
eoinlenihan, realdougstewart friends in common 2019-03-08

Jan 14th, 2020
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  1. Name,"Screen name","Twitter ID",Location,Biography,"Created date",Followers,Following,Tweets,Favorites,Website,"Time zone",Geo-enabled,Verified,Language,Protected
  2. "Project Veritas",@Project_Veritas,"ID 850036892","In a bunker, Greater NYC","Exposing the world for what it is.","Thu Sep 27 22:08:18 +0000 2012",330877,750,6164,657,,,Disabled,Verified,en,"Not protected"
  3. "James O'Keefe",@JamesOKeefeIII,"ID 16989178","New York","Guerrilla Journalist. Investigative Reporter. Head of @Project_Veritas. Exposed Twitter ?Shaddowbanning,? FB ?deboosting.? On inside? Wear a camera! Contact us.","Mon Oct 27 00:38:24 +0000 2008",498367,1159,11706,1450,,,Enabled,"Not verified",en,"Not protected"
  4. "Jamie Dlux ??",@jamiedlux,"ID 2299631063","Myrtle Beach, SC","Author, Musician, Photographer, Graphic Designer, Published Poet, (Poetry?s Not Dead) Youtube Creator & Live Streamer","Thu Jan 23 17:12:05 +0000 2014",5199,552,13977,10081,,,Enabled,"Not verified",en,"Not protected"
  5. "Rob Shimshock",@ShimshockAndAwe,"ID 2979361895","Washington, DC","Pianist. Polemicist. Ping pong prodigy. Host @TheRebelTV. Editor @CampusReform. @UVA '16.","Thu Jan 15 04:24:49 +0000 2015",7474,430,1057,3399,,,Disabled,Verified,en,"Not protected"
  6. "Joe Gabriel Simonson",@SaysSimonson,"ID 1250322626","Self-loathing Acela person","Covering 2020 Dems @DCExaminer. Find me: @Spectator, @NRO, @AmConMag. Past: @DailyCaller @heatstreet, @NYPost. Tips: DM for Signal","Fri Mar 08 00:06:55 +0000 2013",13348,1369,40935,71088,,,Enabled,Verified,en,"Not protected"
  7. "Heritage Foundation",@Heritage,"ID 10168082","Washington, DC","A think tank devoted to the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense.","Mon Nov 12 01:50:27 +0000 2007",640916,31279,81985,3015,,,Enabled,Verified,en,"Not protected"
  8. "Seamus Hughes",@SeamusHughes,"ID 19784391",,"@GWUPoE. Fmr Senate HomeSec Committee Senior Counterterrorism Advisor & USGovt Intel Policy Officer. @icsr_centre Fellow. I like court records and a good story.","Fri Jan 30 19:47:37 +0000 2009",28684,2868,14424,53,,,Disabled,Verified,en,"Not protected"
  9. "Program On Extremism",@gwupoe,"ID 3235901261","Washington, DC","The Program on Extremism at George Washington University. Analysis and policy solutions on radicalization, terrorism and extremism. Launched June 2015","Tue May 05 13:42:16 +0000 2015",36755,0,7239,1,,,Disabled,Verified,en,"Not protected"
  10. "Defend Assange Campaign",@DefendAssange,"ID 388983706","London, England","Account run by the legal campaign to free Julian Assange","Tue Oct 11 17:17:44 +0000 2011",722984,106,8736,497,,,Disabled,"Not verified",en,"Not protected"
  11. RT,@RT_com,"ID 64643056",,"RT, the global news network, broadcasts from Moscow, London, Paris and Washington studios to over 100 countries.","Tue Aug 11 06:12:45 +0000 2009",2721243,626,294728,861,,,Disabled,Verified,en,"Not protected"
  12. "The Associated Press",@AP,"ID 51241574",Global,"News from The Associated Press, and a taste of the great journalism produced by AP members and customers. Managed 24/7 by these editors:","Fri Jun 26 21:48:52 +0000 2009",13206172,7145,237994,2026,,,Disabled,Verified,en,"Not protected"
  13. "Bret Weinstein",@BretWeinstein,"ID 78683448","Oregon, USA","Professor in Exile. If we don't harness evolution, it will harness us.
  14. That web which shall not be named. Game~B.","Wed Sep 30 19:10:22 +0000 2009",217662,500,5967,5120,,,Enabled,Verified,en,"Not protected"
  15. WikiLeaks,@wikileaks,"ID 16589206",Everywhere,"We open governments // Contact: // PGP: A04C 5E09 ED02 B328 03EB 6116 93ED 732E // Shop: @WikiLeaksShop // Artwork: @WLArtForce","Sat Oct 04 06:41:05 +0000 2008",5409015,7657,51422,1037,,,Disabled,Verified,en,"Not protected"
  16. "Ayaan Hirsi Ali",@Ayaan,"ID 15912890",,"Human rights activist, founder @AHAFoundation, fellow @HooverInst and @BelferCenter. Latest book 'Heretic: Why Islam Needs a Reformation Now'.","Wed Aug 20 02:35:12 +0000 2008",299958,60,715,61,,,Disabled,Verified,en,"Not protected"
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