
Insomnia 19

Jul 25th, 2017
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  1. app based summary(google tl). not very accurate and that since it might have unintentional rewrite.
  3. Recap where stalker asks here where does she think she's going and then tells her how he never cant live without her and never imagined a life without her. Goes more how if he cant have her he'd rather die and if he cant be with her this time he'll be in the next one, and tells her 'come with me'. She is all 'what is this bastard saying..' and how she has to get out of there. How she wants to live and doesn't wanna die. She thinks 'ashtray?' and prbly a 'bam'(not sure).
  5. Back to MC and he asks her what happened after and she tells him she ran like hell and reported it tot he police. Next she runs away thinking she wants to live and 'i want to live!'. She shouts for the cops and she's told to enter and then asked what happened to her and then she ask the cop to help her.
  7. Back to them and MC expresses his relief that it didn't get caught into smth more drastic and then asks her if stalker went to jail. She tells MC that he got 5 years for murder attempt and cause he was a first time offender(not sure). She tells MC how even now she vividly remembers what happened that day. **here ch has the image cutoff, so maybe more stuff** She then goes how the world is a shitty place and how the drink hits the spot(not sure).
  9. She asks MC why does he has that expression of 'i feel bad/sorry for it/her' and ask him if he feels bad about it and he tells her that no, but he does feel a little sorry. She then tells him not to feels sorry for her, how she hates that and cause she doesn't think she qualifies for it(not sure, smth like it). How feeling sorry for her is smth that discriminates against the weak ppl and how she's not a weak person and he doesn't have to sympathize with her. He then goes how if he thinks about her words, she's right and tells her sorry. She tells him that it's okay, and why is he feeling sorry for, didn't she told him how he doesn't have to be.
  11. MC thinking how at first he thought FMC was just a perverted freak, but now he has an idea as to why she was like that. How he doesn't really feel sympathetic for her but it doesn't mean he will let it go either(not sure). How it's just that he doesn't wanna see her sad eyes(her looking sad) anymore. He then reflects how it might be as she said, sympathy towards her, but even so he wants to help her.
  13. FMC goes 'isn't it funny' and he goes 'what?' and she goes how even after being through all of that, she still does this kind of thing. MC then tells her not to talk like that cause it's not 'unni's' fault. He goes how he told her it's not sympathy that he felt for her, but now he's not sure of it. How he felt sorry for her when he heard her story and how that could be sympathy from him, but it's not her fault that she went/going through this kind of thing and he goes 'unni, i want to help you' and how he wants to be there for her and comfort her. She replies with how he surprisingly looked very manly and reliable saying that(not sure), and that's why his gf liked him so much(not sure here..). She sighs and he asks her why she did that, and she tells him how she feels better after talking to him like this, and he tells her how that's great. She then goes how they ended up talking more and how a lot of drinks are still left, and asks him if he's ready for an all night drinking session and he goes 'of course!'. Ch ends with MC receiving a call from ex gf 'Sehyun Lee'. Tbc ..
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