "FR", "number_of_games": 1485, "rating_deviation": 67.70317520190615, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": "", "tooltip": "I'm a FAF caster !"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 1407.45, "login": "BabyPoch", "ladder_rating_deviation": 54.9643}
  99. 11:42:01.486 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1500.0, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 0, "rating_deviation": 500.0, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "DrBallisticDon", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  100. 11:42:01.486 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1165.8002926372997, "country": "", "number_of_games": 110, "rating_deviation": 97.91113144949337, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1065.02, "login": "JorhanStahl", "ladder_rating_deviation": 350.993}
  101. 11:42:01.486 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "e", "league": {"league": 3, "division": "Ilshavoh"}, "rating_mean": 1841.4, "country": "RU", "number_of_games": 975, "rating_deviation": 64.9941, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": "", "tooltip": "Personal Trainer"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 1676.24, "login": "Apofenas", "ladder_rating_deviation": 47.7802}
  102. 11:42:01.487 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1038.28, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 31, "rating_deviation": 124.159, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 342.744, "login": "Mecromage", "ladder_rating_deviation": 218.386}
  103. 11:42:01.487 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 4, "division": "Percival"}, "rating_mean": 1939.22, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 88, "rating_deviation": 67.7812, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": "", "tooltip": "First of my division !"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 1901.3673413920162, "login": "Ti_Xi", "ladder_rating_deviation": 47.12672519430541}
  104. 11:42:01.487 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1500.0, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 0, "rating_deviation": 500.0, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "FatCamper", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  105. 11:42:01.510 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "BC", "league": {"league": 3, "division": "Wagner"}, "rating_mean": 1687.3463635770988, "country": "NO", "number_of_games": 1829, "rating_deviation": 67.4847846533988, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": "", "tooltip": "Map Author"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 1478.61, "login": "Cassimus", "ladder_rating_deviation": 47.363}
  106. 11:42:01.510 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "BC", "league": {"league": 3, "division": "Obsidian"}, "rating_mean": 1692.52, "country": "NL", "number_of_games": 1908, "rating_deviation": 68.4123, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": "", "tooltip": "Master of Cake"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 1548.73, "login": "Totaltuna", "ladder_rating_deviation": 47.7343}
  107. 11:42:01.510 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 2, "division": "Aurora"}, "rating_mean": 1196.3, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 265, "rating_deviation": 70.4149, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": "", "tooltip": "First of my division !"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 869.403, "login": "BetterSpartan", "ladder_rating_deviation": 48.0528}
  108. 11:42:01.511 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "AIx", "league": {"league": 3, "division": "Obsidian"}, "rating_mean": 1738.36, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 784, "rating_deviation": 57.72, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": "", "tooltip": "Personal Trainer"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 1687.73, "login": "Svedka", "ladder_rating_deviation": 47.3821}
  109. 11:42:01.511 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1797.0527701258252, "country": "", "number_of_games": 0, "rating_deviation": 451.60181222082724, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500, "login": "circusmonkey", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500}
  110. 11:42:01.511 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1113.06, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 51, "rating_deviation": 144.707, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "LtDan04", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  111. 11:42:01.511 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 3, "division": "Blaze"}, "rating_mean": 1346.25226355508, "country": "AU", "number_of_games": 2191, "rating_deviation": 68.08890647838902, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": "", "tooltip": "FAF Donator"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 990.635, "login": "nemir", "ladder_rating_deviation": 48.8834}
  112. 11:42:01.511 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1702.1658286741601, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 1027, "rating_deviation": 68.10136938561598, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 775.909, "login": "A_Naked_Girl", "ladder_rating_deviation": 137.702}
  113. 11:42:01.511 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 961.784, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 129, "rating_deviation": 86.6571, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "squidicuz", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  114. 11:42:01.512 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 843.7906987757914, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 27, "rating_deviation": 124.84156641988746, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 483.552, "login": "ISEEYOU2", "ladder_rating_deviation": 144.2}
  115. 11:42:01.512 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "LDB", "league": {"league": 3, "division": "Blaze"}, "rating_mean": 977.974, "country": "DE", "number_of_games": 477, "rating_deviation": 54.5522, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": "", "tooltip": "Tournament Participant"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 817.7860965286123, "login": "Grothe", "ladder_rating_deviation": 47.47496429990136}
  116. 11:42:01.512 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1283.0, "country": "AU", "number_of_games": 12, "rating_deviation": 247.427, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": -21.9875, "login": "barsmate", "ladder_rating_deviation": 127.034}
  117. 11:42:01.522 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "AIx", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Snoop"}, "rating_mean": 1500.0, "country": "NO", "number_of_games": 0, "rating_deviation": 500.0, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1413.79, "login": "DeadPuppy", "ladder_rating_deviation": 83.9333}
  118. 11:42:01.522 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "NbO", "league": {"league": 2, "division": "Thaam"}, "rating_mean": 1700.68, "country": "JP", "number_of_games": 1348, "rating_deviation": 67.2553, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1655.59, "login": "NoobPlayer", "ladder_rating_deviation": 47.8623}
  119. 11:42:01.522 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1512.64, "country": "GB", "number_of_games": 155, "rating_deviation": 89.1113, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "Tas", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  120. 11:42:01.523 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 823.216, "country": "DE", "number_of_games": 853, "rating_deviation": 69.5524, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "berti2", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  121. 11:42:01.523 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "LDB", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Spirit"}, "rating_mean": 737.776, "country": "AU", "number_of_games": 113, "rating_deviation": 56.5295, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 459.385, "login": "ZOB", "ladder_rating_deviation": 54.362}
  122. 11:42:01.523 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1095.99, "country": "DE", "number_of_games": 99, "rating_deviation": 93.7318, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "monopoi", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  123. 11:42:01.523 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Spirit"}, "rating_mean": 1599.61, "country": "DE", "number_of_games": 798, "rating_deviation": 66.3454, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1195.53, "login": "zezee", "ladder_rating_deviation": 85.7429}
  124. 11:42:01.523 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1500.0, "country": "GB", "number_of_games": 0, "rating_deviation": 500.0, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "PaulPower", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  125. 11:42:01.523 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 2226.92, "country": "DK", "number_of_games": 31, "rating_deviation": 206.014, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": "", "tooltip": "Looking Down"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "Viking", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  126. 11:42:01.524 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "CYB", "league": {"league": 2, "division": "Zthuee"}, "rating_mean": 1469.96, "country": "DE", "number_of_games": 719, "rating_deviation": 62.408, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1513.25, "login": "CptYang", "ladder_rating_deviation": 48.2071}
  127. 11:42:01.524 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1483.01, "country": "DE", "number_of_games": 450, "rating_deviation": 68.0381, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1045.42, "login": "lacur", "ladder_rating_deviation": 324.679}
  128. 11:42:01.524 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1153.4282481981838, "country": "RU", "number_of_games": 1, "rating_deviation": 391.2601648352601, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "Kaktys", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  129. 11:42:01.526 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1091.6261394309875, "country": "DE", "number_of_games": 173, "rating_deviation": 83.31707492847161, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "Lochschwager", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  130. 11:42:01.527 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1098.11, "country": "FR", "number_of_games": 66, "rating_deviation": 122.288, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "Alfa", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  131. 11:42:01.527 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 972.3059994772883, "country": "RU", "number_of_games": 147, "rating_deviation": 71.53127486690306, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "Abakumoff", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  132. 11:42:01.527 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Spirit"}, "rating_mean": 1091.39, "country": "AU", "number_of_games": 25, "rating_deviation": 186.562, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 526.87, "login": "james853", "ladder_rating_deviation": 81.6291}
  133. 11:42:01.527 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "LDB", "league": {"league": 3, "division": "Blaze"}, "rating_mean": 1655.94, "country": "AU", "number_of_games": 110, "rating_deviation": 67.758, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1389.24, "login": "This_Guy", "ladder_rating_deviation": 48.2322}
  134. 11:42:01.527 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Selen"}, "rating_mean": 785.986, "country": "FR", "number_of_games": 330, "rating_deviation": 72.2352, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 384.016, "login": "buckritan", "ladder_rating_deviation": 49.5107}
  135. 11:42:01.528 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1214.56, "country": "RU", "number_of_games": 891, "rating_deviation": 66.938, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 834.934, "login": "Aigul9", "ladder_rating_deviation": 338.975}
  136. 11:42:01.528 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1375.95, "country": "PL", "number_of_games": 425, "rating_deviation": 70.7169, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1103.2, "login": "Mhad", "ladder_rating_deviation": 288.986}
  137. 11:42:01.528 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1268.5, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 1, "rating_deviation": 455.914, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 101.827, "login": "NikoNikolai", "ladder_rating_deviation": 118.939}
  138. 11:42:01.528 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1268.6, "country": "DE", "number_of_games": 1, "rating_deviation": 440.381, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 165.383, "login": "Taps", "ladder_rating_deviation": 135.261}
  139. 11:42:01.529 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1553.08, "country": "RU", "number_of_games": 48, "rating_deviation": 89.1672, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "IMMORTAL_CZAR", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  140. 11:42:01.529 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "e", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Selen"}, "rating_mean": 2268.85, "country": "CZ", "number_of_games": 1028, "rating_deviation": 68.2328, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": "", "tooltip": "King of Crimson Feud"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 2050.85, "login": "speed2", "ladder_rating_deviation": 69.9571}
  141. 11:42:01.548 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "ADG", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1164.4981750101388, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 763, "rating_deviation": 69.56866500608844, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1074.1, "login": "KD7BCH", "ladder_rating_deviation": 332.898}
  142. 11:42:01.548 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "CYB", "league": {"league": 3, "division": "Blaze"}, "rating_mean": 1320.05, "country": "ZA", "number_of_games": 566, "rating_deviation": 49.3771, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": "", "tooltip": "Aeon"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 1209.14, "login": "U3F", "ladder_rating_deviation": 48.2575}
  143. 11:42:01.549 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 3, "division": "Pillar"}, "rating_mean": 1475.49, "country": "CH", "number_of_games": 578, "rating_deviation": 65.4393, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1328.92, "login": "iznogoud", "ladder_rating_deviation": 47.7597}
  144. 11:42:01.549 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1296.66, "country": "NO", "number_of_games": 6, "rating_deviation": 315.853, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1252.32, "login": "Matemias", "ladder_rating_deviation": 157.72}
  145. 11:42:01.549 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "UEF", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1776.24, "country": "AU", "number_of_games": 109, "rating_deviation": 86.8758, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": "", "tooltip": "He who watches"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 1445.98, "login": "Deering", "ladder_rating_deviation": 105.03}
  146. 11:42:01.549 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "HTX", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 942.25, "country": "DK", "number_of_games": 59, "rating_deviation": 77.2945, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 547.361, "login": "Chuthulu", "ladder_rating_deviation": 75.5117}
  147. 11:42:01.550 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1032.37, "country": "RU", "number_of_games": 3, "rating_deviation": 345.46, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1238.64, "login": "KotShaman", "ladder_rating_deviation": 310.669}
  148. 11:42:01.550 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1011.16, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 334, "rating_deviation": 72.667, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 211.602, "login": "notcrazykarl", "ladder_rating_deviation": 183.822}
  149. 11:42:01.550 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1497.67, "country": "GB", "number_of_games": 887, "rating_deviation": 65.9807, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 840.163, "login": "InABlink", "ladder_rating_deviation": 147.036}
  150. 11:42:01.550 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1272.52922047604, "country": "AU", "number_of_games": 52, "rating_deviation": 112.68142897214102, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "Cranky123", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  151. 11:42:01.550 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 2, "division": "Aurora"}, "rating_mean": 1282.39, "country": "NL", "number_of_games": 255, "rating_deviation": 70.8133, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 943.2954144134134, "login": "Vivadego", "ladder_rating_deviation": 48.07022765828913}
  152. 11:42:01.551 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1500.0, "country": "NZ", "number_of_games": 0, "rating_deviation": 500.0, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "Dylanous_Croft", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  153. 11:42:01.551 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 4, "division": "Titan"}, "rating_mean": 1415.22, "country": "DE", "number_of_games": 240, "rating_deviation": 62.435, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": "", "tooltip": "First of my division !"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 1753.3269741698944, "login": "turinturambar42", "ladder_rating_deviation": 48.01506133364717}
  154. 11:42:01.551 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Spirit"}, "rating_mean": 1438.2993489907872, "country": "CH", "number_of_games": 123, "rating_deviation": 86.0990396234129, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 764.463, "login": "Anostra", "ladder_rating_deviation": 113.747}
  155. 11:42:01.551 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1224.49, "country": "DK", "number_of_games": 351, "rating_deviation": 66.6902, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1137.36, "login": "Ragnazor", "ladder_rating_deviation": 144.454}
  156. 11:42:01.560 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 2, "division": "Aurora"}, "rating_mean": 1628.78, "country": "AU", "number_of_games": 898, "rating_deviation": 64.8387, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1366.88, "login": "Ryfun", "ladder_rating_deviation": 52.5922}
  157. 11:42:01.560 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 946.196, "country": "CA", "number_of_games": 59, "rating_deviation": 128.592, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "lambtron", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  158. 11:42:01.561 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 926.367, "country": "AU", "number_of_games": 5, "rating_deviation": 356.647, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "Roo", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  159. 11:42:01.561 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1236.25, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 1, "rating_deviation": 430.289, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "FC-NoHeroes", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  160. 11:42:01.561 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 965.334, "country": "AU", "number_of_games": 7, "rating_deviation": 322.946, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1564.58, "login": "Hexus_One", "ladder_rating_deviation": 455.345}
  161. 11:42:01.561 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "URL", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1071.3842638959648, "country": "RU", "number_of_games": 134, "rating_deviation": 92.58364825174209, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 605.558, "login": "Soldier", "ladder_rating_deviation": 256.011}
  162. 11:42:01.561 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1098.49111305539, "country": "SI", "number_of_games": 921, "rating_deviation": 67.66432301634755, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1018.04, "login": "Ospokon", "ladder_rating_deviation": 218.297}
  163. 11:42:01.561 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1022.66, "country": "FR", "number_of_games": 851, "rating_deviation": 68.766, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 514.179, "login": "KrAk3n", "ladder_rating_deviation": 213.421}
  164. 11:42:01.562 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 4, "division": "Loyalist"}, "rating_mean": 1589.8, "country": "FR", "number_of_games": 2870, "rating_deviation": 57.9028, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1458.8814020439327, "login": "michka", "ladder_rating_deviation": 47.90625088207888}
  165. 11:42:01.562 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1189.81, "country": "FR", "number_of_games": 162, "rating_deviation": 83.8606, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 880.417, "login": "Bleu", "ladder_rating_deviation": 342.678}
  166. 11:42:01.562 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1384.4, "country": "SE", "number_of_games": 455, "rating_deviation": 48.3426, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1191.23, "login": "Xeter", "ladder_rating_deviation": 159.717}
  167. 11:42:01.562 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "SFo", "league": {"league": 4, "division": "Titan"}, "rating_mean": 2012.64, "country": "DE", "number_of_games": 1692, "rating_deviation": 61.9054, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": "", "tooltip": "2V2 WWPC U1800 Champion"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 1991.95, "login": "Mephi", "ladder_rating_deviation": 47.0291}
  168. 11:42:01.562 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1281.7373653009822, "country": "DE", "number_of_games": 131, "rating_deviation": 75.08051684823056, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 977.243, "login": "Jones", "ladder_rating_deviation": 127.461}
  169. 11:42:01.562 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 988.3606152972452, "country": "LV", "number_of_games": 65, "rating_deviation": 109.79018014240303, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 705.709, "login": "Frantix", "ladder_rating_deviation": 188.776}
  170. 11:42:01.562 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1163.88, "country": "AU", "number_of_games": 44, "rating_deviation": 150.442, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 605.307, "login": "MoonXizt", "ladder_rating_deviation": 141.223}
  171. 11:42:01.563 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1517.51, "country": "AU", "number_of_games": 1, "rating_deviation": 462.098, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "Crossfire", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  172. 11:42:01.563 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "SGI", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1147.31, "country": "IT", "number_of_games": 97, "rating_deviation": 88.6765, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 780.153, "login": "Luc1an-0", "ladder_rating_deviation": 244.119}
  173. 11:42:01.563 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "B=D", "rating_mean": 1167.96, "country": "DE", "number_of_games": 5, "rating_deviation": 321.175, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "Anacon99", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  174. 11:42:01.586 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "UEF", "league": {"league": 3, "division": "Blaze"}, "rating_mean": 1743.48, "country": "RU", "number_of_games": 961, "rating_deviation": 66.2047, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": " of Hearts.png", "tooltip": "Winner of Hearts"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 1412.36, "login": "Super", "ladder_rating_deviation": 48.1471}
  175. 11:42:01.586 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "VoR", "league": {"league": 5, "division": "Monkeylord"}, "rating_mean": 1961.89, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 4667, "rating_deviation": 61.6938, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": " U1900 Champion.png", "tooltip": "WWPC U1900 Champion"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 1972.03, "login": "ATHUG4Life", "ladder_rating_deviation": 47.1404}
  176. 11:42:01.587 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "BC", "league": {"league": 4, "division": "Loyalist"}, "rating_mean": 1735.64, "country": "IT", "number_of_games": 256, "rating_deviation": 49.3429, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1520.87533885753, "login": "The_Witcher", "ladder_rating_deviation": 47.85282716500838}
  177. 11:42:01.587 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1028.69, "country": "PL", "number_of_games": 196, "rating_deviation": 79.0896, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "Kodust", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  178. 11:42:01.587 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1711.98, "country": "PT", "number_of_games": 2931, "rating_deviation": 68.9563, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "K240", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  179. 11:42:01.587 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1047.57, "country": "RU", "number_of_games": 103, "rating_deviation": 88.1209, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 429.563, "login": "Miheishe", "ladder_rating_deviation": 116.799}
  180. 11:42:01.587 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 2047.64, "country": "DE", "number_of_games": 9, "rating_deviation": 364.353, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "Black-Mamba", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  181. 11:42:01.587 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1202.77, "country": "FR", "number_of_games": 985, "rating_deviation": 68.2629, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "Exter17", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  182. 11:42:01.587 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "e", "league": {"league": 2, "division": "Aurora"}, "rating_mean": 1951.24, "country": "RU", "number_of_games": 1699, "rating_deviation": 62.6989, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": "", "tooltip": "Cool Brackman"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 1718.59, "login": "Shado_Israel", "ladder_rating_deviation": 47.6327}
  183. 11:42:01.588 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 917.672, "country": "DE", "number_of_games": 12, "rating_deviation": 306.802, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "MasterGeneral", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  184. 11:42:01.588 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "-Hi", "league": {"league": 2, "division": "Thaam"}, "rating_mean": 1124.09, "country": "IT", "number_of_games": 279, "rating_deviation": 71.7977, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 933.026, "login": "Vencam", "ladder_rating_deviation": 47.3786}
  185. 11:42:01.588 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Spirit"}, "rating_mean": 1284.55, "country": "NL", "number_of_games": 310, "rating_deviation": 70.5206, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1004.16, "login": "Isolocis", "ladder_rating_deviation": 122.99}
  186. 11:42:01.588 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 2047.28, "country": "DE", "number_of_games": 2530, "rating_deviation": 66.3936, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1992.26, "login": "Sui", "ladder_rating_deviation": 94.4226}
  187. 11:42:01.588 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 2, "division": "Striker"}, "rating_mean": 1128.91, "country": "NO", "number_of_games": 525, "rating_deviation": 64.1932, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 713.403, "login": "Vram_Radan", "ladder_rating_deviation": 47.597}
  188. 11:42:01.588 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 965.42, "country": "AU", "number_of_games": 75, "rating_deviation": 123.475, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 672.186, "login": "Death_2394", "ladder_rating_deviation": 204.383}
  189. 11:42:01.588 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "GB", "league": {"league": 2, "division": "Striker"}, "rating_mean": 1056.4199666200948, "country": "GB", "number_of_games": 220, "rating_deviation": 77.23084129898243, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 788.647, "login": "Rolfenborg", "ladder_rating_deviation": 52.1597}
  190. 11:42:01.589 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1426.72, "country": "PL", "number_of_games": 412, "rating_deviation": 63.1674, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 986.432, "login": "Wiseman", "ladder_rating_deviation": 276.019}
  191. 11:42:01.589 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "AoS", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1276.64, "country": "GB", "number_of_games": 1283, "rating_deviation": 68.7225, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 990.473, "login": "Solar_Storm", "ladder_rating_deviation": 184.989}
  192. 11:42:01.589 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1561.1, "country": "FI", "number_of_games": 19, "rating_deviation": 207.735, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1356.55, "login": "Mielivalta", "ladder_rating_deviation": 203.905}
  193. 11:42:01.589 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 2, "division": "Striker"}, "rating_mean": 1342.23, "country": "FR", "number_of_games": 1173, "rating_deviation": 62.3949, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 472.6343726776154, "login": "comodor", "ladder_rating_deviation": 48.6485845740336}
  194. 11:42:01.589 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1419.15, "country": "DE", "number_of_games": 53, "rating_deviation": 65.5897, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 858.599, "login": "Last_Force", "ladder_rating_deviation": 273.72}
  195. 11:42:01.589 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1500.0, "country": "FI", "number_of_games": 0, "rating_deviation": 500.0, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "Maranovski", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  196. 11:42:01.590 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 2, "division": "Thaam"}, "rating_mean": 1715.59, "country": "BY", "number_of_games": 586, "rating_deviation": 66.3461, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1068.1, "login": "BlInChIk", "ladder_rating_deviation": 50.7727}
  197. 11:42:01.590 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1301.65, "country": "FI", "number_of_games": 63, "rating_deviation": 116.484, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 856.778, "login": "Waza88", "ladder_rating_deviation": 131.045}
  198. 11:42:01.590 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "LDB", "league": {"league": 2, "division": "Striker"}, "rating_mean": 1273.53, "country": "AU", "number_of_games": 352, "rating_deviation": 57.123, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 693.236, "login": "Ftumch", "ladder_rating_deviation": 47.6785}
  199. 11:42:01.590 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1317.22, "country": "RU", "number_of_games": 194, "rating_deviation": 63.5683, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "ruslan2908", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  200. 11:42:01.591 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "e", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Snoop"}, "rating_mean": 2083.43, "country": "DE", "number_of_games": 417, "rating_deviation": 50.5068, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": "", "tooltip": "Mod Author"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 1908.83, "login": "traumatised", "ladder_rating_deviation": 50.5357}
  201. 11:42:01.591 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1393.64, "country": "AU", "number_of_games": 190, "rating_deviation": 82.7549, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 714.601, "login": "fantom_legion", "ladder_rating_deviation": 291.267}
  202. 11:42:01.591 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1435.1, "country": "GB", "number_of_games": 259, "rating_deviation": 78.7547, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 491.489, "login": "Darkhowl", "ladder_rating_deviation": 101.689}
  203. 11:42:01.600 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "KC", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 944.93, "country": "NO", "number_of_games": 623, "rating_deviation": 68.4789, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 309.5760637259502, "login": "larziko", "ladder_rating_deviation": 107.52113237785684}
  204. 11:42:01.600 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1188.92, "country": "RU", "number_of_games": 340, "rating_deviation": 69.246, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1061.98, "login": "Zombe", "ladder_rating_deviation": 284.065}
  205. 11:42:01.600 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Spirit"}, "rating_mean": 1093.88, "country": "SE", "number_of_games": 189, "rating_deviation": 77.9107, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 430.424, "login": "Depend", "ladder_rating_deviation": 67.3359}
  206. 11:42:01.600 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1174.67, "country": "GB", "number_of_games": 39, "rating_deviation": 160.528, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "Shamble", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  207. 11:42:01.601 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Snoop"}, "rating_mean": 757.467, "country": "AU", "number_of_games": 14, "rating_deviation": 203.689, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 760.681, "login": "brewersdrip", "ladder_rating_deviation": 74.9456}
  208. 11:42:01.601 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Spirit"}, "rating_mean": 1206.19, "country": "RU", "number_of_games": 402, "rating_deviation": 64.7875, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 722.354, "login": "Dagger", "ladder_rating_deviation": 77.989}
  209. 11:42:01.601 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1500.0, "country": "DE", "number_of_games": 0, "rating_deviation": 500.0, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 429.944, "login": "MrKaiser", "ladder_rating_deviation": 184.709}
  210. 11:42:01.601 [pool-2-thread-2] INFO c.f.c.p.DownlordsPortCheckTask - Testing reachability of UDP port 6112 using port test service at
  211. 11:42:01.601 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "BC", "league": {"league": 2, "division": "Zthuee"}, "rating_mean": 1589.75, "country": "NL", "number_of_games": 2914, "rating_deviation": 65.5621, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": "", "tooltip": "Aeon"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 1512.73, "login": "SiNs", "ladder_rating_deviation": 47.0458}
  212. 11:42:01.601 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1367.14, "country": "NZ", "number_of_games": 7, "rating_deviation": 213.701, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1080.59, "login": "Lord_Malketh", "ladder_rating_deviation": 225.399}
  213. 11:42:01.601 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1109.31, "country": "GB", "number_of_games": 11, "rating_deviation": 271.059, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 261.702, "login": "JustPlay", "ladder_rating_deviation": 137.665}
  214. 11:42:01.601 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1278.83, "country": "PL", "number_of_games": 1, "rating_deviation": 451.52, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1026.271745674172, "login": "SMoq", "ladder_rating_deviation": 259.8940401303468}
  215. 11:42:01.601 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO c.f.c.patch.GameUpdateServiceImpl - Ignoring update check since the current server implementation doesn't allow to do so easily
  216. 11:42:01.602 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 3, "division": "Blaze"}, "rating_mean": 1756.32, "country": "AU", "number_of_games": 2402, "rating_deviation": 65.8558, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1428.67, "login": "Andyrooooooo", "ladder_rating_deviation": 47.1348}
  217. 11:42:01.602 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1486.09, "country": "PL", "number_of_games": 180, "rating_deviation": 77.0046, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "CelestialTeapot", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  218. 11:42:01.602 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "BFA", "league": {"league": 4, "division": "Loyalist"}, "rating_mean": 1739.73, "country": "BE", "number_of_games": 768, "rating_deviation": 61.9754, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": "", "tooltip": "Tournament Participant"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 1639.85, "login": "SilverKronos", "ladder_rating_deviation": 47.9255}
  219. 11:42:01.602 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1304.83, "country": "RU", "number_of_games": 24, "rating_deviation": 170.395, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 680.127, "login": "catobazz", "ladder_rating_deviation": 282.083}
  220. 11:42:01.602 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 892.98, "country": "PH", "number_of_games": 2, "rating_deviation": 373.384, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1236.25, "login": "falconian", "ladder_rating_deviation": 430.289}
  221. 11:42:01.602 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Selen"}, "rating_mean": 1080.82, "country": "AU", "number_of_games": 168, "rating_deviation": 77.3232, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 598.5792617435786, "login": "itsBokchoy", "ladder_rating_deviation": 57.097182053547115}
  222. 11:42:01.603 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1083.28, "country": "GB", "number_of_games": 92, "rating_deviation": 110.805, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 795.778, "login": "GenOneill", "ladder_rating_deviation": 242.62}
  223. 11:42:01.606 [pool-2-thread-3] INFO c.f.client.update.CheckForUpdateTask - Checking for client update
  224. 11:42:01.626 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 3, "division": "Blaze"}, "rating_mean": 1364.99, "country": "FR", "number_of_games": 229, "rating_deviation": 74.5968, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1318.99, "login": "Plodox", "ladder_rating_deviation": 48.3057}
  225. 11:42:01.626 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "BC", "league": {"league": 2, "division": "Mantis"}, "rating_mean": 2544.24, "country": "DE", "number_of_games": 1389, "rating_deviation": 62.8918, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": "", "tooltip": "Universal Resurrection Cup Champion"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 2471.89, "login": "Blackheart", "ladder_rating_deviation": 47.4528}
  226. 11:42:01.627 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "UEF", "league": {"league": 2, "division": "Mantis"}, "rating_mean": 1850.69, "country": "DE", "number_of_games": 506, "rating_deviation": 66.2849, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": "", "tooltip": "UEF"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 1688.83, "login": "Iszh", "ladder_rating_deviation": 47.4532}
  227. 11:42:01.628 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 958.555, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 362, "rating_deviation": 66.8794, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 619.866, "login": "Iconoclast", "ladder_rating_deviation": 236.273}
  228. 11:42:01.628 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1112.31, "country": "TR", "number_of_games": 580, "rating_deviation": 70.6461, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 727.591, "login": "MrRectum", "ladder_rating_deviation": 142.38}
  229. 11:42:01.628 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1327.68, "country": "AU", "number_of_games": 493, "rating_deviation": 66.4956, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1275.53, "login": "Arr0w", "ladder_rating_deviation": 59.8073}
  230. 11:42:01.628 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1246.3, "country": "DE", "number_of_games": 113, "rating_deviation": 93.8714, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "konkonam", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  231. 11:42:01.628 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "e", "league": {"league": 5, "division": "Monkeylord"}, "rating_mean": 2070.43, "country": "RU", "number_of_games": 1801, "rating_deviation": 59.6454, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": " Admiral.png", "tooltip": "Fleet Admiral"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 2182.35, "login": "Vihainen", "ladder_rating_deviation": 48.039}
  232. 11:42:01.628 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1500.0, "country": "SG", "number_of_games": 0, "rating_deviation": 500.0, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "RG0h", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  233. 11:42:01.628 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Spirit"}, "rating_mean": 1314.09, "country": "UA", "number_of_games": 739, "rating_deviation": 67.4839, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 952.301, "login": "Bimba", "ladder_rating_deviation": 67.0997}
  234. 11:42:01.629 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1500, "country": "CH", "number_of_games": 0, "rating_deviation": 500, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500, "login": "clipmonkey206", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500}
  235. 11:42:01.629 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1434.01, "country": "DE", "number_of_games": 96, "rating_deviation": 79.2705, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 962.54, "login": "Brezelbaecker", "ladder_rating_deviation": 154.097}
  236. 11:42:01.629 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1298.99, "country": "DE", "number_of_games": 42, "rating_deviation": 144.537, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1595.15, "login": "CommanderPitti", "ladder_rating_deviation": 442.997}
  237. 11:42:01.629 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 787.833, "country": "BE", "number_of_games": 1387, "rating_deviation": 66.6776, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 328.068, "login": "Raiden007", "ladder_rating_deviation": 92.1487}
  238. 11:42:01.629 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1093.88, "country": "AU", "number_of_games": 30, "rating_deviation": 186.136, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "ghost21", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  239. 11:42:01.629 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 649.991, "country": "AU", "number_of_games": 45, "rating_deviation": 129.606, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 561.665, "login": "burgie82", "ladder_rating_deviation": 99.327}
  240. 11:42:01.630 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "OC", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1737.12, "country": "HU", "number_of_games": 1331, "rating_deviation": 67.6481, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1265.93, "login": "Scarecrow", "ladder_rating_deviation": 121.479}
  241. 11:42:01.630 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "42", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Spirit"}, "rating_mean": 1241.86, "country": "NO", "number_of_games": 206, "rating_deviation": 64.4141, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 929.788, "login": "Androish", "ladder_rating_deviation": 60.2338}
  242. 11:42:01.644 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"friends": ["csoller", "MAKEMML", "Jinxie", "Patriotic1", "Typo91", "buddybuddy", "Com", "Argor", "baktus", "MrScience101", "Despoman", "Duck_42", "eXxited", "Guggulf", "sjoOof", "crucial", "Pus007", "Pion", "xander", "Scarecrow", "Homo_Is_A_Ok", "Commlink", "Caedus", "Durben", "Scifi", "maggun", "probot", "megoix", "Fjordhild", "Gyle", "Unhandled", "HRC", "Ebbo", "mead", "Downlord", "Bjetr97", "Javidac", "Alive_Pulsar", "Sunde123", "LarsVik-Mo", "Avenger", "Einar1", "HEAVY", "jj_erklaert", "Apofenas", "Dvergkaster", "xxxVIPxxx", "Armorclint", "CptYang", "Silentspy", "sinep", "Fjordmonkey", "WaCk0", "LordAlfrey", "ShoutingProwler", "Ford", "avalice", "tommylogon", "sir_9of11", "TwistedGuy", "Hakase", "Waaghals", "JoeThanks", "spiffistan", "JanC", "Kanarek", "Cassimus", "Cracka", "stormbeforedawn", "TheRedViper", "CrazyJonas2", "kesko", "plexus2", "Fanharijo", "macharal", "Helo", "AFK_", "ProLab", "ExplosiveCowboy", "KZ0", "Prodayle", "Akrilloth", "Lobotomy", "Sheeo", "SteamEmpire", "pappesken", "North", "drLurve", "drNilsen", "Langbein", "Aegis-nor", "Descent", "Vram_Radan", "HanFyren", "zabbar14", "FrontlineJoe", "aholmen01", "Windows", "lokern", "Virgin_queen", "S18", "Iron_Knuckle", "Drakanov", "TheAwesomeOne", "Empros", "Destructo54555", "Penndragon", "CreepyGoatKiller", "UmZiniZini", "Cba", "SincereWizard", "Mardil", "Mensch", "Cheddarchaos", "pantrax", "MrTengu", "empty_slot", "Yolocaust", "PhilipJFry", "Malesur", "Subcyro", "Amza", "Navax", "damrod", "kjetily85", "j0k3rn", "Unbalanced", "Magga", "Holmis", "Snugglebunny", "Havi", "TwinSpin", "Blue2122", "HotFog", "LusciousLoli", "Highline", "Al", "kredenc6", "KILLKARIKILL", "RuneNorse", "quark036", "Kaed", "HenBer", "einars", "Tippe", "jjoereng", "Micaz", "Dramegiballa", "warhawk_85", "Midnightmalice", "Xrento", "gardi", "rion", "BenDover", "Shimrras", "Knugen", "Nanu308", "tumultuous97", "thetimeman100", "EmberFlake", "funglue", "EDWARDS", "BakerOne"], "command": "social"}
  243. 11:42:01.645 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"foes": ["AFK", "ChaosWars", "Hupsie", "kindri3", "Mr_Death", "MrBunnyPants", "WoodenBladee", "SlaiNofRawSteel", "harmless", "RageOf100Suns"], "command": "social"}
  244. 11:42:01.645 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"join": true, "name": "murderparty", "live": true, "host": true, "command": "mod_info", "fullname": "Murder Party", "desc": "<html><head/><body><p><span style=\" font-size:11px; color:#000000;\">The most awesome mod ever created !<br/></span><span style=\" font-size:12pt; font-weight:600;\">Murder Party</span></p><p><br/></p><p><span style=\" font-size:11px; color:#000000;\">What is it ?<br/><br/>You might call it &quot;A fair FFA, but funnier&quot;.<br/><br/>It starts like a FFA, but everybody gets </span><span style=\" font-size:11px; font-style:italic; color:#000000;\">one unique target</span><span style=\" font-size:11px; color:#000000;\"> to kill. <br/><br/>- If you kill your target, you gain a huge ressource bonus (voted when the game starts), and one point.<br/><br/>- If you kill your killer, you gain half the bonus, but no point.<br/><br/>- If you kill anyone else, you get a malus for ressource, and you lose one point.<br/><br/>- Once you kill your target, another one is given to all the players.<br/><br/>- The game ends when only one player left, after a final 1v1 fight - The winner is the one with the highest score. But you get extra points for being the last ACU standing.<br/></span></p><p><span style=\" font-size:11px; color:#000000;\">- You can, of course make alliances ...</span></p></body></html>", "options": [], "icon": null}
  245. 11:42:01.647 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"join": false, "name": "coop", "live": true, "host": false, "command": "mod_info", "fullname": "coop", "desc": "", "options": [], "icon": null}
  246. 11:42:01.647 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"join": false, "name": "ladder1v1", "live": true, "host": false, "command": "mod_info", "fullname": "ladder 1 vs 1", "desc": "", "options": [], "icon": null}
  247. 11:42:01.647 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"join": true, "name": "koth", "live": true, "host": true, "command": "mod_info", "fullname": "King of the Hill", "desc": "you will start as usual, normal spawnpoint and normal teams\r\nthere will be a message \"King of the Hill\" show up, you'll then see that the mod has been activated\r\naccording to the amout of players in the teams (to be exactly, of the biggest team), you'll need to score points to win: 180 points each player\r\nto score points, get mobile landunits into the middle of the map (might not be middle of the island or whatever, it's the middle of the map, therefore some maps won't do any good playing this mod), you'll achieve one point each 5 seconds if you or a teammate got enough units on the hill. if more than one player of a team has enough local units, your team gets more points\r\nif foes have both enough local units, both (and all their teammates) will get points\r\nthose who get points at the very moment will be announced where the \"xxxxx is cheating\"-message is appearing, the amout of points is also displayed\r\nat steps of 25%, 50% and 75%, one of the team which scored this much points will be announced\r\nonce one team scored all necessary points, the game will end", "options": [], "icon": null}
  248. 11:42:01.673 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"join": true, "name": "phantomx", "live": true, "host": true, "command": "mod_info", "fullname": "phantom-X", "desc": "<html><head/><body><p><span style=\" font-size:12pt; font-weight:600; \">Phantom-X</span></p><p><span style=\" font-size:11px; \">At 7 minutes, everyone gets to vote on how many phantoms will be in the game. At 8 minutes, a random selection of players will be designated \"Phantoms\". The objective is to eliminate all phantom players, or, if you are a phantom, eliminate ALL players. Phantoms get slightly increased resources. If they break alliance with all innocent players this bonus increases further.</span></p><p><br/></p>You can know configure, in the lobby, after how many time a phantom will be revealed, not matter what (from 3 minutes to never).</body></html>", "options": [], "icon": null}
  249. 11:42:01.674 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"join": true, "name": "nomads", "live": true, "host": true, "command": "mod_info", "fullname": "The Nomads", "desc": "<html><head/><body><p><span style=\" font-size:11px; color:#000000;\">Play the 5th race of the supcom universe: </span></p><p><span style=\" font-size:12pt; color:#000000;\">The Nomads</span></p><p><span style=\" color:#000000;\"><br/></span></p><p><span style=\" font-size:11px; color:#000000;\">They don't have access to gating technology like the other factions seem to have. Instead they use space ships to move around the galaxy. On the battlefield they favor firepower and rate of fire of common weapons (rockets, missiles, generic unguided shells) over armor and health and other fancy stuff (beams, etc). </span></p><p><span style=\" color:#000000;\"><br/></span></p></body></html>", "options": [], "icon": null}
  250. 11:42:01.674 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"join": true, "name": "xtremewars", "live": true, "host": true, "command": "mod_info", "fullname": "Xtreme Wars", "desc": "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN\" \"\"><html><head><meta name=\"qrichtext\" content=\"1\" /><style type=\"text/css\">p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }</style></head><body style=\" font-family:'MS Shell Dlg 2'; font-size:8.25pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;\"><p style=\" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;\">\r\n<h3>X'treme Wars</h3> \r\n<ul>\r\n<li>X'treme Wars is a mod which add ALL of my units and concepts in one mod. </li>\r\n<li>X'treme Wars is a mod which has AI support</li>\r\n<li>X'treme Wars is a mod which modifies all original units</li>\r\n<li>X'treme Wars is a mod which has navy economy ( AI supported )</li>\r\n<li>X'treme Wars is a mod which has Tech 1, Tech 2, and Tech 3 experimental units</li>\r\n<li>X'treme Wars is a mod which is FUN</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n</p></body></html>", "options": [], "icon": null}
  251. 11:42:01.675 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"join": true, "name": "blackops", "live": true, "host": true, "command": "mod_info", "fullname": "blackops", "desc": "<html><head/><body><p><span style=\" font-size:12pt; font-weight:600; \">Blackops</span></p><p><span style=\" font-size:11px; \">One of the most impressive collection of mods out there, Blackops is finally supported by FAF. Improved and more fine-grained support for Blackops' various components is coming in the next update(s)!</span></p><p><br/></p></body></html>", "options": ["Unleashed", "ACUs"], "icon": null}
  252. 11:42:01.676 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"join": false, "name": "matchmaker", "live": true, "host": false, "command": "mod_info", "fullname": "Matchmaker", "desc": "", "options": [], "icon": null}
  253. 11:42:01.676 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"join": true, "name": "diamond", "live": true, "host": true, "command": "mod_info", "fullname": "Diamond", "desc": "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN\" \"\"><html><head><meta name=\"qrichtext\" content=\"1\" /><style type=\"text/css\">p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }</style></head><body style=\" font-family:'MS Shell Dlg 2'; font-size:8.25pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;\"><p style=\" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;\">\r\n<h3>Diamond</h3>\r\nThis mod polishes Forged Alliance gameplay into an everlasting Diamond. \r\n</p><p>\r\nDiamond is designed for pro gaming purposes. It has tighter gameplay than original Forged Alliance so map control is more important. There are less shortcuts to victory so you have to really dominate your opponent to get a win. Fixes also most of the bugs found in game. You can now use every tactic, unit or acu upgrade found in game without being labeled as \"insert method here\" noob. Of course haxing and glitching is not allowed (offmapping etc.)\r\n</p>\r\n<br>\r\n<p>\r\nMajor differences to FAF gameplay you need to know to play Diamond are:<br>\r\nYou can OC without energy storage just like in 3599 and OC damage to Enemy ACUs and buildings are in 3599 values<br>\r\nACU death nuke damage values normalized to 3599 values (3500 inner +500 outer =4000)<br>\r\nTactical missile launcher is T3 not T2<br>\r\nYou need to have a Support Commander to build Experimentals and Land nuke launchers.\r\n</p>\r\n</body></html>", "options": [], "icon": null}
  254. 11:42:01.676 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"join": true, "name": "supremeDestruction", "live": true, "host": true, "command": "mod_info", "fullname": "Supreme Destruction", "desc": "Prepare for a Supreme Destruction upgrade for Forged Alliance. This mod adds custom units, as well as tweaks the existing ones, it will change the experience of Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance. The mod is updated regularly, with tweaks and balance patches.\r\n\r\nMain features: \r\n\r\n-Custom units\r\n -Rebalanced and tweaked existing units\r\n -Planned Orbital Warfare\r\n -More Experimentals\r\n -Expansion Addons to the base Supreme Destruction\r\n\r\nCredits for contributers:\r\n -Warbird: Ideas/Balance/Custom Models.\r\n -4rchon: Custom Models.\r\n -Yholl: Custom Models.\r\n -Shadowlord01/OverRated: For helping me if i was stuck with something,\r\n -DarkTiger A.K.A. RoadKill: Costum Models.", "options": [], "icon": null}
  255. 11:42:01.677 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"join": true, "name": "balancetesting", "live": true, "host": true, "command": "mod_info", "fullname": "FAF (beta)", "desc": "Most recent FAF version", "options": [], "icon": null}
  256. 11:42:01.677 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"join": true, "name": "labwars", "live": true, "host": true, "command": "mod_info", "fullname": "LABwars", "desc": "<html><head/><body><p><span style=\" font-size:12pt; font-weight:600; \">LABWARS</span></p><p><span style=\" font-size:11px; \">You don't need anything else to win this war than LABs (light assault bots). Labs are powerfull, labs can shoot from transports, labs can own an ACU! This mod showcases the most powerful unit of the game, leading to very fun games!</span></p><p><span style=\" font-size:11px; font-weight:600; \">Rules :</span></p><p><span style=\" font-size:11px; \">- All faction's ACUs will only be able to build Land facs, Air facs, Pgens and mexes.<br/>- All faction's Engineers can do the same but can also build Hydro's and Radars.<br/>- Each faction's Land fac will be able to build Labs, scouts, AA and engineers.<br/>- Each faction's Air fac will be able to build Inties and Transports.<br/>- ACU's can fire at air units with their main weapon, Overcharge is unchanged.</span></p><p><br/></p></body></html>", "options": [], "icon": null}
  257. 11:42:01.680 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"join": true, "name": "claustrophobia", "live": true, "host": true, "command": "mod_info", "fullname": "Claustrophobia", "desc": "Run for your life !\r\n\r\nAfter a startup time of some minutes, the game will get smaller 25 times (with 1 min interval), until only a very little space in the middle is left.\r\nEverything outside explodes.", "options": [], "icon": null}
  258. 11:42:01.680 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"join": true, "name": "faf", "live": true, "host": true, "command": "mod_info", "fullname": "FAF", "desc": "<html><head/><body><p><span style=\" font-size:12pt; font-weight:600; \">Forged Alliance Forever </span></p><p>This is the improved, community-maintained version of Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance that resolves bugs, balance issues, and other problems with the retail versions. It tries to keep to the spirit of the original game - you will feel right at home.</p><p><br/></p><p>This is the default game mode played on FAF.</p></body></html>", "options": [], "icon": null}
  259. 11:42:01.680 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"join": true, "name": "vanilla", "live": true, "host": true, "command": "mod_info", "fullname": "Vanilla", "desc": "Nostalgic ?<br> Try this supreme commander vanilla version, without the seraphim, less experimentals and units, but 500% more mass fabricators and t2 bots !", "options": [], "icon": null}
  260. 11:42:01.681 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"join": true, "name": "civilians", "live": true, "host": true, "command": "mod_info", "fullname": "Civilians Defense", "desc": "What is Civilian Defense?\r\nYou must defend/attack the Civilians!\r\n<br><br>\r\nHow does it work.\r\nOn many maps, there exist civilian units/structures. <br>\r\nFirst, Civilian Defense breaks players/AI into teams based on their faction. <br>Players will be allied with other players of the same faction, and enemies with everybody else.<br><br>\r\nSecond, Players who have civilians to defend (civilians of their own faction) will receive defense beacons. Civilian trucks brought to the defense beacons will be evacuated off-world. Defenders will be awarded with +5% resource production bonus for every civilians evacuated.<br><br>\r\nThird: Attackers are given spawn beacons. Spawn beacons spawn reinforcements periodically. Killing civilians gives +5% spawn rate bonus per civilian killed.\r\n<br><br>\r\nHow evacuation beacons work:<br>\r\n-Civilian Structures are labeled: Civilian Structure<br>\r\n-Civilian Structures are worth 2 Civilian Points<br>\r\n-If Reclaimed, a Civilian Structures turns into 2 Evac Trucks<br>\r\n-Evac Trucks must be brought to the Evac Beacon and *ANY* defender's base.<br> \r\n-If a defender loses more than 60% of his civilians, he loses. The mandatory minimum that must survive is 40%.<br>\r\n-Defenders win by destroying all attackers and protecting 40% or more civilians.<br>\r\n<br>\r\nHow attack beacons work:<br>\r\n-Attack Beacons will spawn units periodically at a set rate. <br>\r\n-The spawn rate will increase for every civilian killed.<br>\r\n-Although it will initially spawn only T1 tanks, it will spawn higher level tanks at an increased rate if there is a higher tech factory nearby.<br>\r\n-Build and upgrade a factory near the spawn beacon to get T2 and T3 level reinforcements.<br>\r\n-Attackers win by defeating all other players.<br>\r\n<br>\r\nIf the map has civilians from multiple factions, than players of those factions will be BOTH attackers AND defenders and be subject to all the same constraints, and receive both bonuses.", "options": [], "icon": null}
  261. 11:42:01.681 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"1": 8, "2": 43}, "mapname": "x1ca_coop_005.v0007", "num_players": 2, "game_time": 1444295299.007019, "uid": 3949439, "title": "For All", "sim_mods": [], "game_type": 3, "host": "Anacon99", "teams": {"0": ["Anacon99", "Mhad"]}, "access": "public", "state": "playing", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "coop", "max_players": 11, "options": []}
  262. 11:42:01.682 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"1": 8, "2": 43}, "mapname": "scca_coop_r04.v0005", "num_players": 1, "game_time": 1444295635.896964, "uid": 3949453, "title": "balanced 700-1300", "sim_mods": [], "game_type": 3, "host": "Dagger", "teams": {"0": ["Dagger"]}, "access": "password", "state": "playing", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "coop", "max_players": 7, "options": []}
  263. 11:42:01.682 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"1": 8, "2": 43}, "mapname": "scca_coop_a02.v0007", "num_players": 1, "game_time": 1444295880.903391, "uid": 3949460, "title": "123", "sim_mods": [], "game_type": 3, "host": "ruslan2908", "teams": {"0": ["ruslan2908"]}, "access": "password", "state": "playing", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "coop", "max_players": 6, "options": []}
  264. 11:42:01.682 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {}, "mapname": "broken_vows.v0008", "num_players": 2, "game_time": 1444296818.417823, "uid": 3949472, "title": "Taps Vs comodor", "sim_mods": [], "game_type": 0, "host": "Taps", "teams": {"1": ["Taps"], "2": ["comodor"]}, "access": "public", "state": "playing", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "ladder1v1", "max_players": 12, "options": []}
  265. 11:42:01.682 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"1": 1, "2": 251}, "mapname": "carona for phantom-x", "num_players": 4, "game_time": 1444293026.445785, "uid": 3949403, "title": "Phantom-X", "sim_mods": [], "game_type": 0, "host": "KotShaman", "teams": {"8": ["KotShaman"], "2": ["NoobPlayer"], "3": ["InABlink"], "4": ["notcrazykarl"]}, "access": "public", "state": "playing", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "phantomx", "max_players": 8, "options": []}
  266. 11:42:01.683 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"1": 2, "2": 2}, "mapname": "cgm-11540308", "num_players": 1, "game_time": 1444296730.320002, "uid": 3949471, "title": "falconian's game", "sim_mods": {"8fc68p4e-7076-29zf-8979-6931424z9z71": "Mo Storage", "74A9EAB2-E851-11DB-A1F1-F2C755D89593": "Supreme Commander Campaign Branch", "6aa65d2a-5926-11dc-8314-0800200c9a08": "Antares Unit Pack", "62e2j64a-53a2-y6sg-32h5-146as555a18u3": "Total Mayhem v1.20", "4396cbac-99c6-4c7f-9de7-e40cb79e0a9b": "Advanced Shields V4", "4d6609d1-3353-46be-971e-e1387a5e9172": "Experimental Point Defence", "dd6642d4-346c-8711-8106-df3de93fff66": "Upgradeable HC-Plant V2", "16e610af-7e2c-402b-9dc7-bdf69272256g": "T3 Engineering Stations FAF"}, "game_type": 0, "host": "falconian", "teams": {"0": ["falconian"]}, "access": "password", "state": "playing", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "xtremewars", "max_players": 6, "options": []}
  267. 11:42:01.683 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"8": 2, "6": 2, "7": 7}, "mapname": "wave_of_death.v0012", "num_players": 1, "game_time": 1444290216.575004, "uid": 3949384, "title": "Death By AI", "sim_mods": {"9e8ea941-c306-4751-b367-f00000000005": "BlackOps Global Icon Support Mod", "90b6f6c0-125a-11de-8c30-0800200c9a65": "T2 T3 Storage FAF", "6e0851ba-8dde-416a-9d76-20c3bb090d78": "DefencesExpand v1.0", "d5c7af75-6944-490b-b647-47dc1efffdc8": "Rescources x2", "9e8ea941-c306-4751-b368-a11100000102": "BlackOps Alternate Reality", "4c6694bd-aaaa-aa12-8fe7-cf2c9e8e8888": "EXMEX", "9e8ea941-c306-4751-b367-e00000000302": "BlackOps Adv Command Units", "dc38db7c-419f-4b16-add1-2d4d5fa5339c": "Extreme T1 Shields", "6aa65d2a-5926-11dc-8314-0800200c9a08": "Antares Unit Pack", "4d6609d1-3353-46be-971e-e1387a5e9172": "Experimental Point Defence", "1f65c42c-0f77-48e3-a498-c3f724028acd": "Unit Cap x4"}, "game_type": 3, "host": "NikoNikolai", "teams": {"0": ["NikoNikolai"]}, "access": "public", "state": "playing", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "blackops", "max_players": 8, "options": [true, true]}
  268. 11:42:01.684 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"8": 2, "6": 2, "7": 7}, "mapname": "voodoo_castle_v2", "num_players": 3, "game_time": 1444293325.52728, "uid": 3949413, "title": "Roo's game", "sim_mods": [], "game_type": 1, "host": "Roo", "teams": {"1": ["Roo", "Dylanous_Croft", "Crossfire"]}, "access": "password", "state": "playing", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "blackops", "max_players": 6, "options": [true, true]}
  269. 11:42:01.684 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"8": 2, "6": 2, "7": 7}, "mapname": "5iver survival land oxtreme.v0001", "num_players": 1, "game_time": 1444297242.88664, "uid": 3949474, "title": "&lt;3", "sim_mods": {"9f775cf2-9b8b-11dc-8314-0800200c9a8D": "TVg V4.86 - TotalVeterancy", "a3c142d4-342c-3401-8106-df3db92def86": "Experimental Shields for FA. Including Seraphim V3", "16e610af-7e2c-402b-9dc7-bdf69272256g": "T3 Engineering Stations FAF", "9e8ea941-c306-4751-b367-f00000000005": "BlackOps Global Icon Support Mod", "4c6694bd-aaaa-aa12-8fe7-cf2c9e8e8888": "EXMEX"}, "game_type": 3, "host": "Hexus_One", "teams": {"1": ["Hexus_One"]}, "access": "password", "state": "playing", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "blackops", "max_players": 8, "options": [true, true]}
  270. 11:42:01.684 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"1": 3650, "2": 3640, "3": 3634, "4": 1, "5": 1, "6": 1, "8": 1, "9": 1, "11": 3650, "12": 3650, "13": 3650, "14": 3650, "15": 3650, "17": 3650, "18": 3650, "19": 3650, "20": 3650, "21": 3650, "22": 3650}, "mapname": "scmp_031", "num_players": 1, "game_time": 1444293446.414389, "uid": 3949426, "title": "GothicTerror", "sim_mods": [], "game_type": 0, "host": "FC-NoHeroes", "teams": {"0": ["FC-NoHeroes"]}, "access": "password", "state": "playing", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "faf", "max_players": 4, "options": []}
  271. 11:42:01.684 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"1": 3650, "2": 3640, "3": 3634, "4": 1, "5": 1, "6": 1, "8": 1, "9": 1, "11": 3650, "12": 3650, "13": 3650, "14": 3650, "15": 3650, "17": 3650, "18": 3650, "19": 3650, "20": 3650, "21": 3650, "22": 3650}, "mapname": "scmp_009", "num_players": 1, "game_time": 1444294271.3956, "uid": 3949428, "title": "Kodust's game", "sim_mods": [], "game_type": 0, "host": "Kodust", "teams": {"0": ["Kodust"]}, "access": "public", "state": "playing", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "faf", "max_players": 8, "options": []}
  272. 11:42:01.685 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"1": 3650, "2": 3640, "3": 3634, "4": 1, "5": 1, "6": 1, "8": 1, "9": 1, "11": 3650, "12": 3650, "13": 3650, "14": 3650, "15": 3650, "17": 3650, "18": 3650, "19": 3650, "20": 3650, "21": 3650, "22": 3650}, "mapname": "canis 4v4 spezial edition.v0002", "num_players": 8, "game_time": 1444296785.958454, "uid": 3949436, "title": "Teamgame 1100+", "sim_mods": [], "game_type": 0, "host": "Sui", "teams": {"1": ["K240", "ATHUG4Life", "Ryfun", "fantom_legion"], "2": ["Sui", "Mephi", "SiNs", "Jones"]}, "access": "public", "state": "playing", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "faf", "max_players": 8, "options": []}
  273. 11:42:01.685 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"1": 3650, "2": 3640, "3": 3634, "4": 1, "5": 1, "6": 1, "8": 1, "9": 1, "11": 3650, "12": 3650, "13": 3650, "14": 3650, "15": 3650, "17": 3650, "18": 3650, "19": 3650, "20": 3650, "21": 3650, "22": 3650}, "mapname": "scmp_009", "num_players": 8, "game_time": 1444295281.74987, "uid": 3949445, "title": "Rehost", "sim_mods": [], "game_type": 0, "host": "Vram_Radan", "teams": {"1": ["Bleu", "Vencam", "Miheishe", "buckritan"], "2": ["Lochschwager", "Vram_Radan", "MasterGeneral", "Waza88"]}, "access": "public", "state": "playing", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "faf", "max_players": 8, "options": []}
  274. 11:42:01.685 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"1": 3650, "2": 3640, "3": 3634, "4": 1, "5": 1, "6": 1, "8": 1, "9": 1, "11": 3650, "12": 3650, "13": 3650, "14": 3650, "15": 3650, "17": 3650, "18": 3650, "19": 3650, "20": 3650, "21": 3650, "22": 3650}, "mapname": "island zero.v0001", "num_players": 9, "game_time": 1444295676.409718, "uid": 3949454, "title": "all welcome", "sim_mods": [], "game_type": 0, "host": "BlInChIk", "teams": {"1": ["konkonam", "itsBokchoy", "monopoi", "brewersdrip"], "2": ["BlInChIk", "SMoq", "KrAk3n"], "-1": ["Iconoclast"]}, "access": "public", "state": "open", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "faf", "max_players": 8, "options": []}
  275. 11:42:01.692 [pool-2-thread-2] INFO c.f.c.p.DownlordsPortCheckTask - UDP port 6112 is reachable
  276. 11:42:01.714 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"1": 3650, "2": 3640, "3": 3634, "4": 1, "5": 1, "6": 1, "8": 1, "9": 1, "11": 3650, "12": 3650, "13": 3650, "14": 3650, "15": 3650, "17": 3650, "18": 3650, "19": 3650, "20": 3650, "21": 3650, "22": 3650}, "mapname": "gap of rohan.v0001", "num_players": 6, "game_time": 1444295722.334152, "uid": 3949456, "title": "&gt;50 Games", "sim_mods": [], "game_type": 0, "host": "Depend", "teams": {"1": ["Last_Force"], "2": ["Depend", "Solar_Storm", "Zombe", "Darkhowl"]}, "access": "public", "state": "open", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "faf", "max_players": 8, "options": []}
  277. 11:42:01.715 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"1": 3650, "2": 3640, "3": 3634, "4": 1, "5": 1, "6": 1, "8": 1, "9": 1, "11": 3650, "12": 3650, "13": 3650, "14": 3650, "15": 3650, "17": 3650, "18": 3650, "19": 3650, "20": 3650, "21": 3650, "22": 3650}, "mapname": "scmp_015", "num_players": 4, "game_time": 1444296661.239935, "uid": 3949458, "title": "700-1300", "sim_mods": [], "game_type": 0, "host": "Ftumch", "teams": {"1": ["Ftumch", "Grothe"], "2": ["larziko", "iznogoud"]}, "access": "public", "state": "playing", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "faf", "max_players": 4, "options": []}
  278. 11:42:01.715 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"1": 3650, "2": 3640, "3": 3634, "4": 1, "5": 1, "6": 1, "8": 1, "9": 1, "11": 3650, "12": 3650, "13": 3650, "14": 3650, "15": 3650, "17": 3650, "18": 3650, "19": 3650, "20": 3650, "21": 3650, "22": 3650}, "mapname": "scmp_010", "num_players": 1, "game_time": 1444296056.497289, "uid": 3949466, "title": "Scratch This", "sim_mods": [], "game_type": 0, "host": "Lord_Malketh", "teams": {"0": ["Lord_Malketh"]}, "access": "password", "state": "open", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "faf", "max_players": 5, "options": []}
  279. 11:42:01.715 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"section": "Ladder maps presentations", "command": "tutorials_info", "description": "These are tutorials on maps used in the ladder/matchmaker."}
  280. 11:42:01.715 [Thread-14] WARN c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Tutorials info still unhandled: {"section": "Ladder maps presentations", "command": "tutorials_info", "description": "These are tutorials on maps used in the ladder/matchmaker."}
  281. 11:42:01.716 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"section": "Map related tutorials", "command": "tutorials_info", "description": "These tutorials concern specific things to know on certain maps."}
  282. 11:42:01.716 [Thread-14] WARN c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Tutorials info still unhandled: {"section": "Map related tutorials", "command": "tutorials_info", "description": "These tutorials concern specific things to know on certain maps."}
  283. 11:42:01.716 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"section": "FA Economy.", "command": "tutorials_info", "description": "Tutorial related to FA Economy and how it's really working."}
  284. 11:42:01.716 [Thread-14] WARN c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Tutorials info still unhandled: {"section": "FA Economy.", "command": "tutorials_info", "description": "Tutorial related to FA Economy and how it's really working."}
  285. 11:42:01.716 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Arctic Refuge.fafreplay", "mapname": "scmp_022", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Arctic Refuge"}
  286. 11:42:01.716 [Thread-14] WARN c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Tutorials info still unhandled: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Arctic Refuge.fafreplay", "mapname": "scmp_022", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Arctic Refuge"}
  287. 11:42:01.716 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Balvery Mountains v2.fafreplay", "mapname": "balvery mountains v2.v0001", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Balvery Mountains v2"}
  288. 11:42:01.716 [Thread-14] WARN c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Tutorials info still unhandled: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Balvery Mountains v2.fafreplay", "mapname": "balvery mountains v2.v0001", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Balvery Mountains v2"}
  289. 11:42:01.716 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Blasted Rock.fafreplay", "mapname": "scmp_036", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Blasted Rock"}
  290. 11:42:01.716 [Thread-14] WARN c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Tutorials info still unhandled: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Blasted Rock.fafreplay", "mapname": "scmp_036", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Blasted Rock"}
  291. 11:42:01.716 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Canis River.fafreplay", "mapname": "scmp_016", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Canis River"}
  292. 11:42:01.716 [Thread-14] WARN c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Tutorials info still unhandled: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Canis River.fafreplay", "mapname": "scmp_016", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Canis River"}
  293. 11:42:01.717 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Crag Dunes.fafreplay", "mapname": "x1mp_001", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Crag Dunes"}
  294. 11:42:01.717 [Thread-14] WARN c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Tutorials info still unhandled: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Crag Dunes.fafreplay", "mapname": "x1mp_001", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Crag Dunes"}
  295. 11:42:01.717 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Desert Arena.fafreplay", "mapname": "desert arena.v0002", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Desert Arena"}
  296. 11:42:01.717 [Thread-14] WARN c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Tutorials info still unhandled: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Desert Arena.fafreplay", "mapname": "desert arena.v0002", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Desert Arena"}
  297. 11:42:01.717 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Dry Canyon.fafreplay", "mapname": "dry canyon v3", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Dry Canyon"}
  298. 11:42:01.717 [Thread-14] WARN c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Tutorials info still unhandled: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Dry Canyon.fafreplay", "mapname": "dry canyon v3", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Dry Canyon"}
  299. 11:42:01.717 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Fields of Thunder.fafreplay", "mapname": "fields of thunder.v0001", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Fields of Thunder"}
  300. 11:42:01.717 [Thread-14] WARN c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Tutorials info still unhandled: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Fields of Thunder.fafreplay", "mapname": "fields of thunder.v0001", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Fields of Thunder"}
  301. 11:42:01.717 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Finn's Revenge.fafreplay", "mapname": "scmp_019", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Finn's Revenge"}
  302. 11:42:01.717 [Thread-14] WARN c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Tutorials info still unhandled: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Finn's Revenge.fafreplay", "mapname": "scmp_019", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Finn's Revenge"}
  303. 11:42:01.717 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Firelight.fafreplay", "mapname": "firelight.v0001", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Firelight"}
  304. 11:42:01.718 [Thread-14] WARN c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Tutorials info still unhandled: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Firelight.fafreplay", "mapname": "firelight.v0001", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Firelight"}
  305. 11:42:01.718 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Forbidden Pass.fafreplay", "mapname": "forbidden pass.v0001", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Forbidden Pass"}
  306. 11:42:01.718 [Thread-14] WARN c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Tutorials info still unhandled: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Forbidden Pass.fafreplay", "mapname": "forbidden pass.v0001", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Forbidden Pass"}
  307. 11:42:01.718 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Loki.fafreplay", "mapname": "loki.v0003", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Loki"}
  308. 11:42:01.718 [Thread-14] WARN c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Tutorials info still unhandled: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Loki.fafreplay", "mapname": "loki.v0003", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Loki"}
  309. 11:42:01.718 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Moonlight.fafreplay", "mapname": "moonlight.v0001", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Moonlight"}
  310. 11:42:01.718 [Thread-14] WARN c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Tutorials info still unhandled: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Moonlight.fafreplay", "mapname": "moonlight.v0001", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Moonlight"}
  311. 11:42:01.718 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Moonlight Mesas.fafreplay", "mapname": "moonlight mesas.v0001", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Moonlight Mesas"}
  312. 11:42:01.718 [Thread-14] WARN c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Tutorials info still unhandled: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Moonlight Mesas.fafreplay", "mapname": "moonlight mesas.v0001", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Moonlight Mesas"}
  313. 11:42:01.718 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Open Palms.fafreplay", "mapname": "scmp_007", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Open Palms"}
  314. 11:42:01.718 [Thread-14] WARN c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Tutorials info still unhandled: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Open Palms.fafreplay", "mapname": "scmp_007", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Open Palms"}
  315. 11:42:01.718 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Red Rocks.fafreplay", "mapname": "red rocks", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Red Rocks"}
  316. 11:42:01.719 [Thread-14] WARN c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Tutorials info still unhandled: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Red Rocks.fafreplay", "mapname": "red rocks", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Red Rocks"}
  317. 11:42:01.719 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Syrtis Major.fafreplay", "mapname": "scmp_017", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Syrtis Major"}
  318. 11:42:01.719 [Thread-14] WARN c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Tutorials info still unhandled: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Syrtis Major.fafreplay", "mapname": "scmp_017", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Syrtis Major"}
  319. 11:42:01.719 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Theta Passage 5.fafreplay", "mapname": "theta_passage_5.v0001", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Theta Passage 5"}
  320. 11:42:01.719 [Thread-14] WARN c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Tutorials info still unhandled: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Theta Passage 5.fafreplay", "mapname": "theta_passage_5.v0001", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Theta Passage 5"}
  321. 11:42:01.719 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Twin Rivers.fafreplay", "mapname": "twin rivers.v0001", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Twin Rivers"}
  322. 11:42:01.719 [Thread-14] WARN c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Tutorials info still unhandled: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Twin Rivers.fafreplay", "mapname": "twin rivers.v0001", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Twin Rivers"}
  323. 11:42:01.719 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Vale of Isis.fafreplay", "mapname": "scmp_haz04.v0001", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Vale of Isis"}
  324. 11:42:01.719 [Thread-14] WARN c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Tutorials info still unhandled: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Vale of Isis.fafreplay", "mapname": "scmp_haz04.v0001", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Vale of Isis"}
  325. 11:42:01.719 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"description": "Basic knowledge of how to play seton as the back/air position.", "url": "Setons Clutch, Back.fafreplay", "mapname": "scmp_009", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Map related tutorials", "tutorial": "Seton, back position."}
  326. 11:42:01.719 [Thread-14] WARN c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Tutorials info still unhandled: {"description": "Basic knowledge of how to play seton as the back/air position.", "url": "Setons Clutch, Back.fafreplay", "mapname": "scmp_009", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Map related tutorials", "tutorial": "Seton, back position."}
  327. 11:42:01.720 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"description": "Basic knowledge of how to play seton on the beach position.", "url": "Beach_Tutorial.fafreplay", "mapname": "scmp_009", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Map related tutorials", "tutorial": "Seton, Beach position."}
  328. 11:42:01.720 [Thread-14] WARN c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Tutorials info still unhandled: {"description": "Basic knowledge of how to play seton on the beach position.", "url": "Beach_Tutorial.fafreplay", "mapname": "scmp_009", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Map related tutorials", "tutorial": "Seton, Beach position."}
  329. 11:42:01.720 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"description": "Basic knowledge of how to play seton as front position.", "url": "Setons Clutch, Front.fafreplay", "mapname": "scmp_009", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Map related tutorials", "tutorial": "Seton, front position."}
  330. 11:42:01.720 [Thread-14] WARN c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Tutorials info still unhandled: {"description": "Basic knowledge of how to play seton as front position.", "url": "Setons Clutch, Front.fafreplay", "mapname": "scmp_009", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Map related tutorials", "tutorial": "Seton, front position."}
  331. 11:42:01.720 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"description": "The T2 mex upgrade, what is worth, what it costs, in a real game situation, and why it's often a bad idea to do an early teching in a 1v1.", "url": "economy_101_1.fafreplay", "mapname": "scmp_019", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "FA Economy.", "tutorial": "Economy 101."}
  332. 11:42:01.720 [Thread-14] WARN c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Tutorials info still unhandled: {"description": "The T2 mex upgrade, what is worth, what it costs, in a real game situation, and why it's often a bad idea to do an early teching in a 1v1.", "url": "economy_101_1.fafreplay", "mapname": "scmp_019", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "FA Economy.", "tutorial": "Economy 101."}
  333. 11:42:01.720 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"command": "social", "autojoin": ["#42_clan"]}
  334. 11:42:01.721 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"channels": ["#42_clan"], "command": "social"}
  335. 11:42:02.349 [pool-2-thread-3] INFO c.f.client.update.CheckForUpdateTask - Current version is, newest version is v0.5.0.1-alpha
  336. 11:42:02.444 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.c.parsecom.ParseCloudService - Function 'signUpIfNecessary' completed with result:
  337. 11:42:04.207 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"1": 3650, "2": 3640, "3": 3634, "4": 1, "5": 1, "6": 1, "8": 1, "9": 1, "11": 3650, "12": 3650, "13": 3650, "14": 3650, "15": 3650, "17": 3650, "18": 3650, "19": 3650, "20": 3650, "21": 3650, "22": 3650}, "mapname": "island zero.v0001", "num_players": 9, "game_time": 1444295676.409718, "uid": 3949454, "title": "all welcome", "sim_mods": [], "game_type": 0, "host": "BlInChIk", "teams": {"1": ["konkonam", "itsBokchoy", "monopoi", "brewersdrip"], "2": ["BlInChIk", "SMoq", "KrAk3n", "GenOneill"], "-1": ["Iconoclast"]}, "access": "public", "state": "open", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "faf", "max_players": 8, "options": []}
  338. 11:42:07.780 [pool-2-thread-1] INFO c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Copying game files from FA to FAF folder
  339. 11:42:07.780 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Copying file 'D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\bin\BsSndRpt.exe' to 'C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\BsSndRpt.exe'
  340. 11:42:07.827 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Copying file 'D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\bin\BugSplat.dll' to 'C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\BugSplat.dll'
  341. 11:42:07.850 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Copying file 'D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\bin\BugSplatRc.dll' to 'C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\BugSplatRc.dll'
  342. 11:42:07.857 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Copying file 'D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\bin\d3dx9_31.dll' to 'C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\d3dx9_31.dll'
  343. 11:42:07.884 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Copying file 'D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\bin\DbgHelp.dll' to 'C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\DbgHelp.dll'
  344. 11:42:07.917 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Copying file 'D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\bin\game.dat' to 'C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\game.dat'
  345. 11:42:07.948 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Copying file 'D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\bin\GDFBinary.dll' to 'C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\GDFBinary.dll'
  346. 11:42:07.959 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Copying file 'D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\bin\gpgcore.dll' to 'C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\gpgcore.dll'
  347. 11:42:07.990 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Copying file 'D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\bin\gpggal.dll' to 'C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\gpggal.dll'
  348. 11:42:08.030 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Copying file 'D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\bin\LuaPlus_1081.dll' to 'C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\LuaPlus_1081.dll'
  349. 11:42:08.061 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Copying file 'D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\bin\MohoEngine.dll' to 'C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\MohoEngine.dll'
  350. 11:42:08.123 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Copying file 'D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\bin\msvcm80.dll' to 'C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\msvcm80.dll'
  351. 11:42:08.144 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Copying file 'D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\bin\msvcp80.dll' to 'C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\msvcp80.dll'
  352. 11:42:08.163 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Copying file 'D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\bin\msvcr80.dll' to 'C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\msvcr80.dll'
  353. 11:42:08.205 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Copying file 'D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\bin\SHSMP.DLL' to 'C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\SHSMP.DLL'
  354. 11:42:08.209 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Copying file 'D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\bin\SHW32d.DLL' to 'C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\SHW32d.DLL'
  355. 11:42:08.262 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Copying file 'D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\bin\splash.png' to 'C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\splash.png'
  356. 11:42:08.272 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Copying file 'D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\bin\steam_api.dll' to 'C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\steam_api.dll'
  357. 11:42:08.295 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Copying file 'D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\bin\steam_appid.txt' to 'C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\steam_appid.txt'
  358. 11:42:08.297 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Copying file 'D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\bin\SupComDataPath.lua' to 'C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\SupComDataPath.lua'
  359. 11:42:08.300 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Copying file 'D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\bin\SupremeCommander.exe' to 'C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\SupremeCommander.exe'
  360. 11:42:08.974 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Copying file 'D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\bin\sx32w.dll' to 'C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\sx32w.dll'
  361. 11:42:08.987 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Copying file 'D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\bin\wxmsw24u-vs80.dll' to 'C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\wxmsw24u-vs80.dll'
  362. 11:42:09.058 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Copying file 'D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\bin\zlibwapi.dll' to 'C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\zlibwapi.dll'
  363. 11:42:09.070 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.c.patch.UpdateServerAccessorImpl - Connecting to update server
  364. 11:42:09.113 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.c.patch.UpdateServerAccessorImpl - Connection to update server established
  365. 11:42:09.123 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: GET_FILES_TO_UPDATE FAF
  366. 11:42:09.195 [Thread-25] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: LIST_FILES_TO_UP
  367. 11:42:09.196 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\ForgedAlliance.exe
  368. 11:42:09.196 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: REQUEST_PATH bin $ForgedAlliance.exe
  369. 11:42:09.197 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\init_faf.lua
  370. 11:42:09.197 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: REQUEST_PATH bin init_faf.lua
  371. 11:42:09.197 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\init_ladder1v1.lua
  372. 11:42:09.197 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: REQUEST_PATH bin $init_ladder1v1.lua
  373. 11:42:09.197 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\GDFBinary.dll
  374. 11:42:09.208 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"1": 3650, "2": 3640, "3": 3634, "4": 1, "5": 1, "6": 1, "8": 1, "9": 1, "11": 3650, "12": 3650, "13": 3650, "14": 3650, "15": 3650, "17": 3650, "18": 3650, "19": 3650, "20": 3650, "21": 3650, "22": 3650}, "mapname": "island zero.v0001", "num_players": 9, "game_time": 1444295676.409718, "uid": 3949454, "title": "all welcome", "sim_mods": [], "game_type": 0, "host": "BlInChIk", "teams": {"1": ["konkonam", "itsBokchoy", "monopoi", "brewersdrip"], "2": ["BlInChIk", "SMoq", "KrAk3n", "GenOneill"], "-1": ["Iconoclast"]}, "access": "public", "state": "open", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "faf", "max_players": 8, "options": []}
  375. 11:42:09.217 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE bin GDFBinary.dll @6f57f59c2e705d7a5a02d49e3915cb26
  376. 11:42:09.217 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\SupComDataPath.lua
  377. 11:42:09.218 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE bin $SupComDataPath.lua @7fbc0ec8b8ac44223ffb5313908d3736
  378. 11:42:09.218 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\SupComDataPathFAF.lua
  379. 11:42:09.218 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: REQUEST_PATH bin *SupComDataPathFAF.lua
  380. 11:42:09.218 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\init_nonxt.lua
  381. 11:42:09.218 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: REQUEST_PATH bin init_nonxt.lua
  382. 11:42:09.235 [Thread-25] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: SEND_FILE_PATH
  383. 11:42:09.235 [Thread-25] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Downloading file to C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\ForgedAlliance.exe
  384. 11:42:14.208 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"1": 3650, "2": 3640, "3": 3634, "4": 1, "5": 1, "6": 1, "8": 1, "9": 1, "11": 3650, "12": 3650, "13": 3650, "14": 3650, "15": 3650, "17": 3650, "18": 3650, "19": 3650, "20": 3650, "21": 3650, "22": 3650}, "mapname": "island zero.v0001", "num_players": 10, "game_time": 1444295676.409718, "uid": 3949454, "title": "all welcome", "sim_mods": [], "game_type": 0, "host": "BlInChIk", "teams": {"1": ["konkonam", "itsBokchoy", "monopoi", "brewersdrip"], "2": ["BlInChIk", "SMoq", "KrAk3n", "GenOneill"], "-1": ["Iconoclast"]}, "access": "public", "state": "open", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "faf", "max_players": 8, "options": []}
  385. 11:42:14.276 [Thread-25] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: SEND_FILE_PATH
  386. 11:42:14.276 [Thread-25] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Downloading file to C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\init_faf.lua
  387. 11:42:14.619 [Thread-25] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: SEND_FILE_PATH
  388. 11:42:14.619 [Thread-25] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Downloading file to C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\init_ladder1v1.lua
  389. 11:42:14.662 [Thread-25] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  390. 11:42:14.662 [Thread-25] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: GDFBinary.dll
  391. 11:42:14.662 [Thread-25] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: PATCH_NOT_FOUND
  392. 11:42:14.662 [Thread-25] WARN c.f.c.patch.UpdateServerAccessorImpl - Patch not found for 'SupComDataPath.lua'
  393. 11:42:14.662 [Thread-25] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: REQUEST bin $SupComDataPath.lua
  394. 11:42:14.662 [Thread-25] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: SEND_FILE_PATH
  395. 11:42:14.663 [Thread-25] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Downloading file to C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\SupComDataPathFAF.lua
  396. 11:42:14.767 [Thread-25] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: SEND_FILE_PATH
  397. 11:42:14.767 [Thread-25] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Downloading file to C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\init_nonxt.lua
  398. 11:42:14.809 [Thread-25] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: SEND_FILE_PATH
  399. 11:42:14.809 [Thread-25] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Downloading file to C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\SupComDataPath.lua
  400. 11:42:15.150 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File group 'FAF' for game type 'faf' has been updated
  401. 11:42:15.151 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: GET_FILES_TO_UPDATE FAFGAMEDATA
  402. 11:42:15.194 [Thread-25] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: LIST_FILES_TO_UP
  403. 11:42:15.194 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\faforever.faf
  404. 11:42:15.194 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: REQUEST_PATH gamedata faforever.faf
  405. 11:42:15.194 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\effects.nx2
  406. 11:42:15.195 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: REQUEST_PATH gamedata effects.nx2
  407. 11:42:15.195 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\env.nx2
  408. 11:42:15.195 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: REQUEST_PATH gamedata env.nx2
  409. 11:42:15.195 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\loc.nx2
  410. 11:42:15.195 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: REQUEST_PATH gamedata loc.nx2
  411. 11:42:15.195 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\lua.nx2
  412. 11:42:15.195 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: REQUEST_PATH gamedata lua.nx2
  413. 11:42:15.195 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\meshes.nx2
  414. 11:42:15.196 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: REQUEST_PATH gamedata meshes.nx2
  415. 11:42:15.196 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\modules.nx2
  416. 11:42:15.196 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: REQUEST_PATH gamedata modules.nx2
  417. 11:42:15.198 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\projectiles.nx2
  418. 11:42:15.198 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: REQUEST_PATH gamedata projectiles.nx2
  419. 11:42:15.198 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\schook.nx2
  420. 11:42:15.199 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: REQUEST_PATH gamedata schook.nx2
  421. 11:42:15.199 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\textures.nx2
  422. 11:42:15.199 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: REQUEST_PATH gamedata textures.nx2
  423. 11:42:15.199 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\units.nx2
  424. 11:42:15.199 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: REQUEST_PATH gamedata units.nx2
  425. 11:42:15.201 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\etc.nx2
  426. 11:42:15.201 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: REQUEST_PATH gamedata etc.nx2
  427. 11:42:15.236 [Thread-25] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: SEND_FILE_PATH
  428. 11:42:15.236 [Thread-25] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Downloading file to C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\faforever.faf
  429. 11:42:17.264 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "SSC", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Selen"}, "rating_mean": 1369.64, "country": "CH", "number_of_games": 326, "rating_deviation": 61.0569, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": "", "tooltip": "FAF Donator"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 1021.31, "login": "Downlord", "ladder_rating_deviation": 49.628}
  430. 11:42:19.207 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"1": 3650, "2": 3640, "3": 3634, "4": 1, "5": 1, "6": 1, "8": 1, "9": 1, "11": 3650, "12": 3650, "13": 3650, "14": 3650, "15": 3650, "17": 3650, "18": 3650, "19": 3650, "20": 3650, "21": 3650, "22": 3650}, "mapname": "gap of rohan.v0001", "num_players": 6, "game_time": 1444295722.334152, "uid": 3949456, "title": "&gt;50 Games", "sim_mods": [], "game_type": 0, "host": "Depend", "teams": {"1": ["Last_Force", "ghost21"], "2": ["Depend", "Solar_Storm", "Zombe", "Darkhowl"]}, "access": "public", "state": "open", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "faf", "max_players": 8, "options": []}
  431. 11:42:19.227 [Thread-25] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: SEND_FILE_PATH
  432. 11:42:19.227 [Thread-25] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Downloading file to C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\effects.nx2
  433. 11:42:19.316 [Thread-25] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: SEND_FILE_PATH
  434. 11:42:19.317 [Thread-25] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Downloading file to C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\env.nx2
  435. 11:42:19.568 [Thread-25] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: SEND_FILE_PATH
  436. 11:42:19.569 [Thread-25] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Downloading file to C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\loc.nx2
  437. 11:42:19.684 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "e", "league": {"league": 3, "division": "Blaze"}, "rating_mean": 2466.0, "country": "FI", "number_of_games": 1720, "rating_deviation": 65.149, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": " Tournament Champion.png", "tooltip": "2vs2 Tournament Champion"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 2003.54, "login": "Blodir", "ladder_rating_deviation": 52.2891}
  438. 11:42:19.835 [Thread-25] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: SEND_FILE_PATH
  439. 11:42:19.835 [Thread-25] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Downloading file to C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\lua.nx2
  440. 11:42:20.579 [Thread-25] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: SEND_FILE_PATH
  441. 11:42:20.581 [Thread-25] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Downloading file to C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\meshes.nx2
  442. 11:42:21.566 [Thread-25] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: SEND_FILE_PATH
  443. 11:42:21.568 [Thread-25] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Downloading file to C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\modules.nx2
  444. 11:42:21.656 [Thread-25] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: SEND_FILE_PATH
  445. 11:42:21.658 [Thread-25] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Downloading file to C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\projectiles.nx2
  446. 11:42:22.386 [Thread-25] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: SEND_FILE_PATH
  447. 11:42:22.386 [Thread-25] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Downloading file to C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\schook.nx2
  448. 11:42:22.652 [Thread-25] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: SEND_FILE_PATH
  449. 11:42:22.654 [Thread-25] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Downloading file to C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\textures.nx2
  450. 11:42:24.213 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"1": 3650, "2": 3640, "3": 3634, "4": 1, "5": 1, "6": 1, "8": 1, "9": 1, "11": 3650, "12": 3650, "13": 3650, "14": 3650, "15": 3650, "17": 3650, "18": 3650, "19": 3650, "20": 3650, "21": 3650, "22": 3650}, "mapname": "gap of rohan.v0001", "num_players": 5, "game_time": 1444295722.334152, "uid": 3949456, "title": "&gt;50 Games", "sim_mods": [], "game_type": 0, "host": "Depend", "teams": {"1": ["Last_Force"], "2": ["Depend", "Solar_Storm", "Zombe", "Darkhowl"]}, "access": "public", "state": "open", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "faf", "max_players": 8, "options": []}
  451. 11:42:26.524 [Thread-25] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: SEND_FILE_PATH
  452. 11:42:26.526 [Thread-25] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Downloading file to C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\units.nx2
  453. 11:42:29.215 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"1": 3650, "2": 3640, "3": 3634, "4": 1, "5": 1, "6": 1, "8": 1, "9": 1, "11": 3650, "12": 3650, "13": 3650, "14": 3650, "15": 3650, "17": 3650, "18": 3650, "19": 3650, "20": 3650, "21": 3650, "22": 3650}, "mapname": "island zero.v0001", "num_players": 10, "game_time": 1444295676.409718, "uid": 3949454, "title": "all welcome", "sim_mods": [], "game_type": 0, "host": "BlInChIk", "teams": {"1": ["konkonam", "itsBokchoy", "monopoi", "brewersdrip"], "2": ["BlInChIk", "SMoq", "KrAk3n", "GenOneill"], "-1": ["Iconoclast"]}, "access": "public", "state": "open", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "faf", "max_players": 8, "options": []}
  454. 11:42:34.223 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"1": 3650, "2": 3640, "3": 3634, "4": 1, "5": 1, "6": 1, "8": 1, "9": 1, "11": 3650, "12": 3650, "13": 3650, "14": 3650, "15": 3650, "17": 3650, "18": 3650, "19": 3650, "20": 3650, "21": 3650, "22": 3650}, "mapname": "island zero.v0001", "num_players": 10, "game_time": 1444295676.409718, "uid": 3949454, "title": "all welcome", "sim_mods": [], "game_type": 0, "host": "BlInChIk", "teams": {"1": ["konkonam", "itsBokchoy", "monopoi", "brewersdrip"], "2": ["BlInChIk", "SMoq", "KrAk3n", "GenOneill"], "-1": ["Iconoclast"]}, "access": "public", "state": "open", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "faf", "max_players": 8, "options": []}
  455. 11:42:39.222 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {}, "num_players": 0, "game_time": 0, "uid": 3949474, "title": "unknown", "sim_mods": [], "game_type": "unknown", "host": "unknown", "teams": {}, "mapname": "unknown", "state": "closed", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "unknown", "max_players": 0, "options": []}
  456. 11:42:40.164 [Thread-25] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: SEND_FILE_PATH
  457. 11:42:40.166 [Thread-25] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Downloading file to C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\etc.nx2
  458. 11:42:40.211 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File group 'FAFGAMEDATA' for game type 'faf' has been updated
  459. 11:42:40.214 [pool-2-thread-1] INFO c.f.c.patch.UpdateServerAccessorImpl - Disconnected from update server
  460. 11:42:40.215 [Thread-27] DEBUG c.f.c.l.writer.JsonMessageSerializer - Writing to server: {"gameport": 6112,"mapname": "BunnyRoanokeV11.v0001","title": "Testy","mod": "faf","options": [],"access": "public","command": "game_host"} Androish 3113059379
  461. 11:42:40.256 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: ACK
  462. 11:42:40.256 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Server acknowledged 326 bytes
  463. 11:42:40.256 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"version": null, "command": "game_launch", "uid": 3949480, "args": ["/ratingcolor d5d5d5d5", "/numgames 206"], "mod": "faf"}
  464. 11:42:40.258 [Thread-14] INFO c.f.c.fa.ForgedAllianceServiceImpl - Starting Forged Alliance with command: [C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\ForgedAlliance.exe, /init, init_faf.lua, /nobugreport, /log, C:\ProgramData\FAForever\log\game.log, /gpgnet,, /mean, 1241.86, /deviation, 64.4141, /savereplay, gpgnet://localhost/3949480/Androish.SCFAreplay, /country, NO, /clan, 42, /ratingcolor, d5d5d5d5, /numgames, 206]
  465. 11:42:40.266 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.l.writer.JsonMessageSerializer - Writing to server: {"state": "on","command": "fa_state"} Androish 3113059379
  466. 11:42:40.302 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: ACK
  467. 11:42:40.302 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Server acknowledged 122 bytes
  468. 11:42:42.683 [Thread-28] INFO - Forged Alliance terminated with exit code 1
  469. 11:42:42.683 [Thread-28] INFO c.f.client.legacy.proxy.ProxyImpl - Closing proxy sockets
  470. 11:42:42.684 [Thread-28] DEBUG c.f.c.l.writer.JsonMessageSerializer - Writing to server: {"state": "off","command": "fa_state"} Androish 3113059379
  471. 11:42:42.721 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: ACK
  472. 11:42:42.721 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Server acknowledged 124 bytes
  473. 11:42:44.208 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"1": 3650, "2": 3640, "3": 3634, "4": 1, "5": 1, "6": 1, "8": 1, "9": 1, "11": 3650, "12": 3650, "13": 3650, "14": 3650, "15": 3650, "17": 3650, "18": 3650, "19": 3650, "20": 3650, "21": 3650, "22": 3650}, "mapname": "gap of rohan.v0001", "num_players": 6, "game_time": 1444295722.334152, "uid": 3949456, "title": "&gt;50 Games", "sim_mods": [], "game_type": 0, "host": "Depend", "teams": {"1": ["Last_Force", "MrRectum"], "2": ["Depend", "Solar_Storm", "Zombe", "Darkhowl"]}, "access": "public", "state": "open", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "faf", "max_players": 8, "options": []}
  474. 11:42:47.899 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO o.s.c.a.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext - Closing org.springframework.context.annotation.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext@3a74f1: startup date [Thu Oct 08 11:41:55 CEST 2015]; root of context hierarchy
  475. 11:42:47.901 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO c.f.c.patch.UpdateServerAccessorImpl - Disconnected from update server
  476. 11:42:47.904 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO c.f.c.legacy.ModsServerAccessorImpl - Disconnected from mods server
  477. 11:42:47.905 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO c.f.client.legacy.proxy.ProxyImpl - Closing proxy sockets
  478. 11:42:47.905 [Thread-9] INFO c.f.c.l.relay.LocalRelayServerImpl - Closed local relay server
  479. 11:42:47.905 [JavaFX Application Thread] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Closed connection to FAF lobby server
  480. 11:42:47.905 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Connection to FAF server has been closed
  481. 11:43:15.300 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO o.s.c.a.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext - Refreshing org.springframework.context.annotation.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext@3a74f1: startup date [Thu Oct 08 11:43:15 CEST 2015]; root of context hierarchy
  482. 11:43:16.331 [JavaFX Application Thread] WARN - unable to change permissions for everybody: C:\Users\sondr\AppData\Roaming\Forged Alliance Forever\play-services
  483. 11:43:16.331 [JavaFX Application Thread] WARN - unable to change permissions for owner: C:\Users\sondr\AppData\Roaming\Forged Alliance Forever\play-services
  484. 11:43:16.395 [Thread-9] INFO c.f.c.l.relay.LocalRelayServerImpl - Relay server listening on port 64843
  485. 11:43:16.465 [JavaFX Application Thread] DEBUG c.f.client.mod.ModServiceImpl - Reading mod C:\Users\sondr\Documents\My Games\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\mods\common
  486. 11:43:16.466 [JavaFX Application Thread] DEBUG c.f.client.mod.ModServiceImpl - Reading mod C:\Users\sondr\Documents\My Games\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\mods\DualScreen
  487. 11:43:16.466 [JavaFX Application Thread] DEBUG c.f.client.mod.ModServiceImpl - Reading mod C:\Users\sondr\Documents\My Games\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\mods\EM
  488. 11:43:16.466 [JavaFX Application Thread] DEBUG c.f.client.mod.ModServiceImpl - Reading mod C:\Users\sondr\Documents\My Games\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\mods\Notify
  489. 11:43:16.467 [JavaFX Application Thread] DEBUG c.f.client.mod.ModServiceImpl - Reading mod C:\Users\sondr\Documents\My Games\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\mods\SCUNameTool
  490. 11:43:16.470 [JavaFX Application Thread] DEBUG c.f.client.mod.ModServiceImpl - Reading mod C:\Users\sondr\Documents\My Games\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\mods\SupremeScoreBoard
  491. 11:43:16.471 [JavaFX Application Thread] DEBUG c.f.client.mod.ModServiceImpl - Reading mod C:\Users\sondr\Documents\My Games\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\mods\UI-Party
  492. 11:43:17.940 [Thread-14] INFO c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Trying to connect to FAF server at
  493. 11:43:17.980 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.l.writer.JsonMessageSerializer - Writing to server: {"command": "ask_session"} Androish??
  494. 11:43:17.980 [Thread-14] INFO c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - FAF server connection established
  495. 11:43:18.021 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: ACK
  496. 11:43:18.022 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Server acknowledged 80 bytes
  497. 11:43:18.025 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"session": 1072261275, "command": "welcome"}
  498. 11:43:21.107 [Thread-14] INFO c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - FAF session initiated, session ID: 1072261275
  499. 11:43:21.110 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.l.writer.JsonMessageSerializer - Writing to server: {"login": "Androish","password": "********","session": "1072261275","unique_id": "CTVXemdNT2haZzJhTEswRUJPc2VHeEE9PW1RaVRaMzY3eEc5UGhwalNZT2JQSkVN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\nUDBBczVFbUtzZGtQRVNPR3dRTmJ5VlJHNnJnK0FPMUpDRG1nbVNSUT09","local_ip": "","version": 0,"user_agent": "downlords-faf-client","command": "hello"} Androish 1072261275
  500. 11:43:21.110 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"1": 3650, "2": 3640, "3": 3634, "4": 1, "5": 1, "6": 1, "8": 1, "9": 1, "11": 3650, "12": 3650, "13": 3650, "14": 3650, "15": 3650, "17": 3650, "18": 3650, "19": 3650, "20": 3650, "21": 3650, "22": 3650}, "mapname": "gap of rohan.v0001", "num_players": 7, "game_time": 1444295722.334152, "uid": 3949456, "title": "&gt;50 Games", "sim_mods": [], "game_type": 0, "host": "Depend", "teams": {"1": ["Last_Force", "MrRectum", "burgie82"], "2": ["Depend", "Solar_Storm", "Zombe", "Darkhowl"]}, "access": "public", "state": "open", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "faf", "max_players": 8, "options": []}
  501. 11:43:21.124 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"1": 3641, "2": 3645, "11": 3651, "12": 3651, "13": 3651, "14": 3651, "15": 3651, "17": 3651, "18": 3651, "19": 3651, "20": 3651, "21": 3651, "22": 3644}, "mapname": "astro_crater_battles", "num_players": 1, "game_time": 1444297375.507719, "uid": 3949481, "title": "only noobs | &lt;1000 :P", "sim_mods": [], "game_type": 0, "host": "Soldier", "teams": {"0": ["Soldier"]}, "access": "public", "state": "open", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "balancetesting", "max_players": 6, "options": []}
  502. 11:43:21.169 [JavaFX Application Thread] WARN - Last_Force is not returned by playerService
  503. 11:43:21.172 [JavaFX Application Thread] WARN - Depend is not returned by playerService
  504. 11:43:21.260 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: ACK
  505. 11:43:21.263 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Server acknowledged 2478 bytes
  506. 11:43:21.263 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"command": "welcome", "id": 15762, "email": ""}
  507. 11:43:21.263 [Thread-14] INFO c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - FAF login succeeded
  508. 11:43:21.264 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1500.0, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 0, "rating_deviation": 500.0, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "blacloss", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  509. 11:43:21.264 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.c.parsecom.ParseCloudService - Calling cloud function 'signUpIfNecessary' with params {uid=15762, password=84e62c637852beba407cf61d075cae012fa0b367ad299d32eb2cb12f0addf2b4,, username=Androish}
  510. 11:43:21.267 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1146.91, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 198, "rating_deviation": 69.6224, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 733.381, "login": "Rolve", "ladder_rating_deviation": 133.333}
  511. 11:43:21.267 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1500.0, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 0, "rating_deviation": 500.0, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "ast12321", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  512. 11:43:21.267 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 969.3095768883056, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 661, "rating_deviation": 70.20206947150244, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 737.675, "login": "cnsspd", "ladder_rating_deviation": 301.436}
  513. 11:43:21.271 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1242.9811561463282, "country": "AU", "number_of_games": 81, "rating_deviation": 115.97129466445091, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "Tinlegs", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  514. 11:43:21.271 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 2, "division": "Striker"}, "rating_mean": 1618.2919486520764, "country": "FI", "number_of_games": 413, "rating_deviation": 67.6024564574957, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1194.43, "login": "Giebmasse", "ladder_rating_deviation": 57.6983}
  515. 11:43:21.271 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1500.0, "country": "", "number_of_games": 0, "rating_deviation": 500.0, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "CrustyRag", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  516. 11:43:21.271 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1500.0, "country": "NL", "number_of_games": 0, "rating_deviation": 500.0, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "Kihou", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  517. 11:43:21.272 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1500, "country": "DE", "number_of_games": 0, "rating_deviation": 500, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500, "login": "iMysterY", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500}
  518. 11:43:21.272 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Selen"}, "rating_mean": 1211.1569073240173, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 64, "rating_deviation": 124.27122164629417, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1055.87, "login": "ReverendPoon", "ladder_rating_deviation": 70.4302}
  519. 11:43:21.272 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1500.0, "country": "AU", "number_of_games": 0, "rating_deviation": 500.0, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "Ribone", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  520. 11:43:21.272 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1852.394160357052, "country": "FI", "number_of_games": 1255, "rating_deviation": 67.89150234959695, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "Valonsurma", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  521. 11:43:21.273 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1351.016667827902, "country": "SE", "number_of_games": 0, "rating_deviation": 473.37151403652126, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "drakir", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  522. 11:43:21.273 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1500.0, "country": "CA", "number_of_games": 0, "rating_deviation": 500.0, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "Metzen", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  523. 11:43:21.273 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1618.8, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 453, "rating_deviation": 61.0543, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1051.54, "login": "Torch", "ladder_rating_deviation": 92.4077}
  524. 11:43:21.273 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1500.0, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 0, "rating_deviation": 500.0, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "wick", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  525. 11:43:21.274 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1500.0, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 0, "rating_deviation": 500.0, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "Shaded009", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  526. 11:43:21.274 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1148.27, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 159, "rating_deviation": 74.3535, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 899.744, "login": "grover234", "ladder_rating_deviation": 107.037}
  527. 11:43:21.274 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1500.0, "country": "NZ", "number_of_games": 0, "rating_deviation": 500.0, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "SparKill", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  528. 11:43:21.274 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Selen"}, "rating_mean": 1427.4876745216175, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 764, "rating_deviation": 66.25609806128723, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 863.464, "login": "Jokr", "ladder_rating_deviation": 54.7866}
  529. 11:43:21.276 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1293.21, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 2, "rating_deviation": 434.327, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 550.302, "login": "Banana_Man", "ladder_rating_deviation": 306.632}
  530. 11:43:21.277 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mech Marine"}, "rating_mean": 1678.68, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 230, "rating_deviation": 65.9283, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1381.8, "login": "Superdog", "ladder_rating_deviation": 53.805}
  531. 11:43:21.277 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1500.0, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 0, "rating_deviation": 500.0, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "mborr12", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  532. 11:43:21.277 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1318.0833349582576, "country": "NZ", "number_of_games": 20, "rating_deviation": 161.37150553640203, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 906.873, "login": "Rakuza", "ladder_rating_deviation": 215.38}
  533. 11:43:21.277 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1704.47, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 473, "rating_deviation": 68.4025, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "AngryArty", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  534. 11:43:21.277 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1075.72, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 40, "rating_deviation": 153.958, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "ambhamilton21", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  535. 11:43:21.278 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1103.53, "country": "RU", "number_of_games": 18, "rating_deviation": 224.929, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "NoobieBotMarkIV", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  536. 11:43:21.278 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "OCN", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1236.25, "country": "", "number_of_games": 1, "rating_deviation": 430.289, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 687.277, "login": "Kavron", "ladder_rating_deviation": 235.376}
  537. 11:43:21.304 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "FoE", "league": {"league": 2, "division": "Zthuee"}, "rating_mean": 1290.87, "country": "SI", "number_of_games": 287, "rating_deviation": 66.5644, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1049.8109948443162, "login": "Green_Nymph", "ladder_rating_deviation": 47.66292554302466}
  538. 11:43:21.305 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1489.973396174575, "country": "AU", "number_of_games": 15, "rating_deviation": 252.80493457929953, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "chunkymonkey", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  539. 11:43:21.305 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1179.0171629558067, "country": "CZ", "number_of_games": 238, "rating_deviation": 76.36475793077352, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "GeneralBlindShot", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  540. 11:43:21.305 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1213.13, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 147, "rating_deviation": 79.419, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 501.35, "login": "TheOnlyMan", "ladder_rating_deviation": 181.416}
  541. 11:43:21.305 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 3, "division": "Pillar"}, "rating_mean": 1587.9953748679668, "country": "SE", "number_of_games": 960, "rating_deviation": 66.70419596423177, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1427.7, "login": "SuperPanavision", "ladder_rating_deviation": 47.4902}
  542. 11:43:21.306 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "LDB", "league": {"league": 2, "division": "Zthuee"}, "rating_mean": 1237.76, "country": "GB", "number_of_games": 72, "rating_deviation": 67.0234, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 932.943, "login": "SWG", "ladder_rating_deviation": 47.7312}
  543. 11:43:21.306 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1500.0, "country": "", "number_of_games": 0, "rating_deviation": 500.0, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "dwissing", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  544. 11:43:21.306 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 795.142, "country": "LU", "number_of_games": 49, "rating_deviation": 153.77, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 681.529, "login": "Wallace", "ladder_rating_deviation": 328.652}
  545. 11:43:21.309 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1500.0, "country": "FR", "number_of_games": 0, "rating_deviation": 500.0, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "ivanesco", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  546. 11:43:21.309 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1619.16, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 2031, "rating_deviation": 67.7332, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "thnx4playing", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  547. 11:43:21.309 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Spirit"}, "rating_mean": 1877.53, "country": "RU", "number_of_games": 10, "rating_deviation": 224.786, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 2188.38, "login": "STAKKER", "ladder_rating_deviation": 110.534}
  548. 11:43:21.309 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1211.81, "country": "CA", "number_of_games": 84, "rating_deviation": 113.506, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": " supporter !.png", "tooltip": "Wildman supporter !"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "MagicDoc", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  549. 11:43:21.309 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Snoop"}, "rating_mean": 1366.9422625176098, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 202, "rating_deviation": 76.20453153582031, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 707.41, "login": "Mittur", "ladder_rating_deviation": 65.4597}
  550. 11:43:21.309 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1117.5837293951683, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 275, "rating_deviation": 71.65169765649934, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1288.8, "login": "cdrgary", "ladder_rating_deviation": 225.936}
  551. 11:43:21.310 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 652.2910998890353, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 56, "rating_deviation": 119.14908419712282, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 400.585, "login": "SATA24", "ladder_rating_deviation": 149.668}
  552. 11:43:21.310 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Snoop"}, "rating_mean": 1363.62, "country": "GB", "number_of_games": 585, "rating_deviation": 69.1565, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 808.947, "login": "Swolbraham_Linc", "ladder_rating_deviation": 74.1442}
  553. 11:43:21.310 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1494.5, "country": "VE", "number_of_games": 259, "rating_deviation": 57.9082, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1153.41, "login": "raishin", "ladder_rating_deviation": 55.3437}
  554. 11:43:21.310 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1138.82, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 1, "rating_deviation": 450.259, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "ClanSpanker", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  555. 11:43:21.310 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 941.491, "country": "DE", "number_of_games": 130, "rating_deviation": 81.3352, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 351.01542286568895, "login": "Felix5010", "ladder_rating_deviation": 137.24753433169573}
  556. 11:43:21.311 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 2, "division": "Striker"}, "rating_mean": 1548.35, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 914, "rating_deviation": 67.0452, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1221.83, "login": "stormbeforedawn", "ladder_rating_deviation": 48.3789}
  557. 11:43:21.311 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1818.24, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 1425, "rating_deviation": 68.6065, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "Ferball", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  558. 11:43:21.311 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1281.1043485204864, "country": "AU", "number_of_games": 684, "rating_deviation": 66.93936117432835, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "Assault000Legion", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  559. 11:43:21.311 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "SIR", "league": {"league": 2, "division": "Striker"}, "rating_mean": 1524.7624778769068, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 743, "rating_deviation": 68.05780611264476, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1034.98, "login": "TechN9ne", "ladder_rating_deviation": 52.4138}
  560. 11:43:21.317 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1500.0, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 0, "rating_deviation": 500.0, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "Lostax", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  561. 11:43:21.318 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "GB", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Snoop"}, "rating_mean": 1657.7176953382796, "country": "GB", "number_of_games": 890, "rating_deviation": 66.33458673738716, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 992.275, "login": "Katara", "ladder_rating_deviation": 71.9717}
  562. 11:43:21.318 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "VoR", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Selen"}, "rating_mean": 1618.52, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 2240, "rating_deviation": 67.7292, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": "", "tooltip": "I'm a FAF caster !"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 1262.63, "login": "BRNKoINSANITY", "ladder_rating_deviation": 59.8849}
  563. 11:43:21.318 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1331.3335976090616, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 355, "rating_deviation": 70.03919992592607, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 880.334, "login": "incidental", "ladder_rating_deviation": 237.101}
  564. 11:43:21.318 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1635.81, "country": "DE", "number_of_games": 1, "rating_deviation": 465.065, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "finstas", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  565. 11:43:21.319 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "BFA", "rating_mean": 1423.697796151549, "country": "FR", "number_of_games": 629, "rating_deviation": 69.90709310769002, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": "", "tooltip": "Clan War Participant"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "Dady_heretike", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  566. 11:43:21.319 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1286.5, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 309, "rating_deviation": 64.2458, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1249.87, "login": "HEAVY", "ladder_rating_deviation": 189.07}
  567. 11:43:21.319 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mech Marine"}, "rating_mean": 1269.13, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 637, "rating_deviation": 68.542, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 862.43, "login": "nonzero", "ladder_rating_deviation": 48.0592}
  568. 11:43:21.336 [Thread-16] INFO - Connecting to IRC at
  569. 11:43:21.345 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "VoR", "league": {"league": 2, "division": "Zthuee"}, "rating_mean": 1534.13, "country": "CA", "number_of_games": 1556, "rating_deviation": 58.3993, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": "", "tooltip": "The Voice of Reason"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 1464.2973177396864, "login": "Com", "ladder_rating_deviation": 46.82924872796017}
  570. 11:43:21.345 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Snoop"}, "rating_mean": 1219.55, "country": "", "number_of_games": 94, "rating_deviation": 104.365, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 613.9, "login": "Bell", "ladder_rating_deviation": 63.6519}
  571. 11:43:21.345 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1269.3585814715893, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 97, "rating_deviation": 100.42598118319059, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 681.471, "login": "Hakeldama", "ladder_rating_deviation": 131.144}
  572. 11:43:21.345 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "God", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 886.152, "country": "DE", "number_of_games": 20, "rating_deviation": 209.049, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 812.906, "login": "ibiq", "ladder_rating_deviation": 240.969}
  573. 11:43:21.346 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1500.0, "country": "CA", "number_of_games": 0, "rating_deviation": 500.0, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "royboy360", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  574. 11:43:21.346 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 3, "division": "Pillar"}, "rating_mean": 1231.84, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 182, "rating_deviation": 81.5982, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1155.0737377631526, "login": "dakenho", "ladder_rating_deviation": 48.58655432716884}
  575. 11:43:21.346 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "VoR", "rating_mean": 1624.33, "country": "CA", "number_of_games": 489, "rating_deviation": 60.3503, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": "", "tooltip": "Clan War Participant"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 1238.33, "login": "McNulty", "ladder_rating_deviation": 392.922}
  576. 11:43:21.346 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "BFA", "league": {"league": 2, "division": "Striker"}, "rating_mean": 1756.4522650215924, "country": "FR", "number_of_games": 1485, "rating_deviation": 67.70317520190615, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": "", "tooltip": "I'm a FAF caster !"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 1407.45, "login": "BabyPoch", "ladder_rating_deviation": 54.9643}
  577. 11:43:21.346 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1500.0, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 0, "rating_deviation": 500.0, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "DrBallisticDon", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  578. 11:43:21.346 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1165.8002926372997, "country": "", "number_of_games": 110, "rating_deviation": 97.91113144949337, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1065.02, "login": "JorhanStahl", "ladder_rating_deviation": 350.993}
  579. 11:43:21.347 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1038.28, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 31, "rating_deviation": 124.159, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 342.744, "login": "Mecromage", "ladder_rating_deviation": 218.386}
  580. 11:43:21.347 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 4, "division": "Percival"}, "rating_mean": 1939.22, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 88, "rating_deviation": 67.7812, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": "", "tooltip": "First of my division !"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 1901.3673413920162, "login": "Ti_Xi", "ladder_rating_deviation": 47.12672519430541}
  581. 11:43:21.347 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1500.0, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 0, "rating_deviation": 500.0, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "FatCamper", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  582. 11:43:21.347 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "BC", "league": {"league": 3, "division": "Wagner"}, "rating_mean": 1687.3463635770988, "country": "NO", "number_of_games": 1829, "rating_deviation": 67.4847846533988, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": "", "tooltip": "Map Author"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 1478.61, "login": "Cassimus", "ladder_rating_deviation": 47.363}
  583. 11:43:21.347 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "BC", "league": {"league": 3, "division": "Obsidian"}, "rating_mean": 1692.52, "country": "NL", "number_of_games": 1908, "rating_deviation": 68.4123, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": "", "tooltip": "Master of Cake"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 1548.73, "login": "Totaltuna", "ladder_rating_deviation": 47.7343}
  584. 11:43:21.348 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 2, "division": "Aurora"}, "rating_mean": 1196.3, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 265, "rating_deviation": 70.4149, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": "", "tooltip": "First of my division !"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 869.403, "login": "BetterSpartan", "ladder_rating_deviation": 48.0528}
  585. 11:43:21.348 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "AIx", "league": {"league": 3, "division": "Obsidian"}, "rating_mean": 1738.36, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 784, "rating_deviation": 57.72, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": "", "tooltip": "Personal Trainer"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 1687.73, "login": "Svedka", "ladder_rating_deviation": 47.3821}
  586. 11:43:21.348 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1797.0527701258252, "country": "", "number_of_games": 0, "rating_deviation": 451.60181222082724, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500, "login": "circusmonkey", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500}
  587. 11:43:21.348 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1113.06, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 51, "rating_deviation": 144.707, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "LtDan04", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  588. 11:43:21.348 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 3, "division": "Blaze"}, "rating_mean": 1346.25226355508, "country": "AU", "number_of_games": 2191, "rating_deviation": 68.08890647838902, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": "", "tooltip": "FAF Donator"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 990.635, "login": "nemir", "ladder_rating_deviation": 48.8834}
  589. 11:43:21.349 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1702.1658286741601, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 1027, "rating_deviation": 68.10136938561598, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 775.909, "login": "A_Naked_Girl", "ladder_rating_deviation": 137.702}
  590. 11:43:21.349 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 961.784, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 129, "rating_deviation": 86.6571, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "squidicuz", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  591. 11:43:21.349 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 843.7906987757914, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 27, "rating_deviation": 124.84156641988746, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 483.552, "login": "ISEEYOU2", "ladder_rating_deviation": 144.2}
  592. 11:43:21.349 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "LDB", "league": {"league": 3, "division": "Blaze"}, "rating_mean": 977.974, "country": "DE", "number_of_games": 477, "rating_deviation": 54.5522, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": "", "tooltip": "Tournament Participant"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 817.7860965286123, "login": "Grothe", "ladder_rating_deviation": 47.47496429990136}
  593. 11:43:21.349 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1283.0, "country": "AU", "number_of_games": 12, "rating_deviation": 247.427, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": -21.9875, "login": "barsmate", "ladder_rating_deviation": 127.034}
  594. 11:43:21.349 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "AIx", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Snoop"}, "rating_mean": 1500.0, "country": "NO", "number_of_games": 0, "rating_deviation": 500.0, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1413.79, "login": "DeadPuppy", "ladder_rating_deviation": 83.9333}
  595. 11:43:21.350 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "NbO", "league": {"league": 2, "division": "Thaam"}, "rating_mean": 1700.68, "country": "JP", "number_of_games": 1348, "rating_deviation": 67.2553, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1655.59, "login": "NoobPlayer", "ladder_rating_deviation": 47.8623}
  596. 11:43:21.350 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1512.64, "country": "GB", "number_of_games": 155, "rating_deviation": 89.1113, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "Tas", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  597. 11:43:21.350 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 823.216, "country": "DE", "number_of_games": 853, "rating_deviation": 69.5524, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "berti2", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  598. 11:43:21.350 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "LDB", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Spirit"}, "rating_mean": 737.776, "country": "AU", "number_of_games": 113, "rating_deviation": 56.5295, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 459.385, "login": "ZOB", "ladder_rating_deviation": 54.362}
  599. 11:43:21.350 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1095.99, "country": "DE", "number_of_games": 99, "rating_deviation": 93.7318, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "monopoi", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  600. 11:43:21.350 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Spirit"}, "rating_mean": 1599.61, "country": "DE", "number_of_games": 798, "rating_deviation": 66.3454, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1195.53, "login": "zezee", "ladder_rating_deviation": 85.7429}
  601. 11:43:21.351 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1500.0, "country": "GB", "number_of_games": 0, "rating_deviation": 500.0, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "PaulPower", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  602. 11:43:21.351 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 2226.92, "country": "DK", "number_of_games": 31, "rating_deviation": 206.014, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": "", "tooltip": "Looking Down"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "Viking", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  603. 11:43:21.385 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "CYB", "league": {"league": 2, "division": "Zthuee"}, "rating_mean": 1469.96, "country": "DE", "number_of_games": 719, "rating_deviation": 62.408, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1513.25, "login": "CptYang", "ladder_rating_deviation": 48.2071}
  604. 11:43:21.385 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1483.01, "country": "DE", "number_of_games": 450, "rating_deviation": 68.0381, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1045.42, "login": "lacur", "ladder_rating_deviation": 324.679}
  605. 11:43:21.385 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1153.4282481981838, "country": "RU", "number_of_games": 1, "rating_deviation": 391.2601648352601, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "Kaktys", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  606. 11:43:21.385 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1091.6261394309875, "country": "DE", "number_of_games": 173, "rating_deviation": 83.31707492847161, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "Lochschwager", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  607. 11:43:21.386 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1098.11, "country": "FR", "number_of_games": 66, "rating_deviation": 122.288, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "Alfa", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  608. 11:43:21.386 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 972.3059994772883, "country": "RU", "number_of_games": 147, "rating_deviation": 71.53127486690306, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "Abakumoff", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  609. 11:43:21.389 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Spirit"}, "rating_mean": 1091.39, "country": "AU", "number_of_games": 25, "rating_deviation": 186.562, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 526.87, "login": "james853", "ladder_rating_deviation": 81.6291}
  610. 11:43:21.389 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "LDB", "league": {"league": 3, "division": "Blaze"}, "rating_mean": 1655.94, "country": "AU", "number_of_games": 110, "rating_deviation": 67.758, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1389.24, "login": "This_Guy", "ladder_rating_deviation": 48.2322}
  611. 11:43:21.389 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Selen"}, "rating_mean": 785.986, "country": "FR", "number_of_games": 330, "rating_deviation": 72.2352, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 384.016, "login": "buckritan", "ladder_rating_deviation": 49.5107}
  612. 11:43:21.390 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1214.56, "country": "RU", "number_of_games": 891, "rating_deviation": 66.938, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 834.934, "login": "Aigul9", "ladder_rating_deviation": 338.975}
  613. 11:43:21.390 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1375.95, "country": "PL", "number_of_games": 425, "rating_deviation": 70.7169, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1103.2, "login": "Mhad", "ladder_rating_deviation": 288.986}
  614. 11:43:21.390 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1268.5, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 1, "rating_deviation": 455.914, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 101.827, "login": "NikoNikolai", "ladder_rating_deviation": 118.939}
  615. 11:43:21.390 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1268.6, "country": "DE", "number_of_games": 1, "rating_deviation": 440.381, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 165.383, "login": "Taps", "ladder_rating_deviation": 135.261}
  616. 11:43:21.390 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1553.08, "country": "RU", "number_of_games": 48, "rating_deviation": 89.1672, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "IMMORTAL_CZAR", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  617. 11:43:21.391 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "e", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Selen"}, "rating_mean": 2268.85, "country": "CZ", "number_of_games": 1028, "rating_deviation": 68.2328, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": "", "tooltip": "King of Crimson Feud"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 2050.85, "login": "speed2", "ladder_rating_deviation": 69.9571}
  618. 11:43:21.391 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "ADG", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1164.4981750101388, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 763, "rating_deviation": 69.56866500608844, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1074.1, "login": "KD7BCH", "ladder_rating_deviation": 332.898}
  619. 11:43:21.391 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "CYB", "league": {"league": 3, "division": "Blaze"}, "rating_mean": 1320.05, "country": "ZA", "number_of_games": 566, "rating_deviation": 49.3771, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": "", "tooltip": "Aeon"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 1209.14, "login": "U3F", "ladder_rating_deviation": 48.2575}
  620. 11:43:21.392 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 3, "division": "Pillar"}, "rating_mean": 1475.49, "country": "CH", "number_of_games": 578, "rating_deviation": 65.4393, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1328.92, "login": "iznogoud", "ladder_rating_deviation": 47.7597}
  621. 11:43:21.392 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1296.66, "country": "NO", "number_of_games": 6, "rating_deviation": 315.853, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1252.32, "login": "Matemias", "ladder_rating_deviation": 157.72}
  622. 11:43:21.392 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "UEF", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1776.24, "country": "AU", "number_of_games": 109, "rating_deviation": 86.8758, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": "", "tooltip": "He who watches"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 1445.98, "login": "Deering", "ladder_rating_deviation": 105.03}
  623. 11:43:21.392 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "HTX", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 942.25, "country": "DK", "number_of_games": 59, "rating_deviation": 77.2945, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 547.361, "login": "Chuthulu", "ladder_rating_deviation": 75.5117}
  624. 11:43:21.393 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1032.37, "country": "RU", "number_of_games": 3, "rating_deviation": 345.46, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1238.64, "login": "KotShaman", "ladder_rating_deviation": 310.669}
  625. 11:43:21.393 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1011.16, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 334, "rating_deviation": 72.667, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 211.602, "login": "notcrazykarl", "ladder_rating_deviation": 183.822}
  626. 11:43:21.393 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1497.67, "country": "GB", "number_of_games": 887, "rating_deviation": 65.9807, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 840.163, "login": "InABlink", "ladder_rating_deviation": 147.036}
  627. 11:43:21.393 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1272.52922047604, "country": "AU", "number_of_games": 52, "rating_deviation": 112.68142897214102, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "Cranky123", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  628. 11:43:21.393 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 2, "division": "Aurora"}, "rating_mean": 1282.39, "country": "NL", "number_of_games": 255, "rating_deviation": 70.8133, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 943.2954144134134, "login": "Vivadego", "ladder_rating_deviation": 48.07022765828913}
  629. 11:43:21.394 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1500.0, "country": "NZ", "number_of_games": 0, "rating_deviation": 500.0, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "Dylanous_Croft", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  630. 11:43:21.394 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 4, "division": "Titan"}, "rating_mean": 1415.22, "country": "DE", "number_of_games": 240, "rating_deviation": 62.435, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": "", "tooltip": "First of my division !"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 1753.3269741698944, "login": "turinturambar42", "ladder_rating_deviation": 48.01506133364717}
  631. 11:43:21.394 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Spirit"}, "rating_mean": 1438.2993489907872, "country": "CH", "number_of_games": 123, "rating_deviation": 86.0990396234129, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 764.463, "login": "Anostra", "ladder_rating_deviation": 113.747}
  632. 11:43:21.394 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1224.49, "country": "DK", "number_of_games": 351, "rating_deviation": 66.6902, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1137.36, "login": "Ragnazor", "ladder_rating_deviation": 144.454}
  633. 11:43:21.395 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 2, "division": "Aurora"}, "rating_mean": 1628.78, "country": "AU", "number_of_games": 898, "rating_deviation": 64.8387, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1366.88, "login": "Ryfun", "ladder_rating_deviation": 52.5922}
  634. 11:43:21.395 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 946.196, "country": "CA", "number_of_games": 59, "rating_deviation": 128.592, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "lambtron", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  635. 11:43:21.395 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 926.367, "country": "AU", "number_of_games": 5, "rating_deviation": 356.647, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "Roo", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  636. 11:43:21.395 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1236.25, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 1, "rating_deviation": 430.289, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "FC-NoHeroes", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  637. 11:43:21.395 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 965.334, "country": "AU", "number_of_games": 7, "rating_deviation": 322.946, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1564.58, "login": "Hexus_One", "ladder_rating_deviation": 455.345}
  638. 11:43:21.396 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "URL", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1071.3842638959648, "country": "RU", "number_of_games": 134, "rating_deviation": 92.58364825174209, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 605.558, "login": "Soldier", "ladder_rating_deviation": 256.011}
  639. 11:43:21.396 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1098.49111305539, "country": "SI", "number_of_games": 921, "rating_deviation": 67.66432301634755, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1018.04, "login": "Ospokon", "ladder_rating_deviation": 218.297}
  640. 11:43:21.396 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1022.66, "country": "FR", "number_of_games": 851, "rating_deviation": 68.766, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 514.179, "login": "KrAk3n", "ladder_rating_deviation": 213.421}
  641. 11:43:21.396 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 4, "division": "Loyalist"}, "rating_mean": 1589.8, "country": "FR", "number_of_games": 2870, "rating_deviation": 57.9028, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1458.8814020439327, "login": "michka", "ladder_rating_deviation": 47.90625088207888}
  642. 11:43:21.396 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1189.81, "country": "FR", "number_of_games": 162, "rating_deviation": 83.8606, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 880.417, "login": "Bleu", "ladder_rating_deviation": 342.678}
  643. 11:43:21.424 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1384.4, "country": "SE", "number_of_games": 455, "rating_deviation": 48.3426, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1191.23, "login": "Xeter", "ladder_rating_deviation": 159.717}
  644. 11:43:21.424 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "SFo", "league": {"league": 4, "division": "Titan"}, "rating_mean": 2012.64, "country": "DE", "number_of_games": 1692, "rating_deviation": 61.9054, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": "", "tooltip": "2V2 WWPC U1800 Champion"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 1991.95, "login": "Mephi", "ladder_rating_deviation": 47.0291}
  645. 11:43:21.424 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1281.7373653009822, "country": "DE", "number_of_games": 131, "rating_deviation": 75.08051684823056, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 977.243, "login": "Jones", "ladder_rating_deviation": 127.461}
  646. 11:43:21.424 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 988.3606152972452, "country": "LV", "number_of_games": 65, "rating_deviation": 109.79018014240303, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 705.709, "login": "Frantix", "ladder_rating_deviation": 188.776}
  647. 11:43:21.425 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1163.88, "country": "AU", "number_of_games": 44, "rating_deviation": 150.442, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 605.307, "login": "MoonXizt", "ladder_rating_deviation": 141.223}
  648. 11:43:21.425 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1517.51, "country": "AU", "number_of_games": 1, "rating_deviation": 462.098, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "Crossfire", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  649. 11:43:21.425 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "SGI", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1147.31, "country": "IT", "number_of_games": 97, "rating_deviation": 88.6765, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 780.153, "login": "Luc1an-0", "ladder_rating_deviation": 244.119}
  650. 11:43:21.436 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "B=D", "rating_mean": 1167.96, "country": "DE", "number_of_games": 5, "rating_deviation": 321.175, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "Anacon99", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  651. 11:43:21.436 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "UEF", "league": {"league": 3, "division": "Blaze"}, "rating_mean": 1743.48, "country": "RU", "number_of_games": 961, "rating_deviation": 66.2047, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": " of Hearts.png", "tooltip": "Winner of Hearts"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 1412.36, "login": "Super", "ladder_rating_deviation": 48.1471}
  652. 11:43:21.436 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "VoR", "league": {"league": 5, "division": "Monkeylord"}, "rating_mean": 1961.89, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 4667, "rating_deviation": 61.6938, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": " U1900 Champion.png", "tooltip": "WWPC U1900 Champion"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 1972.03, "login": "ATHUG4Life", "ladder_rating_deviation": 47.1404}
  653. 11:43:21.436 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "BC", "league": {"league": 4, "division": "Loyalist"}, "rating_mean": 1735.64, "country": "IT", "number_of_games": 256, "rating_deviation": 49.3429, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1520.87533885753, "login": "The_Witcher", "ladder_rating_deviation": 47.85282716500838}
  654. 11:43:21.436 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1028.69, "country": "PL", "number_of_games": 196, "rating_deviation": 79.0896, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "Kodust", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  655. 11:43:21.436 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1711.98, "country": "PT", "number_of_games": 2931, "rating_deviation": 68.9563, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "K240", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  656. 11:43:21.437 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1047.57, "country": "RU", "number_of_games": 103, "rating_deviation": 88.1209, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 429.563, "login": "Miheishe", "ladder_rating_deviation": 116.799}
  657. 11:43:21.437 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 2047.64, "country": "DE", "number_of_games": 9, "rating_deviation": 364.353, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "Black-Mamba", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  658. 11:43:21.437 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1202.77, "country": "FR", "number_of_games": 985, "rating_deviation": 68.2629, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "Exter17", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  659. 11:43:21.437 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "e", "league": {"league": 2, "division": "Aurora"}, "rating_mean": 1951.24, "country": "RU", "number_of_games": 1699, "rating_deviation": 62.6989, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": "", "tooltip": "Cool Brackman"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 1718.59, "login": "Shado_Israel", "ladder_rating_deviation": 47.6327}
  660. 11:43:21.437 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 917.672, "country": "DE", "number_of_games": 12, "rating_deviation": 306.802, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "MasterGeneral", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  661. 11:43:21.437 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "-Hi", "league": {"league": 2, "division": "Thaam"}, "rating_mean": 1124.09, "country": "IT", "number_of_games": 279, "rating_deviation": 71.7977, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 933.026, "login": "Vencam", "ladder_rating_deviation": 47.3786}
  662. 11:43:21.437 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Spirit"}, "rating_mean": 1284.55, "country": "NL", "number_of_games": 310, "rating_deviation": 70.5206, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1004.16, "login": "Isolocis", "ladder_rating_deviation": 122.99}
  663. 11:43:21.438 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 2047.28, "country": "DE", "number_of_games": 2530, "rating_deviation": 66.3936, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1992.26, "login": "Sui", "ladder_rating_deviation": 94.4226}
  664. 11:43:21.438 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 2, "division": "Striker"}, "rating_mean": 1128.91, "country": "NO", "number_of_games": 525, "rating_deviation": 64.1932, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 713.403, "login": "Vram_Radan", "ladder_rating_deviation": 47.597}
  665. 11:43:21.438 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 965.42, "country": "AU", "number_of_games": 75, "rating_deviation": 123.475, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 672.186, "login": "Death_2394", "ladder_rating_deviation": 204.383}
  666. 11:43:21.438 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "GB", "league": {"league": 2, "division": "Striker"}, "rating_mean": 1056.4199666200948, "country": "GB", "number_of_games": 220, "rating_deviation": 77.23084129898243, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 788.647, "login": "Rolfenborg", "ladder_rating_deviation": 52.1597}
  667. 11:43:21.438 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1426.72, "country": "PL", "number_of_games": 412, "rating_deviation": 63.1674, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 986.432, "login": "Wiseman", "ladder_rating_deviation": 276.019}
  668. 11:43:21.438 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "AoS", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1276.64, "country": "GB", "number_of_games": 1283, "rating_deviation": 68.7225, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 990.473, "login": "Solar_Storm", "ladder_rating_deviation": 184.989}
  669. 11:43:21.439 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1561.1, "country": "FI", "number_of_games": 19, "rating_deviation": 207.735, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1356.55, "login": "Mielivalta", "ladder_rating_deviation": 203.905}
  670. 11:43:21.439 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 2, "division": "Striker"}, "rating_mean": 1342.23, "country": "FR", "number_of_games": 1173, "rating_deviation": 62.3949, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 472.6343726776154, "login": "comodor", "ladder_rating_deviation": 48.6485845740336}
  671. 11:43:21.439 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1419.15, "country": "DE", "number_of_games": 53, "rating_deviation": 65.5897, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 858.599, "login": "Last_Force", "ladder_rating_deviation": 273.72}
  672. 11:43:21.439 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1500.0, "country": "FI", "number_of_games": 0, "rating_deviation": 500.0, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "Maranovski", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  673. 11:43:21.439 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 2, "division": "Thaam"}, "rating_mean": 1715.59, "country": "BY", "number_of_games": 586, "rating_deviation": 66.3461, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1068.1, "login": "BlInChIk", "ladder_rating_deviation": 50.7727}
  674. 11:43:21.439 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1301.65, "country": "FI", "number_of_games": 63, "rating_deviation": 116.484, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 856.778, "login": "Waza88", "ladder_rating_deviation": 131.045}
  675. 11:43:21.440 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "LDB", "league": {"league": 2, "division": "Striker"}, "rating_mean": 1273.53, "country": "AU", "number_of_games": 352, "rating_deviation": 57.123, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 693.236, "login": "Ftumch", "ladder_rating_deviation": 47.6785}
  676. 11:43:21.440 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1317.22, "country": "RU", "number_of_games": 194, "rating_deviation": 63.5683, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "ruslan2908", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  677. 11:43:21.440 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "e", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Snoop"}, "rating_mean": 2083.43, "country": "DE", "number_of_games": 417, "rating_deviation": 50.5068, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": "", "tooltip": "Mod Author"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 1908.83, "login": "traumatised", "ladder_rating_deviation": 50.5357}
  678. 11:43:21.440 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1393.64, "country": "AU", "number_of_games": 190, "rating_deviation": 82.7549, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 714.601, "login": "fantom_legion", "ladder_rating_deviation": 291.267}
  679. 11:43:21.440 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1435.1, "country": "GB", "number_of_games": 259, "rating_deviation": 78.7547, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 491.489, "login": "Darkhowl", "ladder_rating_deviation": 101.689}
  680. 11:43:21.440 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "KC", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 944.93, "country": "NO", "number_of_games": 623, "rating_deviation": 68.4789, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 309.5760637259502, "login": "larziko", "ladder_rating_deviation": 107.52113237785684}
  681. 11:43:21.457 [pool-2-thread-2] INFO c.f.c.p.DownlordsPortCheckTask - Testing reachability of UDP port 6112 using port test service at
  682. 11:43:21.458 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO c.f.c.patch.GameUpdateServiceImpl - Ignoring update check since the current server implementation doesn't allow to do so easily
  683. 11:43:21.462 [pool-2-thread-3] INFO c.f.client.update.CheckForUpdateTask - Checking for client update
  684. 11:43:21.462 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1188.92, "country": "RU", "number_of_games": 340, "rating_deviation": 69.246, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1061.98, "login": "Zombe", "ladder_rating_deviation": 284.065}
  685. 11:43:21.462 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Spirit"}, "rating_mean": 1093.88, "country": "SE", "number_of_games": 189, "rating_deviation": 77.9107, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 430.424, "login": "Depend", "ladder_rating_deviation": 67.3359}
  686. 11:43:21.463 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1174.67, "country": "GB", "number_of_games": 39, "rating_deviation": 160.528, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "Shamble", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  687. 11:43:21.463 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Snoop"}, "rating_mean": 757.467, "country": "AU", "number_of_games": 14, "rating_deviation": 203.689, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 760.681, "login": "brewersdrip", "ladder_rating_deviation": 74.9456}
  688. 11:43:21.463 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Spirit"}, "rating_mean": 1206.19, "country": "RU", "number_of_games": 402, "rating_deviation": 64.7875, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 722.354, "login": "Dagger", "ladder_rating_deviation": 77.989}
  689. 11:43:21.463 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1500.0, "country": "DE", "number_of_games": 0, "rating_deviation": 500.0, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 429.944, "login": "MrKaiser", "ladder_rating_deviation": 184.709}
  690. 11:43:21.463 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "BC", "league": {"league": 2, "division": "Zthuee"}, "rating_mean": 1589.75, "country": "NL", "number_of_games": 2914, "rating_deviation": 65.5621, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": "", "tooltip": "Aeon"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 1512.73, "login": "SiNs", "ladder_rating_deviation": 47.0458}
  691. 11:43:21.464 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1367.14, "country": "NZ", "number_of_games": 7, "rating_deviation": 213.701, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1080.59, "login": "Lord_Malketh", "ladder_rating_deviation": 225.399}
  692. 11:43:21.464 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1109.31, "country": "GB", "number_of_games": 11, "rating_deviation": 271.059, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 261.702, "login": "JustPlay", "ladder_rating_deviation": 137.665}
  693. 11:43:21.464 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1278.83, "country": "PL", "number_of_games": 1, "rating_deviation": 451.52, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1026.271745674172, "login": "SMoq", "ladder_rating_deviation": 259.8940401303468}
  694. 11:43:21.464 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 3, "division": "Blaze"}, "rating_mean": 1756.32, "country": "AU", "number_of_games": 2402, "rating_deviation": 65.8558, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1428.67, "login": "Andyrooooooo", "ladder_rating_deviation": 47.1348}
  695. 11:43:21.464 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1486.09, "country": "PL", "number_of_games": 180, "rating_deviation": 77.0046, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "CelestialTeapot", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  696. 11:43:21.464 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "BFA", "league": {"league": 4, "division": "Loyalist"}, "rating_mean": 1739.73, "country": "BE", "number_of_games": 768, "rating_deviation": 61.9754, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": "", "tooltip": "Tournament Participant"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 1639.85, "login": "SilverKronos", "ladder_rating_deviation": 47.9255}
  697. 11:43:21.464 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1304.83, "country": "RU", "number_of_games": 24, "rating_deviation": 170.395, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 680.127, "login": "catobazz", "ladder_rating_deviation": 282.083}
  698. 11:43:21.465 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 892.98, "country": "PH", "number_of_games": 2, "rating_deviation": 373.384, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1236.25, "login": "falconian", "ladder_rating_deviation": 430.289}
  699. 11:43:21.465 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Selen"}, "rating_mean": 1080.82, "country": "AU", "number_of_games": 168, "rating_deviation": 77.3232, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 598.5792617435786, "login": "itsBokchoy", "ladder_rating_deviation": 57.097182053547115}
  700. 11:43:21.465 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1083.28, "country": "GB", "number_of_games": 92, "rating_deviation": 110.805, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 795.778, "login": "GenOneill", "ladder_rating_deviation": 242.62}
  701. 11:43:21.465 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 3, "division": "Blaze"}, "rating_mean": 1364.99, "country": "FR", "number_of_games": 229, "rating_deviation": 74.5968, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1318.99, "login": "Plodox", "ladder_rating_deviation": 48.3057}
  702. 11:43:21.465 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "BC", "league": {"league": 2, "division": "Mantis"}, "rating_mean": 2544.24, "country": "DE", "number_of_games": 1389, "rating_deviation": 62.8918, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": "", "tooltip": "Universal Resurrection Cup Champion"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 2471.89, "login": "Blackheart", "ladder_rating_deviation": 47.4528}
  703. 11:43:21.465 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "UEF", "league": {"league": 2, "division": "Mantis"}, "rating_mean": 1850.69, "country": "DE", "number_of_games": 506, "rating_deviation": 66.2849, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": "", "tooltip": "UEF"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 1688.83, "login": "Iszh", "ladder_rating_deviation": 47.4532}
  704. 11:43:21.465 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 958.555, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 362, "rating_deviation": 66.8794, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 619.866, "login": "Iconoclast", "ladder_rating_deviation": 236.273}
  705. 11:43:21.466 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1112.31, "country": "TR", "number_of_games": 580, "rating_deviation": 70.6461, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 727.591, "login": "MrRectum", "ladder_rating_deviation": 142.38}
  706. 11:43:21.467 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1327.68, "country": "AU", "number_of_games": 493, "rating_deviation": 66.4956, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1275.53, "login": "Arr0w", "ladder_rating_deviation": 59.8073}
  707. 11:43:21.467 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1246.3, "country": "DE", "number_of_games": 113, "rating_deviation": 93.8714, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "konkonam", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  708. 11:43:21.467 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "e", "league": {"league": 5, "division": "Monkeylord"}, "rating_mean": 2070.43, "country": "RU", "number_of_games": 1801, "rating_deviation": 59.6454, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": " Admiral.png", "tooltip": "Fleet Admiral"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 2182.35, "login": "Vihainen", "ladder_rating_deviation": 48.039}
  709. 11:43:21.467 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1500.0, "country": "SG", "number_of_games": 0, "rating_deviation": 500.0, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "RG0h", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  710. 11:43:21.468 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Spirit"}, "rating_mean": 1314.09, "country": "UA", "number_of_games": 739, "rating_deviation": 67.4839, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 952.301, "login": "Bimba", "ladder_rating_deviation": 67.0997}
  711. 11:43:21.468 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1500, "country": "CH", "number_of_games": 0, "rating_deviation": 500, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500, "login": "clipmonkey206", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500}
  712. 11:43:21.468 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1434.01, "country": "DE", "number_of_games": 96, "rating_deviation": 79.2705, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 962.54, "login": "Brezelbaecker", "ladder_rating_deviation": 154.097}
  713. 11:43:21.468 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1298.99, "country": "DE", "number_of_games": 42, "rating_deviation": 144.537, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1595.15, "login": "CommanderPitti", "ladder_rating_deviation": 442.997}
  714. 11:43:21.468 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 787.833, "country": "BE", "number_of_games": 1387, "rating_deviation": 66.6776, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 328.068, "login": "Raiden007", "ladder_rating_deviation": 92.1487}
  715. 11:43:21.468 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1093.88, "country": "AU", "number_of_games": 30, "rating_deviation": 186.136, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "ghost21", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  716. 11:43:21.468 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 649.991, "country": "AU", "number_of_games": 45, "rating_deviation": 129.606, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 561.665, "login": "burgie82", "ladder_rating_deviation": 99.327}
  717. 11:43:21.469 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "OC", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1737.12, "country": "HU", "number_of_games": 1331, "rating_deviation": 67.6481, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1265.93, "login": "Scarecrow", "ladder_rating_deviation": 121.479}
  718. 11:43:21.469 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "e", "league": {"league": 3, "division": "Blaze"}, "rating_mean": 2466.0, "country": "FI", "number_of_games": 1720, "rating_deviation": 65.149, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": " Tournament Champion.png", "tooltip": "2vs2 Tournament Champion"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 2003.54, "login": "Blodir", "ladder_rating_deviation": 52.2891}
  719. 11:43:21.510 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 946.173, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 901, "rating_deviation": 67.5428, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 472.567, "login": "Dirtierdragon", "ladder_rating_deviation": 250.422}
  720. 11:43:21.510 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1500.0, "country": "DK", "number_of_games": 0, "rating_deviation": 500.0, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "Sharto208", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  721. 11:43:21.510 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1101.29, "country": "CZ", "number_of_games": 408, "rating_deviation": 64.5388, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 879.4, "login": "SHooTER", "ladder_rating_deviation": 276.489}
  722. 11:43:21.510 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "42", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Spirit"}, "rating_mean": 1241.86, "country": "NO", "number_of_games": 206, "rating_deviation": 64.4141, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 929.788, "login": "Androish", "ladder_rating_deviation": 60.2338}
  723. 11:43:21.525 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"friends": ["csoller", "MAKEMML", "Jinxie", "Patriotic1", "Typo91", "buddybuddy", "Com", "Argor", "baktus", "MrScience101", "Despoman", "Duck_42", "eXxited", "Guggulf", "sjoOof", "crucial", "Pus007", "Pion", "xander", "Scarecrow", "Homo_Is_A_Ok", "Commlink", "Caedus", "Durben", "Scifi", "maggun", "probot", "megoix", "Fjordhild", "Gyle", "Unhandled", "HRC", "Ebbo", "mead", "Downlord", "Bjetr97", "Javidac", "Alive_Pulsar", "Sunde123", "LarsVik-Mo", "Avenger", "Einar1", "HEAVY", "jj_erklaert", "Apofenas", "Dvergkaster", "xxxVIPxxx", "Armorclint", "CptYang", "Silentspy", "sinep", "Fjordmonkey", "WaCk0", "LordAlfrey", "ShoutingProwler", "Ford", "avalice", "tommylogon", "sir_9of11", "TwistedGuy", "Hakase", "Waaghals", "JoeThanks", "spiffistan", "JanC", "Kanarek", "Cassimus", "Cracka", "stormbeforedawn", "TheRedViper", "CrazyJonas2", "kesko", "plexus2", "Fanharijo", "macharal", "Helo", "AFK_", "ProLab", "ExplosiveCowboy", "KZ0", "Prodayle", "Akrilloth", "Lobotomy", "Sheeo", "SteamEmpire", "pappesken", "North", "drLurve", "drNilsen", "Langbein", "Aegis-nor", "Descent", "Vram_Radan", "HanFyren", "zabbar14", "FrontlineJoe", "aholmen01", "Windows", "lokern", "Virgin_queen", "S18", "Iron_Knuckle", "Drakanov", "TheAwesomeOne", "Empros", "Destructo54555", "Penndragon", "CreepyGoatKiller", "UmZiniZini", "Cba", "SincereWizard", "Mardil", "Mensch", "Cheddarchaos", "pantrax", "MrTengu", "empty_slot", "Yolocaust", "PhilipJFry", "Malesur", "Subcyro", "Amza", "Navax", "damrod", "kjetily85", "j0k3rn", "Unbalanced", "Magga", "Holmis", "Snugglebunny", "Havi", "TwinSpin", "Blue2122", "HotFog", "LusciousLoli", "Highline", "Al", "kredenc6", "KILLKARIKILL", "RuneNorse", "quark036", "Kaed", "HenBer", "einars", "Tippe", "jjoereng", "Micaz", "Dramegiballa", "warhawk_85", "Midnightmalice", "Xrento", "gardi", "rion", "BenDover", "Shimrras", "Knugen", "Nanu308", "tumultuous97", "thetimeman100", "EmberFlake", "funglue", "EDWARDS", "BakerOne"], "command": "social"}
  724. 11:43:21.526 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"foes": ["AFK", "ChaosWars", "Hupsie", "kindri3", "Mr_Death", "MrBunnyPants", "WoodenBladee", "SlaiNofRawSteel", "harmless", "RageOf100Suns"], "command": "social"}
  725. 11:43:21.526 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"join": true, "name": "murderparty", "live": true, "host": true, "command": "mod_info", "fullname": "Murder Party", "desc": "<html><head/><body><p><span style=\" font-size:11px; color:#000000;\">The most awesome mod ever created !<br/></span><span style=\" font-size:12pt; font-weight:600;\">Murder Party</span></p><p><br/></p><p><span style=\" font-size:11px; color:#000000;\">What is it ?<br/><br/>You might call it &quot;A fair FFA, but funnier&quot;.<br/><br/>It starts like a FFA, but everybody gets </span><span style=\" font-size:11px; font-style:italic; color:#000000;\">one unique target</span><span style=\" font-size:11px; color:#000000;\"> to kill. <br/><br/>- If you kill your target, you gain a huge ressource bonus (voted when the game starts), and one point.<br/><br/>- If you kill your killer, you gain half the bonus, but no point.<br/><br/>- If you kill anyone else, you get a malus for ressource, and you lose one point.<br/><br/>- Once you kill your target, another one is given to all the players.<br/><br/>- The game ends when only one player left, after a final 1v1 fight - The winner is the one with the highest score. But you get extra points for being the last ACU standing.<br/></span></p><p><span style=\" font-size:11px; color:#000000;\">- You can, of course make alliances ...</span></p></body></html>", "options": [], "icon": null}
  726. 11:43:21.528 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"join": false, "name": "coop", "live": true, "host": false, "command": "mod_info", "fullname": "coop", "desc": "", "options": [], "icon": null}
  727. 11:43:21.528 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"join": false, "name": "ladder1v1", "live": true, "host": false, "command": "mod_info", "fullname": "ladder 1 vs 1", "desc": "", "options": [], "icon": null}
  728. 11:43:21.528 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"join": true, "name": "koth", "live": true, "host": true, "command": "mod_info", "fullname": "King of the Hill", "desc": "you will start as usual, normal spawnpoint and normal teams\r\nthere will be a message \"King of the Hill\" show up, you'll then see that the mod has been activated\r\naccording to the amout of players in the teams (to be exactly, of the biggest team), you'll need to score points to win: 180 points each player\r\nto score points, get mobile landunits into the middle of the map (might not be middle of the island or whatever, it's the middle of the map, therefore some maps won't do any good playing this mod), you'll achieve one point each 5 seconds if you or a teammate got enough units on the hill. if more than one player of a team has enough local units, your team gets more points\r\nif foes have both enough local units, both (and all their teammates) will get points\r\nthose who get points at the very moment will be announced where the \"xxxxx is cheating\"-message is appearing, the amout of points is also displayed\r\nat steps of 25%, 50% and 75%, one of the team which scored this much points will be announced\r\nonce one team scored all necessary points, the game will end", "options": [], "icon": null}
  729. 11:43:21.529 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"join": true, "name": "phantomx", "live": true, "host": true, "command": "mod_info", "fullname": "phantom-X", "desc": "<html><head/><body><p><span style=\" font-size:12pt; font-weight:600; \">Phantom-X</span></p><p><span style=\" font-size:11px; \">At 7 minutes, everyone gets to vote on how many phantoms will be in the game. At 8 minutes, a random selection of players will be designated \"Phantoms\". The objective is to eliminate all phantom players, or, if you are a phantom, eliminate ALL players. Phantoms get slightly increased resources. If they break alliance with all innocent players this bonus increases further.</span></p><p><br/></p>You can know configure, in the lobby, after how many time a phantom will be revealed, not matter what (from 3 minutes to never).</body></html>", "options": [], "icon": null}
  730. 11:43:21.529 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"join": true, "name": "nomads", "live": true, "host": true, "command": "mod_info", "fullname": "The Nomads", "desc": "<html><head/><body><p><span style=\" font-size:11px; color:#000000;\">Play the 5th race of the supcom universe: </span></p><p><span style=\" font-size:12pt; color:#000000;\">The Nomads</span></p><p><span style=\" color:#000000;\"><br/></span></p><p><span style=\" font-size:11px; color:#000000;\">They don't have access to gating technology like the other factions seem to have. Instead they use space ships to move around the galaxy. On the battlefield they favor firepower and rate of fire of common weapons (rockets, missiles, generic unguided shells) over armor and health and other fancy stuff (beams, etc). </span></p><p><span style=\" color:#000000;\"><br/></span></p></body></html>", "options": [], "icon": null}
  731. 11:43:21.530 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"join": true, "name": "xtremewars", "live": true, "host": true, "command": "mod_info", "fullname": "Xtreme Wars", "desc": "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN\" \"\"><html><head><meta name=\"qrichtext\" content=\"1\" /><style type=\"text/css\">p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }</style></head><body style=\" font-family:'MS Shell Dlg 2'; font-size:8.25pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;\"><p style=\" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;\">\r\n<h3>X'treme Wars</h3> \r\n<ul>\r\n<li>X'treme Wars is a mod which add ALL of my units and concepts in one mod. </li>\r\n<li>X'treme Wars is a mod which has AI support</li>\r\n<li>X'treme Wars is a mod which modifies all original units</li>\r\n<li>X'treme Wars is a mod which has navy economy ( AI supported )</li>\r\n<li>X'treme Wars is a mod which has Tech 1, Tech 2, and Tech 3 experimental units</li>\r\n<li>X'treme Wars is a mod which is FUN</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n</p></body></html>", "options": [], "icon": null}
  732. 11:43:21.531 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"join": true, "name": "blackops", "live": true, "host": true, "command": "mod_info", "fullname": "blackops", "desc": "<html><head/><body><p><span style=\" font-size:12pt; font-weight:600; \">Blackops</span></p><p><span style=\" font-size:11px; \">One of the most impressive collection of mods out there, Blackops is finally supported by FAF. Improved and more fine-grained support for Blackops' various components is coming in the next update(s)!</span></p><p><br/></p></body></html>", "options": ["Unleashed", "ACUs"], "icon": null}
  733. 11:43:21.531 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"join": false, "name": "matchmaker", "live": true, "host": false, "command": "mod_info", "fullname": "Matchmaker", "desc": "", "options": [], "icon": null}
  734. 11:43:21.531 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"join": true, "name": "diamond", "live": true, "host": true, "command": "mod_info", "fullname": "Diamond", "desc": "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN\" \"\"><html><head><meta name=\"qrichtext\" content=\"1\" /><style type=\"text/css\">p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }</style></head><body style=\" font-family:'MS Shell Dlg 2'; font-size:8.25pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;\"><p style=\" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;\">\r\n<h3>Diamond</h3>\r\nThis mod polishes Forged Alliance gameplay into an everlasting Diamond. \r\n</p><p>\r\nDiamond is designed for pro gaming purposes. It has tighter gameplay than original Forged Alliance so map control is more important. There are less shortcuts to victory so you have to really dominate your opponent to get a win. Fixes also most of the bugs found in game. You can now use every tactic, unit or acu upgrade found in game without being labeled as \"insert method here\" noob. Of course haxing and glitching is not allowed (offmapping etc.)\r\n</p>\r\n<br>\r\n<p>\r\nMajor differences to FAF gameplay you need to know to play Diamond are:<br>\r\nYou can OC without energy storage just like in 3599 and OC damage to Enemy ACUs and buildings are in 3599 values<br>\r\nACU death nuke damage values normalized to 3599 values (3500 inner +500 outer =4000)<br>\r\nTactical missile launcher is T3 not T2<br>\r\nYou need to have a Support Commander to build Experimentals and Land nuke launchers.\r\n</p>\r\n</body></html>", "options": [], "icon": null}
  735. 11:43:21.532 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"join": true, "name": "supremeDestruction", "live": true, "host": true, "command": "mod_info", "fullname": "Supreme Destruction", "desc": "Prepare for a Supreme Destruction upgrade for Forged Alliance. This mod adds custom units, as well as tweaks the existing ones, it will change the experience of Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance. The mod is updated regularly, with tweaks and balance patches.\r\n\r\nMain features: \r\n\r\n-Custom units\r\n -Rebalanced and tweaked existing units\r\n -Planned Orbital Warfare\r\n -More Experimentals\r\n -Expansion Addons to the base Supreme Destruction\r\n\r\nCredits for contributers:\r\n -Warbird: Ideas/Balance/Custom Models.\r\n -4rchon: Custom Models.\r\n -Yholl: Custom Models.\r\n -Shadowlord01/OverRated: For helping me if i was stuck with something,\r\n -DarkTiger A.K.A. RoadKill: Costum Models.", "options": [], "icon": null}
  736. 11:43:21.532 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"join": true, "name": "balancetesting", "live": true, "host": true, "command": "mod_info", "fullname": "FAF (beta)", "desc": "Most recent FAF version", "options": [], "icon": null}
  737. 11:43:21.538 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"join": true, "name": "labwars", "live": true, "host": true, "command": "mod_info", "fullname": "LABwars", "desc": "<html><head/><body><p><span style=\" font-size:12pt; font-weight:600; \">LABWARS</span></p><p><span style=\" font-size:11px; \">You don't need anything else to win this war than LABs (light assault bots). Labs are powerfull, labs can shoot from transports, labs can own an ACU! This mod showcases the most powerful unit of the game, leading to very fun games!</span></p><p><span style=\" font-size:11px; font-weight:600; \">Rules :</span></p><p><span style=\" font-size:11px; \">- All faction's ACUs will only be able to build Land facs, Air facs, Pgens and mexes.<br/>- All faction's Engineers can do the same but can also build Hydro's and Radars.<br/>- Each faction's Land fac will be able to build Labs, scouts, AA and engineers.<br/>- Each faction's Air fac will be able to build Inties and Transports.<br/>- ACU's can fire at air units with their main weapon, Overcharge is unchanged.</span></p><p><br/></p></body></html>", "options": [], "icon": null}
  738. 11:43:21.538 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"join": true, "name": "claustrophobia", "live": true, "host": true, "command": "mod_info", "fullname": "Claustrophobia", "desc": "Run for your life !\r\n\r\nAfter a startup time of some minutes, the game will get smaller 25 times (with 1 min interval), until only a very little space in the middle is left.\r\nEverything outside explodes.", "options": [], "icon": null}
  739. 11:43:21.539 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"join": true, "name": "faf", "live": true, "host": true, "command": "mod_info", "fullname": "FAF", "desc": "<html><head/><body><p><span style=\" font-size:12pt; font-weight:600; \">Forged Alliance Forever </span></p><p>This is the improved, community-maintained version of Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance that resolves bugs, balance issues, and other problems with the retail versions. It tries to keep to the spirit of the original game - you will feel right at home.</p><p><br/></p><p>This is the default game mode played on FAF.</p></body></html>", "options": [], "icon": null}
  740. 11:43:21.539 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"join": true, "name": "vanilla", "live": true, "host": true, "command": "mod_info", "fullname": "Vanilla", "desc": "Nostalgic ?<br> Try this supreme commander vanilla version, without the seraphim, less experimentals and units, but 500% more mass fabricators and t2 bots !", "options": [], "icon": null}
  741. 11:43:21.552 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"join": true, "name": "civilians", "live": true, "host": true, "command": "mod_info", "fullname": "Civilians Defense", "desc": "What is Civilian Defense?\r\nYou must defend/attack the Civilians!\r\n<br><br>\r\nHow does it work.\r\nOn many maps, there exist civilian units/structures. <br>\r\nFirst, Civilian Defense breaks players/AI into teams based on their faction. <br>Players will be allied with other players of the same faction, and enemies with everybody else.<br><br>\r\nSecond, Players who have civilians to defend (civilians of their own faction) will receive defense beacons. Civilian trucks brought to the defense beacons will be evacuated off-world. Defenders will be awarded with +5% resource production bonus for every civilians evacuated.<br><br>\r\nThird: Attackers are given spawn beacons. Spawn beacons spawn reinforcements periodically. Killing civilians gives +5% spawn rate bonus per civilian killed.\r\n<br><br>\r\nHow evacuation beacons work:<br>\r\n-Civilian Structures are labeled: Civilian Structure<br>\r\n-Civilian Structures are worth 2 Civilian Points<br>\r\n-If Reclaimed, a Civilian Structures turns into 2 Evac Trucks<br>\r\n-Evac Trucks must be brought to the Evac Beacon and *ANY* defender's base.<br> \r\n-If a defender loses more than 60% of his civilians, he loses. The mandatory minimum that must survive is 40%.<br>\r\n-Defenders win by destroying all attackers and protecting 40% or more civilians.<br>\r\n<br>\r\nHow attack beacons work:<br>\r\n-Attack Beacons will spawn units periodically at a set rate. <br>\r\n-The spawn rate will increase for every civilian killed.<br>\r\n-Although it will initially spawn only T1 tanks, it will spawn higher level tanks at an increased rate if there is a higher tech factory nearby.<br>\r\n-Build and upgrade a factory near the spawn beacon to get T2 and T3 level reinforcements.<br>\r\n-Attackers win by defeating all other players.<br>\r\n<br>\r\nIf the map has civilians from multiple factions, than players of those factions will be BOTH attackers AND defenders and be subject to all the same constraints, and receive both bonuses.", "options": [], "icon": null}
  742. 11:43:21.553 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"1": 8, "2": 43}, "mapname": "x1ca_coop_005.v0007", "num_players": 2, "game_time": 1444295299.007019, "uid": 3949439, "title": "For All", "sim_mods": [], "game_type": 3, "host": "Anacon99", "teams": {"0": ["Anacon99", "Mhad"]}, "access": "public", "state": "playing", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "coop", "max_players": 11, "options": []}
  743. 11:43:21.553 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"1": 8, "2": 43}, "mapname": "scca_coop_r04.v0005", "num_players": 1, "game_time": 1444295635.896964, "uid": 3949453, "title": "balanced 700-1300", "sim_mods": [], "game_type": 3, "host": "Dagger", "teams": {"0": ["Dagger"]}, "access": "password", "state": "playing", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "coop", "max_players": 7, "options": []}
  744. 11:43:21.553 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"1": 8, "2": 43}, "mapname": "scca_coop_a02.v0007", "num_players": 1, "game_time": 1444295880.903391, "uid": 3949460, "title": "123", "sim_mods": [], "game_type": 3, "host": "ruslan2908", "teams": {"0": ["ruslan2908"]}, "access": "password", "state": "playing", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "coop", "max_players": 6, "options": []}
  745. 11:43:21.553 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {}, "mapname": "broken_vows.v0008", "num_players": 2, "game_time": 1444296818.417823, "uid": 3949472, "title": "Taps Vs comodor", "sim_mods": [], "game_type": 0, "host": "Taps", "teams": {"1": ["Taps"], "2": ["comodor"]}, "access": "public", "state": "playing", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "ladder1v1", "max_players": 12, "options": []}
  746. 11:43:21.553 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"1": 1, "2": 251}, "mapname": "carona for phantom-x", "num_players": 4, "game_time": 1444293026.445785, "uid": 3949403, "title": "Phantom-X", "sim_mods": [], "game_type": 0, "host": "KotShaman", "teams": {"8": ["KotShaman"], "2": ["NoobPlayer"], "3": ["InABlink"], "4": ["notcrazykarl"]}, "access": "public", "state": "playing", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "phantomx", "max_players": 8, "options": []}
  747. 11:43:21.554 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"1": 2, "2": 2}, "mapname": "cgm-11540308", "num_players": 1, "game_time": 1444296730.320002, "uid": 3949471, "title": "falconian's game", "sim_mods": {"8fc68p4e-7076-29zf-8979-6931424z9z71": "Mo Storage", "74A9EAB2-E851-11DB-A1F1-F2C755D89593": "Supreme Commander Campaign Branch", "6aa65d2a-5926-11dc-8314-0800200c9a08": "Antares Unit Pack", "62e2j64a-53a2-y6sg-32h5-146as555a18u3": "Total Mayhem v1.20", "4396cbac-99c6-4c7f-9de7-e40cb79e0a9b": "Advanced Shields V4", "4d6609d1-3353-46be-971e-e1387a5e9172": "Experimental Point Defence", "dd6642d4-346c-8711-8106-df3de93fff66": "Upgradeable HC-Plant V2", "16e610af-7e2c-402b-9dc7-bdf69272256g": "T3 Engineering Stations FAF"}, "game_type": 0, "host": "falconian", "teams": {"0": ["falconian"]}, "access": "password", "state": "playing", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "xtremewars", "max_players": 6, "options": []}
  748. 11:43:21.554 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"8": 2, "6": 2, "7": 7}, "mapname": "wave_of_death.v0012", "num_players": 1, "game_time": 1444290216.575004, "uid": 3949384, "title": "Death By AI", "sim_mods": {"9e8ea941-c306-4751-b367-f00000000005": "BlackOps Global Icon Support Mod", "90b6f6c0-125a-11de-8c30-0800200c9a65": "T2 T3 Storage FAF", "6e0851ba-8dde-416a-9d76-20c3bb090d78": "DefencesExpand v1.0", "d5c7af75-6944-490b-b647-47dc1efffdc8": "Rescources x2", "9e8ea941-c306-4751-b368-a11100000102": "BlackOps Alternate Reality", "4c6694bd-aaaa-aa12-8fe7-cf2c9e8e8888": "EXMEX", "9e8ea941-c306-4751-b367-e00000000302": "BlackOps Adv Command Units", "dc38db7c-419f-4b16-add1-2d4d5fa5339c": "Extreme T1 Shields", "6aa65d2a-5926-11dc-8314-0800200c9a08": "Antares Unit Pack", "4d6609d1-3353-46be-971e-e1387a5e9172": "Experimental Point Defence", "1f65c42c-0f77-48e3-a498-c3f724028acd": "Unit Cap x4"}, "game_type": 3, "host": "NikoNikolai", "teams": {"0": ["NikoNikolai"]}, "access": "public", "state": "playing", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "blackops", "max_players": 8, "options": [true, true]}
  749. 11:43:21.554 [pool-2-thread-2] INFO c.f.c.p.DownlordsPortCheckTask - UDP port 6112 is reachable
  750. 11:43:21.555 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"8": 2, "6": 2, "7": 7}, "mapname": "voodoo_castle_v2", "num_players": 3, "game_time": 1444293325.52728, "uid": 3949413, "title": "Roo's game", "sim_mods": [], "game_type": 1, "host": "Roo", "teams": {"1": ["Roo", "Dylanous_Croft", "Crossfire"]}, "access": "password", "state": "playing", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "blackops", "max_players": 6, "options": [true, true]}
  751. 11:43:21.555 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"8": 2, "6": 2, "7": 7}, "mapname": "5iver survival land oxtreme.v0001", "num_players": 1, "game_time": 1444297376.031071, "uid": 3949482, "title": "&lt;3", "sim_mods": {"9f775cf2-9b8b-11dc-8314-0800200c9a8D": "TVg V4.86 - TotalVeterancy", "a3c142d4-342c-3401-8106-df3db92def86": "Experimental Shields for FA. Including Seraphim V3", "16e610af-7e2c-402b-9dc7-bdf69272256g": "T3 Engineering Stations FAF", "9e8ea941-c306-4751-b367-f00000000005": "BlackOps Global Icon Support Mod", "4c6694bd-aaaa-aa12-8fe7-cf2c9e8e8888": "EXMEX"}, "game_type": 3, "host": "Hexus_One", "teams": {"0": ["Hexus_One"]}, "access": "public", "state": "open", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "blackops", "max_players": 8, "options": [true, true]}
  752. 11:43:21.555 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"1": 3641, "2": 3645, "11": 3651, "12": 3651, "13": 3651, "14": 3651, "15": 3651, "17": 3651, "18": 3651, "19": 3651, "20": 3651, "21": 3651, "22": 3644}, "mapname": "astro_crater_battles", "num_players": 1, "game_time": 1444297375.507719, "uid": 3949481, "title": "only noobs | &lt;1000 :P", "sim_mods": [], "game_type": 0, "host": "Soldier", "teams": {"0": ["Soldier"]}, "access": "public", "state": "open", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "balancetesting", "max_players": 6, "options": []}
  753. 11:43:21.556 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"1": 3650, "2": 3640, "3": 3634, "4": 1, "5": 1, "6": 1, "8": 1, "9": 1, "11": 3650, "12": 3650, "13": 3650, "14": 3650, "15": 3650, "17": 3650, "18": 3650, "19": 3650, "20": 3650, "21": 3650, "22": 3650}, "mapname": "scmp_031", "num_players": 1, "game_time": 1444293446.414389, "uid": 3949426, "title": "GothicTerror", "sim_mods": [], "game_type": 0, "host": "FC-NoHeroes", "teams": {"0": ["FC-NoHeroes"]}, "access": "password", "state": "playing", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "faf", "max_players": 4, "options": []}
  754. 11:43:21.556 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"1": 3650, "2": 3640, "3": 3634, "4": 1, "5": 1, "6": 1, "8": 1, "9": 1, "11": 3650, "12": 3650, "13": 3650, "14": 3650, "15": 3650, "17": 3650, "18": 3650, "19": 3650, "20": 3650, "21": 3650, "22": 3650}, "mapname": "scmp_009", "num_players": 1, "game_time": 1444294271.3956, "uid": 3949428, "title": "Kodust's game", "sim_mods": [], "game_type": 0, "host": "Kodust", "teams": {"0": ["Kodust"]}, "access": "public", "state": "playing", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "faf", "max_players": 8, "options": []}
  755. 11:43:21.556 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"1": 3650, "2": 3640, "3": 3634, "4": 1, "5": 1, "6": 1, "8": 1, "9": 1, "11": 3650, "12": 3650, "13": 3650, "14": 3650, "15": 3650, "17": 3650, "18": 3650, "19": 3650, "20": 3650, "21": 3650, "22": 3650}, "mapname": "canis 4v4 spezial edition.v0002", "num_players": 8, "game_time": 1444296785.958454, "uid": 3949436, "title": "Teamgame 1100+", "sim_mods": [], "game_type": 0, "host": "Sui", "teams": {"1": ["K240", "ATHUG4Life", "Ryfun", "fantom_legion"], "2": ["Sui", "Mephi", "SiNs", "Jones"]}, "access": "public", "state": "playing", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "faf", "max_players": 8, "options": []}
  756. 11:43:21.557 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"1": 3650, "2": 3640, "3": 3634, "4": 1, "5": 1, "6": 1, "8": 1, "9": 1, "11": 3650, "12": 3650, "13": 3650, "14": 3650, "15": 3650, "17": 3650, "18": 3650, "19": 3650, "20": 3650, "21": 3650, "22": 3650}, "mapname": "scmp_009", "num_players": 8, "game_time": 1444295281.74987, "uid": 3949445, "title": "Rehost", "sim_mods": [], "game_type": 0, "host": "Vram_Radan", "teams": {"1": ["Bleu", "Vencam", "Miheishe", "buckritan"], "2": ["Lochschwager", "Vram_Radan", "MasterGeneral", "Waza88"]}, "access": "public", "state": "playing", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "faf", "max_players": 8, "options": []}
  757. 11:43:21.557 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"1": 3650, "2": 3640, "3": 3634, "4": 1, "5": 1, "6": 1, "8": 1, "9": 1, "11": 3650, "12": 3650, "13": 3650, "14": 3650, "15": 3650, "17": 3650, "18": 3650, "19": 3650, "20": 3650, "21": 3650, "22": 3650}, "mapname": "island zero.v0001", "num_players": 9, "game_time": 1444295676.409718, "uid": 3949454, "title": "all welcome", "sim_mods": [], "game_type": 0, "host": "BlInChIk", "teams": {"1": ["konkonam", "itsBokchoy", "monopoi", "brewersdrip"], "2": ["BlInChIk", "SMoq", "KrAk3n", "Mielivalta"]}, "access": "public", "state": "open", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "faf", "max_players": 8, "options": []}
  758. 11:43:21.557 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"1": 3650, "2": 3640, "3": 3634, "4": 1, "5": 1, "6": 1, "8": 1, "9": 1, "11": 3650, "12": 3650, "13": 3650, "14": 3650, "15": 3650, "17": 3650, "18": 3650, "19": 3650, "20": 3650, "21": 3650, "22": 3650}, "mapname": "gap of rohan.v0001", "num_players": 7, "game_time": 1444295722.334152, "uid": 3949456, "title": "&gt;50 Games", "sim_mods": [], "game_type": 0, "host": "Depend", "teams": {"1": ["Last_Force", "MrRectum", "burgie82"], "2": ["Depend", "Solar_Storm", "Zombe", "Darkhowl"]}, "access": "public", "state": "open", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "faf", "max_players": 8, "options": []}
  759. 11:43:21.558 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"1": 3650, "2": 3640, "3": 3634, "4": 1, "5": 1, "6": 1, "8": 1, "9": 1, "11": 3650, "12": 3650, "13": 3650, "14": 3650, "15": 3650, "17": 3650, "18": 3650, "19": 3650, "20": 3650, "21": 3650, "22": 3650}, "mapname": "scmp_015", "num_players": 4, "game_time": 1444296661.239935, "uid": 3949458, "title": "700-1300", "sim_mods": [], "game_type": 0, "host": "Ftumch", "teams": {"1": ["Ftumch", "Grothe"], "2": ["larziko", "iznogoud"]}, "access": "public", "state": "playing", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "faf", "max_players": 4, "options": []}
  760. 11:43:21.558 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"1": 3650, "2": 3640, "3": 3634, "4": 1, "5": 1, "6": 1, "8": 1, "9": 1, "11": 3650, "12": 3650, "13": 3650, "14": 3650, "15": 3650, "17": 3650, "18": 3650, "19": 3650, "20": 3650, "21": 3650, "22": 3650}, "mapname": "scmp_010", "num_players": 1, "game_time": 1444296056.497289, "uid": 3949466, "title": "Scratch This", "sim_mods": [], "game_type": 0, "host": "Lord_Malketh", "teams": {"0": ["Lord_Malketh"]}, "access": "password", "state": "open", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "faf", "max_players": 5, "options": []}
  761. 11:43:21.558 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"section": "Ladder maps presentations", "command": "tutorials_info", "description": "These are tutorials on maps used in the ladder/matchmaker."}
  762. 11:43:21.558 [Thread-14] WARN c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Tutorials info still unhandled: {"section": "Ladder maps presentations", "command": "tutorials_info", "description": "These are tutorials on maps used in the ladder/matchmaker."}
  763. 11:43:21.558 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"section": "Map related tutorials", "command": "tutorials_info", "description": "These tutorials concern specific things to know on certain maps."}
  764. 11:43:21.558 [Thread-14] WARN c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Tutorials info still unhandled: {"section": "Map related tutorials", "command": "tutorials_info", "description": "These tutorials concern specific things to know on certain maps."}
  765. 11:43:21.559 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"section": "FA Economy.", "command": "tutorials_info", "description": "Tutorial related to FA Economy and how it's really working."}
  766. 11:43:21.559 [Thread-14] WARN c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Tutorials info still unhandled: {"section": "FA Economy.", "command": "tutorials_info", "description": "Tutorial related to FA Economy and how it's really working."}
  767. 11:43:21.593 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Arctic Refuge.fafreplay", "mapname": "scmp_022", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Arctic Refuge"}
  768. 11:43:21.594 [Thread-14] WARN c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Tutorials info still unhandled: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Arctic Refuge.fafreplay", "mapname": "scmp_022", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Arctic Refuge"}
  769. 11:43:21.594 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Balvery Mountains v2.fafreplay", "mapname": "balvery mountains v2.v0001", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Balvery Mountains v2"}
  770. 11:43:21.594 [Thread-14] WARN c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Tutorials info still unhandled: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Balvery Mountains v2.fafreplay", "mapname": "balvery mountains v2.v0001", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Balvery Mountains v2"}
  771. 11:43:21.594 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Blasted Rock.fafreplay", "mapname": "scmp_036", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Blasted Rock"}
  772. 11:43:21.594 [Thread-14] WARN c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Tutorials info still unhandled: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Blasted Rock.fafreplay", "mapname": "scmp_036", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Blasted Rock"}
  773. 11:43:21.594 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Canis River.fafreplay", "mapname": "scmp_016", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Canis River"}
  774. 11:43:21.594 [Thread-14] WARN c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Tutorials info still unhandled: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Canis River.fafreplay", "mapname": "scmp_016", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Canis River"}
  775. 11:43:21.594 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Crag Dunes.fafreplay", "mapname": "x1mp_001", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Crag Dunes"}
  776. 11:43:21.594 [Thread-14] WARN c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Tutorials info still unhandled: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Crag Dunes.fafreplay", "mapname": "x1mp_001", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Crag Dunes"}
  777. 11:43:21.607 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Desert Arena.fafreplay", "mapname": "desert arena.v0002", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Desert Arena"}
  778. 11:43:21.607 [Thread-14] WARN c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Tutorials info still unhandled: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Desert Arena.fafreplay", "mapname": "desert arena.v0002", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Desert Arena"}
  779. 11:43:21.607 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Dry Canyon.fafreplay", "mapname": "dry canyon v3", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Dry Canyon"}
  780. 11:43:21.607 [Thread-14] WARN c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Tutorials info still unhandled: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Dry Canyon.fafreplay", "mapname": "dry canyon v3", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Dry Canyon"}
  781. 11:43:21.607 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Fields of Thunder.fafreplay", "mapname": "fields of thunder.v0001", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Fields of Thunder"}
  782. 11:43:21.608 [Thread-14] WARN c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Tutorials info still unhandled: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Fields of Thunder.fafreplay", "mapname": "fields of thunder.v0001", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Fields of Thunder"}
  783. 11:43:21.608 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Finn's Revenge.fafreplay", "mapname": "scmp_019", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Finn's Revenge"}
  784. 11:43:21.608 [Thread-14] WARN c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Tutorials info still unhandled: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Finn's Revenge.fafreplay", "mapname": "scmp_019", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Finn's Revenge"}
  785. 11:43:21.608 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Firelight.fafreplay", "mapname": "firelight.v0001", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Firelight"}
  786. 11:43:21.608 [Thread-14] WARN c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Tutorials info still unhandled: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Firelight.fafreplay", "mapname": "firelight.v0001", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Firelight"}
  787. 11:43:21.608 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Forbidden Pass.fafreplay", "mapname": "forbidden pass.v0001", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Forbidden Pass"}
  788. 11:43:21.608 [Thread-14] WARN c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Tutorials info still unhandled: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Forbidden Pass.fafreplay", "mapname": "forbidden pass.v0001", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Forbidden Pass"}
  789. 11:43:21.608 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Loki.fafreplay", "mapname": "loki.v0003", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Loki"}
  790. 11:43:21.608 [Thread-14] WARN c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Tutorials info still unhandled: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Loki.fafreplay", "mapname": "loki.v0003", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Loki"}
  791. 11:43:21.608 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Moonlight.fafreplay", "mapname": "moonlight.v0001", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Moonlight"}
  792. 11:43:21.608 [Thread-14] WARN c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Tutorials info still unhandled: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Moonlight.fafreplay", "mapname": "moonlight.v0001", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Moonlight"}
  793. 11:43:21.608 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Moonlight Mesas.fafreplay", "mapname": "moonlight mesas.v0001", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Moonlight Mesas"}
  794. 11:43:21.609 [Thread-14] WARN c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Tutorials info still unhandled: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Moonlight Mesas.fafreplay", "mapname": "moonlight mesas.v0001", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Moonlight Mesas"}
  795. 11:43:21.609 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Open Palms.fafreplay", "mapname": "scmp_007", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Open Palms"}
  796. 11:43:21.609 [Thread-14] WARN c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Tutorials info still unhandled: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Open Palms.fafreplay", "mapname": "scmp_007", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Open Palms"}
  797. 11:43:21.609 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Red Rocks.fafreplay", "mapname": "red rocks", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Red Rocks"}
  798. 11:43:21.609 [Thread-14] WARN c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Tutorials info still unhandled: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Red Rocks.fafreplay", "mapname": "red rocks", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Red Rocks"}
  799. 11:43:21.609 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Syrtis Major.fafreplay", "mapname": "scmp_017", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Syrtis Major"}
  800. 11:43:21.609 [Thread-14] WARN c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Tutorials info still unhandled: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Syrtis Major.fafreplay", "mapname": "scmp_017", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Syrtis Major"}
  801. 11:43:21.609 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Theta Passage 5.fafreplay", "mapname": "theta_passage_5.v0001", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Theta Passage 5"}
  802. 11:43:21.609 [Thread-14] WARN c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Tutorials info still unhandled: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Theta Passage 5.fafreplay", "mapname": "theta_passage_5.v0001", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Theta Passage 5"}
  803. 11:43:21.609 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Twin Rivers.fafreplay", "mapname": "twin rivers.v0001", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Twin Rivers"}
  804. 11:43:21.609 [Thread-14] WARN c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Tutorials info still unhandled: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Twin Rivers.fafreplay", "mapname": "twin rivers.v0001", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Twin Rivers"}
  805. 11:43:21.609 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Vale of Isis.fafreplay", "mapname": "scmp_haz04.v0001", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Vale of Isis"}
  806. 11:43:21.610 [Thread-14] WARN c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Tutorials info still unhandled: {"description": "Presentation of the map, important reclaim spots and other strategic locations, and a basic build order to get you started.", "url": "Vale of Isis.fafreplay", "mapname": "scmp_haz04.v0001", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Ladder maps presentations", "tutorial": "Vale of Isis"}
  807. 11:43:21.610 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"description": "Basic knowledge of how to play seton as the back/air position.", "url": "Setons Clutch, Back.fafreplay", "mapname": "scmp_009", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Map related tutorials", "tutorial": "Seton, back position."}
  808. 11:43:21.610 [Thread-14] WARN c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Tutorials info still unhandled: {"description": "Basic knowledge of how to play seton as the back/air position.", "url": "Setons Clutch, Back.fafreplay", "mapname": "scmp_009", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Map related tutorials", "tutorial": "Seton, back position."}
  809. 11:43:21.610 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"description": "Basic knowledge of how to play seton on the beach position.", "url": "Beach_Tutorial.fafreplay", "mapname": "scmp_009", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Map related tutorials", "tutorial": "Seton, Beach position."}
  810. 11:43:21.610 [Thread-14] WARN c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Tutorials info still unhandled: {"description": "Basic knowledge of how to play seton on the beach position.", "url": "Beach_Tutorial.fafreplay", "mapname": "scmp_009", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Map related tutorials", "tutorial": "Seton, Beach position."}
  811. 11:43:21.610 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"description": "Basic knowledge of how to play seton as front position.", "url": "Setons Clutch, Front.fafreplay", "mapname": "scmp_009", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Map related tutorials", "tutorial": "Seton, front position."}
  812. 11:43:21.610 [Thread-14] WARN c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Tutorials info still unhandled: {"description": "Basic knowledge of how to play seton as front position.", "url": "Setons Clutch, Front.fafreplay", "mapname": "scmp_009", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "Map related tutorials", "tutorial": "Seton, front position."}
  813. 11:43:21.610 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"description": "The T2 mex upgrade, what is worth, what it costs, in a real game situation, and why it's often a bad idea to do an early teching in a 1v1.", "url": "economy_101_1.fafreplay", "mapname": "scmp_019", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "FA Economy.", "tutorial": "Economy 101."}
  814. 11:43:21.610 [Thread-14] WARN c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Tutorials info still unhandled: {"description": "The T2 mex upgrade, what is worth, what it costs, in a real game situation, and why it's often a bad idea to do an early teching in a 1v1.", "url": "economy_101_1.fafreplay", "mapname": "scmp_019", "command": "tutorials_info", "tutorial_section": "FA Economy.", "tutorial": "Economy 101."}
  815. 11:43:21.610 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"command": "social", "autojoin": ["#42_clan"]}
  816. 11:43:21.611 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"channels": ["#42_clan"], "command": "social"}
  817. 11:43:22.076 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.c.parsecom.ParseCloudService - Function 'signUpIfNecessary' completed with result:
  818. 11:43:22.226 [pool-2-thread-3] INFO c.f.client.update.CheckForUpdateTask - Current version is, newest version is v0.5.0.1-alpha
  819. 11:43:24.209 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"8": 2, "6": 2, "7": 7}, "mapname": "5iver survival land oxtreme.v0001", "num_players": 1, "game_time": 1444297376.031071, "uid": 3949482, "title": "&lt;3", "sim_mods": {"9f775cf2-9b8b-11dc-8314-0800200c9a8D": "TVg V4.86 - TotalVeterancy", "a3c142d4-342c-3401-8106-df3db92def86": "Experimental Shields for FA. Including Seraphim V3", "16e610af-7e2c-402b-9dc7-bdf69272256g": "T3 Engineering Stations FAF", "9e8ea941-c306-4751-b367-f00000000005": "BlackOps Global Icon Support Mod", "4c6694bd-aaaa-aa12-8fe7-cf2c9e8e8888": "EXMEX"}, "game_type": 3, "host": "Hexus_One", "teams": {"0": ["Hexus_One"]}, "access": "public", "state": "open", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "blackops", "max_players": 8, "options": [true, true]}
  820. 11:43:28.503 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "SSC", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Selen"}, "rating_mean": 1369.64, "country": "CH", "number_of_games": 326, "rating_deviation": 61.0569, "command": "player_info", "avatar": {"url": "", "tooltip": "FAF Donator"}, "ladder_rating_mean": 1021.31, "login": "Downlord", "ladder_rating_deviation": 49.628}
  821. 11:43:29.208 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"1": 3650, "2": 3640, "3": 3634, "4": 1, "5": 1, "6": 1, "8": 1, "9": 1, "11": 3650, "12": 3650, "13": 3650, "14": 3650, "15": 3650, "17": 3650, "18": 3650, "19": 3650, "20": 3650, "21": 3650, "22": 3650}, "mapname": "island zero.v0001", "num_players": 10, "game_time": 1444295676.409718, "uid": 3949454, "title": "all welcome", "sim_mods": [], "game_type": 0, "host": "BlInChIk", "teams": {"1": ["konkonam", "itsBokchoy", "monopoi"], "2": ["BlInChIk", "SMoq", "KrAk3n", "brewersdrip"], "-1": ["Mielivalta"]}, "access": "public", "state": "open", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "faf", "max_players": 8, "options": []}
  822. 11:43:33.845 [pool-2-thread-3] INFO c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Copying game files from FA to FAF folder
  823. 11:43:34.207 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"1": 3650, "2": 3640, "3": 3634, "4": 1, "5": 1, "6": 1, "8": 1, "9": 1, "11": 3650, "12": 3650, "13": 3650, "14": 3650, "15": 3650, "17": 3650, "18": 3650, "19": 3650, "20": 3650, "21": 3650, "22": 3650}, "mapname": "island zero.v0001", "num_players": 10, "game_time": 1444295676.409718, "uid": 3949454, "title": "all welcome", "sim_mods": [], "game_type": 0, "host": "BlInChIk", "teams": {"1": ["konkonam", "itsBokchoy", "monopoi", "Iconoclast"], "2": ["BlInChIk", "SMoq", "KrAk3n", "brewersdrip"], "-1": ["Mielivalta"]}, "access": "public", "state": "open", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "faf", "max_players": 8, "options": []}
  824. 11:43:34.725 [pool-2-thread-3] DEBUG c.f.c.patch.UpdateServerAccessorImpl - Connecting to update server
  825. 11:43:34.763 [pool-2-thread-3] DEBUG c.f.c.patch.UpdateServerAccessorImpl - Connection to update server established
  826. 11:43:34.772 [pool-2-thread-3] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: GET_FILES_TO_UPDATE FAF
  827. 11:43:34.813 [Thread-27] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: LIST_FILES_TO_UP
  828. 11:43:34.814 [pool-2-thread-3] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\ForgedAlliance.exe
  829. 11:43:34.902 [pool-2-thread-3] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE bin $ForgedAlliance.exe @a78a315d858ff3848ebf4d9d31224abe
  830. 11:43:34.903 [pool-2-thread-3] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\init_faf.lua
  831. 11:43:34.903 [pool-2-thread-3] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE bin init_faf.lua @68ab7cb504a9a6c349f748c2d5db38c3
  832. 11:43:34.903 [pool-2-thread-3] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\init_ladder1v1.lua
  833. 11:43:34.903 [pool-2-thread-3] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE bin $init_ladder1v1.lua @ea96ac9cec88af29c08556c96465acfe
  834. 11:43:34.903 [pool-2-thread-3] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\GDFBinary.dll
  835. 11:43:34.906 [pool-2-thread-3] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE bin GDFBinary.dll @6f57f59c2e705d7a5a02d49e3915cb26
  836. 11:43:34.906 [pool-2-thread-3] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\SupComDataPath.lua
  837. 11:43:34.906 [pool-2-thread-3] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE bin $SupComDataPath.lua @55ac1ef97845f2291da64b830299331e
  838. 11:43:34.906 [pool-2-thread-3] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\SupComDataPathFAF.lua
  839. 11:43:34.907 [pool-2-thread-3] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE bin *SupComDataPathFAF.lua @962c9d1327657d77184adcf358c628f1
  840. 11:43:34.907 [pool-2-thread-3] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\init_nonxt.lua
  841. 11:43:34.907 [pool-2-thread-3] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE bin init_nonxt.lua @16da7063ae3309c154a2c544f559b3a9
  842. 11:43:34.947 [Thread-27] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  843. 11:43:34.947 [Thread-27] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: ForgedAlliance.exe
  844. 11:43:35.073 [Thread-27] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  845. 11:43:35.073 [Thread-27] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: init_faf.lua
  846. 11:43:35.168 [Thread-27] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  847. 11:43:35.168 [Thread-27] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: init_ladder1v1.lua
  848. 11:43:35.168 [Thread-27] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  849. 11:43:35.168 [Thread-27] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: GDFBinary.dll
  850. 11:43:35.168 [Thread-27] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  851. 11:43:35.169 [Thread-27] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: SupComDataPath.lua
  852. 11:43:35.169 [Thread-27] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  853. 11:43:35.169 [Thread-27] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: SupComDataPathFAF.lua
  854. 11:43:35.169 [Thread-27] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  855. 11:43:35.169 [Thread-27] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: init_nonxt.lua
  856. 11:43:35.169 [pool-2-thread-3] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File group 'FAF' for game type 'faf' has been updated
  857. 11:43:35.169 [pool-2-thread-3] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: GET_FILES_TO_UPDATE FAFGAMEDATA
  858. 11:43:35.379 [Thread-27] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: LIST_FILES_TO_UP
  859. 11:43:35.379 [pool-2-thread-3] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\faforever.faf
  860. 11:43:35.439 [pool-2-thread-3] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE gamedata faforever.faf @51c196294638c22071dc8ee01e55771e
  861. 11:43:35.440 [pool-2-thread-3] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\effects.nx2
  862. 11:43:35.441 [pool-2-thread-3] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE gamedata effects.nx2 @dbeab47fa2a728f51692c7dfba13b171
  863. 11:43:35.441 [pool-2-thread-3] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\env.nx2
  864. 11:43:35.444 [pool-2-thread-3] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE gamedata env.nx2 @25d0a20db863cb7b1a578e543a375ee3
  865. 11:43:35.447 [pool-2-thread-3] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\loc.nx2
  866. 11:43:35.450 [pool-2-thread-3] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE gamedata loc.nx2 @3dc00ef23651eae1a36672f18fdfe7e3
  867. 11:43:35.450 [pool-2-thread-3] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\lua.nx2
  868. 11:43:35.456 [pool-2-thread-3] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE gamedata lua.nx2 @43ac66b3387de858b33a156630e535f0
  869. 11:43:35.456 [pool-2-thread-3] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\meshes.nx2
  870. 11:43:35.456 [pool-2-thread-3] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE gamedata meshes.nx2 @2cf16b2c841bca53122c7efd3949b691
  871. 11:43:35.456 [pool-2-thread-3] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\modules.nx2
  872. 11:43:35.456 [pool-2-thread-3] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE gamedata modules.nx2 @38f12974e5e0898d9188c2aae1edc47a
  873. 11:43:35.456 [pool-2-thread-3] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\projectiles.nx2
  874. 11:43:35.458 [pool-2-thread-3] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE gamedata projectiles.nx2 @0520e8d22e112bfd302defbc47b6c634
  875. 11:43:35.458 [pool-2-thread-3] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\schook.nx2
  876. 11:43:35.458 [pool-2-thread-3] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE gamedata schook.nx2 @15afbb3bcca108dd0bfe6138fd954a63
  877. 11:43:35.459 [pool-2-thread-3] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\textures.nx2
  878. 11:43:35.511 [pool-2-thread-3] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE gamedata textures.nx2 @cbd5af98cf5b39eabd90d8441e3e22c9
  879. 11:43:35.511 [pool-2-thread-3] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\units.nx2
  880. 11:43:35.525 [Thread-27] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  881. 11:43:35.525 [Thread-27] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: faforever.faf
  882. 11:43:35.737 [pool-2-thread-3] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE gamedata units.nx2 @c342a57e7d63e7c5e59a469000ae99c8
  883. 11:43:35.737 [pool-2-thread-3] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\etc.nx2
  884. 11:43:35.738 [pool-2-thread-3] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE gamedata etc.nx2 @ca5c3d9e3a79097eef250a85a6059853
  885. 11:43:35.738 [Thread-27] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  886. 11:43:35.738 [Thread-27] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: effects.nx2
  887. 11:43:35.738 [Thread-27] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  888. 11:43:35.738 [Thread-27] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: env.nx2
  889. 11:43:35.738 [Thread-27] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  890. 11:43:35.738 [Thread-27] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: loc.nx2
  891. 11:43:35.738 [Thread-27] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  892. 11:43:35.738 [Thread-27] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: lua.nx2
  893. 11:43:35.739 [Thread-27] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  894. 11:43:35.739 [Thread-27] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: meshes.nx2
  895. 11:43:35.739 [Thread-27] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  896. 11:43:35.739 [Thread-27] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: modules.nx2
  897. 11:43:35.741 [Thread-27] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  898. 11:43:35.741 [Thread-27] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: projectiles.nx2
  899. 11:43:35.741 [Thread-27] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  900. 11:43:35.741 [Thread-27] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: schook.nx2
  901. 11:43:35.741 [Thread-27] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  902. 11:43:35.742 [Thread-27] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: textures.nx2
  903. 11:43:35.782 [Thread-27] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  904. 11:43:35.782 [Thread-27] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: units.nx2
  905. 11:43:35.819 [Thread-27] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  906. 11:43:35.819 [Thread-27] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: etc.nx2
  907. 11:43:35.819 [pool-2-thread-3] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File group 'FAFGAMEDATA' for game type 'faf' has been updated
  908. 11:43:35.820 [pool-2-thread-3] INFO c.f.c.patch.UpdateServerAccessorImpl - Disconnected from update server
  909. 11:43:35.821 [Thread-28] DEBUG c.f.c.l.writer.JsonMessageSerializer - Writing to server: {"gameport": 6112,"mapname": "BunnyRoanokeV11.v0001","title": "Testy","mod": "faf","options": [],"access": "public","command": "game_host"} Androish 1072261275
  910. 11:43:35.862 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: ACK
  911. 11:43:35.863 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Server acknowledged 326 bytes
  912. 11:43:35.863 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"version": null, "command": "game_launch", "uid": 3949484, "args": ["/ratingcolor d5d5d5d5", "/numgames 206"], "mod": "faf"}
  913. 11:43:35.865 [Thread-14] INFO c.f.c.fa.ForgedAllianceServiceImpl - Starting Forged Alliance with command: [C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\ForgedAlliance.exe, /init, init_faf.lua, /nobugreport, /log, C:\ProgramData\FAForever\log\game.log, /gpgnet,, /mean, 1241.86, /deviation, 64.4141, /savereplay, gpgnet://localhost/3949484/Androish.SCFAreplay, /country, NO, /clan, 42, /ratingcolor, d5d5d5d5, /numgames, 206]
  914. 11:43:35.868 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.l.writer.JsonMessageSerializer - Writing to server: {"state": "on","command": "fa_state"} Androish 1072261275
  915. 11:43:36.157 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: ACK
  916. 11:43:36.157 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Server acknowledged 122 bytes
  917. 11:43:39.211 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"8": 2, "6": 2, "7": 7}, "mapname": "5iver survival land oxtreme.v0001", "num_players": 1, "game_time": 1444297376.031071, "uid": 3949482, "title": "&lt;3", "sim_mods": {"9f775cf2-9b8b-11dc-8314-0800200c9a8D": "TVg V4.86 - TotalVeterancy", "9e8ea941-c306-4751-b367-f00000000005": "BlackOps Global Icon Support Mod", "4c6694bd-aaaa-aa12-8fe7-cf2c9e8e8888": "EXMEX", "62e2j64a-53a2-y6sg-32h5-146as555a18u3": "Total Mayhem v1.20", "a3c142d4-342c-3401-8106-df3db92def86": "Experimental Shields for FA. Including Seraphim V3", "16e610af-7e2c-402b-9dc7-bdf69272256g": "T3 Engineering Stations FAF"}, "game_type": 3, "host": "Hexus_One", "teams": {"0": ["Hexus_One"]}, "access": "public", "state": "open", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "blackops", "max_players": 8, "options": [true, true]}
  918. 11:43:40.423 [Thread-9] DEBUG c.f.c.l.relay.LocalRelayServerImpl - Forged Alliance connected to relay server from /
  919. 11:43:40.461 [Thread-9] INFO c.f.c.l.relay.LocalRelayServerImpl - Connected to FAF relay server at
  920. 11:43:40.463 [Thread-9] DEBUG c.f.c.l.writer.JsonMessageSerializer - Writing to server: {"action": "Authenticate","chuncks": ["1072261275",15762]}
  921. 11:43:40.466 [Thread-30] DEBUG c.f.client.legacy.proxy.ProxyImpl - UID has been set to 15762
  922. 11:43:40.466 [Thread-30] DEBUG c.f.c.l.relay.LocalRelayServerImpl - Writing data to FA, command: CreateLobby, args: [0, 6112, Androish, 15762, 1]
  923. 11:43:40.466 [Thread-30] DEBUG c.f.c.l.writer.JsonMessageSerializer - Writing to server: {"action": "GameState","chuncks": ["Idle"]}
  924. 11:43:40.552 [Thread-30] DEBUG c.f.c.l.writer.JsonMessageSerializer - Writing to server: {"action": "GameState","chuncks": ["Lobby"]}
  925. 11:43:40.669 [Thread-9] DEBUG c.f.c.l.relay.LocalRelayServerImpl - Message from FAF relay server: {"commands": [0, 6112, "Androish", 15762, 1], "key": "CreateLobby"}
  926. 11:43:40.670 [Thread-9] DEBUG c.f.c.l.relay.LocalRelayServerImpl - Discarding message from server: {"commands": [0, 6112, "Androish", 15762, 1], "key": "CreateLobby"}
  927. 11:43:40.670 [Thread-9] DEBUG c.f.c.l.relay.LocalRelayServerImpl - Message from FAF relay server: {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 15762 Androish"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
  928. 11:43:40.670 [Thread-9] DEBUG c.f.c.l.relay.LocalRelayServerImpl - Writing data to FA, command: SendNatPacket, args: [, /PLAYERID 15762 Androish]
  929. 11:43:40.672 [Thread-9] DEBUG c.f.c.l.relay.LocalRelayServerImpl - Message from FAF relay server: {"commands": ["BunnyRoanokeV11.v0001"], "key": "HostGame"}
  930. 11:43:40.673 [Thread-9] DEBUG c.f.c.l.relay.LocalRelayServerImpl - Writing data to FA, command: HostGame, args: [BunnyRoanokeV11.v0001]
  931. 11:43:40.681 [Thread-30] DEBUG c.f.c.l.writer.JsonMessageSerializer - Writing to server: {"action": "GameOption","chuncks": ["UnitCap","1000"]}
  932. 11:43:40.682 [Thread-30] DEBUG c.f.c.l.writer.JsonMessageSerializer - Writing to server: {"action": "GameOption","chuncks": ["ShareUnitCap","none"]}
  933. 11:43:40.683 [Thread-30] DEBUG c.f.c.l.writer.JsonMessageSerializer - Writing to server: {"action": "GameOption","chuncks": ["FogOfWar","none"]}
  934. 11:43:40.684 [Thread-30] DEBUG c.f.c.l.writer.JsonMessageSerializer - Writing to server: {"action": "GameOption","chuncks": ["Victory","sandbox"]}
  935. 11:43:40.685 [Thread-30] DEBUG c.f.c.l.writer.JsonMessageSerializer - Writing to server: {"action": "GameOption","chuncks": ["Timeouts","-1"]}
  936. 11:43:40.686 [Thread-30] DEBUG c.f.c.l.writer.JsonMessageSerializer - Writing to server: {"action": "GameOption","chuncks": ["GameSpeed","normal"]}
  937. 11:43:40.689 [Thread-30] DEBUG c.f.c.l.writer.JsonMessageSerializer - Writing to server: {"action": "GameOption","chuncks": ["AllowObservers",0]}
  938. 11:43:40.689 [Thread-30] DEBUG c.f.c.l.writer.JsonMessageSerializer - Writing to server: {"action": "GameOption","chuncks": ["CheatsEnabled","true"]}
  939. 11:43:40.690 [Thread-30] DEBUG c.f.c.l.writer.JsonMessageSerializer - Writing to server: {"action": "GameOption","chuncks": ["CivilianAlliance","enemy"]}
  940. 11:43:40.691 [Thread-30] DEBUG c.f.c.l.writer.JsonMessageSerializer - Writing to server: {"action": "GameOption","chuncks": ["PrebuiltUnits","Off"]}
  941. 11:43:40.692 [Thread-30] DEBUG c.f.c.l.writer.JsonMessageSerializer - Writing to server: {"action": "GameOption","chuncks": ["NoRushOption","Off"]}
  942. 11:43:40.693 [Thread-30] DEBUG c.f.c.l.writer.JsonMessageSerializer - Writing to server: {"action": "GameOption","chuncks": ["RandomMap","Off"]}
  943. 11:43:40.694 [Thread-30] DEBUG c.f.c.l.writer.JsonMessageSerializer - Writing to server: {"action": "GameOption","chuncks": ["Score","yes"]}
  944. 11:43:40.695 [Thread-30] DEBUG c.f.c.l.writer.JsonMessageSerializer - Writing to server: {"action": "GameOption","chuncks": ["Share","yes"]}
  945. 11:43:40.697 [Thread-30] DEBUG c.f.c.l.writer.JsonMessageSerializer - Writing to server: {"action": "GameOption","chuncks": ["TeamSpawn","random"]}
  946. 11:43:40.697 [Thread-30] DEBUG c.f.c.l.writer.JsonMessageSerializer - Writing to server: {"action": "GameOption","chuncks": ["TeamLock","unlocked"]}
  947. 11:43:40.698 [Thread-30] DEBUG c.f.c.l.writer.JsonMessageSerializer - Writing to server: {"action": "GameOption","chuncks": ["AutoTeams","none"]}
  948. 11:43:40.699 [Thread-30] DEBUG c.f.c.l.writer.JsonMessageSerializer - Writing to server: {"action": "GameOption","chuncks": ["CheatMult","2.0"]}
  949. 11:43:40.700 [Thread-30] DEBUG c.f.c.l.writer.JsonMessageSerializer - Writing to server: {"action": "GameOption","chuncks": ["BuildMult","2.0"]}
  950. 11:43:40.701 [Thread-30] DEBUG c.f.c.l.writer.JsonMessageSerializer - Writing to server: {"action": "GameOption","chuncks": ["TMLRandom","0"]}
  951. 11:43:40.702 [Thread-30] DEBUG c.f.c.l.writer.JsonMessageSerializer - Writing to server: {"action": "GameOption","chuncks": ["LandExpansionsAllowed","5"]}
  952. 11:43:40.703 [Thread-30] DEBUG c.f.c.l.writer.JsonMessageSerializer - Writing to server: {"action": "GameOption","chuncks": ["NavalExpansionsAllowed","4"]}
  953. 11:43:40.704 [Thread-30] DEBUG c.f.c.l.writer.JsonMessageSerializer - Writing to server: {"action": "GameOption","chuncks": ["OmniCheat","on"]}
  954. 11:43:40.706 [Thread-30] DEBUG c.f.c.l.writer.JsonMessageSerializer - Writing to server: {"action": "GameOption","chuncks": ["ScenarioFile","/maps/BunnyRoanokeV11.v0001/BunnyRoanokeV11_scenario.lua"]}
  955. 11:43:40.706 [Thread-30] DEBUG c.f.c.l.writer.JsonMessageSerializer - Writing to server: {"action": "GameOption","chuncks": ["Slots",6]}
  956. 11:43:40.730 [Thread-9] DEBUG c.f.c.l.relay.LocalRelayServerImpl - Message from FAF relay server: {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 15762 Androish"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
  957. 11:43:40.731 [Thread-9] DEBUG c.f.c.l.relay.LocalRelayServerImpl - Writing data to FA, command: SendNatPacket, args: [, /PLAYERID 15762 Androish]
  958. 11:43:40.904 [Thread-9] DEBUG c.f.c.l.relay.LocalRelayServerImpl - Message from FAF relay server: {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 15762 Androish"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
  959. 11:43:40.904 [Thread-9] DEBUG c.f.c.l.relay.LocalRelayServerImpl - Writing data to FA, command: SendNatPacket, args: [, /PLAYERID 15762 Androish]
  960. 11:43:41.022 [Thread-30] DEBUG c.f.c.l.writer.JsonMessageSerializer - Writing to server: {"action": "PlayerOption","chuncks": ["faction Androish 1 3"]}
  961. 11:43:41.025 [Thread-30] DEBUG c.f.c.l.writer.JsonMessageSerializer - Writing to server: {"action": "PlayerOption","chuncks": ["color Androish 1 1"]}
  962. 11:43:41.025 [Thread-30] DEBUG c.f.c.l.writer.JsonMessageSerializer - Writing to server: {"action": "PlayerOption","chuncks": ["team Androish 1 1"]}
  963. 11:43:41.025 [Thread-30] DEBUG c.f.c.l.writer.JsonMessageSerializer - Writing to server: {"action": "PlayerOption","chuncks": ["startspot Androish 1 1"]}
  964. 11:43:41.066 [Thread-30] DEBUG c.f.c.l.writer.JsonMessageSerializer - Writing to server: {"action": "ProcessNatPacket","chuncks": ["","PACKET_RECEIVED 6112"]}
  965. 11:43:41.100 [Thread-9] DEBUG c.f.c.l.relay.LocalRelayServerImpl - Message from FAF relay server: {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 15762 Androish"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
  966. 11:43:41.100 [Thread-9] DEBUG c.f.c.l.relay.LocalRelayServerImpl - Writing data to FA, command: SendNatPacket, args: [, /PLAYERID 15762 Androish]
  967. 11:43:41.144 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"debug": "port used : 6112"}
  968. 11:43:41.144 [Thread-14] WARN c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Unknown server object: {"debug": "port used : 6112"}
  969. 11:43:44.207 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"1": 3650, "2": 3640, "3": 3634, "4": 1, "5": 1, "6": 1, "8": 1, "9": 1, "11": 3650, "12": 3650, "13": 3650, "14": 3650, "15": 3650, "17": 3650, "18": 3650, "19": 3650, "20": 3650, "21": 3650, "22": 3650}, "mapname": "island zero.v0001", "num_players": 10, "game_time": 1444295676.409718, "uid": 3949454, "title": "all welcome", "sim_mods": [], "game_type": 0, "host": "BlInChIk", "teams": {"1": ["konkonam", "itsBokchoy", "monopoi", "Iconoclast"], "2": ["BlInChIk", "SMoq", "KrAk3n", "brewersdrip"], "-1": ["Mielivalta"]}, "access": "public", "state": "open", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "faf", "max_players": 8, "options": []}
  970. 11:43:44.581 [Thread-30] INFO c.f.c.l.relay.LocalRelayServerImpl - Forged Alliance disconnected from local relay server (EOF)
  971. 11:43:44.711 [Thread-29] INFO - Forged Alliance terminated with exit code 0
  972. 11:43:44.712 [Thread-29] INFO c.f.client.legacy.proxy.ProxyImpl - Closing proxy sockets
  973. 11:43:44.716 [JavaFX Application Thread] ERROR c.f.client.util.ConcurrentUtil - Task failed
  974. java.lang.NullPointerException: null
  975. at ~[downlords-faf-client-]
  976. at ~[downlords-faf-client-]
  977. at$100( ~[downlords-faf-client-]
  978. at$ ~[downlords-faf-client-]
  979. at$ ~[downlords-faf-client-]
  980. at javafx.concurrent.Task$ Source) ~[jfxrt.jar:na]
  981. at Source) ~[na:1.8.0_60]
  982. at javafx.concurrent.Service.lambda$null$493(Unknown Source) ~[jfxrt.jar:na]
  983. at Method) ~[na:1.8.0_60]
  984. at javafx.concurrent.Service.lambda$executeTask$494(Unknown Source) ~[jfxrt.jar:na]
  985. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) ~[na:1.8.0_60]
  986. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source) ~[na:1.8.0_60]
  987. at Source) ~[na:1.8.0_60]
  988. 11:43:47.245 [pool-2-thread-4] INFO c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Copying game files from FA to FAF folder
  989. 11:43:47.247 [pool-2-thread-4] DEBUG c.f.c.patch.UpdateServerAccessorImpl - Connecting to update server
  990. 11:43:47.286 [pool-2-thread-4] DEBUG c.f.c.patch.UpdateServerAccessorImpl - Connection to update server established
  991. 11:43:47.293 [pool-2-thread-4] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: GET_FILES_TO_UPDATE FAF
  992. 11:43:47.632 [Thread-31] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: LIST_FILES_TO_UP
  993. 11:43:47.633 [pool-2-thread-4] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\ForgedAlliance.exe
  994. 11:43:47.702 [pool-2-thread-4] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE bin $ForgedAlliance.exe @a78a315d858ff3848ebf4d9d31224abe
  995. 11:43:47.702 [pool-2-thread-4] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\init_faf.lua
  996. 11:43:47.702 [pool-2-thread-4] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE bin init_faf.lua @68ab7cb504a9a6c349f748c2d5db38c3
  997. 11:43:47.703 [pool-2-thread-4] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\init_ladder1v1.lua
  998. 11:43:47.703 [pool-2-thread-4] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE bin $init_ladder1v1.lua @ea96ac9cec88af29c08556c96465acfe
  999. 11:43:47.703 [pool-2-thread-4] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\GDFBinary.dll
  1000. 11:43:47.705 [pool-2-thread-4] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE bin GDFBinary.dll @6f57f59c2e705d7a5a02d49e3915cb26
  1001. 11:43:47.706 [pool-2-thread-4] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\SupComDataPath.lua
  1002. 11:43:47.706 [pool-2-thread-4] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE bin $SupComDataPath.lua @55ac1ef97845f2291da64b830299331e
  1003. 11:43:47.706 [pool-2-thread-4] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\SupComDataPathFAF.lua
  1004. 11:43:47.706 [pool-2-thread-4] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE bin *SupComDataPathFAF.lua @962c9d1327657d77184adcf358c628f1
  1005. 11:43:47.707 [pool-2-thread-4] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\init_nonxt.lua
  1006. 11:43:47.707 [pool-2-thread-4] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE bin init_nonxt.lua @16da7063ae3309c154a2c544f559b3a9
  1007. 11:43:48.644 [Thread-31] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1008. 11:43:48.644 [Thread-31] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: ForgedAlliance.exe
  1009. 11:43:48.733 [Thread-31] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1010. 11:43:48.733 [Thread-31] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: init_faf.lua
  1011. 11:43:48.733 [Thread-31] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1012. 11:43:48.733 [Thread-31] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: init_ladder1v1.lua
  1013. 11:43:48.733 [Thread-31] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1014. 11:43:48.733 [Thread-31] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: GDFBinary.dll
  1015. 11:43:48.736 [Thread-31] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1016. 11:43:48.736 [Thread-31] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: SupComDataPath.lua
  1017. 11:43:48.739 [Thread-31] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1018. 11:43:48.739 [Thread-31] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: SupComDataPathFAF.lua
  1019. 11:43:48.741 [Thread-31] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1020. 11:43:48.742 [Thread-31] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: init_nonxt.lua
  1021. 11:43:48.742 [pool-2-thread-4] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File group 'FAF' for game type 'faf' has been updated
  1022. 11:43:48.742 [pool-2-thread-4] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: GET_FILES_TO_UPDATE FAFGAMEDATA
  1023. 11:43:49.042 [Thread-31] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: LIST_FILES_TO_UP
  1024. 11:43:49.043 [pool-2-thread-4] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\faforever.faf
  1025. 11:43:49.100 [pool-2-thread-4] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE gamedata faforever.faf @51c196294638c22071dc8ee01e55771e
  1026. 11:43:49.101 [pool-2-thread-4] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\effects.nx2
  1027. 11:43:49.102 [pool-2-thread-4] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE gamedata effects.nx2 @dbeab47fa2a728f51692c7dfba13b171
  1028. 11:43:49.102 [pool-2-thread-4] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\env.nx2
  1029. 11:43:49.105 [pool-2-thread-4] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE gamedata env.nx2 @25d0a20db863cb7b1a578e543a375ee3
  1030. 11:43:49.105 [pool-2-thread-4] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\loc.nx2
  1031. 11:43:49.108 [pool-2-thread-4] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE gamedata loc.nx2 @3dc00ef23651eae1a36672f18fdfe7e3
  1032. 11:43:49.109 [pool-2-thread-4] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\lua.nx2
  1033. 11:43:49.114 [pool-2-thread-4] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE gamedata lua.nx2 @43ac66b3387de858b33a156630e535f0
  1034. 11:43:49.114 [pool-2-thread-4] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\meshes.nx2
  1035. 11:43:49.115 [pool-2-thread-4] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE gamedata meshes.nx2 @2cf16b2c841bca53122c7efd3949b691
  1036. 11:43:49.115 [pool-2-thread-4] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\modules.nx2
  1037. 11:43:49.115 [pool-2-thread-4] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE gamedata modules.nx2 @38f12974e5e0898d9188c2aae1edc47a
  1038. 11:43:49.115 [pool-2-thread-4] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\projectiles.nx2
  1039. 11:43:49.119 [pool-2-thread-4] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE gamedata projectiles.nx2 @0520e8d22e112bfd302defbc47b6c634
  1040. 11:43:49.119 [pool-2-thread-4] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\schook.nx2
  1041. 11:43:49.119 [pool-2-thread-4] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE gamedata schook.nx2 @15afbb3bcca108dd0bfe6138fd954a63
  1042. 11:43:49.119 [pool-2-thread-4] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\textures.nx2
  1043. 11:43:49.171 [pool-2-thread-4] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE gamedata textures.nx2 @cbd5af98cf5b39eabd90d8441e3e22c9
  1044. 11:43:49.171 [pool-2-thread-4] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\units.nx2
  1045. 11:43:49.208 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"1": 3650, "2": 3640, "3": 3634, "4": 1, "5": 1, "6": 1, "8": 1, "9": 1, "11": 3650, "12": 3650, "13": 3650, "14": 3650, "15": 3650, "17": 3650, "18": 3650, "19": 3650, "20": 3650, "21": 3650, "22": 3650}, "mapname": "bunnyroanokev11.v0001", "num_players": 1, "game_time": 1444297416.213782, "uid": 3949484, "title": "Testy", "sim_mods": [], "game_type": 3, "host": "Androish", "teams": {"0": ["Androish"]}, "access": "public", "state": "open", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "faf", "max_players": 6, "options": []}
  1046. 11:43:49.209 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"1": 3650, "2": 3640, "3": 3634, "4": 1, "5": 1, "6": 1, "8": 1, "9": 1, "11": 3650, "12": 3650, "13": 3650, "14": 3650, "15": 3650, "17": 3650, "18": 3650, "19": 3650, "20": 3650, "21": 3650, "22": 3650}, "mapname": "gap of rohan.v0001", "num_players": 6, "game_time": 1444295722.334152, "uid": 3949456, "title": "&gt;50 Games", "sim_mods": [], "game_type": 0, "host": "Depend", "teams": {"1": ["Last_Force", "MrRectum"], "2": ["Depend", "Solar_Storm", "Zombe", "Darkhowl"]}, "access": "public", "state": "open", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "faf", "max_players": 8, "options": []}
  1047. 11:43:49.247 [Thread-31] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1048. 11:43:49.247 [Thread-31] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: faforever.faf
  1049. 11:43:49.399 [pool-2-thread-4] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE gamedata units.nx2 @c342a57e7d63e7c5e59a469000ae99c8
  1050. 11:43:49.399 [pool-2-thread-4] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\etc.nx2
  1051. 11:43:49.400 [pool-2-thread-4] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE gamedata etc.nx2 @ca5c3d9e3a79097eef250a85a6059853
  1052. 11:43:49.400 [Thread-31] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1053. 11:43:49.400 [Thread-31] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: effects.nx2
  1054. 11:43:49.400 [Thread-31] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1055. 11:43:49.402 [Thread-31] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: env.nx2
  1056. 11:43:49.402 [Thread-31] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1057. 11:43:49.402 [Thread-31] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: loc.nx2
  1058. 11:43:49.402 [Thread-31] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1059. 11:43:49.402 [Thread-31] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: lua.nx2
  1060. 11:43:49.403 [Thread-31] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1061. 11:43:49.403 [Thread-31] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: meshes.nx2
  1062. 11:43:49.403 [Thread-31] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1063. 11:43:49.403 [Thread-31] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: modules.nx2
  1064. 11:43:49.403 [Thread-31] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1065. 11:43:49.403 [Thread-31] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: projectiles.nx2
  1066. 11:43:49.403 [Thread-31] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1067. 11:43:49.403 [Thread-31] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: schook.nx2
  1068. 11:43:49.403 [Thread-31] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1069. 11:43:49.403 [Thread-31] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: textures.nx2
  1070. 11:43:49.439 [Thread-31] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1071. 11:43:49.441 [Thread-31] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: units.nx2
  1072. 11:43:49.477 [Thread-31] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1073. 11:43:49.477 [Thread-31] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: etc.nx2
  1074. 11:43:49.478 [pool-2-thread-4] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File group 'FAFGAMEDATA' for game type 'faf' has been updated
  1075. 11:43:49.478 [pool-2-thread-4] INFO c.f.c.patch.UpdateServerAccessorImpl - Disconnected from update server
  1076. 11:43:49.478 [Thread-33] DEBUG c.f.c.l.writer.JsonMessageSerializer - Writing to server: {"gameport": 6112,"mapname": "BunnyRoanokeV11.v0001","title": "Testy","mod": "faf","options": [],"access": "public","command": "game_host"} Androish 1072261275
  1077. 11:43:49.522 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: ACK
  1078. 11:43:49.522 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Server acknowledged 326 bytes
  1079. 11:43:49.523 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"text": "You are already hosting a game", "style": "error", "command": "notice"}
  1080. 11:43:49.523 [Thread-14] WARN c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Unknown server object: {"text": "You are already hosting a game", "style": "error", "command": "notice"}
  1081. 11:43:54.211 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"1": 3650, "2": 3640, "3": 3634, "4": 1, "5": 1, "6": 1, "8": 1, "9": 1, "11": 3650, "12": 3650, "13": 3650, "14": 3650, "15": 3650, "17": 3650, "18": 3650, "19": 3650, "20": 3650, "21": 3650, "22": 3650}, "mapname": "island zero.v0001", "num_players": 9, "game_time": 1444295676.409718, "uid": 3949454, "title": "all welcome", "sim_mods": [], "game_type": 0, "host": "BlInChIk", "teams": {"1": ["konkonam", "itsBokchoy", "monopoi", "Iconoclast"], "2": ["BlInChIk", "SMoq", "KrAk3n", "brewersdrip"], "-1": ["Mielivalta"]}, "access": "public", "state": "open", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "faf", "max_players": 8, "options": []}
  1082. 11:43:54.212 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {}, "num_players": 0, "game_time": 0, "uid": 3949480, "title": "unknown", "sim_mods": [], "game_type": "unknown", "host": "unknown", "teams": {}, "mapname": "unknown", "state": "closed", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "unknown", "max_players": 0, "options": []}
  1083. 11:43:54.212 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"1": 3641, "2": 3645, "11": 3651, "12": 3651, "13": 3651, "14": 3651, "15": 3651, "17": 3651, "18": 3651, "19": 3651, "20": 3651, "21": 3651, "22": 3644}, "mapname": "astro_crater_battles", "num_players": 1, "game_time": 1444297375.507719, "uid": 3949481, "title": "only noobs | &lt;1000 :P", "sim_mods": [], "game_type": 0, "host": "Soldier", "teams": {"0": ["Soldier"]}, "access": "public", "state": "open", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "balancetesting", "max_players": 6, "options": []}
  1084. 11:43:59.208 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {}, "num_players": 0, "game_time": 0, "uid": 3949484, "title": "unknown", "sim_mods": [], "game_type": "unknown", "host": "unknown", "teams": {}, "mapname": "unknown", "state": "closed", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "unknown", "max_players": 0, "options": []}
  1085. 11:43:59.209 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"1": 3650, "2": 3640, "3": 3634, "4": 1, "5": 1, "6": 1, "8": 1, "9": 1, "11": 3650, "12": 3650, "13": 3650, "14": 3650, "15": 3650, "17": 3650, "18": 3650, "19": 3650, "20": 3650, "21": 3650, "22": 3650}, "mapname": "island zero.v0001", "num_players": 9, "game_time": 1444295676.409718, "uid": 3949454, "title": "all welcome", "sim_mods": [], "game_type": 0, "host": "BlInChIk", "teams": {"1": ["konkonam", "itsBokchoy", "monopoi", "Iconoclast"], "2": ["BlInChIk", "SMoq", "KrAk3n", "brewersdrip"], "-1": ["Mielivalta"]}, "access": "public", "state": "open", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "faf", "max_players": 8, "options": []}
  1086. 11:44:01.666 [pool-2-thread-2] INFO c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Copying game files from FA to FAF folder
  1087. 11:44:01.667 [pool-2-thread-2] DEBUG c.f.c.patch.UpdateServerAccessorImpl - Connecting to update server
  1088. 11:44:01.705 [pool-2-thread-2] DEBUG c.f.c.patch.UpdateServerAccessorImpl - Connection to update server established
  1089. 11:44:01.711 [pool-2-thread-2] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: GET_FILES_TO_UPDATE FAF
  1090. 11:44:01.847 [Thread-36] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: LIST_FILES_TO_UP
  1091. 11:44:01.847 [pool-2-thread-2] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\ForgedAlliance.exe
  1092. 11:44:01.916 [pool-2-thread-2] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE bin $ForgedAlliance.exe @a78a315d858ff3848ebf4d9d31224abe
  1093. 11:44:01.916 [pool-2-thread-2] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\init_faf.lua
  1094. 11:44:01.917 [pool-2-thread-2] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE bin init_faf.lua @68ab7cb504a9a6c349f748c2d5db38c3
  1095. 11:44:01.917 [pool-2-thread-2] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\init_ladder1v1.lua
  1096. 11:44:01.917 [pool-2-thread-2] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE bin $init_ladder1v1.lua @ea96ac9cec88af29c08556c96465acfe
  1097. 11:44:01.917 [pool-2-thread-2] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\GDFBinary.dll
  1098. 11:44:01.919 [pool-2-thread-2] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE bin GDFBinary.dll @6f57f59c2e705d7a5a02d49e3915cb26
  1099. 11:44:01.919 [pool-2-thread-2] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\SupComDataPath.lua
  1100. 11:44:01.920 [pool-2-thread-2] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE bin $SupComDataPath.lua @55ac1ef97845f2291da64b830299331e
  1101. 11:44:01.920 [pool-2-thread-2] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\SupComDataPathFAF.lua
  1102. 11:44:01.920 [pool-2-thread-2] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE bin *SupComDataPathFAF.lua @962c9d1327657d77184adcf358c628f1
  1103. 11:44:01.922 [pool-2-thread-2] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\init_nonxt.lua
  1104. 11:44:01.923 [pool-2-thread-2] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE bin init_nonxt.lua @16da7063ae3309c154a2c544f559b3a9
  1105. 11:44:02.001 [Thread-36] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1106. 11:44:02.001 [Thread-36] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: ForgedAlliance.exe
  1107. 11:44:02.039 [Thread-36] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1108. 11:44:02.039 [Thread-36] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: init_faf.lua
  1109. 11:44:02.126 [Thread-36] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1110. 11:44:02.126 [Thread-36] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: init_ladder1v1.lua
  1111. 11:44:02.129 [Thread-36] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1112. 11:44:02.129 [Thread-36] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: GDFBinary.dll
  1113. 11:44:02.129 [Thread-36] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1114. 11:44:02.129 [Thread-36] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: SupComDataPath.lua
  1115. 11:44:02.129 [Thread-36] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1116. 11:44:02.129 [Thread-36] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: SupComDataPathFAF.lua
  1117. 11:44:02.129 [Thread-36] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1118. 11:44:02.129 [Thread-36] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: init_nonxt.lua
  1119. 11:44:02.131 [pool-2-thread-2] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File group 'FAF' for game type 'faf' has been updated
  1120. 11:44:02.131 [pool-2-thread-2] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: GET_FILES_TO_UPDATE FAFGAMEDATA
  1121. 11:44:02.425 [Thread-36] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: LIST_FILES_TO_UP
  1122. 11:44:02.425 [pool-2-thread-2] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\faforever.faf
  1123. 11:44:02.483 [pool-2-thread-2] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE gamedata faforever.faf @51c196294638c22071dc8ee01e55771e
  1124. 11:44:02.483 [pool-2-thread-2] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\effects.nx2
  1125. 11:44:02.484 [pool-2-thread-2] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE gamedata effects.nx2 @dbeab47fa2a728f51692c7dfba13b171
  1126. 11:44:02.484 [pool-2-thread-2] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\env.nx2
  1127. 11:44:02.488 [pool-2-thread-2] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE gamedata env.nx2 @25d0a20db863cb7b1a578e543a375ee3
  1128. 11:44:02.488 [pool-2-thread-2] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\loc.nx2
  1129. 11:44:02.491 [pool-2-thread-2] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE gamedata loc.nx2 @3dc00ef23651eae1a36672f18fdfe7e3
  1130. 11:44:02.491 [pool-2-thread-2] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\lua.nx2
  1131. 11:44:02.497 [pool-2-thread-2] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE gamedata lua.nx2 @43ac66b3387de858b33a156630e535f0
  1132. 11:44:02.497 [pool-2-thread-2] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\meshes.nx2
  1133. 11:44:02.497 [pool-2-thread-2] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE gamedata meshes.nx2 @2cf16b2c841bca53122c7efd3949b691
  1134. 11:44:02.497 [pool-2-thread-2] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\modules.nx2
  1135. 11:44:02.500 [pool-2-thread-2] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE gamedata modules.nx2 @38f12974e5e0898d9188c2aae1edc47a
  1136. 11:44:02.500 [pool-2-thread-2] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\projectiles.nx2
  1137. 11:44:02.502 [pool-2-thread-2] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE gamedata projectiles.nx2 @0520e8d22e112bfd302defbc47b6c634
  1138. 11:44:02.502 [pool-2-thread-2] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\schook.nx2
  1139. 11:44:02.502 [pool-2-thread-2] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE gamedata schook.nx2 @15afbb3bcca108dd0bfe6138fd954a63
  1140. 11:44:02.502 [pool-2-thread-2] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\textures.nx2
  1141. 11:44:02.554 [pool-2-thread-2] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE gamedata textures.nx2 @cbd5af98cf5b39eabd90d8441e3e22c9
  1142. 11:44:02.554 [pool-2-thread-2] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\units.nx2
  1143. 11:44:02.783 [pool-2-thread-2] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE gamedata units.nx2 @c342a57e7d63e7c5e59a469000ae99c8
  1144. 11:44:02.783 [pool-2-thread-2] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\etc.nx2
  1145. 11:44:02.784 [pool-2-thread-2] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE gamedata etc.nx2 @ca5c3d9e3a79097eef250a85a6059853
  1146. 11:44:02.918 [Thread-36] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1147. 11:44:02.918 [Thread-36] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: faforever.faf
  1148. 11:44:02.955 [Thread-36] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1149. 11:44:02.956 [Thread-36] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: effects.nx2
  1150. 11:44:03.043 [Thread-36] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1151. 11:44:03.045 [Thread-36] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: env.nx2
  1152. 11:44:03.045 [Thread-36] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1153. 11:44:03.045 [Thread-36] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: loc.nx2
  1154. 11:44:03.045 [Thread-36] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1155. 11:44:03.045 [Thread-36] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: lua.nx2
  1156. 11:44:03.045 [Thread-36] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1157. 11:44:03.045 [Thread-36] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: meshes.nx2
  1158. 11:44:03.045 [Thread-36] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1159. 11:44:03.046 [Thread-36] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: modules.nx2
  1160. 11:44:03.046 [Thread-36] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1161. 11:44:03.046 [Thread-36] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: projectiles.nx2
  1162. 11:44:03.046 [Thread-36] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1163. 11:44:03.046 [Thread-36] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: schook.nx2
  1164. 11:44:03.046 [Thread-36] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1165. 11:44:03.046 [Thread-36] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: textures.nx2
  1166. 11:44:03.046 [Thread-36] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1167. 11:44:03.048 [Thread-36] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: units.nx2
  1168. 11:44:03.048 [Thread-36] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1169. 11:44:03.048 [Thread-36] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: etc.nx2
  1170. 11:44:03.048 [pool-2-thread-2] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File group 'FAFGAMEDATA' for game type 'faf' has been updated
  1171. 11:44:03.048 [pool-2-thread-2] INFO c.f.c.patch.UpdateServerAccessorImpl - Disconnected from update server
  1172. 11:44:03.049 [Thread-37] DEBUG c.f.c.l.writer.JsonMessageSerializer - Writing to server: {"gameport": 6112,"mapname": "BunnyRoanokeV11.v0001","title": "Testy","mod": "faf","options": [],"access": "public","command": "game_host"} Androish 1072261275
  1173. 11:44:03.123 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: ACK
  1174. 11:44:03.123 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Server acknowledged 326 bytes
  1175. 11:44:03.123 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"text": "You are already hosting a game", "style": "error", "command": "notice"}
  1176. 11:44:03.123 [Thread-14] WARN c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Unknown server object: {"text": "You are already hosting a game", "style": "error", "command": "notice"}
  1177. 11:44:04.209 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"1": 3650, "2": 3640, "3": 3634, "4": 1, "5": 1, "6": 1, "8": 1, "9": 1, "11": 3650, "12": 3650, "13": 3650, "14": 3650, "15": 3650, "17": 3650, "18": 3650, "19": 3650, "20": 3650, "21": 3650, "22": 3650}, "mapname": "gap of rohan.v0001", "num_players": 7, "game_time": 1444295722.334152, "uid": 3949456, "title": "&gt;50 Games", "sim_mods": [], "game_type": 0, "host": "Depend", "teams": {"1": ["Last_Force", "MrRectum"], "2": ["Depend", "Solar_Storm", "Zombe", "Darkhowl"]}, "access": "public", "state": "open", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "faf", "max_players": 8, "options": []}
  1178. 11:44:04.459 [pool-2-thread-5] INFO c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Copying game files from FA to FAF folder
  1179. 11:44:04.461 [pool-2-thread-5] DEBUG c.f.c.patch.UpdateServerAccessorImpl - Connecting to update server
  1180. 11:44:04.502 [pool-2-thread-5] DEBUG c.f.c.patch.UpdateServerAccessorImpl - Connection to update server established
  1181. 11:44:04.509 [pool-2-thread-5] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: GET_FILES_TO_UPDATE FAF
  1182. 11:44:04.849 [Thread-38] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: LIST_FILES_TO_UP
  1183. 11:44:04.849 [pool-2-thread-5] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\ForgedAlliance.exe
  1184. 11:44:04.919 [pool-2-thread-5] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE bin $ForgedAlliance.exe @a78a315d858ff3848ebf4d9d31224abe
  1185. 11:44:04.919 [pool-2-thread-5] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\init_faf.lua
  1186. 11:44:04.920 [pool-2-thread-5] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE bin init_faf.lua @68ab7cb504a9a6c349f748c2d5db38c3
  1187. 11:44:04.920 [pool-2-thread-5] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\init_ladder1v1.lua
  1188. 11:44:04.920 [pool-2-thread-5] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE bin $init_ladder1v1.lua @ea96ac9cec88af29c08556c96465acfe
  1189. 11:44:04.920 [pool-2-thread-5] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\GDFBinary.dll
  1190. 11:44:04.923 [pool-2-thread-5] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE bin GDFBinary.dll @6f57f59c2e705d7a5a02d49e3915cb26
  1191. 11:44:04.923 [pool-2-thread-5] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\SupComDataPath.lua
  1192. 11:44:04.923 [pool-2-thread-5] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE bin $SupComDataPath.lua @55ac1ef97845f2291da64b830299331e
  1193. 11:44:04.923 [pool-2-thread-5] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\SupComDataPathFAF.lua
  1194. 11:44:04.923 [pool-2-thread-5] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE bin *SupComDataPathFAF.lua @962c9d1327657d77184adcf358c628f1
  1195. 11:44:04.923 [pool-2-thread-5] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\init_nonxt.lua
  1196. 11:44:04.924 [pool-2-thread-5] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE bin init_nonxt.lua @16da7063ae3309c154a2c544f559b3a9
  1197. 11:44:05.547 [Thread-38] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1198. 11:44:05.547 [Thread-38] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: ForgedAlliance.exe
  1199. 11:44:05.846 [Thread-38] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1200. 11:44:05.846 [Thread-38] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: init_faf.lua
  1201. 11:44:05.847 [Thread-38] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1202. 11:44:05.847 [Thread-38] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: init_ladder1v1.lua
  1203. 11:44:05.847 [Thread-38] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1204. 11:44:05.847 [Thread-38] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: GDFBinary.dll
  1205. 11:44:05.847 [Thread-38] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1206. 11:44:05.847 [Thread-38] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: SupComDataPath.lua
  1207. 11:44:05.849 [Thread-38] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1208. 11:44:05.849 [Thread-38] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: SupComDataPathFAF.lua
  1209. 11:44:05.849 [Thread-38] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1210. 11:44:05.850 [Thread-38] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: init_nonxt.lua
  1211. 11:44:05.850 [pool-2-thread-5] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File group 'FAF' for game type 'faf' has been updated
  1212. 11:44:05.850 [pool-2-thread-5] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: GET_FILES_TO_UPDATE FAFGAMEDATA
  1213. 11:44:05.969 [Thread-38] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: LIST_FILES_TO_UP
  1214. 11:44:05.969 [pool-2-thread-5] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\faforever.faf
  1215. 11:44:06.029 [pool-2-thread-5] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE gamedata faforever.faf @51c196294638c22071dc8ee01e55771e
  1216. 11:44:06.029 [pool-2-thread-5] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\effects.nx2
  1217. 11:44:06.030 [pool-2-thread-5] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE gamedata effects.nx2 @dbeab47fa2a728f51692c7dfba13b171
  1218. 11:44:06.030 [pool-2-thread-5] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\env.nx2
  1219. 11:44:06.034 [pool-2-thread-5] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE gamedata env.nx2 @25d0a20db863cb7b1a578e543a375ee3
  1220. 11:44:06.034 [pool-2-thread-5] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\loc.nx2
  1221. 11:44:06.037 [pool-2-thread-5] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE gamedata loc.nx2 @3dc00ef23651eae1a36672f18fdfe7e3
  1222. 11:44:06.037 [pool-2-thread-5] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\lua.nx2
  1223. 11:44:06.045 [pool-2-thread-5] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE gamedata lua.nx2 @43ac66b3387de858b33a156630e535f0
  1224. 11:44:06.045 [pool-2-thread-5] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\meshes.nx2
  1225. 11:44:06.046 [pool-2-thread-5] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE gamedata meshes.nx2 @2cf16b2c841bca53122c7efd3949b691
  1226. 11:44:06.046 [pool-2-thread-5] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\modules.nx2
  1227. 11:44:06.046 [pool-2-thread-5] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE gamedata modules.nx2 @38f12974e5e0898d9188c2aae1edc47a
  1228. 11:44:06.046 [pool-2-thread-5] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\projectiles.nx2
  1229. 11:44:06.048 [pool-2-thread-5] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE gamedata projectiles.nx2 @0520e8d22e112bfd302defbc47b6c634
  1230. 11:44:06.048 [pool-2-thread-5] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\schook.nx2
  1231. 11:44:06.050 [pool-2-thread-5] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE gamedata schook.nx2 @15afbb3bcca108dd0bfe6138fd954a63
  1232. 11:44:06.050 [pool-2-thread-5] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\textures.nx2
  1233. 11:44:06.102 [pool-2-thread-5] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE gamedata textures.nx2 @cbd5af98cf5b39eabd90d8441e3e22c9
  1234. 11:44:06.102 [pool-2-thread-5] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\units.nx2
  1235. 11:44:06.195 [Thread-38] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1236. 11:44:06.195 [Thread-38] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: faforever.faf
  1237. 11:44:06.329 [pool-2-thread-5] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE gamedata units.nx2 @c342a57e7d63e7c5e59a469000ae99c8
  1238. 11:44:06.329 [pool-2-thread-5] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\etc.nx2
  1239. 11:44:06.330 [pool-2-thread-5] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE gamedata etc.nx2 @ca5c3d9e3a79097eef250a85a6059853
  1240. 11:44:06.330 [Thread-38] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1241. 11:44:06.330 [Thread-38] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: effects.nx2
  1242. 11:44:06.330 [Thread-38] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1243. 11:44:06.330 [Thread-38] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: env.nx2
  1244. 11:44:06.330 [Thread-38] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1245. 11:44:06.330 [Thread-38] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: loc.nx2
  1246. 11:44:06.331 [Thread-38] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1247. 11:44:06.331 [Thread-38] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: lua.nx2
  1248. 11:44:06.331 [Thread-38] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1249. 11:44:06.331 [Thread-38] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: meshes.nx2
  1250. 11:44:06.331 [Thread-38] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1251. 11:44:06.331 [Thread-38] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: modules.nx2
  1252. 11:44:06.331 [Thread-38] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1253. 11:44:06.331 [Thread-38] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: projectiles.nx2
  1254. 11:44:06.331 [Thread-38] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1255. 11:44:06.331 [Thread-38] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: schook.nx2
  1256. 11:44:06.332 [Thread-38] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1257. 11:44:06.332 [Thread-38] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: textures.nx2
  1258. 11:44:06.369 [Thread-38] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1259. 11:44:06.369 [Thread-38] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: units.nx2
  1260. 11:44:06.407 [Thread-38] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1261. 11:44:06.407 [Thread-38] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: etc.nx2
  1262. 11:44:06.407 [pool-2-thread-5] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File group 'FAFGAMEDATA' for game type 'faf' has been updated
  1263. 11:44:06.409 [pool-2-thread-5] INFO c.f.c.patch.UpdateServerAccessorImpl - Disconnected from update server
  1264. 11:44:06.410 [Thread-39] DEBUG c.f.c.l.writer.JsonMessageSerializer - Writing to server: {"gameport": 6112,"mapname": "BunnyRoanokeV11.v0001","title": "Testy","mod": "faf","options": [],"access": "public","command": "game_host"} Androish 1072261275
  1265. 11:44:06.452 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: ACK
  1266. 11:44:06.452 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Server acknowledged 326 bytes
  1267. 11:44:06.452 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"text": "You are already hosting a game", "style": "error", "command": "notice"}
  1268. 11:44:06.452 [Thread-14] WARN c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Unknown server object: {"text": "You are already hosting a game", "style": "error", "command": "notice"}
  1269. 11:44:07.531 [pool-2-thread-1] INFO c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Copying game files from FA to FAF folder
  1270. 11:44:07.533 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.c.patch.UpdateServerAccessorImpl - Connecting to update server
  1271. 11:44:07.571 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.c.patch.UpdateServerAccessorImpl - Connection to update server established
  1272. 11:44:07.578 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: GET_FILES_TO_UPDATE FAF
  1273. 11:44:07.618 [Thread-40] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: LIST_FILES_TO_UP
  1274. 11:44:07.618 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\ForgedAlliance.exe
  1275. 11:44:07.687 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE bin $ForgedAlliance.exe @a78a315d858ff3848ebf4d9d31224abe
  1276. 11:44:07.687 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\init_faf.lua
  1277. 11:44:07.687 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE bin init_faf.lua @68ab7cb504a9a6c349f748c2d5db38c3
  1278. 11:44:07.688 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\init_ladder1v1.lua
  1279. 11:44:07.688 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE bin $init_ladder1v1.lua @ea96ac9cec88af29c08556c96465acfe
  1280. 11:44:07.688 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\GDFBinary.dll
  1281. 11:44:07.690 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE bin GDFBinary.dll @6f57f59c2e705d7a5a02d49e3915cb26
  1282. 11:44:07.691 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\SupComDataPath.lua
  1283. 11:44:07.691 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE bin $SupComDataPath.lua @55ac1ef97845f2291da64b830299331e
  1284. 11:44:07.691 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\SupComDataPathFAF.lua
  1285. 11:44:07.691 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE bin *SupComDataPathFAF.lua @962c9d1327657d77184adcf358c628f1
  1286. 11:44:07.691 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\init_nonxt.lua
  1287. 11:44:07.692 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE bin init_nonxt.lua @16da7063ae3309c154a2c544f559b3a9
  1288. 11:44:08.029 [Thread-40] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1289. 11:44:08.029 [Thread-40] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: ForgedAlliance.exe
  1290. 11:44:08.116 [Thread-40] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1291. 11:44:08.117 [Thread-40] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: init_faf.lua
  1292. 11:44:08.117 [Thread-40] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1293. 11:44:08.117 [Thread-40] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: init_ladder1v1.lua
  1294. 11:44:08.117 [Thread-40] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1295. 11:44:08.119 [Thread-40] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: GDFBinary.dll
  1296. 11:44:08.119 [Thread-40] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1297. 11:44:08.119 [Thread-40] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: SupComDataPath.lua
  1298. 11:44:08.119 [Thread-40] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1299. 11:44:08.120 [Thread-40] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: SupComDataPathFAF.lua
  1300. 11:44:08.120 [Thread-40] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1301. 11:44:08.120 [Thread-40] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: init_nonxt.lua
  1302. 11:44:08.120 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File group 'FAF' for game type 'faf' has been updated
  1303. 11:44:08.122 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: GET_FILES_TO_UPDATE FAFGAMEDATA
  1304. 11:44:08.423 [Thread-40] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: LIST_FILES_TO_UP
  1305. 11:44:08.423 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\faforever.faf
  1306. 11:44:08.481 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE gamedata faforever.faf @51c196294638c22071dc8ee01e55771e
  1307. 11:44:08.481 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\effects.nx2
  1308. 11:44:08.482 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE gamedata effects.nx2 @dbeab47fa2a728f51692c7dfba13b171
  1309. 11:44:08.482 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\env.nx2
  1310. 11:44:08.486 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE gamedata env.nx2 @25d0a20db863cb7b1a578e543a375ee3
  1311. 11:44:08.488 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\loc.nx2
  1312. 11:44:08.492 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE gamedata loc.nx2 @3dc00ef23651eae1a36672f18fdfe7e3
  1313. 11:44:08.492 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\lua.nx2
  1314. 11:44:08.497 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE gamedata lua.nx2 @43ac66b3387de858b33a156630e535f0
  1315. 11:44:08.497 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\meshes.nx2
  1316. 11:44:08.498 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE gamedata meshes.nx2 @2cf16b2c841bca53122c7efd3949b691
  1317. 11:44:08.498 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\modules.nx2
  1318. 11:44:08.498 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE gamedata modules.nx2 @38f12974e5e0898d9188c2aae1edc47a
  1319. 11:44:08.498 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\projectiles.nx2
  1320. 11:44:08.500 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE gamedata projectiles.nx2 @0520e8d22e112bfd302defbc47b6c634
  1321. 11:44:08.500 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\schook.nx2
  1322. 11:44:08.500 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE gamedata schook.nx2 @15afbb3bcca108dd0bfe6138fd954a63
  1323. 11:44:08.500 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\textures.nx2
  1324. 11:44:08.552 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE gamedata textures.nx2 @cbd5af98cf5b39eabd90d8441e3e22c9
  1325. 11:44:08.552 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\units.nx2
  1326. 11:44:08.577 [Thread-40] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1327. 11:44:08.579 [Thread-40] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: faforever.faf
  1328. 11:44:08.779 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE gamedata units.nx2 @c342a57e7d63e7c5e59a469000ae99c8
  1329. 11:44:08.779 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - Updating file C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\etc.nx2
  1330. 11:44:08.780 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.c.p.UpdateServerRequestSerializer - Writing to server: UPDATE gamedata etc.nx2 @ca5c3d9e3a79097eef250a85a6059853
  1331. 11:44:08.780 [Thread-40] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1332. 11:44:08.780 [Thread-40] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: effects.nx2
  1333. 11:44:08.780 [Thread-40] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1334. 11:44:08.780 [Thread-40] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: env.nx2
  1335. 11:44:08.780 [Thread-40] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1336. 11:44:08.780 [Thread-40] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: loc.nx2
  1337. 11:44:08.781 [Thread-40] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1338. 11:44:08.781 [Thread-40] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: lua.nx2
  1339. 11:44:08.781 [Thread-40] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1340. 11:44:08.781 [Thread-40] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: meshes.nx2
  1341. 11:44:08.781 [Thread-40] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1342. 11:44:08.781 [Thread-40] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: modules.nx2
  1343. 11:44:08.781 [Thread-40] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1344. 11:44:08.781 [Thread-40] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: projectiles.nx2
  1345. 11:44:08.781 [Thread-40] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1346. 11:44:08.781 [Thread-40] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: schook.nx2
  1347. 11:44:08.781 [Thread-40] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1348. 11:44:08.782 [Thread-40] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: textures.nx2
  1349. 11:44:08.818 [Thread-40] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1350. 11:44:08.818 [Thread-40] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: units.nx2
  1351. 11:44:08.855 [Thread-40] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: UP_TO_DATE
  1352. 11:44:08.855 [Thread-40] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File is already up to date: etc.nx2
  1353. 11:44:08.855 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG c.f.client.patch.UpdateGameFilesTask - File group 'FAFGAMEDATA' for game type 'faf' has been updated
  1354. 11:44:08.855 [pool-2-thread-1] INFO c.f.c.patch.UpdateServerAccessorImpl - Disconnected from update server
  1355. 11:44:08.855 [Thread-41] DEBUG c.f.c.l.writer.JsonMessageSerializer - Writing to server: {"gameport": 6112,"mapname": "BunnyRoanokeV11.v0001","title": "Testy","mod": "faf","options": [],"access": "public","command": "game_host"} Androish 1072261275
  1356. 11:44:08.902 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: ACK
  1357. 11:44:08.902 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Server acknowledged 326 bytes
  1358. 11:44:08.902 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"text": "You are already hosting a game", "style": "error", "command": "notice"}
  1359. 11:44:08.904 [Thread-14] WARN c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Unknown server object: {"text": "You are already hosting a game", "style": "error", "command": "notice"}
  1360. 11:44:09.207 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"1": 3650, "2": 3640, "3": 3634, "4": 1, "5": 1, "6": 1, "8": 1, "9": 1, "11": 3650, "12": 3650, "13": 3650, "14": 3650, "15": 3650, "17": 3650, "18": 3650, "19": 3650, "20": 3650, "21": 3650, "22": 3650}, "mapname": "island zero.v0001", "num_players": 9, "game_time": 1444295676.409718, "uid": 3949454, "title": "all welcome", "sim_mods": [], "game_type": 0, "host": "BlInChIk", "teams": {"1": ["konkonam", "itsBokchoy", "monopoi", "Iconoclast"], "2": ["BlInChIk", "SMoq", "KrAk3n", "brewersdrip"], "-1": ["Mielivalta"]}, "access": "public", "state": "open", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "faf", "max_players": 8, "options": []}
  1361. 11:44:11.668 [Thread-9] DEBUG c.f.c.l.relay.LocalRelayServerImpl - Message from FAF relay server: {"commands": [], "key": "ping"}
  1362. 11:44:11.668 [Thread-9] DEBUG c.f.c.l.writer.JsonMessageSerializer - Writing to server: {"action": "pong","chuncks": []}
  1363. 11:44:14.205 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {}, "num_players": 0, "game_time": 0, "uid": 3949453, "title": "unknown", "sim_mods": [], "game_type": "unknown", "host": "unknown", "teams": {}, "mapname": "unknown", "state": "closed", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "unknown", "max_players": 0, "options": []}
  1364. 11:44:19.207 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"1": 3650, "2": 3640, "3": 3634, "4": 1, "5": 1, "6": 1, "8": 1, "9": 1, "11": 3650, "12": 3650, "13": 3650, "14": 3650, "15": 3650, "17": 3650, "18": 3650, "19": 3650, "20": 3650, "21": 3650, "22": 3650}, "mapname": "island zero.v0001", "num_players": 9, "game_time": 1444295676.409718, "uid": 3949454, "title": "all welcome", "sim_mods": [], "game_type": 0, "host": "BlInChIk", "teams": {"1": ["konkonam", "itsBokchoy", "monopoi", "Iconoclast"], "2": ["BlInChIk", "SMoq", "KrAk3n", "brewersdrip"], "-1": ["Mielivalta"]}, "access": "public", "state": "open", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "faf", "max_players": 8, "options": []}
  1365. 11:44:20.753 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "rating_mean": 1394.42, "country": "US", "number_of_games": 33, "rating_deviation": 127.936, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 1500.0, "login": "MurderInc", "ladder_rating_deviation": 500.0}
  1366. 11:44:22.257 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: PING
  1367. 11:44:22.258 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Server PINGed
  1368. 11:44:22.321 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: ACK
  1369. 11:44:22.321 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.LobbyServerAccessorImpl - Server acknowledged 56 bytes
  1370. 11:44:24.209 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"8": 2, "6": 2, "7": 7}, "mapname": "5iver survival land oxtreme.v0001", "num_players": 1, "game_time": 1444297376.031071, "uid": 3949482, "title": "&lt;3", "sim_mods": {"9f775cf2-9b8b-11dc-8314-0800200c9a8D": "TVg V4.86 - TotalVeterancy", "9e8ea941-c306-4751-b367-f00000000005": "BlackOps Global Icon Support Mod", "4c6694bd-aaaa-aa12-8fe7-cf2c9e8e8888": "EXMEX", "62e2j64a-53a2-y6sg-32h5-146as555a18u3": "Total Mayhem v1.20", "a3c142d4-342c-3401-8106-df3db92def86": "Experimental Shields for FA. Including Seraphim V3", "16e610af-7e2c-402b-9dc7-bdf69272256g": "T3 Engineering Stations FAF"}, "game_type": 3, "host": "Hexus_One", "teams": {"0": ["Hexus_One"]}, "access": "public", "state": "open", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "blackops", "max_players": 8, "options": [true, true]}
  1371. 11:44:24.210 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"1": 3650, "2": 3640, "3": 3634, "4": 1, "5": 1, "6": 1, "8": 1, "9": 1, "11": 3650, "12": 3650, "13": 3650, "14": 3650, "15": 3650, "17": 3650, "18": 3650, "19": 3650, "20": 3650, "21": 3650, "22": 3650}, "mapname": "scmp_005", "num_players": 1, "game_time": 1444297453.137555, "uid": 3949489, "title": "nobody's game", "sim_mods": [], "game_type": 0, "host": "clipmonkey206", "teams": {"0": ["clipmonkey206"]}, "access": "password", "state": "open", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "faf", "max_players": 7, "options": []}
  1372. 11:44:29.517 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"clan": "", "league": {"league": 1, "division": "Mole"}, "rating_mean": 1054.2, "country": "LT", "number_of_games": 57, "rating_deviation": 125.344, "command": "player_info", "avatar": null, "ladder_rating_mean": 656.609, "login": "Pizamotas", "ladder_rating_deviation": 196.897}
  1373. 11:44:34.212 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"1": 3650, "2": 3640, "3": 3634, "4": 1, "5": 1, "6": 1, "8": 1, "9": 1, "11": 3650, "12": 3650, "13": 3650, "14": 3650, "15": 3650, "17": 3650, "18": 3650, "19": 3650, "20": 3650, "21": 3650, "22": 3650}, "mapname": "gap of rohan.v0001", "num_players": 7, "game_time": 1444295722.334152, "uid": 3949456, "title": "&gt;50 Games", "sim_mods": [], "game_type": 0, "host": "Depend", "teams": {"1": ["Last_Force", "MrRectum", "Dirtierdragon"], "2": ["Depend", "Solar_Storm", "Zombe", "Darkhowl"]}, "access": "public", "state": "open", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "faf", "max_players": 8, "options": []}
  1374. 11:44:34.213 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"1": 3650, "2": 3640, "3": 3634, "4": 1, "5": 1, "6": 1, "8": 1, "9": 1, "11": 3650, "12": 3650, "13": 3650, "14": 3650, "15": 3650, "17": 3650, "18": 3650, "19": 3650, "20": 3650, "21": 3650, "22": 3650}, "mapname": "scmp_005", "num_players": 1, "game_time": 1444297453.137555, "uid": 3949489, "title": "nobody's game", "sim_mods": [], "game_type": 0, "host": "clipmonkey206", "teams": {"0": ["clipmonkey206"]}, "access": "password", "state": "open", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "faf", "max_players": 7, "options": []}
  1375. 11:44:39.206 [Thread-14] DEBUG c.f.c.legacy.AbstractServerAccessor - Message from server: {"featured_mod_versions": {"1": 3650, "2": 3640, "3": 3634, "4": 1, "5": 1, "6": 1, "8": 1, "9": 1, "11": 3650, "12": 3650, "13": 3650, "14": 3650, "15": 3650, "17": 3650, "18": 3650, "19": 3650, "20": 3650, "21": 3650, "22": 3650}, "mapname": "island zero.v0001", "num_players": 10, "game_time": 1444295676.409718, "uid": 3949454, "title": "all welcome", "sim_mods": [], "game_type": 0, "host": "BlInChIk", "teams": {"1": ["konkonam", "itsBokchoy", "monopoi", "Iconoclast"], "2": ["BlInChIk", "SMoq", "KrAk3n", "Dagger"], "-1": ["brewersdrip", "Mielivalta"]}, "access": "public", "state": "open", "command": "game_info", "featured_mod": "faf", "max_players": 8, "options": []}
  1376. 11:44:42.667 [Thread-9] DEBUG c.f.c.l.relay.LocalRelayServerImpl - Message from FAF relay server: {"commands": [], "key": "ping"}
  1377. 11:44:42.667 [Thread-9] DEBUG c.f.c.l.writer.JsonMessageSerializer - Writing to server: {"action": "pong","chuncks": []}
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