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  1. With the increasingly polarized nature of right-wing politics in the Occident, many find themselves to be newly minted Fascists, or rather, they embrace the label which had always described their beliefs, left implacable until now. Fascism, in it’s core, is the conformity of the state and the nation it represents to the Cosmic Order, that all elements of life operate in the most optimal way determined by natural and divine law.
  3. Christians who embrace Fascism can struggle uniquely with reconciling the Truth of their Faith, to the Truth of Fascism. This is a struggle one need not undertake, for there is no disconnect. Christianity, in its orthodox form, constitutes the formal worship of revealed Truth. This truth is discerned through the Wisdom of Tradition, and the Revelation of Scripture. For the individual, the Christian life is one of Theosis, of becoming like God, of building virtue.
  5. Some will protest this assertion. Many, pagans and other anti-Christian far right types see Christianity as a fundamentally semitic religion and mode of spirituality. They see it as corrupting the organic Aryan tradition of paganism, and infecting Europe with a spiritual virus. They believe this makes it incompatible with the Fascist worldview and the advancement of the European peoples, that it binds one to cuckoldry for Jesus.
  7. This notion arises typically from limited observation of modern forms of Christianity. Pagans et al view Christians cucking in the name of Jesus, and conclude that Christianity is a cuck religion. This tradition could be said to start with Nietzsche, who observed Protestantism as applied in Germany, and forms of post-revolution metropolitan Catholicism in France, and concluded that the essence of the Christian ethic was slave morality. This issue is not recent, but perennial, speaking in his Discourses in 1517 Machiavelli notes “Although it would seem that the world has become effeminate and heaven disarmed, yet this arises unquestionably from the baseness of men, who have interpreted our religion according to the promptings of indolence rather than those of virtue.” and furthermore “If we were to reflect that our religion permits us to exalt and defend our country, we should see that according to it we ought also to love and honor our country, and prepare ourselves so as to be capable of defending her.”
  9. These expressions of the Christian religion compose impure, heretical, and deviant forms of the original Faith. True Christianity, which for brevity will be referred to as orthodox Christianity, (with a small “o”) is the Faith which was practiced universally throughout the ancient world, and did not see a serious internal challenge until the advent of the Protestant Rebellion. The core of this Faith, this correct thought (or orthodoxy) today finds expression in pure forms of the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Church. Many would claim that these expressions are actually the purest form of the religion, that modern Christianity is a doctrine that has gone through a process of catharsis where it has shed away all the supposed pagan elements that it absorbed, and that what we’re seeing today is the most authentic version of the Gospel. However this is clearly and objectively false, as will be demonstrated.
  11. Throughout antiquity and the Middle Ages, there has always been a consensus on what the Christian faith is. From the British Isles and Scandinavia, across the entirety of Europe to the reaches of Roman Africa and the Middle East, the interpretation and doctrine of the faith have been one and the same. This also applied not only geographically but also historically, as this single understanding of Christian thought has remained the same throughout most of the ancient and Medieval period, in an unbroken chain of Holy Tradition. Someone born in a highly protestant environment may be used to the idea that Christianity is some form of free for all where anyone can pick whatever interpretation he may like from the Christian creed, and that Christianity is in some sort of constant flux where no interpretation is really solid, where no dogma that would be true for all Christians exists or can exist, where it’s all “like just your opinion maaan”, but this wasn’t really the case. The writings of the most influential Christian authors from every single century of the Church’s history have been preserved, and reading and studying those we can very obviously notice this singularity of the Christian doctrine. What Christianity actually is isn’t really up to debate, all it takes to find that out is a history book and a library full of Patristic works.
  13. Aside from being questioned on its constancy and the correct interpretation, the Christian doctrine is also questioned on its authenticity. Many see some of the more obvious elements in Christianity which have their roots in the pre-Christian traditions, but they really don’t understand how they got there or what do they represent.
  15. In the Christian faith, there is a distinction between the dogma (meaning the Truth in Greek) and praxis (meaning practice or works). Dogma refers to the metaphysics of the faith, to its idea about God, the Cosmos, meaning of life, Salvation, etc. On this plane, adherence to the one revealed Truth from God is a must, sticking to it in the same form in which it was “once delivered to the Saints” is non-negotiable, deviation from this means certain eternal damnation. Practice however refers more to the outwards expressions of the faith, to liturgical, canonical and ascetic parts rather than the doctrinal, to the form rather than essence, to the tools rather than the goals, means rather than ends. Among other things, it refers to various forms of symbolism, aesthetics, including iconography, architecture, musical styles, formal fashion, certain customary practices that are just a spiritual aid rather than a dogmatic must and so on. On the practical plain, there isn’t really a necessity of form, the practice is allowed to organically grow and take a variety of shapes that developed from a variety of cultures and periods. Deviating from these forms isn’t and can’t really be a heresy, but it’s generally agreed not to deviate from them without a really good reason, especially how most of them are now almost two millennia old.
  17. So with this fanatical adherence to the purity of the doctrine, where do those alleged pagan elements come in? Well they come in into the practical field. In many cases the Church “culturally appropriated” some external, formal aspect of pagan worship, and changed its meaning to apply to the worship of Christ. This is not a deviation from the faith as the core or essence of the Christian doctrine remains the same, while a new outwards tool is applied to adhere to that same unchanged essence. Both the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches have most of their aesthetics picked from one aspect of Roman culture or another, with added Germanic influences for the Occident and Slavic for the Orient. And it’s there where the supposed pagan influence on the Christian spirit begins and ends. As we established that every single Christian doctrine can be traced through its authors back to the first centuries and the Apostles, there have been no intrusions into the Christian dogma from the pagan side. Any attempts to claim otherwise end with arbitrary picking and choosing of which doctrines are somehow authentically Christian and which are not, without any factual evidence of when and how those doctrines intruded into the Christian tradition, without previously being there, or in the Old Testament.
  19. On a societal level, many of the ideas and policies Fascists advocate are built into the philosophy of the religion. The idea of the distributist economy, or a market which serves the people and the common Good, in the official position of the Catholic Church. Organic states, based on the natural organizations of kinship and nationality find themselves entirely at home to the same degree within the confines of orthodox thought. Medieval Latin Christianity fostered the development of the Feudal polity, what some argue to be the best example of an organic state, and an undoubtedly fascistic societal schema. In the Slavic world, the notion of sobornost, deeply rooted in Christian virtue, is the basis of most Orthodox nationalist thought. The Christian state follows the principle of conformity under the Kingship of Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ is the Logos, or the Word of God. This theology is specifically enumerated in first chapter of the Gospel of John “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.[a] 2 He was in the beginning with God; 3 all things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made. 4 In him was life,[b] and the life was the light of men. 5 The light shines in the darkness,[c] and the darkness has not overcome it.”
  21. Christians believe he is the organizing mind behind the universe, the cosmic font of all order and right accord. For a Christian, then, one could say Fascism is a requirement, that the ideology emanates directly from the theology. This is what lead Hitler to proclaim, at a speech in Passau on October 27th, 1928 “We are a people of different faiths, but we are one. Which faith conquers the other is not the question; rather, the question is whether Christianity stands or falls…. We tolerate no one in our ranks who attacks the ideas of Christianity… in fact our movement is Christian. We are filled with a desire for Catholics and Protestants to discover one another in the deep distress of our own people.”
  23. On the individual level, the Christian life is the same. The Christian ought to strive for the constant cultivation of virtue, and the avoidance of vice. It is quite literally anti-degeneracy the religion, the notion that personal error and evil is so egregious that God has to die on a cross to redeem it soteriologically speaks mountains about the importance of good personal conduct. To follow Christ, one is compelled to ‘take up their cross’ to embrace suffering, struggle, to obtain virtue, to sacrifice of oneself in service of God and neighbour, racial or otherwise. Christians even believe eschatologically that Jesus will come back and put to death all the degenerates, and such will be the fury of his wrath on the day of judgement, that the “blood [will] flow from the winepress, as high as a horse’s bridle, for two-hundred miles.” Apocalypse of John 14:20.
  25. One of the primary goals of Fascism as a worldview, if not the most primary one is freeing society from the individualist principle and its notion of self-interest, from the idea that man is an atomized individual whose goal in life is to achieve happiness by pursuing his self-interest and that society is merely a platform for achieving that. To this idea is contrasted the ideal of the organic society, where a man is called to serve the Truth and his community. And while most ancient traditions were in many respects opposed to the individualist and materialist principles, no tradition comes as close to upholding the organic principle as the Christian faith does. As its most important law “love God” ties man to complete service to the Cosmic Order, its second fundamental law “love your neighbour” is the best possible summary of the organic principle.
  27. This commandment is nothing more than a demand for man to abolish his own self-interest and self-centeredness and to dedicate his entire being to serving his comrades. It is the idea that one’s purpose in life isn’t to see how much shekels he can squeeze out of his surroundings, but how much good he can do for his own community. This is why terms service and sacrifice are so sacred in Christian thought, as there is nothing more great then to give up your interests or life in service to the Divine Truth and Justice.
  29. But wait, you say, doesn’t love your neighbour mean cucking against your own people in favor of some third world dump? But why would it? What is said by that commandment is to abolish personal interest, and to completely remove greed from inter-personal relations. What it does not tell you is to screw over one of your “neighbours” for another “neighbour”, as if that is somehow just. There is everything just about freely sacrificing yourself for someone else, but what can be just about letting someone else drown for the sake of someone third? Nothing, obviously. Christ himself exhorts us otherwise in the fifteenth chapter of Matthew’s Gospel, verse twenty-six “26 And he answered, “It is not fair to take the children’s bread and throw it to the dogs.” And that is exactly what filling up a country with a hostile foreign population is. It is an attack and obvious harm done to the native population around you. In what universe can destroying the native population be reasonably considered as loving thy neighbour?
  31. The same applies to the notion of loving your enemy, as it’s basically the same commandment. In English this may need explaining, but in other languages like Greek and Latin the meaning of this is clear from the text itself, as those languages have a clear distinction between the concept of a personal enemy and a public enemy, between the one who is threatening our personal interests and the one who is a threat to our community. When Christ tells us to love our enemies, he always used the word designated for the personal enemy. And that’s why this is essentially the same commandment, because it also calls men to renounce our personal interest and not take grudges or pursue vendettas. In fact, the famous “turn the other cheek” refers to a practice of challenging someone to a duel, where a slap in the cheek is the challenge itself, and here Christ commands his followers to refuse such a challenge by turning the other cheek. None of this says anything about not defending yourself or your community. In fact, defending your community is the sacred service to the others mentioned above, in has been seen that way for the entirety of Christian history.
  33. Some of the most ardent of Fascists in the twentieth century have been devoutly religious. The most famous of which is Corneliu Codreanu, and the Iron Guard, who were a devoutly Eastern Orthodox organization through and through. Who can doubt their bona fide as true 1488 GTKRWN boots on the ground approved? Shall we conjecture that they were not truly Christian? The religion that they practiced, was the same one practiced by the Knight’s Templar. It was the same one practiced by Charlemagne and Justinian. And it was the same one practiced by the Apostles.
  35. This religion which has been described, which enabled Europe to thrive and, whose great waters flow freely into the well of Fascism, is true Christianity. Any other form is heresy, is perversion. The historical record speaks well for itself about the success of this religion, the effectiveness is there to observe if one cares to look. Jesus Christ is the Cosmic Order, conformity to him is Fascism. Ave Christus Rex! Salve Regina Cæli.
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