
CS294 L2 Counterterrorism SilverScript Aug 12 2017

Aug 12th, 2017
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  1. CS294 L2 Counterterrorism SilverScript Aug 12 2017
  3. CS294 L2 Counterterrorism vs Anti-terrorism and Other Fun Word Plays
  7. livechat
  9. We know our own GW had his phone pinged by the FBI who then utilized local Zanesville PD to target and apprehend him. All for reporting on credible information that illicit radiological material is moving through U.S. ports without adequate safety or appropriate screening. We will discuss this and other fun ways the FBI/CIA/JTTF can trample your rights and destroy your life.
  11. Transcript
  12. 0:26
  13. and there you go we're live hello George
  14. 0:29
  15. how are ya hey Jason thanks it's great
  16. 0:32
  17. to be back
  18. 0:32
  19. Trish how are you I'm good how are you
  20. 0:36
  21. guys
  22. 0:36
  23. well good George has been running around
  24. 0:39
  25. the metropolitan area everybody saw him
  26. 0:44
  27. up in the Bronx last night and we've got
  28. 0:49
  29. the new sound system I've rearranged HQ
  30. 0:51
  31. just a little bit with an eye towards
  32. 0:55
  33. cleaning it up which has experienced the
  34. 1:02
  35. mess firsthand
  36. 1:05
  37. no no no no that was a joint effort for
  38. 1:08
  39. sure that's true mmm yeah everyone's
  40. 1:11
  41. commenting about Lionel I'm glad we
  42. 1:13
  43. could finally get the Lionel piece out I
  44. 1:16
  45. know Lionel was waiting for that really
  46. 1:20
  47. good yeah thank you next one thank you
  48. 1:22
  49. very much and George of course was
  50. 1:24
  51. waiting for it everybody was waiting for
  52. 1:26
  53. it sound is screwed up what's the
  54. 1:29
  55. problem with it Joey's Cl sounds great
  56. 1:33
  57. Cosmo sherry says so I think the sound
  58. 1:36
  59. I'm listening to the sound output right
  60. 1:38
  61. here from the encoder that goes out to
  62. 1:40
  63. the stream and it sounds pretty darn
  64. 1:42
  65. good to me now well I just want to say
  66. 1:47
  67. about that Lionel video even though
  68. 1:50
  69. everyone had to wait so long to hear it
  70. 1:53
  71. or see it I think that the timing is
  72. 1:58
  73. actually much better now because people
  74. 2:02
  75. have had a chance to really digest some
  76. 2:06
  77. of what this whole a one thing is about
  78. 2:08
  79. and you know it which all started with M
  80. 2:11
  81. Ron's arrest at Dulles Airport for bank
  82. 2:14
  83. fraud so it was only because of that
  84. 2:17
  85. that you know many people now know about
  86. 2:21
  87. M Rana Wan and his family in this by
  88. 2:25
  89. ring and the whole drama around Debbie
  90. 2:30
  91. wasserman-schultz so well thank you I
  92. 2:32
  93. think it worked out and that was
  94. 2:34
  95. actually shot before the crushed hard
  96. 2:36
  97. drives came out
  98. 2:37
  99. for the harddrive story so but but I
  100. 2:41
  101. love it because it's because of the
  102. 2:43
  103. constitutional things that I'm I'm
  104. 2:45
  105. starting to do now so it's just perfect
  106. 2:48
  107. timing for me
  108. 2:49
  109. so let's actually talk about that for a
  110. 2:52
  111. second Qi dub because I think people
  112. 2:54
  113. don't realize like what a week it's been
  114. 2:57
  115. huh
  116. 2:57
  117. I'm gonna sorry I'm getting up on the
  118. 2:59
  119. set the plug-in but yeah that's alright
  120. 3:01
  121. everything's kind of coming together
  122. 3:03
  123. here at the last minute because I
  124. 3:05
  125. rearranged everything you know you
  126. 3:06
  127. change anything and it's a it's a change
  128. 3:09
  129. so let me back up a little bit here so
  130. 3:12
  131. George it was just this Monday Trish's
  132. 3:15
  133. mic is too loud oh well no let me adjust
  134. 3:19
  135. it here
  136. 3:20
  137. Trish how's your mic there the sound for
  138. 3:25
  139. me is good yeah I don't know maybe okay
  140. 3:32
  141. try it again now I say something quick
  142. 3:35
  143. brown fox what did he do
  144. 3:37
  145. jumped over the lazy dog yeah alright
  146. 3:41
  147. well we'll keep tweaking it throughout
  148. 3:43
  149. the show it sounds okay to me sorry I no
  150. 3:45
  151. no no no knowledge thanks for blowing
  152. 3:46
  153. out people's ears sounds fine to me
  154. 3:49
  155. George I don't think we've adequately
  156. 3:52
  157. dealt with the fact that it was just
  158. 3:55
  159. Monday of this week that you were in
  160. 3:58
  161. Zanesville contemplating a barbell
  162. 4:01
  163. crushing blow yeah yeah man what a
  164. 4:06
  165. difference a week makes huh yeah well
  166. 4:09
  167. you know I didn't have a president to
  168. 4:12
  169. come bail me out and and hire his best
  170. 4:14
  171. lawyer that's right okay well ex
  172. 4:19
  173. president William Jefferson Clinton yeah
  174. 4:22
  175. he didn't come to Zanesville no he
  176. 4:24
  177. didn't he didn't send his lawyer all the
  178. 4:26
  179. great things I said about him he didn't
  180. 4:28
  181. come we did have about a dozen
  182. 4:30
  183. scrunchies came out to say hey it was
  184. 4:32
  185. really that was very nice thank you very
  186. 4:33
  187. much and you know I think let's just
  188. 4:36
  189. contemplate that was very cool I mean
  190. 4:38
  191. really I think it's worth taking
  192. 4:40
  193. yeah the hell ever went to Zanesville
  194. 4:44
  195. and all these people came
  196. 4:47
  197. we had lunch it was really I mean for me
  198. 4:50
  199. the whole thing with your case in
  200. 4:53
  201. Zanesville this is a real inflection
  202. 4:56
  203. point for the whole project that we're
  204. 4:57
  205. working on with crowd-sourced the truth
  206. 4:59
  207. absolutely because it's the timing the
  208. 5:02
  209. time correlation with the arrest of m1
  210. 5:05
  211. Iran Imran a one Episode book and that's
  212. 5:10
  213. what everything has been focused on for
  214. 5:11
  215. like the 280 whatever day is leading up
  216. 5:14
  217. to that but you know what now he is in
  218. 5:17
  219. the judicial system let's let the law
  220. 5:19
  221. I'll with that and we're seeing it's
  222. 5:20
  223. like a flood of evidence coming out from
  224. 5:22
  225. that rod wheeler of course said this is
  226. 5:25
  227. now gonna you know follow in Ron's or
  228. 5:27
  229. what arrests there's gonna be all kinds
  230. 5:29
  231. of information coming out on that and
  232. 5:31
  233. now you're in this position where you've
  234. 5:33
  235. been completely exonerated absolved of
  236. 5:36
  237. all guilt what you said about being
  238. 5:38
  239. targeted by the FBI is a fact written in
  240. 5:42
  241. a police report by the zpd
  242. 5:44
  243. which in this case no longer has
  244. 5:46
  245. anything to do with 3d we're not talking
  246. 5:48
  247. about the zero parallax distance we're
  248. 5:50
  249. talking about the Zanesville Police
  250. 5:52
  251. Department okay and that was weird to me
  252. 5:56
  253. see all those cars that said zpd but in
  254. 5:58
  255. their own police report it talks about
  256. 6:00
  257. how Chris Whitaker who is an agent of
  258. 6:03
  259. the Coast Guard Investigative Division
  260. 6:05
  261. which I didn't even know about and
  262. 6:07
  263. there's a liaison officer with the FBI
  264. 6:10
  265. which is officer petty Joan well that's
  266. 6:13
  267. the special agent meta John I think it's
  268. 6:15
  269. above that actually and then there is
  270. 6:17
  271. the guy who's the duty officer which is
  272. 6:19
  273. officer Comstock so they all report this
  274. 6:22
  275. now they dropped age of petty Joan's
  276. 6:23
  277. interrogation of me they drop that out
  278. 6:25
  279. of their policemen why would they do
  280. 6:27
  281. that
  282. 6:27
  283. why would they did it but you know we're
  284. 6:29
  285. gonna get it and I think what you're
  286. 6:31
  287. saying is there's something that the
  288. 6:34
  289. people were telling us which is it's
  290. 6:37
  291. great to have the news it's great to
  292. 6:39
  293. have this crowdsource that we can move
  294. 6:41
  295. and and get to the truth by
  296. 6:43
  297. cross-referencing but then there's this
  298. 6:45
  299. whole other track that that Judicial
  300. 6:48
  301. Watch used to kind of play and and you
  302. 6:52
  303. know
  304. 6:52
  305. the other one larry clayman's forgetting
  306. 6:55
  307. it federal watch used to do they tend to
  308. 6:58
  309. have gravitated toward the bigger cases
  310. 7:00
  311. Larry Clayman is doing the dennis
  312. 7:03
  313. montgomery case with the the hammer
  314. 7:05
  315. computer and all that but it's pretty
  316. 7:07
  317. much taken up all this time and then tom
  318. 7:09
  319. Fitton has been pretty much focused on
  320. 7:11
  321. the hillary emails it's a little bit of
  322. 7:15
  323. the human emails but that has sucked up
  324. 7:16
  325. all of his time so there really is a
  326. 7:18
  327. vacuum now at the lower end for these
  328. 7:20
  329. cases that aren't getting judicial
  330. 7:22
  331. reporting at all right and you know it's
  332. 7:25
  333. one of those things where it's the
  334. 7:26
  335. accidental journalist you know where
  336. 7:28
  337. trish first wrote about me now I'm
  338. 7:30
  339. turning into the a sound lawyer the
  340. 7:32
  341. accidental attorney well actually it is
  342. 7:35
  343. the accident lawyer because an attorney
  344. 7:37
  345. has a bar card so there's a big
  346. 7:39
  347. difference I think you might have a bar
  348. 7:41
  349. card somewhere in that wallet I don't
  350. 7:44
  351. know you don't get one when you win you
  352. 7:46
  353. only get one if you pass the bar so but
  354. 7:48
  355. I do have one there's no way you're
  356. 7:50
  357. passing a bar in that case in case I
  358. 7:55
  359. should have my guard but in all
  360. 7:58
  361. seriousness we really like this is all
  362. 8:01
  363. occurring to me in the past couple days
  364. 8:03
  365. no we're not the news per se we're not
  366. 8:06
  367. trying to be CNN we're not trying to be
  368. 8:08
  369. MSNBC I mean we could sit there and say
  370. 8:11
  371. oh breaking news Donald Trump tweets
  372. 8:13
  373. something crappy about North Korea or
  374. 8:15
  375. there's a riot in Virginia with
  376. 8:19
  377. nationalists which is a news codeword
  378. 8:22
  379. for racists that they want you to think
  380. 8:24
  381. are racist I don't even know who's over
  382. 8:26
  383. there I think it is some group that
  384. 8:28
  385. they're trying to position as white
  386. 8:29
  387. supremacists or maybe they are a white
  388. 8:31
  389. supremacist they got cars running people
  390. 8:33
  391. over all kinds of things I rather than
  392. 8:36
  393. just report that and tell people
  394. 8:37
  395. whatever the company line is we're gonna
  396. 8:41
  397. have people in this crowd source
  398. 8:43
  399. community you're gonna dig into that
  400. 8:44
  401. find out what's up somebody already
  402. 8:46
  403. actually sent me an email from WikiLeaks
  404. 8:49
  405. from Sid Blumenthal to Hillary Clinton
  406. 8:54
  407. about wanting to create a race kind of
  408. 8:58
  409. riot and I wanted to look at that
  410. 9:01
  411. because Lisa sent this and it's in the
  412. 9:04
  413. US
  414. 9:05
  415. yeah and we see I was kind of sorry go
  416. 9:09
  417. ahead
  418. 9:09
  419. I was just gonna say along those lines
  420. 9:12
  421. there was I can't remember who created
  422. 9:15
  423. this report but they talk about all
  424. 9:18
  425. George Soros backed NGOs are all tied to
  426. 9:22
  427. these in 2000 it was the Serbian
  428. 9:25
  429. resistance in 2003 it was the Georgia
  430. 9:29
  431. Rose Revolution and then 2004 the
  432. 9:33
  433. Ukrainian Orange Revolution in 2005 the
  434. 9:37
  435. Kyrgyzstan Tulip Revolution and if you
  436. 9:40
  437. recall just after the day after the
  438. 9:45
  439. election of Clinton lost the election
  440. 9:48
  441. she appeared with Bill Clinton in
  442. 9:52
  443. matching purple attire and you know
  444. 9:56
  445. there's all this talk about a purple
  446. 9:58
  447. revolution and part of that is the the
  448. 10:02
  449. strategy that they've used in these
  450. 10:04
  451. other countries is to infiltrate the
  452. 10:07
  453. government with the spy rings and which
  454. 10:11
  455. is what we now see the CIA has done with
  456. 10:15
  457. the Pakistani ISI in our Congress right
  458. 10:19
  459. so I mean and that's kind of another
  460. 10:22
  461. thing I want to come back to Trish
  462. 10:24
  463. because you and I were speaking earlier
  464. 10:25
  465. about I mean again we're not the news
  466. 10:28
  467. we're not we're not wanting to just like
  468. 10:30
  469. report something and like sort of like
  470. 10:31
  471. drop it and walk away we've got to keep
  472. 10:33
  473. coming back we've got to keep going over
  474. 10:35
  475. it again because one of the things that
  476. 10:37
  477. I identified when I started watching
  478. 10:39
  479. your channel before you and I ever met
  480. 10:41
  481. it was just like holy crap this is so
  482. 10:43
  483. much information so many names so comple
  484. 10:45
  485. I'm lying I'll set it to in the
  486. 10:47
  487. interview that I just posted that you
  488. 10:48
  489. and I did on June 8th there's something
  490. 10:50
  491. like that he said it's so much
  492. 10:52
  493. information you got to boil it down to
  494. 10:54
  495. what's the headline what's the three
  496. 10:56
  497. sentence tell the story we tell this
  498. 11:00
  499. story that's right and the thing is when
  500. 11:02
  501. the story is so complicated you got to
  502. 11:06
  503. keep coming back and going over it again
  504. 11:08
  505. so you know just the other day coming
  506. 11:11
  507. back from Zanesville we're walking
  508. 11:12
  509. through the airport and I said you know
  510. 11:13
  511. something George it's just totally
  512. 11:15
  513. implausible obviously I've known this
  514. 11:17
  515. the whole time
  516. 11:18
  517. didn't it didn't click in my brain
  518. 11:19
  519. totally implausible that one or four or
  520. 11:22
  521. six or even sixteen guys could run 22
  522. 11:26
  523. businesses twelve rental homes a
  524. 11:29
  525. full-time job name every single one of
  526. 11:31
  527. the businesses a wand brother sporting
  528. 11:33
  529. goods at one brother's depleted-uranium
  530. 11:35
  531. shipping whatever the hell they're
  532. 11:36
  533. naming them yeah all the transportation
  534. 11:38
  535. companies all the car dealerships in
  536. 11:40
  537. Pakistan in addition to their
  538. 11:42
  539. congressional IT roles right and in
  540. 11:46
  541. Ron's job at Pakistani customs in Lahore
  542. 11:53
  543. was it I don't know Kassim or whatever
  544. 11:56
  545. it is but it's just yeah I feel that
  546. 11:58
  547. this is in fact a CIA operation and that
  548. 12:02
  549. the ISI is a liaison op Trish you
  550. 12:05
  551. identified that article or something had
  552. 12:08
  553. sent us that Corvair Corbett report
  554. 12:10
  555. episode number 85 talking about you know
  556. 12:14
  557. what George said the p-tech episode
  558. 12:16
  559. p-tech Episode V Tech yes yeah yes and
  560. 12:19
  561. we gotta go into that we gotta talk
  562. 12:21
  563. about we should do a cut from that
  564. 12:22
  565. because James Corbett we're just
  566. 12:24
  567. standing on the shoulders of giants he
  568. 12:25
  569. is great he laid that all out he's
  570. 12:27
  571. incredible he really is incredible and
  572. 12:31
  573. CNN or anybody is not gonna go near that
  574. 12:33
  575. not only because it's factual and true
  576. 12:36
  577. and actual news but because it's from
  578. 12:38
  579. 2008 so they don't consider that
  580. 12:40
  581. important or relevant but we need to go
  582. 12:42
  583. back and look at it and we that's right
  584. 12:44
  585. see where the seeds were planted how we
  586. 12:47
  587. got here today so well and Jason also to
  588. 12:50
  589. your point about these guys like you do
  590. 12:54
  591. not get caught after a months-long
  592. 12:56
  593. investigation for hacking Congress and
  594. 13:01
  595. burglarizing their offices and stealing
  596. 13:04
  597. their equipment and not get arrested
  598. 13:06
  599. right right and that speaks to what
  600. 13:09
  601. George has been saying for months that
  602. 13:11
  603. very likely Imran has diplomatic status
  604. 13:14
  605. or a diplomatic passport from Pakistan
  606. 13:17
  607. or possibly a diplomatic passport from
  608. 13:19
  609. the White House we don't know you a yeah
  610. 13:21
  611. UAE something what one of the great
  612. 13:24
  613. things about having so many irons in the
  614. 13:26
  615. fire which
  616. 13:27
  617. we do if you think about it because of
  618. 13:28
  619. the complexity of the subjects we've
  620. 13:30
  621. covered really there's like ninety or a
  622. 13:32
  623. hundred irons of the fire at any given
  624. 13:34
  625. time and people have different interest
  626. 13:36
  627. areas so I have one listener who's
  628. 13:39
  629. really done a great job with the classic
  630. 13:42
  631. motors DC case mm-hmm and it provided me
  632. 13:46
  633. the six Bentley's that had been sold in
  634. 13:48
  635. from yesterday's show that's amazing and
  636. 13:51
  637. I put him out to a guy who's gonna run
  638. 13:52
  639. the VIN numbers and see you know which
  640. 13:54
  641. ambassadors in DC got those and that's
  642. 13:56
  643. gonna just give everybody a good sense
  644. 13:58
  645. of the power of this I mean we
  646. 14:01
  647. discovered the Bill Warner capability
  648. 14:02
  649. yesterday about with tracking and today
  650. 14:05
  651. people are coming up with VIN numbers
  652. 14:07
  653. it's amazing
  654. 14:07
  655. the one that I want to do is alpha jello
  656. 14:09
  657. with the two theft rings one in New
  658. 14:13
  659. Jersey one in New York there's 90 cars
  660. 14:16
  661. that were recovered I would like to get
  662. 14:18
  663. the police report and get the 90 VIN
  664. 14:20
  665. numbers and run all 90 right and put him
  666. 14:22
  667. up at crowdsource the truth I had
  668. 14:25
  669. another speaking of car license plates I
  670. 14:28
  671. had another person come up with a car
  672. 14:30
  673. that was one of the protest vehicles in
  674. 14:32
  675. Charlottesville mmm-hmm and it was from
  676. 14:34
  677. mommy Ohio which is in Toledo so that
  678. 14:37
  679. person came a long long way to protest
  680. 14:40
  681. yeah in Charlottesville and of course it
  682. 14:43
  683. is the home I think it's the home of the
  684. 14:45
  685. second airborne and you know I don't
  686. 14:47
  687. know if people are dressing up as
  688. 14:49
  689. nationalists like they did in Oregon
  690. 14:52
  691. when we had a mall cannot Oregon and MB
  692. 14:54
  693. oathkeepers but you know there was so
  694. 14:56
  695. few actual people protesting and so many
  696. 14:59
  697. shill over Keepers it was hard to
  698. 15:02
  699. actually keep the defendants straight
  700. 15:04
  701. and I'm just thinking maybe
  702. 15:05
  703. Charlottesville is gonna be the same
  704. 15:07
  705. situation right
  706. 15:08
  707. so what you're saying kind of speaks to
  708. 15:10
  709. what I want to get at it's it's this
  710. 15:12
  711. whole thing in Zanesville
  712. 15:13
  713. you being absolved in addition to really
  714. 15:17
  715. opening the door to people who maybe
  716. 15:18
  717. we've you know kind of mocked in
  718. 15:21
  719. response to them mocking us I really do
  720. 15:23
  721. think this is the time for those people
  722. 15:25
  723. to come forward even if it's privately
  724. 15:27
  725. and if they are truly interested in
  726. 15:30
  727. being journalists they need to retract
  728. 15:32
  729. what they've said yeah and I'm not
  730. 15:35
  731. worried about that one that you're
  732. 15:37
  733. speaking of so much is I'm worried about
  734. 15:38
  735. the CN
  736. 15:39
  737. and New York Times I'm talking about
  738. 15:41
  739. donning herself yeah yeah I'm talking
  740. 15:43
  741. about Christopher MLA both of those guys
  742. 15:47
  743. know whether he didn't come down when I
  744. 15:49
  745. yelled at it I'm talking about a che
  746. 15:51
  747. Goodman now is the time to come forward
  748. 15:53
  749. to acknowledge that what you and I were
  750. 15:55
  751. doing was engaging in journalism we took
  752. 15:58
  753. all the information that Trish had where
  754. 16:00
  755. she was telling us hey you know the
  756. 16:01
  757. Obama administration identified that the
  758. 16:04
  759. illicit shipment of radiological
  760. 16:06
  761. material that well they didn't call it
  762. 16:08
  763. that they just said dirty bomb is one of
  764. 16:09
  765. the biggest threats you through your
  766. 16:11
  767. connections with the uranium five or six
  768. 16:15
  769. or whatever that is in deep uranium said
  770. 16:17
  771. hey there's all this unchecked uranium
  772. 16:19
  773. being shipped around there's all these
  774. 16:21
  775. problems with how the port's are
  776. 16:23
  777. operated true 35 years zero zero right
  778. 16:27
  779. no bid contract thirty five you confirm
  780. 16:30
  781. please confirm there's all these holes
  782. 16:32
  783. in the security we're putting these
  784. 16:34
  785. pieces together we're contacting the
  786. 16:36
  787. authorities and we're saying check it
  788. 16:38
  789. that's not calling in a bomb hoax you
  790. 16:40
  791. know while we're at it Robert David
  792. 16:41
  793. Steele can call and apologize too you
  794. 16:43
  795. know he's got a lot more to apologize
  796. 16:45
  797. for we'll talk about that the point is
  798. 16:47
  799. you didn't make it up there was evidence
  800. 16:51
  801. you were acting responsibly as a
  802. 16:53
  803. journalist as a citizen and now it's all
  804. 16:57
  805. kind of going your way so this is a real
  806. 16:59
  807. inflection point both in your
  808. 17:01
  809. investigation in the history of the
  810. 17:04
  811. project that you and I started working
  812. 17:05
  813. on together with just crowd-sourced the
  814. 17:07
  815. truth a couple months ago when we were
  816. 17:09
  817. sort of like embedded daily yes and I
  818. 17:11
  819. think that you know what we've sort of
  820. 17:14
  821. collectively decided and spoken about is
  822. 17:16
  823. that it's now time for us to sort of use
  824. 17:19
  825. some of the deep state tactics in a
  826. 17:22
  827. defensive posture against them and to
  828. 17:25
  829. shard what we're doing we came together
  830. 17:28
  831. as one entity and now what we're going
  832. 17:29
  833. to do is although we're gonna remain
  834. 17:31
  835. collaborative I think one show a days
  836. 17:33
  837. enough well no no that's fine of course
  838. 17:35
  839. but that's what I mean there's gonna be
  840. 17:37
  841. some changes going forward you're you're
  842. 17:39
  843. now maybe less focused on investigating
  844. 17:41
  845. the yuan brothers as the government
  846. 17:43
  847. starts taking that over and the crowd
  848. 17:44
  849. starts doing the detailed bits of that
  850. 17:46
  851. presenting more evidence what we really
  852. 17:48
  853. need is for that to move out of an
  854. 17:49
  855. investigative stage and into
  856. 17:51
  857. prosecutorial state yes and so now
  858. 17:54
  859. you've taken on this new also seemingly
  860. 17:57
  861. impossible task of suing the JTTF and
  862. 18:01
  863. the FBI and I say seemingly impossible
  864. 18:04
  865. because you know 293 four days ago when
  866. 18:10
  867. people saw you saying hey where is Eric
  868. 18:12
  869. Braverman and if you had sent to someone
  870. 18:14
  871. at that time I'm gonna reveal a spy ring
  872. 18:16
  873. in Congress set up by the CIA that
  874. 18:19
  875. involves a liaison operation with the
  876. 18:22
  877. Pakistani ISI suppose at all it's tied
  878. 18:25
  879. to debbie Wasserman Schultz it's tied to
  880. 18:27
  881. the Clintons it's tied to all these
  882. 18:29
  883. generals John McCain all these guys they
  884. 18:32
  885. would have said you're a nut
  886. 18:33
  887. yeah if you are a private right
  888. 18:36
  889. conspiracy but you plan your detractors
  890. 18:40
  891. wrong yeah well and I think it's it's
  892. 18:43
  893. the evidence against it so actually
  894. 18:45
  895. coming up with the physical hard drives
  896. 18:46
  897. and I think where the story goes from
  898. 18:48
  899. here is I reminded everybody in the
  900. 18:51
  901. conspiracy that the blackberries exist
  902. 18:53
  903. and I reminded the people that
  904. 18:55
  905. originally testified that there was a
  906. 18:56
  907. pile of 20 blackberries that those 20
  908. 18:59
  909. serial numbers exist and there's also
  910. 19:02
  911. when you have those on a network the
  912. 19:03
  913. chatter to those devices those MAC
  914. 19:06
  915. addresses also exists or if they're on
  916. 19:08
  917. radio network the chatter the IMEI
  918. 19:10
  919. exists right don't release those IMEI
  920. 19:13
  921. numbers a while ago yeah and more are
  922. 19:16
  923. coming and here's a chance again for
  924. 19:18
  925. everybody to come forward now I
  926. 19:20
  927. published today the backdoor I call it
  928. 19:25
  929. the Lindbergh baby backdoor that was a
  930. 19:27
  931. little weird I got a sick you know I
  932. 19:29
  933. don't mean I don't mean to say that they
  934. 19:31
  935. stole babies I tell me to say Lindbergh
  936. 19:34
  937. baby backdoor but it is fun to say
  938. 19:36
  939. Lindbergh baby backdoor that's the weird
  940. 19:38
  941. part
  942. 19:38
  943. yeah it is yes I don't mean to say I
  944. 19:40
  945. like stealing babies what I got but
  946. 19:47
  947. there was this backdoor into the once
  948. 19:49
  949. basement right where this stuff was
  950. 19:51
  951. right and it's it's kind of covered with
  952. 19:54
  953. the deck and there's a big window so you
  954. 19:56
  955. can see what's on the shelving and all
  956. 19:59
  957. these all this equipment that's remember
  958. 20:01
  959. classified material remember if you get
  960. 20:04
  961. one of these
  962. 20:05
  963. of blackberries you've got the keys to
  964. 20:08
  965. the kingdom right
  966. 20:09
  967. you've got the at least to be able to
  968. 20:11
  969. look at all the people in Congress right
  970. 20:13
  971. because we're not just talking about one
  972. 20:15
  973. individual account we're talking about
  974. 20:19
  975. now you have a view into the entire
  976. 20:21
  977. treasure trove the big server there
  978. 20:23
  979. right which is at least as big as that
  980. 20:25
  981. the the target server which was a human
  982. 20:29
  983. server so I believe it was three times
  984. 20:30
  985. the size because they had the CENTCOM
  986. 20:32
  987. emails and the State Department he knows
  988. 20:34
  989. as well as the control of George this is
  990. 20:38
  991. the whole thing we were talking a minute
  992. 20:40
  993. ago about P Tech and that interview with
  994. 20:44
  995. in Dara Singh I don't know if you had a
  996. 20:48
  997. chance to listen to in chat Chasen but
  998. 20:50
  999. not only apparently this was their IT
  1000. 20:55
  1001. route into not only what the House of
  1002. 21:00
  1003. Representatives but also the Department
  1004. 21:04
  1005. of Defense the FBI the Treasury the IRS
  1006. 21:09
  1007. the Navy the FAA the Department of
  1008. 21:14
  1009. Justice and the Secret Service totally
  1010. 21:17
  1011. crazy yeah haki
  1012. 21:21
  1013. Danny ISI yeah yeah I mean again again
  1014. 21:24
  1015. it's you know it's quite clearly
  1016. 21:26
  1017. Georgia's spoken about these liaison
  1018. 21:28
  1019. loopholes liaison operations it's
  1020. 21:31
  1021. plausible deniability
  1022. 21:33
  1023. you know Imran Owen is essentially the
  1024. 21:36
  1025. Lee Harvey Oswald of this operation
  1026. 21:38
  1027. they're setting him up to take the fall
  1028. 21:39
  1029. for bank fraud and they're hoping they
  1030. 21:41
  1031. can just this is not the Pakistani ISI
  1032. 21:44
  1033. agent who's infiltrated the IT
  1034. 21:46
  1035. department runs 22 shadow businesses and
  1036. 21:49
  1037. 12 homes you're looking for this is
  1038. 21:51
  1039. something totally different look over
  1040. 21:53
  1041. here well what I tried what and you know
  1042. 21:55
  1043. in addition to the spying on Congress
  1044. 21:58
  1045. they were selling safe state secrets I
  1046. 22:01
  1047. mean they had to have been I mean why
  1048. 22:05
  1049. wouldn't they
  1050. 22:06
  1051. George what do you think about that I
  1052. 22:08
  1053. actually can't hear Trish you can't hear
  1054. 22:11
  1055. yeah for some reason my audio is but
  1056. 22:13
  1057. what I was a Trish I hope I'm being
  1058. 22:16
  1059. somewhat responsive to what you said I
  1060. 22:17
  1061. can't
  1062. 22:18
  1063. I was trying to read your lips but the
  1064. 22:21
  1065. what I try to do with conspirators is
  1066. 22:24
  1067. remind them of the metadata so I'll take
  1068. 22:27
  1069. a situation and say what I've for some
  1070. 22:30
  1071. reason yeah what I believe actually
  1072. 22:33
  1073. happened the reason why the blackberries
  1074. 22:36
  1075. were never delivered in Congress and the
  1076. 22:38
  1077. reason why you never see em Ron in
  1078. 22:39
  1079. Congress was Imran was almost kind of a
  1080. 22:42
  1081. hospitality guy he was going around to
  1082. 22:45
  1083. different I don't know if a kahin or not
  1084. 22:49
  1085. well she's not saying he was going
  1086. 22:50
  1087. around to different parties in in
  1088. 22:52
  1089. Washington he was going around to
  1090. 22:54
  1091. different receptions at different
  1092. 22:55
  1093. ambassador's houses I think you're gonna
  1094. 22:57
  1095. find this to be true now again I have
  1096. 23:00
  1097. somebody inside the Congress the
  1098. 23:02
  1099. blackberry who's known Imran for 15
  1100. 23:05
  1101. years well I met Sparrow who I met so I
  1102. 23:07
  1103. am NOT trying to get em Ron in trouble I
  1104. 23:11
  1105. want him why not well I know in trouble
  1106. 23:14
  1107. but I'm trying to work with him now to
  1108. 23:15
  1109. come forward to just think about that
  1110. 23:17
  1111. for a second if you if you think about
  1112. 23:20
  1113. the metadata that's generated over a 13
  1114. 23:22
  1115. year period of time frame and all the
  1116. 23:24
  1117. parties that are sayin bro yeah and you
  1118. 23:26
  1119. go and and your dealings with within
  1120. 23:29
  1121. limo drivers of em Ron you wanna okay
  1122. 23:33
  1123. I picked up the light over there yeah so
  1124. 23:39
  1125. so you should be able to hear Trish she
  1126. 23:41
  1127. was saying that she she believes they
  1128. 23:44
  1129. must have been selling state secrets I
  1130. 23:46
  1131. think the problem is this is a three
  1132. 23:49
  1133. well I don't think actually they were
  1134. 23:51
  1135. selling selling state secrets and for
  1136. 23:53
  1137. the reason that's an odd rest of well I
  1138. 23:56
  1139. don't think there was they were their
  1140. 23:58
  1141. good operatives they were working for
  1142. 23:59
  1143. their country it for Pakistan yeah I
  1144. 24:01
  1145. mean but but it's being directed you
  1146. 24:03
  1147. know by Petraeus and and this Senate
  1148. 24:06
  1149. Armed Services Committee so they're
  1150. 24:08
  1151. they're not silly enough to go against
  1152. 24:10
  1153. the capo if they're dead if they do that
  1154. 24:13
  1155. you're just exactly what they tell you
  1156. 24:15
  1157. yeah your your honor as you can see yeah
  1158. 24:18
  1159. are you kidding me people they were
  1160. 24:21
  1161. spying on their stepmother come on these
  1162. 24:25
  1163. guys would it was gold or if they
  1164. 24:27
  1165. could have made a buck give me a break
  1166. 24:30
  1167. well good night
  1168. 24:31
  1169. this is like anyone come on this is like
  1170. 24:35
  1171. a skimming operation at now at a casino
  1172. 24:38
  1173. if you're the runner who's taking the
  1174. 24:40
  1175. chips from one place to the other and
  1176. 24:42
  1177. you're taking the daily skin you know
  1178. 24:44
  1179. from when they do the settlement at
  1180. 24:47
  1181. night and one chip one chip is missing
  1182. 24:50
  1183. or let's say you're drug runner and one
  1184. 24:52
  1185. ounce is missing that's your last day
  1186. 24:54
  1187. alive right you know so so so Imran is
  1188. 24:57
  1189. not doing that am ron's being a good guy
  1190. 25:00
  1191. he's running around of the different
  1192. 25:01
  1193. things and what they're trying to do is
  1194. 25:03
  1195. say hey we're gonna offer you a higher
  1196. 25:06
  1197. level of service you know we're not
  1198. 25:08
  1199. gonna take you the phone to your office
  1200. 25:11
  1201. and all that we're gonna get it to you
  1202. 25:12
  1203. personalized service and you know here's
  1204. 25:16
  1205. the new BlackBerry right they're gonna
  1206. 25:18
  1207. wave the new BlackBerry at one of the
  1208. 25:20
  1209. things that says oh it's got a better
  1210. 25:21
  1211. camera oh it's got this it's got that
  1212. 25:23
  1213. hey you want us to run you over one will
  1214. 25:25
  1215. get will have a career I'll have a
  1216. 25:27
  1217. career bring one over right now
  1218. 25:28
  1219. so this asan guy who's a runner and this
  1220. 25:31
  1221. rahu a boss guy who's a runner you're
  1222. 25:34
  1223. you're not gonna be able to have a
  1224. 25:36
  1225. McDonald's flunky a guy who fight gets
  1226. 25:38
  1227. fired on McDonald's waltz in to the
  1228. 25:41
  1229. longview office building through all the
  1230. 25:44
  1231. security and all the and all the cameras
  1232. 25:47
  1233. and come in and out with classified
  1234. 25:50
  1235. material when those guys see that go
  1236. 25:52
  1237. through the scanner they're gonna go hey
  1238. 25:53
  1239. above what are you doing with classified
  1240. 25:56
  1241. markings on the BlackBerry George they
  1242. 25:58
  1243. were hacking Congress they already had
  1244. 26:02
  1245. the IT Network I mean they work well so
  1246. 26:06
  1247. they'll be able to hear their George
  1248. 26:08
  1249. that's unfortunate I said what was
  1250. 26:10
  1251. working when I first handed it to you
  1252. 26:11
  1253. yeah I know it was just something odd
  1254. 26:13
  1255. happened we're gonna have to figure it
  1256. 26:15
  1257. out well I'm just saying they really
  1258. 26:16
  1259. think about it that couldn't have been
  1260. 26:19
  1261. how the conspiracy work that couldn't
  1262. 26:22
  1263. have been how they delivered the
  1264. 26:23
  1265. blackberries good now no I think you
  1266. 26:24
  1267. were just running their own side
  1268. 26:26
  1269. business in addition to spying on
  1270. 26:29
  1271. Congress you know because they had to
  1272. 26:32
  1273. they were recruited for it well we like
  1274. 26:35
  1275. guessing we got to make sure we had yeah
  1276. 26:37
  1277. but they were hacking or not
  1278. 26:39
  1279. guessing about the fact that they were
  1280. 26:41
  1281. hacking other members of Congress and
  1282. 26:43
  1283. that was one of the reasons they were
  1284. 26:46
  1285. shut off from the network in addition to
  1286. 26:50
  1287. the fact that they were involved in 20
  1288. 26:53
  1289. office burglaries whereby equipment was
  1290. 26:57
  1291. stolen I mean why would they be doing
  1292. 27:02
  1293. that if all of it was sanctioned then
  1294. 27:04
  1295. why would they be hiding that if
  1296. 27:08
  1297. everything that they were doing was
  1298. 27:10
  1299. under CIA sanction because they don't
  1300. 27:13
  1301. want the cops to find out they don't
  1302. 27:14
  1303. want the people in Congress to find out
  1304. 27:16
  1305. they don't want the news to find out but
  1306. 27:18
  1307. they were under investigation for months
  1308. 27:21
  1309. Jason before they were even far from
  1310. 27:26
  1311. access so I don't know we'll see hmm
  1312. 27:30
  1313. well I just I just want to say that the
  1314. 27:34
  1315. every time you deliver a blackberry to
  1316. 27:37
  1317. at a party okay there are gonna be
  1318. 27:40
  1319. people who see what's going on there's
  1320. 27:42
  1321. gonna be runners there's gonna be GPS
  1322. 27:44
  1323. there's gonna be when you fire the
  1324. 27:45
  1325. BlackBerry up for the first time we're
  1326. 27:47
  1327. gonna be able to query all that
  1328. 27:49
  1329. information right when this goes to a
  1330. 27:51
  1331. special prosecutor so everybody in the
  1332. 27:54
  1333. conspiracy start it needs to start
  1334. 27:56
  1335. thinking about the metadata that's
  1336. 27:57
  1337. generated by that phone both from the
  1338. 28:00
  1339. radio and from the Wi-Fi right and then
  1340. 28:03
  1341. when you started getting emails for the
  1342. 28:05
  1343. first time to that new number you got to
  1344. 28:07
  1345. really start thinking carefully about
  1346. 28:08
  1347. that because that creates footprints
  1348. 28:11
  1349. everything you say from now on I'm
  1350. 28:13
  1351. talking really the members of Congress
  1352. 28:14
  1353. right now everything you say right now
  1354. 28:17
  1355. matters a whole bunch because we have
  1356. 28:20
  1357. we're going to be able to have metadata
  1358. 28:22
  1359. to go back and prove that wrong or right
  1360. 28:24
  1361. the best thing to do right now is to go
  1362. 28:28
  1363. down to the Capitol Police and and file
  1364. 28:31
  1365. a report and say I am aware of a
  1366. 28:35
  1367. conspiracy
  1368. 28:36
  1369. I took a blackberry at a party on
  1370. 28:39
  1371. such-and-such a date I thought it was a
  1372. 28:42
  1373. legitimate blackberry it turned out it
  1374. 28:44
  1375. was configured by Imran Diwan it wasn't
  1376. 28:46
  1377. real blackberry I don't know what they
  1378. 28:48
  1379. got I don't know what they got but here
  1380. 28:51
  1381. my here's the date I believe I received
  1382. 28:53
  1383. it and if you receive several upgrades
  1384. 28:55
  1385. over time and again we have the New York
  1386. 28:57
  1387. Times article where Imran is talking
  1388. 28:59
  1389. about giving personalized service
  1390. 29:02
  1391. personalized blackberry delivery is far
  1392. 29:05
  1393. back as 205 2005 okay for a different
  1394. 29:09
  1395. individual pieces members of Congress so
  1396. 29:12
  1397. we had the Wechsler Hill documentary
  1398. 29:15
  1399. where Imran is one of the four and
  1400. 29:17
  1401. that's been suppressed that is going to
  1402. 29:20
  1403. come forward so the time Imran spent I I
  1404. 29:24
  1405. looked at a sixty two page document
  1406. 29:25
  1407. today about emraan Awad and all the
  1408. 29:29
  1409. aliases he had and all of his friends
  1410. 29:31
  1411. and all of the people he was associated
  1412. 29:33
  1413. with and all of the different serial
  1414. 29:35
  1415. numbers and different dates of birth of
  1416. 29:37
  1417. the 17 different tickets and the
  1418. 29:38
  1419. speeding and the drunk driving and so
  1420. 29:40
  1421. forth and still no you know when I had
  1422. 29:44
  1423. my run-in where I was sleeping trying to
  1424. 29:45
  1425. meet with a contact I didn't get they
  1426. 29:48
  1427. sure as heck published my you know
  1428. 29:51
  1429. personal info and yeah and the police
  1430. 29:54
  1431. report went out immediately and every
  1432. 29:56
  1433. one of you got to see the police report
  1434. 29:58
  1435. right so and and guess what my brother
  1436. 30:00
  1437. didn't handle the prosecution that would
  1438. 30:02
  1439. have been nice I'd say hey bro remember
  1440. 30:04
  1441. what I mowed your yard that there and
  1442. 30:06
  1443. you got arrested for sleeping in your
  1444. 30:08
  1445. car yet no one in the Awan family got
  1446. 30:11
  1447. arrested for knocking Congress that's
  1448. 30:16
  1449. true jazz strange so those I just mined
  1450. 30:21
  1451. footprints there's gonna be footprints
  1452. 30:23
  1453. there's gonna be people going back and
  1454. 30:25
  1455. forth now you may have cover stories of
  1456. 30:26
  1457. dog walking or hey I was just going over
  1458. 30:28
  1459. to get a computer for Imran I was just
  1460. 30:31
  1461. running things around Jamaa may have
  1462. 30:33
  1463. gone in and out under that cover but
  1464. 30:35
  1465. footprints I'm just gonna remind
  1466. 30:37
  1467. everybody footprints and the same thing
  1468. 30:38
  1469. is true in the congressional credit
  1470. 30:41
  1471. union we have somebody in the
  1472. 30:43
  1473. congressional credit union on in
  1474. 30:46
  1475. Judiciary Committee Bob good lads
  1476. 30:48
  1477. committee so now's not the time to
  1478. 30:51
  1479. line up with Adam Schiff you know Adam
  1480. 30:55
  1481. Schiff isn't gonna go over on Monday and
  1482. 30:57
  1483. do this great investigations I met him
  1484. 30:59
  1485. on the train Adam Schiff I do not like
  1486. 31:02
  1487. him
  1488. 31:03
  1489. shift shift now don't go down with this
  1490. 31:06
  1491. boat it's like you know you can hear the
  1492. 31:08
  1493. band playing on the Titanic now well
  1494. 31:11
  1495. what was the song they played in
  1496. 31:13
  1497. rearranged the deck chairs I don't know
  1498. 31:14
  1499. there and the band played on is I can
  1500. 31:17
  1501. somebody named the song that the
  1502. 31:19
  1503. Vanderbilts were listen to as the anyway
  1504. 31:22
  1505. I think you have to and you guys
  1506. 31:24
  1507. remember the um Ron's hearing got
  1508. 31:28
  1509. postponed to owner I it was either my
  1510. 31:32
  1511. god is 30 September first Trisha singing
  1512. 31:36
  1513. in Ron's thing god yeah I got moved to
  1514. 31:38
  1515. well you don't think I mean this may be
  1516. 31:41
  1517. presumptuous but you don't think that
  1518. 31:44
  1519. that had something to do with talking
  1520. 31:46
  1521. about the baby back door you know at M
  1522. 31:49
  1523. Ron's house no I'm serious
  1524. 31:52
  1525. up until that time nobody had said that
  1526. 31:55
  1527. there was access there was backdoor
  1528. 31:56
  1529. access again with these drug clinics and
  1530. 31:58
  1531. so forth where they double entendre is
  1532. 32:00
  1533. George it's just too much yeah but I'm
  1534. 32:04
  1535. playing off baby back ribs so people
  1536. 32:05
  1537. remember that but but that's not what
  1538. 32:07
  1539. the audience is they're not getting that
  1540. 32:11
  1541. well what I'm saying is look at the
  1542. 32:12
  1543. picture on my Twitter look at the
  1544. 32:14
  1545. full-length what this is exactly what I
  1546. 32:17
  1547. said earlier there's a full-length glass
  1548. 32:19
  1549. door and then there's a very large
  1550. 32:22
  1551. window in their daylight basement and
  1552. 32:24
  1553. it's covered by a deck and I believe
  1554. 32:29
  1555. through personal surveillance and and
  1556. 32:32
  1557. befriending some of the people in the
  1558. 32:33
  1559. neighborhood I believe that there was
  1560. 32:37
  1561. traffic by Jamal and Rahul Abbas and
  1562. 32:40
  1563. Hassan all three to that door while in
  1564. 32:45
  1565. terms of retrieving those blackberries
  1566. 32:47
  1567. so you make do with what you want
  1568. 32:50
  1569. there's three people out there that know
  1570. 32:52
  1571. I explained earlier this morning on the
  1572. 32:56
  1573. thing it's not really what the crowd
  1574. 32:57
  1575. thinks really that matters and this kind
  1576. 33:00
  1577. of investigative work
  1578. 33:01
  1579. it's what the conspirators know to be
  1580. 33:03
  1581. true and what I know
  1582. 33:05
  1583. and then what the crowd does or doesn't
  1584. 33:07
  1585. believe it really doesn't matter all I
  1586. 33:09
  1587. have to do is expose what the metadata
  1588. 33:11
  1589. is and the conspirators know if it's
  1590. 33:14
  1591. true or not and they have to react so
  1592. 33:17
  1593. church let me hear you say something for
  1594. 33:19
  1595. just a moment please quick brown fox
  1596. 33:21
  1597. yeah I'm definitely getting audio there
  1598. 33:24
  1599. I think the problem is George let me see
  1600. 33:27
  1601. if I can rectify that so basically what
  1602. 33:31
  1603. I was getting at is we're entering a new
  1604. 33:32
  1605. phase here we're entering a phase where
  1606. 33:35
  1607. George is going to become a lot more
  1608. 33:38
  1609. focused on this this constitutional
  1610. 33:43
  1611. trial and of course I named this episode
  1612. 33:47
  1613. counterterrorism vs. anti-terrorism and
  1614. 33:51
  1615. I did that because in my mind what JTTF
  1616. 33:54
  1617. is doing its counterterrorism they are
  1618. 33:56
  1619. the counterterrorism task force or
  1620. 33:59
  1621. whatever they're using terrorism to
  1622. 34:01
  1623. fight terrorism what we really want is
  1624. 34:03
  1625. anti-terrorism we don't want them to use
  1626. 34:06
  1627. or to treat any citizen as a terrorist
  1628. 34:09
  1629. this sort of vague you know what is a
  1630. 34:12
  1631. terrorist well if George is
  1632. 34:13
  1633. investigating the illicit shipping of
  1634. 34:15
  1635. uranium and and says hey there's the
  1636. 34:18
  1637. danger of a dirty bomb oh you're a
  1638. 34:21
  1639. terrorist now we can do whatever we want
  1640. 34:22
  1641. to you we can ping your cell phone we
  1642. 34:24
  1643. can throw you in jail with you know they
  1644. 34:27
  1645. illegally had no what what's the word
  1646. 34:30
  1647. I'm looking for that you got the
  1648. 34:31
  1649. evidence would cause no probable cause
  1650. 34:33
  1651. came and grabbed you co-opted a local
  1652. 34:37
  1653. law enforcement Bureau to carry out
  1654. 34:40
  1655. federal business this is exactly what as
  1656. 34:42
  1657. you've said the founding fathers did not
  1658. 34:45
  1659. want to happen this is the reason why we
  1660. 34:47
  1661. have States and state governments and
  1662. 34:49
  1663. municipalities and local law enforcement
  1664. 34:51
  1665. and federal and all this other stuff is
  1666. 34:54
  1667. to protect the rights of citizens not to
  1668. 34:56
  1669. make it so that one crooked guy like
  1670. 34:58
  1671. Andrew McCabe can just say oh let's you
  1672. 35:01
  1673. know or you know who created the JTTF
  1674. 35:04
  1675. George the FBI and the CIA through
  1676. 35:06
  1677. presidential decision directive 62
  1678. 35:08
  1679. signed by Bill Clinton in 1998
  1680. 35:11
  1681. another crooked now there was
  1682. 35:13
  1683. antecedents to JTTF before that but it
  1684. 35:16
  1685. really got codified there with a series
  1686. 35:18
  1687. of presidential directives that got
  1688. 35:21
  1689. memorialized with again Julian Assange
  1690. 35:24
  1691. with House Homeland Security
  1692. 35:27
  1693. presidential directive six and Julian if
  1694. 35:30
  1695. you're out there AGS bd6 that's what
  1696. 35:33
  1697. David Petraeus is using all over the
  1698. 35:36
  1699. world to put in JTTF saul over the world
  1700. 35:37
  1701. he's using the big visa Club as if you
  1702. 35:41
  1703. don't buy into the visas for the elite
  1704. 35:44
  1705. then you don't get if you don't accept
  1706. 35:47
  1707. JTTF for your country well we're not
  1708. 35:49
  1709. going to let you have any visas for your
  1710. 35:51
  1711. elites so it's very clear and the when
  1712. 35:55
  1713. you have that kind of club over a
  1714. 35:57
  1715. country that's how you get Julian
  1716. 35:59
  1717. Assange being put in jail for a totally
  1718. 36:01
  1719. bogus rape charge right that's that's
  1720. 36:04
  1721. one of just one of thousands of
  1722. 36:07
  1723. manifestations of this program it is not
  1724. 36:09
  1725. just the u.s. program it is all over the
  1726. 36:11
  1727. world it's the same playbook all over
  1728. 36:14
  1729. the world it's pretty scary and you know
  1730. 36:17
  1731. it's now the ER in this position of
  1732. 36:19
  1733. having had it happen to you firsthand
  1734. 36:22
  1735. not set up the FBI did not set up the
  1736. 36:25
  1737. app didn't set up the FBI no but they
  1738. 36:27
  1739. came and they came and grabbed you so
  1740. 36:30
  1741. let's move on from that conversation for
  1742. 36:32
  1743. a moment Trish you sent over a bunch of
  1744. 36:34
  1745. articles that I think you wanted to talk
  1746. 36:36
  1747. about right yeah well first I wanted to
  1748. 36:41
  1749. sort of point out that you know it's
  1750. 36:44
  1751. been several weeks since Joe Rhaego
  1752. 36:48
  1753. passed away and still there's no word on
  1754. 36:52
  1755. his cause of death or any of the
  1756. 36:54
  1757. circumstances surrounding his death and
  1758. 36:57
  1759. this is the only the most recent in a
  1760. 37:01
  1761. spate of very suspicious
  1762. 37:06
  1763. you know premature expirations of people
  1764. 37:09
  1765. who are somehow associated with Clinton
  1766. 37:13
  1767. found the Clinton Foundation or the
  1768. 37:15
  1769. Clintons and investigating fraud
  1770. 37:17
  1771. associated with them so that's very
  1772. 37:22
  1773. interesting to me that we haven't heard
  1774. 37:24
  1775. anything about that
  1776. 37:25
  1777. and then that one of the articles I sent
  1778. 37:28
  1779. you was about the Syrian army captured
  1780. 37:33
  1781. some weapons that had been stored away
  1782. 37:37
  1783. for later use by terrorists that had
  1784. 37:42
  1785. been driven out of Damascus and absolute
  1786. 37:47
  1787. olan Bentley's Trish I know I know but
  1788. 37:53
  1789. you know I would suspect these a lot of
  1790. 37:56
  1791. these weapons were brought in through
  1792. 37:58
  1793. those ratlines that have been getting
  1794. 38:00
  1795. exposed by you know serena shim and dill
  1796. 38:03
  1797. Jana can't say your last name and there
  1798. 38:08
  1799. was yeah I can't I don't know it I
  1800. 38:10
  1801. practiced it today a little bit but I
  1802. 38:13
  1803. you know these are people who have been
  1804. 38:17
  1805. telling us about this and we see it we
  1806. 38:21
  1807. see it here is the evidence itself
  1808. 38:24
  1809. mm-hmm sorry yes that's the evidence and
  1810. 38:32
  1811. then the next article you had was two
  1812. 38:36
  1813. percent of lawmakers with this stop
  1814. 38:39
  1815. arming terrorists Act yeah and so you
  1816. 38:42
  1817. know it through our research and
  1818. 38:44
  1819. Giuliana's hard work and a non vult
  1820. 38:47
  1821. you know 350 trips were made bringing
  1822. 38:51
  1823. illicit weapons in to the Mid East and
  1824. 38:54
  1825. being dropped off to terrorists and lo
  1826. 38:57
  1827. and behold is the only 2 percent of US
  1828. 39:01
  1829. lawmakers support Tulsi gabbard's stop
  1830. 39:04
  1831. arming terrorist act and you have to
  1832. 39:07
  1833. wonder why it well except that you know
  1834. 39:10
  1835. sitting officials are directly profiting
  1836. 39:12
  1837. from this and it is just beyond
  1838. 39:16
  1839. unacceptable that this should be allowed
  1840. 39:19
  1841. in the first place much less that we
  1842. 39:22
  1843. should not be an open revolt over the
  1844. 39:25
  1845. idea that they're not solidly behind
  1846. 39:27
  1847. this piece of legislation yeah it's
  1848. 39:31
  1849. quite crazy to think that anybody would
  1850. 39:33
  1851. want him i I just I just want to say
  1852. 39:36
  1853. again I I look at
  1854. 39:38
  1855. the model that most humans act logically
  1856. 39:42
  1857. they don't act crazy and most humans are
  1858. 39:45
  1859. making a carefully weighed decision in
  1860. 39:47
  1861. this case the senators and congressmen
  1862. 39:49
  1863. if I don't vote for that if I vote for
  1864. 39:52
  1865. this thing they're going to expose the
  1866. 39:55
  1867. pictures the night I got that new
  1868. 39:57
  1869. blackberry remember when Imran ran out
  1870. 39:58
  1871. that new black bear he was so nice and I
  1872. 40:00
  1873. spent two hours kind of away from
  1874. 40:02
  1875. everybody else why he reconfigured it
  1876. 40:04
  1877. for me at a special party anyway that is
  1878. 40:09
  1879. gonna be the night that also they remind
  1880. 40:14
  1881. him of when it comes time to vote
  1882. 40:16
  1883. for this kind of a thing say hey
  1884. 40:18
  1885. remember that little teddy bear we put
  1886. 40:20
  1887. in the room well guess what here's a
  1888. 40:22
  1889. picture of that teddy bear baby monitor
  1890. 40:24
  1891. yeah or the baby monitor or whatever
  1892. 40:26
  1893. whacky art or whatever was the little
  1894. 40:29
  1895. reminder to remind you that before NDAA
  1896. 40:31
  1897. is voted on or before whatever
  1898. 40:34
  1899. now there's I would say only about half
  1900. 40:35
  1901. of the Senate has been compromised about
  1902. 40:37
  1903. half of the House of Representatives you
  1904. 40:39
  1905. have to worry about the Senate a lot
  1906. 40:41
  1907. more than you do house representatives
  1908. 40:43
  1909. because you can always kill things in
  1910. 40:44
  1911. the Senate so I see a lot more
  1912. 40:45
  1913. compromise against the folks that are in
  1914. 40:48
  1915. the Senate there they're a lot longer
  1916. 40:49
  1917. there they're 30 40 years you only have
  1918. 40:51
  1919. to compromise them once
  1920. 40:53
  1921. congressmen are rotating all the time
  1922. 40:55
  1923. here try these stylish headphones Wow
  1924. 40:58
  1925. look at this you gotta like those Trish
  1926. 41:03
  1927. was there another article you had there
  1928. 41:05
  1929. there was one other about the DNC fraud
  1930. 41:08
  1931. lawsuit which I thought was significant
  1932. 41:10
  1933. because TruthDig did a piece about it
  1934. 41:14
  1935. and there's been even TruthDig is
  1936. 41:17
  1937. somewhat alternative news it's Chris
  1938. 41:20
  1939. Hedges who is a former New York Times
  1940. 41:25
  1941. columnist and culet surprised winning
  1942. 41:27
  1943. journalist who ended up leaving in new
  1944. 41:29
  1945. york times because they didn't want him
  1946. 41:31
  1947. properly covering the iraq war he saw
  1948. 41:34
  1949. the lying going on in the propaganda so
  1950. 41:36
  1951. but he started his own effort here but
  1952. 41:41
  1953. it's I'm glad to see it's it is still
  1954. 41:44
  1955. getting coverage but the idea that we're
  1956. 41:46
  1957. still waiting for a decision from the
  1958. 41:48
  1959. judge on the motion to do
  1960. 41:51
  1961. this is not encouraging I have to say
  1962. 41:53
  1963. yeah it's been a while
  1964. 41:55
  1965. of course this out the case that the
  1966. 41:57
  1967. Becks are working on right correct and
  1968. 42:00
  1969. and you know again this isn't debbie
  1970. 42:04
  1971. Wasserman Schultz's Florida district
  1972. 42:07
  1973. where it's being tried the Becks had
  1974. 42:11
  1975. received calls with using a voice
  1976. 42:15
  1977. modulator asking strange questions their
  1978. 42:19
  1979. co-counsel was directly threatened for
  1980. 42:22
  1981. his involvement with the case you know
  1982. 42:27
  1983. we have Seth rich who was a potential
  1984. 42:32
  1985. witness for the case we know he was a
  1986. 42:35
  1987. witness for Bob Petraeus in Ohio they
  1988. 42:39
  1989. had spoken the day before Seth died and
  1990. 42:43
  1991. then also Shawn Lucas who served the
  1992. 42:46
  1993. papers to wo Thurman Schultz died under
  1994. 42:50
  1995. very suspicious circumstances shortly
  1996. 42:53
  1997. after he videotaped himself serving her
  1998. 42:56
  1999. and right away the DNC filed a motion to
  2000. 43:02
  2001. dismiss based on in proper serving
  2002. 43:08
  2003. service they were trying to say that
  2004. 43:10
  2005. Shawn Lucas didn't properly serve those
  2006. 43:13
  2007. papers but he had it on video and they
  2008. 43:17
  2009. didn't realize and so they were thwarted
  2010. 43:19
  2011. by that that's interesting I didn't know
  2012. 43:22
  2013. they didn't know that well one of the
  2014. 43:24
  2015. things I received today was a thing from
  2016. 43:27
  2017. Bernie saying hey time to give again so
  2018. 43:31
  2019. that you could we can pay a penny on I
  2020. 43:32
  2021. thought if you didn't say this but
  2022. 43:34
  2023. Bernie still hasn't realized that the
  2024. 43:36
  2025. act lewd act blues a little swindle that
  2026. 43:39
  2027. the iran's did at the DCC they still
  2028. 43:43
  2029. haven't caught on to that so here again
  2030. 43:45
  2031. I outlined a new kind of a new form of
  2032. 43:48
  2033. journalism this morning as in terms of
  2034. 43:51
  2035. covering the legislative stuff we're no
  2036. 43:53
  2037. longer gonna wait we're not going to
  2038. 43:55
  2039. wait for this slow process to take place
  2040. 43:58
  2041. first of all we're going to try it in
  2042. 44:00
  2043. the court of public opinion we're going
  2044. 44:02
  2045. to move
  2046. 44:02
  2047. rapid clip we're gonna go five six
  2048. 44:04
  2049. motions a day we're gonna move through
  2050. 44:06
  2051. like you're the audience like like
  2052. 44:08
  2053. you're the jurors today we're gonna move
  2054. 44:10
  2055. through all the case precedents today
  2056. 44:11
  2057. we're gonna actively engage the best
  2058. 44:13
  2059. legal minds in the world and and run the
  2060. 44:16
  2061. trial in fast motion okay if we have any
  2062. 44:19
  2063. delay whatsoever in any case we're gonna
  2064. 44:22
  2065. open another case we're gonna we only
  2066. 44:24
  2067. need to find one or two other parties we
  2068. 44:27
  2069. don't need to go for the whole class
  2070. 44:28
  2071. that the Becks have I am an injured
  2072. 44:30
  2073. party from the a clue to a clues I will
  2074. 44:32
  2075. be opening up yet another lawsuit and
  2076. 44:34
  2077. pursuing a parallel path in a different
  2078. 44:37
  2079. district with where there is an
  2080. 44:38
  2081. obstructive judge right I will do it
  2082. 44:41
  2083. probably in Cleveland but we'll find a
  2084. 44:43
  2085. case and a court that will hear us and
  2086. 44:45
  2087. we will move at this crack the BET will
  2088. 44:48
  2089. we use the VEX case as a precedent and
  2090. 44:52
  2091. use two arguments and so forth yes but
  2092. 44:54
  2093. we'll find simpler constitutional
  2094. 44:57
  2095. challenges like we did with the
  2096. 44:59
  2097. precedents in the JTTF cases that are at
  2098. 45:02
  2099. a higher level and that mean more in
  2100. 45:04
  2101. terms of supremacy and clearer logic for
  2102. 45:07
  2103. the court to move those things along
  2104. 45:09
  2105. because what has happened with the JTTF
  2106. 45:11
  2107. it's been mired in all this procedural
  2108. 45:13
  2109. case law gobbledygook and you know
  2110. 45:16
  2111. confusing babies in the fan type of
  2112. 45:18
  2113. thing when there's clear clear
  2114. 45:20
  2115. fundamental rights that are issued the
  2116. 45:22
  2117. Constitution could not be clear about
  2118. 45:24
  2119. the the way that the state has to
  2120. 45:26
  2121. respond with strict scrutiny strict
  2122. 45:28
  2123. scrutiny and the scrutiny means
  2124. 45:31
  2125. discovery so the becks are still waiting
  2126. 45:33
  2127. for discovery in that case we're gonna
  2128. 45:35
  2129. I'm gonna open a second one now people
  2130. 45:37
  2131. can join me I'm not trying to draw away
  2132. 45:39
  2133. fire from the backs case what I am
  2134. 45:41
  2135. actually trying to do is inform their
  2136. 45:43
  2137. case so that we can get rulings in other
  2138. 45:46
  2139. courthouses in other districts to move
  2140. 45:49
  2141. that case along because there's a that's
  2142. 45:51
  2143. a 300 million dollar lawsuit and if they
  2144. 45:54
  2145. had a second one now if the jury if the
  2146. 45:56
  2147. judge wants to be obstructive in that
  2148. 45:58
  2149. district I don't forget which which
  2150. 46:00
  2151. district that is a federal district then
  2152. 46:02
  2153. we'll move it remove it to a
  2154. 46:04
  2155. more a judge that's more a movie
  2156. 46:08
  2157. aggressive you know I guess that's the
  2158. 46:11
  2159. way to say it right so that's that takes
  2160. 46:14
  2161. me back to what I was saying at the
  2162. 46:15
  2163. beginning of the show here where you're
  2164. 46:19
  2165. kind of pivoting a little bit going in a
  2166. 46:21
  2167. new direction with this legal pursuit
  2168. 46:23
  2169. and I think it's gonna take you to Ohio
  2170. 46:25
  2171. and all these different districts that
  2172. 46:27
  2173. you're gonna be pursuing these things in
  2174. 46:29
  2175. and you know what we're gonna do as I
  2176. 46:31
  2177. said it's sort of shard these two
  2178. 46:33
  2179. entities and have you be focusing more
  2180. 46:35
  2181. on these constitutional legal pursuit of
  2182. 46:39
  2183. the JTTF the DNC and all of that and
  2184. 46:42
  2185. Tricia and I are gonna take a sort of a
  2186. 46:44
  2187. larger role in organizing the
  2188. 46:45
  2189. crowdsource community to continue to
  2190. 46:48
  2191. drill down on these things like we've
  2192. 46:50
  2193. been doing with Joe like we've been
  2194. 46:52
  2195. doing with Panama Mike brandy blonde
  2196. 46:54
  2197. Queen Tut what big eyes you have there
  2198. 46:57
  2199. have been so many people from the
  2200. 46:58
  2201. crowdsource community who have come
  2202. 47:00
  2203. forward and we've got you know it's
  2204. 47:02
  2205. interesting because as one door closes
  2206. 47:04
  2207. another door opens yeah so you know
  2208. 47:07
  2209. we've lost the Hudson group they've gone
  2210. 47:09
  2211. dark unfortunately but yet we've got now
  2212. 47:12
  2213. this new intelligence sort of source
  2214. 47:16
  2215. that's come forward and we're dealing
  2216. 47:20
  2217. with a lot of new information from that
  2218. 47:21
  2219. so where as I said we're gonna shard
  2220. 47:24
  2221. this a bit and we're gonna continue to
  2222. 47:26
  2223. collaborate we're gonna continue to come
  2224. 47:28
  2225. together when we have common things to
  2226. 47:30
  2227. pursue pursue that crossover into what
  2228. 47:33
  2229. you're doing and stuff that you've been
  2230. 47:34
  2231. investigating for the 294 days that
  2232. 47:37
  2233. feeds into what we're doing with the car
  2234. 47:39
  2235. ring and the Awan brothers and all the
  2236. 47:42
  2237. best sort of stuff and it's not to say
  2238. 47:43
  2239. that we're taking over anything no we're
  2240. 47:45
  2241. just sort of dividing and conquering and
  2242. 47:48
  2243. one hand washes the other as well
  2244. 47:50
  2245. expanding the crowdsource community
  2246. 47:53
  2247. and also allowing both entities the
  2248. 47:56
  2249. freedom that they need to pursue the
  2250. 47:58
  2251. different things CS pro se attorney you
  2252. 48:00
  2253. have subpoena power you know you I can
  2254. 48:02
  2255. call the Chopra's from Mis Department
  2256. 48:05
  2257. I'm gonna call Sam okay I'm gonna
  2258. 48:06
  2259. subpoena all these people that were
  2260. 48:08
  2261. involved in this we have so much more
  2262. 48:10
  2263. evidence from this investigation that's
  2264. 48:12
  2265. been lifted you have kind of roosted
  2266. 48:15
  2267. from the bushes that none of this it was
  2268. 48:18
  2269. available to Bob Petraeus when they did
  2270. 48:20
  2271. the Edison media case I'm gonna restart
  2272. 48:23
  2273. the Edison media case I can remove it
  2274. 48:25
  2275. out of Ohio and move it to another
  2276. 48:27
  2277. district I can try it anywhere I want I
  2278. 48:30
  2279. could do the same thing with the becks
  2280. 48:31
  2281. case so we're gonna sit take that same
  2282. 48:33
  2283. logic we're gonna we're gonna also go
  2284. 48:35
  2285. for higher constitutional appeals that
  2286. 48:37
  2287. are simpler more straightforward more in
  2288. 48:39
  2289. keeping with the Constitution and we're
  2290. 48:41
  2291. gonna take any case any case out there
  2292. 48:44
  2293. where you've had trouble with a with a
  2294. 48:47
  2295. slow-moving judiciary we're gonna reap
  2296. 48:49
  2297. file it we're gonna simplify it we're
  2298. 48:51
  2299. gonna streamline it so George let's
  2300. 48:53
  2301. address this head-on as we always do
  2302. 48:55
  2303. with honesty and openness because the
  2304. 48:57
  2305. comments are jokingly saying you and I
  2306. 48:59
  2307. are getting divorced look it's a fact
  2308. 49:01
  2309. what George has been let's address it in
  2310. 49:07
  2311. order to do this economically in order
  2312. 49:10
  2313. to utilize the resources that we've had
  2314. 49:12
  2315. George has been staying here and look
  2316. 49:14
  2317. it's a fact you know we're working
  2318. 49:16
  2319. together having us live together and be
  2320. 49:18
  2321. you know indefinitely embedded in each
  2322. 49:21
  2323. other's personal lives that's not the
  2324. 49:23
  2325. best way for this to proceed so it was
  2326. 49:25
  2327. good during the launch phase but I mean
  2328. 49:28
  2329. who who gets ready for him what you
  2330. 49:31
  2331. can't sustain that I mean yeah well I
  2332. 49:32
  2333. mean why would you want to it's kind of
  2334. 49:35
  2335. like you know raising a child you want
  2336. 49:38
  2337. to just raise the child forever or do
  2338. 49:40
  2339. would wouldn't you want the child to
  2340. 49:41
  2341. eventually go to school very much like
  2342. 49:46
  2343. raising a child
  2344. 49:46
  2345. it is like raising a child I mean
  2346. 49:48
  2347. literally 20 hours a day how come you
  2348. 49:50
  2349. think I think a lot of people would
  2350. 49:52
  2351. agree that you and I and Trish we've got
  2352. 49:54
  2353. a great synergy we've got a great
  2354. 49:56
  2355. chemistry
  2356. 49:57
  2357. great energy but we're we're blossoming
  2358. 50:01
  2359. out into something slightly different
  2360. 50:04
  2361. something new that we're gonna continue
  2362. 50:06
  2363. to collaborate we're talking about in a
  2364. 50:09
  2365. short order here going to DC to pursue
  2366. 50:11
  2367. some stuff we definitely still want to
  2368. 50:13
  2369. get over to back to England we want to
  2370. 50:16
  2371. try to get to Bulgaria we're gonna put
  2372. 50:18
  2373. together some plans to do that in an
  2374. 50:20
  2375. organized kind of a way but give you
  2376. 50:22
  2377. George
  2378. 50:23
  2379. is George and we don't want to try to
  2380. 50:25
  2381. make George not be George George has got
  2382. 50:27
  2383. to move at the crack of the bat he's got
  2384. 50:29
  2385. to go and do whatever he's gonna do and
  2386. 50:31
  2387. you know we have these other plans that
  2388. 50:33
  2389. we want to make so Trish and I are gonna
  2390. 50:35
  2391. focus on organize organizing crowdsource
  2392. 50:37
  2393. the truth doing things like we've just
  2394. 50:40
  2395. collectively decided today the
  2396. 50:42
  2397. conference that we're gonna do in New
  2398. 50:44
  2399. York City is going to be called day 365
  2400. 50:46
  2401. and we're gonna plan to have it on the
  2402. 50:49
  2403. 365th day of the investigation great and
  2404. 50:53
  2405. it's going to include all kinds of
  2406. 50:54
  2407. speakers George will be there talking
  2408. 50:56
  2409. about you know everything you're gonna
  2410. 50:58
  2411. need to know about the investigation
  2412. 50:59
  2413. from day one up until then and by by
  2414. 51:03
  2415. freeing up some of the resources by
  2416. 51:05
  2417. expanding what we're doing with
  2418. 51:07
  2419. crowdsource the truth having some of the
  2420. 51:09
  2421. crowdsource community members who I've
  2422. 51:10
  2423. spoken about continuing to research it's
  2424. 51:13
  2425. going to give Trisha and I more time to
  2426. 51:15
  2427. develop these things and just continue
  2428. 51:17
  2429. to help this community grow look at what
  2430. 51:20
  2431. has happened with this whole research
  2432. 51:24
  2433. effort we have so much information
  2434. 51:25
  2435. coming in it's just we've got 90
  2436. 51:28
  2437. different irons in the fire the the
  2438. 51:30
  2439. concept or the thought that somehow the
  2440. 51:32
  2441. three of us could handle all that we
  2442. 51:34
  2443. need to make room for more journalists
  2444. 51:37
  2445. like Trish and Joe look at Joe look at
  2446. 51:40
  2447. Panama Mike look at those incredible
  2448. 51:42
  2449. stories that are coming out of those I
  2450. 51:44
  2451. mean they're kicking ass
  2452. 51:46
  2453. I mean Panama Mike with all of his thing
  2454. 51:48
  2455. with Dale Jana and Joe with all the port
  2456. 51:51
  2457. stuff that he's done and Trish you know
  2458. 51:53
  2459. he's got a whole bunch of things coming
  2460. 51:54
  2461. with Boston that that she's that she's
  2462. 51:57
  2463. doing so I yeah we've got this whole
  2464. 51:59
  2465. thing with p-tech that sort of leads us
  2466. 52:01
  2467. up to Boston so that's another sort of
  2468. 52:04
  2469. part where it's like okay so where do we
  2470. 52:06
  2471. go from here and I think the financial
  2472. 52:09
  2473. part of that
  2474. 52:10
  2475. lucien of a start-up - i mean it's just
  2476. 52:12
  2477. you grow and it changes and you know
  2478. 52:15
  2479. that the crowd is evolving and we have
  2480. 52:19
  2481. to be responsive to that the whole
  2482. 52:21
  2483. project is involved well Jim it Trump if
  2484. 52:24
  2485. Trump and if sessions would have moved
  2486. 52:27
  2487. forward if they would have named
  2488. 52:28
  2489. somebody like a calls from an FBI they
  2490. 52:30
  2491. didn't I can't sit there and cry and say
  2492. 52:32
  2493. oh they shouldn't have named the gray
  2494. 52:33
  2495. you know Oh
  2496. 52:35
  2497. McCabe should have been named number two
  2498. 52:37
  2499. again it would do I say okay well I
  2500. 52:38
  2501. guess the deep state wins no I go I have
  2502. 52:41
  2503. to find a different Avenue if we don't
  2504. 52:43
  2505. find a remedy in the US we're gonna go
  2506. 52:45
  2507. to the World Court we're gonna go all
  2508. 52:47
  2509. over the different legislatures all over
  2510. 52:49
  2511. the world
  2512. 52:50
  2513. okay there is no stopping this the
  2514. 52:52
  2515. people that are conspirators would be
  2516. 52:54
  2517. just doing themselves such a huge favor
  2518. 52:56
  2519. just to take a letter down to the to the
  2520. 52:59
  2521. Capitol Police and say yes here's the
  2522. 53:02
  2523. day my blackberry was compromised George
  2524. 53:05
  2525. you know I think what we should try to
  2526. 53:06
  2527. do is one of our interviews with Jim
  2528. 53:09
  2529. Kallstrom Jim Kallstrom would be a great
  2530. 53:13
  2531. great we had Mike McMahon come forward
  2532. 53:17
  2533. talk about 650,000 phony visas that were
  2534. 53:20
  2535. you know rubber stamped through the OPM
  2536. 53:23
  2537. so that informations coming every time
  2538. 53:26
  2539. we interview somebody that is a person
  2540. 53:28
  2541. that you can sebade OPM what's the OPM
  2542. 53:30
  2543. the the I'm gonna forget the name of it
  2544. 53:33
  2545. but that's where all the government
  2546. 53:34
  2547. visas are processed if you want to work
  2548. 53:36
  2549. for the federal government huh so Office
  2550. 53:38
  2551. of Personnel Management yeah right so he
  2552. 53:40
  2553. was the FBI agent in charge of anybody
  2554. 53:42
  2555. working in the classified area you not
  2556. 53:44
  2557. only have a service called name check
  2558. 53:46
  2559. right which checks you like name check
  2560. 53:48
  2561. would have gotten M Rana wands
  2562. 53:50
  2563. eighty-eight different well not seven
  2564. 53:53
  2565. different aliases is 17 different
  2566. 53:54
  2567. tickets fact he had all these different
  2568. 53:57
  2569. passports I mean that would have been
  2570. 53:59
  2571. like name check Bonanza night you know
  2572. 54:02
  2573. every once in a while if the casino when
  2574. 54:04
  2575. they pull that really big lever or the
  2576. 54:05
  2577. one that has the Corvette and then the
  2578. 54:07
  2579. whole casino goes Nene Nene you know
  2580. 54:10
  2581. with all the lights and bells that would
  2582. 54:11
  2583. have been name check if M Rana one had
  2584. 54:14
  2585. had a proper name check that's just the
  2586. 54:16
  2587. first level of checking then what
  2588. 54:18
  2589. happens in the FBI and I talked to you
  2590. 54:19
  2591. trees lead yeah she actually went
  2592. 54:21
  2593. through this process because she was an
  2594. 54:23
  2595. immigrant coming
  2596. 54:23
  2597. as a 14 year old into the United States
  2598. 54:25
  2599. they don't give you oh well we're coming
  2600. 54:28
  2601. over at 7 o'clock so you can make this
  2602. 54:30
  2603. school play no they they have 5 guys go
  2604. 54:34
  2605. to her school and say hey okay how do
  2606. 54:36
  2607. you know so-and-so and they ask you and
  2608. 54:38
  2609. if you are coming up with a fake story
  2610. 54:40
  2611. they'll get you then they do that
  2612. 54:42
  2613. simultaneously with all the people in
  2614. 54:44
  2615. your application that's serious business
  2616. 54:47
  2617. vetting and that's what he did that's
  2618. 54:49
  2619. what Mike McMahon did and that's the
  2620. 54:51
  2621. process they go through and if you don't
  2622. 54:53
  2623. answer those questions right in that two
  2624. 54:54
  2625. hours if all those stories and all those
  2626. 54:56
  2627. answers don't add up you're Fred you're
  2628. 54:58
  2629. fried and that never happened
  2630. 55:00
  2631. that never happened with the EM Ron's so
  2632. 55:03
  2633. we're gonna be able to ask questions
  2634. 55:04
  2635. like that why didn't those question why
  2636. 55:06
  2637. didn't that type of vetting happen in
  2638. 55:07
  2639. order to for em Ron to get a top secret
  2640. 55:09
  2641. clearance this is just for fighting this
  2642. 55:13
  2643. I'm telling you is the worst decision
  2644. 55:15
  2645. you could possibly make for your
  2646. 55:16
  2647. political career if you're in Congress
  2648. 55:17
  2649. and again I asked everyone to cooperate
  2650. 55:21
  2651. in a nice way first so you know you get
  2652. 55:25
  2653. the other one you know if you don't get
  2654. 55:27
  2655. them if you don't go for the nice one
  2656. 55:28
  2657. sorry
  2658. 55:30
  2659. right so what else do we want to cover
  2660. 55:32
  2661. here tonight George well Trish you got
  2662. 55:36
  2663. anything else about Boston you're gonna
  2664. 55:38
  2665. go take whitey bulger on and the whole
  2666. 55:40
  2667. crime ring and Boston you well now I'm
  2668. 55:43
  2669. gonna show Jason where they used to pull
  2670. 55:46
  2671. the bodies out of the harbor right next
  2672. 55:49
  2673. to where I used to live and it's
  2674. 55:51
  2675. actually right over where the JFK
  2676. 55:53
  2677. Library no no no we'll check that out
  2678. 55:56
  2679. for sure so in the comments I think our
  2680. 55:59
  2681. misunderstanding what we're saying in
  2682. 56:00
  2683. George they're saying nobody's gonna
  2684. 56:02
  2685. watch just Trish and Jason this is not
  2686. 56:04
  2687. going to be the tribe leaving the show
  2688. 56:06
  2689. unless you kick me up that's happening
  2690. 56:09
  2691. no not at all
  2692. 56:10
  2693. now all we're saying is George and I
  2694. 56:12
  2695. we're not going to be embedded in our
  2696. 56:14
  2697. personal lives together George to go and
  2698. 56:17
  2699. pursue these other things and he'll
  2700. 56:19
  2701. appear by Skype Jason it can now maybe
  2702. 56:22
  2703. date and and maybe who knows I might
  2704. 56:24
  2705. actually date again and you know we
  2706. 56:27
  2707. might actually have personal lives right
  2708. 56:29
  2709. where we don't know this 24 hours a day
  2710. 56:31
  2711. that's
  2712. 56:33
  2713. we're good I know there's like a
  2714. 56:34
  2715. two-hour period where we both weren't uh
  2716. 56:37
  2717. you know one of us wasn't working on
  2718. 56:38
  2719. this but that's about it for the last 90
  2720. 56:41
  2721. days maybe maybe a two-hour period where
  2722. 56:43
  2723. you were asleep yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
  2724. 56:46
  2725. that my people are they overlap but
  2726. 56:47
  2727. that's just it it's about getting it
  2728. 56:49
  2729. more organized so that you know
  2730. 56:51
  2731. everybody you know George has got his
  2732. 56:53
  2733. unique style on his channel which is not
  2734. 56:55
  2735. this that's not multi camera interviews
  2736. 56:58
  2737. with people like lionel and dr. Corsi
  2738. 57:01
  2739. and the stuff that we're doing like that
  2740. 57:02
  2741. it's not phone interviews with you know
  2742. 57:06
  2743. I mean there was some of that of course
  2744. 57:07
  2745. with brainy blonde but you're not gonna
  2746. 57:09
  2747. sit there and produce things in Adobe
  2748. 57:10
  2749. Premiere and put out phone calls that
  2750. 57:12
  2751. they are you certainly could if you want
  2752. 57:14
  2753. to but I don't judge that as your style
  2754. 57:16
  2755. of doing and it's gonna be George with
  2756. 57:17
  2757. the phone going around doing his thing
  2758. 57:20
  2759. doing the investigation doing the
  2760. 57:22
  2761. lawsuit traveling around city to city
  2762. 57:25
  2763. and when we come together for things
  2764. 57:27
  2765. like we're talking about with DC I mean
  2766. 57:29
  2767. I'm talking like next week or two weeks
  2768. 57:30
  2769. from now going to DC well really all on
  2770. 57:33
  2771. and this is my decision to break away
  2772. 57:35
  2773. and do the legal beat I want to do the
  2774. 57:37
  2775. legal beat I mean Trish does a great job
  2776. 57:38
  2777. in the news beat Joe is doing the great
  2778. 57:41
  2779. job in the news beat you've got news
  2780. 57:43
  2781. beat reporters for the different things
  2782. 57:45
  2783. I think of Trish more as an
  2784. 57:47
  2785. international reporter just from the
  2786. 57:50
  2787. basis but then jokes done international
  2788. 57:52
  2789. stories too so I mean I you guys need to
  2790. 57:55
  2791. do that I mean you're doing a great job
  2792. 57:57
  2793. I mean look at Panama Mike is another
  2794. 58:00
  2795. one I mean he got three nobody's working
  2796. 58:02
  2797. the legal beat and I want to go do this
  2798. 58:04
  2799. because Sessions isn't doing squat
  2800. 58:06
  2801. sessions is sitting on his hands and and
  2802. 58:09
  2803. not doing anything and I cannot let this
  2804. 58:12
  2805. sit I the American people are sick and
  2806. 58:15
  2807. disgusted and tired of nobody doing
  2808. 58:17
  2809. anything yeah they are tired of
  2810. 58:19
  2811. cover-ups by mccabe they're tired of the
  2812. 58:21
  2813. co me and the mueller kangaroo courts
  2814. 58:25
  2815. they're sick of it and they want action
  2816. 58:28
  2817. yeah and they're tired right here George
  2818. 58:30
  2819. it's to your point I think you know we
  2820. 58:33
  2821. have to apply pressure at every point
  2822. 58:36
  2823. impossible and so Charles is pushing on
  2824. 58:39
  2825. the IRS and
  2826. 58:41
  2827. not yet well anyway so so sorry Emily
  2828. 58:47
  2829. are you George can't hear I don't know
  2830. 58:49
  2831. what's going on there yeah I don't
  2832. 58:50
  2833. either
  2834. 58:50
  2835. sure it's your ears yeah well let me
  2836. 58:56
  2837. just get can I do
  2838. 58:56
  2839. just a quick vignette don't ever you
  2840. 58:58
  2841. want to do this morning so I we took the
  2842. 59:01
  2843. case of JTTF right we did we had 500
  2844. 59:05
  2845. different people come in and give us
  2846. 59:07
  2847. comments I think was actually more like
  2848. 59:09
  2849. 1500 I had to explain fundamental right
  2850. 59:12
  2851. I got that from farmer Jones boom that's
  2852. 59:14
  2853. done now what's the what's the standard
  2854. 59:16
  2855. strict scrutiny of the state state must
  2856. 59:19
  2857. show compelling evidence the highest
  2858. 59:21
  2859. level of strict scrutiny we're gonna
  2860. 59:22
  2861. stick to the fundamental rights we're
  2862. 59:24
  2863. going to stick to the bill Bill of
  2864. 59:25
  2865. Rights and and strict scrutiny what's
  2866. 59:28
  2867. the highest way to perform strict
  2868. 59:31
  2869. scrutiny discovery okay boom we got it
  2870. 59:33
  2871. we never have to go over that again that
  2872. 59:35
  2873. was last night while I was getting a
  2874. 59:36
  2875. pizza and and also in the middle of five
  2876. 59:38
  2877. police cars I was explaining strict
  2878. 59:41
  2879. scrutiny we're done oh by the way I did
  2880. 59:43
  2881. ask a police officer woman police
  2882. 59:45
  2883. officer to make sure that that woman was
  2884. 59:48
  2885. read her Miranda rights make sure that
  2886. 59:52
  2887. she had representation that she was
  2888. 59:55
  2889. informed that she had the availability
  2890. 59:57
  2891. of representation when she got to the
  2892. 59:59
  2893. jail which nobody did for me okay that
  2894. 60:03
  2895. she should be able to have the right one
  2896. 60:05
  2897. then when she's checked into the jail
  2898. 60:07
  2899. she should be met by a public defender
  2900. 60:11
  2901. that is her right under a speedy trial
  2902. 60:14
  2903. and I believe under five I'll get this
  2904. 60:18
  2905. right sooner or later maybe it's under
  2906. 60:19
  2907. six but she has a right to a public
  2908. 60:21
  2909. defender of that public defender should
  2910. 60:22
  2911. meet her there when she has checked in
  2912. 60:24
  2913. okay none of this you got to call 18
  2914. 60:27
  2915. different phone numbers and you know and
  2916. 60:29
  2917. they don't tell you any of this stuff
  2918. 60:31
  2919. you know you need money on your credit
  2920. 60:33
  2921. cards money on the calls they make it
  2922. 60:35
  2923. really difficult and that is going to
  2924. 60:38
  2925. change we're gonna go after that that
  2926. 60:40
  2927. process so I just even though I said you
  2928. 60:42
  2929. know I think one social worker might
  2930. 60:44
  2931. have helped her and instead of 28 cops
  2932. 60:48
  2933. in five police cars I don't know if used
  2934. 60:50
  2935. to counted how many cops are where last
  2936. 60:51
  2937. night or a lot but it was at least 20
  2938. 60:53
  2939. okay and then the paddy wagon and the
  2940. 60:56
  2941. thing I don't know I all the details
  2942. 61:00
  2943. there but I definitely made sure that
  2944. 61:02
  2945. she got her constitutional rights I'm
  2946. 61:05
  2947. talking about it now now everybody knows
  2948. 61:07
  2949. all right that you need to get your
  2950. 61:09
  2951. Miranda's you need to be able to name a
  2952. 61:11
  2953. public defender
  2954. 61:12
  2955. you need to public defender meeting you
  2956. 61:14
  2957. if you don't have enough money to defend
  2958. 61:15
  2959. yourself that you're right for
  2960. 61:17
  2961. representation to meet you and when they
  2962. 61:19
  2963. you go to the jail okay and they'll be
  2964. 61:22
  2965. able to answer questions that you don't
  2966. 61:23
  2967. testify against yourself the Fifth
  2968. 61:25
  2969. Amendment doesn't say you have to
  2970. 61:26
  2971. testify against and none of that was
  2972. 61:28
  2973. offered to you in Zanesville was it
  2974. 61:30
  2975. George
  2976. 61:31
  2977. none of that well they said do you want
  2978. 61:32
  2979. do you want to you know do you want to
  2980. 61:36
  2981. eat a crappy burrito yeah no it was it
  2982. 61:38
  2983. was something I officer either ruff I
  2984. 61:40
  2985. think it was he said something the
  2986. 61:42
  2987. effective do you need your to be read
  2988. 61:44
  2989. your rights and I thought no I know what
  2990. 61:47
  2991. my randos are I didn't think I was
  2992. 61:48
  2993. waiving my Miranda's okay but then I did
  2994. 61:52
  2995. you know I don't want to beat up on the
  2996. 61:53
  2997. Zanesville Police Department because
  2998. 61:54
  2999. they were they were all right they were
  3000. 61:56
  3001. okay I just think it's a systemic thing
  3002. 62:00
  3003. with this whole private prison thing and
  3004. 62:02
  3005. and it's more driven from DHS and these
  3006. 62:05
  3007. DHS grants that these these cities are
  3008. 62:07
  3009. getting and then it's like hey we get
  3010. 62:09
  3011. paid for prisoners man you know we'll
  3012. 62:11
  3013. figure out how to do that so but what it
  3014. 62:14
  3015. did want to say about JTTF suit which
  3016. 62:16
  3017. started today we went through thousands
  3018. 62:19
  3019. of cases of case law because we had so
  3020. 62:21
  3021. many comments we came down to three
  3022. 62:22
  3023. critical cases
  3024. 62:24
  3025. Jones versus the United States Graham
  3026. 62:27
  3027. versus the United States carpenter
  3028. 62:29
  3029. versus the United States boom boom
  3030. 62:30
  3031. carpenter was filed yesterday versus the
  3032. 62:33
  3033. US versus the Supreme Court now the
  3034. 62:36
  3035. reason why Carter sucks is because he's
  3036. 62:39
  3037. had a lot of trouble with you know with
  3038. 62:42
  3039. the gun and banks how didn't he's
  3040. 62:44
  3041. looking at 116 years it's a lot first
  3042. 62:47
  3043. for six different robberies across
  3044. 62:49
  3045. Michigan and Ohio
  3046. 62:50
  3047. I don't want carpenter versus United
  3048. 62:52
  3049. States being the test of the Fourth
  3050. 62:54
  3051. Amendment because what they're going to
  3052. 62:56
  3053. say is oh if you oppose this right
  3054. 62:58
  3055. you're poutier you want a guy who did
  3056. 63:01
  3057. you know six bank robberies
  3058. 63:03
  3059. you know there's look
  3060. 63:04
  3061. under 16 years to get off right they
  3062. 63:07
  3063. it's curiously came out yesterday when I
  3064. 63:09
  3065. was talking about how I was gonna launch
  3066. 63:11
  3067. my appeal because I don't want bank
  3068. 63:13
  3069. robbers long wait a minute what do you
  3070. 63:15
  3071. mean appeal why do you need to appeal if
  3072. 63:16
  3073. they dropped well no no I am gonna
  3074. 63:18
  3075. launch my case against the fourth
  3076. 63:20
  3077. amendment saying you must as fundamental
  3078. 63:23
  3079. right you have to do strict scrutiny and
  3080. 63:24
  3081. you must provide me discovery but wait
  3082. 63:27
  3083. let me slow you down again you're not
  3084. 63:28
  3085. doing a case against the fourth no I'm
  3086. 63:30
  3087. you're doing a case based on its Web
  3088. 63:32
  3089. versus the United States of America
  3090. 63:34
  3091. George Webb swagger vs. and then
  3092. 63:36
  3093. violating your Fourth Amendment right
  3094. 63:38
  3095. correct I want to know how it was a g4s
  3096. 63:41
  3097. that did the sting rate was it a
  3098. 63:43
  3099. stingray did they get me from cell tower
  3100. 63:45
  3101. what it was how is agent Pettijohn
  3102. 63:47
  3103. involved okay give me the tape
  3104. 63:50
  3105. conversations I want to publish him on
  3106. 63:52
  3107. crowdsource the truth between mr. white
  3108. 63:54
  3109. occur and officer Comstock I also want
  3110. 63:56
  3111. those conversations where the port
  3112. 63:58
  3113. called me three times with a Coast Guard
  3114. 64:00
  3115. the Customs and Border Patrol and then
  3116. 64:03
  3117. DHS yeah I was in the presence of a I
  3118. 64:06
  3119. want you to hear it you know dr. Corsi
  3120. 64:09
  3121. said he remembered HR Everett armor oh
  3122. 64:12
  3123. you are there right Edward armor Oh
  3124. 64:15
  3125. didn't get gone there and go well you
  3126. 64:17
  3127. know he did he smoked he was trying to
  3128. 64:19
  3129. introduce oh here's my opinions of what
  3130. 64:22
  3131. I thought today you know II had that
  3132. 64:24
  3133. kind of a baritone voice here's my
  3134. 64:26
  3135. opinion no Edward I'll really go okay
  3136. 64:28
  3137. here's what's happening right now you're
  3138. 64:29
  3139. very to be shot in front of a firing
  3140. 64:31
  3141. squad how do you feel yeah listen you
  3142. 64:34
  3143. are there and and that is what I want to
  3144. 64:37
  3145. do is I want to bring you the actual
  3146. 64:39
  3147. conversations that we had just like we
  3148. 64:40
  3149. published the CNN interview we did
  3150. 64:43
  3151. Christopher Mele hasn't given us that
  3152. 64:45
  3153. opportunity but now that I'm out okay so
  3154. 64:47
  3155. be fair Christopher Mele did try to call
  3156. 64:50
  3157. you but the phone was in the possession
  3158. 64:51
  3159. of the cops so he didn't reach you and
  3160. 64:53
  3161. he's busy he didn't have my number
  3162. 64:55
  3163. whatever I think it would be good to
  3164. 64:56
  3165. speak to Christopher Mele I think it
  3166. 64:58
  3167. would be good I'm not gonna call him
  3168. 65:00
  3169. disinfo Donny and the fake news CNN I'm
  3170. 65:03
  3171. not it would be nice if Donny O'Sullivan
  3172. 65:05
  3173. would get back in touch with us and
  3174. 65:07
  3175. would do some kind of a retraction and
  3176. 65:09
  3177. would try to understand what actually
  3178. 65:11
  3179. happened here now let me bring you just
  3180. 65:13
  3181. back down to earth for one second on
  3182. 65:15
  3183. another
  3184. 65:15
  3185. sorry if I don't know wow I'm getting
  3186. 65:18
  3187. very excited I think you should be this
  3188. 65:19
  3189. situation really has the potential to be
  3190. 65:22
  3191. historic because this is Dred Scott for
  3192. 65:25
  3193. the 21st century yeah it is and I take
  3194. 65:28
  3195. it back to what I said before you know a
  3196. 65:29
  3197. lot of people would look at this one
  3198. 65:31
  3199. independent journalist wearing a
  3200. 65:33
  3201. scrunchie
  3202. 65:33
  3203. Tony Podesta t-shirt and say how is this
  3204. 65:35
  3205. guy Dred Scott was a slave right so odd
  3206. 65:38
  3207. versus Board of Education with a little
  3208. 65:39
  3209. girl I have no doubt that you were gonna
  3210. 65:41
  3211. do this or die trying
  3212. 65:43
  3213. yeah and I hope it's not that but the
  3214. 65:47
  3215. point I was going to get at is we're
  3216. 65:49
  3217. gonna help you put all this stuff out
  3218. 65:51
  3219. we're gonna help you you know when you
  3220. 65:52
  3221. need to publish phone calls we need to
  3222. 65:54
  3223. put whatever that's gonna be you know
  3224. 65:56
  3225. consider this a resource to do that and
  3226. 65:58
  3227. people are gonna give you information
  3228. 66:00
  3229. and they do that on your channel and
  3230. 66:01
  3231. everything but like there were certain
  3232. 66:03
  3233. bottlenecks coming up where there was
  3234. 66:04
  3235. just you know I I've used the analogy
  3236. 66:07
  3237. that you're like a lawnmower without a
  3238. 66:09
  3239. bag
  3240. 66:09
  3241. the crowd is the better well you are a
  3242. 66:13
  3243. lawnmower and there's no changing that
  3244. 66:15
  3245. yeah Hague is what we're trying to well
  3246. 66:18
  3247. and let me just talk about the
  3248. 66:19
  3249. progression of the case today because
  3250. 66:22
  3251. instead of waiting like you know the
  3252. 66:24
  3253. best case which you know is to going on
  3254. 66:26
  3255. two years not even to discovery we went
  3256. 66:28
  3257. to discovery already today we found out
  3258. 66:30
  3259. who carpenter was Tim carpenter was
  3260. 66:32
  3261. Warren Ohio came up you remember sue for
  3262. 66:35
  3263. Warren Ohio
  3264. 66:35
  3265. yeah what the Hells Angels there and the
  3266. 66:38
  3267. you know the secret thing with all the
  3268. 66:40
  3269. blacked-out windows and what the hell's
  3270. 66:42
  3271. going on in Warren Ohio yes that you
  3272. 66:45
  3273. know Warren Ohio is gonna be one of the
  3274. 66:46
  3275. banks that gets robbed okay so I made a
  3276. 66:49
  3277. promise to her do you remember that when
  3278. 66:50
  3279. we were there that I would bring light
  3280. 66:52
  3281. to the what the the ratline and war in
  3282. 66:54
  3283. Ohio that was going on what happens is
  3284. 66:56
  3285. these groups Hells Angels groups to
  3286. 66:59
  3287. enforcement groups I'm not saying you
  3288. 67:01
  3289. know Masonic Temple thing but this you
  3290. 67:03
  3291. know friend of law enforcement outside
  3292. 67:05
  3293. law enforcement you know about 30 miles
  3294. 67:07
  3295. away and and I don't I'm exposing it
  3296. 67:11
  3297. right here now and that's just one of
  3298. 67:12
  3299. the side things about exposing you know
  3300. 67:14
  3301. finding out about the carpenter case
  3302. 67:15
  3303. right what I'm saying is we went through
  3304. 67:17
  3305. all the cases we went through Jones
  3306. 67:19
  3307. carpenter and Graham today and within a
  3308. 67:21
  3309. two-hour period okay we hadn't we're now
  3310. 67:24
  3311. moving on to the fact
  3312. 67:26
  3313. you know we're gonna launch the the
  3314. 67:28
  3315. Boston case the Boston case is the
  3316. 67:31
  3317. tsarnaevs the Boston case is the toda
  3318. 67:34
  3319. set the todashev why did the state why
  3320. 67:38
  3321. did the state choose to bring terrorists
  3322. 67:41
  3323. from Chechnya and the toda chef from I
  3324. 67:45
  3325. believe it's gonna be Chechnya as well
  3326. 67:48
  3327. to where Trish lives okay to support
  3328. 67:52
  3329. with the ratlines through run through
  3330. 67:56
  3331. the convenience stores that Whitey
  3332. 67:57
  3333. Bulger was running the pakis is Trish
  3334. 68:00
  3335. calls him well everybody in Boston in
  3336. 68:02
  3337. Boston why Paki why did the state do
  3338. 68:07
  3339. that why did the state do that is that
  3340. 68:09
  3341. something it glaze on operation through
  3342. 68:11
  3343. Chechnya
  3344. 68:12
  3345. intelligence to kill people that
  3346. 68:15
  3347. resisted Whitey Bulger running a crime
  3348. 68:17
  3349. ring in Boston okay that is what they're
  3350. 68:21
  3351. trying to hide I am NOT gonna let them
  3352. 68:23
  3353. try and mr. McCabe you're gonna have to
  3354. 68:24
  3355. kill me because I am good I'm just
  3356. 68:27
  3357. saying it's gonna offer him that up no
  3358. 68:28
  3359. no I'm just saying I am NOT gonna stop
  3360. 68:30
  3361. until the end he and I'm gonna charge
  3362. 68:33
  3363. that McCabe personally ran that crime
  3364. 68:36
  3365. ring through Bulger I'm saying it right
  3366. 68:39
  3367. now to the camera right now I know he
  3368. 68:41
  3369. did and I am going to prove it
  3370. 68:43
  3371. okay so you've got a decision to make
  3372. 68:45
  3373. McCabe it's I'm gonna prove that you ran
  3374. 68:48
  3375. that crime ring through Bulger okay so I
  3376. 68:51
  3377. am gonna ask how did you manage to come
  3378. 68:55
  3379. about the great idea of bringing in the
  3380. 68:57
  3381. tsarnaev brothers in here and how did
  3382. 69:00
  3383. you manage the great idea of bringing in
  3384. 69:01
  3385. toto chef here because what ended up
  3386. 69:03
  3387. happening is the Sarna has killed the
  3388. 69:05
  3389. walton trio which I'm gonna allege right
  3390. 69:08
  3391. now and I'm gonna prove it okay and this
  3392. 69:11
  3393. is the opening statements of the
  3394. 69:12
  3395. argument right so we've already made it
  3396. 69:14
  3397. in one day we started with all the
  3398. 69:15
  3399. background now I'm making the opening
  3400. 69:17
  3401. statement to the jury right now right
  3402. 69:19
  3403. there we're gonna this the the plaintiff
  3404. 69:22
  3405. will show that the scenarios were
  3406. 69:24
  3407. brought here they killed the Walter
  3408. 69:26
  3409. welcome welcome trio because that was a
  3410. 69:28
  3411. previous enforcement arm for Whitey
  3412. 69:30
  3413. Bulger and they became the enforcement
  3414. 69:32
  3415. arm and the Boston bombing was a cover
  3416. 69:33
  3417. to eliminate them and Trish and I next
  3418. 69:37
  3419. week will be working
  3420. 69:38
  3421. on you know supportive material for you
  3422. 69:40
  3423. going around shooting locations
  3424. 69:42
  3425. providing information at your direction
  3426. 69:45
  3427. yet as to what you need - isn't this
  3428. 69:47
  3429. more fun it's gonna expand the scope we
  3430. 69:51
  3431. can wait Polly I'm hoping I can do some
  3432. 69:54
  3433. more writing if that's also been really
  3434. 69:57
  3435. challenging you know recently so we're
  3436. 70:01
  3437. trying to make room for more because
  3438. 70:03
  3439. that's a people have a really hard time
  3440. 70:04
  3441. jumping in and we're trying to find ways
  3442. 70:07
  3443. to help get new people who are new up to
  3444. 70:11
  3445. speed and sort of you know keep the
  3446. 70:14
  3447. thread understandable for those who are
  3448. 70:17
  3449. trying to follow it it's absolutely so I
  3450. 70:20
  3451. think this is gonna be an improvement in
  3452. 70:22
  3453. every way George and I are as I said
  3454. 70:24
  3455. we're planning on going to Washington DC
  3456. 70:26
  3457. pretty soon I want to talk to rod
  3458. 70:28
  3459. wheeler again I want to talk to your
  3460. 70:31
  3461. friend Andre Taggert what happened with
  3462. 70:34
  3463. Fox News reporter who called you about
  3464. 70:36
  3465. Andre Taggert we haven't interviewed as
  3466. 70:37
  3467. she has an interview done yes
  3468. 70:39
  3469. I don't think and who was it that called
  3470. 70:40
  3471. you from Malia Zimmerman but you want to
  3472. 70:45
  3473. bring her picture up well she's the
  3474. 70:47
  3475. thing that I'm curious about
  3476. 70:50
  3477. Zimmerman the beautiful thing about the
  3478. 70:52
  3479. Boston Palmer case is it's a very highly
  3480. 70:55
  3481. pro photographed event and there's gonna
  3482. 70:58
  3483. be a whole back story now once I win my
  3484. 71:01
  3485. case which is JTTF has to answer to this
  3486. 71:05
  3487. fundamental right George it is the woman
  3488. 71:08
  3489. that's getting sued by rod wheeler okay
  3490. 71:10
  3491. she's the one who called me so I'm just
  3492. 71:12
  3493. curious why is she
  3494. 71:14
  3495. popping up so frequently in things that
  3496. 71:16
  3497. we're looking at this is the woman who
  3498. 71:19
  3499. called me and I gave her rod wheelers
  3500. 71:20
  3501. information what do you mean you gave
  3502. 71:22
  3503. her rod what you gave her is I gave her
  3504. 71:25
  3505. I'm sure she has wrong I gave her I gave
  3506. 71:28
  3507. her Andrey Taggarts information cuz like
  3508. 71:32
  3509. when I just googled this a second ago
  3510. 71:35
  3511. it says she was very nice to me she
  3512. 71:38
  3513. called me twice reporter and Seth rich
  3514. 71:40
  3515. lawsuit so she's calling you about
  3516. 71:42
  3517. Taggert here's an article about her in
  3518. 71:46
  3519. the rag news week
  3520. 71:48
  3521. w/e a k' made her career with
  3522. 71:53
  3523. controversial stories well I don't know
  3524. 71:56
  3525. I think very interesting the thing the
  3526. 71:58
  3527. defense is doesn't realize is that I
  3528. 72:00
  3529. know who grant Fuller is I know how he
  3530. 72:02
  3531. recruited todashev and this the sister
  3532. 72:06
  3533. the brother
  3534. 72:07
  3535. the uncle excuse me of the tsarnaevs
  3536. 72:09
  3537. there is footprints everywhere you go in
  3538. 72:13
  3539. this case and it's going to be so much
  3540. 72:14
  3541. fun
  3542. 72:15
  3543. subpoenaing all the people involved
  3544. 72:17
  3545. remember you did give up some
  3546. 72:20
  3547. information in that JTTF case to the
  3548. 72:23
  3549. ACLU of Boston you gave up the structure
  3550. 72:25
  3551. of JTTF you gave up a little bit of that
  3552. 72:28
  3553. you gave up a little bit of how people
  3554. 72:30
  3555. are paid and how many people are
  3556. 72:31
  3557. involved but you didn't provide your
  3558. 72:34
  3559. tactics the 70 the 70 exemption we're
  3560. 72:37
  3561. going to go after the 70 exemption
  3562. 72:38
  3563. because we're going to prove that the 70
  3564. 72:40
  3565. exemption doesn't answer that test of
  3566. 72:43
  3567. strict scrutiny do you still have
  3568. 72:45
  3569. Taggarts phone number I have is I don't
  3570. 72:49
  3571. have this 800 number but all you have to
  3572. 72:50
  3573. do is figure it has an 800 is 3 1 o
  3574. 72:53
  3575. number I published on Dave that's why
  3576. 72:59
  3577. Luke got to get a straight Taggarts no
  3578. 73:01
  3579. no you know who has it Casey has
  3580. 73:03
  3581. Taggarts number we're gonna get we
  3582. 73:05
  3583. published it we did a show that night
  3584. 73:07
  3585. and yeah it was published but then also
  3586. 73:10
  3587. I published it to Twitter and I want to
  3588. 73:12
  3589. say I want to say it was July 25th but I
  3590. 73:17
  3591. might be wrong but it's very it's it's
  3592. 73:20
  3593. dinner with Andre it's a dinner with
  3594. 73:22
  3595. Andre up right yeah no we got a we got a
  3596. 73:24
  3597. call him up what does Fitbit talking
  3598. 73:28
  3599. about that doesn't make any sense to me
  3600. 73:29
  3601. so anyway we're gonna put some plans
  3602. 73:32
  3603. together to handle all of that stuff and
  3604. 73:35
  3605. this is gonna be exciting yeah this is I
  3606. 73:38
  3607. think a motive right opening statements
  3608. 73:40
  3609. in one day boom right what else you want
  3610. 73:42
  3611. to talk about right now George anything
  3612. 73:44
  3613. no I just think this is great I mean
  3614. 73:46
  3615. this is a very necessary thing that we
  3616. 73:48
  3617. needed to do to get around Jeff Sessions
  3618. 73:50
  3619. I mean that's just a pure plain and
  3620. 73:52
  3621. simple they named beret they cut that
  3622. 73:54
  3623. off then they cut off DOJ they cut off
  3624. 73:56
  3625. to UGA from us they cut off I asked
  3626. 73:59
  3627. the last at Franklin Pierce I just want
  3628. 74:03
  3629. to tell the Franklin Pierce story
  3630. 74:04
  3631. Franklin Pierce was just happy he was he
  3632. 74:06
  3633. was a big time drinker by the way
  3634. 74:08
  3635. there's and guess what I only drink
  3636. 74:11
  3637. lemonade now with Dylan McDonald's and I
  3638. 74:13
  3639. had the two lemonade's today big
  3640. 74:15
  3641. lemonade's I thought a Franklin Pierce
  3642. 74:16
  3643. though the old-time Franklin Pierce he's
  3644. 74:19
  3645. in the White House he's booze in a way
  3646. 74:20
  3647. you can get the best wine right when
  3648. 74:23
  3649. you're at the White House and all of a
  3650. 74:25
  3651. sudden this Dred Scott case comes in and
  3652. 74:28
  3653. somebody says hey mr. Pierce have you
  3654. 74:30
  3655. heard of this Dred Scott case he goes I
  3656. 74:31
  3657. don't want to use the stomach I don't
  3658. 74:33
  3659. really want to hear I want another mint
  3660. 74:35
  3661. julep I really don't want to hear about
  3662. 74:36
  3663. the Dred Scott case well guess what Dred
  3664. 74:40
  3665. Scott case came anyway and it changed
  3666. 74:42
  3667. America it gave America that the
  3668. 74:46
  3669. realization of what was happening that a
  3670. 74:49
  3671. free man was then pulled back into a
  3672. 74:52
  3673. slave state by slave hunters okay in
  3674. 74:54
  3675. America when they found that out they
  3676. 74:57
  3677. said that's wrong and and the people
  3678. 74:59
  3679. that were on the fence before there was
  3680. 75:01
  3681. only the abolitionists before that when
  3682. 75:02
  3683. the people on the I got my southern Ohio
  3684. 75:04
  3685. accent back because you know what
  3686. 75:06
  3687. there's a lot of people in southern Ohio
  3688. 75:08
  3689. that went across that river and got
  3690. 75:10
  3691. people and coming to Kentucky and
  3692. 75:11
  3693. brought him to freedom on the
  3694. 75:13
  3695. Underground Railroad so that's why I
  3696. 75:14
  3697. have that little accent I still have
  3698. 75:16
  3699. that little slave saber accent that I've
  3700. 75:19
  3701. got back now but that is what changed
  3702. 75:21
  3703. that is what changed the Civil War
  3704. 75:24
  3705. that's what caused the Civil War but
  3706. 75:26
  3707. that's what changed the the Midwest and
  3708. 75:28
  3709. the West's attitude when they found out
  3710. 75:30
  3711. that a slave hunter could go into a free
  3712. 75:33
  3713. state and grab a free man and then make
  3714. 75:36
  3715. him a slave again they knew that was
  3716. 75:38
  3717. wrong chasing someone down using the
  3718. 75:41
  3719. state's resources to chase someone down
  3720. 75:42
  3721. who's trying to do journalism and then
  3722. 75:45
  3723. snatch them they know that's wrong right
  3724. 75:48
  3725. this is bigger than me it's bigger than
  3726. 75:50
  3727. you it's bigger than the crowd source of
  3728. 75:51
  3729. truth it's bigger than anything it is a
  3730. 75:54
  3731. worldwide case this is a world wide case
  3732. 75:56
  3733. that's right that's right
  3734. 75:58
  3735. well crowdsource the truth is going to
  3736. 76:00
  3737. encompass as many people hopefully as it
  3738. 76:02
  3739. possibly can so that's the idea
  3740. 76:05
  3741. - you know focus on getting as many
  3742. 76:08
  3743. people involved in trying to find the
  3744. 76:11
  3745. answers and trying to know about this I
  3746. 76:13
  3747. mean I think there's a lot of people
  3748. 76:15
  3749. watching right now who might not have
  3750. 76:17
  3751. even known what JTTF was just a week ago
  3752. 76:20
  3753. we've got 1045 watching on YouTube and
  3754. 76:24
  3755. people email me all the time and you and
  3756. 76:27
  3757. came up to us and Zanesville and said
  3758. 76:28
  3759. they had no idea what depleted-uranium
  3760. 76:31
  3761. was what white phosphorus was what all
  3762. 76:34
  3763. these different things that are
  3764. 76:35
  3765. happening I mean I certainly didn't know
  3766. 76:37
  3767. the world know two days ago that the
  3768. 76:39
  3769. Boston JTTF case was about tsarnaev
  3770. 76:43
  3771. zatoichi chefs know that's what I'm
  3772. 76:45
  3773. saying we're gonna really expand the
  3774. 76:47
  3775. knowledge and all this stuff and again
  3776. 76:48
  3777. it's not about sound bites that fit into
  3778. 76:50
  3779. a three-minute segment about what's
  3780. 76:53
  3781. happening with North Korea or what's
  3782. 76:55
  3783. happening with a car running people over
  3784. 76:57
  3785. at a george soros staged race riot it's
  3786. 76:59
  3787. about really figuring out what's going
  3788. 77:02
  3789. on really figuring out how
  3790. 77:05
  3791. counterterrorism is not necessarily
  3792. 77:07
  3793. anti-terrorism and figuring out all of
  3794. 77:10
  3795. this sort of sort of stuff and utilizing
  3796. 77:12
  3797. our resources in the most efficient way
  3798. 77:14
  3799. we possibly can to do that and i think
  3800. 77:16
  3801. we see it happening with everybody
  3802. 77:18
  3803. coming from the community to the show
  3804. 77:20
  3805. here and we're gonna as people are
  3806. 77:23
  3807. saying you're gonna spread your wings
  3808. 77:24
  3809. and go become your accidental attorney
  3810. 77:28
  3811. Spitfire flew right at the liftoff up
  3812. 77:31
  3813. and do all that one garnish anything
  3814. 77:33
  3815. else that you want to talk about tonight
  3816. 77:35
  3817. uh no I don't think so you and I have a
  3818. 77:39
  3819. very explosive phone interview with
  3820. 77:43
  3821. Queen Tut that's gonna be coming out
  3822. 77:45
  3823. probably tomorrow morning and that's a
  3824. 77:48
  3825. whole other area we're gonna start
  3826. 77:50
  3827. exploring again we've got very emotional
  3828. 77:52
  3829. well no no that was the previous one you
  3830. 77:54
  3831. haven't heard the only one Queen Tut has
  3832. 77:56
  3833. been really digging son was murdered I
  3834. 77:58
  3835. know yeah that's what she revealed in
  3836. 78:01
  3837. the previous one and and she now is
  3838. 78:04
  3839. gonna be coming forward some new
  3840. 78:05
  3841. evidence that she's discovered very
  3842. 78:07
  3843. compelling case that we've been talking
  3844. 78:08
  3845. about on this on this show for quite a
  3846. 78:10
  3847. while and
  3848. 78:12
  3849. we're gonna move it forward in an
  3850. 78:14
  3851. important way yeah great well if people
  3852. 78:17
  3853. don't know who toad a chef is just for
  3854. 78:18
  3855. the last thing that they were used as a
  3856. 78:20
  3857. third guy of the kill team of three the
  3858. 78:22
  3859. tsarnaevs were the first two and he was
  3860. 78:23
  3861. the third guy Toto chef was in Florida
  3862. 78:25
  3863. we should have went to where he got
  3864. 78:26
  3865. killed the FBI just basically burst in
  3866. 78:28
  3867. the door and killed him
  3868. 78:29
  3869. so we'll be going back to Florida to
  3870. 78:32
  3871. show where he was murdered yes we will
  3872. 78:34
  3873. and again we will see everybody soon
  3874. 78:37
  3875. George is not going away I just get the
  3876. 78:41
  3877. whole legal beat to myself right we'll
  3878. 78:44
  3879. be back tomorrow we'll see everybody
  3880. 78:47
  3881. soon thanks for tuning in have a great
  3882. 78:49
  3883. night have a great weekend take care
  3884. 78:51
  3885. everybody
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