

Jun 5th, 2017
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  2. Castle Dragon - 04/06/2017
  3. ( eeeeeliiiii)
  4. Lockean Apostle Spacesquatch - 04/06/2017
  5. (I'm working. It was an inoportune time for sickness)
  6. Castle Dragon - 04/06/2017
  7. (ily)
  8. Lockean Apostle Spacesquatch - 04/06/2017
  9. (ily?)
  10. Castle Dragon - 04/06/2017
  11. (It's I love you in acronym form)
  12. April 11, 2017
  13. Castle Dragon - 04/11/2017
  14. -----------------
  15. Lockean Apostle Spacesquatch - 04/11/2017
  16. The mountain air is soft and light, and even inside, it feels as if a load has been taken off your shoulders. As the moon shines above the City, the clock strikes Midnight. The sun has set, and the curtain is about to be unveiled on this grand play.
  18. Decorated in a distinctly Spanish style, the one floor house is open to that light mountainous air, and evokes a feeling of openess and comfort. Still, it's no comfortable thing you've come here to do.
  19. Castle Dragon - 04/11/2017
  20. It is as good a time as any I suppose, with the bell ringing midnight exactly on June 2nd.
  22. Today is the day I wrestle my destinjy away from whatever fate has in store for me and steer it into a direction that will change the very world itself
  24. I'm no amateur mage. In fact, I'm the Leader of the Freelance Mage Mercenaries, one of the highest quality, largest, and strongest groups in the mage world that perform hits for hire, all while keeping magic secret and staying true to our contracts.
  26. I inherited this position from the man who plucked me from my own cruel fate and gave me a home and a place to flourish, Haas Bush.
  28. God Bless him.
  30. I open up one of my luggage cases, containing about 20 or so test tube sized vials containing blood from some of the top ranking mages in my organization, and begin delicately pouring it into a pattern in the most secluded part of the house, or at least wherever it will be easiest to clean up the mess. After all, this is a nice place.
  32. With that said and done- the time has arrived to call forth my heroic spirit. I take a deep breath and reach my hand over the circle created from the bonds of my organization- no, my family, themselves. I place my other hand delicately over the shiny crimson and gold emblem pinned underneath my cloak onto my shirt- the mystic code passed down to me. The other 10 badges remain in one of my smaller packs I carry at all times by my side.
  34. All my practice must've paid off, for the words flow smoothly out of my mouth without a hitch.
  35. "I steel my will, channeling mana focused and steady through my circuits,
  36. My heart resonates like a Symphony within me.
  37. From my mentor,
  38. To his mentor,
  39. To as far back as their lineage goes,
  40. I have inherited this role of leadership; a man who guides his fellow man,
  41. Now in this hour of strife and toil where blood shall cover this city,
  42. I call to you, Heroic Spirit.
  43. Cunning, fast, experienced.
  44. I seek not a man of greed or excessive indulgence,
  45. Nor a man who outshines the sun itself,
  46. I seek a servant capable of standing by my side, to lead and sway the hearts of men themselves,
  47. For the Negative Rights of Life, Liberty, and Property,
  48. For the ideologies we believe in,
  49. For the sake of this world's future,
  50. It is the Assassin class I call upon for aid in this war of Kings and Pawns,
  51. May we win everlasting glory and accomplish out dreams,
  52. Heed my call!"
  53. Lockean Apostle Spacesquatch - 04/11/2017
  54. The blood seal you've created trembles with the life you've poured into it, and like laughter, red light crackles. The feeling is unlike anything else. Light soldifies, and before you, a solid pillar of light is constructed.
  56. The entire floor is lit, red reflecting off of every surface. But all this falls short of the incredible pressure that threatens to collapse on you.
  58. Love
  60. Plots on plots
  62. Fear
  64. Threats, money, power
  66. What is the weapon of a true Prince?
  68. Before your eyes, the light is carved away and with once final crimson flash, the maelstrom settles.
  70. "I ask of you, are you my master?"
  71. Castle Dragon - 04/11/2017
  72. I shield my eyes for a moment as the light fills the room, almost an existence on it's own.
  74. Overwhelming power- yes, this is a Holy Grail War! Once the show subsides, I slowly uncover my eyes and gaze upon the form in front of me, a small smile on my face. It isn't a smile of ill intent. It isn't a smile of cockiness, or some shallow gesture.
  76. It is simply a friendly expression.
  78. "Yes, Assassin. My name is Gerald Dime," I bow my head and slowly walk over to him, offering my thin, wiry arm out in greeting, "It is an honor to be able to work with you" I say, awaiting his introduction.
  79. Lockean Apostle Spacesquatch - 04/11/2017
  80. A haze of lines swims accross your vision, probably because of the lightshow you've just witnessed. Through it though, you can see the unassuming figure of a red-headed man. His hair is close cropped, and though he's physically unassuming, there's a sharp air about him.
  82. "You're off to the wrong foot."
  84. Assassin shakes your hand, surely enough, but he has locked eyes with you.
  86. "You're the master here. I'll be blunt, because a crafty relation won't do either of us good."
  87. Castle Dragon - 04/11/2017
  88. I wave my free hand dismissively, "You misunderstand me, Assassin. I merely wished to be polite" I sigh, "Apologies, I have a habit of treating business like family. It's a weakness for sure, but one I will overcome well enough"
  90. I take a seat on a nearby chair and recline myself, offering a nearby space for Assassin to join me. "I am the Master and you are my Servant. Your abilities are well beyond mine- though under the right circumstances even I can be of aid to you in battle. Before anything else though, and pardon me for my bluntness, I must ask: what is it that makes you seek the Holy Grail? What is your wish?"
  91. Lockean Apostle Spacesquatch - 04/11/2017
  92. Assassin wrings his hands and sits down, though he stays poised and upright.
  94. "My wish is as simple as any, I just need a sovereign worth serving"
  96. Noticably, Assassin doesn't break eye contact. Behind his eyes, you can almost hear the gears turning and the plots being weaved.
  97. Castle Dragon - 04/11/2017
  98. "Niccolo Machiavelli. You're one of the most clever and skilled politicians to ever walk this Earth. In this particular war, or what we may also refer to as our little game of chess, I feel we will complement each other very well. All of my powers and skills are at your disposal, as I assume yours are at mine. May we make use of eachother's talents to the fullest!"
  100. I stare deeply into his eyes in response- truly a genius stands, err well sits, before me. I have extreme confidence in our victory.
  102. I break our strange little staring contest and bend over the side of my chair, reaching into one of the luggage pieces I brought with me, and produce a bottle of Wine, one that looks quite vintage.
  104. No seriously, like... vintage.
  106. A bottle from the 1820 harvest, before the extinction of Terrantez and Bastardo grapevines. This stuff is almost unheard of nowadays.
  108. But having as much influence as I do pays off.
  110. "A toast then? There's some glasses in the kitchen I believe, if you don't mind grabbing us some. I thought you might appreciate a good drink after a few hundred years"
  111. Lockean Apostle Spacesquatch - 04/11/2017
  112. Assassin's face shifts the slightest amount as he gets up and fetches two glasses. Putting them down gently, he sits back down again. Is this... anticipation?
  114. Clearly the Medici Court has left him with a taste in the finer things in life.
  115. Castle Dragon - 04/11/2017
  116. I gently pour the wine into both our cups, making sure to put a generous amount into Assassin's after seeing his reaction, before setting the bottle on the coffee table.
  118. I raise my glass in the air towards Assassin, "A toast then, to our newfound relationship- may God bless our endeavors"
  119. Lockean Apostle Spacesquatch - 04/11/2017
  120. Cling
  122. Assassin taps his glass against yours, and takes a small sip.
  124. "Excellent. Wine I would feel is worthy of the Medici Court. So tell me master, what are our plans?"
  125. April 12, 2017
  126. Castle Dragon - 04/12/2017
  127. I take a long draw from the cup in my hands before gently setting it down on the coffee table.
  129. "Well, no kingdom is run by one man alone. I suppose the first thing to do is start building some relations and an information network"
  130. Lockean Apostle Spacesquatch - 04/12/2017
  131. "I can establish a court, come the time. Of course, you must ask yourself, what side shall you court? The civilians? Other Servants?"
  132. Castle Dragon - 04/12/2017
  133. "I think we'd do best getting the city on our side. Your strength seems to be in speaking and pulling strings. Allying with other Servants only makes it easier for them to backstab us at the end. Controlling those who can't fight back works better for us. Oh- by the way, wear this if you don't mind"
  135. I reach into the pack by my side and produce one of my 10 Follower badges, "This will allow me to tap into your mana at any time if necessary. It will be a huge help. Think of it like... the symbol of an Official in my court"
  136. April 14, 2017
  137. Lockean Apostle Spacesquatch - 04/14/2017
  138. "I'll accept. We'll look for the ambitious, naturally."
  140. Assassin takes another sip.
  142. "Well, they'd certainly have to be ambitious to be up at this hour"
  143. Castle Dragon - 04/14/2017
  144. "The first thing we need to do is find someone we can make your Prince. You and I work best pulling the strings anyways, and this way any enemies we may have will think the Prince is their actual enemy instead of us"
  145. I chuckle and gently drop the badge into his lap.
  146. Lockean Apostle Spacesquatch - 04/14/2017
  147. Assassin plucks the badge out of midair
  149. "Fear is our greatest weapon"
  150. Castle Dragon - 04/14/2017
  151. "The question is how to incite fear. Who can we make our puppet Prince that would really give a good scare? Any politicians nearby, perhaps?"
  152. April 15, 2017
  153. Lockean Apostle Spacesquatch - 04/15/2017
  154. "Possibly. A police chief could do us well too"
  155. Castle Dragon - 04/15/2017
  156. "A police chief, now there's someone with power and who's not disconnected enough from the people that we could go see... Perfect. Let's make plans to head to the station first thing tomorrow morning!"
  157. April 16, 2017
  158. Lockean Apostle Spacesquatch - 04/16/2017
  159. Assassin takes another gulp of wine, savoring the taste.
  161. "Spain, is it? Not as refined as Italy, but it will have to do."
  162. Castle Dragon - 04/16/2017
  163. "Assassin, if we win this war I will attain for you every luxury of this world within my sphere of influence. That much, I can promise"
  164. Lockean Apostle Spacesquatch - 04/16/2017
  165. "Are you sure? A sovereign must make good on his promises, be they death or luxury."
  167. Assassin's lip curls slyly.
  168. Castle Dragon - 04/16/2017
  169. "As I said- within my influences. I cannot give you the world, but a slice. A rather large, nice slice."
  170. Lockean Apostle Spacesquatch - 04/16/2017
  171. "Who knows what I want?"
  172. Castle Dragon - 04/16/2017
  173. "Well, wine is a start I suppose. You seem to be interested in that" Gerald let's out a small laugh, "For now let's get some rest. I'll make a boundary field first to conceal our presence and then head to bed. Just in case, can you keep an eye out during the night?"
  174. Lockean Apostle Spacesquatch - 04/16/2017
  175. "Of course. One of the many convienences of this body."
  176. Castle Dragon - 04/16/2017
  177. "Thank you, you're a good man!" With that, Gerald gets to work on his concealment and detection boundary field. Wouldn't want any nasty night time surprises.
  178. Lockean Apostle Spacesquatch - 04/16/2017
  179. In a short amount of time, the boundary field is established. The crisp night air hums slightly as it's saturated with prana. Tonight, at least, you can sleep well. Assassin gulps down his final drink of wine.
  181. "Concealing myself should be easy."
  182. Castle Dragon - 04/16/2017
  183. "Perfect- than I'm off to get some sleep. The rest of the wine is yours, help yourself to my laptop and anything in the kitchen. All I ask is you don't leave me undefended. Sound fsir?"
  184. Lockean Apostle Spacesquatch - 04/16/2017
  185. "Easily"
  187. Assassin leans back.
  188. Castle Dragon - 04/16/2017
  189. To bed Gerald goes!
  190. Lockean Apostle Spacesquatch - 04/16/2017
  191. A few minutes pass, as Assassin leans but into his seat. He searchs his clothing, but is disappointed.
  193. "Really, I couldn't be summoned with... ah, the laptop"
  195. He gets up, and fetches himself the laptop. Booting it up, he makes himself an account. His eyes narrow as he opens up a web browser.
  197. "That's absurd."
  199. His fingers fly as he opens up a text document, and rapidly switches between programs at superhuman speeds.
  201. Discourse on Modern Political Theory and Machiavellian Principles
  203. A true smile creeps onto his face as he types furiously.
  204. A frenetic scratching interrupts your sleep. Yours eyes slowly slide open, and as you do, Assassin scratches furiously at a piece of paper with a quill. His eyes are wide open, and he seems to be talking to himself.
  206. "Aaaah! It can't be helped!"
  208. He doubles down, writing at a frenzied pace.
  210. "He'll kill me if I don't, but damn, this is good!"
  211. May 7, 2017
  212. Castle Dragon - 05/07/2017
  213. "What the hell..." I mumble, pulling myself out of bed and deftly swinging my feet into a pair of bedside slippers before shuffling out to see Assassin.
  215. "What the hell are you doing at this time of night?"
  216. Lockean Apostle Spacesquatch - 05/07/2017
  217. It seems that time passes, but things don't change. Really, between the scratching of a pen, and the clicking of a keyboard, what's the difference.
  219. "I'm posting my political theory to the masses."
  221. A certain crudely constructed message board is visible.
  222. "Really, this is most useful"
  224. Assassin temples his fingers and leans back into his chair.
  226. "I can write to my heart's content"
  227. Castle Dragon - 05/07/2017
  228. "You know what... knock yourself out. I'll go make us some hot cocoa and read what you've got so far, assassin"
  230. I sigh and make my way to the kitchen to prepare the promised beverage.
  231. Lockean Apostle Spacesquatch - 05/07/2017
  232. Assassin furiously types some more. To be honest, you should really be afraid that your keyboard is about to reach it's limit.
  234. "Honestly, I was led to believe that shows of force were no longer acceptable, but it seems I've found like-minded thinkers"
  235. Castle Dragon - 05/07/2017
  236. I come back in with two mugs in hand, setting one down by my precious newly created neckbeard.
  238. "Yeah yeah, just be careful not to give yourself away on line so the other masters can't track us. I'm no Internet expert but as long as you don't post any personal info we should be good"
  239. Lockean Apostle Spacesquatch - 05/07/2017
  240. "Who do you take me for? I doubt you'd last a day in the Court of the Medici"
  242. Assassin dismisses your concerns with a wave of the hand. It seems the other posters pale in comparision to Assassin's full length essays.
  243. Castle Dragon - 05/07/2017
  244. "Alrighty then my shitposting protege, you work on your thing while I reinforce the boundary field and head back to sleep"
  245. May 13, 2017
  246. Lockean Apostle Spacesquatch - 05/13/2017
  247. Assassin types onward, and you'd swear a key broke.
  248. Castle Dragon - 05/13/2017
  249. As there's no point in trying to stop him, I let him go about his business and tuck myself back into bed.
  250. May 14, 2017
  251. Lockean Apostle Spacesquatch - 05/14/2017
  252. It seems as you sleep, a new sensation is being born on the web. A certain unscrupulous forum has turned up a bona-fide genius. Quotes paraded about, it's only a matter of time before the name of Xx_dread_xX reaches the world.
  253. Castle Dragon - 05/14/2017
  254. K E K
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