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Jul 15th, 2016
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  1. <channel>
  2. <id>9561488e-4860-4132-9de8-de8322cdcc58</id>
  3. <name>to File DR Export file 02 Provider</name>
  4. <description></description>
  5. <enabled>true</enabled>
  6. <version></version>
  7. <lastModified>
  8. <time>1382654895099</time>
  9. <timezone>America/Los_Angeles</timezone>
  10. </lastModified>
  11. <revision>15</revision>
  12. <sourceConnector>
  13. <name>sourceConnector</name>
  14. <properties>
  15. <property name="DataType">Database Reader</property>
  16. <property name="URL">jdbc:postgresql://host:port/dbname</property>
  17. <property name="ack"></property>
  18. <property name="ackScript">// This update script will be executed once for ever result returned from the above query.
  19. var dbConn = DatabaseConnectionFactory.createDatabaseConnection(&apos;org.postgresql.Driver&apos;,&apos;jdbc:postgresql://host:port/dbname&apos;,&apos;&apos;,&apos;&apos;);
  21. dbConn.close();</property>
  22. <property name="driver">org.postgresql.Driver</property>
  23. <property name="host">query</property>
  24. <property name="password"></property>
  25. <property name="pollingFrequency">5000000</property>
  26. <property name="pollingType">interval</property>
  27. <property name="processResultsInOrder">1</property>
  28. <property name="query"></property>
  29. <property name="script">var dbConn = getMRDBConnection();
  31. var result = dbConn.executeCachedQuery("select p.provider_key as providerid, pcp.provider_alias_type_key as providertype, pcp.alias as provider_alias_npi, as locationID, ft.label as locationtype, n.last as lastname, n.first as firstname, n.middle as middlename, n.suffix as suffix, n.prefix as prefix, as providertype, " +
  32. "p.gender as gender, com_email.address as email, com_phone.address as phone, com_phone.communication_type_key as comtypekey from provider p " +
  33. "left outer join name n on p.name_key=n.name_key " +
  34. "LEFT OUTER JOIN provider_alias pcp on (p.provider_key=pcp.provider_key AND pcp.provider_alias_type_key=4) " +
  35. "left outer JOIN facility f on (pcp.facility_key=f.facility_key) " +
  36. "LEFT OUTER JOIN facility_type ft on (f.facility_type_key=ft.facility_type_key) " +
  37. "left outer join communication com_email on (com_email.communication_key=p.email_contact_key and com_email.code_key=16) " +
  38. "left outer join communication com_phone on (com_phone.communication_key=p.email_contact_key and com_phone.code_key=15) " +
  39. "order by p.provider_ikey limit 10 ");
  42. dbConn.close();
  43. // You may access this result below with $(&apos;column_name&apos;)
  44. return result;</property>
  45. <property name="useAck">0</property>
  46. <property name="useScript">1</property>
  47. <property name="username"></property>
  48. </properties>
  49. <transformer>
  50. <steps>
  51. <step>
  52. <sequenceNumber>0</sequenceNumber>
  53. <name>Initialize the Export DB variables</name>
  54. <script>var PracticeCode = "";
  55. var SourceCode = "";
  56. var ProviderID = "";
  57. var ProviderAlternateID = "";
  58. var ProviderIndividualNPI = "";
  59. var ProviderPrimaryLocationCode = "";
  60. var ProviderDegree = "";
  61. var LevelIndicator = "";
  62. var FirstName = "";
  63. var MiddleName = "";
  64. var LastName = "";
  65. var Suffix = "";
  66. var Prefix = "";
  67. var SpecialtyCode1 = "";
  68. var SpecialtyLabel1 = "";
  69. var SpecialtyCode1TargetCode = "";
  70. var SpecialtyCode1TargetLabel = "";
  71. var SpecialtyCode2 = "";
  72. var SpecialtyLabel2 = "";
  73. var SpecialtyCode2TargetCode = "";
  74. var SpecialtyCode2TargetLabel = "";
  75. var SpecialtyCode3 = "";
  76. var SpecialtyLabel3 = "";
  77. var SpecialtyCode3TargetCode = "";
  78. var SpecialtyCode3TargetLabel = "";
  79. var GenderCode = "";
  80. var GenderLabel = "";
  81. var GenderTargetCode = "";
  82. var GenderTargetLabel = "";
  83. var EmailAddress = "";
  84. var OfficePhone = "";
  85. var OtherPhone = "";
  86. var ActionCode = "";
  87. var LastUpdateDate = "";
  88. var LastUpdateTime = "";
  90. //map all the values from the original source Mirth Results query to the variables
  91. ProviderID = msg[&apos;providerid&apos;].toString();
  92. ProviderIndividualNPI = msg[&apos;provider_alias_npi&apos;].toString();
  93. SourceCode = msg[&apos;locationid&apos;].toString();
  94. PracticeCode = msg[&apos;locationid&apos;].toString();
  95. LastName = msg[&apos;lastname&apos;].toString();
  96. FirstName = msg[&apos;firstname&apos;].toString();
  97. MiddleName = msg[&apos;middlename&apos;].toString();
  98. Suffix = msg[&apos;suffix&apos;].toString();
  99. Prefix = msg[&apos;prefix&apos;].toString();
  100. GenderLabel = msg[&apos;gender&apos;].toString();
  101. EmailAddress = msg[&apos;email&apos;].toString();
  102. OfficePhone = msg[&apos;phone&apos;].toString();</script>
  103. <type>JavaScript</type>
  104. <data class="map">
  105. <entry>
  106. <string>Script</string>
  107. <string>var PracticeCode = "";
  108. var SourceCode = "";
  109. var ProviderID = "";
  110. var ProviderAlternateID = "";
  111. var ProviderIndividualNPI = "";
  112. var ProviderPrimaryLocationCode = "";
  113. var ProviderDegree = "";
  114. var LevelIndicator = "";
  115. var FirstName = "";
  116. var MiddleName = "";
  117. var LastName = "";
  118. var Suffix = "";
  119. var Prefix = "";
  120. var SpecialtyCode1 = "";
  121. var SpecialtyLabel1 = "";
  122. var SpecialtyCode1TargetCode = "";
  123. var SpecialtyCode1TargetLabel = "";
  124. var SpecialtyCode2 = "";
  125. var SpecialtyLabel2 = "";
  126. var SpecialtyCode2TargetCode = "";
  127. var SpecialtyCode2TargetLabel = "";
  128. var SpecialtyCode3 = "";
  129. var SpecialtyLabel3 = "";
  130. var SpecialtyCode3TargetCode = "";
  131. var SpecialtyCode3TargetLabel = "";
  132. var GenderCode = "";
  133. var GenderLabel = "";
  134. var GenderTargetCode = "";
  135. var GenderTargetLabel = "";
  136. var EmailAddress = "";
  137. var OfficePhone = "";
  138. var OtherPhone = "";
  139. var ActionCode = "";
  140. var LastUpdateDate = "";
  141. var LastUpdateTime = "";
  143. //map all the values from the original source Mirth Results query to the variables
  144. ProviderID = msg[&apos;providerid&apos;].toString();
  145. ProviderIndividualNPI = msg[&apos;provider_alias_npi&apos;].toString();
  146. SourceCode = msg[&apos;locationid&apos;].toString();
  147. PracticeCode = msg[&apos;locationid&apos;].toString();
  148. LastName = msg[&apos;lastname&apos;].toString();
  149. FirstName = msg[&apos;firstname&apos;].toString();
  150. MiddleName = msg[&apos;middlename&apos;].toString();
  151. Suffix = msg[&apos;suffix&apos;].toString();
  152. Prefix = msg[&apos;prefix&apos;].toString();
  153. GenderLabel = msg[&apos;gender&apos;].toString();
  154. EmailAddress = msg[&apos;email&apos;].toString();
  155. OfficePhone = msg[&apos;phone&apos;].toString();</string>
  156. </entry>
  157. </data>
  158. </step>
  159. <step>
  160. <sequenceNumber>1</sequenceNumber>
  161. <name>Additional DB Queries</name>
  162. <script>var dbConn = getMRDBConnection();
  163. var result = dbConn.executeCachedQuery("select p.provider_key as providerid, ce.code as specialtycode, ce.label as specialtylabel, con.code as specialtytargetcode, con.label as specialtytargetlabel, prov.provideralias " +
  164. "from provider p " +
  165. "left outer join ( select p.provider_key, array_to_string(array_agg(pcp.alias), &apos;^&apos;) AS provideralias " +
  166. " from provider p LEFT OUTER JOIN provider_alias pcp on (p.provider_key=pcp.provider_key AND (pcp.provider_alias_type_key != 3 and pcp.provider_alias_type_key != 4 and pcp.provider_alias_type_key != 9)) " +
  167. " group by p.provider_key ) prov on (prov.provider_key=p.provider_key) " +
  168. "left outer join provider_specialty ps on (p.provider_key=ps.provider_key) " +
  169. "left outer join specialty s on (ps.specialty_key=s.specialty_key) " +
  170. "left outer join coded_element ce on (ce.coded_element_key=s.specialty_code_key) " +
  171. "left outer join concept con on (con.concept_key=ce.concept_key) " +
  172. "LEFT OUTER JOIN provider_alias pcp on (p.provider_key=pcp.provider_key AND (pcp.provider_alias_type_key != 2 and pcp.provider_alias_type_key != 9)) " +
  173. "where p.provider_key = &apos;" + msg[&apos;providerid&apos;].toString() + "&apos;");
  175. var count = 0;
  176. while(
  177. {
  178. if (count == 0)
  179. {
  180. SpecialtyCode1 = result.getString(2);
  181. SpecialtyLabel1 = result.getString(3);
  182. SpecialtyCode1TargetCode = result.getString(4);
  183. SpecialtyCode1TargetLabel = result.getString(5);
  184. ProviderAlternateID = result.getString(6);
  185. }
  186. if (count == 1)
  187. {
  188. SpecialtyCode2 = result.getString(2);
  189. SpecialtyLabel2 = result.getString(3);
  190. SpecialtyCode2TargetCode = result.getString(4);
  191. SpecialtyCode2TargetLabel = result.getString(5);
  192. }
  193. if (count == 2)
  194. {
  195. SpecialtyCode3 = result.getString(2);
  196. SpecialtyLabel3 = result.getString(3);
  197. SpecialtyCode3TargetCode = result.getString(4);
  198. SpecialtyCode3TargetLabel = result.getString(5);
  199. }
  200. count++;
  201. /*
  202. if (result.getString(6) != "")
  203. {
  204. if (ProviderAlternateID != "")
  205. {
  206. ProviderAlternateID = result.getString(6);
  207. }
  208. else
  209. {
  210. ProviderAlternateID += ProviderAlternateID + "^" + result.getString(6);
  211. }
  212. }
  213. */
  214. }</script>
  215. <type>JavaScript</type>
  216. <data class="map">
  217. <entry>
  218. <string>Script</string>
  219. <string>var dbConn = getMRDBConnection();
  220. var result = dbConn.executeCachedQuery("select p.provider_key as providerid, ce.code as specialtycode, ce.label as specialtylabel, con.code as specialtytargetcode, con.label as specialtytargetlabel, prov.provideralias " +
  221. "from provider p " +
  222. "left outer join ( select p.provider_key, array_to_string(array_agg(pcp.alias), &apos;^&apos;) AS provideralias " +
  223. " from provider p LEFT OUTER JOIN provider_alias pcp on (p.provider_key=pcp.provider_key AND (pcp.provider_alias_type_key != 3 and pcp.provider_alias_type_key != 4 and pcp.provider_alias_type_key != 9)) " +
  224. " group by p.provider_key ) prov on (prov.provider_key=p.provider_key) " +
  225. "left outer join provider_specialty ps on (p.provider_key=ps.provider_key) " +
  226. "left outer join specialty s on (ps.specialty_key=s.specialty_key) " +
  227. "left outer join coded_element ce on (ce.coded_element_key=s.specialty_code_key) " +
  228. "left outer join concept con on (con.concept_key=ce.concept_key) " +
  229. "LEFT OUTER JOIN provider_alias pcp on (p.provider_key=pcp.provider_key AND (pcp.provider_alias_type_key != 2 and pcp.provider_alias_type_key != 9)) " +
  230. "where p.provider_key = &apos;" + msg[&apos;providerid&apos;].toString() + "&apos;");
  232. var count = 0;
  233. while(
  234. {
  235. if (count == 0)
  236. {
  237. SpecialtyCode1 = result.getString(2);
  238. SpecialtyLabel1 = result.getString(3);
  239. SpecialtyCode1TargetCode = result.getString(4);
  240. SpecialtyCode1TargetLabel = result.getString(5);
  241. ProviderAlternateID = result.getString(6);
  242. }
  243. if (count == 1)
  244. {
  245. SpecialtyCode2 = result.getString(2);
  246. SpecialtyLabel2 = result.getString(3);
  247. SpecialtyCode2TargetCode = result.getString(4);
  248. SpecialtyCode2TargetLabel = result.getString(5);
  249. }
  250. if (count == 2)
  251. {
  252. SpecialtyCode3 = result.getString(2);
  253. SpecialtyLabel3 = result.getString(3);
  254. SpecialtyCode3TargetCode = result.getString(4);
  255. SpecialtyCode3TargetLabel = result.getString(5);
  256. }
  257. count++;
  258. /*
  259. if (result.getString(6) != "")
  260. {
  261. if (ProviderAlternateID != "")
  262. {
  263. ProviderAlternateID = result.getString(6);
  264. }
  265. else
  266. {
  267. ProviderAlternateID += ProviderAlternateID + "^" + result.getString(6);
  268. }
  269. }
  270. */
  271. }</string>
  272. </entry>
  273. </data>
  274. </step>
  275. <step>
  276. <sequenceNumber>2</sequenceNumber>
  277. <name>Extract the Staging DB</name>
  278. <script>//creating a new connection to the Staging table to extract data
  279. /*
  280. var dbConn2 = getStgImportDBConnection();
  282. var result = dbConn2.executeCachedQuery("select * from stg_loc where locationCode=&apos;" + locationCode + "&apos;");
  284. while(
  285. {
  286. actionCode = result.getString(13);
  287. lastUpdateDate = result.getString(14);
  288. lastUpdateTime = result.getString(15);
  290."value of actionCode is " + actionCode);
  291."value of lastUpdateDate is " + lastUpdateDate);
  292."value of lastUpdateTime is " + lastUpdateTime);
  293. }
  294. dbConn2.close();
  295. */</script>
  296. <type>JavaScript</type>
  297. <data class="map">
  298. <entry>
  299. <string>Script</string>
  300. <string>//creating a new connection to the Staging table to extract data
  301. /*
  302. var dbConn2 = getStgImportDBConnection();
  304. var result = dbConn2.executeCachedQuery("select * from stg_loc where locationCode=&apos;" + locationCode + "&apos;");
  306. while(
  307. {
  308. actionCode = result.getString(13);
  309. lastUpdateDate = result.getString(14);
  310. lastUpdateTime = result.getString(15);
  312."value of actionCode is " + actionCode);
  313."value of lastUpdateDate is " + lastUpdateDate);
  314."value of lastUpdateTime is " + lastUpdateTime);
  315. }
  316. dbConn2.close();
  317. */</string>
  318. </entry>
  319. </data>
  320. </step>
  321. <step>
  322. <sequenceNumber>3</sequenceNumber>
  323. <name>Populate the Export DB</name>
  324. <script>var columns = "practicecode, sourcecode, providerid, provideralternateid, providerindividualnpi, " +
  325. "providerprimarylocationcode, providerdegree, levelindicator, firstname, middlename, " +
  326. "lastname, suffix, prefix, specialtycode1, specialtylabel1, " +
  327. "specialtycode1targetcode, specialtylabel1targetlabel, specialtycode2, specialtylabel2, specialtycode2targetcode, " +
  328. "specialtylabel2targetlabel, specialtycode3, specialtylabel3, specialtycode3targetcode, specialtylabel3targetlabel, " +
  329. "gendercode, genderlabel, gendertargetcode, gendertargetlabel, emailaddress, " +
  330. "officephone, otherphone, actioncode, lastupdatedate, lastupdatetime";
  332. var query = "INSERT INTO stg_prov (" + columns + ") VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"
  333. //to_number(?,&apos;99G999D9S&apos;) - to case a varchar to int
  335. var params = new java.util.ArrayList();
  336. params.add(PracticeCode);
  337. params.add(SourceCode);
  338. params.add(ProviderID);
  339. params.add(ProviderAlternateID);
  340. params.add(ProviderIndividualNPI);
  341. params.add(ProviderPrimaryLocationCode);
  342. params.add(ProviderDegree);
  343. params.add(LevelIndicator);
  344. params.add(FirstName);
  345. params.add(MiddleName);
  346. params.add(LastName);
  347. params.add(Suffix);
  348. params.add(Prefix);
  349. params.add(SpecialtyCode1);
  350. params.add(SpecialtyLabel1);
  351. params.add(SpecialtyCode1TargetCode);
  352. params.add(SpecialtyCode1TargetLabel);
  353. params.add(SpecialtyCode2);
  354. params.add(SpecialtyLabel2);
  355. params.add(SpecialtyCode2TargetCode);
  356. params.add(SpecialtyCode2TargetLabel);
  357. params.add(SpecialtyCode3);
  358. params.add(SpecialtyLabel3);
  359. params.add(SpecialtyCode3TargetCode);
  360. params.add(SpecialtyCode3TargetLabel);
  361. params.add(GenderCode);
  362. params.add(GenderLabel);
  363. params.add(GenderTargetCode);
  364. params.add(GenderTargetLabel);
  365. params.add(EmailAddress);
  366. params.add(OfficePhone);
  367. params.add(OtherPhone);
  368. params.add(ActionCode);
  369. params.add(LastUpdateDate);
  370. params.add(LastUpdateTime);
  371. var dbConn3 = getStgExportDBConnection();
  372. var result = dbConn3.executeUpdate(query, params);</script>
  373. <type>JavaScript</type>
  374. <data class="map">
  375. <entry>
  376. <string>Script</string>
  377. <string>var columns = "practicecode, sourcecode, providerid, provideralternateid, providerindividualnpi, " +
  378. "providerprimarylocationcode, providerdegree, levelindicator, firstname, middlename, " +
  379. "lastname, suffix, prefix, specialtycode1, specialtylabel1, " +
  380. "specialtycode1targetcode, specialtylabel1targetlabel, specialtycode2, specialtylabel2, specialtycode2targetcode, " +
  381. "specialtylabel2targetlabel, specialtycode3, specialtylabel3, specialtycode3targetcode, specialtylabel3targetlabel, " +
  382. "gendercode, genderlabel, gendertargetcode, gendertargetlabel, emailaddress, " +
  383. "officephone, otherphone, actioncode, lastupdatedate, lastupdatetime";
  385. var query = "INSERT INTO stg_prov (" + columns + ") VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"
  386. //to_number(?,&apos;99G999D9S&apos;) - to case a varchar to int
  388. var params = new java.util.ArrayList();
  389. params.add(PracticeCode);
  390. params.add(SourceCode);
  391. params.add(ProviderID);
  392. params.add(ProviderAlternateID);
  393. params.add(ProviderIndividualNPI);
  394. params.add(ProviderPrimaryLocationCode);
  395. params.add(ProviderDegree);
  396. params.add(LevelIndicator);
  397. params.add(FirstName);
  398. params.add(MiddleName);
  399. params.add(LastName);
  400. params.add(Suffix);
  401. params.add(Prefix);
  402. params.add(SpecialtyCode1);
  403. params.add(SpecialtyLabel1);
  404. params.add(SpecialtyCode1TargetCode);
  405. params.add(SpecialtyCode1TargetLabel);
  406. params.add(SpecialtyCode2);
  407. params.add(SpecialtyLabel2);
  408. params.add(SpecialtyCode2TargetCode);
  409. params.add(SpecialtyCode2TargetLabel);
  410. params.add(SpecialtyCode3);
  411. params.add(SpecialtyLabel3);
  412. params.add(SpecialtyCode3TargetCode);
  413. params.add(SpecialtyCode3TargetLabel);
  414. params.add(GenderCode);
  415. params.add(GenderLabel);
  416. params.add(GenderTargetCode);
  417. params.add(GenderTargetLabel);
  418. params.add(EmailAddress);
  419. params.add(OfficePhone);
  420. params.add(OtherPhone);
  421. params.add(ActionCode);
  422. params.add(LastUpdateDate);
  423. params.add(LastUpdateTime);
  424. var dbConn3 = getStgExportDBConnection();
  425. var result = dbConn3.executeUpdate(query, params);</string>
  426. </entry>
  427. </data>
  428. </step>
  429. </steps>
  430. <inboundTemplate encoding="base64">PD94bWwgdmVyc2lvbj0iMS4wIiBlbmNvZGluZz0iVVRGLTgiIHN0YW5kYWxvbmU9Im5vIj8+Cjxy
  431. ZXN1bHQ+CiAgICA8cHJvdmlkZXJpZD52YWx1ZTwvcHJvdmlkZXJpZD4KICAgIDxwcm92aWRlcnR5
  432. cGU+dmFsdWU8L3Byb3ZpZGVydHlwZT4KICAgIDxwcm92aWRlcl9hbGlhc19ucGk+dmFsdWU8L3By
  433. b3ZpZGVyX2FsaWFzX25waT4KICAgIDxsb2NhdGlvbmlkPnZhbHVlPC9sb2NhdGlvbmlkPgogICAg
  434. PGxvY2F0aW9udHlwZT52YWx1ZTwvbG9jYXRpb250eXBlPgogICAgPGxhc3RuYW1lPnZhbHVlPC9s
  435. YXN0bmFtZT4KICAgIDxmaXJzdG5hbWU+dmFsdWU8L2ZpcnN0bmFtZT4KICAgIDxtaWRkbGVuYW1l
  436. PnZhbHVlPC9taWRkbGVuYW1lPgogICAgPHN1ZmZpeD52YWx1ZTwvc3VmZml4PgogICAgPHByZWZp
  437. eD52YWx1ZTwvcHJlZml4PgogICAgPGdlbmRlcj52YWx1ZTwvZ2VuZGVyPgogICAgPGVtYWlsPnZh
  438. bHVlPC9lbWFpbD4KICAgIDxwaG9uZT52YWx1ZTwvcGhvbmU+CiAgICA8Y29tdHlwZWtleT52YWx1
  439. ZTwvY29tdHlwZWtleT4KPC9yZXN1bHQ+Cg==</inboundTemplate>
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  441. <inboundProtocol>XML</inboundProtocol>
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  447. <property name="stripNamespaces">true</property>
  448. </outboundProperties>
  449. </transformer>
  450. <filter>
  451. <rules/>
  452. </filter>
  453. <transportName>Database Reader</transportName>
  454. <mode>SOURCE</mode>
  455. <enabled>true</enabled>
  456. <version></version>
  457. </sourceConnector>
  458. <destinationConnectors>
  459. <connector>
  460. <name>Destination 1</name>
  461. <properties>
  462. <property name="DataType">Channel Writer</property>
  463. <property name="host">sink</property>
  464. <property name="synchronised">0</property>
  465. <property name="template">${message.encodedData}</property>
  466. </properties>
  467. <transformer>
  468. <steps/>
  469. <inboundTemplate encoding="base64">PD94bWwgdmVyc2lvbj0iMS4wIiBlbmNvZGluZz0iVVRGLTgiIHN0YW5kYWxvbmU9Im5vIj8+Cjxy
  470. ZXN1bHQ+CiAgICA8cHJvdmlkZXJpZD52YWx1ZTwvcHJvdmlkZXJpZD4KICAgIDxwcm92aWRlcnR5
  471. cGU+dmFsdWU8L3Byb3ZpZGVydHlwZT4KICAgIDxwcm92aWRlcl9hbGlhc19ucGk+dmFsdWU8L3By
  472. b3ZpZGVyX2FsaWFzX25waT4KICAgIDxsb2NhdGlvbmlkPnZhbHVlPC9sb2NhdGlvbmlkPgogICAg
  473. PGxvY2F0aW9udHlwZT52YWx1ZTwvbG9jYXRpb250eXBlPgogICAgPGxhc3RuYW1lPnZhbHVlPC9s
  474. YXN0bmFtZT4KICAgIDxmaXJzdG5hbWU+dmFsdWU8L2ZpcnN0bmFtZT4KICAgIDxtaWRkbGVuYW1l
  475. PnZhbHVlPC9taWRkbGVuYW1lPgogICAgPHN1ZmZpeD52YWx1ZTwvc3VmZml4PgogICAgPHByZWZp
  476. eD52YWx1ZTwvcHJlZml4PgogICAgPGdlbmRlcj52YWx1ZTwvZ2VuZGVyPgogICAgPGVtYWlsPnZh
  477. bHVlPC9lbWFpbD4KICAgIDxwaG9uZT52YWx1ZTwvcGhvbmU+CiAgICA8Y29tdHlwZWtleT52YWx1
  478. ZTwvY29tdHlwZWtleT4KPC9yZXN1bHQ+Cg==</inboundTemplate>
  479. <inboundProtocol>XML</inboundProtocol>
  480. <outboundProtocol>XML</outboundProtocol>
  481. <inboundProperties>
  482. <property name="stripNamespaces">true</property>
  483. </inboundProperties>
  484. <outboundProperties>
  485. <property name="stripNamespaces">true</property>
  486. </outboundProperties>
  487. </transformer>
  488. <filter>
  489. <rules/>
  490. </filter>
  491. <transportName>Channel Writer</transportName>
  492. <mode>DESTINATION</mode>
  493. <enabled>true</enabled>
  494. <version></version>
  495. </connector>
  496. </destinationConnectors>
  497. <properties>
  498. <property name="clearGlobalChannelMap">true</property>
  499. <property name="dont_store_filtered">false</property>
  500. <property name="encryptData">false</property>
  501. <property name="error_messages_only">false</property>
  502. <property name="initialState">started</property>
  503. <property name="max_message_age">-1</property>
  504. <property name="store_messages">true</property>
  505. <property name="synchronous">true</property>
  506. <property name="transactional">false</property>
  507. </properties>
  508. <preprocessingScript>// Modify the message variable below to pre process data
  509. return message;</preprocessingScript>
  510. <postprocessingScript>// This script executes once after a message has been processed
  511. return;</postprocessingScript>
  512. <deployScript>// This script executes once when the channel is deployed
  513. // You only have access to the globalMap and globalChannelMap here to persist data
  514. return;</deployScript>
  515. <shutdownScript>// This script executes once when the channel is undeployed
  516. // You only have access to the globalMap and globalChannelMap here to persist data
  517. return;</shutdownScript>
  518. </channel>
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