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Dec 18th, 2023
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text 35.20 KB | None | 0 0
  2. Bus 001 Device 004: ID 3252:0004 Goodong USB Camera
  3. Device Descriptor:
  4. bLength 18
  5. bDescriptorType 1
  6. bcdUSB 2.01
  7. bDeviceClass 239 Miscellaneous Device
  8. bDeviceSubClass 2
  9. bDeviceProtocol 1 Interface Association
  10. bMaxPacketSize0 64
  11. idVendor 0x3252
  12. idProduct 0x0004
  13. bcdDevice 0.03
  14. iManufacturer 3 Goodong
  15. iProduct 1 USB Camera
  16. iSerial 2 200901010001
  17. bNumConfigurations 1
  18. Configuration Descriptor:
  19. bLength 9
  20. bDescriptorType 2
  21. wTotalLength 0x0446
  22. bNumInterfaces 5
  23. bConfigurationValue 1
  24. iConfiguration 4
  25. bmAttributes 0x80
  26. (Bus Powered)
  27. MaxPower 500mA
  28. Interface Association:
  29. bLength 8
  30. bDescriptorType 11
  31. bFirstInterface 0
  32. bInterfaceCount 2
  33. bFunctionClass 14 Video
  34. bFunctionSubClass 3 Video Interface Collection
  35. bFunctionProtocol 0
  36. iFunction 5
  37. Interface Descriptor:
  38. bLength 9
  39. bDescriptorType 4
  40. bInterfaceNumber 0
  41. bAlternateSetting 0
  42. bNumEndpoints 1
  43. bInterfaceClass 14 Video
  44. bInterfaceSubClass 1 Video Control
  45. bInterfaceProtocol 0
  46. iInterface 5
  47. VideoControl Interface Descriptor:
  48. bLength 13
  49. bDescriptorType 36
  50. bDescriptorSubtype 1 (HEADER)
  51. bcdUVC 1.10
  52. wTotalLength 0x006c
  53. dwClockFrequency 15.000000MHz
  54. bInCollection 1
  55. baInterfaceNr( 0) 1
  56. VideoControl Interface Descriptor:
  57. bLength 18
  58. bDescriptorType 36
  59. bDescriptorSubtype 2 (INPUT_TERMINAL)
  60. bTerminalID 1
  61. wTerminalType 0x0201 Camera Sensor
  62. bAssocTerminal 0
  63. iTerminal 0
  64. wObjectiveFocalLengthMin 0
  65. wObjectiveFocalLengthMax 0
  66. wOcularFocalLength 0
  67. bControlSize 3
  68. bmControls 0x0020000e
  69. Auto-Exposure Mode
  70. Auto-Exposure Priority
  71. Exposure Time (Absolute)
  72. VideoControl Interface Descriptor:
  73. bLength 12
  74. bDescriptorType 36
  75. bDescriptorSubtype 5 (PROCESSING_UNIT)
  76. bUnitID 2
  77. bSourceID 1
  78. wMaxMultiplier 0
  79. bControlSize 2
  80. bmControls 0x0000177f
  81. Brightness
  82. Contrast
  83. Hue
  84. Saturation
  85. Sharpness
  86. Gamma
  87. White Balance Temperature
  88. Backlight Compensation
  89. Gain
  90. Power Line Frequency
  91. White Balance Temperature, Auto
  92. iProcessing 0
  93. bmVideoStandards 0x00
  94. VideoControl Interface Descriptor:
  95. bLength 9
  96. bDescriptorType 36
  97. bDescriptorSubtype 3 (OUTPUT_TERMINAL)
  98. bTerminalID 3
  99. wTerminalType 0x0101 USB Streaming
  100. bAssocTerminal 0
  101. bSourceID 7
  102. iTerminal 0
  103. VideoControl Interface Descriptor:
  104. bLength 27
  105. bDescriptorType 36
  106. bDescriptorSubtype 6 (EXTENSION_UNIT)
  107. bUnitID 4
  108. guidExtensionCode {1229a78c-47b4-4094-b0ce-db07386fb938}
  109. bNumControls 2
  110. bNrInPins 1
  111. baSourceID( 0) 2
  112. bControlSize 2
  113. bmControls( 0) 0x00
  114. bmControls( 1) 0x06
  115. iExtension 0
  116. VideoControl Interface Descriptor:
  117. bLength 29
  118. bDescriptorType 36
  119. bDescriptorSubtype 6 (EXTENSION_UNIT)
  120. bUnitID 7
  121. guidExtensionCode {26b8105a-0713-4870-979d-da79444bb68e}
  122. bNumControls 2
  123. bNrInPins 1
  124. baSourceID( 0) 4
  125. bControlSize 4
  126. bmControls( 0) 0x00
  127. bmControls( 1) 0x00
  128. bmControls( 2) 0x0c
  129. bmControls( 3) 0x00
  130. iExtension 7
  131. Endpoint Descriptor:
  132. bLength 7
  133. bDescriptorType 5
  134. bEndpointAddress 0x83 EP 3 IN
  135. bmAttributes 3
  136. Transfer Type Interrupt
  137. Synch Type None
  138. Usage Type Data
  139. wMaxPacketSize 0x0020 1x 32 bytes
  140. bInterval 6
  141. Interface Descriptor:
  142. bLength 9
  143. bDescriptorType 4
  144. bInterfaceNumber 1
  145. bAlternateSetting 0
  146. bNumEndpoints 0
  147. bInterfaceClass 14 Video
  148. bInterfaceSubClass 2 Video Streaming
  149. bInterfaceProtocol 0
  150. iInterface 0
  151. VideoStreaming Interface Descriptor:
  152. bLength 15
  153. bDescriptorType 36
  154. bDescriptorSubtype 1 (INPUT_HEADER)
  155. bNumFormats 2
  156. wTotalLength 0x01a9
  157. bEndpointAddress 0x81 EP 1 IN
  158. bmInfo 0
  159. bTerminalLink 3
  160. bStillCaptureMethod 1
  161. bTriggerSupport 1
  162. bTriggerUsage 0
  163. bControlSize 1
  164. bmaControls( 0) 0
  165. bmaControls( 1) 0
  166. VideoStreaming Interface Descriptor:
  167. bLength 11
  168. bDescriptorType 36
  169. bDescriptorSubtype 6 (FORMAT_MJPEG)
  170. bFormatIndex 1
  171. bNumFrameDescriptors 6
  172. bFlags 1
  173. Fixed-size samples: Yes
  174. bDefaultFrameIndex 1
  175. bAspectRatioX 0
  176. bAspectRatioY 0
  177. bmInterlaceFlags 0x00
  178. Interlaced stream or variable: No
  179. Fields per frame: 1 fields
  180. Field 1 first: No
  181. Field pattern: Field 1 only
  182. bCopyProtect 0
  183. VideoStreaming Interface Descriptor:
  184. bLength 30
  185. bDescriptorType 36
  186. bDescriptorSubtype 7 (FRAME_MJPEG)
  187. bFrameIndex 1
  188. bmCapabilities 0x01
  189. Still image supported
  190. wWidth 1280
  191. wHeight 720
  192. dwMinBitRate 442368000
  193. dwMaxBitRate 442368000
  194. dwMaxVideoFrameBufferSize 1843200
  195. dwDefaultFrameInterval 333333
  196. bFrameIntervalType 1
  197. dwFrameInterval( 0) 333333
  198. VideoStreaming Interface Descriptor:
  199. bLength 30
  200. bDescriptorType 36
  201. bDescriptorSubtype 7 (FRAME_MJPEG)
  202. bFrameIndex 2
  203. bmCapabilities 0x01
  204. Still image supported
  205. wWidth 640
  206. wHeight 480
  207. dwMinBitRate 147456000
  208. dwMaxBitRate 147456000
  209. dwMaxVideoFrameBufferSize 614400
  210. dwDefaultFrameInterval 333333
  211. bFrameIntervalType 1
  212. dwFrameInterval( 0) 333333
  213. VideoStreaming Interface Descriptor:
  214. bLength 30
  215. bDescriptorType 36
  216. bDescriptorSubtype 7 (FRAME_MJPEG)
  217. bFrameIndex 3
  218. bmCapabilities 0x01
  219. Still image supported
  220. wWidth 352
  221. wHeight 288
  222. dwMinBitRate 48660480
  223. dwMaxBitRate 48660480
  224. dwMaxVideoFrameBufferSize 202752
  225. dwDefaultFrameInterval 333333
  226. bFrameIntervalType 1
  227. dwFrameInterval( 0) 333333
  228. VideoStreaming Interface Descriptor:
  229. bLength 30
  230. bDescriptorType 36
  231. bDescriptorSubtype 7 (FRAME_MJPEG)
  232. bFrameIndex 4
  233. bmCapabilities 0x01
  234. Still image supported
  235. wWidth 320
  236. wHeight 240
  237. dwMinBitRate 36864000
  238. dwMaxBitRate 36864000
  239. dwMaxVideoFrameBufferSize 153600
  240. dwDefaultFrameInterval 333333
  241. bFrameIntervalType 1
  242. dwFrameInterval( 0) 333333
  243. VideoStreaming Interface Descriptor:
  244. bLength 30
  245. bDescriptorType 36
  246. bDescriptorSubtype 7 (FRAME_MJPEG)
  247. bFrameIndex 5
  248. bmCapabilities 0x01
  249. Still image supported
  250. wWidth 176
  251. wHeight 144
  252. dwMinBitRate 12165120
  253. dwMaxBitRate 12165120
  254. dwMaxVideoFrameBufferSize 50688
  255. dwDefaultFrameInterval 333333
  256. bFrameIntervalType 1
  257. dwFrameInterval( 0) 333333
  258. VideoStreaming Interface Descriptor:
  259. bLength 30
  260. bDescriptorType 36
  261. bDescriptorSubtype 7 (FRAME_MJPEG)
  262. bFrameIndex 6
  263. bmCapabilities 0x01
  264. Still image supported
  265. wWidth 160
  266. wHeight 120
  267. dwMinBitRate 9216000
  268. dwMaxBitRate 9216000
  269. dwMaxVideoFrameBufferSize 38400
  270. dwDefaultFrameInterval 333333
  271. bFrameIntervalType 1
  272. dwFrameInterval( 0) 333333
  273. VideoStreaming Interface Descriptor:
  274. bLength 6
  275. bDescriptorType 36
  276. bDescriptorSubtype 13 (COLORFORMAT)
  277. bColorPrimaries 1 (BT.709,sRGB)
  278. bTransferCharacteristics 1 (BT.709)
  279. bMatrixCoefficients 4 (SMPTE 170M (BT.601))
  280. VideoStreaming Interface Descriptor:
  281. bLength 27
  282. bDescriptorType 36
  283. bDescriptorSubtype 4 (FORMAT_UNCOMPRESSED)
  284. bFormatIndex 2
  285. bNumFrameDescriptors 6
  286. guidFormat {32595559-0000-0010-8000-00aa00389b71}
  287. bBitsPerPixel 16
  288. bDefaultFrameIndex 1
  289. bAspectRatioX 0
  290. bAspectRatioY 0
  291. bmInterlaceFlags 0x00
  292. Interlaced stream or variable: No
  293. Fields per frame: 2 fields
  294. Field 1 first: No
  295. Field pattern: Field 1 only
  296. bCopyProtect 0
  297. VideoStreaming Interface Descriptor:
  298. bLength 30
  299. bDescriptorType 36
  300. bDescriptorSubtype 5 (FRAME_UNCOMPRESSED)
  301. bFrameIndex 1
  302. bmCapabilities 0x01
  303. Still image supported
  304. wWidth 1280
  305. wHeight 720
  306. dwMinBitRate 147456000
  307. dwMaxBitRate 147456000
  308. dwMaxVideoFrameBufferSize 1843200
  309. dwDefaultFrameInterval 1000000
  310. bFrameIntervalType 1
  311. dwFrameInterval( 0) 1000000
  312. VideoStreaming Interface Descriptor:
  313. bLength 30
  314. bDescriptorType 36
  315. bDescriptorSubtype 5 (FRAME_UNCOMPRESSED)
  316. bFrameIndex 2
  317. bmCapabilities 0x01
  318. Still image supported
  319. wWidth 640
  320. wHeight 480
  321. dwMinBitRate 147456000
  322. dwMaxBitRate 147456000
  323. dwMaxVideoFrameBufferSize 614400
  324. dwDefaultFrameInterval 333333
  325. bFrameIntervalType 1
  326. dwFrameInterval( 0) 333333
  327. VideoStreaming Interface Descriptor:
  328. bLength 30
  329. bDescriptorType 36
  330. bDescriptorSubtype 5 (FRAME_UNCOMPRESSED)
  331. bFrameIndex 3
  332. bmCapabilities 0x01
  333. Still image supported
  334. wWidth 352
  335. wHeight 288
  336. dwMinBitRate 48660480
  337. dwMaxBitRate 48660480
  338. dwMaxVideoFrameBufferSize 202752
  339. dwDefaultFrameInterval 333333
  340. bFrameIntervalType 1
  341. dwFrameInterval( 0) 333333
  342. VideoStreaming Interface Descriptor:
  343. bLength 30
  344. bDescriptorType 36
  345. bDescriptorSubtype 5 (FRAME_UNCOMPRESSED)
  346. bFrameIndex 4
  347. bmCapabilities 0x01
  348. Still image supported
  349. wWidth 320
  350. wHeight 240
  351. dwMinBitRate 36864000
  352. dwMaxBitRate 36864000
  353. dwMaxVideoFrameBufferSize 153600
  354. dwDefaultFrameInterval 333333
  355. bFrameIntervalType 1
  356. dwFrameInterval( 0) 333333
  357. VideoStreaming Interface Descriptor:
  358. bLength 30
  359. bDescriptorType 36
  360. bDescriptorSubtype 5 (FRAME_UNCOMPRESSED)
  361. bFrameIndex 5
  362. bmCapabilities 0x01
  363. Still image supported
  364. wWidth 176
  365. wHeight 144
  366. dwMinBitRate 12165120
  367. dwMaxBitRate 12165120
  368. dwMaxVideoFrameBufferSize 50688
  369. dwDefaultFrameInterval 333333
  370. bFrameIntervalType 1
  371. dwFrameInterval( 0) 333333
  372. VideoStreaming Interface Descriptor:
  373. bLength 30
  374. bDescriptorType 36
  375. bDescriptorSubtype 5 (FRAME_UNCOMPRESSED)
  376. bFrameIndex 6
  377. bmCapabilities 0x01
  378. Still image supported
  379. wWidth 160
  380. wHeight 120
  381. dwMinBitRate 9216000
  382. dwMaxBitRate 9216000
  383. dwMaxVideoFrameBufferSize 38400
  384. dwDefaultFrameInterval 333333
  385. bFrameIntervalType 1
  386. dwFrameInterval( 0) 333333
  387. VideoStreaming Interface Descriptor:
  388. bLength 6
  389. bDescriptorType 36
  390. bDescriptorSubtype 13 (COLORFORMAT)
  391. bColorPrimaries 1 (BT.709,sRGB)
  392. bTransferCharacteristics 1 (BT.709)
  393. bMatrixCoefficients 4 (SMPTE 170M (BT.601))
  394. Interface Descriptor:
  395. bLength 9
  396. bDescriptorType 4
  397. bInterfaceNumber 1
  398. bAlternateSetting 1
  399. bNumEndpoints 1
  400. bInterfaceClass 14 Video
  401. bInterfaceSubClass 2 Video Streaming
  402. bInterfaceProtocol 0
  403. iInterface 0
  404. Endpoint Descriptor:
  405. bLength 7
  406. bDescriptorType 5
  407. bEndpointAddress 0x81 EP 1 IN
  408. bmAttributes 5
  409. Transfer Type Isochronous
  410. Synch Type Asynchronous
  411. Usage Type Data
  412. wMaxPacketSize 0x0080 1x 128 bytes
  413. bInterval 1
  414. Interface Descriptor:
  415. bLength 9
  416. bDescriptorType 4
  417. bInterfaceNumber 1
  418. bAlternateSetting 2
  419. bNumEndpoints 1
  420. bInterfaceClass 14 Video
  421. bInterfaceSubClass 2 Video Streaming
  422. bInterfaceProtocol 0
  423. iInterface 0
  424. Endpoint Descriptor:
  425. bLength 7
  426. bDescriptorType 5
  427. bEndpointAddress 0x81 EP 1 IN
  428. bmAttributes 5
  429. Transfer Type Isochronous
  430. Synch Type Asynchronous
  431. Usage Type Data
  432. wMaxPacketSize 0x0200 1x 512 bytes
  433. bInterval 1
  434. Interface Descriptor:
  435. bLength 9
  436. bDescriptorType 4
  437. bInterfaceNumber 1
  438. bAlternateSetting 3
  439. bNumEndpoints 1
  440. bInterfaceClass 14 Video
  441. bInterfaceSubClass 2 Video Streaming
  442. bInterfaceProtocol 0
  443. iInterface 0
  444. Endpoint Descriptor:
  445. bLength 7
  446. bDescriptorType 5
  447. bEndpointAddress 0x81 EP 1 IN
  448. bmAttributes 5
  449. Transfer Type Isochronous
  450. Synch Type Asynchronous
  451. Usage Type Data
  452. wMaxPacketSize 0x0400 1x 1024 bytes
  453. bInterval 1
  454. Interface Descriptor:
  455. bLength 9
  456. bDescriptorType 4
  457. bInterfaceNumber 1
  458. bAlternateSetting 4
  459. bNumEndpoints 1
  460. bInterfaceClass 14 Video
  461. bInterfaceSubClass 2 Video Streaming
  462. bInterfaceProtocol 0
  463. iInterface 0
  464. Endpoint Descriptor:
  465. bLength 7
  466. bDescriptorType 5
  467. bEndpointAddress 0x81 EP 1 IN
  468. bmAttributes 5
  469. Transfer Type Isochronous
  470. Synch Type Asynchronous
  471. Usage Type Data
  472. wMaxPacketSize 0x0b00 2x 768 bytes
  473. bInterval 1
  474. Interface Descriptor:
  475. bLength 9
  476. bDescriptorType 4
  477. bInterfaceNumber 1
  478. bAlternateSetting 5
  479. bNumEndpoints 1
  480. bInterfaceClass 14 Video
  481. bInterfaceSubClass 2 Video Streaming
  482. bInterfaceProtocol 0
  483. iInterface 0
  484. Endpoint Descriptor:
  485. bLength 7
  486. bDescriptorType 5
  487. bEndpointAddress 0x81 EP 1 IN
  488. bmAttributes 5
  489. Transfer Type Isochronous
  490. Synch Type Asynchronous
  491. Usage Type Data
  492. wMaxPacketSize 0x0c00 2x 1024 bytes
  493. bInterval 1
  494. Interface Descriptor:
  495. bLength 9
  496. bDescriptorType 4
  497. bInterfaceNumber 1
  498. bAlternateSetting 6
  499. bNumEndpoints 1
  500. bInterfaceClass 14 Video
  501. bInterfaceSubClass 2 Video Streaming
  502. bInterfaceProtocol 0
  503. iInterface 0
  504. Endpoint Descriptor:
  505. bLength 7
  506. bDescriptorType 5
  507. bEndpointAddress 0x81 EP 1 IN
  508. bmAttributes 5
  509. Transfer Type Isochronous
  510. Synch Type Asynchronous
  511. Usage Type Data
  512. wMaxPacketSize 0x1300 3x 768 bytes
  513. bInterval 1
  514. Interface Descriptor:
  515. bLength 9
  516. bDescriptorType 4
  517. bInterfaceNumber 1
  518. bAlternateSetting 7
  519. bNumEndpoints 1
  520. bInterfaceClass 14 Video
  521. bInterfaceSubClass 2 Video Streaming
  522. bInterfaceProtocol 0
  523. iInterface 0
  524. Endpoint Descriptor:
  525. bLength 7
  526. bDescriptorType 5
  527. bEndpointAddress 0x81 EP 1 IN
  528. bmAttributes 5
  529. Transfer Type Isochronous
  530. Synch Type Asynchronous
  531. Usage Type Data
  532. wMaxPacketSize 0x13d4 3x 980 bytes
  533. bInterval 1
  534. Interface Association:
  535. bLength 8
  536. bDescriptorType 11
  537. bFirstInterface 2
  538. bInterfaceCount 2
  539. bFunctionClass 14 Video
  540. bFunctionSubClass 3 Video Interface Collection
  541. bFunctionProtocol 0
  542. iFunction 6
  543. Interface Descriptor:
  544. bLength 9
  545. bDescriptorType 4
  546. bInterfaceNumber 2
  547. bAlternateSetting 0
  548. bNumEndpoints 1
  549. bInterfaceClass 14 Video
  550. bInterfaceSubClass 1 Video Control
  551. bInterfaceProtocol 1
  552. iInterface 6
  553. VideoControl Interface Descriptor:
  554. bLength 13
  555. bDescriptorType 36
  556. bDescriptorSubtype 1 (HEADER)
  557. bcdUVC 1.50
  558. wTotalLength 0x0077
  559. dwClockFrequency 15.000000MHz
  560. bInCollection 1
  561. baInterfaceNr( 0) 3
  562. VideoControl Interface Descriptor:
  563. bLength 18
  564. bDescriptorType 36
  565. bDescriptorSubtype 2 (INPUT_TERMINAL)
  566. bTerminalID 9
  567. wTerminalType 0x0201 Camera Sensor
  568. bAssocTerminal 0
  569. iTerminal 0
  570. wObjectiveFocalLengthMin 0
  571. wObjectiveFocalLengthMax 0
  572. wOcularFocalLength 0
  573. bControlSize 3
  574. bmControls 0x00200000
  575. Region of Interest
  576. VideoControl Interface Descriptor:
  577. bLength 9
  578. bDescriptorType 36
  579. bDescriptorSubtype 3 (OUTPUT_TERMINAL)
  580. bTerminalID 12
  581. wTerminalType 0x0101 USB Streaming
  582. bAssocTerminal 0
  583. bSourceID 14
  584. iTerminal 0
  585. VideoControl Interface Descriptor:
  586. bLength 25
  587. bDescriptorType 36
  588. bDescriptorSubtype 6 (EXTENSION_UNIT)
  589. bUnitID 11
  590. guidExtensionCode {45b5da73-23c1-4a3d-a368-610f078c4397}
  591. bNumControls 0
  592. bNrInPins 1
  593. baSourceID( 0) 9
  594. bControlSize 0
  595. iExtension 0
  596. VideoControl Interface Descriptor:
  597. bLength 27
  598. bDescriptorType 36
  599. bDescriptorSubtype 6 (EXTENSION_UNIT)
  600. bUnitID 10
  601. guidExtensionCode {1229a78c-47b4-4094-b0ce-db07386fb938}
  602. bNumControls 2
  603. bNrInPins 1
  604. baSourceID( 0) 11
  605. bControlSize 2
  606. bmControls( 0) 0x00
  607. bmControls( 1) 0x06
  608. iExtension 0
  609. VideoControl Interface Descriptor:
  610. bLength 27
  611. bDescriptorType 36
  612. bDescriptorSubtype 6 (EXTENSION_UNIT)
  613. bUnitID 14
  614. guidExtensionCode {0f3f95dc-2632-4c4e-92c9-a04782f43bc8}
  615. bNumControls 2
  616. bNrInPins 1
  617. baSourceID( 0) 10
  618. bControlSize 2
  619. bmControls( 0) 0x20
  620. bmControls( 1) 0x01
  621. iExtension 9
  622. Endpoint Descriptor:
  623. bLength 7
  624. bDescriptorType 5
  625. bEndpointAddress 0x85 EP 5 IN
  626. bmAttributes 3
  627. Transfer Type Interrupt
  628. Synch Type None
  629. Usage Type Data
  630. wMaxPacketSize 0x0020 1x 32 bytes
  631. bInterval 6
  632. Interface Descriptor:
  633. bLength 9
  634. bDescriptorType 4
  635. bInterfaceNumber 3
  636. bAlternateSetting 0
  637. bNumEndpoints 0
  638. bInterfaceClass 14 Video
  639. bInterfaceSubClass 2 Video Streaming
  640. bInterfaceProtocol 1
  641. iInterface 0
  642. VideoStreaming Interface Descriptor:
  643. bLength 14
  644. bDescriptorType 36
  645. bDescriptorSubtype 1 (INPUT_HEADER)
  646. bNumFormats 1
  647. wTotalLength 0x006b
  648. bEndpointAddress 0x82 EP 2 IN
  649. bmInfo 0
  650. bTerminalLink 12
  651. bStillCaptureMethod 1
  652. bTriggerSupport 1
  653. bTriggerUsage 0
  654. bControlSize 1
  655. bmaControls( 0) 0
  656. VideoStreaming Interface Descriptor:
  657. bLength 27
  658. bDescriptorType 36
  659. bDescriptorSubtype 4 (FORMAT_UNCOMPRESSED)
  660. bFormatIndex 1
  661. bNumFrameDescriptors 2
  662. guidFormat {00000032-0002-0010-8000-00aa00389b71}
  663. bBitsPerPixel 8
  664. bDefaultFrameIndex 1
  665. bAspectRatioX 0
  666. bAspectRatioY 0
  667. bmInterlaceFlags 0x00
  668. Interlaced stream or variable: No
  669. Fields per frame: 2 fields
  670. Field 1 first: No
  671. Field pattern: Field 1 only
  672. bCopyProtect 0
  673. VideoStreaming Interface Descriptor:
  674. bLength 30
  675. bDescriptorType 36
  676. bDescriptorSubtype 5 (FRAME_UNCOMPRESSED)
  677. bFrameIndex 1
  678. bmCapabilities 0x01
  679. Still image supported
  680. wWidth 640
  681. wHeight 360
  682. dwMinBitRate 55296000
  683. dwMaxBitRate 55296000
  684. dwMaxVideoFrameBufferSize 230400
  685. dwDefaultFrameInterval 666666
  686. bFrameIntervalType 1
  687. dwFrameInterval( 0) 666666
  688. VideoStreaming Interface Descriptor:
  689. bLength 30
  690. bDescriptorType 36
  691. bDescriptorSubtype 5 (FRAME_UNCOMPRESSED)
  692. bFrameIndex 2
  693. bmCapabilities 0x01
  694. Still image supported
  695. wWidth 640
  696. wHeight 360
  697. dwMinBitRate 110592000
  698. dwMaxBitRate 110592000
  699. dwMaxVideoFrameBufferSize 230400
  700. dwDefaultFrameInterval 333333
  701. bFrameIntervalType 1
  702. dwFrameInterval( 0) 333333
  703. VideoStreaming Interface Descriptor:
  704. bLength 6
  705. bDescriptorType 36
  706. bDescriptorSubtype 13 (COLORFORMAT)
  707. bColorPrimaries 1 (BT.709,sRGB)
  708. bTransferCharacteristics 1 (BT.709)
  709. bMatrixCoefficients 4 (SMPTE 170M (BT.601))
  710. Interface Descriptor:
  711. bLength 9
  712. bDescriptorType 4
  713. bInterfaceNumber 3
  714. bAlternateSetting 1
  715. bNumEndpoints 1
  716. bInterfaceClass 14 Video
  717. bInterfaceSubClass 2 Video Streaming
  718. bInterfaceProtocol 1
  719. iInterface 0
  720. Endpoint Descriptor:
  721. bLength 7
  722. bDescriptorType 5
  723. bEndpointAddress 0x82 EP 2 IN
  724. bmAttributes 5
  725. Transfer Type Isochronous
  726. Synch Type Asynchronous
  727. Usage Type Data
  728. wMaxPacketSize 0x0080 1x 128 bytes
  729. bInterval 1
  730. Interface Descriptor:
  731. bLength 9
  732. bDescriptorType 4
  733. bInterfaceNumber 3
  734. bAlternateSetting 2
  735. bNumEndpoints 1
  736. bInterfaceClass 14 Video
  737. bInterfaceSubClass 2 Video Streaming
  738. bInterfaceProtocol 1
  739. iInterface 0
  740. Endpoint Descriptor:
  741. bLength 7
  742. bDescriptorType 5
  743. bEndpointAddress 0x82 EP 2 IN
  744. bmAttributes 5
  745. Transfer Type Isochronous
  746. Synch Type Asynchronous
  747. Usage Type Data
  748. wMaxPacketSize 0x0100 1x 256 bytes
  749. bInterval 1
  750. Interface Descriptor:
  751. bLength 9
  752. bDescriptorType 4
  753. bInterfaceNumber 3
  754. bAlternateSetting 3
  755. bNumEndpoints 1
  756. bInterfaceClass 14 Video
  757. bInterfaceSubClass 2 Video Streaming
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  759. iInterface 0
  760. Endpoint Descriptor:
  761. bLength 7
  762. bDescriptorType 5
  763. bEndpointAddress 0x82 EP 2 IN
  764. bmAttributes 5
  765. Transfer Type Isochronous
  766. Synch Type Asynchronous
  767. Usage Type Data
  768. wMaxPacketSize 0x0200 1x 512 bytes
  769. bInterval 1
  770. Interface Descriptor:
  771. bLength 9
  772. bDescriptorType 4
  773. bInterfaceNumber 3
  774. bAlternateSetting 4
  775. bNumEndpoints 1
  776. bInterfaceClass 14 Video
  777. bInterfaceSubClass 2 Video Streaming
  778. bInterfaceProtocol 1
  779. iInterface 0
  780. Endpoint Descriptor:
  781. bLength 7
  782. bDescriptorType 5
  783. bEndpointAddress 0x82 EP 2 IN
  784. bmAttributes 5
  785. Transfer Type Isochronous
  786. Synch Type Asynchronous
  787. Usage Type Data
  788. wMaxPacketSize 0x0300 1x 768 bytes
  789. bInterval 1
  790. Interface Descriptor:
  791. bLength 9
  792. bDescriptorType 4
  793. bInterfaceNumber 3
  794. bAlternateSetting 5
  795. bNumEndpoints 1
  796. bInterfaceClass 14 Video
  797. bInterfaceSubClass 2 Video Streaming
  798. bInterfaceProtocol 1
  799. iInterface 0
  800. Endpoint Descriptor:
  801. bLength 7
  802. bDescriptorType 5
  803. bEndpointAddress 0x82 EP 2 IN
  804. bmAttributes 5
  805. Transfer Type Isochronous
  806. Synch Type Asynchronous
  807. Usage Type Data
  808. wMaxPacketSize 0x0400 1x 1024 bytes
  809. bInterval 1
  810. Interface Descriptor:
  811. bLength 9
  812. bDescriptorType 4
  813. bInterfaceNumber 3
  814. bAlternateSetting 6
  815. bNumEndpoints 1
  816. bInterfaceClass 14 Video
  817. bInterfaceSubClass 2 Video Streaming
  818. bInterfaceProtocol 1
  819. iInterface 0
  820. Endpoint Descriptor:
  821. bLength 7
  822. bDescriptorType 5
  823. bEndpointAddress 0x82 EP 2 IN
  824. bmAttributes 5
  825. Transfer Type Isochronous
  826. Synch Type Asynchronous
  827. Usage Type Data
  828. wMaxPacketSize 0x0a40 2x 576 bytes
  829. bInterval 1
  830. Interface Descriptor:
  831. bLength 9
  832. bDescriptorType 4
  833. bInterfaceNumber 3
  834. bAlternateSetting 7
  835. bNumEndpoints 1
  836. bInterfaceClass 14 Video
  837. bInterfaceSubClass 2 Video Streaming
  838. bInterfaceProtocol 1
  839. iInterface 0
  840. Endpoint Descriptor:
  841. bLength 7
  842. bDescriptorType 5
  843. bEndpointAddress 0x82 EP 2 IN
  844. bmAttributes 5
  845. Transfer Type Isochronous
  846. Synch Type Asynchronous
  847. Usage Type Data
  848. wMaxPacketSize 0x0a4c 2x 588 bytes
  849. bInterval 1
  850. Interface Association:
  851. bLength 8
  852. bDescriptorType 11
  853. bFirstInterface 4
  854. bInterfaceCount 1
  855. bFunctionClass 254 Application Specific Interface
  856. bFunctionSubClass 1 Device Firmware Update
  857. bFunctionProtocol 0
  858. iFunction 11
  859. Interface Descriptor:
  860. bLength 9
  861. bDescriptorType 4
  862. bInterfaceNumber 4
  863. bAlternateSetting 0
  864. bNumEndpoints 0
  865. bInterfaceClass 254 Application Specific Interface
  866. bInterfaceSubClass 1 Device Firmware Update
  867. bInterfaceProtocol 1
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  869. Device Firmware Upgrade Interface Descriptor:
  870. bLength 9
  871. bDescriptorType 33
  872. bmAttributes 8
  873. Will Detach
  874. Manifestation Intolerant
  875. Upload Unsupported
  876. Download Unsupported
  877. wDetachTimeout 200 milliseconds
  878. wTransferSize 4096 bytes
  879. bcdDFUVersion 1.10
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