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Dec 3rd, 2016
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  1. Six months ago, a meteor hit the earth
  2. it wasn't much of an event
  3. beyond the town it landed in being crushed
  4. relief funds all that
  5. Tara - Last Tuesday at 9:32 PM
  6. Poor town
  7. Lexicat - Last Tuesday at 9:32 PM
  8. but people were able to evacuate thanks to NASA's forewarning
  9. so no one actually died
  10. Tara - Last Tuesday at 9:33 PM
  11. Ah, that's good at least.
  12. E-mouse - Last Tuesday at 9:33 PM
  13. Hooray science!
  14. Though I bet they were eager to investigate and retrieve what they could...
  15. Lexicat - Last Tuesday at 9:34 PM
  16. Indeed they were
  17. No one was told what they discovered there, except that it was a rock from space
  18. a space rock
  19. Tara - Last Tuesday at 9:35 PM
  20. Space rock from space
  21. Lexicat - Last Tuesday at 9:35 PM
  22. that became less of a luxury when odd things began to occur
  23. First, the animals began to mutate
  24. environmentallists at first were intrigued... then concerned
  25. no one tied it to the meteor at first when animals were getting bigger and faster
  26. people started wondering when they grew to monstrous sizes and began hunting humans
  27. I say hunting but that may not be the right word
  28. since they didn't eat anyone
  29. they didn't eat anything
  30. they just seemed to want to kill
  31. E-mouse - Last Tuesday at 9:38 PM
  32. entertaining toys
  33. Tara - Last Tuesday at 9:38 PM
  34. D:
  35. Lexicat - Last Tuesday at 9:41 PM
  36. That's when a discovery was made
  37. Most weapons were entirely useless against these things
  38. but the meteor had a metal that when exposed to these creatures was lethal in the same way a knfe would be to a human
  39. they were still tough, but not immune
  40. work began on making weapons utilizing this metal and on replicating the alloy and elements in the meteor
  41. Every country in the world was a collaberative part of this, given it affected everything
  42. that was the least of their concerns though
  43. E-mouse - Last Tuesday at 9:43 PM
  44. Aaaaaat which point the alloys started affecting humans
  45. Lexicat - Last Tuesday at 9:43 PM
  46. it wasn't just the animals
  47. who were affected
  48. humans began developing in strange ways.
  49. Some of them went mad, others feral, similar to the animals
  50. but some merely inheritted some personality quirks or even no changes in personality
  51. but all were changed in other ways
  52. feats that could not be performed otherwise became possible
  53. increased stamina increased speed increased reflexes
  54. similar to the animals these were stable across the board
  55. but the truly amazing things, those were unique
  56. and it varied wildly too
  57. some could touch plants and make them grow
  58. others could heal flesh wounds with a touch
  59. some were even trivial
  60. the ability to change a television channel with your mind
  61. but all were unexplainable
  62. and of course, that's when the other discovery was made
  63. prior to this, the animals were just killing anything in their path
  64. now they were fixated
  65. anyone afflicted, anyone with a weapon made of the alloy
  66. that's what they were drawn to
  67. of course, the optimal solution was to build cities with walls made of the alloy
  68. monsters would ever be at your doorstep
  69. but they'd have a hard time getting in
  70. and so it was that many affected by this meteor
  71. who still had a stable mind
  72. migrated to these mega cities
  73. technology in those cities advanced drastically
  74. and the world changed
  75. in 6 months
  76. the world went from as you know it
  77. to having entire countries baren and void
  78. abandoned by their people and cllaimed by the monsters
  79. Sound interesting~?
  80. giggles
  81. E-mouse - Last Tuesday at 9:50 PM
  82. Wilderness magitek
  83. Tara - Last Tuesday at 9:52 PM
  84. I guess they're cuter than Titans
  85. (But yeah, sounds fine to me)
  86. Lexicat - Last Tuesday at 9:53 PM
  87. so the question is
  88. are you priorly affected
  89. if so what is your power
  90. if you don't want to choose I'll choose for you
  91. but~
  92. Tara - Last Tuesday at 9:56 PM
  93. I think I'd like to take what you give me and roll with it
  94. E-mouse - Last Tuesday at 9:56 PM
  95. Are we shooting more for lewd, plot, or combat, or is that unclassified
  96. ... classified what are words
  97. Paper - Last Tuesday at 9:58 PM
  98. i will at least take a power, but no promises of joining in tonight. we'll see
  99. Lexicat - Last Tuesday at 9:58 PM
  100. ah, I won't rule out that there could be some lewds in it but
  101. it's more plot
  102. and some combat
  103. oh and one other thing I forgot to mention
  104. some of the people afflicted developed animal characteristics, which has made people afraid
  105. afraid that they could become like the monsters
  106. now, scientists have examined DNA of changing individuals vs. stable ones
  107. and said that they are unliekly to do so
  108. Lexicat - Last Tuesday at 10:00 PM
  109. but the stigma and fear are still there
  110. and theyr'e often relegated to the outskirts of cities, if not excluded from them all together
  111. the cities are very centralized as you might imagine
  112. Tara - Last Tuesday at 10:00 PM
  113. (people with animal characteristics, how did you ever come up with that part)
  114. Paper - Last Tuesday at 10:01 PM
  115. [tis truely a mystery]
  116. Lexicat - Last Tuesday at 10:01 PM
  117. given the walls hold out monsters
  118. (who knows)
  119. (it was a stroke of brilliance)
  120. E-mouse - Last Tuesday at 10:03 PM
  121. Catboy with black ears/tail with superhuman computer-hacking/programming skills?
  122. Lexicat - Last Tuesday at 10:04 PM
  123. that works for me
  124. you'll need to work from the shadows and in the undercities
  125. Tara - Last Tuesday at 10:04 PM
  126. Mmm, catboy~
  127. Lexicat - Last Tuesday at 10:04 PM
  128. because most IT won't hire hybrids
  129. E-mouse - Last Tuesday at 10:06 PM
  130. That would be the plan, yes! Working on commission under a psuedonym and/or questionably-legal antics in rough times. Generally reclusive, but.
  131. Lexicat - Last Tuesday at 10:07 PM
  132. works for me
  133. have any preferences Tara?
  134. Tara - Last Tuesday at 10:08 PM
  135. Hm...
  136. Some kind of animal traits, but which I'm capable of hiding?
  137. Lexicat - Last Tuesday at 10:10 PM
  138. your power would have to be to hide them, unless you plan to pull a Blake
  139. snorts
  140. Tara - Last Tuesday at 10:10 PM
  142. Yeah, tie it to my power. You can choose the animal~
  143. E-mouse - Last Tuesday at 10:11 PM
  144. [s]bonobo[/s]
  145. Lexicat - Last Tuesday at 10:11 PM
  146. ahahahhahahaha
  147. alright you can have stealth/cloaking
  148. that can be used in individual areas
  149. and let's see, you can be a wolfgirl~
  150. giggles
  151. geez a whole party of outcasts
  152. lots of racism incoming
  153. Tara - Last Tuesday at 10:14 PM
  154. Awoo~
  155. Lexicat - Last Tuesday at 10:15 PM
  156. laughs
  157. so then, I'm going to assume you use your stealth for also less than legal ventures
  158. infact
  159. you two can be a team
  160. Mouse gets you past security
  161. and you do the actual catburglery, or is that wolf burglery
  162. Tara - Last Tuesday at 10:16 PM
  163. Works~
  164. E-mouse - Last Tuesday at 10:18 PM
  165. When internet mercenary antics and critter foraging doesn't cut it, at least
  166. Lexicat - Last Tuesday at 10:19 PM
  167. heh
  168. Tara - Last Tuesday at 10:19 PM
  169. And who's @Paper going to be?
  170. Lexicat - Last Tuesday at 10:19 PM
  171. Oh does paper want me to make hers for her?
  172. Tara - Last Tuesday at 10:20 PM
  173. (Collecting my pizza, back shortly)
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