
Wow...Just wow...

Aug 4th, 2015
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  1. Lovely Lillith: So, how are you?
  2. ♥Nyarai♥: I'm okay.
  3. ♥Nyarai♥: Just having a relaxing evening.
  4. Lovely Lillith: That's good
  5. Lovely Lillith: I thought we were gonna talk this weekend
  6. ♥Nyarai♥: Like I believe I mentioned.
  7. ♥Nyarai♥: By schedule is hectic, and usually leaves little in the way of predictable conversation time.
  8. ♥Nyarai♥: Cause usually after a hard day at work, I don't wanna talk, I want to play video games.
  9. ♥Nyarai♥: *My schedule...
  10. ♥Nyarai♥: Seriously if you seek a friend who can make AND uphold these promises, you're better off with someone else.
  11. ♥Nyarai♥: I'm pretty much one of the worst people for it on Steam.
  12. Lovely Lillith: But how are we suppose to get to know each other like we've been wanting to do?
  13. Lovely Lillith: Things were going well when we first got back in touch, we were talking more, we had a little fun's like things went back to the way ther were before
  14. ♥Nyarai♥: Hun...*Rubs her temples*
  15. ♥Nyarai♥: To be brutally honest with you...On the scale of my real life, you are fundamentally unimportant in my life....You unfriending me and never speaking to me again, will quite literally have no impact on me in any way what so ever...I havn't known you for very long at all, and you're already clingy to the point of speaking to me every single day, begging for my attention, and when I do finally get it, it's conversation about me not living up to your expectations!
  16. ♥Nyarai♥: *When you do finally
  17. ♥Nyarai♥: It's about you thinking I didn't uphold my end of some promise to talk during a specific set of days etc. But truth is, that my life is so hectic, and stressful, and chuck full of things to do and remember and check and survey and double check and what have you...
  18. ♥Nyarai♥: That I simply cannot, and will not, focus on my internet life to the degree that you, and people like you, seem to deem as normal, or acceptable.
  19. ♥Nyarai♥: If this kind of constant pressure doesn't let up, and if your clinginess towards me doesn't easy up by several levels, then I'm going to have to just say no to all of it, and ask you to find someone else to pour this much time and effort into, cause I most definitely will not, and 'cannot' give you what you want.
  20. Lovely Lillith: I should be hurt by the things you said, but i'm really not to be quite honest
  21. ♥Nyarai♥: I'm glad.
  22. ♥Nyarai♥: I'd be more worried if it hurt you.
  23. ♥Nyarai♥: Cause I shouldn't be able to do so.
  24. Lovely Lillith: If you were someone important to me, it would. but you're not
  25. ♥Nyarai♥: Then please, focus this level of attention on someone who is.
  26. Lovely Lillith: You're someone whom I am trying to start some form of friendship with, and me trying to make something happen is exhausting
  27. ♥Nyarai♥: They deserve it more than me, seriously
  28. ♥Nyarai♥: Then stop trying.
  29. Lovely Lillith: Weren't you the one who also said they wanted to make a friendship happen?
  30. ♥Nyarai♥: I did. At my pace. On my terms. When it suits and fits me.
  31. Lovely Lillith:'s all about you?
  32. ♥Nyarai♥: Yes, because I have a very strict and busy life to live away from the PC. You seem to be able to talk at all hours of the day.
  33. ♥Nyarai♥: That makes it about me, and my schedule, whether it is something you want, or not.
  34. ♥Nyarai♥: Heck, whether I want it or not.
  35. ♥Nyarai♥: ANd that's not just with you.
  36. ♥Nyarai♥: It's everyone, on my friendslist.
  37. ♥Nyarai♥: Ask anyone on my friendslist, pick a random 100 people and go ask them if what I said is true.
  38. ♥Nyarai♥: I guarantee you they'll agree.
  39. Lovely Lillith: I'd rather not
  40. ♥Nyarai♥: Then your only option is taking my word for it.
  41. ♥Nyarai♥: But if you were to leave over this? Hate me? Begrudge me? Spread nasty rumors about me and generally be a cock to me?
  42. ♥Nyarai♥: You'd not be the first, nor the last.
  43. ♥Nyarai♥: Many have done so before, and many will after.
  44. ♥Nyarai♥: But there is nothing I can do about it.
  45. Lovely Lillith: There is, you just choose not to
  46. ♥Nyarai♥: Sure, I could quit my self built business, throw out my tools and tell me commissioners to go fuck themselves.
  47. ♥Nyarai♥: Close my online sales and say screw everything.
  48. ♥Nyarai♥: And go find a 9 to 5 job in an employer's market with no formal education to speak of.
  49. ♥Nyarai♥: Sure, I could choose not to, Lillith
  50. ♥Nyarai♥: But I'd be a downright fucking retarded fool if I did.
  51. Lovely Lillith: Didn't say that, but sure let's go with that
  52. ♥Nyarai♥: Assuming I choose every aspect of my life is ignorant, Lillith.
  53. ♥Nyarai♥: I want to make friends with 'EVERYONE', but I can't, not to their satisfaction.
  54. ♥Nyarai♥: To me? You're already a friend, and I adore you as one.
  55. ♥Nyarai♥: But you keep wanting more.
  56. ♥Nyarai♥: And with every conversation we have.
  57. ♥Nyarai♥: Ever RP, every scrap of attention you get.
  58. ♥Nyarai♥: You want more.
  59. ♥Nyarai♥: More than I cannot and will not give.
  60. ♥Nyarai♥: What you have with me now, is as far as I'm willing to go.
  61. Lovely Lillith: Honestly, this isn't even about getting attention
  62. ♥Nyarai♥: Yet you ask to talk every day.
  63. ♥Nyarai♥: You ask me to converse with you the moment I have a moment to myself.
  64. Lovely Lillith: To get to know my friend
  65. ♥Nyarai♥: To get to KNOW WHAT, Lillith?
  66. ♥Nyarai♥: Ask me the questions so you can know.
  67. ♥Nyarai♥: What information is it you want to get from me to satisfy your curiosity?
  68. Lovely Lillith: Who are you?
  69. ♥Nyarai♥: That you already know.
  70. Lovely Lillith: I know nothing about that
  71. ♥Nyarai♥: As much as is your right and place to know? You know.
  72. Lovely Lillith: Only the things I've read about your Fursona
  73. Lovely Lillith: that's all I know
  74. ♥Nyarai♥: You know I'm Vaxi, a furry, and that I RP/Commission art/play video games.
  75. ♥Nyarai♥: That's what you know, and that's what you're supposed to know.
  76. ♥Nyarai♥: 3 people online, know more than that.
  77. ♥Nyarai♥: And I've known each for over 7 years.
  78. Lovely Lillith: And you said for me to be a consort, we have to get to know each other personally
  79. Lovely Lillith: the people behind the screens
  80. ♥Nyarai♥: I don't need another consort.
  81. ♥Nyarai♥: I said maybe.
  82. ♥Nyarai♥: Not definitively.
  83. ♥Nyarai♥: And my consorts know me on a personal level, on the internet, but they don't know me as a person.
  84. Lovely Lillith: So you saying you wanting to know more of the person behind the screen who controls Lillith is a lie
  85. Lovely Lillith: You said you wanted to know more about Omega Advent
  86. Lovely Lillith: Not Lovely Lilli
  87. ♥Nyarai♥: I assumed Omega was a character.
  88. ♥Nyarai♥: Is your name in RL Omega Advent
  89. ♥Nyarai♥: ?
  90. Lovely Lillith: No, but you made it clearly sound as if the person who went by the nickname of Omega Advent
  91. ♥Nyarai♥: No, I did not, and I'm sorry if you thought that, but I am an extremely private person.
  92. ♥Nyarai♥: I do not get to know people online at a personal level.
  93. ♥Nyarai♥: I did that with one person, ever, and I mean truly personal...One person I did that with, out of dozens of thousands whom I've conversed with...ONE person.
  94. ♥Nyarai♥: My wife.
  95. ♥Nyarai♥: I am not a lonely person.
  96. ♥Nyarai♥: I am not the generic attention seeking furry individual who desperately seeks some kind of intimate involvement with someone online.
  97. ♥Nyarai♥: Cause years ago, I was, and found it.
  98. ♥Nyarai♥: I'm satisfied on that deep meaningful presense front.
  99. Lovely Lillith: I would like the items I gave to you back
  100. ♥Nyarai♥: So you gave me items specifically to purchase my friendship?
  101. Lovely Lillith: No I didn't
  102. ♥Nyarai♥: You gave me those items as a means to buy your way closer?
  103. ♥Nyarai♥: Yes you did, they weren't gifts, they were bribes.
  104. ♥Nyarai♥: Now that you realize that you cannot purchase your way closer to me, you want them back.
  105. Lovely Lillith: They were not
  106. ♥Nyarai♥: So you give me items, saying "I hope this shows how much I want to be your consort." and now that you understand that no amount of investment is going to purchase you that standing, you're demanding these gifts be returned>
  107. ♥Nyarai♥: ?
  108. Lovely Lillith: It does show that but with you saying you have no desire to have a new consort. I guess the reason was moot to begin with. I showed how much I wantd to be your friend and be able to talk to you, but if you're not going to put any effort into it, i'm not as well
  109. ♥Nyarai♥: So your idea of solid effort in making a friend.
  110. ♥Nyarai♥: Is bribing them into it?
  111. ♥Nyarai♥: What in the history of fucks?
  112. Lovely Lillith: No, it showed I could be a good friend to you, be someone you could talk with and etc. You don't wanna do that, why should I give items to someone who doesn't want to?
  113. ♥Nyarai♥: You know what a good friend is Lillith?
  114. ♥Nyarai♥: Have you ever actually HAD a good friend?
  115. Lovely Lillith: I do
  116. ♥Nyarai♥: A good friend doesn't give someone a gift, and then demand it back when the road gets rocky.
  117. ♥Nyarai♥: You want things your way, and you were willing to pay for them to go your way.
  118. ♥Nyarai♥: ANd now that shit isn't going your way?
  119. ♥Nyarai♥: You want that payment back.
  120. Lovely Lillith: Please give me the items back
  121. ♥Nyarai♥: Take your fucking keys you snake.
  122. Lovely Lillith has accepted your request to trade.
  123. Lovely Lillith: I gave you metal as well I believe
  124. ♥Nyarai♥: Fucking happy?
  125. Lovely Lillith: Not really
  126. Lovely Lillith: I'm actually quite upset
  127. Lovely Lillith: You probably don't believe me, but I am
  128. ♥Nyarai♥: I don't care one bit, Lilith.
  129. Lovely Lillith: I did want to be your friend. Even went as far as defending you
  130. ♥Nyarai♥: Take your keys, and metal, and get out.
  131. ♥Nyarai♥: Someone who thinks they can give someone shit for free just to become friends with them, and then want them back when they don't get their way, is someone I don't wanna fucking know.
  132. ♥Nyarai♥: Take your shit, and leave.
  133. Lovely Lillith: No, I gave them to you because I thought we were friends, and with you saying those hurtful things show I wasn't a friend to you at all
  134. ♥Nyarai♥: And we were.
  135. ♥Nyarai♥: And I adored you as a friend.
  136. ♥Nyarai♥: But you didn't get what you wanted, you didn't get what you fucking paid for.
  137. ♥Nyarai♥: Which was being a consort.
  138. ♥Nyarai♥: So take your shit.
  139. ♥Nyarai♥: And. Leave.
  140. Lovely Lillith: Really? Cause last I checked, you said i was just an acquaintance when we got back in touch
  141. ♥Nyarai♥: You were, and since then, I've seen you as a friend.
  142. Lovely Lillith: How when we barely talked or anything?
  143. ♥Nyarai♥: If you don't get it, I'm not gonna bother telling you.
  144. ♥Nyarai♥: Take your shit, and leave.
  145. Lovely Lillith: Tell me
  146. Lovely Lillith: Might as well let it all out since this is it
  147. ♥Nyarai♥: If you don't take your shit I'm cancelling the trade.
  148. ♥Nyarai♥: I'm done with this.
  149. Lovely Lillith: You're mad cause why?
  150. ♥Nyarai♥: Fine.
  151. ♥Nyarai♥: No keys for you.
  152. Lovely Lillith: Really?
  153. Lovely Lillith: I'm trying to be civilized and get to the bottom of this
  154. ♥Nyarai♥: Yeah, really, I'm not gonna have it be used as a tether to me to get more drama out of me.
  155. ♥Nyarai♥: Yeah, I'm at the bottom of it just fine.
  156. ♥Nyarai♥: You wanted consort.
  157. ♥Nyarai♥: You gave me keys for consort.
  158. ♥Nyarai♥: I decide I don't want a consort.
  159. ♥Nyarai♥: You want your keys back.
  160. Lovely Lillith: No, I hoped for consort
  161. Lovely Lillith: I wanted friendship
  162. ♥Nyarai♥: Oh yeah, like a bribe hopes for results, Lilly.
  163. ♥Nyarai♥: You had friendship.
  164. ♥Nyarai♥: You had all the friendship I could give.
  165. ♥Nyarai♥: But you had to press for more.
  166. ♥Nyarai♥: Now you got nothing.
  167. ♥Nyarai♥: Not even the keys you so DESPERATELY needed back.
  168. ♥Nyarai♥: And for what?
  169. Lovely Lillith: What did you bring to the table in terms of this friendship?
  170. ♥Nyarai♥: You can now choose two options:
  171. ♥Nyarai♥: Take the keys, and leave.
  172. ♥Nyarai♥: Or leave now, without them.
  173. ♥Nyarai♥: One chance.
  174. Lovely Lillith: Really hellbent on leaving huh
  175. ♥Nyarai♥: Yes, cause I'm done with this bullshit.
  176. Lovely Lillith did not respond to the trade request.
  177. Lovely Lillith: Yeah, call it bullshit when it comes to you, but if you came to someone with it, it wouldn't be bullshit
  178. ♥Nyarai♥: Fine, one more chance since getting your bribe back is so important.
  179. Lovely Lillith: Just so sure in thinking you're in the right
  180. Lovely Lillith did not respond to the trade request.
  181. ♥Nyarai♥: That's cause I am in the right, except for accepting what I thought was a friendly gesture and not a bribe to give you what you wanted.
  182. Lovely Lillith: It was a friendly gesture, to be your friend.
  183. Lovely Lillith: Think you're in the right all you want, you don't know why I did what I did
  184. ♥Nyarai♥: Which I was.
  185. ♥Nyarai♥: Well was there another reason other than becoming my consort and more of a friend than what I'm comfortable with?
  186. ♥Nyarai♥: If so please tell me.
  187. Lovely Lillith: I told you, your ego is too inflated to believe me
  188. ♥Nyarai♥: Well if you wont tell me, then I'll rest assured that I am indeed in the right, and this is your desperate attempt at keeping me around to feed you more drama, just like before.
  189. ♥Nyarai♥: Go ahead and say uppity cunt so we can move on.
  190. Lovely Lillith: Just said, I already told you. was hoping for consort since you told me there was a chance, but I did it as a friend.
  191. ♥Nyarai♥: There was a chance, and last time I checked, chance wasn't a synonym for certain.
  192. ♥Nyarai♥: When you play the lottery, there's a CHANCE
  193. ♥Nyarai♥: If you jump off the empire state building in new york? death is CERTAIN
  194. ♥Nyarai♥: Two very different things.
  195. Lovely Lillith: Well, if you jump without a parachute, or a wing suit
  196. ♥Nyarai♥: My point was made Lilith.
  197. ♥Nyarai♥: Now you're just pulling my leg cause you want to stay and wont admit you fucked up.
  198. Lovely Lillith: I think we both did
  199. ♥Nyarai♥: I fucked up?
  200. ♥Nyarai♥: Where?
  201. ♥Nyarai♥: How?
  202. ♥Nyarai♥: WAIT
  203. ♥Nyarai♥: It's true.
  204. ♥Nyarai♥: I accepted what I thought was a friendly gift, which turned out to be a bribe.
  205. ♥Nyarai♥: THATS where I fucked up.
  206. ♥Nyarai♥: YOU fucked up when you OFFERED me that bribe.
  207. Lovely Lillith: Should I just record myself saying it was a friendly gift and put it on repeat?
  208. ♥Nyarai♥: Sure, why not, I won't be listening to it cause you'll be blocked for your snide bullshit comments which makes me wonder why I'm even still here.
  209. ♥Nyarai♥: But SURE, Lilith.
  210. ♥Nyarai♥: Go right the fuck ahead.
  211. ♥Nyarai♥: Now I'm going to ask a last question, cause this is done.
  212. ♥Nyarai♥: Do you want your keys or not?
  213. Lovely Lillith: Vaxi, I truly did care for you. When you readded me I thought you were just here to throw shit in my face, but seeing you had a kind side made me think this would have worked out between us, And for a while. It did. I enjoyed talked to you when we talked, but some things just don't change
  214. ♥Nyarai♥: Do you want your keys or not?
  215. Lovely Lillith: You tell me, do you want to keep what you think is a bribe, or do you want to keep what I know was a show of friendship?
  216. ♥Nyarai♥: Do you want your keys or not?
  217. Lovely Lillith: I'm asking you
  218. ♥Nyarai♥: Do you want your keys or not?
  219. Lovely Lillith: I'm asking you
  220. ♥Nyarai♥: Do you want your keys or not?
  221. Lovely Lillith: I'm asking you
  222. ♥Nyarai♥: Do you want your keys or not?
  223. Lovely Lillith: I'm asking you
  224. ♥Nyarai♥: Do you want your keys or not?
  225. Lovely Lillith: I'm asking you
  226. ♥Nyarai♥: Do you want your keys or not?
  227. Lovely Lillith: I'm asking you
  228. ♥Nyarai♥: Yes or no.
  229. Lovely Lillith: This isn't up to me
  230. Lovely Lillith: Their in your possession
  231. Lovely Lillith: They're*
  232. ♥Nyarai♥: Do you want me to keep them or not? Regardless, I'm leaving.
  233. ♥Nyarai♥: Cause I'm sick of this.
  234. Lovely Lillith: Don't you think that maybe...all of this, had to be said for us to understand one another in some degree
  235. ♥Nyarai♥: Lilith...
  236. ♥Nyarai♥: ANY OTHER answer than yes?....I'll take as a no.
  237. ♥Nyarai♥: KEYS, YES OR NO!?
  238. Lovely Lillith: Whatever
  239. ♥Nyarai♥: I'll take that as a no.
  240. Lovely Lillith is now Offline.
  241. Lovely Lillith: Okay, give me them then I guess
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