Guest User


a guest
Sep 2nd, 2016
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  1. Messages:
  2. Prefix: '&e&lSkyWars &r'
  3. AlreadyInGame: '&cYou are already in game'
  4. OnJoin: '&6{name} &7joined the game &a{game_players}&7/&4{max_players}'
  5. OnLeave: '&6{name} &7left the game &a{game_players}&7/&4{max_players}'
  6. GameFull: '&cThe game is full'
  7. GameInGame: '&cThe game have already started'
  8. GameEnding: '&cThe game is ending'
  9. GameRestarting: '&cThe game is restarting'
  10. GameDisabled: '&cThis game is disabled'
  11. GameInGame: '&cThe game have already started'
  12. GameFull: '&6The game is full'
  13. GameStopped: '&4There was not enough players to start the game'
  14. GameForced: '&aThe game was forced to start'
  15. GameLoading: '&cThe game is loaded'
  16. GameUnloaded: '&cThis game is unloaded'
  17. NeededPlayers: '&c{min_players} needed players to start'
  18. TimeRemaining: '&9The game will start in {time_formatted}'
  19. ChatDisabled: '&cYou can not speak until the game starts!'
  20. CommandDisabled: '&cYou cant use that command in game'
  21. GameStarted: '&9The game have started!'
  22. PlayerSpectating: '&cYou are in spectator mode, use /leave to return to the lobby'
  23. NoPermissions: '&4You do not have permission to do that'
  24. OnWin: '&6{winner} &7gano la partida'
  25. OnWinPlayer: '&aYou won the game and won &6{win_money} $'
  26. OnKill: '&aYou won &6{kill_money} $ &afor killing &7{killed}'
  27. TeleportingToLobby: '&aReturning to the lobby'
  28. NoWinEffect: '&cYou do not have a win effect, buy one at the game shop...'
  29. Leave: '&cYou left the game'
  30. ForceStart: '&cThere must be at least &4{min_players} &cto force the game'
  31. GameNowFull: '&aThe game is now full'
  32. LeaveInPvP: '&cYou can not leave the game while you are in PvP'
  33. NoVoteOptions: '&cThere is nothing to vote'
  34. GameBooster: '&8[&6&lSound&c&lSkyWars&8] &bBooster activo &6x{multiplier} &buntil &3{date}'
  35. OnSelect: '&aYou selected &3{value}'
  36. OnBuy: '&aYou bought &3{value}'
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