

May 31st, 2014
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  2. Session Start: Sat May 31 16:44:42 2014
  3. Session Ident: #11
  4. 03[16:44] * Now talking in #11
  5. 03[16:44] * patchworkDoll (Dove@9C0CA374.8FF668E.C93EC192.IP) has joined #11
  6. 03[16:45] * Suplex ( has joined #11
  7. 03[16:45] * Ops ( has joined #11
  8. [16:45] <patchworkDoll> [You are not happy about any of this.]
  9. 03[16:46] * berylMalachite ( has joined #11
  10. [16:46] add Skaianet?#11
  11. 04[16:47] * @emeraldEclipse PESTERs patchworkDoll : (Hello? I got a message about not being able to speak?)
  12. 03[16:47] * Rave ( has joined #11
  13. 06[16:48] * patchworkDoll PESTERs emeraldEclipse : ( uM, yEs. I cAn't sEem tO sAy aNything oUt lOud aNd I dOn't kNow wHere I aM, eXcept tHat iT's sOmewhere iN pUblic aNd iT's rEally bUsy. )
  14. 03[16:49] * Keleviel ( has joined #11
  15. 04[16:49] <@emeraldEclipse> [You frown. Whats up with their text. You'd say Rangoon, but you're not in session yet.]
  16. 04[16:49] <@emeraldEclipse> I, uh, take it thats not normal?
  17. 03[16:50] * Moonie ( has joined #11
  18. 04[16:53] <@emeraldEclipse> As for where you are, try and find a sign or something?
  19. [16:54] <patchworkDoll> iT's nOt nOrmal, nO - I'Ve aLways bEen aBle tO tAlk jUst fIne bEfore nOw
  20. [17:05] <patchworkDoll> [Look around for a sign that you can read. Oh hey, there's one right there.]
  21. 03[17:11] * Moonie is now known as moonlighterGuardian
  22. [17:12] <patchworkDoll> oKay, I fOund a sIgn sAying "WElcome tO VRyn's REst SPaceport"
  23. 04[17:13] <@emeraldEclipse> Oh!
  24. 04[17:13] <@emeraldEclipse> One of our coplayers is there!
  25. [17:14] <patchworkDoll> yOu kNow wHere -- tHey aRe?
  26. 04[17:14] <@emeraldEclipse> Someone by the name of Kit. They didn't give a last name. keeningMorrigan
  27. [17:14] <patchworkDoll> oH!
  28. [17:15] <patchworkDoll> [Eeeee.]
  29. [17:15] <patchworkDoll> [Okay, maybe you'll be okay. Even if you seem to have lost the ability to speak.]
  30. 04[17:16] <@emeraldEclipse> As for why you can't speak...I have no idea
  31. 04[17:16] <@emeraldEclipse> I'm only on my third session.
  32. 04[17:16] <@emeraldEclipse> Oh! I never introudced myself. I'm Afiqah Radzi!
  33. 03[17:17] * Suplex is now known as experimentalElectrode
  34. [17:21] <patchworkDoll> THis'll bE mY fIfth sEssion.
  35. [17:21] <patchworkDoll> i'M ZEimah DAlyce.
  36. [17:21] <patchworkDoll> iT's nIce tO mEet yOu, AFiqah.
  37. 04[17:21] <@emeraldEclipse> Nice to meet you too Zeimah!
  38. 04[17:25] <@emeraldEclipse> I'm on the S.S. Weatherlight. I /thought/ I was on the S.S. Solar Sailor, but thats just a shuttle for the station.
  39. [17:32] <patchworkDoll> oH, cOol. I...gUess wE're iN sPace tHen.
  40. [17:32] <patchworkDoll> ...oH cRap, mY rEplayee wAs tRavelling sOmewhere wEren't tHey
  41. [17:32] <patchworkDoll> aNd I hAve nO cLue wHere
  42. 04[17:33] <@emeraldEclipse> Well, maybe try and find Kit and work out where you can go together? Don't have to follow their plan, do you?
  43. [17:33] <patchworkDoll> I gUess nOt, nO.
  44. [17:34] <patchworkDoll> ANd fInding KIt iS a gOod iDea, yEah.
  45. 04[17:35] <@emeraldEclipse> She said she was at a McDonalds
  46. 04[17:36] <@emeraldEclipse> A place to start I guess?
  47. [17:37] <patchworkDoll> [Look around to see if there's - oh hey, one of those 'you are here' maps. Helpful. Gather up your replayee's things and head over to it.]
  48. [17:37] <patchworkDoll> uM
  49. [17:38] <patchworkDoll> tHe mAp hEre sAys tHat tHere aRe fIve MCDonalds oN tHis sIde oF tHe sTation
  50. [17:38] <patchworkDoll> aNd tEn iN tOtal
  51. 04[17:38] <@emeraldEclipse> oh
  52. 04[17:39] <@emeraldEclipse> Well, maybe message her when you can? I have no idea what she looks like
  53. [17:39] <patchworkDoll> yEah
  54. [17:39] <patchworkDoll> i'M nOt sUre wHat sHe lOoks lIke eIther
  55. [17:39] <patchworkDoll> [You're not sure what you look like, either, frankly. You need to find a bathroom with mirrors so you can check.]
  56. 04[17:41] <@emeraldEclipse> Haven't really had the chance to speak with anyone else yet
  57. [17:42] <patchworkDoll> yEah
  58. [17:42] <patchworkDoll> i hAven't tAlked tO aNyone eLse yEt eIther
  59. [17:42] <patchworkDoll> aSides fRom tHe pAnic-fLail eArlier
  60. 04[17:43] <@emeraldEclipse> I'm not sure if theres anything I can help with, but if you think of anything just let me know.
  61. 04[17:45] <@emeraldEclipse> Haven't come across the disks yet, but if I do I'll let you know
  62. [17:45] <patchworkDoll> i dOn't tHink i hAve mIne yEt eIther
  63. [17:45] <patchworkDoll> uNless tHey're pAcked iN mY rEplayee's sTuff
  64. 04[17:47] <@emeraldEclipse> Theres going to be a supply run in the next couple of days though, so it might be in that for me.
  65. 02[17:49] * experimentalElectrode ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  66. [17:51] <patchworkDoll> wE'll hAve tO wAit aNd sEe, I gUess
  67. 04[17:51] <@emeraldEclipse> I don't know if you want company right now, but I can stay and talk with you or I can leave you be while you try and gather your bearings
  68. 02[17:57] * Keleviel ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  69. [17:58] <patchworkDoll> I
  70. [17:58] <patchworkDoll> cOmpany wOuld bE nIce
  71. 04[17:59] <@emeraldEclipse> Well if you'd like you could tell me about yourself? Or I could tell you about me?
  72. 03[18:00] * experimentalElectrode ( has joined #11
  73. [18:00] <patchworkDoll> wEll
  74. [18:00] <patchworkDoll> lIke I sAid, tHis wIll bE mY fIfth sEssion
  75. [18:04] <patchworkDoll> i wAs a nAtive MAge oF TIme
  76. 04[18:05] <@emeraldEclipse> This'll be my third. I was a Page of Dreams in my first and just finished as Sylph of Space.
  77. 04[18:05] <@emeraldEclipse> Native?
  78. [18:05] <patchworkDoll> iT's aNother tErm fOr 'tHis wAs wHat i wAs iN mY fIrst sEssion'
  79. 04[18:05] <@emeraldEclipse> ohhhh
  80. 04[18:05] <@emeraldEclipse> I like that
  81. [18:05] <patchworkDoll> I jUst fInished aS WArd oF COins
  82. 04[18:06] <@emeraldEclipse> Never heard of Coins before
  83. 04[18:06] <@emeraldEclipse> What was that like?
  84. [18:06] <patchworkDoll> vEry sHiny
  85. [18:06] <patchworkDoll> mUch bLing
  86. 04[18:07] <@emeraldEclipse> hehe
  87. [18:07] <patchworkDoll> I hAd aN aBility tHat lEt mE mAke tHings tHat Were pErmanent, uSing pLuck
  88. [18:07] <patchworkDoll> aNd aNother tHat wOuld tUrn sTuff iNto gRist
  89. 04[18:08] <@emeraldEclipse> I bet that was useful
  90. [18:08] <patchworkDoll> iT wAs!
  91. 04[18:08] <@emeraldEclipse> Could you use it to like
  92. 04[18:08] <@emeraldEclipse> Get past a dungeon door by turning into grist?
  93. [18:08] <patchworkDoll> TRied tHat, bUt nO
  94. 04[18:08] <@emeraldEclipse> Aww
  95. [18:09] <patchworkDoll> sAme aS hOw I cOuldn't tUrn bEdrock iNto gRist
  96. 04[18:09] <@emeraldEclipse> Thats the indestructable stuff, right?
  97. [18:09] <patchworkDoll> yEs
  98. 04[18:09] <@emeraldEclipse> (I suppose it wouldn't be indestructable if you could gristify it
  99. 04[18:09] <@emeraldEclipse> )
  100. [18:10] <patchworkDoll> tHe sTuff tHe lAnd bEds aRe mAde oUt oF
  101. 04[18:10] * @emeraldEclipse nods
  102. 04[18:11] <@emeraldEclipse> Could you make abilities from other aspects permanent?
  103. [18:11] <patchworkDoll> nO
  104. [18:11] <patchworkDoll> jUst sTuff tHat I mAde uSing [Crystalize]
  105. 04[18:12] <@emeraldEclipse> Aww
  106. 04[18:12] <@emeraldEclipse> I had a mental image of making a portal permanent and having an everflowing waterslide
  107. [18:13] <patchworkDoll> tHat wOuld bE pRetty cOol!
  108. 04[18:14] <@emeraldEclipse> So you made stuff using the aspect?
  109. 04[18:16] <@emeraldEclipse> Were there any limitations?
  110. 03[18:19] * berylMalachite is now known as Muss
  111. [18:25] <patchworkDoll> WEll, [Crystalize] cOuldn't rEally mAke aNything tHat wAs rEally cOmplex
  112. [18:25] <patchworkDoll> sO I cOuld mAke bEads oUt oF aNything
  113. [18:25] <patchworkDoll> aNd I cOuld mAke yArn aNd kNitting nEedles
  114. [18:25] <patchworkDoll> bUt I cOuldn't mAke aNything wIth, lIke, mOving pArts oR sTuff
  115. 04[18:25] <@emeraldEclipse> Aw
  116. 04[18:26] <@emeraldEclipse> Do you knit then?
  117. [18:27] <patchworkDoll> YEs =D
  118. 03[18:27] * moonlighterGuardian ( has left #11
  119. [18:27] <patchworkDoll> ANd iF I uSed [Transmute] aNd I hAd aLl tHe mAterials I nEeded fOr tHe tHing I wAs tRying tO mAke, I cOuld mAke sTuff tHat wAs mOre cOmplicated.
  120. 03[18:27] * moonlighterGuardian ( has joined #11
  121. 04[18:27] <@emeraldEclipse> Ohhhh
  122. 04[18:28] <@emeraldEclipse> Like what? (I don't know a lot about it, just what I caught from my mom)
  123. [18:30] <patchworkDoll> WEll, I kNitted a sHawl aNd sOcks fOr tHe TIme pLayer
  124. [18:30] <patchworkDoll> aNd I mAde a lOt oF tHe sTuff I wEar.
  125. [18:31] <patchworkDoll> [Except for your pants. Because knitted pants look /dumb/.]
  126. 04[18:31] <@emeraldEclipse> ooo
  127. 04[18:31] <@emeraldEclipse> I bet you look fantastic then!
  128. [18:31] <patchworkDoll> HEe
  129. [18:31] <patchworkDoll> wEll, I tRy, yEah
  130. [18:31] <patchworkDoll> oH
  131. [18:32] <patchworkDoll> i'M a hYbrid, bTw
  132. 04[18:32] <@emeraldEclipse> A....what?
  133. [18:32] <patchworkDoll> wEll
  134. 04[18:33] <@emeraldEclipse> [The only hybrid you know of is a vehicle type]
  135. [18:33] <patchworkDoll> mY nAtive wAs a mIxed sEssion
  136. [18:33] <patchworkDoll> aNd wE tHought wE haD fOur hUmans aNd fOur tRolls
  137. 04[18:33] <@emeraldEclipse> [Blink.]
  138. 04[18:33] <@emeraldEclipse> Four what?
  139. [18:33] <patchworkDoll> tUnred oUt iT wAs tHree hUmans, tHree tRolls, aNd tWo hYbrids
  140. [18:33] <patchworkDoll> fOur tRolls
  141. 04[18:33] <@emeraldEclipse> You lost me
  142. 04[18:34] <@emeraldEclipse> Unless you're talking about how people act online?
  143. 04[18:34] <@emeraldEclipse> Or mythological beings
  144. 04[18:34] <@emeraldEclipse> (Do you turn to stone in sunlight?)
  145. [18:35] <patchworkDoll> nO, nOt aBout hOw pEople aCt oNline
  146. [18:35] <patchworkDoll> And we're not mythological.
  147. [18:35] <patchworkDoll> I've never turned into stone in sunlight.
  148. [18:35] <patchworkDoll> [You're feeling calmer now, even if not being able to talk out loud is /really/ /really/ /weird/.]
  149. [18:35] <patchworkDoll> But the sun on Alternia /was/ a lot stronger than Earth's sun.
  150. 04[18:35] <@emeraldEclipse> You're going to have to explain then
  151. [18:36] <patchworkDoll> So most people didn't go out during the day, 'cause otherwise they'd get sunburned.
  152. 04[18:36] <@emeraldEclipse> Alternia?
  153. 04[18:36] <@emeraldEclipse> Wait
  154. 04[18:36] <@emeraldEclipse> You're an alien?
  155. [18:36] <patchworkDoll> Yes.
  156. 04[18:36] <@emeraldEclipse> [Aaaaahhhh.]
  157. [18:36] <patchworkDoll> And so are you!
  158. 04[18:36] <@emeraldEclipse> [Space and aliens and tricorders.]
  159. 04[18:36] <@emeraldEclipse> [You're living your dream.]
  160. 04[18:36] <@emeraldEclipse> I guess I am!
  161. 04[18:37] <@emeraldEclipse> So, uh
  162. 04[18:37] <@emeraldEclipse> What are trolls like?
  163. [18:38] <patchworkDoll> Well
  164. 04[18:38] <@emeraldEclipse> [You may be spinning around in happiness in 0G.]
  165. [18:40] <patchworkDoll> We've got a range of blood colours from maroon to tyrian. I'm in the cerulean range, and one of my friends, Khavah, is indigo.
  166. 04[18:41] <@emeraldEclipse> A range of blood colours? Like
  167. 04[18:41] <@emeraldEclipse> Is there any physiological differences between them?
  168. [18:41] <patchworkDoll> We've got gray skin, and horns. And we're raised by lusii.
  169. 04[18:41] <@emeraldEclipse> Horns?
  170. 04[18:42] <@emeraldEclipse> Like...I was going to make an Earth refrence, but that doesn't quite work does it
  171. [18:42] <patchworkDoll> Umm...well, the warmbloods have a higher temperature and they're more likely to have psychic powers, like telekinsesis or talking to ghosts.
  172. 04[18:42] <@emeraldEclipse> [Okay, you're going to need to write this all down.]
  173. [18:42] <patchworkDoll> And coldbloods live longer, are colder, and are more resistant to mental psionics. And also once you get into the purple ranges, they might have gills and fins.
  174. [18:43] <patchworkDoll> Horns, yeah.
  175. 04[18:43] <@emeraldEclipse> Which end is which?
  176. 04[18:44] <@emeraldEclipse> Are the purples and blues the warmbloods, or is the other way around?
  177. [18:44] <patchworkDoll> Purples and blues are the coldbloods.
  178. 04[18:44] <@emeraldEclipse> (And gills and fins? They live underwater?)
  179. [18:44] <patchworkDoll> Tyrian was -- yes, they do!
  180. [18:44] <patchworkDoll> Or they can.
  181. [18:44] <patchworkDoll> Not all of them do.
  182. 04[18:44] <@emeraldEclipse> They can survive in both air and water?
  183. [18:44] <patchworkDoll> Tyrian was at the top of the scale, where I grew up.
  184. 04[18:44] <@emeraldEclipse> And its not, like
  185. [18:44] <patchworkDoll> Mhm!
  186. 04[18:45] <@emeraldEclipse> An aquatic mammal thing where they only breath air?
  187. [18:45] <patchworkDoll> We're not mammals.
  188. [18:45] <patchworkDoll> They can breathe air and water.
  189. 04[18:45] <@emeraldEclipse> Coooool
  190. 04[18:45] <@emeraldEclipse> So, uh
  191. 04[18:46] <@emeraldEclipse> Do you know what you'd be classified as in Earth parlance? Or is it so unlike anything I've seen?
  192. 04[18:46] <@emeraldEclipse> Wait, you said Hybrid?
  193. [18:46] <patchworkDoll> Yep.
  194. 04[18:47] <@emeraldEclipse> How does that work?
  195. [18:47] <patchworkDoll> And I dunno - I haven't really done any research into what we'd be classified as.
  196. [18:47] <patchworkDoll> And game magic.
  197. [18:47] <patchworkDoll> That is how it works.
  198. 04[18:47] <@emeraldEclipse> Ah
  199. 04[18:47] <@emeraldEclipse> Okay
  200. 04[18:47] <@emeraldEclipse> [Something to research you guess.]
  201. 04[18:47] <@emeraldEclipse> Are you humanoid?
  202. [18:47] <patchworkDoll> The fact that our Seer of Rain did the ectobiology may have played a part there, idk.
  203. [18:48] <patchworkDoll> Yes.
  204. [18:48] <patchworkDoll> All trolls are, once we've done our first pupation.
  205. 04[18:48] <@emeraldEclipse> [Maybe Star Trek wasn't as unrealistic as many made it out to be.]
  206. 04[18:48] <@emeraldEclipse> Pupation?
  207. 04[18:48] <@emeraldEclipse> [You're still typing this all down inbetween questions.]
  208. [18:49] <patchworkDoll> Well, you grow up from being an infant to being a tiny little thing to being a bigger thing, right?
  209. 04[18:49] * @emeraldEclipse nods
  210. [18:49] <patchworkDoll> We start out as tiny and weak too.
  211. [18:50] <patchworkDoll> We start out as grubs. And then once we're old enough and we've eaten enough, we pupate and lose our grub legs and start walking bipedally.
  212. [18:50] <patchworkDoll> And we learn how to talk and read.
  213. 04[18:50] <@emeraldEclipse> Grubs, like
  214. 04[18:50] <@emeraldEclipse> insect?
  215. [18:50] <patchworkDoll> Yeah.
  216. 04[18:51] <@emeraldEclipse> Thats
  217. 04[18:52] <@emeraldEclipse> wowww
  218. 04[18:52] <@emeraldEclipse> So, uh
  219. 04[18:52] <@emeraldEclipse> Psionics?
  220. [18:53] <patchworkDoll> Yes.
  221. [18:53] <patchworkDoll> It's a thing.
  222. 04[18:53] <@emeraldEclipse> What sort of thing?
  223. [18:53] <patchworkDoll> Not all warmbloods can do it, but some ranges are more likely to have it.
  224. [18:54] <patchworkDoll> Pretty much anything, frankly?
  225. [18:54] <patchworkDoll> Telepathy, mind-control, telekinesis, talking to the dead.
  226. [18:54] <patchworkDoll> Telekinesis was most common, I think.
  227. 04[18:54] <@emeraldEclipse> what
  228. [18:54] <patchworkDoll> But I dunno if that was natural or if it was something the Empire encouraged.
  229. 04[18:54] <@emeraldEclipse> Empire?
  230. [18:55] <patchworkDoll> Yeah.
  231. [18:55] <patchworkDoll> The Alternian Empire. It was...kind of not a good place, really?
  232. [18:55] <patchworkDoll> Like
  233. [18:55] <patchworkDoll> pretty much at all
  234. [18:55] <patchworkDoll> And the Empress wasn't a good person.
  235. 04[18:55] <@emeraldEclipse> [You underline and put several question marks behind 'Psionics' with the additional note 'How?']
  236. 04[18:57] <@emeraldEclipse> It was a full planetary Empire? You said you were from Alternia, so
  237. [18:59] <patchworkDoll> Intergalactic, actually.
  238. [18:59] <patchworkDoll> Alternia was the homeplanet.
  239. 04[18:59] <@emeraldEclipse> What
  240. [18:59] <patchworkDoll> Adults weren't allowed on it, after the Summoner's Rebellion.
  241. 04[19:00] <@emeraldEclipse> Okay
  242. 04[19:00] <@emeraldEclipse> I'm going to have to sit you down, and get like
  243. 04[19:00] <@emeraldEclipse> The full story
  244. [19:00] <patchworkDoll> I'm pretty sure it was intergalactic, anyways. I /know/ the Empress had conquered all the star systems closest to us, and I know that we had a lot of colony worlds.
  245. 06[19:00] * patchworkDoll shrugs
  246. [19:00] <patchworkDoll> Okay.
  247. 04[19:02] <@emeraldEclipse> So you're a hybrid? Do you have, like
  248. 04[19:02] <@emeraldEclipse> Greyscaled skin?
  249. [19:03] <patchworkDoll> It
  250. [19:03] <patchworkDoll> varies
  251. [19:03] <patchworkDoll> My appearance hasn't really been stable since I first went through the Door.
  252. [19:03] <patchworkDoll> Last session, I was patches all over.
  253. [19:03] <patchworkDoll> I haven't had a chance to take a look at what I look like yet.
  254. 04[19:03] <@emeraldEclipse> Oh
  255. 02[19:05] * experimentalElectrode ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  256. 02[19:05] * moonlighterGuardian ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  257. 04[19:06] <@emeraldEclipse> er
  258. 04[19:06] <@emeraldEclipse> Sorry?
  259. [19:08] <patchworkDoll> I'm adjusting.
  260. [19:08] <patchworkDoll> It's more an issue that's gonna make cocooning problematic, really.
  261. 04[19:08] <@emeraldEclipse> cocooning?
  262. [19:09] <patchworkDoll> Where I was from, we cocooned twice.
  263. [19:09] <patchworkDoll> Once, when we went from being grubs to being juviniles.
  264. [19:09] <patchworkDoll> *juveniles
  265. [19:10] <patchworkDoll> And once when we went from being juveniles to being adults.
  266. 04[19:10] <@emeraldEclipse> huh
  267. 03[19:10] * moonlighterGuardian ( has joined #11
  268. [19:10] <patchworkDoll> It's basically fast-forwarded pubery.
  269. [19:10] <patchworkDoll> *puberty
  270. 03[19:10] * Keleviel ( has joined #11
  271. 04[19:10] <@emeraldEclipse> So it's...being born as grubs. Pupation into juveniles. and Cocooning into Adults?
  272. [19:10] <patchworkDoll> Hatched as grubs, but yes.
  273. 04[19:10] <@emeraldEclipse> Eggs?
  274. [19:10] <patchworkDoll> Yeah.
  275. [19:11] <patchworkDoll> Or at least, that's what I was always taught.
  276. 04[19:11] <@emeraldEclipse> Interesting
  277. 04[19:12] <@emeraldEclipse> [You say that, but there hasn't been a thing you haven't found interesting since you entered the presession.]
  278. [19:16] <patchworkDoll> [You, meanwhile, are hungry.]
  279. [19:17] <patchworkDoll> hrm
  280. [19:17] <patchworkDoll> now I need to figure out how you order stuff from these places if you can't talk
  281. 04[19:17] <@emeraldEclipse> Maybe write it down on a piece of paper?
  282. 04[19:20] <@emeraldEclipse> I don't think most people would know sign language. So if you mime that you can't speak, they might get the message?
  283. [19:21] <patchworkDoll> Sounds like it might work, yeah.
  284. 04[19:23] <@emeraldEclipse> I have to admit
  285. 04[19:23] <@emeraldEclipse> Eating in 0G is a very...novel experience
  286. [19:24] <patchworkDoll> Okay, I'm glad there's gravity here, then. That'd be all I'd need to make this complete, having to learn how to eat all over again /and/ being mute.
  287. 04[19:25] <@emeraldEclipse> Aha
  288. 04[19:25] <@emeraldEclipse> Its cool though! Like, even when you're dreaming and flying around gravitys still there. Its a complete absence here except in the outer ring.
  289. 04[19:25] <@emeraldEclipse> (The entire station is spinning, so the outer ring feels like it has gravity)
  290. [19:27] <patchworkDoll> Ah.
  291. 04[19:28] <@emeraldEclipse> (Well I guess it all feels like gravity. But the centre chamber, if you manage to get yourself stationary, the station'll rotate around you.)
  292. 04[19:28] <@emeraldEclipse> (Space is cool!)
  293. 04[19:30] <@emeraldEclipse> ('Gravity' gets progressively weaker as you get closer to the centre.)
  294. 04[19:31] <@emeraldEclipse> And theres such a lovely view! The Weatherlight is around a Blue star thats being studied!
  295. [19:31] <patchworkDoll> That sounds pretty cool.
  296. 04[19:32] <@emeraldEclipse> So, uhm
  297. 04[19:33] <@emeraldEclipse> You've played with humans before so I guess I don't need to explain that
  298. [19:34] <patchworkDoll> Yeah.
  299. 04[19:35] <@emeraldEclipse> Like I said earlier I was a Page of Dreams in my native, was it? And I just finished as a Sylph of Space.
  300. 06[19:37] * patchworkDoll nods
  301. [19:37] <patchworkDoll> What instrument do you play?
  302. 04[19:37] <@emeraldEclipse> I'm from Jordan, which is a country on Earth. I'm a Muslim, and I'd like to think of myself as a scientist.
  303. [19:37] <patchworkDoll> Oh, cool.
  304. 04[19:37] <@emeraldEclipse> A Daf! It was actually my grandmother's.
  305. 04[19:38] <@emeraldEclipse> And you?
  306. [19:38] <patchworkDoll> (what's a Muslim?)
  307. [19:38] <patchworkDoll> I play the violin.
  308. 04[19:38] <@emeraldEclipse> Ooo
  309. 04[19:38] <@emeraldEclipse> Those sound so nice
  310. 04[19:39] <@emeraldEclipse> (A practitioner of Islam. Which is a religion on Earth.)
  311. 04[19:39] <@emeraldEclipse> (Did you have any religions on Alternia?)
  312. [19:41] <patchworkDoll> (A few.)
  313. 04[19:41] <@emeraldEclipse> (I can tell you about it if you like. But its generally a private thing for me.)
  314. [19:43] <patchworkDoll> (There was the Cult of the Mirthful Messiahs - but that's mostly indigos and landpurples. And there was Signlessism, but that was an underground thing.)
  315. [19:44] <patchworkDoll> (Oh. Well, if it's private, you don't have to talk about it.)
  316. 04[19:45] <@emeraldEclipse> (It's more that I'm not going to preach it. But if you have questions, I'd be glad to answer. Theres also a couple practices that come with it that may come up.)
  317. [19:47] <patchworkDoll> (Okay. What do you think is most likely to come up? I don't really know what I should be asking about.)
  318. 04[19:50] <@emeraldEclipse> (Uhm. I don't eat pork at all, and how other meats are prepared are important. There are certain taboos associated with men that aren't family, but I don't know how that works for an alien race.)
  319. 02[19:50] * moonlighterGuardian ( Quit (Ping timeout: 184 seconds)
  320. 03[19:50] * Moonie ( has joined #11
  321. [19:51] <patchworkDoll> (Okay. Well.)
  322. [19:51] <patchworkDoll> (That might only be important if there are any boys, anyways.)
  323. 04[19:52] <@emeraldEclipse> (There'll be a month relatively soon that I'll be fasting. I'll let everyone know when it is, so don't be offended if I decline any food or drink during that time.)
  324. [19:52] <patchworkDoll> (And I recognize a couple names other than Kit's on the chumroll, and they're all female.)
  325. [19:52] <patchworkDoll> (Oh. Okay.)
  326. 04[19:52] <@emeraldEclipse> (Oh? Well, that'll be nice.)
  327. 04[19:56] <@emeraldEclipse> (Normally it involves physical contact and a state of dress. It'll be nice to be able to relax about those, even for a bit.)
  328. [19:56] <patchworkDoll> (I can understand that, yeah.)
  329. 04[19:57] <@emeraldEclipse> (I don't think anything else is likely to come up though!)
  330. 04[19:58] <@emeraldEclipse> But yeah! I'm trying to figure out the game in my spare time. Theres so much /to/ figure out!
  331. 06[19:59] * patchworkDoll nods
  332. 04[20:00] <@emeraldEclipse> Started last session. Kind of bummed out that most of the stuff I had written down didn't come through, but I've been trying to write what I remember down
  333. [20:01] <patchworkDoll> Well, maybe you can upload the stuff you write to the IRC?
  334. 04[20:01] <@emeraldEclipse> I was told about that by Kit! But I can't get there yet
  335. 04[20:02] <@emeraldEclipse> Need a dongle which needs an alchemiter apparently
  336. [20:02] <patchworkDoll> Yeah.
  337. [20:02] <patchworkDoll> The stuff you need for it can only be made with an alchemiter.
  338. [20:02] <patchworkDoll> But hopefully we'll enter soon.
  339. 04[20:02] <@emeraldEclipse> Hopefully!
  340. 04[20:02] <@emeraldEclipse> I can't wait to see it
  341. 04[20:02] <@emeraldEclipse> (What is it like?)
  342. [20:07] <patchworkDoll> (It's pretty small.)
  343. [20:07] <patchworkDoll> (I put mine inside a bead, to try and keep it safer.)
  344. 04[20:08] <@emeraldEclipse> (I was more wondering about the IRC itself than the dongle. But I want to find out why thats necessary too!)
  345. 03[20:11] * odangomoon (moon@1B10DFC0.66CB364C.8BFEB16D.IP) has joined #11
  346. 02[20:11] * Moonie ( Quit (Ping timeout: 185 seconds)
  347. [20:11] <patchworkDoll> (Well, it's a verification thing, I guess?)
  348. [20:11] <patchworkDoll> (The IRC is mostly nice.)
  349. [20:12] <patchworkDoll> (Asides from one dude, who's a speciest, but he's a jerk and you can block him or ignore him.)
  350. [20:12] <patchworkDoll> (There aren't any admins or mods, though - not that I've ever seen.)
  351. 04[20:13] <@emeraldEclipse> Oh?
  352. 04[20:14] <@emeraldEclipse> Who set it up?
  353. [20:14] <patchworkDoll> We don't know.
  354. 03[20:14] * odangomoon is now known as Moonie
  355. 04[20:14] <@emeraldEclipse> huh
  356. 04[20:14] <@emeraldEclipse> Thats really interesting
  357. 04[20:18] <@emeraldEclipse> I think this merits investigation, don't you?
  358. [20:22] <patchworkDoll> It's definitely interesting, yeah.
  359. 04[20:28] <@emeraldEclipse> (Oh and if I say anything speciest let me know? I promise it won't be out of spite)
  360. [20:29] <patchworkDoll> (I'm sure it won't! And yeah, I'll let you know.)
  361. 04[20:32] <@emeraldEclipse> I am
  362. 04[20:32] <@emeraldEclipse> Definitely going to be taking one of these tricorder things with me into the session
  363. 04[20:32] <@emeraldEclipse> I want to figure out where the signals coming from, or even if theres a signal
  364. 04[20:32] <@emeraldEclipse> (Wait, can you access the IRC in the presession?)
  365. 02[20:33] * Moonie (moon@1B10DFC0.66CB364C.8BFEB16D.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 181 seconds)
  366. 03[20:43] * Moonie ( has joined #11
  367. [20:46] <patchworkDoll> (I can, yes!)
  368. 04[20:47] <@emeraldEclipse> Interestinggg
  369. [20:50] <patchworkDoll> I think I'm gonna poke at my replayee's stuff and see what they've got for money so I can get something to eat.
  370. [20:50] <patchworkDoll> [You're getting pretty hungry.]
  371. 04[20:50] <@emeraldEclipse> Alright
  372. 04[20:53] <@emeraldEclipse> Let me know if you find anything
  373. 04[20:53] <@emeraldEclipse> interesting?
  374. 04[20:53] <@emeraldEclipse> [You keep using that word. But you know exactly what it means.]
  375. [20:54] <patchworkDoll> Ahaha
  376. [20:54] <patchworkDoll> Sure.
  377. 02[20:57] * Moonie ( Quit (Broken pipe)
  378. 03[21:08] * Muss is now known as cloudedVeil
  379. [21:20] <patchworkDoll> you know what an asteroid burger is?
  380. 04[21:20] <@emeraldEclipse> I can't say I do. Why?
  381. [21:20] <patchworkDoll> Trying to figure out what on the menu I wanna order.
  382. [21:21] <patchworkDoll> I don't think I trust their "barbeque rib burger". Those are two different concepts that don't marry happily.
  383. 04[21:22] <@emeraldEclipse> hmm
  384. 04[21:23] <@emeraldEclipse> I admit to not eating a lot of fast food
  385. 04[21:24] <@emeraldEclipse> (Its the whole 'meat treatment thing')
  386. 03[21:27] * Keleviel is now known as guillotineGladiator
  387. [21:28] <patchworkDoll> Fair enough, yeah.
  388. [21:28] <patchworkDoll> I'll have to introduce you to good barbeque, then.
  389. [21:28] <patchworkDoll> Assuming you haven't already had.
  390. 04[21:28] <@emeraldEclipse> I'd offer to show you some of the food I had as a kid, but the ingredients are a bit absent at the moment.
  391. 04[21:29] <@emeraldEclipse> I'll give it a shot though! Assuming you can find the right meat to do it with.
  392. [21:29] <patchworkDoll> Well, you can do barbeque with beef and chicken.
  393. 04[21:30] <@emeraldEclipse> Chicken is fine actually
  394. 04[21:30] <@emeraldEclipse> No need for special preperation
  395. [21:30] <patchworkDoll> And we can probably figure out a work-around for making the ingredients for your home food.
  396. 04[21:32] <@emeraldEclipse> That'd be nice. I haven't done anything like it since before I entered the game.
  397. 04[21:32] <@emeraldEclipse> Second session was a bit of a surprise
  398. [21:32] <patchworkDoll> Yeah.
  399. [21:33] <patchworkDoll> I'm not sure I'll be able to get any seeds or anything, but it'd be a good idea if you can try and grab some.
  400. [21:33] <patchworkDoll> It makes getting food easier.
  401. 04[21:33] <@emeraldEclipse> I'll see what I can do
  402. 04[21:33] <@emeraldEclipse> I don't think theres a garden or something in here. Or if there is I haven't seen it
  403. 04[21:37] <@emeraldEclipse> Maybe on the supply run I can pick something up.
  404. [21:48] <patchworkDoll> Worth trying, yeah.
  405. 03[22:17] * patchworkDoll is now known as patDol|Away
  406. 03[22:30] * patDol|Away is now known as tropicoDove
  407. 02[22:32] * cloudedVeil ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  408. 02[22:32] * guillotineGladiator ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  409. 03[23:21] * emeraldEclipse is now known as Emmara
  410. Session Close: Sat May 31 23:37:59 2014
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