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Apr 6th, 2017
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  1. Technical bullshit:
  3. -Glitch. Pox is on earth even if she died.
  5. -Bug where if you go back to the lab after you beat the game, Cure and Zmapp are still there and you can start the whole endgame fight over again on accident.
  7. -Big bug where you can’t get through the door heading towards CC and zmapp even with the right blood sample.
  9. Story and Pacing stuff:
  11. -There is no reason so far to give Plague the soul, you just miss out on Nae completely and it doesn't effect the story. Pointless and never referred to again.
  13. -What barrier was affecting Llov? We know she's sick because, if we ask Plague, that Llovs "reservoir was destroyed". But we are unaware of the cause of this barrier that Pest mentions.
  15. -We are unaware of who corrupted Nae in the first place and/or destroyed the pylons, although I assume corrupted Nae was the one who damaged the pylons.
  17. -You can’t revive Mal or Pox, and their deaths have zero effect on the story, game, or the characters. Chikun killing them feels pointless and doesn’t add anything.
  19. -Reviving Chikun is pointless for now since she disappears right after, fighting her only gives you souls and other stuff.
  21. -Small suggestion. When the tower is fixed, the Delta area could let you get in the blocked buildings
  23. -The game needs more ACTUAL enemies of Ebola-chan. You fight your friends(although some are corrupted) more than the actual antagonist of the game (Who, Cure, Zmapp). More characters? Medicine related monsters maybe?
  25. -Give us a bit more of the relationship between the virus girls and medical tans or on what has happened before. Why would they leave Cure as a cow in a tent, but Zmapp is gone?
  27. -MC's are pretty flat and don't say too much. Stuff like the "little pig" banter are cute and charming to see in the game. Maybe have them comment a more on objects (like the shrine or the game system) or chit chat with other virus buddies.
  29. -Joki’s 'I'm death' speech for example is really bland. And the Ebola crew doesn't say anything when witnessing Joki on the throne.
  31. -The entirety of Joki being death is not made interesting or surprising in anyway. Killing her does not effect anything.
  33. -The MCs don't say anything on the final showdown, I find this a missed opportunity for character and story stuff.
  35. -Eating the souls of your own friends doesn't effect the story, only instance of this is when Pest calls you out on it, but nothing else.
  37. -The doors should be all open once you beat the game in the lab for easier navigation.
  39. -The ending should atleast have reigniting the tower or not too. The tower was the catalyst of everything and was made a big deal. So the fact that the 'reviving the tower' arc kinda stumbles is off putting.
  41. -The 'revive tower' action needs to be more potent, use something like the animation for when the cluster broke.
  43. -Basically tie the story back to the tower
  45. -After fighting Parvo or Zika, something should happen after to them. It's kinda cheating to keep fighting them to get more stuff and EXP.
  47. -Once you get Parvos ability or get Zikas head it should stop there, maybe they move into the hub once you defeat them.
  49. -Llov’s sickness story is kinda obtuse and has too much emphasis. This is a Ebola-chan game after all.
  51. -Put more stuff to discover in the other earth section with the toxins that you are tasked to find, just two huts isn't that interesting. Possibly have the growths block other interesting areas.
  53. -More banter regarding the characters (Maybe add in some silly viral jokes)
  55. -Fix the souls stuff, the game feels like it flounders around with the progress of how you get them regarding what paths you take. Such as if you fight Chikun and WHO, you might get extra souls. One million is the amount needed for the tower, use this as a sort of way to keep track of who gives up how many souls.
  57. -How did Zmapp get into the skull?
  59. -How did Cure get the skull?
  61. - More reasons to go to delta, fighting viruses after fighting a grandiose boss before is rather anti-climatic
  63. -Give us a reason to dislike Cure and crew. We need to see her being somewhat antagonistic towards Ebola to consider her and the others a enemy.
  65. -With Zmapp 'healthy' again and Cure apparently meeting up with her, I'm confused on how she remained a cow.
  67. -Ebola-chan and crew aren't surprised by seeing Cure-chan with Zmapp, despite Marburg and Lloviu having seen her soul run off after beating her.
  69. - WHO-chan could be foreshadowed better by Cure-chan or Zmapp-chan saying they have a plan or something, to give us a larger idea of what they’re capable of. As of now, you fight them in the first act and then they come back in the third act with a new final monster.
  71. - If the viruses are likely corrupted by Cure-chan and company, why not show the process of it and make us more persuaded to fight them?
  73. -Let the ebola crew chat with the dead folks and have them be more than decoration. Or let us interact with the TVs.
  75. - Add the viruses that are corrupted later on un-corrupted in the hub world mingling/interacting with the player or NPCs to give. So when we fight them, we remember who they are.
  77. - Lighten the mood sometimes, give the characters some flavor.
  79. - I feel a lack of tone while playing this game. This games biggest thing is the setting and the characters, play with the world bulding a bit more.
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