
Rookie in #sirs 2

Jun 8th, 2014
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  1. [22:20] * RO0Ki3 ( has joined #Sirs
  2. [22:20] * Q sets mode: +v RO0Ki3
  3. [22:20] <+Fleischy> sup
  4. [22:21] <+Fleischy> hey guys did you hear rookie is 'leaving' for a few months
  5. [22:21] <+Fleischy> i'm looking forward his next nick
  6. [22:21] <+Nikhao> same
  7. [22:21] <+Nikhao> 3iK0OR
  8. [22:22] <+RO0Ki3> ^yes *wink* I am leaving
  9. [22:22] <+RO0Ki3> OO nahh this is my last alt..
  10. [22:22] <+RO0Ki3> *wink*
  11. [22:22] <+Fleischy> yeeeaaah
  12. [22:22] <+Fleischy> *poke*
  13. [22:22] <+Fleischy> *in the asshole*
  14. [22:22] * ZeroXy_ (webchat@ has joined #Sirs
  15. [22:22] * Q sets mode: +v ZeroXy_
  16. [22:22] <+RO0Ki3> jk seriouslly I have football camps
  17. [22:22] <+ZeroXy_> Rooki3
  18. [22:22] <+ZeroXy_> damn
  19. [22:22] <+RO0Ki3> dude your gay...
  20. [22:22] <+RO0Ki3> what Zero?
  21. [22:22] <+Fleischy> you're*
  22. [22:22] <+Nikhao> you're*
  23. [22:22] <+Fleischy> also you are
  24. [22:22] <+Nikhao> Rookie, you don't have football camps.
  25. [22:22] <+Fleischy> only gay boys wink at other guys
  26. [22:22] <+ZeroXy_> Hey imma back gays
  27. [22:22] <+Nikhao> We all know you're fat.
  28. [22:23] <+RO0Ki3> lol
  29. [22:23] <+Nikhao> And can't run
  30. [22:23] <+ZeroXy_> ahaha omg
  31. [22:23] <+Fleischy> and black
  32. [22:23] <+RO0Ki3> I was ganna take a screen shot and post it...
  33. [22:23] <+ZeroXy_> Stop nikhao
  34. [22:23] <+RO0Ki3> But I know some ppl would hate...
  35. [22:23] <+ZeroXy_> why you are so rude?
  36. [22:23] <+Fleischy> some people?
  37. [22:23] <+RO0Ki3> No Zero let these guys talk...
  38. [22:23] <+Fleischy> everyone*?
  39. [22:23] <+ZeroXy_> i thought you was better player
  40. [22:23] <+ZeroXy_> really
  41. [22:23] <+RO0Ki3> Its not like its true...
  42. [22:23] <+Fleischy> it's absolutely so
  43. [22:23] <+Nikhao> ZeroXy_, do you not know who Rookie is?
  44. [22:24] <+ZeroXy_> who he is?
  45. [22:24] <+Fleischy> yes, who he is
  46. [22:24] <+RO0Ki3> I only weigh 80-85 pounds and I am only 12
  47. [22:24] <+Fleischy> thought you were matured and 14
  48. [22:24] <+Fleischy> 12 would be way more likely though
  49. [22:24] <+ZeroXy_> who he is?
  50. [22:24] <+Fleischy> 10 even more so
  51. [22:24] <+ZeroXy_> R00ki3 who r you?
  52. [22:24] <+Nikhao> he's the most hated person in BnS
  53. [22:24] <+Nikhao> Literally everyone hates him
  54. [22:25] <+Nikhao> Possibly has the worst reputation ever
  55. [22:25] <+ZeroXy_> Aw,why?
  56. [22:25] <+Nikhao> Because he is cancer
  57. [22:25] <+Fleischy> given life
  58. [22:25] <+Fleischy> and form
  59. [22:25] <+ZeroXy_> ah
  60. [22:25] <+RO0Ki3> lol I am supposed to care if a few gay people hate me??
  61. [22:25] * ZeroXy_ is now known as ZeroXt
  62. [22:25] <+Fleischy> >few
  63. [22:25] <+Fleischy> >gay
  64. [22:25] <+RO0Ki3> I dont have cancer
  65. [22:25] <+Nikhao> its not a few people
  66. [22:25] <+Nikhao> its the ENTIRE community
  67. [22:25] <+Fleischy> more like everyone and str8
  68. [22:25] <+Nikhao> Rookie, do you not understand?
  69. [22:25] <+ZeroXt> OK
  70. [22:25] <+ZeroXt> GUYS
  71. [22:25] <+RO0Ki3> entire as in...30 ppl
  72. [22:25] <+Fleischy> well idk if everyone is str8 up str8 in bns
  73. [22:25] <+RO0Ki3> maybe 40
  74. [22:25] <+Nikhao> NO
  75. [22:26] <+Fleischy> about 200 I'd say
  76. [22:26] <+RO0Ki3> at the most 100..
  77. [22:26] <+ZeroXt> i think is better no insults
  78. [22:26] <+ZeroXt> please
  79. [22:26] <+Nikhao> As in the entire community
  80. [22:26] <+Fleischy> i can't say for sure
  81. [22:26] <+Nikhao> Rookie, why don't you get it?
  82. [22:26] <+ZeroXt> Fleishy
  83. [22:26] <+Fleischy> about around there, just from the forums and irc
  84. [22:26] <+ZeroXt> pm chat 1 min
  85. [22:26] <+Nikhao> Why haven't you left already?
  86. [22:26] <+RO0Ki3> you think out of 200/7,000,000,000 people that I will never meet I really care?
  87. [22:26] <+Nikhao> Will you leave the community already?
  88. [22:26] <+Nikhao> NO ONE likes you.
  89. [22:27] <+RO0Ki3> ^lies
  90. [22:27] <+ZeroXt> which community?
  91. [22:27] <+Nikhao> Not lies.
  92. [22:27] <+Foodon> Cawmon dat kiddyfight C:
  93. [22:27] <+RO0Ki3> IRL people love me
  94. [22:27] <+Fleischy> nikhao a person needs to have a brain in order to understand something like that
  95. [22:27] <+Fleischy> don't bother
  96. [22:27] <+Nikhao> Bullshit Rookie
  97. [22:27] <+Fleischy> this isn't your rl
  98. [22:27] <+Fleischy> probably the opposite of it
  99. [22:27] * Eddy_ ( has joined #Sirs
  100. [22:27] * * sets mode: +v Eddy_
  101. [22:27] * Q sets mode: +o Eddy_
  102. [22:27] <+Nikhao> Eddy, just in time.
  103. [22:27] <+RO0Ki3> Am I suppost to care what a few Cyber bullys say?
  104. [22:28] <+Fleischy> nice
  105. [22:28] <@Eddy_> Whas going on?
  106. [22:28] <+Nikhao> Eddy, would you be as kind to ban Rookie?
  107. [22:28] <+RO0Ki3> Ut ooo TBBE is here
  108. [22:28] <+RO0Ki3> ^...
  109. [22:28] <@Eddy_> Uh huh sure
  110. [22:28] <+Fleischy> ameruh rhursupust to kururr whuddu hurrr
  111. [22:28] * +RO0Ki3 ( has left #Sirs
  112. [22:28] <+Fleischy> gg
  113. __ few minutes later __
  114. [22:30] * RO0Ki3 ( has joined #Sirs
  115. [22:30] * Q sets mode: +v RO0Ki3
  116. [22:30] <@Eddy_> Ha
  117. [22:30] <@Fleischy> ey rookie surprise motherfucker
  118. [22:30] * Eddy_ sets mode: -v RO0Ki3
  119. [22:30] * Fleischy sets mode: +b *!*
  120. [22:31] * RO0Ki3 was kicked by Fleischy (RO0Ki3)
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