
marui theme

Mar 24th, 2023 (edited)
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  1. <!DOCTYPE html>
  2. <!--
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  8. |_| \_\_____/_/   \_\____/    |_|  |_|_____|
  10. ***************************************
  12. MARUI THEME v1.0
  14. theme made by @eeyes
  15. if something goes wrong, feel free to message/inbox me there!
  16. :^)
  22. ***************************************
  24. if you're using the pop up sidebar links:
  25. you can repurpose the navigation and about buttons into any custom page, but the navigation page is only 160px tall, while the about page is 260px tall! after that, they'll scroll.
  27. if you're having trouble working around the double quotes, try "escaping" your html on a site like this:
  30. -->
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  57. <meta name="text:name 1" content="なまえ">
  58. <meta name="text:feature 1" content="空白">
  59. <meta name="text:name 2" content="ねんれい">
  60. <meta name="text:feature 2" content="空白">
  61. <meta name="text:note label" content="★">
  62. <meta name="text:buttons nav url" content="/links">
  63. <meta name="text:buttons nav title" content="navigation">
  64. <meta name="text:nav content" content="&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&#039;/about&#039;&gt;full about&lt;/a&gt; / &lt;a href=&#039;/byf&#039;&gt;byf&lt;/a&gt; / &lt;a href=&#039;/tags&#039;&gt;tags&lt;/a&gt; / &lt;a href=&#039;/blacklist&#039;&gt;blacklist&lt;/a&gt; / &lt;a href=&#039;/more&#039;&gt;etc&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;">
  65. <meta name="text:buttons about url" content="/about">
  66. <meta name="text:buttons about title" content="about">
  67. <meta name="text:about content" content="&lt;p&gt;this is my about. hi!&lt;/p&gt;
  68. &lt;p&gt;you can put any html here. just be sure not to use double quotes, or you&#039;ll break it! &#039;single quotes&#039; are fine, though.&lt;/p&gt;
  69. &lt;p&gt;alternatively, you can replace double quotes with &amp; quot ; (without the spaces).&lt;/p&gt;">
  71. <meta name="select:font" title="marumoji 12px" content="marumoji f12" >
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  90. <title>{Title}{block:SearchPage} | {lang:Search results for SearchQuery}{/block:SearchPage}{block:PostSummary} | {PostSummary}{/block:PostSummary}</title>
  91. {block:Description}<meta name="description" content="{MetaDescription}" />{/block:Description}
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  94. <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" href="{RSS}" />
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  99. <script src=""></script>
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  192. /**********************/
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  350. /***********************/
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  426. /******************/
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  522. /*****************/
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