
mq ad route idea?

Jun 19th, 2018
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  1. sword shield ocarina
  2. peahat slide to gv
  3. chicken jump
  4. gtg chus
  5. mushroom
  6. caught by guards
  7. owl to castle
  8. hess past owl
  9. 1/2 kak bottle
  10. odd potion house clip
  11. finish kak bottle
  12. master sword
  13. hylian shield in graveyard (id prefer to buy it as child but i dont think its faster w/ current rupees)
  14. hookshot
  15. graveyard rba, rba poe and odd potion
  16. hookshot jump
  17. enter shadow
  18. small key
  19. play song of time (or block skip monkaS)
  20. eye switch block skip
  21. hover boots
  22. boatskip
  23. beat shadow, cs skip
  25. **not sure if its better to go up trail for bombs or go across hf for saw first
  27. hess out of kak
  28. hess across hf
  29. chu mega over bridge
  30. trade for poachers saw (~1:15)
  31. to gc
  32. room clip
  33. bolero
  34. grotto rba empty bottle w/ fish, saw w/ bugs, poe?
  35. magic
  36. mega to dc
  37. bombs
  38. play bolero
  39. fire to forest (might actually be faster to get fire bk, then do forest first and BA hammer and come back for volv)
  40. forest cs skip
  41. ba fw
  42. deku to silver gauntlets
  43. beat spirit
  44. beat water
  45. ground clip to domain
  46. jabu to kd ww
  47. dcfw to credits
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