
OH nooo Cadence

Jun 2nd, 2017
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  1. Tsaaq: ((I should buy NPCs for in here.))
  2. Covet: Eli was sitting on the couch with a beer in his hand, the TV on youtube. He was catching up on episodes of Good Mythical Morning. He what Adam and Hayley were up to and how the cheer competition went. He was also double checking with his Dad about the tile materials coming in. He was also going over the events from Tuesday night when Hayley had walked in on him and Bliss in the middle of sex. He'd did his best to cover it, leaning over to kiss Bliss and duck down behind the couch, but he didn't exactly stop his motions either.
  3. Covet: [That'd be funny XD]
  4. Tsaaq: ((Wrong room.))
  5. Covet: [Woops... god dammit. ]
  6. Tsaaq: ((Lmaooo.))
  7. Covet: Covet: Cadence had made her way over to the bar after dropping Hayley and Adam off, and had gone home to change into something Bar appropriate. She climbed out of her hummer and walked in and straight to the bar. "I need three shots of your strongest whiskey, please." She said tapping her fingers on the bar top, brushing her hair back from her face.
  8. Tsaaq: ((It's not funny it's helpful to the rp or something!))
  9. Covet: Alexithymiaa: -Bryan had been lingering in the bar with CJ, his butt permanently planted on a stool up at the bar. He had a beer in front of him that was about half empty, his eyes turned over to look at the stage because he enjoyed watching the karaoke singers on Thursday nights. // CJ sat on the stool next to Bryan, her own glass in front of her. Seeing Cadence walk by, she nudged Bryan with her elbow, nodding in the brunette's direction. "Isn't that your friend?"-
  10. Covet: Cadence was pretty much ignoring the karaoke singers at the moment. Her goal was set elsewhere. She watched as the three shot glasses were set in front of her, tipping them back one after the other, coughing a bit after the third one, shaking her head. "Fuck, that's what failure tastes like.... Can I get a double in some coke with a splash of disorono please."
  11. Alexithymiaa: -Seeing where CJ was gesturing to, Bryan turned his attention over to Cadence and her clear drinking binge, raising his brows. "Yeah... it is..." Slipping off his stool, he made his way over to her, leaning his arm on the bar. "Hey how did the competition go?" // CJ grabbed her drink and followed behind Bryan over to Cadence, giving her a friendly smile. "It's nice to see you again."-
  12. Tsaaq: Remy came into Beer Goggles with his arms crossed, eyeing the crowd and scanning it for Cadence. He sputtered his lips once he finally saw her. "Hey!" He called out her and put his arm around her. "You're gonna just sit here and drink all weekend?" He asked her quietly before nodding his head at Bryan and CJ. "Hey guys."
  13. Covet: "I really don't want to talk about it. Maybe after shot seven. And when I say maybe that means no." Cadence said to Bryan, with a shrug as she got her mixed drink and leaned up against the bar, "Hey Cj, great to see you too. Sorry I'm not in a more chipper mood." She looked at Remy, "No, Maybe. I don't know. It depends on how long it takes me to realize and get the fuck over how much of a failure I am at pretty much everything I do." She said in a rather flat tone. "The quicker I get shit faced the quicker I can come to that realization." She was being bitter as all fuck right now.
  14. Alexithymiaa: "That's a little dramatic..." He mumbled, but he wasnt fucking quiet with his mumbling so that shit was clearly audible. "Okay so you didn't really do that well at your first competition. What's the big deal? It's the first one. You guys haven't done that shit before. You can't expect to be flawless the first time around." He nodded to Remy when he joined them, shifting on his feet. "Hey Rem." // CJ frowned because Cadence was very obviously sad and shit. "Is there anything we can do to make it better?" She asked gently, peering into Cadence's face.-
  15. Tsaaq: Remy shrugged his shoulders. "You know it's not that bad y'know?" He said, trying to be encouraging. "Nine is good. That's out of like what... Twelve other packs of broads. That's good. That's barely losing." He said, rubbing the middle of her back.
  16. Covet: Cadence looked at CJ and blinked a couple of times. "Look.. I appreciate the concern and the coddeling, guys. But It's okay. It doesn't matter the reasons...I know why we sucked. Because we have no team work. And we have no team work because I fucked that up.
  17. Covet: [FUCK YOU ENTER!]
  18. Covet: that up." She said taking a long drink from her glass. " Thank you, though. I just intend to drink all that remorse and everything else do the only things I'm good at." She said with a tipsy sarcastic smile.
  19. Tsaaq: ((BWahaha.))
  20. Covet: * everything else and do
  21. Alexithymiaa: -Bryan awkwardly scratched at the side of his head, looking to Remy for possibly a little assistance in what to say. "Can I just tell you that speaking from experience, the shitty feeling is still there when you sober up?" // CJ fell into silence because she didnt know Cadence well enough to come up with any real comforting words for her. "Do you want to dance, then?"-
  22. Tsaaq: Remy rose his eyebrows at Cadence and nodded in acceptance as he went to kiss her temple. "Fine." Remy whispered as he went to take a seat on the stool beside hers. "Yeah, maybe you and... This girl can have some fun dancing around and shit?"
  23. Covet: "Shut up and don't ruin this moment right now for me Bryan." Cadence said, leaning into Remy's kiss. "I apologize for the things I do drunk in advance..sort of.." She said pushing off the bar and nodded her head, "See.. now you're thinking CJ. But first... Would anyone else like in on a shot?"
  24. Alexithymiaa: -Bryan held up his hands in innocense because he was done helping. "Fine, fine. Do whatever you want. But don't say I didn't work you." // CJ smiled at Cadence's little pick up, inching off the bar. "I'm good on shots. I don't do shots. But let's go. It'll clear your mind a bit." She set her glass down and turned, making her way out amongst the crowd of people on the dance floor, beginning to kind of awkwardly dance because despite being good with her prosthetic, she was still fairly limited in her motions.-
  25. Tsaaq: He shook his head. "What's the worst that can happen?" He said, even though he knew crazy shit could always happen. He watched the two females head off to the dance floor before turning to Bryan. "So uh... That girl seems nice or whatever." He muttered.
  26. Covet: "I'll be fine." She said exasperatedly, then frowned as everyone turned down the shot. Her hand gripped her glass tightly mumbling under her breath to herself, "cool..." she walked out to the dance floor with it, working on sucking it down. She had no issue dancing with a drink in her hand, but she wasn't exactly going all out either.
  27. Alexithymiaa: -Bryan leaned back against the bar, reaching over for his beer so he could take a sip. "CJ? Yeah, she's cool." He nodded, taking another sip of his beer, but not wanting to elaborate further on CJ. // CJ smiled as Cadence joined her on the dance floor, moving her arms above her head and trying to egg Cadence on a bit. "You're far more talented than I. I could never dance with my drink."-
  28. Tsaaq: "Cool." Remy repeated and glanced at the bar then at the dancefloor. "Welp." He whispered as he leaned his elbows on the bar. "I just feel bad about the whole competition thing cause she was really worried about sucking..." Remy trailed off. "And now I feel bad cause... Yeah."
  29. Covet: "Well, it's one of those things you do long enough, you get pretty good at it. I don't do it nearly as often but it's like riding a bicycle." She said as she went about dancing all sexy like with CJ, because she was at that stage of drunk for the time being. The moving was only helping the booze get into her system faster. "Dancing, drinking and looking sexy. Three things that I do best."
  30. Alexithymiaa: -Bryan nodded, watching the two girls do their dance thing. "How bad was it? Because I've seen them, and I don't think they suck. So did they mess up royally or...?" He trailed off, fixing his eyes on Remy. // CJ Danced along with Cadence, laughing and spinning around. "Hey, at least you know your strengths. Some people take their whole lives to find what they're good at. You're starting early so you have plenty of time to perfect it."-
  31. Tsaaq: He sighed and turned to Bryan. "Listen it's not that they were horrible. It's just that they just... Their heads weren't in the game. It's like everybody was caught up in their own emotions instead of trying to figure out how to work as a team and shit, y'know?" He explained. "I'm not a cheer expert but they didn't seem to be on the same page."
  32. Covet: "Yeah.. strengths.. totally." Cadence said shaking her head, which made her a little dizzy and she stumbled, her words slurring just a little, "I guess I could just become one of like those gogo dancers at one of them clubs. That's a career right?" She recovered a little and finished off her drink , setting it on an occupied table near by, then went back to dancing with CJ, leaning on her just a little bit to compensate for her lack of balance.
  33. Alexithymiaa: "Sounds like us." He scoffed roughly, sweeping his fingers back through his hair. "Except we made it work. Because we're awesome." // CJ kind of just shrugged. "It's more a job than a career, but sure. As long as you're happy, I say do whatever you want. Just make sure you're not hurting anyone. That's kind of important." She tried her best to keep Cadence up, but frankly her balance was subpar on a good day, so this was a bit of a struggle for her. "Maybe... maybe you want to sit down?"-
  34. Tsaaq: Remy nodded his head. "Exactly..." He shook his head a moment. "Yeah well... We had to figure it out eventually, right?" Remy asked with a shrug. "I guess they need to do that too."
  35. Covet: "No..Actually.. I need to pee... But if you need to sit down that's fine. I'm just gonna go... Tell Remy I'll be out in just a few." She said feeling the drunk emotions catch up to her and the tears start to fill her eyes. Cadence stumbled off to the bathroom, to go pee and cry and hyperventilate on the toilet for about ten minutes before she finally got herself together enough to step out of the bathroom , with a make up stained red face, but she was drunk and wasn't really thinking about that.
  36. Alexithymiaa: "True. It took us long enough, though. We should have figured it out earlier in the season so we could win more than one game." // CJ nodded to Cadence and walked off to Bryan and Remy, putting her hand on Bryan's arm and looking at Remy. "I think Cadence needs you. She's still really upset." She turned her attention to Bryan. "Would you mind taking me home? My leg is a little uncomfortable."-
  37. Tsaaq: He rose an eyebrow when CJ approached but Cadence wasn't around. "Shit. Thanks... Kind miss." He said with a nod. "You guys get home alright." He announced before he went towards the bathroom just as Cadence got out of it. "Are you alright." He put his hands on her shoulders. "Come on. Let's go home."
  38. Covet: Cadence nodded her head not even fighting it this time as she stumbled to the door and handed him over her keys to the hummer.
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