
Clean Souls

Aug 8th, 2014
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  1. Tags: PaladinxRogue, oral, bathing
  3. The shining armor of Sir Grier, Knight of Mundus seemed to put the entire town of Grollins to shame. Reflections of the ramshackled buildings and mud covered townsfolk shimmered across his flawless breastplate. The paladin’s pristine figure was out of place in the grime soaked landscape. Grier was used to visiting such villages, though he never got used to it. The filth that surrounded him in such towns was nearly unbearable. The hundreds of staring eyes were not helpful either. He glanced down to his mud-stained grieves and he hoped they wouldn’t be too hard to clean off. As he made his way through the town he found his way to the marketplace, hoping to find some clean vegetables or fruit and though he doubted he would he had faith that Mundus would be watching over him and ensure that he found something clean.
  5. The market was just as dingy as the rest of the town. The fruits of the market were rotten, the vegetables were still laced with dirt, and the cheeses carried a hefty sum of mold. Grier wondered how these people even survived eating this food. Taking the last of the water from his canteen, he tried to wash the taste of the town from his tongue. Afterwords, with a hesitant hand he reached for a seemingly safe apple. He retracted his hand with disgust when he noticed the crooked stem. Though, with his mind distracted by the less than perfect apple he almost didn’t notice the shift of weight in his belt. Almost. His shining gauntlet grabbed the small girls wrist. Her fingers still grasping at his coin purse.
  7. “Do you always greet a Knight of Mundus in this way?” The metal of his gauntlet was digging into the young thief’s wrist as she struggled away from him.
  9. “Mundy? I’ve never heard of no King Mundy.” The dirty pickpocket snarled.
  11. “Mundus. And he’s not a king, he’s a god.” The paladin lowered himself to the crouching girl’s eye level, noticing her hazel blue eyes. “He represents cleanliness of both body and soul.”
  13. “Why’re you telling me?”
  15. “Because ones such as yourself would benefit from Mundus’ teachings the most.”
  17. “Just get your hands off me, ya religious creep.” The young rogue finally pulled her hand free and ran off weaving through the market goers with ease. Her long, single braid flowed behind her as she moved.
  19. Grier watched the young girl go, his eyes seemed to shimmer. Part of him felt a presence within the girl, he felt that she didn’t wish to be dirty and that it was only this place keeping her so. There was a dreamy smile on his face as he thought of teaching one such as her the ways of Mundus.
  21. “Sorry about that.” The market owner snapped him from his daydream. “That’s just Ainiorst. She tries to steal from every rich noble she sees. She usually succeeds.” The large, mud soaked woman let loose a hideous laugh.
  22. “I’m no noble.” He pulled his coin purse from his belt. “And I’m not rich either.” Pouring the contents of his bag into his hand he looked up at the woman.
  24. “Ain’t gonna be able to buy anything with that.” She spoke as if telling a joke when she saw the two copper pieces and several perfectly round and perfectly smooth and perfectly white stones tokens of his deity’s daughter.
  26. “That’s a shame.” He turned from the woman, secretly glad he would not have to purchase one of her disgusting apples out of kindness.
  28. Later that night, Grier stood beside the side of a building. “Thank you Mundus, for this water for which I am to receive.” He then opened his canteen and without a second thought, drank from it. The canteen was once more full, he only wished he could ask Mundus to cleanse food and purify water as the clerics of his religion could, though he supposed that a full canteen everyday was enough proof of Mundus’ love for him.
  30. With no money to stay a night at the inn Grier had one of two choices, sleeping in the mud or stand and shut his eyes, hoping to get some sleep. Just as his tired eyes finally shut he noticed a bit of a ruckus from the street. It was the girl from the marketplace, the one who had tried to steal his minor possessions.
  32. The young Ainiorst kept walking when she heard the metal clanking behind her, she knew who it was. That no good Knight of Mundy, probably going to return her to that damn foster home thinking he’s doing the right thing. She tried to speed up, but his cold, gauntleted hand grabbed her collar and pulled her back.
  34. “Just where are you off to so late in the night?” Grier cocked an eyebrow.
  36. “None of your business, Mundy Knight!” She flailed away from his grip and continued walking away.
  38. “It’s Mundus and I do believe it’s-” The paladin stopped in his tracks when he saw the loaf of bread tucked under the young urchin’s arm. “Let me see that.” His fingers were faster than the young girl expected, by the time she noticed what he was doing the bread had already been snatched up and Grier was eyeing it, studying it.
  40. “This bread is flawless!” Turning the loaf over in his hands, Grier could not believe what was in front of him. Not a single imperfection upon the crust, symmetrical, no color was faded nor out of place and the aroma was the apotheosis of the smell of bread. “What made you pick this bread when you decided to run away from home today?”
  42. “It just looked good and I thought I’d be hungry later.” Ainiorst was looking at Grier as though he were a crazy person and perhaps he was.
  44. “Looked good?” A soft chuckle escaped Grier’s lips. “That’s quite the understatement.” In that moment, he knew this girl must have some potential to become a follower of Mundus.
  46. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
  48. “It means that you escaping was no mere coincidence, but a holy meeting arranged by Mundus.”
  50. “Does that mean you’re not gonna tell anyone I left?”
  52. “It means we shall be leaving together.” Grier patted the girl’s back and the two of them walked out of the pitch black town together.
  55. “So, your name is Ainiorst, is it not?” Grier started the conversation as best he could.
  57. “That’s kinda creepy you know.”
  59. “My apologies, the woman in the marketplace mentioned your name when you attempted to pick my pocket.”
  61. “Well, she’s got it wrong,” the young girl pouted and crossed her arms. “It’s just Ain.”
  63. “Ain…” Grier smiled as the words crossed his lips. In the ancient tongue of Mundus, ain is a word held with great pride. It did not just mean clean or pure or spotless. Ain was the very definition of perfect. One might call the bread that Grier now carried under his arm ain. The word was so great and so pure that Mundus had named his daughter Ain and to this day she looked over all the followers of Mundus. There was no doubt in his mind now, Grier would have to take this girl and show her the ways of Mundus.
  65. “And you? What’s your name?” Ain’s tone was annoyed. Grier seemed to zone out for a bit.
  67. “Oh, I am Grier, a Knight of-”
  69. “Mundus, yeah I’ve heard like a hundred times.” She rolled her eyes, but Grier only smiled when she actually said his deity's name right.
  71. “You’ve not heard near that many times. It has been two at most.”
  73. “Jeez, lighten up. It’s an exaggeration.” Ain choked out a laugh. Grier merely nodded as if to say ‘of course, I knew that,’ but no words actually escaped his mouth.
  75. The two walked until the town of Grollins was no longer in sight. The full moon lit their path. Of course Grier had always found solace in the full moon. Looking up at the glowing orb, the very picture of perfection, the daughter of Mundus. Ain. Looking to the young rogue at his side, she seemed to shine with the moon. Why wouldn’t she? Ain was practically the moon as far as he was concerned.
  77. As they walked in the dark night, another figure shined in the distance, like another moon. The sound of trickling water nipped at both their ears. Grier knew exactly what it was. A holy ground for anyone following Mundus, safe haven for a night of pure rest. The paladin was excited, giddy even.
  79. “What’s up with you? You’re like some kind of girl falling for a dashing rogue.” Ain remarked.
  81. “There’s a shrine up ahead.” He tried not to shout. but the excitement in his voice was clear.
  83. “Oh, great. Another one of your wacko religious things.” Grier could practically hear Ain’s eyes rolling in her head.
  85. “It’s nothing like that.” The paladin heaved a sigh. “It’s difficult for one of my order to find a clean place to sleep while out on the road. These shrines are natural springs with water that runs through sudstone.”
  87. “Sudstone?” Ain let out curt laugh, “The heck is that?”
  89. “It’s a form of volcanic rock that releases a sudsy white discharge when exposed to water. This discharge is a great cleansing agent and when on the road those of my order tend to sleep in the shrines so we don’t need to lay our backs on the filthy ground.”
  91. With a hand holding her mouth closed Ain was stifling back laughter since he said ‘white discharge’. The young rogue cleared her throat and waited for the giggles to soften. They were already quite close to the shrine, Ain could see the large white rock formation and the little spout of water pouring from the small hole.
  93. Once the two of them had made it to the shrine Ain had finally taken in the beauty of the location. Her hazel blue eyes widening at the sight. There was a beauty to the location itself. The sudstone seemed to shine in the moon’s grace, the water was littered with tiny white bubbles, and with the tiny wisps of steam rising from the water, everything looked perfect.
  95. “Wow,” Ain said when she finally saw the shrine up close.
  97. “It’s wonderful, no?” Grier began walking towards the spring, stripping off his armor as he did. He laid each piece of armor in ascending order pauldrons, gauntlets, breastplate, and finally grieves. He then pulled off his belt and pulled his sword from its scabbard and spoke these words: “Thank you Mundus for this rest.” And with great pride in his god, Grier plunged the sword into the soft ground beside the spring.
  98. “It’s really something.” Ain trailed off as he began to remove his armor. Would he remove other things? Of course he would, it’s a spring.
  100. Just as the thoughts crossed Ain’s mind Grier began pulling off his pristine white clothes and revealing his previously hidden toned body. Ain blushed and looked away while he continued. Curiosity later got the best of her and she looked up just in time to see his naked backside as he stepped into the spring. It would seem the knights of Mundus were not so shy about their bodies as the rest of the world.
  102. “You should come in too. You could get some of that filth from your skin and if we’re lucky some more out of your soul.”
  104. Ain thought about grabbing his sword and armor and just running. Running off to some other town where she could sell them for some quick coin, but there was something that kept her from doing so. There was a thought in the back of her mind since she had started following Grier that maybe there was more to life than just having gold. She felt like she trusted Grier to take her on adventures and keep her safe. She had faith in him, perhaps that meant she had faith in Mundus.
  106. Unabashedly, Ain began to strip. Grier watched with delight. Though, his delight was not from seeing her the naked form of just any woman. No, he gained delight from how perfect her body was. Not a single imperfection lined her skin, it’s shade was a perfect pink, and her breasts. Oh her breasts. Perfectly round orbs of flesh, symmetrically hanging beside one another with the perfect size areolas neither was too big or too small. As her slender body slipped beneath the sudsy water Grier was happy the the white foam atop the surface hid his own growing erection.
  108. Once in the water Ain lifted a handful of suds and let them trickle through her fingers as she spoke, “Okay, so now what?”
  110. “Now you get clean.” Ain seemed hesitant, unsure. “Here, let me help you.” Grier swept up beside her. The sound of rippling water sounded in the quiet night.
  112. “First, you can’t have any of your possessions in the spring.” He reached behind her back and pulled the small tie that held her braid in place. Once he did her hair fell open. Tossing the fabric to the side of the shrine he place he ran a hand through her hair, breaking the braid and splaying her hair on her back. “Now, let your hair slowly into the water.” Grier pressed a thumb to her forehead as he guided her into the water. With Ain’s eyes closed and her back arching in the water to lower her head, her beautifully perfect breasts found their way to the surface of the water. Swallowing hard, Grier could not take his eyes from her breasts. His cock throbbed so hard he could feel the heavy displacement of the water beneath it.
  114. “Liking what you see?” Ain’s eyes had opened and had clearly seen what Grier was watching. A smile twitched on her face.
  116. “What? No!” The paladin released her and backed away slowly, blushing so hard it had spread to his shoulders.
  118. “Oh man! You really do.” She stood in the water, her beasts just barely cresting the water. “Is it because I’m clean now? Or did you like me before? Do you secretly wish for a dirty girl?” Her voice was seductively teasing as she approached him.
  120. “You’re not dirty. Your soul is so perfect, so clean and pure.” Grier stammered as he backed away from her. “Ain.”
  122. “I’m not that clean and I’m certainly not that pure.” Beneath the water Ain’s dainty fingers caressed his cock.
  124. “My vows of purity. You can’t ruin those.”
  126. “How can I? We’re in an all cleansing spring, are we not?” Ain gave the uneasy Grier a smirk before lowering herself beneath the soapy waves.
  128. There was a moment of silence that left Grier confused and flustered, but those thoughts were soon flooded with fear of upsetting his deity when he felt Ain’s lips wrap around his cock. Digging his fingers into the springs’ edge he could not bring her to stop. The feeling of her rolling atop his shaft and the displacing water creating small waves that splashed against him.
  130. Grier muttered forgiveness to Mundus beneath his breath he hoped the god would forgive him, hoped that he could be forgiven for letting this girl, the girl he thought to be pure into the sacred shrine. Closing his eyes, attempting to subdue the emotional pain he felt his head arched back and looked towards the sky. Once his eyes opened he saw the moon. The daughter of Mundus. Ain. The dark, night clouds parted around it just right, leading a glowing beacon of light down to the pool where he sat. It illuminated the water, giving Grier a full view of Ain, the girl who had her lips tightly attached to his crotch. The way she sat beneath the water was perfectly symmetrical from his view. He watched her ass bounce as she rolled up and down his manhood. It was in that moment that he understood. This girl was no ordinary girl who happened to share a name with the moon. No, Ain was the very avatar of the daughter of Mundus. Whether she knew it or not.
  132. Staring up at the shining moon, Grier allowed himself to come. It was explosive. Having held in his seed for years, he would have a lot stored, though with the added bonus of that deity’s daughter being the very one sucking him off. He had an extra bit just for her. With the final throbs of his cock filling Ain’s mouth he groaned out her name into the night.
  134. As if she were just called, Ain popped up from the water. She gave a heavy swallow and smiled at Grier who only smiled back at her. “See? No great God has come to smite you. There’s no way you can break your vows in here. Totally, clean.”
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