Guest User

MW2 Server Problem

a guest
Aug 2nd, 2015
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  1. [RepZ auth] Sending RPC message with ID 1.
  2. [RepZ auth] Sending async RPC message with ID 1.
  3. [RepZ auth] RPC_HandleMessage: type 1010
  4. [RepZ auth] Dispatching RPC message with ID 1 and type 1010.
  5. [RepZ auth] Dispatching RPC message to async handler.
  6. Forcing "seta" command to normal "Set" for dvar "sv_ownerUserID".
  7. ----- FS_Startup -----
  8. Current language: english
  9. IW4M:4.0-258 built on Jun 15 2015 20:25:07
  11. '-dedicated +set net_port "28960" +set party_maxplayers 18 +exec server.cfg +map_rotate -console '
  12. Build IW4M:4.0-258 IAIN-PC (built Jun 15 2015 20:25:07). Logfile opened on Sun Aug 02 17:30:12 2015
  14. Current search path:
  15. C:\MW2 Server/m2demo
  16. C:\MW2 Server\main\iw_repziw4.iwd (453 files)
  17. C:\MW2 Server\main\iw_25.iwd (11 files)
  18. C:\MW2 Server\main\iw_23.iwd (425 files)
  19. C:\MW2 Server\main\iw_22.iwd (430 files)
  20. C:\MW2 Server\main\iw_21.iwd (46 files)
  21. C:\MW2 Server\main\iw_20.iwd (86 files)
  22. C:\MW2 Server\main\iw_19.iwd (57 files)
  23. C:\MW2 Server\main\iw_18.iwd (61 files)
  24. C:\MW2 Server\main\iw_17.iwd (125 files)
  25. C:\MW2 Server\main\iw_16.iwd (171 files)
  26. C:\MW2 Server\main\iw_15.iwd (198 files)
  27. C:\MW2 Server\main\iw_14.iwd (406 files)
  28. C:\MW2 Server\main\iw_13.iwd (63 files)
  29. C:\MW2 Server\main\iw_12.iwd (31 files)
  30. C:\MW2 Server\main\iw_11.iwd (297 files)
  31. C:\MW2 Server\main\iw_10.iwd (556 files)
  32. C:\MW2 Server\main\iw_09.iwd (716 files)
  33. C:\MW2 Server\main\iw_08.iwd (886 files)
  34. C:\MW2 Server\main\iw_07.iwd (782 files)
  35. C:\MW2 Server\main\iw_06.iwd (481 files)
  36. C:\MW2 Server\main\iw_05.iwd (952 files)
  37. C:\MW2 Server\main\iw_04.iwd (1005 files)
  38. C:\MW2 Server\main\iw_03.iwd (1437 files)
  39. C:\MW2 Server\main\iw_02.iwd (1391 files)
  40. C:\MW2 Server\main\iw_01.iwd (1272 files)
  41. C:\MW2 Server\main\iw_00.iwd (1428 files)
  42. C:\MW2 Server/main
  43. C:\MW2 Server/main_shared
  44. C:\MW2 Server/players
  45. C:\MW2 Server/raw
  46. C:\MW2 Server/raw_shared
  47. C:\MW2 Server/devraw
  48. C:\MW2 Server/devraw_shared
  49. C:\MW2 Server\main\localized_english_iw07.iwd (860 files)
  50. localized assets iwd file for english
  51. C:\MW2 Server\main\localized_english_iw06.iwd (1474 files)
  52. localized assets iwd file for english
  53. C:\MW2 Server\main\localized_english_iw05.iwd (1635 files)
  54. localized assets iwd file for english
  55. C:\MW2 Server\main\localized_english_iw04.iwd (2164 files)
  56. localized assets iwd file for english
  57. C:\MW2 Server\main\localized_english_iw03.iwd (2741 files)
  58. localized assets iwd file for english
  59. C:\MW2 Server\main\localized_english_iw02.iwd (2732 files)
  60. localized assets iwd file for english
  61. C:\MW2 Server\main\localized_english_iw01.iwd (2524 files)
  62. localized assets iwd file for english
  63. C:\MW2 Server\main\localized_english_iw00.iwd (3013 files)
  64. localized assets iwd file for english
  66. File Handles:
  67. handle 1: console_mp.log
  68. ----------------------
  69. 30909 files in iwd files
  70. Adding channel: error
  71. Adding channel: gamenotify
  72. Adding channel: boldgame
  73. Adding channel: subtitle
  74. Adding channel: obituary
  75. Adding channel: logfile_only
  76. Adding channel: console_only
  77. Adding channel: gfx
  78. Adding channel: sound
  79. Adding channel: files
  80. Adding channel: devgui
  81. Adding channel: profile
  82. Adding channel: ui
  83. Adding channel: client
  84. Adding channel: server
  85. Adding channel: system
  86. Adding channel: playerweap
  87. Adding channel: ai
  88. Adding channel: anim
  89. Adding channel: physics
  90. Adding channel: fx
  91. Adding channel: leaderboards
  92. Adding channel: parserscript
  93. Adding channel: script
  94. Adding channel: network
  95. No channels added or hidden
  96. Adding channel: error
  97. Adding channel: error
  98. No channels added or hidden
  99. Adding channel: gamenotify
  100. Adding channel: obituary
  101. No channels added or hidden
  102. Adding channel: boldgame
  103. No channels added or hidden
  104. Adding channel: subtitle
  105. No channels added or hidden
  106. Loading fastfile code_pre_gfx_mp
  107. Loading fastfile localized_code_pre_gfx_mp
  108. Loading fastfile patch_code_pre_gfx_mp
  109. execing default_mp.cfg from disk
  110. execing default_mp_controls.cfg from fastfile
  111. binding 'PAUSE' to 'toggle cl_paused' is not allowed
  112. binding '~' to 'toggleconsole' is not allowed
  113. binding '`' to 'toggleconsole' is not allowed
  114. binding 'F12' to 'screenshotJPEG' is not allowed
  115. No channels added or hidden
  116. execing default_mp_gamesettings.cfg from fastfile
  117. execing default_filter.cfg from disk
  118. execing language.cfg from fastfile
  119. execing config_m2.cfg from disk
  120. binding '`' to 'toggleconsole' is not allowed
  121. binding '~' to 'toggleconsole' is not allowed
  122. binding 'PAUSE' to 'toggle cl_paused' is not allowed
  123. binding 'F12' to 'screenshotJPEG' is not allowed
  124. Hiding channel: error
  125. Hiding channel: gamenotify
  126. Hiding channel: boldgame
  127. Hiding channel: subtitle
  128. Hiding channel: obituary
  129. Hiding channel: logfile_only
  130. Hiding channel: console_only
  131. Hiding channel: gfx
  132. Hiding channel: sound
  133. Hiding channel: files
  134. Hiding channel: devgui
  135. Hiding channel: profile
  136. Hiding channel: ui
  137. Hiding channel: client
  138. Hiding channel: server
  139. Hiding channel: system
  140. Hiding channel: playerweap
  141. Hiding channel: ai
  142. Hiding channel: anim
  143. Hiding channel: physics
  144. Hiding channel: fx
  145. Hiding channel: leaderboards
  146. Hiding channel: parserscript
  147. Hiding channel: script
  148. Hiding channel: network
  149. No channels added or hidden
  150. Adding channel: error
  151. Adding channel: gamenotify
  152. Adding channel: boldgame
  153. Adding channel: subtitle
  154. Adding channel: obituary
  155. Adding channel: logfile_only
  156. Adding channel: console_only
  157. Adding channel: gfx
  158. Adding channel: sound
  159. Adding channel: files
  160. Adding channel: devgui
  161. Adding channel: profile
  162. Adding channel: ui
  163. Adding channel: client
  164. Adding channel: server
  165. Adding channel: system
  166. Adding channel: playerweap
  167. Adding channel: ai
  168. Adding channel: anim
  169. Adding channel: physics
  170. Adding channel: fx
  171. Adding channel: leaderboards
  172. Adding channel: parserscript
  173. Adding channel: script
  174. Adding channel: network
  175. [RepZ auth] Sending RPC message with ID 2.
  176. [RepZ auth] Sending async RPC message with ID 2.
  177. CPU vendor is "AuthenticAMD"
  178. CPU name is "AMD Phenom(tm) II X2 560 Processor"
  179. 2 logical CPUs reported
  180. 2 physical CPUs detected
  181. Measured CPU speed is 3.31 GHz
  182. Total CPU performance is estimated as 12.38 GHz
  183. System memory is 2048 MB (capped at 2 GB)
  184. Video card is ""
  185. Streaming SIMD Extensions (SSE) supported
  187. Winsock Initialized
  188. Opening IP socket: localhost:-1
  189. Opening IP socket: localhost:28960
  190. Hostname: DESKTOP-O34PCOS
  191. IP:
  192. UPNP: Testing device 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:InternetGatewayDevice:1' by sending packet to
  193. UPNP: Testing device 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1' by sending packet to
  194. UPNP: Testing device 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANPPPConnection:1' by sending packet to
  195. UPNP: Testing device 'upnp:rootdevice' by sending packet to
  196. ----- Initializing Renderer ----
  197. execing ragdoll.cfg from fastfile
  198. ----- Client Initialization -----
  199. ----- Client Initialization Complete -----
  200. Loading fastfile code_post_gfx_mp
  201. Loading fastfile localized_code_post_gfx_mp
  202. Loading fastfile patch_mp
  203. Loading fastfile patch_alter_mp
  204. Loading fastfile localized_ui_mp
  205. Loading fastfile ui_mp
  206. Loading fastfile common_mp
  207. Loading fastfile localized_common_mp
  208. Loading fastfile dlc1_ui_mp
  209. Loading fastfile dlc2_ui_mp
  210. Loading fastfile repz_roadkill
  211. Loading fastfile weap_oilrig
  212. GamerProfile - Updating for controller #0 without saving.
  214. Reading profile for controller 0
  215. GamerProfile - Updating vars for controller #0.
  217. GamerProfile - Updating vars for controller #0.
  219. GamerProfile - Updating for controller #0 without saving.
  221. --- Common Initialization Complete ---
  222. Waited 81 msec for asset 'ui_mp/menus.txt' of type 'menufile'.
  223. HTTP service listening on port 28960
  224. Huffman Took 2 Milliseconds
  225. Error: Waited 1943 msec for missing asset "autoexec.cfg", of type "rawfile".
  226. Error: couldn't exec autoexec.cfg
  227. execing default_xboxlive.cfg from fastfile
  228. CL_Live_StartPrivateMatchHost() was called, calling Party_StopParty
  229. Calling Party_StopParty() for partyId 0
  230. Clearing migration data
  231. Clearing migration data
  232. Calling PartyHost_StartParty()
  233. PartyHost_StartParty was called, calling Party_StopParty
  234. Calling Party_StopParty() for partyId 0
  235. Clearing migration data
  236. Clearing migration data
  237. We're going to be updating trueskill #0
  238. Got our host key for our new party - xnkid (
  239. execing server.cfg from disk
  240. g_gametype will be changed upon restarting.
  241. execing gametypes_28962.cfg from disk
  242. execing rotation_28962.cfg from disk
  243. map_rotate...
  245. "sv_mapRotation" is: "gametype ffa map mp_rust gametype ffa map mp_rust gametype ffa map mp_rust gametype ffa map mp_rust gametype ffa map mp_rust gametype ffa map mp_rust gametype ffa map mp_rust gametype ffa map mp_rust gametype ffa map mp_rust gametype ffa map mp_rust gametype ffa map mp_rust gametype ffa map mp_rust gametype ffa map mp_rust "
  247. "sv_mapRotationCurrent" is: ""
  249. setting new current rotation...
  250. new gametype: ffa
  251. new map: mp_rust
  252. Loading fastfile mp_rust_load
  253. g_gametype ffa is not a valid gametype, defaulting to dm
  254. Using profile source cloud (l:1 c:1)
  255. [RepZ auth] RPC_HandleMessage: type 1111
  256. [RepZ auth] Dispatching RPC message with ID 2 and type 1111.
  257. [RepZ auth] Dispatching RPC message to async handler.
  258. [RepZ auth] GetPublisherFileCB for online_mp.img
  259. No stats found, zeroing out stats buffer
  260. execing mp/stats_init.cfg from fastfile
  261. CL_Disconnect called for local client 0
  262. ------ Server Initialization ------
  263. Server: mp_rust
  264. ----- FS_Startup -----
  265. Current language: english
  266. Current search path:
  267. C:\MW2 Server/m2demo
  268. C:\MW2 Server\main\iw_repziw4.iwd (453 files)
  269. C:\MW2 Server\main\iw_25.iwd (11 files)
  270. C:\MW2 Server\main\iw_23.iwd (425 files)
  271. C:\MW2 Server\main\iw_22.iwd (430 files)
  272. C:\MW2 Server\main\iw_21.iwd (46 files)
  273. C:\MW2 Server\main\iw_20.iwd (86 files)
  274. C:\MW2 Server\main\iw_19.iwd (57 files)
  275. C:\MW2 Server\main\iw_18.iwd (61 files)
  276. C:\MW2 Server\main\iw_17.iwd (125 files)
  277. C:\MW2 Server\main\iw_16.iwd (171 files)
  278. C:\MW2 Server\main\iw_15.iwd (198 files)
  279. C:\MW2 Server\main\iw_14.iwd (406 files)
  280. C:\MW2 Server\main\iw_13.iwd (63 files)
  281. C:\MW2 Server\main\iw_12.iwd (31 files)
  282. C:\MW2 Server\main\iw_11.iwd (297 files)
  283. C:\MW2 Server\main\iw_10.iwd (556 files)
  284. C:\MW2 Server\main\iw_09.iwd (716 files)
  285. C:\MW2 Server\main\iw_08.iwd (886 files)
  286. C:\MW2 Server\main\iw_07.iwd (782 files)
  287. C:\MW2 Server\main\iw_06.iwd (481 files)
  288. C:\MW2 Server\main\iw_05.iwd (952 files)
  289. C:\MW2 Server\main\iw_04.iwd (1005 files)
  290. C:\MW2 Server\main\iw_03.iwd (1437 files)
  291. C:\MW2 Server\main\iw_02.iwd (1391 files)
  292. C:\MW2 Server\main\iw_01.iwd (1272 files)
  293. C:\MW2 Server\main\iw_00.iwd (1428 files)
  294. C:\MW2 Server/main
  295. C:\MW2 Server/main_shared
  296. C:\MW2 Server/players
  297. C:\MW2 Server/raw
  298. C:\MW2 Server/raw_shared
  299. C:\MW2 Server/devraw
  300. C:\MW2 Server/devraw_shared
  301. C:\MW2 Server\main\localized_english_iw07.iwd (860 files)
  302. localized assets iwd file for english
  303. C:\MW2 Server\main\localized_english_iw06.iwd (1474 files)
  304. localized assets iwd file for english
  305. C:\MW2 Server\main\localized_english_iw05.iwd (1635 files)
  306. localized assets iwd file for english
  307. C:\MW2 Server\main\localized_english_iw04.iwd (2164 files)
  308. localized assets iwd file for english
  309. C:\MW2 Server\main\localized_english_iw03.iwd (2741 files)
  310. localized assets iwd file for english
  311. C:\MW2 Server\main\localized_english_iw02.iwd (2732 files)
  312. localized assets iwd file for english
  313. C:\MW2 Server\main\localized_english_iw01.iwd (2524 files)
  314. localized assets iwd file for english
  315. C:\MW2 Server\main\localized_english_iw00.iwd (3013 files)
  316. localized assets iwd file for english
  318. File Handles:
  319. handle 1: console_mp.log
  320. ----------------------
  321. 61818 files in iwd files
  322. Unloaded fastfile dlc2_ui_mp
  323. Unloaded fastfile dlc1_ui_mp
  324. Loading fastfile team_us_army
  325. Loading fastfile team_tf141
  326. Loading fastfile mp_rust
  327. Waited 482 msec for asset 'maps/mp/mp_rust.d3dbsp' of type 'col_map_mp'.
  328. ------- Game Initialization -------
  329. gamename: IW4
  330. gamedate: Jan 14 2010
  331. Loading script scripts/admin.gsc...
  333. ******* script compile error *******
  334. Howdy there, fella' - it seems you made a mistake!
  335. Error: bad token 'ÿ' at file scripts/admin.gsc, line 1:ÿþ#
  336. *
  337. ************************************
  338. ********************
  339. ERROR: script compile error
  340. bad token 'ÿ'
  341. scripts/admin.gsc
  342. (see console for actual details)
  344. ********************
  345. CL_Disconnect called for local client 0
  346. Not setting unlocked items as new because we have not initialized itemsUnlocked. This should only happen after a map load error.
  347. Saving lastPlayedTime of 1438561819.
  348. ----- Server Shutdown -----
  349. Resolving localhost
  350. localhost resolved to
  351. [RepZ auth] Sending RPC message with ID 3.
  352. [RepZ auth] Sending async RPC message with ID 3.
  353. Resolving localhost
  354. localhost resolved to
  355. [RepZ auth] Sending RPC message with ID 4.
  356. [RepZ auth] Sending async RPC message with ID 4.
  357. ==== ShutdownGame (1) ====
  358. CL_Disconnect called for local client 0
  359. ---------------------------
  360. Com_ErrorCleanup was called, calling Party_Sleep
  361. Calling Party_StopParty() for partyId 0
  362. Deleting session gameSession (handle 00000001)
  363. Deleting 'gameSession' session
  364. Clearing migration data
  365. Clearing migration data
  366. Working directory: C:\MW2 Server
  367. GamerProfile - Updating and possibly saving for controller #0.
  369. Could not find menu 'main'
  370. Calling Party_StopParty() for partyId 0
  371. Clearing migration data
  372. Clearing migration data
  373. Calling Party_StopParty() for partyId 1
  374. Clearing migration data
  375. Clearing migration data
  376. [RepZ auth] RPC_HandleMessage: type 1302
  377. [RepZ auth] Dispatching RPC message with ID 3 and type 1302.
  378. [RepZ auth] Dispatching RPC message to async handler.
  379. [RepZ auth] RPC_HandleMessage: type 1302
  380. [RepZ auth] Dispatching RPC message with ID 4 and type 1302.
  381. [RepZ auth] Dispatching RPC message to async handler.
  382. [RepZ auth] We are not able to reach this server, possibily others from the internet will have the same problem. Make sure you portforwarded correctly.
  383. [RepZ auth] We are not able to reach this server, possibily others from the internet will have the same problem. Make sure you portforwarded correctly.
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