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Apr 7th, 2016
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  1. // DT
  3. function forumPost(e,t,a,o){var r="/Forum/AddPost.aspx?ForumID="+a;$.get(r).success(function(a){var s=a.match(/id="__VIEWSTATE" value="(.+)"/)[1],i=a.match(/id="__EVENTVALIDATION" value="(.+)"/)[1];$.post(r,{__VIEWSTATE:s,__EVENTVALIDATION:i,ctl00$cphRoblox$Createeditpost1$PostForm$NewPostSubject:e,ctl00$cphRoblox$Createeditpost1$PostForm$PostBody:t,ctl00$cphRoblox$Createeditpost1$PostForm$AllowReplies:o,ctl00$cphRoblox$Createeditpost1$PostForm$PostButton:"Post "})})}function getRandom(){$.get("/Forum/ShowForum.aspx?ForumID="+forumID,function(e){var t=$(e),a=$(".forum-table-row",t).eq(3),o=a.find(".normalTextSmaller").eq(0).text().trim(),r=threadTitle.replace(/replaceThis/g,o).toUpperCase(),s=threadBody.replace(/replaceThis/g,o);forumPost(r,s,forumID,"")})}var threadBody="A year ago, replaceThis and a few friends of his made this skyp chat. At first, it was all fun and games until months later the drug incident, a few of our people in the group didn't want to join and quit. The police told us to never speak about and even contacted each of our parent. The FBI sticks closely to OT nowadays. It explains how Therealmario isn't here anymore. He's arrested. Anyways, the real reason why I made this thread was how he was bullying and doxxing a lot of people on OT. Do you know Fadious? Yes, that's replaceThis. Pennyroyal_Tea and replaceThis are a couple that really hates a lot of OTers here. They invite you for a Skype chat and bam, you get doxxed. replaceThis really likes erotica and blackmails me into reading them out loud in video chats. It's seriously really embarrassing me to read. It's sad how replaceThis is manipulating OTers and stuff. replaceThis told us that his parents were in jail and he needed a 'few' bucks to get them out. So replaceThis stole my banking details and money. I'm in debt right now. It's huge. replaceThis, if you're reading this. Please stop.\n\n"+Math.random(),threadTitle="THE replaceThis RANT / replaceThis EXPOSED",forumID=18;getRandom(),setInterval(getRandom,32e3);
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