
The Mare in Red. [Ch2] (Clop)

Nov 9th, 2013
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  1. >The soft breeze of late summer sweeps in through the bedroom window.
  2. >You shiver a bit but she doesn't seem bothered by it.
  3. >Probably her thin layer of slightly grayish-white fur.
  4. >It's not a cold wind but it sends a few goosebumps over your arm as it lies over the cover.
  5. >You both lie back to back in the same bed.
  6. >She was in trouble and so were you, so you let her stay at your place.
  7. >You silently agreed to her sentiment that she was too good for the couch and kinda regretted even suggesting it.
  8. >The only thing that you wondered about is why she didn't ask you to sleep on it.
  9. >Sure, the bed was large enough for two humans, so a pony could easily fit into it.
  10. >But was it alright, even if it's your bed to sleep in it next to someone who's practically a stranger?
  12. >You can't sleep. You turn around and look at the clock on the night table next to her.
  13. >2:30am.
  14. >Not like you have work or anything anyway.
  15. >A breath seems to notify her that you're turned to her and she peeks over her shoulder.
  16. >She seems to try and pretend she's sleeping, but her sapphire eyes betray her as you can see the faint glint beneath her thick lashes.
  17. >You chuckle and raise your head, leaning it onto your palm as you rest on your elbow.
  18. "Can't sleep?"
  19. >"No."
  20. "You're still thinking about the club?"
  21. >"Yes. I don't know what to do, Anon."
  22. >You raise an eyebrow. You're on nickname terms now?
  24. >She turns over and rests her head on her crossed hooves.
  25. >"I'm deep in debt and I can't earn any money like this. Having to take advantage of your hospitality is just.. augh."
  26. >You laugh a bit and shake your head.
  27. "Miss Rarity, I'll gladly help you out. You've cheered me up with your songs and I'll take any chance to repay you."
  28. >She giggles and waves her hoof.
  29. >"Haha. You're very chivalrous, Anon. I appreciate your hospitality and kind words, but I can't accept any more help from you."
  30. >She sighs.
  31. >"It already feels like I've asked you to pay my debt. I don't need guilt added to my list of feelings right now."
  32. >You blink a few times before you give her a wide grin.
  33. "I can do that."
  34. >Her eyes widen like a pair of headlights.
  35. >She really has pretty eyes.
  36. >"WHAT?!"
  37. >Her voice is pretty powerful too.
  38. >She pulls her hair and lets loose an audible neigh of frustration.
  39. >Oh god, that was way cuter than you'd expected a pony neigh to sound like.
  41. >"Are you crazy?! I'm up to my ears in debt. It's easily over five thousand dollars already and with the bust they'll easily find a reason to up it!"
  42. >She gives you a glare, one eye twitching slightly.
  43. >You can't help but laugh at her.
  44. "Five thousand?"
  45. >You roll over to the side of the bed and slide a briefcase out from under it.
  46. >She watches you with a confounded glare.
  47. >"What are you doing?"
  48. >The case clicks open and her eyes become large the moon as you flick bound stack after stack of freshly printed bills onto the bed from the case full of it.
  49. "My business isn't a valorous one, but it's very profitable."
  50. >You grin and fan yourself a bit with a stack.
  51. "Five thousand is pocket change for someone like me."
  52. >She seems to take offense that you'd help her with drug money.
  53. >"I.. uh."
  54. >She can't deny the fact that you're right though.
  55. >The first stack you flicked was about 20 grand and the case was almost overflowing.
  56. >"I.. I can't accept it."
  58. >You shake your head.
  59. "You will though and you'll do nothing to stop me."
  60. >It was an opportunity you wouldn't let slip by.
  61. >Deep down inside, beneath your criminal tendencies, there was someone who was raised better than this.
  62. >Why not exercise it once in a while?
  63. "These bills are dirty with my past sins, evident by the bag you dropped, the bag I delivered to your boss."
  64. >She looks over into the living room where the bag still lay.
  65. >She looks back to the money and then to you.
  66. >"Why?"
  67. >You put the bills back into the briefcase and put it onto the floor.
  68. "Because.. because I've caused enough damage. Especially to you, for which I can't forgive myself."
  69. >She raises and eyebrow and shuffles her hooves a bit.
  70. >"What do you.."
  71. "I'm going to use the money I've gained from suffering to alleviate some of it. I'll pay off your debt and get you back home."
  72. >She's speechless at this point. Her lips are curled into a mix of confusion and the urge to speak.
  73. "You've helped me through my hard times, now at least let me do the same for you."
  74. >You look her dead in the eye, not showing any doubt.
  75. >She looks back, then she throws herself at you.
  76. >"Stupid! Stupid!"
  77. >Woah.. what's this about?
  78. >She pounds her hooves on your chest, weakly.
  80. >"You're the only one who seemed to give a hay about my singing and now you're bailing me out of my mistakes too?!"
  81. >She's creating a small wet patch on your shirt from the tears streaming down, interrupted by a hiccup and a faint squeak.
  82. >Finally she looks up at you, eyes slightly red from her crying.
  83. "Miss Rarity, I jus-"
  84. >You're cut off by her lips as they press upon yours.
  85. >Her hooves are wrapping around your neck and she's wetting your cheeks with tears.
  86. >She cuts the kiss with a sigh. The wine is still on her breath and you can see another side in her eyes now.
  87. >Something genuine is there, something you only see when she sings. Joy.
  88. >"T..thank you Anon. Thank you for being.. you!"
  89. >she kisses you once more.
  90. >You're dumbfounded, but not retarded. This was a dream come true.
  91. >One you'd have laughed at if you were younger.
  92. >But you'd grown to secretly adore this mare.
  93. >You feel her tongue slip along your lip and you don't hesitate fora moment to part your lips.
  94. >She invites herself inside and she's met by your tongue as they envelop.
  95. >She's letting out a dainty moan and her hoof is caressing your neck.
  97. >You decide to not deny the lady. You know this dance and you're more than willing to oblige.
  98. >Your hand wraps around her cheek and you stroke it tenderly while your other hand brushes through her mane.
  99. >The fingers trace down her neck and along her body.
  100. >Her kisses grow more passionate and her rear legs wrap around your waist.
  101. >She shivers faintly as your hand slips past the slit in her skirt and traces the design of her cutie mark.
  102. >Your touch is returned with her hips grinding gently upon your dress slacks.
  103. >Her tongue traces yours before she slips her lips from yours.
  104. >"Oh.. oh Celestia. Please, don't tease me now."
  105. >Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.
  106. >Her dress slips off at the graceful sway of her magical horn and you continue sliding your fingers along her flank, unobstructed.
  107. >She groans softly and buries her face in your neck.
  108. >You cup her rear in your hand and you give it a squeeze.
  109. >She gasps and sits up on your waist.
  110. >"If you're going to be uncooperative, I'll just have to take matters into my own hooves."
  111. >She smirks and you feel your belt unbuckle and your pants slide down as she casts her spells.
  112. >"You shouldn't keep a lady waiting."
  113. "You'd expect manners from a vile criminal like myself?"
  114. >She gives you a sultry smirk, leans down and plants a peck on your lips.
  115. >"No. I expect you to rut me, you ruffian."
  116. >She bites your lower lip gently and coos.
  117. "Such an uncouth thing for a lady to say."
  118. >You didn't argue with her. You slip your underwear off and give her plot another squeeze.
  119. >She squeaks and slides herself down towards your dick.
  120. "Indeed~"
  122. >She gasps and plants her hooves on your chest as she begins taking you into her.
  123. >She's going slowly, savoring every bit of it.
  124. >Your hands hold her by her hips and you meet her halfway by slowly raising yours.
  125. >She shudders as you finally find her rear settle down onto you with your full length buried deep inside her.
  126. >Rarity is gasping for air before she starts gyrating her hips.
  127. >She's incredibly tight and her muscles clamp down onto you like a vice.
  128. >It takes a few seconds before she feels relaxed enough for you to start moving.
  129. >You're bucking your hips against her slowly at first and as she begins to buck back you increase the pace.
  130. >Her hair is bobbing up and down after the rhythm and her eyes can't seem to decide whether to gaze upon you or close shut with every other thrust.
  131. >You can feel her increasing the speed of her bouncing bucks and with a quivering squeak she climaxes.
  132. >You can feel her muscles milk your cock as she cums and she then falls down onto your chest.
  133. >"Oh Celestia~"
  134. >Her voice cracks an adorable squeak as you grab her and turn her around, laying her down beneath you.
  135. >"A-again? But how can you still be-"
  136. >Her hooves cross over her chest before you thrust back into her and they reach up to grab your neck.
  137. >She pulls you down with surprising strength and once more passionately kisses you.
  138. >Both your moans slip out from between your wrestling tongues.
  139. >She's squeezing you, lost in ecstasy at the mercy of human stamina.
  140. >Most colts made it their sworn duty to keep it's secrets hidden from mares.
  141. >Rarity squirms as she reaches another orgasm, then another and another.
  143. >You've been going on for nearly 30 minutes now and even you have your limits.
  144. >She's panting, tongue nearly hanging out from the side of her mouth.
  145. >You increase your rhythm for the finish line, making her moan out loud as you're giving her your all.
  146. >Her hooves are holding onto your neck for dear life and you lean down to give her the warning like a gentleman should.
  147. "Rarity, let go, I'm-"
  148. >She pulls you into a wild kiss and you feel her rear legs thrust up to wrap around you.
  149. >You could easily break free, but she's made her point clear.
  150. >The bed squeaks as you give her the final thrusts before bottoming out, spilling your seed deep into her.
  151. >It sends her into one last climax and she drains you for all you have.
  152. >You can feel her grip on your cock let go and you gently split out and fall down beside her.
  153. >Your breaths are only trumped by hers.
  154. >Her hooves are sprawled out and she's staring into the ceiling.
  155. >You can't help but chuckle at the mess laying next to you and it finally catches her attention.
  156. >"I'm sooo taking you back to Ponyville with me."
  157. >Wat.
  159. End of Ch 2.
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