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a guest
Sep 13th, 2020
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  1. C:\Users\varun\ccls>cmake -H. -BRelease -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang-cl -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="%llvmp%/Release;%llvmp%/Release/tools/clang;%llvmp%;%llvmp%/tools/clang"
  2. -- The CXX compiler identification is Clang 12.0.0 with MSVC-like command-line
  3. -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
  4. -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
  5. -- Check for working CXX compiler: C:/Users/varun/llvm-project/Release/bin/clang-cl.exe - skipped
  6. -- Detecting CXX compile features
  7. -- Detecting CXX compile features - done
  8. -- Looking for C++ include pthread.h
  9. -- Looking for C++ include pthread.h - not found
  10. -- Found Threads: TRUE
  11. -- Using local RapidJSON
  12. fatal: No names found, cannot describe anything.
  13. -- Configuring done
  14. -- Generating done
  15. -- Build files have been written to: C:/Users/varun/ccls/Release
  17. C:\Users\varun\ccls>ninja -C Release
  18. ninja: Entering directory `Release'
  19. [11/43] Building CXX object CMakeFiles\ccls.dir\src\
  20. FAILED: CMakeFiles/ccls.dir/src/
  21. C:\Users\varun\llvm-project\Release\bin\clang-cl.exe /nologo -TP -I..\src -I..\third_party -IC:\Users\varun\llvm-project\llvm\include -IC:\Users\varun\llvm-project\Release\include -IC:\Users\varun\llvm-project\clang\include -IC:\Users\varun\llvm-project\Release\tools\clang\include -I..\third_party\rapidjson\include /DWIN32 /D_WINDOWS /W3 /GR /EHsc /MD /O2 /Ob2 /DNDEBUG /nologo /EHsc /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /W3 /wd4996 /wd4267 /wd4800 /wd4068 /std:c++17 /GR- -std:c++17 /showIncludes /FoCMakeFiles\ccls.dir\src\ /FdCMakeFiles\ccls.dir\ -c ..\src\
  22. ..\src\,18): error: no matching constructor for initialization of 'driver::Driver'
  23. driver::Driver d(args[0], llvm::sys::getDefaultTargetTriple(), *diags, vfs);
  24. ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  25. C:\Users\varun\llvm-project\clang\include\clang/Driver/Driver.h(303,3): note: candidate constructor not viable: no known conversion from 'IntrusiveRefCntPtr<llvm::vfs::FileSystem>' to 'std::string' (aka 'basic_string<char, char_traits<char>, allocator<char>>') for 4th argument
  26. Driver(StringRef ClangExecutable, StringRef TargetTriple,
  27. ^
  28. C:\Users\varun\llvm-project\clang\include\clang/Driver/Driver.h(59,7): note: candidate constructor (the implicit copy constructor) not viable: requires 1 argument, but 4 were provided
  29. class Driver {
  30. ^
  31. C:\Users\varun\llvm-project\clang\include\clang/Driver/Driver.h(59,7): note: candidate constructor (the implicit move constructor) not viable: requires 1 argument, but 4 were provided
  32. 1 error generated.
  33. [24/43] Building CXX object CMakeFiles\ccls.dir\src\
  34. ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
  36. C:\Users\varun\ccls>
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