
Wilhemine Auttenberg

Jun 6th, 2015
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  1. Wilhemine Auttenberg
  3. Born in Bavaria on the slopes of the mighty Alps, much of Wilhemine's childhood was spent with her father, learning the ways of the hunt to put food on their table. Though it wasn't an easy life, especially in post-WWI Germany, it was certainly better than many; with hard work, they never went hungry. Despite being the only child of her family, Wilhemine found these years to be some of the best in her life. Her father and mother loved her dearly and did their best to teach her as any school would.
  5. When she was fourteen, she was married to her husband, Leonhardt Strauss, a man she adored greatly. The two had been in courtship for some months before then; it wasn't long until they had conceived twins, the brothers Leonhardt and Alois. Her husband died soon after--an accident in the mountains that left him frozen and starved--but with her children at her side Wilhemine never felt lonely. She worked as hard as any two parents to raise her sons correctly, as she had. She trained them to use guns and to hunt beside her. By the time World War II came about, she had nothing but pride and love for her two wonderful sons.
  7. Sadly this was to end; in 1942 the War began. Wilhemine was extremely leery of the sudden rise of the Nazi party to power. Indeed, she called them fanatics and oppressors, but her sons only saw the glory that had come to their Fatherland at Hitler's hands. As soon as recruitment came to Bavaria, her two sons were gone. Wilemine knew true loneliness for the first time in her life.
  9. Some time later after the successful invasion of Poland, she moved to the newly-captured country in an effort to stay closer to her boys, who were stationed there. Upon her arrival, her sons presented her with a birthday gift: a sniper-variant Kar98 that the two had bought with pooled wages. An effort to make her feel more at home in a strange land, they said. Certainly she was thankful; this rifle has stayed with her and been meticulously cared for ever since.
  11. Then things began to turn worse. The Eastern Front against the Soviets had begun to collapse following the liberation of Stalingrad, and her sons were sent to the front to stem the tide. With a heavy feeling of dread, she watched them leave, and even took up serving in a munitions factory, offering prayers that each would reach her son and spare his life. It wasn't long until she heard of their supposed deaths. Such despair as she had never knew crashed upon her, and within her heart grew a burning hatred for Soviet Russia. Yet this was not to be the worst; some time later, German occultists and scientists managed to summon JΓΆrmungandr, which proceeded to wreak havoc upon the world--and was destroyed, devastating the world with the Years Without Summer and it's virulent poisons. A new hatred bloomed in her heart: the Nazis, who had promised the world, yet sent her sons to die, and ravaged the world with their cowardice, became her enemy.
  13. Escaping from ravaged Europe was no mean feat, but her hunting and tracking skills served her well, and a year after the Serpentfall she found herself in India. She refuses to speak of this time or what she did during it, but the hollow look of someone who has seen far too much is easily recognizable upon her face, an the way she handles that Kar98 shows she's had a lot of practice...
  17. Picture taken during Germany's re-arming:
  19. Character Sheet:
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