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Dec 18th, 2017
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  1. 13:35:02 terapiin: how long u in for
  2. 13:35:23 Radicaly: What did u do Dante FailFish
  3. 13:35:41 bigaysodapop: Wait. Dante why are you creating a story on NoPixel?
  4. 13:35:41 DevilDoc2Gaming: @LeWolfy So would it be a Trooper that could arrest you?
  5. 13:35:45 Harryow: FeelsBadMan
  6. 13:35:50 bigaysodapop: WE DON'T HAVE STORIES ON NOPIXEL saabREE
  7. 13:35:53 1998_: the alien walk is better saabREE
  8. 13:35:57 Anthonyz: F in chat bois
  9. 13:36:03 DevilDoc2Gaming: Job center maybe
  10. 13:36:05 kaei22: F
  11. 13:36:05 forbiddenruin: F
  12. 13:36:07 Anthonyz: F
  13. 13:36:08 Slasher2099: f
  14. 13:36:11 bigaysodapop: F
  15. 13:36:12 kingjms: f
  16. 13:36:12 AscendedMinds: f
  17. 13:36:13 luckyducky1994: F
  18. 13:36:13 Bkprimal: F
  19. 13:36:14 BluePenguin3: F
  20. 13:36:15 Anxrose: f
  21. 13:36:15 Im_Bennn: F saabFeels
  22. 13:36:16 thatmallow: F
  23. 13:36:16 Harryow: F
  24. 13:36:17 cdh428: F
  25. 13:36:17 AlphaBale: F
  26. 13:36:18 danielmoses95: f
  27. 13:36:18 Tensten: F
  28. 13:36:20 Micromoema: F
  29. 13:36:20 danielmoses95: F
  30. 13:36:21 alpha_ferret: F
  31. 13:36:21 Magikkz_OW: F
  32. 13:36:21 Darkjoker98: F
  33. 13:36:24 kronen77: f
  34. 13:36:25 Radicaly: F
  35. 13:36:28 Sparkilypigs: F
  36. 13:36:29 Slasher2099: tyreseRIP
  37. 13:36:30 GibsEdits: F
  38. 13:36:30 IraTheCreature: F
  39. 13:36:31 Bailey_Bradley: F
  40. 13:36:34 Anthonyz: F to pay respect
  41. 13:36:35 DUSTxDEVIL: ohnHong
  42. 13:36:35 Donatellus: F
  43. 13:36:36 PROT444: need to change clothes you criminal
  44. 13:36:38 Radicaly: Your getting fired?
  45. 13:36:40 DevilDoc2Gaming: F
  46. 13:36:41 PAULassassin70: about time i saye :) vaderrpHype vaderrpHype
  47. 13:36:42 LadyAynjell: lewolfH
  48. 13:36:42 hiiivy: change clothes
  49. 13:36:47 SavageAnimals: F
  50. 13:36:49 kingjms: Time for Dante to become a Fisherman
  51. 13:36:49 DevilDoc2Gaming: Go fishing, lol
  52. 13:36:49 thedenverdude: losJr
  53. 13:36:50 Banditt90: go join drug gang?
  54. 13:36:52 nicodemus05: F
  55. 13:36:53 UnknownPanda41: this is sad]:(
  56. 13:36:54 tsalivetv: F
  57. 13:36:54 forbiddenruin: F
  58. 13:36:55 luckyducky1994: So do you lose your job?
  59. 13:36:58 Stonegrill: F
  60. 13:36:59 UnknownPanda41: :(
  61. 13:37:00 alpha_ferret: lol start running gold now
  62. 13:37:00 SmellyColors: F
  63. 13:37:01 PrinceWULFE: F
  64. 13:37:03 kingjms: F
  65. 13:37:07 Bkprimal: Dead Dante on Fam, Fired Dante on Nopixel. Where do we go from here FeelsBadMan
  66. 13:37:12 LeAshley: LUL
  67. 13:37:13 mikezout14: @LeWolfy @LadyAynjell EMS ridealongs lmao
  68. 13:37:17 ScaraB25: get a tear tattoo LuL
  69. 13:37:18 Im_Bennn: time for sad fishing RP
  70. 13:37:20 UnknownPanda41: change your outfit for one xd @LeWolfy
  71. 13:37:20 mahyah: steal a cop car
  72. 13:37:21 Donatellus: NotLikeThis
  73. 13:37:23 Harryow: Dante died on family? LUL
  74. 13:37:24 jam0302: crim dante time
  75. 13:37:28 cooksbacon: ^
  76. 13:37:29 DevilDoc2Gaming: Go fishing, I can suggest some good bait, lol
  77. 13:37:30 danielmoses95: I like how u walked sad and and in 0 seconds just jupmed around and ran like its the happiest day in ur life XD @LeWolfy
  78. 13:37:30 Lurkdude: A BMX
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