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Nov 7th, 2017
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  2. 00:00
  3. don't get to talk to you for the first
  4. 00:01
  5. time in a stream ever and it looks like
  6. 00:05
  7. we're live well hi everybody is that
  8. 00:11
  9. kind of your standard-issue intro I
  10. 00:12
  11. don't usually listen to your podcast
  12. 00:14
  13. series there is no standard issue intro
  14. 00:17
  15. this is this is a fucking hat man show
  16. 00:20
  17. what do you expect it's always late and
  18. 00:24
  19. something is going to go that's just the
  20. 00:26
  21. standard operating procedure here you
  22. 00:29
  23. got a little bit of tininess going on
  24. 00:31
  25. your voice too kind of some distortion
  26. 00:32
  27. just super help well let's see if I can
  28. 00:35
  29. fix that
  30. 00:37
  31. hopefully this won't kill me I'm the one
  32. 00:41
  33. running on the super budget $25 best buy
  34. 00:43
  35. microphone I used to have a pretty
  36. 00:49
  37. decent little headset and then I guess
  38. 00:52
  39. one day my cat decided the court looked
  40. 00:54
  41. tastier than her dinner no God
  42. 00:58
  43. alright hopefully hopefully I'm not I'm
  44. 01:00
  45. not a robot now but I can't make any
  46. 01:02
  47. promises
  48. 01:03
  49. there you go you sound better okay yep
  50. 01:05
  51. that's that's what it is sometimes you
  52. 01:07
  53. gotta use your phone as as your fucking
  54. 01:09
  55. modem so are you actually running off
  56. 01:12
  57. your cell phone yep well using using
  58. 01:17
  59. that is basically the modem for my
  60. 01:19
  61. fucking laptop because okay well they
  62. 01:22
  63. got that they had that bridging the
  64. 01:24
  65. software stuff I know about her do you
  66. 01:26
  67. have one of the little docs that plugs
  68. 01:27
  69. into your USB not basically just my
  70. 01:32
  71. iPhone is magic
  72. 01:34
  73. iPhone I told you I am a Mac even Oh God
  74. 01:40
  75. in all senses of the term I sold my soul
  76. 01:44
  77. to Apple probably a decade and a half
  78. 01:46
  79. ago do you know what Mac OS is it's an
  80. 01:51
  81. operating system for people who are too
  82. 01:53
  83. posh to use Windows but too dumb to run
  84. 01:55
  85. Linux you're really not wrong at least
  86. 02:04
  87. that's the way we use and say it back in
  88. 02:05
  89. the day
  90. 02:06
  91. you're really not wrong but anyway uh hi
  92. 02:11
  93. everyone if if you're actually
  94. 02:14
  95. listening to to this bullshit I'm I'm
  96. 02:18
  97. the goddamn hat man he's the goddamn
  98. 02:21
  99. acid man we well I talked about
  100. 02:25
  101. gamergate stuff last night and I sort of
  102. 02:30
  103. named dropped acid here and it was like
  104. 02:33
  105. you know what fuck it let's let's do a
  106. 02:35
  107. stream where we talk about some shit
  108. 02:37
  109. well it was actually one of our Mutual's
  110. 02:39
  111. on Twitter I'd been out with friends all
  112. 02:42
  113. day and I got back home and I was
  114. 02:43
  115. checking my DMS cuz I've been talking
  116. 02:45
  117. with the head honcho over at tech Raptor
  118. 02:48
  119. trying to kind of calm down this
  120. 02:50
  121. bubbling volcano that we've got going on
  122. 02:52
  123. and I caught this diem in there he said
  124. 02:55
  125. hey you were mentioned on this stream
  126. 02:56
  127. and that basically said where the hell
  128. 02:59
  129. is acid man who could talk about some of
  130. 03:01
  131. this crap I was like you know it's been
  132. 03:03
  133. a long time I've never done one of these
  134. 03:04
  135. things
  136. 03:05
  137. owing to an old promise I made to the
  138. 03:06
  139. board but there was an exception to that
  140. 03:08
  141. for talking about gamergate related
  142. 03:10
  143. stuff and I think this would probably
  144. 03:12
  145. qualify seems like it at the very least
  146. 03:16
  147. well lord knows we got a lot of shit
  148. 03:18
  149. happening right now no holy hell I mean
  150. 03:24
  151. at least at least it's not the the level
  152. 03:29
  153. of weekend drama that we were used to
  154. 03:32
  155. years ago I remember the calendars that
  156. 03:36
  157. used to get sent around as an image
  158. 03:37
  159. macro it's like Monday ethics Tuesday
  160. 03:41
  161. dis not Wednesday
  162. 03:45
  163. you know emails to developers or
  164. 03:47
  165. whatever then Saturday drama Sunday
  166. 03:50
  167. drama yep pretty much that's that's how
  168. 03:54
  169. it went that man goes on vacation extra
  170. 03:58
  171. helping of drama I don't think I ever
  172. 04:02
  173. took a vacation when the board was like
  174. 04:04
  175. super active yeah that kindness
  176. 04:09
  177. Disneyworld was a thing in Star Wars
  178. 04:11
  179. Weekends was a thing and then I later
  180. 04:14
  181. found out that was the last Star Wars
  182. 04:15
  183. Weekends that they were going to have so
  184. 04:18
  185. kind of uh kind of ruined it for me
  186. 04:21
  187. there you a bunch of assholes but only
  188. 04:24
  189. kind of
  190. 04:26
  191. I work way too much to take vacation
  192. 04:30
  193. time most of the time but it's nice got
  194. 04:34
  195. a situation where I love my job so it
  196. 04:35
  197. never really feels like work
  198. 04:39
  199. unfortunately
  200. 04:41
  201. I I don't I don't have one of one of
  202. 04:46
  203. those jobs the job that I just quit on
  204. 04:49
  205. Saturday was abysmal
  206. 04:51
  207. and I'm glad to be out of there what
  208. 04:57
  209. were you doing of retail that work yeah
  210. 05:02
  211. it was awful especially especially
  212. 05:04
  213. coming off of working at a fucking news
  214. 05:08
  215. station I mean that's that's kind of a
  216. 05:11
  217. shift in the it really is I was making
  218. 05:14
  219. more money in retails surprisingly
  220. 05:17
  221. enough but I hated every every damn day
  222. 05:21
  223. of it and it was it was always just a
  224. 05:25
  225. slog to get through I had headaches
  226. 05:29
  227. constantly I mean I had to I had to
  228. 05:31
  229. carry fucking excedrin in my pocket
  230. 05:34
  231. whenever I would go in because I would
  232. 05:36
  233. need four or five pills by the time my
  234. 05:40
  235. shift was over
  236. 05:44
  237. fuck that shit yeah I can see that glad
  238. 05:50
  239. to be out of there though
  240. 05:54
  241. retail is better than being a waiter uh
  242. 05:56
  243. are they really so different though are
  244. 06:00
  245. they really that much different well it
  246. 06:06
  247. kind of depends on the circumstances I
  248. 06:07
  249. think trying to think here real quick
  250. 06:13
  251. like when I got out of college and I
  252. 06:15
  253. went after my first major employment I
  254. 06:19
  255. made a rule for myself and that was I
  256. 06:22
  257. was not going to work in two places no
  258. 06:24
  259. matter what I was not gonna do big-box
  260. 06:26
  261. retail and I was not gonna do fast food
  262. 06:29
  263. and so what I wound up actually doing
  264. 06:32
  265. was I trove around all the nearby towns
  266. 06:35
  267. and I went until I found a store that
  268. 06:37
  269. looked kind of interesting it was a
  270. 06:40
  271. place that actually sold army equipment
  272. 06:43
  273. right outside an army base not too far
  274. 06:45
  275. from here and I walked in and I talked
  276. 06:49
  277. with the manager a little bit and they
  278. 06:50
  279. happened to have a you know we're hiring
  280. 06:52
  281. sign up on one of their windows and I
  282. 06:54
  283. went back in it was one of those
  284. 06:55
  285. businesses that was small enough you
  286. 06:57
  287. could actually walk in and talk to the
  288. 06:58
  289. guy who owns the place mm-hmm and I told
  290. 07:02
  291. him my story I was just out of college
  292. 07:03
  293. my father had recently passed away it
  294. 07:06
  295. was my first time kind of out in the
  296. 07:07
  297. workforce and his stuff looked
  298. 07:09
  299. interesting and I'd be happy to try
  300. 07:11
  301. learning how to sell it and we talked
  302. 07:13
  303. for probably two hours back there over
  304. 07:15
  305. cups of coffee and in the end we shook
  306. 07:17
  307. hands and he said fill out an
  308. 07:18
  309. application and they called me back the
  310. 07:20
  311. next day said you're hired damn
  312. 07:26
  313. how long ago was that if you don't mind
  314. 07:29
  315. my asking that was oh seven I did theirs
  316. 07:34
  317. again yep they started me off as a
  318. 07:36
  319. part-time register monkey and I did that
  320. 07:38
  321. for about three months and then they
  322. 07:40
  323. moved me to full-time and I did that for
  324. 07:42
  325. about six months and they transferred me
  326. 07:44
  327. back to shipping and I did really well
  328. 07:48
  329. back there they put me in charge of
  330. 07:49
  331. training new employees after the first
  332. 07:51
  333. month and then I got promoted again at
  334. 07:54
  335. the end of that year and actually for a
  336. 07:56
  337. while I had my own office in the company
  338. 07:58
  339. headquarters of the shipping manager I
  340. 08:00
  341. did that for about a year and it was a
  342. 08:05
  343. good job I got decent pay but I was
  344. 08:07
  345. sitting in a chair at a computer all day
  346. 08:09
  347. and the town that I was working in a
  348. 08:13
  349. small town a lot of greasy spoon diner
  350. 08:16
  351. tight places mm-hmm I'm a big guy I eat
  352. 08:21
  353. a lot and I went from being a 265 pound
  354. 08:25
  355. muscley X weight lifter to 360 pounds
  356. 08:30
  357. Jesus Christ yeah and I started having
  358. 08:33
  359. circulation problems in my legs and at
  360. 08:35
  361. the end of that year I had to do
  362. 08:38
  363. something to get me out and active again
  364. 08:40
  365. so I took up shooting which is a hobby I
  366. 08:42
  367. had when I was a kid and I joined the
  368. 08:45
  369. local gun range up there and I fell in
  370. 08:47
  371. with this little gun store and I
  372. 08:49
  373. to know the owner real well became kind
  374. 08:52
  375. of a regular customer it is and in about
  376. 08:57
  377. Oh probably Oh nine I think it was
  378. 09:01
  379. February he took an interest in selling
  380. 09:04
  381. guns on the internet which he was an old
  382. 09:06
  383. guy you know cannot into computer type a
  384. 09:09
  385. deal and so I taught him how to sell
  386. 09:13
  387. guns on the internet and things kind of
  388. 09:16
  389. started to pick up for his business and
  390. 09:18
  391. one day I was in there and he told me
  392. 09:20
  393. you know look I kind of need you to
  394. 09:21
  395. shoot her get off the pot if you want to
  396. 09:24
  397. come work for me full-time and help me
  398. 09:25
  399. sell guns here's your invitation and I
  400. 09:29
  401. said oh hell yes and so that got me out
  402. 09:32
  403. of my office job and I went to work for
  404. 09:34
  405. him as a full-time sales staff and I did
  406. 09:37
  407. that for about two years and got
  408. 09:39
  409. promoted to store manager and then a
  410. 09:42
  411. year after that he kind of semi-retired
  412. 09:44
  413. and appointed me as the operations
  414. 09:45
  415. manager for his gun business and I did
  416. 09:48
  417. that all the way up until February March
  418. 09:53
  419. April would have been about the end of
  420. 09:55
  421. May 2015 and I moved out of there
  422. 10:00
  423. because I got an invitation from some of
  424. 10:01
  425. my customers who were running their own
  426. 10:03
  427. gun store to come up and run their
  428. 10:06
  429. operation for him full time because the
  430. 10:08
  431. guy that I was working under was looking
  432. 10:09
  433. at retiring so I waltzed in and they
  434. 10:13
  435. turned over the keys and said kind of
  436. 10:15
  437. you know here you go make it run that's
  438. 10:18
  439. where I've been ever since and it's been
  440. 10:19
  441. a blast
  442. 10:22
  443. um I don't know if you if you can really
  444. 10:27
  445. answer this question I know it's a
  446. 10:29
  447. little or it could violate some kind of
  448. 10:33
  449. confidentiality if you or whatever have
  450. 10:36
  451. you had any interesting quote-unquote
  452. 10:41
  453. customers come into your gun stores at
  454. 10:44
  455. all
  456. 10:44
  457. you always get interesting customers
  458. 10:47
  459. both kinds you know I've got I've got a
  460. 10:51
  461. group of guys who comes in about once a
  462. 10:53
  463. month who could probably stock a UH a
  464. 10:56
  465. National Guard Armory with the amount of
  466. 10:58
  467. stuff that they've bought but they're
  468. 11:00
  469. just a bunch of cool old country guys
  470. 11:02
  471. and then every once in a while
  472. 11:04
  473. especially at the old store because it
  474. 11:06
  475. was a kind of a smaller nastier town
  476. 11:08
  477. close to an army base we used to get the
  478. 11:10
  479. occasional weirdos coming in but they
  480. 11:13
  481. they got introduced to the exit in a
  482. 11:16
  483. pretty reasonable manner if they did or
  484. 11:18
  485. said anything that was untoward any
  486. 11:25
  487. massive conspiracy theorists popping in
  488. 11:28
  489. nor I got one he's he's kind of on the
  490. 11:31
  491. borderline of getting asked not to come
  492. 11:33
  493. back
  494. 11:34
  495. he pops in every couple of months and
  496. 11:37
  497. he's always on a rant about the Jews and
  498. 11:39
  499. every other thing so far he hasn't done
  500. 11:44
  501. anything to upset other customers or
  502. 11:46
  503. give me a concrete reason to ask him to
  504. 11:48
  505. leave but I don't look forward to him
  506. 11:50
  507. wandering in though the point where you
  508. 11:53
  509. need to stop taking Alex Jones literally
  510. 11:57
  511. but no one no one who's come in talking
  512. 12:00
  513. about how the the Hispanics are alerted
  514. 12:04
  515. on it's not quite that bad I'll tell you
  516. 12:08
  517. the weirdest one I ever had I met my
  518. 12:12
  519. first Guido gangbanger one time I want
  520. 12:16
  521. you to picture a guy scrawny white kid
  522. 12:18
  523. and a wife beater in the middle of fall
  524. 12:21
  525. comes in an old cargo shorts this white
  526. 12:24
  527. wife beater
  528. 12:24
  529. he's got bleach blonde dreadlocks all
  530. 12:28
  531. the way down to his ass he's wearing two
  532. 12:32
  533. he's where I never forget he's wearing
  534. 12:34
  535. two different kinds of shoes he has like
  536. 12:37
  537. a red Reebok on his right foot and like
  538. 12:40
  539. a black Nike on his left foot strike me
  540. 12:47
  541. down if I'm lyin and this dude comes in
  542. 12:49
  543. and he asks me if I got a deuce deuce
  544. 12:51
  545. with him beams and threw out you know a
  546. 12:56
  547. complicated sequence of hand gestures
  548. 12:58
  549. and grunting we eventually managed to
  550. 13:01
  551. communicate across that a deuce deuce
  552. 13:03
  553. referred to a semi-automatic 22 caliber
  554. 13:06
  555. target pistol with dim beams
  556. 13:10
  557. representing a tactical laser sight
  558. 13:12
  559. that's fitted to its front rail so what
  560. 13:15
  561. the guy wanted was like a Walther p22
  562. 13:17
  563. with a laser sight on it but in his in
  564. 13:20
  565. his particular I'm not sure what
  566. 13:23
  567. dimension he was from but in their
  568. 13:24
  569. vernacular you described that as a deuce
  570. 13:26
  571. deuce with dim beams
  572. 13:28
  573. and I rather quickly informed him that
  574. 13:32
  575. no we didn't I don't have any any deuce
  576. 13:35
  577. deuces with dim beams which you may wish
  578. 13:37
  579. to try the the pawn shop and get him
  580. 13:39
  581. pour him up the way there they may have
  582. 13:41
  583. one for you Jesus that was my worst one
  584. 13:46
  585. I have them I will never forget the
  586. 13:49
  587. shoes thing oh I've heard some crazy
  588. 14:00
  589. stories but I did have a guy come in one
  590. 14:02
  591. time that I would swear to God with some
  592. 14:03
  593. kind of Russian hitman he this was
  594. 14:06
  595. during the height of the big Obama gun
  596. 14:08
  597. boom and and this that this is my old
  598. 14:10
  599. store that I was managing which is was
  600. 14:12
  601. the biggest gun shop in the region by a
  602. 14:14
  603. good-sized margin and I have this older
  604. 14:18
  605. gentleman come in one day and he was
  606. 14:22
  607. wearing a suit and he was wearing a suit
  608. 14:24
  609. like he wore a suit every day if you
  610. 14:27
  611. understand my meaning mm-hmm
  612. 14:29
  613. nice jewelry nice shoes like alligator
  614. 14:32
  615. leather and he came in and he asks me if
  616. 14:35
  617. I could get one of the then at the time
  618. 14:36
  619. brand new Barrett m107 50 caliber sniper
  620. 14:40
  621. rifles and I called my big big big
  622. 14:44
  623. distributor I do business with out of
  624. 14:45
  625. Texas and he says yeah we got four of
  626. 14:47
  627. them in the warehouse if you really want
  628. 14:49
  629. one so I quoted this guy on one and the
  630. 14:52
  631. price was like 13,500 and he says thank
  632. 14:57
  633. you very much and he strolls on out the
  634. 14:59
  635. door
  636. 14:59
  637. I didn't see him again for about a week
  638. 15:01
  639. and he walked in he was carrying a
  640. 15:03
  641. briefcase and he comes back to the back
  642. 15:06
  643. counter and he says could you call your
  644. 15:08
  645. supplier and see if they still have that
  646. 15:10
  647. Barrett available and so I call my guy
  648. 15:13
  649. backup and he says yeah we've still got
  650. 15:15
  651. four of them and I tell the guy that
  652. 15:17
  653. they've got four he says I'd like to
  654. 15:19
  655. order two is your price that you gave me
  656. 15:22
  657. still good
  658. 15:23
  659. and I says absolutely and like out of a
  660. 15:25
  661. fucking mobster movie he puts this
  662. 15:27
  663. briefcase up on my counter and pops it
  664. 15:29
  665. and inside are stacks of $50 bills with
  666. 15:33
  667. the bank band still around him and this
  668. 15:36
  669. guy counts me out $17,000 in cash and
  670. 15:42
  671. I've got this massive steel drop safe in
  672. 15:45
  673. the gun store and we counted all of that
  674. 15:48
  675. shit out and we put it in there and I
  676. 15:49
  677. ordered him to 50 caliber sniper rifles
  678. 15:52
  679. and about two weeks later they showed up
  680. 15:55
  681. he came in we did his paperwork passed
  682. 15:57
  683. his background check with flying colors
  684. 15:59
  685. picked up these two massive Pelican
  686. 16:01
  687. cases and strolled on out the door I
  688. 16:03
  689. never saw him again
  690. 16:05
  691. damn damn 50 dollar bills that's that's
  692. 16:12
  693. actually kind of creative yep
  694. 16:19
  695. damn so yeah I've never had anything
  696. 16:23
  697. anything quite like that where I work
  698. 16:27
  699. but I wholly expect I would not well
  700. 16:34
  701. that was one of the more interesting
  702. 16:35
  703. ones I mean you always get all types a
  704. 16:37
  705. good gun the store is like a good bar
  706. 16:39
  707. everybody's got a story everybody who
  708. 16:42
  709. works there knows your name it's that's
  710. 16:45
  711. kind of what separates us from the big
  712. 16:46
  713. box places like Academy Sports and
  714. 16:48
  715. things like that people want to come in
  716. 16:50
  717. and deal with somebody they actually
  718. 16:51
  719. know what the hell are talking about
  720. 16:53
  721. yeah and you don't get that you know the
  722. 16:56
  723. a place like Walmart they hire somebody
  724. 16:59
  725. to run their gun counter back at
  726. 17:00
  727. Sporting Goods they the person usually
  728. 17:02
  729. might as well be selling shoes yeah
  730. 17:04
  731. they've got a little bit of retail
  732. 17:06
  733. experience but they're not a gun guy
  734. 17:09
  735. it's funny I actually went to college
  736. 17:11
  737. for five years on a double major doing
  738. 17:14
  739. physics and math and never wound up
  740. 17:17
  741. using a lick of it apart from a few bits
  742. 17:19
  743. when we were doing an indoor gun range
  744. 17:21
  745. design it's like there's no college
  746. 17:23
  747. degree for what I do no not not really
  748. 17:27
  749. it's basically hobbyist or ex-military
  750. 17:34
  751. seems like yeah it's
  752. 17:36
  753. well even ex-military and I love
  754. 17:38
  755. soldiers probably a third of my major
  756. 17:40
  757. friends circle are all soldiers from
  758. 17:42
  759. Fort Riley they know weapons but they
  760. 17:47
  761. know the weapons that they were trained
  762. 17:48
  763. on hmm like I can hand any of those guys
  764. 17:51
  765. any brand of ar-15 and they're as much
  766. 17:53
  767. of an expert on it as I am we start
  768. 17:55
  769. talking about the more exotic vanilli
  770. 17:57
  771. shotguns and just like everybody else is
  772. 17:59
  773. kind of deer in headlights I was it I
  774. 18:07
  775. got a laugh out of that because you
  776. 18:09
  777. always hear liberals talking about shit
  778. 18:10
  779. like you know one of the old arguments
  780. 18:13
  781. we used to see for gun control back in
  782. 18:14
  783. the 90s was hey people need like
  784. 18:17
  785. military or police level training
  786. 18:19
  787. experience to handle guns and stuff like
  788. 18:21
  789. that and it doesn't really work that way
  790. 18:29
  791. nope nope I don't think you need
  792. 18:33
  793. military or police level experience to
  794. 18:38
  795. operate a fucking 2 to 3 rifle you know
  796. 18:43
  797. I'll tell you what we actually had
  798. 18:44
  799. police qualifying at our indoor range
  800. 18:47
  801. police have here's the test that police
  802. 18:50
  803. at least in our state have to pass they
  804. 18:52
  805. have to fire 50 rounds every six months
  806. 18:55
  807. that's a single box of ammo and at 7
  808. 18:59
  809. yards I think of a 7 yards you know on a
  810. 19:04
  811. silhouette target you got the big like
  812. 19:05
  813. two and a half by three paper target has
  814. 19:08
  815. a silhouette on it they have to get at
  816. 19:10
  817. least 25 out of 50 in the black in the
  818. 19:14
  819. actual target zone that represents the
  820. 19:16
  821. person if they can do that that's their
  822. 19:18
  823. weapon qualification Wow yeah Wow the AB
  824. 19:25
  825. the average pistol hobbyist who goes to
  826. 19:28
  827. the range once a month just to have fun
  828. 19:30
  829. can shoot that well if not far better
  830. 19:32
  831. now is there is there a caliber
  832. 19:35
  833. requirement for that at all
  834. 19:37
  835. no they have to qualify with whatever
  836. 19:39
  837. their normal service pistol is okay
  838. 19:41
  839. which in this state is probably 90% a
  840. 19:44
  841. combination a nine millimeter and 40 Cal
  842. 19:46
  843. with a few departments using 45s
  844. 19:49
  845. nope ten millimeter anywhere no I am a
  846. 19:53
  847. huge 10 millimeter geek but it's not
  848. 19:55
  849. using any official capacity around here
  850. 19:59
  851. it was about to say if if if they could
  852. 20:02
  853. use it with with any any fucking gun
  854. 20:04
  855. just take it 22 out there and you
  856. 20:06
  857. basically sent that's actually what a
  858. 20:08
  859. lot of people do for their concealed
  860. 20:10
  861. carry license qualifications is
  862. 20:12
  863. especially the women they'll come and
  864. 20:14
  865. they'll qualify with a 22 where they
  866. 20:15
  867. wind up actually packing like a 38
  868. 20:17
  869. revolver or something mm-hmm I think I
  870. 20:22
  871. think for here whatever you take the
  872. 20:26
  873. shooting test with you it has to be what
  874. 20:29
  875. you're planning on carrying but I I
  876. 20:30
  877. could be completely wrong on that I
  878. 20:32
  879. don't know much about I just want to say
  880. 20:35
  881. to the Joker's over in the chat real
  882. 20:36
  883. quick that osku is my waifu not my best
  884. 20:44
  885. girl countdown to the how disgusting
  886. 20:49
  887. jokes you know half the reason why i use
  888. 20:54
  889. her as my freakin uh kinda go everywhere
  890. 20:57
  891. representation just because the salt it
  892. 21:00
  893. generates you wouldn't you wouldn't
  894. 21:05
  895. think it would it would generate that
  896. 21:08
  897. much outrage i don't know yeah well
  898. 21:13
  899. let's just say that the there's a
  900. 21:15
  901. copypasta not a copypasta an image macro
  902. 21:18
  903. that makes its way around hm sometimes
  904. 21:21
  905. that it's like oscar versus ray you two
  906. 21:25
  907. have been doing this shit for 20 fucking
  908. 21:27
  909. years or something like that i really
  910. 21:32
  911. want to just pin trump down sometime and
  912. 21:34
  913. ask him which one he would pick and if
  914. 21:40
  915. trump says cow rude then we're fucked
  916. 21:43
  917. now you know he's gonna want the the
  918. 21:46
  919. energetic go-getter redhead he was all
  920. 21:48
  921. competitive and shit he's not he's not
  922. 21:50
  923. gonna put up with some submissive little
  924. 21:52
  925. silver haired doll well obviously if he
  926. 21:55
  927. answers anything but oscar the the
  928. 21:57
  929. proper response is what are you stupid
  930. 22:00
  931. or something on top Baca
  932. 22:03
  933. I guess if you if you want to go with
  934. 22:06
  935. the whole subtitle thing but hey it's
  936. 22:15
  937. the Internet and then we reserve the
  938. 22:16
  939. right to discuss means at our leisure
  940. 22:20
  941. dankmemes in the electric dream the
  942. 22:24
  943. electric dream you lost me on that one
  944. 22:26
  945. yeah the electric dream Do Androids
  946. 22:31
  947. Dream of Electric meems oh okay gotcha
  948. 22:33
  949. uh well I guess we should probably turn
  950. 22:42
  951. on some of the gamergate related stuff
  952. 22:44
  953. problem probably so I think some people
  954. 22:47
  955. are that was the stated point of our
  956. 22:48
  957. discussion I guess what some people are
  958. 22:50
  959. waiting for so where the hell do we
  960. 22:53
  961. start should we start with the whole
  962. 22:54
  963. tech Raptor thing yeah that's kind of
  964. 22:56
  965. what I've been thinking about it's like
  966. 22:57
  967. there's so much backstory to this and
  968. 23:00
  969. it's not like I've come out with you
  970. 23:01
  971. know regular updates on this streaming
  972. 23:03
  973. type crap yeah I guess we can take a
  974. 23:09
  975. look at the at the tech Raptor scenario
  976. 23:11
  977. so I've been talking a little bit with
  978. 23:13
  979. the owner of tech Raptor by a Twitter DM
  980. 23:15
  981. just trying to kind of smooth a little
  982. 23:17
  983. bit of this stuff over and most
  984. 23:20
  985. importantly figure out what they're you
  986. 23:22
  987. know what their intentions with what
  988. 23:23
  989. they did really were and I'm not perfect
  990. 23:27
  991. you know I'm not I'm not Denzel
  992. 23:30
  993. Washington the negotiator but I do a lot
  994. 23:33
  995. of business and a lot of it's
  996. 23:35
  997. face-to-face and conversation type stuff
  998. 23:36
  999. I don't think I'm a terrible
  1000. 23:37
  1001. conversationalist when it comes to the
  1002. 23:39
  1003. issues and what I think is going on is
  1004. 23:43
  1005. that tech Raptor they got the spotlight
  1006. 23:46
  1007. shone on them
  1008. 23:47
  1009. by the the whole scheme curator
  1010. 23:50
  1011. controversy there from about a week ago
  1012. 23:52
  1013. and when that happened attention got
  1014. 23:55
  1015. drawn to a lot of their older gamergate
  1016. 23:57
  1017. related articles because that was you
  1018. 23:59
  1019. know of course the evidence that
  1020. 24:00
  1021. everybody was pointing out from the from
  1022. 24:02
  1023. the sjw and Jerr no click shit media
  1024. 24:05
  1025. side at hey these guys are gamergaters
  1026. 24:07
  1027. blah blah blah well it wasn't the tech
  1028. 24:11
  1029. Raptor was offended by their gamergate
  1030. 24:13
  1031. content being pointed out is that they
  1032. 24:16
  1033. were offended
  1034. 24:17
  1035. by the low quality level of the articles
  1036. 24:19
  1037. that were written at the time basically
  1038. 24:23
  1039. I guess what I'm trying to say is if the
  1040. 24:25
  1041. same articles containing the same
  1042. 24:27
  1043. information we're on the site but in a
  1044. 24:30
  1045. better written and presented form those
  1046. 24:33
  1047. articles would not have been deleted
  1048. 24:35
  1049. irrespective of them being involved with
  1050. 24:36
  1051. gamergate but they jumped the gun to try
  1052. 24:40
  1053. and clean up and sort of curate this old
  1054. 24:42
  1055. content because it and I read back
  1056. 24:45
  1057. through some of the pieces and while the
  1058. 24:46
  1059. information and the pieces was good you
  1060. 24:48
  1061. know especially for the time as we were
  1062. 24:51
  1063. still trying to figure out a lot of the
  1064. 24:52
  1065. shit that was going on - yeah the
  1066. 24:55
  1067. writing and the the overall quality of
  1068. 24:58
  1069. the pieces was kind of spotty no I'm not
  1070. 25:02
  1071. a professional journalist or a writing
  1072. 25:03
  1073. analyst or anything like that but they
  1074. 25:05
  1075. read like something you'd read on a I'm
  1076. 25:07
  1077. kind of an amateur blog yeah speaking as
  1078. 25:10
  1079. someone with that kind of a background
  1080. 25:12
  1081. yeah and I I think it could really be
  1082. 25:14
  1083. attributed to the fact that Tec Raptor
  1084. 25:17
  1085. was a fledgling site exactly time yeah
  1086. 25:20
  1087. it started I think like a month or two
  1088. 25:23
  1089. before gamergate actually got into full
  1090. 25:25
  1091. swing yeah between then and now their
  1092. 25:28
  1093. own standards for the work that they
  1094. 25:29
  1095. have has gone way up yes and they were
  1096. 25:32
  1097. embarrassed at the quality of those
  1098. 25:33
  1099. pieces and so they decided that hey
  1100. 25:36
  1101. let's shit can these real quick and then
  1102. 25:38
  1103. we had two fuck-ups happen almost
  1104. 25:40
  1105. simultaneously one was that the article
  1106. 25:43
  1107. that announced that those pieces was
  1108. 25:45
  1109. going to be removed has that infamous
  1110. 25:46
  1111. paragraph in it where they kind of and I
  1112. 25:50
  1113. don't I really should have looked before
  1114. 25:51
  1115. I started talking about this but the
  1116. 25:53
  1117. author of that piece whose name I don't
  1118. 25:55
  1119. know at the moment that one paragraph
  1120. 25:58
  1121. sounded like he was trying to distance
  1122. 26:00
  1123. tech Raptor from any involvement in
  1124. 26:02
  1125. gamergate that was in jarate
  1126. 26:04
  1127. yeah that that and it's if you want to
  1128. 26:07
  1129. read it that way you can definitely read
  1130. 26:09
  1131. it as being a weasel worded condemnation
  1132. 26:11
  1133. of us so that perked up a lot of ears
  1134. 26:15
  1135. and I think got a lot of folks kind of
  1136. 26:17
  1137. focused on our side toward this article
  1138. 26:20
  1139. and what tech raptor was doing from the
  1140. 26:22
  1141. get-go and then the other issue was that
  1142. 26:25
  1143. they decided to just delete the articles
  1144. 26:27
  1145. outright without just you know up
  1146. 26:30
  1147. eating them or posting a not exactly a
  1148. 26:32
  1149. retraction but you know some sort of
  1150. 26:35
  1151. statement on the article this is an
  1152. 26:36
  1153. older piece it's not up to our current
  1154. 26:38
  1155. quality standards and archiving them or
  1156. 26:40
  1157. something like that yeah they just kind
  1158. 26:42
  1159. of opted to memory hold them instead
  1160. 26:43
  1161. which is an understandable mistake to
  1162. 26:46
  1163. make because Tec Raptor is not a
  1164. 26:48
  1165. professional outlet still they're an
  1166. 26:50
  1167. amateur outlet in the process of
  1168. 26:52
  1169. transitioning to become a professional
  1170. 26:54
  1171. outlet they're gonna fuck things up from
  1172. 26:56
  1173. time to time but when you combine that
  1174. 26:59
  1175. with the way it looked with that
  1176. 27:01
  1177. paragraph that they wrote and the fact
  1178. 27:02
  1179. that most of those early articles were
  1180. 27:04
  1181. Gigi related yeah it looks pretty
  1182. 27:06
  1183. fucking bad to say to say the least yeah
  1184. 27:11
  1185. but at the same time you got to remember
  1186. 27:14
  1187. that looks can be deceiving and at least
  1188. 27:16
  1189. in my view and this is the view that
  1190. 27:17
  1191. I've been trying to convince some other
  1192. 27:18
  1193. people to when in doubt you give your a
  1194. 27:23
  1195. lie is your you know at least friendly
  1196. 27:26
  1197. neutrals because I don't think we could
  1198. 27:27
  1199. call tech Raptor and unfriendly neutral
  1200. 27:29
  1201. the benefit of the doubt when you have
  1202. 27:32
  1203. at least a plausible explanation you
  1204. 27:35
  1205. give them the benefit of assuming that
  1206. 27:37
  1207. it's not the that it's not the malicious
  1208. 27:40
  1209. intent right off the bat yeah this is
  1210. 27:45
  1211. and is something that you know me as a
  1212. 27:50
  1213. former contributor tactic Raptor I was
  1214. 27:54
  1215. there for a couple of months a year ago
  1216. 27:56
  1217. almost exactly it's something that's
  1218. 28:00
  1219. been a little bit difficult for me to
  1220. 28:03
  1221. process because it's it seems like the
  1222. 28:07
  1223. whole situation got bungled in how they
  1224. 28:10
  1225. handled it but at the same time knowing
  1226. 28:13
  1227. these guys and having worked with him
  1228. 28:16
  1229. fairly recently I
  1230. 28:18
  1231. I can say that I don't think that there
  1232. 28:20
  1233. was any sort of malicious intent I don't
  1234. 28:23
  1235. think this was - not so much like kowtow
  1236. 28:29
  1237. to the typical SJW crowd that was
  1238. 28:32
  1239. crucifying them for being pro gamer gate
  1240. 28:34
  1241. but rather a way to further legitimize
  1242. 28:40
  1243. themself or themselves as
  1244. 28:42
  1245. you know becoming esteemed curator was
  1246. 28:45
  1247. was going to write a lot of don't go
  1248. 28:48
  1249. ahead a lot of a lot of the things that
  1250. 28:51
  1251. got hit were editorials
  1252. 28:53
  1253. and in in their explanation they said
  1254. 28:56
  1255. they want to focus more on on gaming
  1256. 28:58
  1257. news and whatnot less on editorials and
  1258. 29:01
  1259. also less on the the tech side which is
  1260. 29:04
  1261. probably not going to do them too well
  1262. 29:07
  1263. for the name tech Raptor right now what
  1264. 29:10
  1265. what the hell can you do
  1266. 29:11
  1267. yeah but you know maybe in a year we see
  1268. 29:13
  1269. their spin-off become a game Raptor or
  1270. 29:15
  1271. something along those lines you know
  1272. 29:17
  1273. it's I I think I understand why they
  1274. 29:20
  1275. might make the move and getting away
  1276. 29:22
  1277. from tech and more into gaming because
  1278. 29:24
  1279. to me it seems just logically that it's
  1280. 29:27
  1281. probably a lot more work intensive and
  1282. 29:30
  1283. money intensive to cover the tech
  1284. 29:32
  1285. industry specifically this on a more
  1286. 29:36
  1287. narrow corner of it like gaming that and
  1288. 29:39
  1289. also if I remember correctly they only
  1290. 29:41
  1291. had like one or two guys actively
  1292. 29:44
  1293. publishing tech articles and most of the
  1294. 29:47
  1295. time it was just news just repackaged
  1296. 29:51
  1297. stuff it right we're very difficult
  1298. 29:54
  1299. because you basically had to obtain it
  1300. 29:56
  1301. on on your time and it wasn't worth it
  1302. 30:00
  1303. either because those articles didn't get
  1304. 30:03
  1305. a whole lot of attention tech Raptor
  1306. 30:04
  1307. mostly got their traffic from gaming
  1308. 30:08
  1309. related itself right and it's you know
  1310. 30:10
  1311. you can say that tech rafter is not an
  1312. 30:13
  1313. explicitly Pro GG site I think that's
  1314. 30:15
  1315. true but at the same time we did provide
  1316. 30:18
  1317. them with a good deal of backing you
  1318. 30:20
  1319. know it was our campaign that got them
  1320. 30:22
  1321. that they Kickstarter funding to go to
  1322. 30:23
  1323. e3 for example you know we did a lot of
  1324. 30:27
  1325. little things like that we promoted them
  1326. 30:29
  1327. and some polls we backlink them a lot in
  1328. 30:32
  1329. certain places when we did like link
  1330. 30:34
  1331. bombings and just a lot of little things
  1332. 30:36
  1333. like that to try and help boost their
  1334. 30:38
  1335. exposure in the web as a whole because
  1336. 30:40
  1337. you know a lot of the time any click
  1338. 30:42
  1339. that they get it is when the Kotaku
  1340. 30:43
  1341. doesn't truth and I I think I can
  1342. 30:48
  1343. understand the move away from tech I'm
  1344. 30:51
  1345. just imagine if you if you want to cover
  1346. 30:54
  1347. the tech industry and be kind of the
  1348. 30:56
  1349. first
  1350. 30:56
  1351. one's to cover it on the bleeding edge
  1352. 30:58
  1353. type of deal you're gonna have to have a
  1354. 31:00
  1355. presence in the in the Hellmouth in San
  1356. 31:04
  1357. Francisco that end a lot of capital yeah
  1358. 31:07
  1359. you know if you want to go to these
  1360. 31:09
  1361. trade shows yes you know it's not free
  1362. 31:13
  1363. you know even if your admittance as free
  1364. 31:15
  1365. as a journalistic outlet you got to go
  1366. 31:17
  1367. down there you're paying the travel trip
  1368. 31:19
  1369. you're paying room you're paying board
  1370. 31:20
  1371. you're paying expenses and then you've
  1372. 31:24
  1373. got the the issue with potential
  1374. 31:26
  1375. corruption that comes in because if
  1376. 31:28
  1377. you've got these companies who are
  1378. 31:30
  1379. paying your way you know as we
  1380. 31:32
  1381. discovered so commonly back at the
  1382. 31:33
  1383. beginning of gamergate then you wind up
  1384. 31:36
  1385. even with a subconscious bias not to
  1386. 31:39
  1387. piss those people off less you end up
  1388. 31:40
  1389. with a kind of a Jeff Gerstmann scenario
  1390. 31:42
  1391. mm-hmm exactly
  1392. 31:45
  1393. so I think that's probably a smarter
  1394. 31:47
  1395. move for them to just stick to covering
  1396. 31:49
  1397. gaming I mean God knows there's plenty
  1398. 31:51
  1399. of audience out here from us who were
  1400. 31:52
  1401. interested in honest gaming sites see
  1402. 31:58
  1403. the thing with tech Raptor is David they
  1404. 32:02
  1405. never outright claim to be pro gamer
  1406. 32:05
  1407. like from the get-go but they hang and
  1408. 32:08
  1409. just as a counterpoint to that though
  1410. 32:10
  1411. we've never had an obligation in the
  1412. 32:12
  1413. past that any of them had to to receive
  1414. 32:14
  1415. our support exactly that's that is the
  1416. 32:16
  1417. truth if if anyone would give gamergate
  1418. 32:21
  1419. a fair shake period then naturally you
  1420. 32:24
  1421. know they were they were going to get
  1422. 32:25
  1423. more support from us because right let's
  1424. 32:29
  1425. face it the other web sites didn't so of
  1426. 32:31
  1427. course you know we sort of had a grudge
  1428. 32:34
  1429. against them we would take neutrals of
  1430. 32:36
  1431. as readily as we would take allies yeah
  1432. 32:41
  1433. and that you know contrast that with the
  1434. 32:45
  1435. other side who declaring yourself to be
  1436. 32:47
  1437. neutral on the gamergate issue you might
  1438. 32:49
  1439. as well you know thrown up the room in
  1440. 32:51
  1441. the salute and shout at Sieg Heil to a
  1442. 32:53
  1443. portrait of kick yeah I think so but I
  1444. 32:57
  1445. think the whole tech Raptor is is Pro GG
  1446. 33:00
  1447. thing still stems from that old fucking
  1448. 33:03
  1449. medium article
  1450. 33:05
  1451. that zoe quinn herself pin about how
  1452. 33:08
  1453. after kissed up to gamergate there's a
  1454. 33:11
  1455. whole section in there is talking about
  1456. 33:14
  1457. ethics and games journalism and she just
  1458. 33:16
  1459. blast tech raptor because oh they they
  1460. 33:20
  1461. talked about me and they weren't
  1462. 33:22
  1463. positive so fuck yeah they're pro gamer
  1464. 33:24
  1465. game well if you remember back in 2014
  1466. 33:27
  1467. and looking back on this and kind of a
  1468. 33:29
  1469. big-picture strategic viewpoint the
  1470. 33:32
  1471. articles and hit pieces and even shit
  1472. 33:34
  1473. like medium blogs that zoe quinn did
  1474. 33:36
  1475. were all ammunition that they could have
  1476. 33:39
  1477. from the from the time of deployment to
  1478. 33:42
  1479. reference back to mm-hmm I mean we
  1480. 33:45
  1481. gamergate had the rare event of watching
  1482. 33:48
  1483. saito genesis of false media in real
  1484. 33:52
  1485. time happening right in front of us why
  1486. 33:59
  1487. why didn't we come up with fake news
  1488. 34:02
  1489. back then well I think even fake news in
  1490. 34:07
  1491. the current day didn't really take off
  1492. 34:08
  1493. until dr. president god-emperor the
  1494. 34:11
  1495. United States of America Donald J
  1496. 34:12
  1497. timetraveler Trump decided to decided to
  1498. 34:16
  1499. make it a major issue using his social
  1500. 34:18
  1501. media platform yeah I mean according to
  1502. 34:21
  1503. my responses F will be back in the day
  1504. 34:23
  1505. at our height gamergate numbered about
  1506. 34:25
  1507. two hundred and fifty thousand people
  1508. 34:27
  1509. across the world Jesus but Trump has one
  1510. 34:30
  1511. point four million Twitter followers I
  1512. 34:33
  1513. think there might even be more than that
  1514. 34:35
  1515. and I think it's way I think it's
  1516. 34:36
  1517. several million yeah I think I'm
  1518. 34:38
  1519. misrepresenting that number real quick
  1520. 34:40
  1521. I'm a little bit leery of using this
  1522. 34:43
  1523. standalone version of Firefox too
  1524. 34:45
  1525. heavily because uh forty two million
  1526. 34:48
  1527. followers on Twitter oh hell just this
  1528. 34:52
  1529. straight number can you hear me yeah I
  1530. 34:56
  1531. can hear you uh hang on a second I just
  1532. 34:59
  1533. lost my volume well shit
  1534. 35:08
  1535. let's try that there you want to say
  1536. 35:12
  1537. something real quick something real
  1538. 35:14
  1539. quick
  1540. 35:14
  1541. hey there we go okay much better yeah
  1542. 35:17
  1543. case in point I don't want to push this
  1544. 35:19
  1545. browser real hard uh see here at real
  1546. 35:26
  1547. Donald Trump he is presently sitting at
  1548. 35:31
  1549. yeah about 42 million yeah that's just
  1550. 35:34
  1551. uh just uh ignore me I suck cocks type
  1552. 35:39
  1553. of situation there
  1554. 35:41
  1555. let's regard that I suck cocks there you
  1556. 35:44
  1557. go that's what I was thinking of yeah so
  1558. 35:47
  1559. he was able to put that out on blast and
  1560. 35:49
  1561. the mean kind of stuck I don't think
  1562. 35:50
  1563. even at our height we would have been
  1564. 35:52
  1565. able to engage the mainstream media to
  1566. 35:55
  1567. that level no you know it was no secret
  1568. 35:58
  1569. even during the early days of gamergate
  1570. 36:00
  1571. I was kind of I've always been rooting
  1572. 36:02
  1573. for a sort of gamergate like campaign to
  1574. 36:05
  1575. kick the MSM in the nuts and it it took
  1576. 36:10
  1577. a crazy billionaire real estate mogul to
  1578. 36:12
  1579. make it happen I don't it was really
  1580. 36:15
  1581. living the weirdest timeline this
  1582. 36:17
  1583. absolutely is and it just it blows my
  1584. 36:21
  1585. mind how how people still are trying to
  1586. 36:24
  1587. say that gamergate was the precursor to
  1588. 36:26
  1589. all this gamergate effectively made the
  1590. 36:30
  1591. Trump campaign what it was and got him
  1592. 36:32
  1593. elected King or gate is in the White
  1594. 36:35
  1595. House right now you know what though
  1596. 36:37
  1597. fucking owned it why not if they have to
  1598. 36:41
  1599. have a boogeyman why not let it be us I
  1600. 36:44
  1601. mean that's that's why that's why I said
  1602. 36:46
  1603. after after those first articles dropped
  1604. 36:48
  1605. if if I was the head of K ia
  1606. 36:51
  1607. and gamer Gates gotten to the fucking
  1608. 36:56
  1609. White House and effectively became the
  1610. 36:59
  1611. most powerful person in the world does
  1612. 37:03
  1613. that make me the man who sold the world
  1614. 37:04
  1615. I don't know I you know at that the very
  1616. 37:10
  1617. beginning I was not firmly on the Trump
  1618. 37:12
  1619. train I was one of the people who
  1620. 37:15
  1621. believed back at the start the Trump was
  1622. 37:18
  1623. in there because of his prior friendship
  1624. 37:20
  1625. the Clintons especially back in the 90s
  1626. 37:22
  1627. he was there to be a spanner in the
  1628. 37:24
  1629. works that he was going to go for the
  1630. 37:27
  1631. Republican nomination and then
  1632. 37:28
  1633. intentionally fuck it all up to hand the
  1634. 37:31
  1635. presidency to Hillary because Trump is
  1636. 37:34
  1637. as a I love him as president now but as
  1638. 37:36
  1639. a personal individual he's a sleazy son
  1640. 37:40
  1641. of a bitch he always kind of has been
  1642. 37:42
  1643. but he's a sleazy businessman son of a
  1644. 37:45
  1645. bitch which if you're a if you're a
  1646. 37:47
  1647. wealthy businessman trying to do
  1648. 37:48
  1649. business in New York and you're not a
  1650. 37:50
  1651. scumbag you're not gonna make it pretty
  1652. 37:52
  1653. much yeah I originally voted for him on
  1654. 37:55
  1655. the troll' ticket you know I I said to
  1656. 37:57
  1657. myself the media hates this guy the
  1658. 37:59
  1659. Republicans hates this guy the Democrats
  1660. 38:02
  1661. hate this guy if he does all these
  1662. 38:04
  1663. people that I hate if you made a laundry
  1664. 38:06
  1665. list of every scum-sucking idiot from
  1666. 38:09
  1667. the United Nations on down through the
  1668. 38:11
  1669. American political establishment all of
  1670. 38:15
  1671. them hated trunk and I said to myself
  1672. 38:18
  1673. you know what if he wins and he
  1674. 38:20
  1675. accomplishes nothing else but going in
  1676. 38:23
  1677. and sitting in that chair for four years
  1678. 38:25
  1679. and making all of those son of a bitches
  1680. 38:27
  1681. mad as hell every day he was worth the
  1682. 38:30
  1683. vote but after he actually got in you
  1684. 38:35
  1685. know just his first month in office was
  1686. 38:37
  1687. incredibly impressive and after he kept
  1688. 38:40
  1689. taking the slings and arrows from the
  1690. 38:42
  1691. media and kept kind of swinging back I
  1692. 38:44
  1693. realized that you know this guy he is
  1694. 38:47
  1695. kind of a mouth breathing demagogue but
  1696. 38:48
  1697. goddamn it he's for real yeah I mean I I
  1698. 38:55
  1699. certainly don't agree with him on on
  1700. 38:57
  1701. everything I've certainly made my my
  1702. 39:01
  1703. criticisms of him known on social media
  1704. 39:04
  1705. and our politics podcast but yes I'll be
  1706. 39:11
  1707. damned if he's if he's not if he's not
  1708. 39:15
  1709. doing if not a a fine job a job
  1710. 39:18
  1711. nonetheless even where he's failed he's
  1712. 39:21
  1713. at least attempted which is more than he
  1714. 39:23
  1715. prior administrations would have dared
  1716. 39:25
  1717. to do yeah exactly and I do I really
  1718. 39:28
  1719. also appreciate the fact that he's he's
  1720. 39:31
  1721. trying to undo a lot of the
  1722. 39:33
  1723. executive meddling that was was present
  1724. 39:37
  1725. in the Obama administration basically
  1726. 39:39
  1727. just sending it back to Congress and
  1728. 39:41
  1729. saying okay now now we don't have to
  1730. 39:45
  1731. worry about one person the fucking
  1732. 39:48
  1733. around with all this we can we can let
  1734. 39:49
  1735. the proper elected officials decide it
  1736. 39:53
  1737. correct and if it gets bungled then you
  1738. 39:55
  1739. can blame Congress for that and then
  1740. 39:57
  1741. fuck them over and you don't have to
  1742. 39:59
  1743. wait for years tailors or or eight years
  1744. 40:03
  1745. that's right this is I've got you know
  1746. 40:06
  1747. liberal friends and conservative friends
  1748. 40:08
  1749. I'm pretty big in the gamer circles
  1750. 40:10
  1751. around my hometown here and this is the
  1752. 40:13
  1753. way that I took to describing my
  1754. 40:16
  1755. thoughts on Trump to my liberal friends
  1756. 40:18
  1757. I would say if you're you know your
  1758. 40:22
  1759. country ideally should be more important
  1760. 40:24
  1761. to you than your own life this is why
  1762. 40:25
  1763. soldiers go to war and if your life is
  1764. 40:29
  1765. important to you and you're going on
  1766. 40:31
  1767. trial and the penalty for losing your
  1768. 40:34
  1769. court case is that you're going to be
  1770. 40:35
  1771. executed you have a choice of two
  1772. 40:38
  1773. lawyers one of them is a shining golden
  1774. 40:42
  1775. boy honest injun always tells the truth
  1776. 40:46
  1777. does everything right proper and by the
  1778. 40:48
  1779. books your other choice is a
  1780. 40:52
  1781. scum-sucking sleazebag from the lowest
  1782. 40:55
  1783. gutter of New York City who will lie who
  1784. 40:58
  1785. will cheat who will steal who would sell
  1786. 41:01
  1787. his own mother into sexual slavery if
  1788. 41:04
  1789. that's what it took to win your case I
  1790. 41:07
  1791. want the sleaze ball and I found that
  1792. 41:12
  1793. when I just started describing him and
  1794. 41:13
  1795. those kind of terms it it kind of turned
  1796. 41:18
  1797. some light bulbs on you know it sort of
  1798. 41:20
  1799. bashed its way through the the Nazi
  1800. 41:23
  1801. deflector shield you know that they run
  1802. 41:25
  1803. on their eyeball blinders these days and
  1804. 41:27
  1805. I was actually able to have a cogent
  1806. 41:28
  1807. conversation with them yeah I don't I
  1808. 41:32
  1809. don't get that many feminine
  1810. 41:34
  1811. conversations it see it seems like of
  1812. 41:36
  1813. the people I know there are very very
  1814. 41:40
  1815. few and by that I mean like maybe one or
  1816. 41:43
  1817. two total that are
  1818. 41:47
  1819. there are not either that are you know I
  1820. 41:51
  1821. guess I could say ambivalent enough to
  1822. 41:53
  1823. have a conversation that allows for
  1824. 41:57
  1825. criticism of you know either either
  1826. 42:00
  1827. candidate in last year's election
  1828. 42:03
  1829. everyone else is either a hundred
  1830. 42:06
  1831. percent Trump is evil Hillary should
  1832. 42:08
  1833. have been president or a hundred percent
  1834. 42:10
  1835. Trump Escada Emperor Mago yeah I enjoy
  1836. 42:19
  1837. the God Emperor means I like them mostly
  1838. 42:21
  1839. because of how much they piss off
  1840. 42:22
  1841. liberals I I will I will say I do
  1842. 42:27
  1843. I do enjoy enjoyed the memes I do enjoy
  1844. 42:30
  1845. the god Emperor the can I still say rare
  1846. 42:34
  1847. peppe's is that is that even a thing
  1848. 42:36
  1849. anymore yeah I'm pretty sure it's still
  1850. 42:39
  1851. a thing the are they still rare that's
  1852. 42:41
  1853. the thing oh god I am so looking forward
  1854. 42:43
  1855. to this rollout of Twitter's new
  1856. 42:45
  1857. censorship horseshit for hey holy hell
  1858. 42:48
  1859. I've got a $500 bet writing that they
  1860. 42:51
  1861. put Vivian on the list oh my fucking god
  1862. 42:55
  1863. if they do well you know Pepe's on it
  1864. 43:00
  1865. because you know Empress Hillary told
  1866. 43:02
  1867. them source year ago said cart like a
  1868. 43:05
  1869. cartoon frog they just yeah and you know
  1870. 43:09
  1871. they've got to be taking input on this
  1872. 43:10
  1873. from the glorious Twitter trust and
  1874. 43:12
  1875. Safety Council which we all know who the
  1876. 43:14
  1877. fuck is sitting on that so I will bet
  1878. 43:17
  1879. you dollars to dragon dildos that we
  1880. 43:19
  1881. wind up with live on that list what will
  1882. 43:21
  1883. be hilarious is to see if everybody's if
  1884. 43:24
  1885. everybody switches to Gilda just to
  1886. 43:26
  1887. troll them or um oh god what was what
  1888. 43:35
  1889. was the the color swap to one Oh Lillian
  1890. 43:38
  1891. woods yes there's some really good porn
  1892. 43:41
  1893. of her out there I just want to point
  1894. 43:43
  1895. that out
  1896. 43:48
  1897. good you say I hear I hear a siren in
  1898. 43:50
  1899. the background you must be getting
  1900. 43:51
  1901. swatted right now yep I just got a UH I
  1902. 43:54
  1903. just got text from my dad if there was a
  1904. 43:57
  1905. bad wreck on my Road uh he's an EMT so
  1906. 44:01
  1907. that's he's always like I just want to
  1908. 44:04
  1909. make sure I'm not you know responding to
  1910. 44:07
  1911. a call that involves you being dead
  1912. 44:10
  1913. that's always a nice phone call to get
  1914. 44:13
  1915. yeah well yeah you know hey Dad sorry
  1916. 44:17
  1917. but I kind of died in this in this car
  1918. 44:19
  1919. accident if you if you get my computer
  1920. 44:23
  1921. just delete my internet history please
  1922. 44:26
  1923. don't don't don't share it with the
  1924. 44:28
  1925. coroner as we see a few days later
  1926. 44:34
  1927. somebody's got you like national news we
  1928. 44:37
  1929. see the the Gilberry search history of
  1930. 44:40
  1931. the hat man that that one open tab in
  1932. 44:44
  1933. the browser now one open tab is the hell
  1934. 44:48
  1935. was that was that I can Wald oh yeah the
  1936. 44:51
  1937. guy who was showing it was a tentacle
  1938. 44:54
  1939. calling to his kids uh I was my kids
  1940. 45:00
  1941. were showing me how to find tentacle
  1942. 45:02
  1943. portlets no it was he was showing his
  1944. 45:04
  1945. kids to prove they to prove that it
  1946. 45:06
  1947. exists oh my fucking god yeah I think
  1948. 45:08
  1949. that was it I don't remember what the
  1950. 45:10
  1951. hell it was all it knows that involved
  1952. 45:12
  1953. tentacle porn and children and it
  1954. 45:13
  1955. reminded me of that that one part of
  1956. 45:17
  1957. whose line is it anyway I think it was a
  1958. 45:20
  1959. deleted scene where Colin Mochrie goes
  1960. 45:21
  1961. we're watching animal porn so yeah we've
  1962. 45:32
  1963. got if you want to take a quick recap
  1964. 45:35
  1965. there's a running thread over on
  1966. 45:36
  1967. gamergate HQ kind of the current status
  1968. 45:39
  1969. of our old rogues gallery in the media
  1970. 45:41
  1971. we got all these outed as sex pests
  1972. 45:45
  1973. there's a threat running for that and of
  1974. 45:48
  1975. course we've got three X bigwigs of GG
  1976. 45:50
  1977. revolt are all in jail at the moment
  1978. 45:53
  1979. three of them yeah new Ralf in Seattle
  1980. 45:57
  1981. but who's the other one
  1982. 45:58
  1983. endomorph asus is currently serving a
  1984. 46:01
  1985. prison sentence
  1986. 46:01
  1987. hey Zoran AIDS both for their revenge
  1988. 46:05
  1989. porn law and for running from his first
  1990. 46:08
  1991. jail appointment and having to get
  1992. 46:09
  1993. caught that's right I totally forgot
  1994. 46:13
  1995. about them
  1996. 46:13
  1997. yeah they finally caught his ass a month
  1998. 46:16
  1999. or two ago holy shit yeah I don't know
  2000. 46:20
  2001. what kind of railroading he's gonna get
  2002. 46:22
  2003. for skipping out on his court date but
  2004. 46:23
  2005. hopefully he's spending some comfortable
  2006. 46:25
  2007. bunk time with Bubba well I guess we can
  2008. 46:28
  2009. say that operation killed the hat man
  2010. 46:30
  2011. has officially been cancelled involved I
  2012. 46:34
  2013. pretty much everyone in GG revolt was
  2014. 46:37
  2015. involved that was holy oh my god that
  2016. 46:44
  2017. was um that was fun I still I still
  2018. 46:48
  2019. think it was that there was some sort of
  2020. 46:50
  2021. coordination between the hat man was to
  2022. 46:55
  2023. remove all sjw content from ki a post on
  2024. 47:00
  2025. on ki hey of course and that the fact
  2026. 47:04
  2027. that that was the day that I went on
  2028. 47:06
  2029. fucking vacation like there's no way
  2030. 47:08
  2031. that that wasn't coordinated did you
  2032. 47:12
  2033. ever announce any where you were going
  2034. 47:13
  2035. on vacation I did I did on twitter and i
  2036. 47:18
  2037. think that i think the the tweet in
  2038. 47:20
  2039. question was like a month or two old at
  2040. 47:22
  2041. the time and it just got dredged up and
  2042. 47:26
  2043. like right things with her mo yeah that
  2044. 47:30
  2045. that whole arrangement was a fucking
  2046. 47:32
  2047. shit show and my god the fucking the
  2048. 47:35
  2049. layers of tin foil they put on
  2050. 47:37
  2051. everything
  2052. 47:37
  2053. I liked addition to this day when I get
  2054. 47:40
  2055. into the occasional argument with one of
  2056. 47:42
  2057. their ex idiots
  2058. 47:43
  2059. I'll get accused of the same exact thing
  2060. 47:45
  2061. trying to censor SJW content on
  2062. 47:48
  2063. gamergate HQ they had a fucking sticky
  2064. 47:52
  2065. thread at the top of the board that they
  2066. 47:55
  2067. could discuss all they wanted in that
  2068. 47:57
  2069. and for a time we even did cyclical
  2070. 48:00
  2071. threads it's like it's literally right
  2072. 48:03
  2073. there you can go to the board and click
  2074. 48:05
  2075. on it right now and talk about anything
  2076. 48:07
  2077. SJW related you want or if it's an
  2078. 48:10
  2079. industry-related sjw problem and you
  2080. 48:13
  2081. want to do an operation or a dig on it
  2082. 48:15
  2083. you can make
  2084. 48:15
  2085. thread right on the fucking board but
  2086. 48:20
  2087. that wasn't the point the point wasn't
  2088. 48:22
  2089. that wasn't that compromise wasn't good
  2090. 48:25
  2091. enough it was something they could fit
  2092. 48:26
  2093. in a bumper sticker soundbite and uses
  2094. 48:28
  2095. ammunition to attack the board with
  2096. 48:33
  2097. pretty much so from the chat if I get
  2098. 48:38
  2099. killed by a Russian hitman who's going
  2100. 48:40
  2101. to avenge me I don't I don't think
  2102. 48:45
  2103. anyone is going to give enough of a fuck
  2104. 48:47
  2105. to avenge me I think I think someone
  2106. 48:50
  2107. will will probably take up the mantle of
  2108. 48:52
  2109. the hat three and and that will be that
  2110. 48:55
  2111. will be as much as as is done oh god I
  2112. 48:58
  2113. got a point from the chat here - what is
  2114. 49:00
  2115. GG revolt know my fucking god okay
  2116. 49:05
  2117. ladies and gentlemen smoke if you got
  2118. 49:07
  2119. them and buckle the fuck up I'm gonna
  2120. 49:09
  2121. need the liquor for this one my rate of
  2122. 49:13
  2123. monster juice consumption as it has
  2124. 49:15
  2125. exceeded my rate of monster juice
  2126. 49:16
  2127. acquisition all right so let's open this
  2128. 49:22
  2129. can of worms real quick you're gonna
  2130. 49:24
  2131. have to forgive me a little bit because
  2132. 49:25
  2133. I may get a couple things out of order
  2134. 49:27
  2135. it's been a long fucking time and a lot
  2136. 49:29
  2137. of stuff happened so let's rewind this
  2138. 49:33
  2139. to about 2015 it's not real commonly
  2140. 49:37
  2141. known outside of 8chan how the fucking
  2142. 49:40
  2143. how gamergate HQ wound up becoming the
  2144. 49:43
  2145. main board as far as gamergate
  2146. 49:46
  2147. discussion went to make a very long
  2148. 49:47
  2149. story very short the previous two
  2150. 49:52
  2151. gamergate boards both had a problem or
  2152. 49:55
  2153. the owner of the board was involved
  2154. 49:57
  2155. heavily in social media and kind of got
  2156. 49:59
  2157. mixed in with basically trolls to give
  2158. 50:03
  2159. you a good example for those who
  2160. 50:04
  2161. remember who pterodax is hi yes he got
  2162. 50:07
  2163. in cozy with Niko of death who was the
  2164. 50:10
  2165. original board owner of the /gg board
  2166. 50:12
  2167. that was the original board that V set
  2168. 50:16
  2169. up when we first moved to hm and that
  2170. 50:20
  2171. the idea was that V would be the main
  2172. 50:23
  2173. discussion hub at the time that's where
  2174. 50:24
  2175. all the detailed planning and stuff
  2176. 50:26
  2177. would go but then we had this large
  2178. 50:28
  2179. public
  2180. 50:29
  2181. that was open to everybody and that was
  2182. 50:31
  2183. it was designed to kind of serve as a
  2184. 50:33
  2185. shill and troll magnet because it was
  2186. 50:35
  2187. right there a parent on the top bar so
  2188. 50:37
  2189. if you came to 8chan looking to fuck
  2190. 50:39
  2191. around with gamergate there's the
  2192. 50:42
  2193. gamergate board right there at the top
  2194. 50:43
  2195. of the site that'll be the first place
  2196. 50:44
  2197. that you'd click and so things went on
  2198. 50:48
  2199. pretty well for quite a while but then
  2200. 50:50
  2201. Nico got kind of close with pterodax and
  2202. 50:53
  2203. he started fooling around with these
  2204. 50:54
  2205. trolls on Twitter and other social media
  2206. 50:56
  2207. sites IRC especially and it wound up
  2208. 51:00
  2209. where I don't remember what started the
  2210. 51:02
  2211. drama but something he was in some kind
  2212. 51:04
  2213. of a slap fight with a big chunk of the
  2214. 51:06
  2215. community on the board for a while and
  2216. 51:08
  2217. he made this stupid joke that he was
  2218. 51:09
  2219. going to turn over a mod position on the
  2220. 51:13
  2221. board to pterodax
  2222. 51:14
  2223. and people lost their shit and a mass
  2224. 51:20
  2225. migration started basically it came up
  2226. 51:22
  2227. the decision was made that the board
  2228. 51:24
  2229. owner was no longer trustworthy because
  2230. 51:25
  2231. this was you know this was still in the
  2232. 51:28
  2233. beginnings of 2015 late 2014 shit was
  2234. 51:31
  2235. pretty sensitive back then the war was
  2236. 51:33
  2237. still at its peak we were still getting
  2238. 51:34
  2239. happening as every fucking day we
  2240. 51:37
  2241. couldn't afford to be risking shit
  2242. 51:38
  2243. getting screwed around so there was a
  2244. 51:40
  2245. mass migration from Jiji to the slash
  2246. 51:44
  2247. gamergate board and at the time I
  2248. 51:48
  2249. actually was mistaken the person who set
  2250. 51:50
  2251. up the board as far as I had known had
  2252. 51:52
  2253. been dry bones and so I had operated for
  2254. 51:57
  2255. a long time under the assumption that
  2256. 51:58
  2257. dry bones was actually the owner of the
  2258. 52:00
  2259. board in reality ownership of the board
  2260. 52:02
  2261. had transferred to a guy named blade and
  2262. 52:05
  2263. things went on for a while and were
  2264. 52:07
  2265. pretty good and then I noticed that a
  2266. 52:10
  2267. pattern was kind of emerging where blade
  2268. 52:12
  2269. was falling in on Twitter with some of
  2270. 52:14
  2271. these same trolls some of the same guys
  2272. 52:17
  2273. in the IRC pterodax was back in there
  2274. 52:20
  2275. and then this group of trolls that Ted
  2276. 52:22
  2277. popped up on Twitter kind of nominally
  2278. 52:25
  2279. Pro GG at first to call themselves a a
  2280. 52:27
  2281. team or at least other people know them
  2282. 52:29
  2283. that it's kind of disputable depending
  2284. 52:31
  2285. on who you're talking to anyway I was
  2286. 52:36
  2287. watching dry bones at the time and he'd
  2288. 52:38
  2289. been going through some drama and some
  2290. 52:40
  2291. kind of minor personal issues
  2292. 52:42
  2293. and he was starting the sour on the
  2294. 52:45
  2295. community on the boards a little bit and
  2296. 52:47
  2297. I was watching him and I kind of had
  2298. 52:48
  2299. this thoughts like you know these guys
  2300. 52:51
  2301. are all sort of in this in this big
  2302. 52:53
  2303. social circle together and this is the
  2304. 52:56
  2305. same kind of thing that happened with
  2306. 52:57
  2307. Nikko so if dry bones is about to burn
  2308. 53:00
  2309. out and it kind of looked like he might
  2310. 53:02
  2311. have been what the hell is gonna happen
  2312. 53:04
  2313. to the board this time so I've always
  2314. 53:08
  2315. been a little bit of the industrious
  2316. 53:10
  2317. side I guess god help me so I said fuck
  2318. 53:13
  2319. it I'm gonna go make a backup board on
  2320. 53:15
  2321. 8th Jan just in case dry bones loses his
  2322. 53:18
  2323. shit and so I created gamergate HQ I
  2324. 53:20
  2325. left it as an unlisted board I set up
  2326. 53:24
  2327. some basic you know little shit I
  2328. 53:26
  2329. created some moderator accounts in case
  2330. 53:28
  2331. it would ever be needed and I just I
  2332. 53:30
  2333. never figured on using it it's like I'm
  2334. 53:32
  2335. gonna create this as a just in case and
  2336. 53:34
  2337. it's just gonna chill here and if shit
  2338. 53:37
  2339. somehow hits the fan at least we have a
  2340. 53:38
  2341. fallback I've always been a little bit
  2342. 53:41
  2343. of a commando so kind of be prepared
  2344. 53:42
  2345. it's just that's something that's sort
  2346. 53:45
  2347. of in my blood I guess anyway two
  2348. 53:48
  2349. fucking days later I get home from work
  2350. 53:51
  2351. and I check in on the V threats and
  2352. 53:53
  2353. 8chan is in an uproar because not dry
  2354. 53:56
  2355. bones who I thought was the owner of the
  2356. 53:58
  2357. board but blade who actually was had
  2358. 54:01
  2359. flipped his shit and had turned the keys
  2360. 54:05
  2361. to the board over to some trolls from a
  2362. 54:07
  2363. team who had trashed the place
  2364. 54:08
  2365. utterly in fact I still have screen caps
  2366. 54:10
  2367. so what the board looked like in the
  2368. 54:11
  2369. aftermath and V was already at work they
  2370. 54:15
  2371. had poles running and shit trying to
  2372. 54:17
  2373. figure out who the next board was going
  2374. 54:18
  2375. to be anyway to prune things down a
  2376. 54:22
  2377. little bit simpler up so I don't get
  2378. 54:23
  2379. lost in the exposition here I threw my
  2380. 54:28
  2381. running in the I threw my hat into the
  2382. 54:30
  2383. running and when I did that the choice
  2384. 54:33
  2385. was coming down in between the GG board
  2386. 54:36
  2387. the original board supposedly under new
  2388. 54:38
  2389. ownership and gamergate HQ because I was
  2390. 54:41
  2391. a fairly known quantity on a chance V
  2392. 54:43
  2393. board it's like a you know self-admitted
  2394. 54:46
  2395. I'm a little bit of a spurt but I'm a
  2396. 54:47
  2397. responsible sperg and so at least people
  2398. 54:50
  2399. knew me they figured I wouldn't be
  2400. 54:52
  2401. burning the fucking place down any time
  2402. 54:54
  2403. soon if I got ownership
  2404. 54:56
  2405. so we wound up with this weird split
  2406. 54:59
  2407. where Gigi took about 50% of the people
  2408. 55:02
  2409. who were migrating from the old board
  2410. 55:04
  2411. and we got about the other 50% and my
  2412. 55:07
  2413. whole shtick was the main thing that I
  2414. 55:10
  2415. always hated in terms of the gamergate
  2416. 55:12
  2417. boards was the drama and the infighting
  2418. 55:15
  2419. and basically the rules on the board
  2420. 55:20
  2421. were tailored so that everybody was
  2422. 55:22
  2423. allowed to contribute from ki a to
  2424. 55:24
  2425. fuckin pol the most hardcore on any side
  2426. 55:27
  2427. you wanted to go the worst SJW haters
  2428. 55:30
  2429. the most hardcore people pushing for the
  2430. 55:32
  2431. ethics front type stuff but they weren't
  2432. 55:35
  2433. allowed to shit on each other on the
  2434. 55:37
  2435. board it was the rule of the day was
  2436. 55:39
  2437. kind of when you guys come here set your
  2438. 55:41
  2439. differences aside do whatever it is you
  2440. 55:43
  2441. came to do and then when you head back
  2442. 55:45
  2443. on into end of your own spaces if you
  2444. 55:46
  2445. want to bitch at each other from there
  2446. 55:48
  2447. no problem and that was kind of the rule
  2448. 55:53
  2449. system that we set up it was it was
  2450. 55:55
  2451. actually it was kind of made more
  2452. 55:58
  2453. four-pole in all honesty because the
  2454. 56:00
  2455. moderation staff of the gamergate board
  2456. 56:03
  2457. the / gamergate had you know i'd been
  2458. 56:06
  2459. over there and i'd posted numerous times
  2460. 56:08
  2461. anonymously and i had watched a lot of
  2462. 56:10
  2463. people from pole trying to contribute
  2464. 56:12
  2465. stuff and getting shat on like the whole
  2466. 56:15
  2467. you know the go back to pole memes type
  2468. 56:17
  2469. of deal well i'm i don't call myself
  2470. 56:20
  2471. explicitly right-wing but i am a little
  2472. 56:22
  2473. bit of a pole AK I'm kind of a
  2474. 56:24
  2475. right-leaning militant centrist
  2476. 56:26
  2477. and they I just never liked the way that
  2478. 56:29
  2479. they got treated and I never liked the
  2480. 56:30
  2481. fact that the mods allowed them to be
  2482. 56:32
  2483. treated that way if I got treated that
  2484. 56:35
  2485. way I'd have a pretty short temper about
  2486. 56:37
  2487. and eventually I'd fuck off and just
  2488. 56:38
  2489. quit contributing and I think that's
  2490. 56:40
  2491. what happened to a lot of them so the
  2492. 56:43
  2493. rules on my board were tailored to not
  2494. 56:45
  2495. let that happen anymore that was the
  2496. 56:47
  2497. original rule 3 I believe was no
  2498. 56:49
  2499. infighting and then of course we had the
  2500. 56:52
  2501. usual you know the the word filters to
  2502. 56:54
  2503. prevent direct linking from ship sites
  2504. 56:55
  2505. like Kotaku and things like that well
  2506. 56:59
  2507. the guys who didn't want to have a
  2508. 57:01
  2509. heavily moderated board and who just
  2510. 57:03
  2511. kind of wanted to be able to do whatever
  2512. 57:05
  2513. sort of a the way I used to describe it
  2514. 57:07
  2515. was they wanted be but gamergate
  2516. 57:10
  2517. they went to Gigi because that was the
  2518. 57:12
  2519. kind of moderation that was being
  2520. 57:13
  2521. promised there and things were split for
  2522. 57:16
  2523. a little while I want to say probably
  2524. 57:19
  2525. like three weeks something like that
  2526. 57:21
  2527. maybe less but a leak came out from
  2528. 57:25
  2529. meowstic who you'll probably remember
  2530. 57:27
  2531. from ki a yep yep from I believe it was
  2532. 57:31
  2533. a team's private chat where they were
  2534. 57:34
  2535. describing how they had they had gotten
  2536. 57:36
  2537. ahold of the G G board and were actually
  2538. 57:38
  2539. the ones who owned it and their plan was
  2540. 57:40
  2541. that they were gonna let everybody
  2542. 57:41
  2543. rebuild on gg and then trash it again to
  2544. 57:45
  2545. kind of yank the rug out from under us
  2546. 57:46
  2547. for a leg troll so that put the final
  2548. 57:50
  2549. nail in that coffin and the refugees
  2550. 57:52
  2551. leaving GG came over to our board and
  2552. 57:55
  2553. things were alright it was a little bit
  2554. 57:58
  2555. tense at first they there were some
  2556. 58:03
  2557. complaints about the rules that were
  2558. 58:04
  2559. existent I pointed out to the community
  2560. 58:07
  2561. it's like look if you guys want the
  2562. 58:08
  2563. rules change you're free to petition
  2564. 58:10
  2565. that but in the time that you've been
  2566. 58:11
  2567. over there we've been wrestling with
  2568. 58:14
  2569. this shit we've taken votes on the rules
  2570. 58:16
  2571. that we wanted if you guys wanted to
  2572. 58:17
  2573. participate this was it this would be
  2574. 58:21
  2575. the you're a little late to the party
  2576. 58:24
  2577. it's basically what I was saying like
  2578. 58:26
  2579. you guys get to have input on changes
  2580. 58:28
  2581. but we're not gonna rewrite the whole
  2582. 58:29
  2583. rules list just to suit you yeah and
  2584. 58:32
  2585. that caused a little bit of drama but
  2586. 58:34
  2587. things settled in for a while I took a
  2588. 58:36
  2589. community satisfaction poll after the
  2590. 58:38
  2591. first month or so and the vast vast
  2592. 58:41
  2593. majority was at least positive about the
  2594. 58:43
  2595. board so thanks for going pretty good
  2596. 58:46
  2597. well then we come along let's see there
  2598. 58:51
  2599. were two major issues I think that
  2600. 58:53
  2601. caused the split the first one was the
  2602. 58:56
  2603. the probably the biggest of the two
  2604. 58:58
  2605. which is the great gamer gaming site
  2606. 59:01
  2607. game developer boycott debacle and
  2608. 59:05
  2609. basically we had this operation that had
  2610. 59:08
  2611. been long-running in GG called Operation
  2612. 59:10
  2613. rebuild and the point of rebuild was to
  2614. 59:12
  2615. reach out to friendly outlets and
  2616. 59:14
  2617. directly to developers to try and build
  2618. 59:17
  2619. a bridge between the gaming communities
  2620. 59:19
  2621. and the developer communities that would
  2622. 59:21
  2623. bypass the shit
  2624. 59:22
  2625. Media entirely well at the same time we
  2626. 59:26
  2627. would prop up and boost you know good
  2628. 59:28
  2629. kind of pro gamer outlets like like tech
  2630. 59:31
  2631. Raptor like a niche gamer I think it was
  2632. 59:35
  2633. Jenny barage was pushing one for a while
  2634. 59:37
  2635. called basedgamer I'm not entirely sure
  2636. 59:39
  2637. what ever happened with that one but it
  2638. 59:41
  2639. was that was kind of the long-term
  2640. 59:43
  2641. operation that we'd come up with and
  2642. 59:47
  2643. that generated a lot of heat because at
  2644. 59:52
  2645. the same time we had this major push
  2646. 59:54
  2647. coming from certain sides of the
  2648. 59:56
  2649. community that wanted to boycott sort of
  2650. 59:58
  2651. SJW tainted game developers and there
  2652. 60:02
  2653. was a good argument there on both sides
  2654. 60:04
  2655. of it but the issue was that op rebuild
  2656. 60:06
  2657. was longer running it was meant to be a
  2658. 60:08
  2659. very long term kind of industry
  2660. 60:11
  2661. improvement plan and frankly it had come
  2662. 60:14
  2663. along first and kind of made its place
  2664. 60:15
  2665. on the board already having an operation
  2666. 60:18
  2667. that was Pro developer on one hand but
  2668. 60:22
  2669. also boycotting and punishing developers
  2670. 60:25
  2671. on the other being run out of the same
  2672. 60:27
  2673. board the same hub site it's it's a
  2674. 60:30
  2675. pretty big conflict I think and I think
  2676. 60:36
  2677. I put my dog here for saying go lay down
  2678. 60:42
  2679. basically the two operations conflicted
  2680. 60:45
  2681. with one another
  2682. 60:46
  2683. I wasn't immediately opposed to the
  2684. 60:48
  2685. boycott idea in fact there's a couple of
  2686. 60:49
  2687. companies that I boycott Capcom being a
  2688. 60:51
  2689. good but you can't you can't give with
  2690. 60:56
  2691. one hand while beating with the stick
  2692. 60:58
  2693. with the other hand and expect either
  2694. 61:00
  2695. side to take you seriously there was
  2696. 61:03
  2697. also a lot of resentment in the
  2698. 61:05
  2699. community to the boycotting idea it had
  2700. 61:07
  2701. come up for a vote several times on GGN
  2702. 61:09
  2703. gamergate every time it had been shot
  2704. 61:11
  2705. down so we tried to do all this what we
  2706. 61:14
  2707. thought was a decent compromise at the
  2708. 61:16
  2709. time which was if you guys want to
  2710. 61:17
  2711. discuss boycotts on the board you can't
  2712. 61:20
  2713. but you can discuss merits for against
  2714. 61:24
  2715. philosophical positions and things like
  2716. 61:26
  2717. that but actually organizing a boycott
  2718. 61:29
  2719. against a specific developer needs to go
  2720. 61:32
  2721. over to the v boards the video games for
  2722. 61:34
  2723. it instead and not use the gamer
  2724. 61:36
  2725. hashtag and the reason why we split it
  2726. 61:39
  2727. up that way was so that if the community
  2728. 61:41
  2729. opinion should change we didn't want
  2730. 61:45
  2731. people to not be able to argue the
  2732. 61:47
  2733. position for boycotts
  2734. 61:48
  2735. but until community consensus changed be
  2736. 61:52
  2737. pro boycott we weren't gonna let people
  2738. 61:54
  2739. actually organize it you know if they
  2740. 61:56
  2741. had you know three months or six months
  2742. 61:58
  2743. or a year or whatever and the opinion of
  2744. 62:00
  2745. the board had slowly changed to say okay
  2746. 62:02
  2747. operation rebuild is clearly not going
  2748. 62:04
  2749. to work in the long term we would be
  2750. 62:07
  2751. better off boycotting unfriendly game
  2752. 62:10
  2753. developers and outlets instead if that
  2754. 62:12
  2755. became the majority opinion we could
  2756. 62:13
  2757. have changed the rules to reflect that
  2758. 62:15
  2759. but then in the meantime if you wanted
  2760. 62:18
  2761. to run a boycott right to eff now you
  2762. 62:20
  2763. could go over to V and organize it their
  2764. 62:22
  2765. boycotts were welcomed on V they always
  2766. 62:23
  2767. were or somebody I think it was uh I
  2768. 62:28
  2769. think it was that faggot Wulfgar he
  2770. 62:31
  2771. created I think it was him they created
  2772. 62:34
  2773. a gamergate boycotts or GG boycotts
  2774. 62:37
  2775. board that we directed traffic to for a
  2776. 62:40
  2777. little bit until somebody pointed out
  2778. 62:42
  2779. that it might be some kind of a shill
  2780. 62:43
  2781. board at which point we just directed it
  2782. 62:45
  2783. over to V I thought the whole situation
  2784. 62:48
  2785. was a fairly decent compromise on the
  2786. 62:50
  2787. matter but there were some very loud
  2788. 62:52
  2789. minority factions on the board were not
  2790. 62:55
  2791. pleased with it at all and there was a
  2792. 62:56
  2793. lot of drama that started up over that
  2794. 62:58
  2795. and to the point that I want to say it
  2796. 63:05
  2797. went on for probably about a month like
  2798. 63:07
  2799. that and we had this big issue come up
  2800. 63:10
  2801. on the board we were getting these
  2802. 63:12
  2803. visits kind of you could actually see it
  2804. 63:16
  2805. in the moderator panel when you're in
  2806. 63:18
  2807. the admin panel on an H hand board
  2808. 63:19
  2809. there's an option where you can see the
  2810. 63:21
  2811. most recent posts and you get an idea
  2812. 63:24
  2813. after looking at that for a while what
  2814. 63:25
  2815. your normal posting patterns on the
  2816. 63:27
  2817. board looked like you know regular
  2818. 63:29
  2819. people show up most of the users on the
  2820. 63:31
  2821. board had post histories going back for
  2822. 63:33
  2823. months for instance and we would get
  2824. 63:38
  2825. these visits you have a bunch of people
  2826. 63:40
  2827. all show up at the same time within two
  2828. 63:42
  2829. or three minutes of each other like a
  2830. 63:44
  2831. cluster of about a dozen of them and if
  2832. 63:46
  2833. you check their IP hashes none of them
  2834. 63:48
  2835. had ever posted on the
  2836. 63:49
  2837. word before and they would all show up
  2838. 63:52
  2839. and they would push some idea like well
  2840. 63:55
  2841. great example we should boycott game
  2842. 63:57
  2843. developers and they do this for a couple
  2844. 64:00
  2845. of hours across multiple threads bumping
  2846. 64:04
  2847. multiple threads sometimes showing up in
  2848. 64:07
  2849. you know getting moderated because they
  2850. 64:09
  2851. push things a little too hard and then
  2852. 64:11
  2853. they'd all disappear around the same
  2854. 64:13
  2855. time then a couple of minutes of each
  2856. 64:14
  2857. other that all just go poof after about
  2858. 64:16
  2859. two hours of hitting the board and you'd
  2860. 64:19
  2861. never see him again those same IP hashes
  2862. 64:21
  2863. would never appear again until about a
  2864. 64:23
  2865. week later it was usually on a Friday or
  2866. 64:25
  2867. a Saturday a new group about the same
  2868. 64:28
  2869. size doing about the same thing which
  2870. 64:30
  2871. show up again and they do it for about
  2872. 64:32
  2873. the same amount of time and then poof
  2874. 64:34
  2875. they'd all vanish again so we got this
  2876. 64:37
  2877. idea we took to calling these shill
  2878. 64:39
  2879. storms kind of a play on words for
  2880. 64:41
  2881. shitstorm it was it had every earmark of
  2882. 64:45
  2883. a group coming onto the board who had
  2884. 64:47
  2885. sort of coordinated elsewhere it'd be
  2886. 64:49
  2887. like if you or I had a whole bunch of
  2888. 64:51
  2889. close friends on Twitter and we wanted
  2890. 64:52
  2891. to go breed a thread you know it was
  2892. 64:55
  2893. that type of a deal mm-hmm
  2894. 64:57
  2895. and so we started paying more attention
  2896. 64:59
  2897. to these and we started getting a lot of
  2898. 65:01
  2899. them suddenly that we're pushing for
  2900. 65:02
  2901. gamergate boycott developers and it
  2902. 65:06
  2903. actually got so bad that at one point I
  2904. 65:08
  2905. had something like a dozen threads in
  2906. 65:10
  2907. the catalog that were locked because at
  2908. 65:12
  2909. that time the way we were enforcing the
  2910. 65:14
  2911. rules was we weren't just outright
  2912. 65:16
  2913. deleting the threads that were causing
  2914. 65:17
  2915. problems we'd lock them usually with a
  2916. 65:19
  2917. statement from the mods and so I had
  2918. 65:23
  2919. like a dozen threads locked in the
  2920. 65:25
  2921. catalog and somebody else finally posted
  2922. 65:28
  2923. another one and I just got pissed off at
  2924. 65:30
  2925. the whole thing it's like I can't sit
  2926. 65:32
  2927. here all fucking day babysitting this
  2928. 65:34
  2929. especially when we've laid it out on the
  2930. 65:36
  2931. rules we've explained why we're doing it
  2932. 65:38
  2933. this way a dozen times and it's clearly
  2934. 65:40
  2935. not the majority of the board who's
  2936. 65:42
  2937. doing it because all of these posts are
  2938. 65:44
  2939. being made by these fucking little
  2940. 65:45
  2941. visitors coming in so I remember I
  2942. 65:48
  2943. posted a final response in the bottom of
  2944. 65:50
  2945. the most current thread and then I
  2946. 65:52
  2947. locked that thread and then I sticky did
  2948. 65:54
  2949. it and then I started handing out bands
  2950. 65:56
  2951. to all the IEP hashes that were pushing
  2952. 65:58
  2953. it and there's probably about ten of
  2954. 66:00
  2955. them I think
  2956. 66:01
  2957. and I don't remember if it was permit or
  2958. 66:04
  2959. I did like a three-day or what the
  2960. 66:05
  2961. dealio was been a long time anyway
  2962. 66:09
  2963. within about an hour of that the board
  2964. 66:11
  2965. fucking blew up with spam fresh IP
  2966. 66:14
  2967. addresses on every post there was some
  2968. 66:16
  2969. janitor you know he does it for free
  2970. 66:18
  2971. type copypasta being pushed out on their
  2972. 66:22
  2973. usual tactics but the fact that it was
  2974. 66:25
  2975. coming from fresh IPS on every post was
  2976. 66:28
  2977. what was telling us that it wasn't the
  2978. 66:29
  2979. normal community members who were there
  2980. 66:31
  2981. who were pissed at us over this like we
  2982. 66:34
  2983. took plenty of complaints from like what
  2984. 66:36
  2985. I would call actual Anton's who were
  2986. 66:38
  2987. posting on the boards like you look at
  2988. 66:39
  2989. him okay they've you know here's his
  2990. 66:41
  2991. post history he's contributed a few
  2992. 66:42
  2993. things across a couple of threads he is
  2994. 66:44
  2995. making a valid criticism and not just
  2996. 66:47
  2997. reading into the dark let's listen to
  2998. 66:50
  2999. him we did that a lot but these guys
  3000. 66:52
  3001. were in here just kind of causing a
  3002. 66:54
  3003. shitstorm so we fought back the spam for
  3004. 66:57
  3005. a while and this went on for like three
  3006. 66:59
  3007. solid hours as the moderators and I
  3008. 67:02
  3009. playing whack-a-mole with spammers and
  3010. 67:05
  3011. finally this stream request pops up from
  3012. 67:09
  3013. a guy named Ray ziyal who is acquainted
  3014. 67:11
  3015. with Gaytan Satan who you may remember
  3016. 67:13
  3017. used to do a lot of gamers in streams
  3018. 67:14
  3019. and they were gonna do a stream about
  3020. 67:17
  3021. the boycott issue and so this stream
  3022. 67:21
  3023. pops up and everybody Tunes in to watch
  3024. 67:24
  3025. it they were actually trying to get me
  3026. 67:25
  3027. to come on it but I had a very strict no
  3028. 67:27
  3029. stream no IRC policy back then the whole
  3030. 67:30
  3031. point of that was to guarantee that I
  3032. 67:32
  3033. would not fall to the same type of
  3034. 67:33
  3035. cancer that had wrecked the prior two
  3036. 67:35
  3037. boards that was kind of my that was my
  3038. 67:37
  3039. promise to them that I wasn't in this
  3040. 67:39
  3041. for my ego and so we have this talk and
  3042. 67:45
  3043. they're trying to push for boycotts on
  3044. 67:46
  3045. this stream a lot of people were against
  3046. 67:48
  3047. it and finally it comes down that they
  3048. 67:51
  3049. want to do a it was boycotting
  3050. 67:53
  3051. pre-orders of games for the holiday
  3052. 67:55
  3053. season I think was the final idea that
  3054. 67:57
  3055. they put out and quite a few times yeah
  3056. 68:00
  3057. quite a few people were actually on
  3058. 68:01
  3059. board with that when hell I was one of
  3060. 68:02
  3061. them one thing that I did is I spoke
  3062. 68:06
  3063. with gate and Satan privately on Twitter
  3064. 68:09
  3065. and I told him it's like you've got to
  3066. 68:11
  3067. stop calling this a boycott it's like if
  3068. 68:14
  3069. we want to do in a
  3070. 68:15
  3071. awareness campaign excuse of shitty
  3072. 68:18
  3073. industry practices that's one thing but
  3074. 68:23
  3075. if you call it a boycott you're gonna
  3076. 68:25
  3077. turn off the entire anti developer
  3078. 68:27
  3079. boycott faction of gamergate which at
  3080. 68:30
  3081. the time was the majority if you just
  3082. 68:33
  3083. change up how you're describing it a
  3084. 68:34
  3085. little bit but push the same essential
  3086. 68:36
  3087. idea I think this can really take off I
  3088. 68:38
  3089. actually offered to sticky him a thread
  3090. 68:40
  3091. on gamergate HQ promoting it but they
  3092. 68:44
  3093. were not interested they insisted that
  3094. 68:46
  3095. it be called a preorder boycott and
  3096. 68:48
  3097. after going back and forth with him
  3098. 68:50
  3099. probably for 45 minutes or an hour I
  3100. 68:52
  3101. finally threw my hands up just walked
  3102. 68:54
  3103. away from it but something stuck out
  3104. 68:57
  3105. about the whole thing that as soon as
  3106. 69:00
  3107. there seemed to be a kind of tacit
  3108. 69:01
  3109. agreement with Satan that the developer
  3110. 69:05
  3111. boiler that the nut developer preorder
  3112. 69:06
  3113. boycott thing might go forward suddenly
  3114. 69:09
  3115. the spam all stopped and the little
  3116. 69:13
  3117. visitor accounts all disappeared and the
  3118. 69:15
  3119. janitor copypastas stopped we hadn't
  3120. 69:18
  3121. changed anything on the rules we hadn't
  3122. 69:19
  3123. unlocked any of the threads but it was
  3124. 69:22
  3125. like as soon as Satan had something that
  3126. 69:24
  3127. he wanted the whole thing just went away
  3128. 69:27
  3129. and that kind of set off a red flag in
  3130. 69:31
  3131. the back of my mind it's like that's the
  3132. 69:33
  3133. timing was way too much of a coincidence
  3134. 69:34
  3135. I'm not like super paranoid I do believe
  3136. 69:37
  3137. that coincidences exist but this
  3138. 69:39
  3139. repeated pattern that I had of these
  3140. 69:42
  3141. people showing up combined with the
  3142. 69:45
  3143. timing of this stream and the whole
  3144. 69:47
  3145. boycott issue and just how seriously
  3146. 69:49
  3147. they were you know they almost took it
  3148. 69:51
  3149. personally that gamergate wasn't
  3150. 69:53
  3151. interested in pushing developer boycotts
  3152. 69:55
  3153. at that time that kind of set off a red
  3154. 69:58
  3155. flag and I started to get this suspicion
  3156. 70:00
  3157. in the back of my head as to just whom
  3158. 70:02
  3159. it might have been it was paying visits
  3160. 70:04
  3161. to our board to push this shit in groups
  3162. 70:08
  3163. well anyway the as far as I remember the
  3164. 70:11
  3165. preorder boycott thing never really
  3166. 70:13
  3167. amounted to anything they insisted on
  3168. 70:15
  3169. continuing to call it a boycott a bunch
  3170. 70:17
  3171. of people were turned off on it the
  3172. 70:19
  3173. sticky threat that I offered on G GHQ
  3174. 70:22
  3175. never really materialized because they
  3176. 70:23
  3177. never really made a threat for it and I
  3178. 70:26
  3179. vaguely recall like at least some
  3180. 70:28
  3181. people word is to outright shouting him
  3182. 70:30
  3183. down like it was a they were trying to
  3184. 70:31
  3185. get the camels nose under the tent as
  3186. 70:33
  3187. far as pushing developer boycotts later
  3188. 70:36
  3189. so that kind of fizzled out and then we
  3190. 70:41
  3191. had the continuing issue for about the
  3192. 70:45
  3193. next three months over the Christmas
  3194. 70:47
  3195. season of constant complaints about the
  3196. 70:50
  3197. board rules there was a very loud very
  3198. 70:53
  3199. vociferous minority on the board who
  3200. 70:56
  3201. were extremely agitated about any
  3202. 70:59
  3203. enforcement of the rules he got to the
  3204. 71:01
  3205. point we could spot these what we were
  3206. 71:03
  3207. calling shill storms coming in pretty
  3208. 71:05
  3209. quickly and it actually as you'll
  3210. 71:09
  3211. probably recall remember I used to give
  3212. 71:11
  3213. you a heads up on those yeah I do you
  3214. 71:14
  3215. remember that yeah we would get hit and
  3216. 71:17
  3217. we could watch the thing go down in real
  3218. 71:20
  3219. time and I would shoot you at DM and a
  3220. 71:22
  3221. couple hours later when they got done
  3222. 71:24
  3223. bombarding us they were over on ki a
  3224. 71:26
  3225. hitting you guys yep that's when this
  3226. 71:29
  3227. one I started making a list of people
  3228. 71:33
  3229. for the UH I think I think we called
  3230. 71:36
  3231. them the the Cabal and I think that's
  3232. 71:38
  3233. that was their actual name yeah I
  3234. 71:42
  3235. actually spoke I had a private
  3236. 71:43
  3237. conversation with Satan a long time
  3238. 71:46
  3239. after that where he broke down what the
  3240. 71:48
  3241. whole thing was and yeah that cabal
  3242. 71:50
  3243. quote-unquote was the word that they
  3244. 71:51
  3245. used to describe themselves that's kind
  3246. 71:53
  3247. of kind of ironic cuz that's what that's
  3248. 71:55
  3249. what we use for them but yes that's when
  3250. 71:57
  3251. I started making notes of but who was
  3252. 72:00
  3253. who to say once I figure out why this is
  3254. 72:06
  3255. happening my audio is like randomly
  3256. 72:08
  3257. muting itself for some reason there we
  3258. 72:10
  3259. go
  3260. 72:11
  3261. might be a glitch in this Firefox
  3262. 72:13
  3263. browser so we went through the Christmas
  3264. 72:17
  3265. season with these increasingly loud
  3266. 72:19
  3267. calls to relax the rules on the board
  3268. 72:21
  3269. and a lot of them not all there were a
  3270. 72:26
  3271. few honest like actual and on users who
  3272. 72:29
  3273. were regular users there who took some
  3274. 72:31
  3275. issue with the way we were enforcing
  3276. 72:32
  3277. things but probably 70 or 80 percent of
  3278. 72:35
  3279. the complaints that we got were coming
  3280. 72:37
  3281. from these no post history nobody
  3282. 72:40
  3283. mystery anton's coming on
  3284. 72:42
  3285. the board come in post once maybe twice
  3286. 72:44
  3287. disappear never to be seen again so we
  3288. 72:48
  3289. took to ignoring that at first and then
  3290. 72:50
  3291. as it started to get worse we begin
  3292. 72:52
  3293. banning them we didn't know exactly who
  3294. 72:55
  3295. it was or exactly why they were doing
  3296. 72:56
  3297. what they were doing but it was pretty
  3298. 72:57
  3299. clear that they in the bar the southern
  3300. 73:00
  3301. vernacular they weren't from around
  3302. 73:02
  3303. these parts
  3304. 73:03
  3305. and so we started banning I'm like we
  3306. 73:06
  3307. would any other shill or troll that was
  3308. 73:08
  3309. coming onto the board and a lot of the
  3310. 73:09
  3311. time to kind of a swayed the community
  3312. 73:11
  3313. for they know we're not actually banning
  3314. 73:13
  3315. people just for dissenting opinions we
  3316. 73:15
  3317. would go in and screencap their post
  3318. 73:17
  3319. history and post it like here is
  3320. 73:19
  3321. everything this person has ever posted
  3322. 73:21
  3323. on our board and it's three posts one of
  3324. 73:24
  3325. them is yelling at the mods and calling
  3326. 73:26
  3327. us Kooks and two of them are demanding
  3328. 73:28
  3329. that the rules be relaxed not exactly
  3330. 73:32
  3331. your your model image board citizens so
  3332. 73:35
  3333. after a while we just kind of wrote them
  3334. 73:36
  3335. all off his trolls and started you know
  3336. 73:38
  3337. it slapped their post history up there
  3338. 73:40
  3339. and then we banned the shit out of them
  3340. 73:42
  3341. but at the same time they were causing
  3342. 73:45
  3343. enough of a stir that we started to get
  3344. 73:47
  3345. actual calls for relaxing the moderation
  3346. 73:49
  3347. on the board they were the campaign was
  3348. 73:52
  3349. having some success at convincing people
  3350. 73:54
  3351. and so we began to do that we at first
  3352. 73:58
  3353. we went from deleting certain topics and
  3354. 74:01
  3355. threads that were obviously trolls to
  3356. 74:02
  3357. just locking them and we went from
  3358. 74:04
  3359. locking them to just saging them or saw
  3360. 74:07
  3361. gay as the proper term is basically bump
  3362. 74:09
  3363. locking them and then after a while it
  3364. 74:12
  3365. was to the point we really weren't doing
  3366. 74:14
  3367. anything at all and the whole board had
  3368. 74:16
  3369. kind of gone to pot so this was sort of
  3370. 74:21
  3371. the status quo I want to say in about
  3372. 74:23
  3373. February when I had a conversation with
  3374. 74:26
  3375. Hot Wheels 8chan admin on Twitter we'd
  3376. 74:29
  3377. noticed that the UID is our user count
  3378. 74:31
  3379. on the board had been dropping for a
  3380. 74:33
  3381. while and I was under the impression
  3382. 74:35
  3383. that 8chan was still tabulating its UID
  3384. 74:38
  3385. counts for the board based on active
  3386. 74:40
  3387. posts which is how it was originally
  3388. 74:42
  3389. back before some of the software updates
  3390. 74:44
  3391. and so some of the oldest which were
  3392. 74:46
  3393. also the biggest threats on the board
  3394. 74:48
  3395. were falling off the last page I figure
  3396. 74:51
  3397. well here's this 800 post thread full of
  3398. 74:54
  3399. all these UID is that my
  3400. 74:55
  3401. not have posted you know much since then
  3402. 74:58
  3403. or they might have only been here in the
  3404. 74:59
  3405. beginning or changed IPs or something
  3406. 75:01
  3407. like that that drops off and we lose
  3408. 75:02
  3409. some you IDs no big deal well hot wheels
  3410. 75:06
  3411. corrected me on that he informed me that
  3412. 75:08
  3413. no it was actually the UID count was
  3414. 75:11
  3415. tabulating data based on current active
  3416. 75:13
  3417. posts from only that's the most recent
  3418. 75:15
  3419. three days I think it was meaning that
  3420. 75:18
  3421. we were actually hemorrhaging users at a
  3422. 75:20
  3423. ridiculous rate I did a little bit of
  3424. 75:22
  3425. math and we were losing like 350 people
  3426. 75:24
  3427. a month which that was an honest to god
  3428. 75:27
  3429. oh shit moment for me so I sat down with
  3430. 75:31
  3431. the moderators and we had this big
  3432. 75:33
  3433. roundtable meeting we went over every
  3434. 75:34
  3435. possible thing that we could think of
  3436. 75:37
  3437. that might be causing people to leave
  3438. 75:38
  3439. the board and yeah I was in the running
  3440. 75:41
  3441. for that it's like maybe acid man fucked
  3442. 75:43
  3443. up massively
  3444. 75:44
  3445. but the more we looked at it and the
  3446. 75:46
  3447. more we looked at it and we looked at
  3448. 75:47
  3449. some of the complaints that we'd
  3450. 75:49
  3451. received and who we'd received them from
  3452. 75:51
  3453. it didn't seem like the regular users on
  3454. 75:54
  3455. the board really had any problem with us
  3456. 75:56
  3457. they were just kind of drifting away and
  3458. 75:59
  3459. so finally I made a unilateral decision
  3460. 76:02
  3461. one of the few that I made without
  3462. 76:04
  3463. taking the you know Oprah open
  3464. 76:06
  3465. consultation with the moderators I said
  3466. 76:08
  3467. we're gonna clean the place up the board
  3468. 76:11
  3469. looks like ass we've got off-topic
  3470. 76:13
  3471. threads you know Twitter drama and just
  3472. 76:16
  3473. bullshit everywhere gamergate operations
  3474. 76:19
  3475. and digs that we try to run get buried
  3476. 76:21
  3477. off the first page within an hour people
  3478. 76:24
  3479. are missing them they're not posting in
  3480. 76:25
  3481. them we don't have the boycott of the
  3482. 76:26
  3483. day thing anymore we need to clean the
  3484. 76:28
  3485. place the fuck up and maybe if the board
  3486. 76:31
  3487. looks nice and is running well and it's
  3488. 76:33
  3489. not full of shills and assholes being
  3490. 76:35
  3491. dicks to each other maybe folks will
  3492. 76:37
  3493. want to come back and so we said to hell
  3494. 76:41
  3495. with it and that was where I came up
  3496. 76:42
  3497. with the idea for the quote-unquote
  3498. 76:44
  3499. purge and that was kind of an
  3500. 76:48
  3501. interesting show a lot of people don't
  3502. 76:50
  3503. know this but I actually had hotwheels
  3504. 76:51
  3505. himself as the admin in the chat with us
  3506. 76:54
  3507. watching us pull this whole thing off
  3508. 76:56
  3509. because I'm there there's a clause and
  3510. 76:58
  3511. the board ownership for hm that if you
  3512. 77:01
  3513. intentionally damaged or destroyed or
  3514. 77:04
  3515. fucked up your board in some malicious
  3516. 77:06
  3517. way that the administrator could take
  3518. 77:07
  3519. your board from
  3520. 77:08
  3521. so I wanted to make sure that we did
  3522. 77:10
  3523. everything kind of on the kosher and I
  3524. 77:12
  3525. actually invited hot wheels to come in
  3526. 77:13
  3527. and watch us while we planned and did
  3528. 77:15
  3529. this oh I see what's happening with that
  3530. 77:19
  3531. microphone
  3532. 77:23
  3533. haha problem solved
  3534. 77:26
  3535. can you hear me yeah yeah you're fine
  3536. 77:30
  3537. okay there we go
  3538. 77:31
  3539. this thing has one of those little uh
  3540. 77:33
  3541. little mute unmute buttons built-in to
  3542. 77:36
  3543. the court I've been bumping it with my
  3544. 77:37
  3545. elbow without realizing it ah I see no
  3546. 77:40
  3547. but you've been able to speak to
  3548. 77:42
  3549. de-spawn the whole time
  3550. 77:43
  3551. okay good so anyway we carried out the
  3552. 77:47
  3553. purge which I made this great big deal
  3554. 77:49
  3555. out of it I even made this sort of meta
  3556. 77:51
  3557. mega thread with it was was a sabatons
  3558. 77:55
  3559. nuclear attack with with the
  3560. 77:58
  3561. accompanying footage of b-29 is dropping
  3562. 78:01
  3563. atomic bombs the actual reality of what
  3564. 78:05
  3565. we did was we deleted about six pages
  3566. 78:07
  3567. worth of just crap threads from the
  3568. 78:09
  3569. catalog and then anybody who popped up
  3570. 78:13
  3571. with these the no post history janitor
  3572. 78:16
  3573. copypasta fucking spam and issues or who
  3574. 78:20
  3575. like tried to start a drama storm about
  3576. 78:22
  3577. it just got the fucking band hammer we
  3578. 78:25
  3579. didn't give him any quarter on this one
  3580. 78:27
  3581. it's like if you're not here to do
  3582. 78:29
  3583. anything but complain about what the
  3584. 78:31
  3585. fuck we do then you don't need to be
  3586. 78:32
  3587. here and I think we banned a total of
  3588. 78:35
  3589. maybe 25 or 30 people by the time it was
  3590. 78:37
  3591. said and done but at the end of it the
  3592. 78:41
  3593. board did look really good and we got
  3594. 78:43
  3595. rid of quite a few problem users and the
  3596. 78:45
  3597. reason why I did it in such a dramatic
  3598. 78:46
  3599. way was I wanted this sort of hard
  3600. 78:48
  3601. stopping point that I could point back
  3602. 78:50
  3603. to in the board's history it's people
  3604. 78:54
  3605. were used to rules lawyering with us hmm
  3606. 78:56
  3607. and I think you'll know what I mean by
  3608. 78:58
  3609. that absolutely that's why when we have
  3610. 79:01
  3611. whenever we ever whenever we ever my god
  3612. 79:03
  3613. when we did rule changes I would always
  3614. 79:07
  3615. make a conscious effort to to try and
  3616. 79:10
  3617. make them this watertight as possible
  3618. 79:12
  3619. right I did not want any rule
  3620. 79:15
  3621. slaughtering but that ended up
  3622. 79:16
  3623. backfiring on me because then some of
  3624. 79:19
  3625. those fucking people just went to
  3626. 79:20
  3627. outright lying about how we
  3628. 79:22
  3629. we're enforcing the rules so and that's
  3630. 79:24
  3631. also exactly what happened to us it was
  3632. 79:26
  3633. so bad that the post purge rules list I
  3634. 79:29
  3635. had to add a rule to make lying about
  3636. 79:32
  3637. the board its rules and policies of
  3638. 79:33
  3639. animal offense that's I think that's
  3640. 79:36
  3641. what we did too so we carried this whole
  3642. 79:41
  3643. thing out and it actually did stem the
  3644. 79:44
  3645. user bleed we went down from I remember
  3646. 79:47
  3647. how many you IEDs we had at that point I
  3648. 79:49
  3649. want to say it was in the mid 900 range
  3650. 79:51
  3651. and the numbers kept ticking down but we
  3652. 79:54
  3653. went from 370 be something a month to
  3654. 79:57
  3655. like 20 people and that was something I
  3656. 80:00
  3657. could easily chalk up to just regular
  3658. 80:02
  3659. old-fashioned lack of interest and so in
  3660. 80:06
  3661. my opinion we probably done the right
  3662. 80:08
  3663. thing but during the purge we had this
  3664. 80:13
  3665. faction split off from the main board
  3666. 80:15
  3667. who went running over to poll and as we
  3668. 80:19
  3669. found out later this was the same
  3670. 80:20
  3671. faction that you guys had tangled with
  3672. 80:22
  3673. it you know some familiar names in their
  3674. 80:25
  3675. mail goddess Swami Wolf Garvey helter
  3676. 80:31
  3677. feed Rijn I don't know if QQ was
  3678. 80:35
  3679. involved at the time and he's probably
  3680. 80:36
  3681. lurking around there somewhere like a
  3682. 80:37
  3683. bad smell these were the anonymous
  3684. 80:41
  3685. posters who were over here in this pole
  3686. 80:43
  3687. threat getting the place set up and they
  3688. 80:46
  3689. picked the name which was GG revolt and
  3690. 80:48
  3691. they went through this big long song and
  3692. 80:50
  3693. dance about how they were gonna have a
  3694. 80:52
  3695. true Anonymous board owner instead of
  3696. 80:55
  3697. the evil named fag from V acid man all
  3698. 80:57
  3699. this others needed so they went and they
  3700. 81:00
  3701. made their board they thought they went
  3702. 81:03
  3703. and they offered it to seed Rijn who was
  3704. 81:05
  3705. the leader of the IRC group at the time
  3706. 81:07
  3707. who declined it and it we came to find
  3708. 81:10
  3709. out much later on that this whole thing
  3710. 81:12
  3711. was a dog and pony show
  3712. 81:14
  3713. they went from seed Rijn to the board
  3714. 81:17
  3715. owner of GG - who is san who is one of
  3716. 81:21
  3717. the streamers from the early days of GG
  3718. 81:23
  3719. who was also tied in with this major IRC
  3720. 81:27
  3721. Clubhouse cabal shit anyway he became
  3722. 81:32
  3723. the interim board owner for the actual
  3724. 81:35
  3725. there was some you know quote unquote
  3726. 81:37
  3727. based and on that nobody knew anything
  3728. 81:39
  3729. about well I'm sure you realize by now
  3730. 81:42
  3731. who exactly the board owner was so
  3732. 81:46
  3733. anyways Anne takes over the board GT
  3734. 81:48
  3735. revolt becomes a thing int annul who
  3736. 81:51
  3737. Swamy was involved with a little bit on
  3738. 81:53
  3739. and off help spam their board up into
  3740. 81:55
  3741. the top bar on the site and so it became
  3742. 81:57
  3743. sort of a fight between gamergate HQ and
  3744. 82:00
  3745. GG revolt and my words to the mods on it
  3746. 82:05
  3747. were to just concentrate on keeping
  3748. 82:07
  3749. board quality the kind of the thing that
  3750. 82:09
  3751. we always had done that was what put us
  3752. 82:11
  3753. in line with GG in the first place when
  3754. 82:14
  3755. the original board contest was going on
  3756. 82:16
  3757. it's like if we take care of our board
  3758. 82:18
  3759. and they have this sort of anarchist
  3760. 82:21
  3761. utopia over here they're gonna collapse
  3762. 82:23
  3763. under their own weight and we should be
  3764. 82:24
  3765. just fine
  3766. 82:25
  3767. well I think I ended up a throwing of a
  3768. 82:28
  3769. bone on K at one point Shannon had
  3770. 82:32
  3771. requested a a sticky about the whole
  3772. 82:35
  3773. situation they described it as as a
  3774. 82:38
  3775. split yeah so I said okay well we'll do
  3776. 82:40
  3777. a sticky and we'll we'll talk about GG
  3778. 82:44
  3779. revolt there but that's about it
  3780. 82:46
  3781. right I think I think somebody to to
  3782. 82:50
  3783. fuck with them quit GG revolt in the
  3784. 82:53
  3785. sidebar at some point - yeah revolt and
  3786. 82:56
  3787. I Wiggles in the sidebar at one time
  3788. 82:58
  3789. yeah that didn't go over well well that
  3790. 83:05
  3791. all boils down to the one thing that GG
  3792. 83:08
  3793. revolt found that they could offer in
  3794. 83:09
  3795. terms of being a gamergate board that we
  3796. 83:11
  3797. refused to and that was the ability to
  3798. 83:15
  3799. shit on and kind of attack other pro
  3800. 83:17
  3801. gamergate members pro GG people on
  3802. 83:24
  3803. gamergate HQ weren't above criticism but
  3804. 83:27
  3805. there was kind of an expectation on the
  3806. 83:29
  3807. case on that point of the moderators
  3808. 83:31
  3809. that you make a really good case if
  3810. 83:33
  3811. you're gonna criticize somebody who's
  3812. 83:34
  3813. overtly pro GG i mean goddamn think of
  3814. 83:36
  3815. the risks that people had to take back
  3816. 83:39
  3817. in the early days especially if your
  3818. 83:41
  3819. name is known just to come out and
  3820. 83:42
  3821. support us
  3822. 83:46
  3823. and revolt didn't give two shits about
  3824. 83:50
  3825. that they were free speech to the point
  3826. 83:53
  3827. that you could basically operate a would
  3828. 83:57
  3829. be the best way to describe it it would
  3830. 83:59
  3831. be like if if the US military in
  3832. 84:03
  3833. accordance with the Constitution was so
  3834. 84:05
  3835. Pro free speech that they would allow
  3836. 84:08
  3837. Isis to build an encampment in the
  3838. 84:11
  3839. middle of the united states army base
  3840. 84:13
  3841. because they don't want to infringe upon
  3842. 84:15
  3843. Isis's free speech now that's kind of
  3844. 84:18
  3845. the level of retarded that we were
  3846. 84:21
  3847. dealing with in fact I think I even
  3848. 84:23
  3849. described it in terms similar to that at
  3850. 84:25
  3851. least once and because we sort of had
  3852. 84:31
  3853. you know everything else related to
  3854. 84:33
  3855. gamergate operations digging and such
  3856. 84:35
  3857. you know working against journals
  3858. 84:37
  3859. working against the media keeping an eye
  3860. 84:38
  3861. on the SJW threat in the industry on
  3862. 84:41
  3863. lockdown that was already what we were
  3864. 84:42
  3865. doing these guys kind of morphed into a
  3866. 84:46
  3867. I don't even know what the fuck to
  3868. 84:48
  3869. describe it do you think of a good term
  3870. 84:55
  3871. nope I've got nothing almost like a like
  3872. 85:00
  3873. a monkey on our back but not quite no
  3874. 85:03
  3875. they considered themselves to be
  3876. 85:05
  3877. nominally gamergate but they spent all
  3878. 85:07
  3879. their fucking time attacking other
  3880. 85:08
  3881. people in gamergate I think I think
  3882. 85:11
  3883. she'll would would be probably the best
  3884. 85:14
  3885. word for it but they were more like the
  3886. 85:17
  3887. divide-and-conquer chills yeah but they
  3888. 85:20
  3889. weren't really shilling for anybody that
  3890. 85:22
  3891. we ever found out apart from themselves
  3892. 85:23
  3893. well Ralph well yeah that kind of came
  3894. 85:27
  3895. later though I mean there's a whole
  3896. 85:29
  3897. other involvement story with that
  3898. 85:31
  3899. including some details that I can't get
  3900. 85:33
  3901. into but I don't know what the fuck you
  3902. 85:37
  3903. call him I guess you know what how about
  3904. 85:40
  3905. janitors team killers yeah that that it
  3906. 85:45
  3907. was they got they were tired of playing
  3908. 85:47
  3909. on the regular team tired of playing the
  3910. 85:49
  3911. same old map so they started to get
  3912. 85:51
  3913. their jollies by decaying their
  3914. 85:52
  3915. teammates I think that's probably the
  3916. 85:56
  3917. best way I can describe
  3918. 85:58
  3919. I could understand the hate that they
  3920. 86:00
  3921. had for me because at least for most of
  3922. 86:02
  3923. the normal Anton's who went over there
  3924. 86:04
  3925. in the initial migration
  3926. 86:06
  3927. it was my actions that put them over
  3928. 86:08
  3929. there but then you had them going after
  3930. 86:10
  3931. people like you people like cult of
  3932. 86:13
  3933. Vivienne people like Oliver Campbell and
  3934. 86:15
  3935. Sargon and here's another interesting
  3936. 86:18
  3937. thing though almost all the targets that
  3938. 86:21
  3939. Gigi revolt went after were people who
  3940. 86:25
  3941. had kind of crossed paths with or
  3942. 86:27
  3943. offended or refused the advances of this
  3944. 86:31
  3945. stupid cabal operating in the IRC and it
  3946. 86:37
  3947. after a while I got to the point of kind
  3948. 86:39
  3949. of wondering exactly who it was who is
  3950. 86:41
  3951. making those threats targeting specific
  3952. 86:44
  3953. GG individuals over there all the time I
  3954. 86:46
  3955. mean we say things do I you can post
  3956. 86:48
  3957. anonymously it could be anybody but when
  3958. 86:50
  3959. you look at means motive and opportunity
  3960. 86:52
  3961. there's a certain list of names that
  3962. 86:55
  3963. keeps coming up repeatedly and after a
  3964. 86:59
  3965. while there was sort of a mounting body
  3966. 87:01
  3967. of evidence between you know
  3968. 87:04
  3969. corroborating things that were discussed
  3970. 87:06
  3971. on Twitter between various members of
  3972. 87:07
  3973. the group with what happened on GG
  3974. 87:09
  3975. revolt with what would happen on
  3976. 87:11
  3977. Baphomet the daxing and trolling board
  3978. 87:14
  3979. that H Han had for quite a while which
  3980. 87:16
  3981. it still exists but it's kind of dead
  3982. 87:18
  3983. now and after a while if you looked at
  3984. 87:22
  3985. it in the long term that a pattern sort
  3986. 87:23
  3987. of emerged where you would see this IRC
  3988. 87:27
  3989. click this this cabal they put
  3990. 87:30
  3991. crosshairs on somebody and the next
  3992. 87:33
  3993. thing you know it would turn up on GG
  3994. 87:35
  3995. revolt as a thread and everybody would
  3996. 87:37
  3997. get riled up over there and start going
  3998. 87:39
  3999. after this person and then a little
  4000. 87:41
  4001. while after that suddenly a thread would
  4002. 87:43
  4003. pop up on Baphomet now this person's
  4004. 87:45
  4005. been doxed here's their personal
  4006. 87:46
  4007. information here's all this other stuff
  4008. 87:48
  4009. about them and then suddenly the thread
  4010. 87:50
  4011. on Baphomet gets linked back to the
  4012. 87:52
  4013. threads on GG revolt and the next thing
  4014. 87:56
  4015. you know you have people being harassed
  4016. 87:57
  4017. off of social media you know getting
  4018. 88:00
  4019. shit in the mail you know moderators on
  4020. 88:04
  4021. various sites are being doxed shit like
  4022. 88:07
  4023. that but it became such a predictable
  4024. 88:10
  4025. pattern after a while in
  4026. 88:12
  4027. the order of events and the same names
  4028. 88:14
  4029. always popping up that it started to
  4030. 88:17
  4031. become pretty obvious that there was
  4032. 88:19
  4033. something more going on and I don't
  4034. 88:23
  4035. remember exactly when this was probably
  4036. 88:25
  4037. about March ish March April yeah
  4038. 88:29
  4039. somewhere in that time zone hey what the
  4040. 88:33
  4041. hell did they do I think it was they doc
  4042. 88:35
  4043. stile no they didn't Doc's him they
  4044. 88:36
  4045. attacked all of her Campbell I think it
  4046. 88:38
  4047. was John Kelly at the time and this one
  4048. 88:41
  4049. was overt because you had the stuff
  4050. 88:43
  4051. going down on revolt you had the stuff
  4052. 88:45
  4053. going down on Baphomet yeah the stuff
  4054. 88:47
  4055. going down I think they had Cal threats
  4056. 88:49
  4057. too but at the same time they were
  4058. 88:50
  4059. overtly targeting Oliver from their own
  4060. 88:53
  4061. social media accounts and it was a lot
  4062. 88:55
  4063. of the same talking points and it wasn't
  4064. 88:57
  4065. always you know the information might
  4066. 88:59
  4067. pop up on a revolt and then they would
  4068. 89:01
  4069. use it but then also they would put out
  4070. 89:03
  4071. information that would pop up on a
  4072. 89:05
  4073. revolt at the same time you could tell
  4074. 89:07
  4075. there was quite a bit of back-and-forth
  4076. 89:08
  4077. going on there and this sort of network
  4078. 89:12
  4079. analysis picture emerged and at that
  4080. 89:16
  4081. point I realized that you know this is
  4082. 89:19
  4083. kind of what we're dealing with this is
  4084. 89:21
  4085. this organized group that they have
  4086. 89:24
  4087. their own social circle they have their
  4088. 89:26
  4089. IR C's they've got their Twitter DM
  4090. 89:28
  4091. groups and something like this this is
  4092. 89:30
  4093. who's been fucking with us
  4094. 89:31
  4095. this is who was fucking with us on the
  4096. 89:33
  4097. boards this is who's been fucking with
  4098. 89:35
  4099. us on social media
  4100. 89:37
  4101. why and after a while of this Oliver
  4102. 89:41
  4103. actually got kind of pissed off and fed
  4104. 89:43
  4105. up and he quit social media for a while
  4106. 89:45
  4107. and that pissed me off
  4108. 89:46
  4109. I like Oliver quite a bit he's a really
  4110. 89:48
  4111. good guy especially if you talked to him
  4112. 89:50
  4113. in private he's got a little bit of a
  4114. 89:52
  4115. temper when he gets super riled up about
  4116. 89:53
  4117. stuff but he's just a pretty great dude
  4118. 89:55
  4119. in general yeah nothing like good things
  4120. 89:57
  4121. to say about him yeah and this was
  4122. 90:00
  4123. around the same timeframe that they
  4124. 90:02
  4125. managed to finally Docs me and I decided
  4126. 90:06
  4127. I had to make a judgment call it's like
  4128. 90:08
  4129. okay so I can do the smart thing and I
  4130. 90:11
  4131. can transfer board ownership to somebody
  4132. 90:13
  4133. else and I can pack up my bags and
  4134. 90:14
  4135. disappear quietly into the night or I
  4136. 90:17
  4137. can throw two middle fingers up and I
  4138. 90:20
  4139. can deal with this fucking problem
  4140. 90:21
  4141. because I've already been hit I can take
  4142. 90:24
  4143. the hits
  4144. 90:25
  4145. and I sat down and I have a little
  4146. 90:29
  4147. circle of friends
  4148. 90:31
  4149. we still kind of keep in touch but they
  4150. 90:32
  4151. were privy to some of this shit that was
  4152. 90:34
  4153. going on at the same time mostly
  4154. 90:37
  4155. unrelated to V fortunately anyway we
  4156. 90:43
  4157. started doing analysis on this stuff
  4158. 90:45
  4159. like who talks to who who really talks
  4160. 90:47
  4161. to not just looking at sort of general
  4162. 90:49
  4163. pictures on social media but like
  4164. 90:51
  4165. digging into these people and where they
  4166. 90:54
  4167. meet and what they do and I got mad
  4168. 90:55
  4169. enough I finally put out a Doc's call on
  4170. 90:58
  4171. gamergate HQ first and only time I've
  4172. 91:01
  4173. ever done that I said there's this group
  4174. 91:03
  4175. of guys who are fucking with us here's
  4176. 91:05
  4177. my email address anybody who wants to
  4178. 91:07
  4179. who has it send me anything and
  4180. 91:09
  4181. everything you have on them and a couple
  4182. 91:13
  4183. three days later I had my first leaker
  4184. 91:14
  4185. come out and this guy was a member of
  4186. 91:17
  4187. the group who was a little bit less than
  4188. 91:19
  4189. thrilled at the way his buddies have
  4190. 91:21
  4191. been conducting themselves and on the
  4192. 91:24
  4193. condition of protecting their anonymity
  4194. 91:26
  4195. and making sure that you know basically
  4196. 91:28
  4197. that I didn't DOX them in the process of
  4198. 91:30
  4199. going through this whole thing they gave
  4200. 91:32
  4201. me chat logs they gave me DM histories
  4202. 91:34
  4203. they gave me timelines of events they
  4204. 91:38
  4205. pointed me to two other people who also
  4206. 91:40
  4207. were able to corroborate the same
  4208. 91:41
  4209. information and then the most important
  4210. 91:43
  4211. one and this is a small leak that I'm
  4212. 91:45
  4213. going to make Alexander Makris the
  4214. 91:48
  4215. better known as Archon from The Escapist
  4216. 91:50
  4217. was one of the people who was named at
  4218. 91:53
  4219. having been invited into one of these
  4220. 91:54
  4221. secret IRC rooms that these assholes
  4222. 91:56
  4223. were running I happen to know Archon we
  4224. 91:59
  4225. spoke several times by a Twitter DM
  4226. 92:01
  4227. especially in the early days so I
  4228. 92:04
  4229. contacted him and I said hey this is the
  4230. 92:06
  4231. information that I've got can you verify
  4232. 92:08
  4233. that this shit all happened and he did
  4234. 92:10
  4235. he remembered the IRC chat and was even
  4236. 92:14
  4237. able to recognize partially some of the
  4238. 92:16
  4239. names of people that I ran by and hey
  4240. 92:17
  4241. was this guy in there was this guy in
  4242. 92:19
  4243. there his memory was a little bit fuzzy
  4244. 92:21
  4245. but he had the details down and matched
  4246. 92:23
  4247. what my insiders told me so it's like
  4248. 92:26
  4249. okay we've got some verification of this
  4250. 92:28
  4251. shit
  4252. 92:28
  4253. and so the it was right about that same
  4254. 92:32
  4255. time for the whole FBI thing fucking
  4256. 92:35
  4257. and I can actually talk about that now
  4258. 92:37
  4259. because both of the major players who
  4260. 92:39
  4261. were involved with it was since retired
  4262. 92:40
  4263. from their respective agencies I had a
  4264. 92:43
  4265. regular customer of mine for years who
  4266. 92:45
  4267. worked at the local police department he
  4268. 92:48
  4269. actually stopped by my store and kind of
  4270. 92:51
  4271. you know a little bit of a wink and a
  4272. 92:53
  4273. nudge you didn't hear this for me kind
  4274. 92:54
  4275. of thing said you might want to check
  4276. 92:56
  4277. some stuff out we're getting some weird
  4278. 92:57
  4279. reports from people and so I did and
  4280. 93:01
  4281. that was the night that I learned that
  4282. 93:02
  4283. I'd been doxed and the-the-the how did
  4284. 93:09
  4285. it go
  4286. 93:10
  4287. I'm trying to remember the order it was
  4288. 93:11
  4289. like 3 o'clock in the fucking morning I
  4290. 93:14
  4291. got home from work and I started poking
  4292. 93:16
  4293. around and I think it was on a bath
  4294. 93:18
  4295. baphomet where my Doc's had suddenly
  4296. 93:21
  4297. popped up and there was a bunch of
  4298. 93:24
  4299. people in the thread some of them very
  4300. 93:25
  4301. recognizable both by posting styles and
  4302. 93:28
  4303. the fact that the dip shits always
  4304. 93:29
  4305. reused the same image macros that was
  4306. 93:32
  4307. how we identified a couple of the people
  4308. 93:33
  4309. that were in there was the the the
  4310. 93:38
  4311. goddamnit the original file names that
  4312. 93:41
  4313. you save an image as from an image board
  4314. 93:44
  4315. site our persistent if you post that
  4316. 93:48
  4317. picture on one site it's gonna have a
  4318. 93:50
  4319. unique image tag like you know one two
  4320. 93:53
  4321. three four five six seven eight nine ten
  4322. 93:54
  4323. jpg and you can see that same image with
  4324. 93:58
  4325. that same randomized filename posted
  4326. 94:00
  4327. elsewhere you can link that person
  4328. 94:02
  4329. together and we were actually able to
  4330. 94:05
  4331. get into these this doxxing thread that
  4332. 94:07
  4333. was going on about me it's like oh well
  4334. 94:09
  4335. here's this son of a bitch from the IRC
  4336. 94:11
  4337. group and here's another of these son of
  4338. 94:14
  4339. a bitches from the IRC group and so we
  4340. 94:17
  4341. tied them in with that too they were the
  4342. 94:19
  4343. ones pushing for that
  4344. 94:20
  4345. and finally the the guys on the Baphomet
  4346. 94:23
  4347. thread put out a SWAT call and that was
  4348. 94:27
  4349. the point where shit kind of hit the fan
  4350. 94:29
  4351. so I called my buddy over at the local
  4352. 94:32
  4353. PD and I actually described to him what
  4354. 94:34
  4355. the hell was going on they called him in
  4356. 94:35
  4357. on night shift and they sent another
  4358. 94:38
  4359. officer down not him himself who came
  4360. 94:41
  4361. down and talked to me at my place and I
  4362. 94:42
  4363. actually showed him on my smartphone I
  4364. 94:44
  4365. scrolled the thread here's what the fuck
  4366. 94:45
  4367. they're doing you know if you guys get
  4368. 94:47
  4369. any weird calls tonight
  4370. 94:49
  4371. which they did to ignore it and they put
  4372. 94:53
  4373. a bulletin out and everything it kind of
  4374. 94:54
  4375. covered me on that well I go back to
  4376. 94:56
  4377. work and a couple of days later I get a
  4378. 94:59
  4379. phone call from a fellow who works for
  4380. 95:02
  4381. the Federal Bureau of Investigation
  4382. 95:03
  4383. we've been a customer of mine for
  4384. 95:06
  4385. probably seven or eight years and he
  4386. 95:08
  4387. says that my name had turned up had been
  4388. 95:11
  4389. sent in to them on an anonymous tip and
  4390. 95:14
  4391. he said it sounded like it was some
  4392. 95:16
  4393. bullshit but he thought he'd better talk
  4394. 95:17
  4395. with me about it
  4396. 95:18
  4397. so he came down to the shop and I
  4398. 95:20
  4399. actually I pulled a Chan up on my work
  4400. 95:23
  4401. computer and I showed him the fucking
  4402. 95:26
  4403. threads like all of them I showed him
  4404. 95:28
  4405. the threads on revolt I showed him the
  4406. 95:29
  4407. threads on Baphomet we archived him on
  4408. 95:32
  4409. archive got today I emailed him links to
  4410. 95:36
  4411. the archives and he said you know what
  4412. 95:40
  4413. if you know so much about the people who
  4414. 95:41
  4415. are putting this all together just
  4416. 95:43
  4417. gather all the information that you can
  4418. 95:45
  4419. on them and we have this Cyber Crimes
  4420. 95:47
  4421. Division guys who specialized in this
  4422. 95:49
  4423. type of stuff I'll show you where to go
  4424. 95:51
  4425. take that information over to them and
  4426. 95:53
  4427. if they find something there will
  4428. 95:54
  4429. investigate it I said okay so we did
  4430. 95:59
  4431. that and there was this about two or
  4432. 96:01
  4433. three week long just mass digging
  4434. 96:03
  4435. escapades that we did in to everybody
  4436. 96:06
  4437. that we could find who was involved with
  4438. 96:07
  4439. that IRC cabal feed Rijn cuckoo Seattle
  4440. 96:11
  4441. for truth all that kind of shit
  4442. 96:13
  4443. basically anybody and everybody burning
  4444. 96:16
  4445. the forest down to catch the Bandit was
  4446. 96:19
  4447. the descriptor that I used so I took him
  4448. 96:22
  4449. up there to that Kansas City office and
  4450. 96:23
  4451. I dropped him off on a thumb drive and
  4452. 96:27
  4453. then we came back and I had a an IRC
  4454. 96:30
  4455. chat session a couple of days later that
  4456. 96:33
  4457. I invited the members of the Cabal and
  4458. 96:35
  4459. GG revolt - it's called predator chat
  4460. 96:37
  4461. and I could actually put a put a link up
  4462. 96:41
  4463. in the chat for anybody who wants to
  4464. 96:42
  4465. read the original unedited logs but it's
  4466. 96:44
  4467. some pretty nasty shit there was overt
  4468. 96:47
  4469. threats in there there was covert
  4470. 96:49
  4471. threats in there I was making some
  4472. 96:51
  4473. threats of my own - particularly related
  4474. 96:53
  4475. to the whole FBI investigation deal and
  4476. 96:56
  4477. then I waited about two weeks and we had
  4478. 96:59
  4479. this the bomb drop
  4480. 97:03
  4481. thread on gamergate HQ which is where i
  4482. 97:07
  4483. made a public announcement of the FBI's
  4484. 97:08
  4485. involvement and posted some stuff to
  4486. 97:10
  4487. prove that it was actually happening
  4488. 97:12
  4489. including a neat little picture that I
  4490. 97:14
  4491. took of their main office Lobby had this
  4492. 97:17
  4493. Federal Bureau of Investigation sign on
  4494. 97:18
  4495. it I stuck some post-it notes on it with
  4496. 97:21
  4497. their names on the fucking thing and
  4498. 97:22
  4499. they let me take a picture and just like
  4500. 97:27
  4501. I figured they would after that they
  4502. 97:28
  4503. flipped the fuck out on Twitter I just I
  4504. 97:31
  4505. had this this this imagined fantasy of
  4506. 97:35
  4507. like hard drives going into microwaves
  4508. 97:37
  4509. all over the United States you know what
  4510. 97:39
  4511. I mean oh dear God that was my payback
  4512. 97:47
  4513. was running their blood pressure up
  4514. 97:49
  4515. through the fucking roof but it also
  4516. 97:51
  4517. drew enough attention to it that I was
  4518. 97:53
  4519. able to expose what I did know was going
  4520. 97:55
  4521. on and that was when the whole I think
  4522. 97:58
  4523. it was about the time the cancer crew
  4524. 97:59
  4525. meme started on a chin and all of these
  4526. 98:04
  4527. guys wound up being fucking pariahs
  4528. 98:07
  4529. kelly yeah somehow the only one who
  4530. 98:10
  4531. maintained any sort of decent PR front I
  4532. 98:13
  4533. think was cuckoo mostly because he
  4534. 98:14
  4535. stayed the fuck out of it yeah but like
  4536. 98:17
  4537. I don't know how many alts male goddess
  4538. 98:19
  4539. got himself banned under Jesus okay yeah
  4540. 98:23
  4541. like all of those guys on social media
  4542. 98:26
  4543. and on fucking all the gamergate hubs
  4544. 98:28
  4545. they became fucking a lepers everywhere
  4546. 98:31
  4547. outside of GG revolt itself and yeah
  4548. 98:36
  4549. that was kind of a and I the worst part
  4550. 98:39
  4551. was I couldn't brag about it I needed to
  4552. 98:40
  4553. let them stew I wanted that paranoia to
  4554. 98:44
  4555. be there just get under their fucking
  4556. 98:46
  4557. skin and burn into their brain that was
  4558. 98:48
  4559. my payback so I had to keep my damn
  4560. 98:51
  4561. mouth shut about all the details of it
  4562. 98:53
  4563. for a super long time in fact even now
  4564. 98:55
  4565. there's things that I still can't say
  4566. 98:57
  4567. things that were said and things that
  4568. 98:59
  4569. were done and people that were talked to
  4570. 99:01
  4571. but yeah that's that was kind of the
  4572. 99:05
  4573. story of GG revolt it split off from
  4574. 99:06
  4575. gamergate HQ they were teen killers
  4576. 99:09
  4577. against the rest of gamergate with very
  4578. 99:11
  4579. few exceptions and the place was ran and
  4580. 99:15
  4581. most of their major like operations and
  4582. 99:17
  4583. stuff were actually done by this
  4584. 99:19
  4585. retarded IRC cabal who thought they were
  4586. 99:22
  4587. the gamergate Illuminati and then they
  4588. 99:25
  4589. ran into a fucking autistic bored owner
  4590. 99:28
  4591. who turned their own little FBI
  4592. 99:30
  4593. reporting gambit back on them and now
  4594. 99:32
  4595. they hate me forever and ever the end
  4596. 99:36
  4597. but there were there were some names
  4598. 99:38
  4599. that that popped up and I know we we
  4600. 99:41
  4601. sort of cross-checked them with uh with
  4602. 99:44
  4603. her own notes like invisible Jim was was
  4604. 99:48
  4605. one of the big well I remember him uh
  4606. 99:50
  4607. who the fuck else hang on a sec I got
  4608. 99:52
  4609. notes my own oh shit I made a mistake
  4610. 99:57
  4611. opening this file oh shit no I I opened
  4612. 100:01
  4613. my I need to open my text my text editor
  4614. 100:03
  4615. and go in from the outside
  4616. 100:05
  4617. my main gamergate folder is like 6
  4618. 100:08
  4619. terabytes holy shit yeah if that tries
  4620. 100:11
  4621. to load it'll completely crash my
  4622. 100:13
  4623. computer hang on a second here text
  4624. 100:15
  4625. editor
  4626. 100:17
  4627. so anyway among other things I doxed
  4628. 100:20
  4629. every member of the group and actually
  4630. 100:22
  4631. handed their docs over to the FBI
  4632. 100:26
  4633. here we go open now we go into the
  4634. 100:30
  4635. gamergate folder show text files only
  4636. 100:34
  4637. where is it because my gamergate folder
  4638. 100:38
  4639. I'm curious now they're in the so she's
  4640. 100:44
  4641. 150 megabytes I got so much shit in here
  4642. 100:53
  4643. so they're still in a subfolder marked
  4644. 100:56
  4645. faggots like one of my helpers what this
  4646. 101:00
  4647. was joking about it's like two FBI
  4648. 101:02
  4649. agents staring over a computer it's like
  4650. 101:04
  4651. quick check the faggots folder Johnson
  4652. 101:06
  4653. we'd better catch these assholes
  4654. 101:07
  4655. [Laughter]
  4656. 101:13
  4657. what I titled it as it was just a bunch
  4658. 101:17
  4659. of notes that I took while I was
  4660. 101:18
  4661. interviewing these leakers ah here it is
  4662. 101:20
  4663. uh let's see who else did we have a few
  4664. 101:24
  4665. names in here john kelly sidrón ethics
  4666. 101:29
  4667. suck bacon from hell
  4668. 101:31
  4669. Jim yeah those go goddess Koro
  4670. 101:35
  4671. oppressed fart oh here we go molt our
  4672. 101:38
  4673. dry bones yep sale hatin s mix Mar bug
  4674. 101:44
  4675. chan synthol vine s mix yep interesting
  4676. 101:51
  4677. he was uh he was a K mod yeah for a
  4678. 101:55
  4679. while I knew that ki a actually had one
  4680. 101:58
  4681. of their members on your guys mod team
  4682. 101:59
  4683. he was it was a pretty cool guy though
  4684. 102:02
  4685. so sucked him from time to time oh yeah
  4686. 102:04
  4687. that's right Hot Wheels was in the group
  4688. 102:06
  4689. listed mostly inactive zing gar yeah see
  4690. 102:12
  4691. somebody named Red Queen she a couple
  4692. 102:20
  4693. others going on in here but yeah I got
  4694. 102:23
  4695. basically the complete history of most
  4696. 102:25
  4697. of the group how they started at their
  4698. 102:27
  4699. own little splits and internal dramas
  4700. 102:30
  4701. John Cal OH ethics suck the guy who
  4702. 102:33
  4703. started the ethics cook meme yeah there
  4704. 102:38
  4705. was a whole fuckin pack of these guys
  4706. 102:43
  4707. silver Ranger Raziel yeah Seattle for
  4708. 102:47
  4709. truth of course
  4710. 102:48
  4711. yeah Seattle apparently according to
  4712. 102:51
  4713. what I was told he got brought into the
  4714. 102:52
  4715. group to become their new sort of videos
  4716. 102:54
  4717. and presentation guy after bacon from
  4718. 102:56
  4719. l-left
  4720. 102:58
  4721. but yeah the what we have here is a
  4722. 103:01
  4723. clique of faggots with an extremely
  4724. 103:03
  4725. unwarranted sense of self-importance who
  4726. 103:07
  4727. caused a lot of trouble for everybody in
  4728. 103:08
  4729. gamergate and as far as the answer the
  4730. 103:11
  4731. question that was in the chat earlier
  4732. 103:12
  4733. what they actually were hoping to
  4734. 103:15
  4735. accomplish I don't fucking know I don't
  4736. 103:18
  4737. think they knew every time I got a
  4738. 103:20
  4739. leaker from the group or I was actually
  4740. 103:22
  4741. able to have a semi cordial conversation
  4742. 103:23
  4743. with one of them I always made sure to
  4744. 103:26
  4745. ask him the
  4746. 103:27
  4747. question of what the hell is the end
  4748. 103:28
  4749. game of all of this like whether it's
  4750. 103:31
  4751. you know whether it's Theed Rijn who's
  4752. 103:35
  4753. kind of though you know I don't have any
  4754. 103:36
  4755. hard proof on it that I can present but
  4756. 103:39
  4757. it's sort of the ringleader of the whole
  4758. 103:40
  4759. thing he always owns the venues and shit
  4760. 103:42
  4761. like that everywhere you look he hangs
  4762. 103:45
  4763. around like a bad smell whether somebody
  4764. 103:48
  4765. calling the shots had a goal for all of
  4766. 103:50
  4767. this or whether it was just dogs chasing
  4768. 103:52
  4769. cars I did I came up with a theory a
  4770. 103:57
  4771. long time after in fact it was only a
  4772. 103:59
  4773. few months ago as to why they put so
  4774. 104:01
  4775. much emphasis on taking hold of the
  4776. 104:02
  4777. 8chan boards like these guys were trying
  4778. 104:05
  4779. to get control of the hub when it
  4780. 104:07
  4781. shifted they got control of both of the
  4782. 104:09
  4783. previous gamergate boards by co-opting
  4784. 104:11
  4785. the owners they tried to co-opt me I
  4786. 104:14
  4787. turned down three different invitations
  4788. 104:17
  4789. to join their little IRC Club I couldn't
  4790. 104:23
  4791. figure out why it's like we're an image
  4792. 104:25
  4793. board on a chan like ki a is ten times
  4794. 104:27
  4795. the size of us even back at our peak
  4796. 104:29
  4797. it's like why the fuck did they care so
  4798. 104:31
  4799. much about us but then I clicked that it
  4800. 104:33
  4801. had to do with information distribution
  4802. 104:35
  4803. and my theory was because the way the
  4804. 104:38
  4805. flow of information would usually start
  4806. 104:39
  4807. envy and that would move to gamergate HQ
  4808. 104:43
  4809. is kind of a proving ground and then
  4810. 104:45
  4811. once it was proven and tweaked there it
  4812. 104:48
  4813. would be taken over to ki a by our
  4814. 104:50
  4815. reddit cross posters and it would get
  4816. 104:52
  4817. blown up over there a whole bunch and
  4818. 104:53
  4819. then disseminated out on the social
  4820. 104:55
  4821. media through the major Twitter accounts
  4822. 104:56
  4823. and things like that we had a pretty
  4824. 104:58
  4825. good Information Network gamergate did
  4826. 105:00
  4827. and I realized that if you can if you
  4828. 105:03
  4829. controlled the first step you couldn't
  4830. 105:05
  4831. really co-opt it they couldn't get into
  4832. 105:08
  4833. the V threads we're basically pretty
  4834. 105:10
  4835. show proof there's about a hundred and
  4836. 105:11
  4837. ten people in there and we all kind of
  4838. 105:13
  4839. know each other and we all kind of know
  4840. 105:15
  4841. what's normal and what's not so the wolf
  4842. 105:18
  4843. in sheep's clothing bit doesn't really
  4844. 105:20
  4845. work on us and ki a was just too fucking
  4846. 105:23
  4847. big if you wanted to try and control the
  4848. 105:25
  4849. information that was flowing out of ki a
  4850. 105:27
  4851. there's no way that you could do it
  4852. 105:28
  4853. without actually controlling the
  4854. 105:30
  4855. moderator slots well I I think I think
  4856. 105:33
  4857. there was a goal with with that and I
  4858. 105:37
  4859. think that's that's basically what it
  4860. 105:38
  4861. was
  4862. 105:39
  4863. change the ideology of kaa change the
  4864. 105:42
  4865. audience there right I thought of it as
  4866. 105:46
  4867. at first as people were throwing a
  4868. 105:49
  4869. bitch-fit
  4870. 105:50
  4871. because they wanted Karma for their
  4872. 105:52
  4873. posts I thought oh my god they they just
  4874. 105:54
  4875. want the attention they want the
  4876. 105:56
  4877. reputation but it was a little bit
  4878. 105:58
  4879. deeper than that this happened around
  4880. 106:02
  4881. the time of the the self post rule where
  4882. 106:05
  4883. if you had any Content that it was not
  4884. 106:08
  4885. immediately related to gaming or nerd
  4886. 106:12
  4887. culture then you had to have it in a
  4888. 106:14
  4889. self post explaining why it was relevant
  4890. 106:17
  4891. to the interests of gamergate
  4892. 106:18
  4893. right I like people she didn't like I
  4894. 106:22
  4895. don't know about your guys karma rules
  4896. 106:23
  4897. and all that shit I haven't read it
  4898. 106:25
  4899. account but I use it very little but no
  4900. 106:29
  4901. I do vaguely remember that event though
  4902. 106:31
  4903. yeah well basically with the karma thing
  4904. 106:34
  4905. is people tend to take someone more
  4906. 106:38
  4907. seriously that with the more karma they
  4908. 106:41
  4909. have it's basically like a penis level
  4910. 106:44
  4911. see this is one of the reasons why
  4912. 106:46
  4913. imageboard users consider reddit to be
  4914. 106:48
  4915. cancerous I just want to get out there
  4916. 106:51
  4917. really on that front but anyway so so we
  4918. 106:56
  4919. made that a rule and the big stink was
  4920. 106:58
  4921. your relegating all this shit to
  4922. 107:00
  4923. second-class content whereas this was
  4924. 107:04
  4925. what we saw as a compromise to allow
  4926. 107:07
  4927. stuff like unrelated social justice
  4928. 107:10
  4929. content like the the Matt Taylor
  4930. 107:14
  4931. incident and the fucking are you beach
  4932. 107:17
  4933. body ready controversy oh yeah yeah what
  4934. 107:21
  4935. we would allow that but in that sort of
  4936. 107:24
  4937. capacity and one of the talking points
  4938. 107:27
  4939. that kept coming up was self posts don't
  4940. 107:30
  4941. do as well in karma so we won't have as
  4942. 107:34
  4943. good of a chance to reach our all which
  4944. 107:36
  4945. was a conglomeration of the top posts on
  4946. 107:39
  4947. Reddit at the time which ki a was
  4948. 107:42
  4949. regularly hitting and at first I thought
  4950. 107:45
  4951. okay so this is just a karma thing
  4952. 107:47
  4953. they're gonna lose their their influence
  4954. 107:49
  4955. because
  4956. 107:50
  4957. they won't get as much post karma from
  4958. 107:52
  4959. their shit but then it just sort of
  4960. 107:54
  4961. dawned on me that no what they wanted to
  4962. 107:57
  4963. do was push this content to the top of
  4964. 108:00
  4965. our all bring in more people that South
  4966. 108:04
  4967. Korea is more of a yeah who agreed with
  4968. 108:07
  4969. it worse okay is a anti sjw General sub
  4970. 108:11
  4971. that they could just you know dump all
  4972. 108:13
  4973. their shit in and basically run out the
  4974. 108:15
  4975. people who were in it for you know the
  4976. 108:18
  4977. typical reasons that they were for
  4978. 108:20
  4979. gamergate of ethics and the gaming shit
  4980. 108:22
  4981. right I think I would agree with that
  4982. 108:25
  4983. actually yeah so good what had dawned on
  4984. 108:30
  4985. me is if you manage to get control of
  4986. 108:32
  4987. that middle step if you had control of
  4988. 108:35
  4989. the 8chan hub then you could filter what
  4990. 108:39
  4991. information was passed from V where a
  4992. 108:43
  4993. lot of our operations and stuff were
  4994. 108:44
  4995. conceived before it got to ki a which
  4996. 108:48
  4997. was kind of a major megaphone that we
  4998. 108:49
  4999. had that introduced gamergate s-- ideas
  5000. 108:51
  5001. and content to a lot of new people and a
  5002. 108:53
  5003. lot of you know redditor normies
  5004. 108:55
  5005. quote-unquote it's like gay if you have
  5006. 108:58
  5007. a multi-step amplifier and you change
  5008. 109:01
  5009. the voltage at the second plate you can
  5010. 109:03
  5011. have a massive effect on the on the
  5012. 109:05
  5013. output voltage at the end without having
  5014. 109:08
  5015. to put in nearly as much work you don't
  5016. 109:10
  5017. have as much information flow to control
  5018. 109:12
  5019. you can make a lot more subtle movements
  5020. 109:14
  5021. that are harder to pick up on just by
  5022. 109:16
  5023. you know just by saje flooding or
  5024. 109:19
  5025. bumping the correct threads at the
  5026. 109:21
  5027. correct time also broadcasting them from
  5028. 109:23
  5029. major social media accounts there's
  5030. 109:25
  5031. actually a surprisingly large amount of
  5032. 109:27
  5033. power that you can exert over the whole
  5034. 109:30
  5035. GG information network just by
  5036. 109:33
  5037. controlling the little board on a chin
  5038. 109:34
  5039. and that when that dawned on me it kind
  5040. 109:37
  5041. of smacked me upside the head and it's
  5042. 109:38
  5043. like I cannot think of a better reason
  5044. 109:40
  5045. why they fought so fucking hard to try
  5046. 109:42
  5047. and get control of us yeah and it was
  5048. 109:46
  5049. more or less the same thing with
  5050. 109:47
  5051. controlling vote totals on ki when you
  5052. 109:51
  5053. could clearly see the votes score we
  5054. 109:54
  5055. noticed that people were more likely to
  5056. 109:58
  5057. go with whatever had the highest vote
  5058. 110:01
  5059. total at the time and so we noticed that
  5060. 110:04
  5061. there was coordination between the usual
  5062. 110:07
  5063. suspects who would post this shit
  5064. 110:09
  5065. railing against the mods calling us
  5066. 110:11
  5067. cocks and saying needed to go were
  5068. 110:13
  5069. abusing the rules or whatever and within
  5070. 110:15
  5071. minutes they would have like 10 or 12 up
  5072. 110:18
  5073. votes and if we ever came in to fire
  5074. 110:23
  5075. back at them or try to address some of
  5076. 110:25
  5077. the criticisms that other people were
  5078. 110:27
  5079. leveling at us we wouldn't instantly get
  5080. 110:30
  5081. those 10 12 down votes and I'll tell you
  5082. 110:34
  5083. something interesting those notes I was
  5084. 110:37
  5085. talking about earlier one of the entries
  5086. 110:40
  5087. in here was that what I was told from
  5088. 110:42
  5089. The Insider is that their teams that
  5090. 110:44
  5091. they had that went around bumping or
  5092. 110:46
  5093. saging certain threads and influencing
  5094. 110:48
  5095. vote totals was between 12 and 20 people
  5096. 110:52
  5097. hmm makes sense since with exactly the
  5098. 110:57
  5099. things we observed but yeah so there was
  5100. 111:02
  5101. that and there was also lots of rules
  5102. 111:04
  5103. lawyering so one user in particular I
  5104. 111:08
  5105. mentioned him last night who actually no
  5106. 111:10
  5107. it was it was two users one of them
  5108. 111:12
  5109. actually I believe got his account
  5110. 111:13
  5111. suspended on reddit and that was
  5112. 111:15
  5113. invisible Jim but the other one was
  5114. 111:18
  5115. based I clawed and this guy would push
  5116. 111:23
  5117. the rules as far as they could possibly
  5118. 111:25
  5119. go he was outright lying about how we
  5120. 111:29
  5121. would enforce them if we ever had a new
  5122. 111:33
  5123. thread about new new changes that we
  5124. 111:37
  5125. were implementing in the Sun he was
  5126. 111:39
  5127. always there always railing about how we
  5128. 111:42
  5129. were abusing our powers and how myself
  5130. 111:46
  5131. and menos lemons and gamma King and
  5132. 111:49
  5133. Oregon sea guy all needed to sit down
  5134. 111:52
  5135. and later that expanded to chaos as well
  5136. 111:55
  5137. which kind of funny because in our
  5138. 111:58
  5139. private chats we wanted to ban this guy
  5140. 112:00
  5141. like really bad we knew that it was
  5142. 112:04
  5143. going to be a stretch of the rules but
  5144. 112:05
  5145. we wanted we wanted this guy out because
  5146. 112:07
  5147. he was good for nothing except stirring
  5148. 112:09
  5149. shit and
  5150. 112:12
  5151. chaos was very adamant about not banning
  5152. 112:15
  5153. him to the point where when it actually
  5154. 112:18
  5155. did happen
  5156. 112:19
  5157. chaos do a fucking fit in and demanded
  5158. 112:22
  5159. to know who the hell did it and I think
  5160. 112:25
  5161. it was actually Manos slim ins who did
  5162. 112:28
  5163. but that's neither well actually no I
  5164. 112:30
  5165. suppose I should talk about that because
  5166. 112:33
  5167. well both before you go into it real
  5168. 112:36
  5169. hard let me pause for just a second
  5170. 112:38
  5171. because I got to use the little boy's
  5172. 112:39
  5173. room I will be right back
  5174. 112:43
  5175. with that pause I will talk to the chat
  5176. 112:46
  5177. a little bit then all right be right
  5178. 112:47
  5179. back we've been on the cliffhanger
  5180. 112:54
  5181. so how is everyone doing I'm doing ok if
  5182. 113:01
  5183. you don't know what's going on here
  5184. 113:03
  5185. talking with acid man acid man is the
  5186. 113:06
  5187. board owner of gamergate HQ on 8chan has
  5188. 113:11
  5189. been since the board was created
  5190. 113:13
  5191. basically reminiscing on the old days in
  5192. 113:17
  5193. talking about shit that happened you
  5194. 113:19
  5195. could sort of consider this a
  5196. 113:21
  5197. continuation of last night's stream
  5198. 113:23
  5199. about gamergate KY I quit things that
  5200. 113:28
  5201. happened that sort of thing and the big
  5202. 113:33
  5203. point of this is a cement hasn't really
  5204. 113:36
  5205. gone on streams much if ever so
  5206. 113:40
  5207. everybody needs to not bully
  5208. 113:43
  5209. please oh God
  5210. 113:50
  5211. so rules lawyers huh talking about
  5212. 113:59
  5213. yellow space rock in fucking Myers so
  5214. 114:01
  5215. some rocky Dennis fag
  5216. 114:04
  5217. though so all the Myers posting stuff
  5218. 114:08
  5219. came like much much later on the stuff
  5220. 114:11
  5221. we're talking about was like two and a
  5222. 114:13
  5223. half to three years ago so this is this
  5224. 114:19
  5225. is way way before all that in in
  5226. 114:22
  5227. internet terms like some of the some of
  5228. 114:27
  5229. the people that we're talking about have
  5230. 114:29
  5231. had their reddit accounts banned for
  5232. 114:33
  5233. that long or some of them have gone off
  5234. 114:38
  5235. of Twitter or had those accounts of
  5236. 114:40
  5237. banned for a long time like uh actually
  5238. 114:44
  5239. let me see if John Kelly is still on
  5240. 114:46
  5241. Twitter I think he got suspended
  5242. 114:57
  5243. uh nope his look this account's tweets
  5244. 115:02
  5245. are protected
  5246. 115:04
  5247. looks like he deleted everything because
  5248. 115:08
  5249. he's got the default avatar um let's see
  5250. 115:15
  5251. there was another one a pressed fart
  5252. 115:22
  5253. believed they were too spent nope not
  5254. 115:25
  5255. suspended
  5256. 115:26
  5257. oh well holy shit somewhat active last
  5258. 115:33
  5259. thing posted was July 7th though
  5260. 115:36
  5261. something in German looks like pretty
  5262. 115:42
  5263. much given up on gamergate now it's more
  5264. 115:44
  5265. of a trunk train sort of account don't
  5266. 115:53
  5267. know why people are still following them
  5268. 115:57
  5269. let's see we find another one this is
  5270. 116:01
  5271. very low Earl Oh was suspended and I'm
  5272. 116:09
  5273. back what's up not much I feel about two
  5274. 116:13
  5275. gallons lighter
  5276. 116:14
  5277. oh good everything came out okay yeah I
  5278. 116:17
  5279. fell in but I didn't flush I was just
  5280. 116:23
  5281. going over accounts that that I knew
  5282. 116:26
  5283. were a part of GG revolt or at least
  5284. 116:28
  5285. sympathetic to them and talking about
  5286. 116:30
  5287. which ones were still around and which
  5288. 116:32
  5289. ones were fans oh that's an interesting
  5290. 116:34
  5291. little piece of history I can chime in
  5292. 116:36
  5293. on I see John Kelly and Vera Lowe both
  5294. 116:38
  5295. getting mentioned yeah they shot Kelly
  5296. 116:41
  5297. looks like he deleted everything yeah
  5298. 116:44
  5299. they did not get doxed by GG revolt they
  5300. 116:46
  5301. got doxxed by Wolff Garvey helter AKA
  5302. 116:49
  5303. Koro on twitter he was kind of Theed
  5304. 116:53
  5305. ruins hitman there was a stream again
  5306. 116:57
  5307. you have to forgive me if my timing is
  5308. 116:59
  5309. off on this it's been a while
  5310. 117:01
  5311. but probably about five or six months
  5312. 117:05
  5313. after they doxxed me Vera Lo and theater
  5314. 117:08
  5315. and were on a stream together and Vera
  5316. 117:11
  5317. lo pissed seed ran off and he lost his
  5318. 117:14
  5319. shit was screaming at Vera low at the
  5320. 117:16
  5321. top of his lungs right on the stream
  5322. 117:20
  5323. shortly after that theater and basically
  5324. 117:23
  5325. declared very low excommunicate us from
  5326. 117:25
  5327. their little Clubhouse and my
  5328. 117:28
  5329. understanding is that when John Kelly
  5330. 117:30
  5331. took Vera low-side cedar and kicked him
  5332. 117:32
  5333. out as well once they were out of the
  5334. 117:35
  5335. group though it was actually Wulfgar
  5336. 117:38
  5337. slash Koro who went after both of them
  5338. 117:41
  5339. he was still part of theater in his
  5340. 117:43
  5341. group so this you know my my intonation
  5342. 117:46
  5343. of it was always that he did this on
  5344. 117:48
  5345. Theed Rijn say so
  5346. 117:49
  5347. and he actually doxxed both of them and
  5348. 117:51
  5349. harassed him both pretty extensively
  5350. 117:53
  5351. there was multiple threads on GG revolt
  5352. 117:56
  5353. on Baphomet on a cow and basically tried
  5354. 117:59
  5355. to try to drive these guys off of the
  5356. 118:02
  5357. internet for offending his Lord and
  5358. 118:03
  5359. Master Theed Rijn it wasn't a general GG
  5360. 118:07
  5361. revolt thing it was just this one
  5362. 118:08
  5363. particular artist who is you're probably
  5364. 118:11
  5365. aware with a Wulfgar he's a freaking
  5366. 118:14
  5367. autistic canadian black dude furry i the
  5368. 118:20
  5369. guy was so cancerous he got ran out of
  5370. 118:22
  5371. the encyclopedia dramatica forums let
  5372. 118:24
  5373. that sink in but yeah he was the guy who
  5374. 118:30
  5375. did in old John Kelly and Merrill Oh
  5376. 118:36
  5377. looks like a looks like the trend is
  5378. 118:38
  5379. still somewhat active on Twitter he is
  5380. 118:42
  5381. he and cuckoo or to the last ones left
  5382. 118:46
  5383. yeah I know
  5384. 118:47
  5385. I noticed cuckoo retweeting some old
  5386. 118:49
  5387. we're not old shit but new shit that oh
  5388. 118:52
  5389. yeah both are denote servicer Wolfington
  5390. 118:56
  5391. okay yep those were his three names
  5392. 119:08
  5393. fun fact he also put up a alt board on a
  5394. 119:12
  5395. Chan trying to get people out of the
  5396. 119:14
  5397. main gamergate board back in the day too
  5398. 119:16
  5399. he created gamergate hb4 gamergate home
  5400. 119:20
  5401. base hmm i remember that yeah you caught
  5402. 119:23
  5403. it I've not heard that in a long time
  5404. 119:24
  5405. yep he wanted to be the board owner so
  5406. 119:26
  5407. bad space cat boys when I remember I
  5408. 119:31
  5409. don't know if he changed names or I
  5410. 119:34
  5411. vaguely remember that guy see Christi
  5412. 119:44
  5413. jr. he was one of our Ralph's guys yeah
  5414. 119:47
  5415. he's on gab these days he's also one of
  5416. 119:49
  5417. the head honchos of the vote gamergate
  5418. 119:52
  5419. board thank his name they're singing Oh
  5420. 119:55
  5421. Chris ah yes that I recognize you know
  5422. 119:59
  5423. Chris and I looks like he gots to spin
  5424. 120:02
  5425. it on Twitter too let's see course mail
  5426. 120:06
  5427. goddess is under a different name
  5428. 120:08
  5429. yeah like that 11th fucking one well
  5430. 120:13
  5431. when you're part of a when you're part
  5432. 120:16
  5433. of a subgroup whose main thought leaders
  5434. 120:18
  5435. seem to consistently wind up in prison
  5436. 120:20
  5437. for anything from punching police
  5438. 120:22
  5439. officers to murder it doesn't surprise
  5440. 120:24
  5441. me that most of the lesser ones would
  5442. 120:26
  5443. wind up getting their Twitter accounts
  5444. 120:27
  5445. suspended
  5446. 120:28
  5447. yeah pretty pretty much yeah so anyway
  5448. 120:32
  5449. back to where we were based iCloud yeah
  5450. 120:37
  5451. rolls wiring basically everything he did
  5452. 120:43
  5453. was just barely within line of all the
  5454. 120:47
  5455. rules that that we had said in order to
  5456. 120:51
  5457. curb that sort of behavior and the
  5458. 120:56
  5459. behavior of the other names that we had
  5460. 121:00
  5461. noted such as I'll just go ahead and
  5462. 121:03
  5463. read some off the list here cuz I know
  5464. 121:05
  5465. some people last night were asking me
  5466. 121:06
  5467. about it
  5468. 121:09
  5469. jayveer core mentlegen
  5470. 121:12
  5471. Oh mail goddess was on that list
  5472. 121:15
  5473. invisible gym team complete control
  5474. 121:19
  5475. DEATH BATTLE fan 1 2 3 dr. Diane DIF I'm
  5476. 121:25
  5477. butchering these names bucket with it
  5478. 121:29
  5479. and of course they drain was the drain
  5480. 121:33
  5481. here
  5482. 121:33
  5483. yes or thorat thora didn't I don't know
  5484. 121:40
  5485. things yeah I thought that was somebody
  5486. 121:42
  5487. else
  5488. 121:43
  5489. well there were a lot of them that were
  5490. 121:45
  5491. spelled very very differently but all
  5492. 121:52
  5493. running along the same sort of
  5494. 121:54
  5495. conventions but anyway point being there
  5496. 121:57
  5497. you know these were people that that we
  5498. 121:59
  5499. were watching out for and a lot of the
  5500. 122:03
  5501. time if they ever commented in the
  5502. 122:05
  5503. thread where we were present it was
  5504. 122:07
  5505. almost always attack or the rules are
  5506. 122:12
  5507. shit you were shit
  5508. 122:13
  5509. get out you're not the leaders of
  5510. 122:15
  5511. gamergate you're janitors that is your
  5512. 122:17
  5513. role right oh dear God so we changed the
  5514. 122:23
  5515. rules up in an attempt to basically
  5516. 122:25
  5517. purge these sorts of people but we had
  5518. 122:30
  5519. to make them as airtight as as possible
  5520. 122:33
  5521. because we didn't want anyone who was
  5522. 122:36
  5523. lawyering to get around it but we had
  5524. 122:40
  5525. made an exception we're not really an
  5526. 122:43
  5527. exception but we had made a note in one
  5528. 122:46
  5529. of the rules where if you are
  5530. 122:48
  5531. intentionally lying about how we applied
  5532. 122:51
  5533. this shit that was grounds for a ban and
  5534. 122:55
  5535. sure enough a base icloud took the bait
  5536. 122:59
  5537. and started lying about how we were
  5538. 123:03
  5539. applying the rules so he got a ban on
  5540. 123:07
  5541. that one I wasn't around when that
  5542. 123:11
  5543. happened I had like just gotten into the
  5544. 123:14
  5545. Skype call or not Skype call Skype chat
  5546. 123:17
  5547. since that's where we know we're
  5548. 123:19
  5549. basically discussing stuff and we would
  5550. 123:21
  5551. always invoke on on bans gonna just drop
  5552. 123:25
  5553. something into the chat here real quick
  5554. 123:27
  5555. give it something to be very careful
  5556. 123:31
  5557. because
  5558. 123:32
  5559. it's a pastebin link to the complete
  5560. 123:35
  5561. logs of that chat that I had with these
  5562. 123:38
  5563. guys right before the whole FBI thing
  5564. 123:39
  5565. happened
  5566. 123:40
  5567. yeah just put some spaces in between the
  5568. 123:43
  5569. dots and the comm and all that shit
  5570. 123:45
  5571. so it'll post because Google's of
  5572. 123:47
  5573. asshole but anyway um so he ended up
  5574. 123:53
  5575. getting banned and immediately went over
  5576. 123:57
  5577. to subreddit cancer which was a sub that
  5578. 124:02
  5579. really didn't like a lot of what Kay was
  5580. 124:06
  5581. doing at the moment and a lot of the
  5582. 124:08
  5583. usual suspects ran around there too and
  5584. 124:11
  5585. it was basically a house where you could
  5586. 124:16
  5587. spray paint censorship as much as
  5588. 124:19
  5589. possible and people would call it art so
  5590. 124:24
  5591. he immediately went over there rallying
  5592. 124:28
  5593. about how it was so terrible he was
  5594. 124:31
  5595. specifically targeted and the mods were
  5596. 124:33
  5597. cuts and almost immediately came right
  5598. 124:38
  5599. back over to kay i unban based i clap
  5600. 124:40
  5601. why did you ban him you know this is
  5602. 124:42
  5603. this is terrible what the fuck are you
  5604. 124:44
  5605. doing so I get a text from one of the
  5606. 124:48
  5607. other mods saying dude you need to get
  5608. 124:51
  5609. in this skype chat right now shits going
  5610. 124:53
  5611. down and sure enough that's the drama
  5612. 124:57
  5613. that I that I come to chaos is pissed he
  5614. 125:00
  5615. wants know who the who the fuck band
  5616. 125:02
  5617. based iCloud someone had owned up to it
  5618. 125:07
  5619. I think it was man oh and I think he had
  5620. 125:10
  5621. the approval of gamma King and someone
  5622. 125:15
  5623. else to I think it was porygon see you
  5624. 125:17
  5625. guy but a whole bunch of fucking drama
  5626. 125:21
  5627. and eventually we just said you know
  5628. 125:23
  5629. what the board is going to burn the fuck
  5630. 125:26
  5631. down if we don't do something let's just
  5632. 125:30
  5633. make it a temp ban and that's it well
  5634. 125:34
  5635. we'll go from there and I think he ended
  5636. 125:38
  5637. up getting permabanned again not long
  5638. 125:41
  5639. after that to which he tried to raise
  5640. 125:43
  5641. hell again but eventually people
  5642. 125:46
  5643. stop giving a fuck about him but that
  5644. 125:50
  5645. incident was one where we basically
  5646. 125:55
  5647. fucked up and did exactly what he wanted
  5648. 126:00
  5649. us to do and leave they were good well
  5650. 126:05
  5651. yeah gave the Cabal all the ammo that
  5652. 126:07
  5653. they could have possibly wanted about
  5654. 126:10
  5655. your you're baiting people based on
  5656. 126:12
  5657. based on feelings and whatnot and I
  5658. 126:16
  5659. think part of their strategy on top of
  5660. 126:18
  5661. that was basically make make life hell
  5662. 126:24
  5663. for the mods there until you moderate
  5664. 126:27
  5665. them and then use that as ammunition
  5666. 126:30
  5667. against you yeah they used to do the
  5668. 126:33
  5669. same thing to us they'd come in and
  5670. 126:35
  5671. they'd say they'd make a post talking
  5672. 126:37
  5673. about a controversial subject and the
  5674. 126:40
  5675. subject that they were talking about
  5676. 126:41
  5677. might be perfectly fine not against the
  5678. 126:44
  5679. board rules at all but they make the
  5680. 126:47
  5681. thread with just an incredibly
  5682. 126:50
  5683. inflammatory opie it's like all right
  5684. 126:53
  5685. you know the first sentence out is
  5686. 126:55
  5687. listen up you fucking Kooks I know
  5688. 126:56
  5689. you're too busy sucking your own dicks
  5690. 126:58
  5691. or whatever but take a look at this if
  5692. 127:00
  5693. you're not a bunch of faggots type of
  5694. 127:01
  5695. thing and they make the post so
  5696. 127:06
  5697. inflammatory that it would start a flame
  5698. 127:07
  5699. war and so it would go on for a little
  5700. 127:11
  5701. bit and finally we'd come in and we'd
  5702. 127:12
  5703. moderate that thread lock it or delete
  5704. 127:14
  5705. it or you know if it was a repeated
  5706. 127:16
  5707. pattern we'd ban the opie in about ten
  5708. 127:20
  5709. minutes later they'd be back over on GG
  5710. 127:23
  5711. revolt or on pole posting screen caps of
  5712. 127:27
  5713. their banned message claiming that they
  5714. 127:29
  5715. were banned and it was censorship
  5716. 127:31
  5717. because we just didn't like the ideas
  5718. 127:32
  5719. that they were presenting hm hmm nothing
  5720. 127:35
  5721. to do with the shitstorm that they were
  5722. 127:36
  5723. trying to stir up in the way that they
  5724. 127:38
  5725. presented it as censorship was their
  5726. 127:40
  5727. trigger word yeah it's like it's
  5728. 127:42
  5729. argument absence of context and the part
  5730. 127:46
  5731. that I always found frustrating was how
  5732. 127:47
  5733. well it worked on some people well yeah
  5734. 127:52
  5735. all I had to do was was say we're being
  5736. 127:55
  5737. censored that the mods are going down
  5738. 127:57
  5739. the same route as the
  5740. 127:59
  5741. the janitors and the the mods on 4chan
  5742. 128:03
  5743. oh yeah or they or they have been
  5744. 128:06
  5745. infiltrated that was another line I saw
  5746. 128:08
  5747. very frequently and you're still seeing
  5748. 128:11
  5749. it today on on kie though yeah the mod
  5750. 128:14
  5751. team has been infiltrated by sjw's oh
  5752. 128:16
  5753. they accused us of having our mod team
  5754. 128:19
  5755. infiltrated by redditors they thought
  5756. 128:21
  5757. that some of our mods were also my mods
  5758. 128:24
  5759. oh that's funny that's funny the only
  5760. 128:32
  5761. the only board that I ever at least
  5762. 128:35
  5763. tried to moderates on HN was the kotaku
  5764. 128:40
  5765. in action board the the Kea board and
  5766. 128:43
  5767. that actually might need to come into
  5768. 128:45
  5769. use here in the not-too-distant future
  5770. 128:47
  5771. the way reddit's getting their head up
  5772. 128:48
  5773. their ass again yeah wouldn't um
  5774. 128:52
  5775. wouldn't be a bad idea to grab control
  5776. 128:57
  5777. that again because I think I lost it but
  5778. 128:59
  5779. fuck it was it /ki a slash I think it
  5780. 129:08
  5781. was yeah yeah I vaguely remember that
  5782. 129:14
  5783. yes very long we took in the refugees
  5784. 129:18
  5785. from fat people hate for a while until
  5786. 129:19
  5787. vote opened up their subscriptions oh
  5788. 129:21
  5789. Jesus God yeah in fact that actually
  5790. 129:26
  5791. quite a row on hm
  5792. 129:28
  5793. fat people hate came to H and and
  5794. 129:30
  5795. started a board and then fucking in t'l
  5796. 129:33
  5797. the International Board was this this
  5798. 129:36
  5799. just retarded the anarcho communist
  5800. 129:40
  5801. asshole board I don't know we wound up
  5802. 129:43
  5803. spamming their whole board into oblivion
  5804. 129:44
  5805. with buffalo somebody it'd be your B and
  5806. 129:48
  5807. VB or V I'm not sure who all was
  5808. 129:50
  5809. involved but it was nice to come home
  5810. 129:52
  5811. and see that day they actually raided
  5812. 129:55
  5813. fat people hate to try and drive people
  5814. 129:57
  5815. out just cuz they didn't want HN to grow
  5816. 130:03
  5817. god I remember fat people late tumblr in
  5818. 130:06
  5819. action had to deal with a lot of that
  5820. 130:08
  5821. shit too and eventually we just had to
  5822. 130:10
  5823. put a stop to it ah you still gotta
  5824. 130:14
  5825. follow the rules before you rage on
  5826. 130:17
  5827. about hand planets yeah well the problem
  5828. 130:20
  5829. we have with fucking reddit is that the
  5830. 130:22
  5831. rules aren't enforced fairly no just no
  5832. 130:26
  5833. no I know you're probably not the
  5834. 130:28
  5835. world's biggest fan of the Donald but I
  5836. 130:30
  5837. lurk there because it's say uh it's kind
  5838. 130:32
  5839. of a fun place to be a lot of the time
  5840. 130:34
  5841. and just the amount of shit that they
  5842. 130:37
  5843. get from the reddit admins the vote
  5844. 130:40
  5845. fixing the the quarantine from are all
  5846. 130:44
  5847. the the general like every time you hear
  5848. 130:47
  5849. the admins talk about him and any of the
  5850. 130:49
  5851. blog posts and stuff they do it's
  5852. 130:51
  5853. they're practically groveling an apology
  5854. 130:53
  5855. for even allowing them to exist what
  5856. 130:57
  5857. what do you want to know about how the
  5858. 130:59
  5859. admins feel about that I heard I heard
  5860. 131:02
  5861. some little quips on your your stream
  5862. 131:05
  5863. from yesterday after I got the chance oh
  5864. 131:06
  5865. no no this is this is stuff that I don't
  5866. 131:09
  5867. think I've actually talked about before
  5868. 131:11
  5869. by all means go ahead
  5870. 131:13
  5871. so before before reddit changed their
  5872. 131:20
  5873. whole algorithm on new accounts and what
  5874. 131:25
  5875. subs they'd be subscribed to they had a
  5876. 131:27
  5877. list of default subreddits where every
  5878. 131:30
  5879. new accountant beats subscribed to it
  5880. 131:32
  5881. you might remember that our atheism was
  5882. 131:36
  5883. one of those at one point I be honest
  5884. 131:39
  5885. the only reason my reddit account exists
  5886. 131:41
  5887. was to post on ki a and like i lurk a
  5888. 131:44
  5889. couple of game related forums in the
  5890. 131:46
  5891. donald well that was that was uh that
  5892. 131:51
  5893. was something that happened a few years
  5894. 131:53
  5895. back and you would you would oftentimes
  5896. 131:56
  5897. hear people say i made an account just
  5898. 131:58
  5899. so i could not see our atheism on my
  5900. 132:02
  5901. front page because the default reddit
  5902. 132:05
  5903. front page from people that weren't
  5904. 132:06
  5905. logged in were also from all the default
  5906. 132:10
  5907. subs okay so when we added manos lemons
  5908. 132:15
  5909. as a
  5910. 132:16
  5911. to ki a he and I sort of got close and
  5912. 132:20
  5913. I've sent him some shit some Winnipeg
  5914. 132:24
  5915. Jets shit that I found Disneyworld for
  5916. 132:27
  5917. him because he's a huge Jets fan and he
  5918. 132:31
  5919. ended up asking me to mod our jokes with
  5920. 132:34
  5921. him and jokes just happened to be a
  5922. 132:37
  5923. default sub at the time so as a result
  5924. 132:41
  5925. of that I got into the default mods
  5926. 132:45
  5927. subreddit which was private very
  5928. 132:49
  5929. exclusive
  5930. 132:50
  5931. I'm talking like 500 users or less and
  5932. 132:54
  5933. all these people were if you frequent
  5934. 132:57
  5935. read it you'd recognize a lot of the
  5936. 133:00
  5937. names there but that's where also they
  5938. 133:04
  5939. would have communications with the
  5940. 133:06
  5941. admins this was different from mod talk
  5942. 133:10
  5943. mod talk was a different sub that had
  5944. 133:14
  5945. shit leaked out from from there courtesy
  5946. 133:17
  5947. of a Xavier Mendel yeah this all that
  5948. 133:19
  5949. yeah but this one was a little bit more
  5950. 133:22
  5951. exclusive because it wasn't just a you
  5952. 133:24
  5953. have to be invited it was you have to be
  5954. 133:27
  5955. or have been a moderator of a default
  5956. 133:30
  5957. sub in order to even know that the damn
  5958. 133:33
  5959. place existed I didn't know it existed
  5960. 133:35
  5961. until I got that message saying oh
  5962. 133:38
  5963. you're now an approved contributor holy
  5964. 133:40
  5965. shit okay eventually they moved from
  5966. 133:44
  5967. that board to a slack channel and I
  5968. 133:48
  5969. still have access to it to this day I
  5970. 133:51
  5971. don't know what exactly the rules are
  5972. 133:54
  5973. for it since they got rid of the default
  5974. 133:57
  5975. subs with the new algorithm for hey if
  5976. 134:00
  5977. you make a new account you can pick
  5978. 134:02
  5979. which subs that you're subscribed to
  5980. 134:05
  5981. based on your interests but we won't
  5982. 134:07
  5983. automatically sub you to anything so I
  5984. 134:11
  5985. have no idea really like if this gets as
  5986. 134:16
  5987. much use as as it should but I know that
  5988. 134:21
  5989. the admins still frequent this there's a
  5990. 134:24
  5991. whole channel for communicating with
  5992. 134:26
  5993. admins such as
  5994. 134:29
  5995. requesting bans requesting checks to see
  5996. 134:33
  5997. if people are body counts band evasion
  5998. 134:38
  5999. all that shit and occasionally you would
  6000. 134:42
  6001. see people talking about the Donald in
  6002. 134:47
  6003. there and I'll just look at this right
  6004. 134:53
  6005. now
  6006. 134:55
  6007. in in the admin comes as a five o'clock
  6008. 135:00
  6009. yesterday Eastern time I believe they
  6010. 135:07
  6011. were talking about the Donald posting
  6012. 135:11
  6013. links based on the Texas Church shooting
  6014. 135:16
  6015. there's a Boston bomber situation
  6016. 135:19
  6017. starting up the sub is about to start a
  6018. 135:23
  6019. witch-hunt against a random person who
  6020. 135:25
  6021. was unrelated and an admin is in there
  6022. 135:28
  6023. right away I'm going to poke them
  6024. 135:30
  6025. momentarily but you see you see this
  6026. 135:36
  6027. sort of thing very frequently people are
  6028. 135:40
  6029. watching the Donald looking for for
  6030. 135:43
  6031. anything that they can use to hit them
  6032. 135:45
  6033. and at one point there was actually an
  6034. 135:47
  6035. impassioned plea by I believe the the
  6036. 135:51
  6037. user was all the Foxes asking the admins
  6038. 135:56
  6039. to ban the Donald
  6040. 135:58
  6041. because the the sub was basically
  6042. 136:01
  6043. becoming too much of a liability for
  6044. 136:03
  6045. Reddit as a whole and there was a risk
  6046. 136:06
  6047. that they would end up causing if not
  6048. 136:10
  6049. real-world trauma to somebody they would
  6050. 136:13
  6051. end up basically being complicit in
  6052. 136:17
  6053. someone being killed not like all the
  6054. 136:22
  6055. the anti-fur reddit's with their bike
  6056. 136:24
  6057. locks and bash the fash yeah well all
  6058. 136:27
  6059. those reddit's are private now for very
  6060. 136:30
  6061. obvious reasons but but yeah and on
  6062. 136:35
  6063. occasion you'll you'll see big stuff
  6064. 136:38
  6065. like that in in the default mods slack
  6066. 136:42
  6067. so why the admins are still allowing the
  6068. 136:47
  6069. Donald to exist I don't know because
  6070. 136:50
  6071. pretty much everyone that I've seen
  6072. 136:52
  6073. talked about them there has made it
  6074. 136:56
  6075. pretty clear that they don't want the
  6076. 136:59
  6077. Donald to be a thing but well the
  6078. 137:02
  6079. current state of the rules means that
  6080. 137:04
  6081. they have to allow them let me
  6082. 137:09
  6083. contribute a little theory on that what
  6084. 137:14
  6085. do you recall happened when 4chan banned
  6086. 137:18
  6087. gamergate from v hn not just eight chann
  6088. 137:26
  6089. we used to have a word for it we called
  6090. 137:29
  6091. it twitter chan oh god i forgotten about
  6092. 137:34
  6093. that yep we invaded their fucking hug
  6094. 137:38
  6095. box with an army from hell and they have
  6096. 137:41
  6097. never been the same since they uh they
  6098. 137:46
  6099. believe I think an an on and the V
  6100. 137:48
  6101. threats put it best when he said they
  6102. 137:50
  6103. broke the spaghetti container and it
  6104. 137:53
  6105. spilled out all over the Internet no
  6106. 137:59
  6107. come on that is probably what the reddit
  6108. 138:01
  6109. admins are trying to avoid in a way the
  6110. 138:04
  6111. fact that the Donald is so goddamned
  6112. 138:08
  6113. rowdy to use the polite term presents a
  6114. 138:12
  6115. kind of passive credible threat of mass
  6116. 138:15
  6117. destruction if they ever actually banned
  6118. 138:18
  6119. their board because all of that content
  6120. 138:21
  6121. is going to go somewhere all of the you
  6122. 138:25
  6123. know hypothetical six million users that
  6124. 138:28
  6125. are in that place are going to go
  6126. 138:30
  6127. somewhere to talk about those issues and
  6128. 138:32
  6129. that somewhere will probably mean the
  6130. 138:34
  6131. end of our politics as a functional
  6132. 138:36
  6133. subreddit as well as many other places
  6134. 138:40
  6135. on Reddit as if our politics wasn't
  6136. 138:44
  6137. already fucked him agin with it is but
  6138. 138:47
  6139. it's liberal fucked yeah correct the
  6140. 138:51
  6141. record fucked ya know that when they're
  6142. 138:53
  6143. putting up I've browsed it just long
  6144. 138:56
  6145. enough
  6146. 138:56
  6147. see some threads on there popping up
  6148. 138:58
  6149. actually linking share blue articles
  6150. 139:00
  6151. oh Jesus and I just ah like fuck that
  6152. 139:05
  6153. fuck you clicking the back button now
  6154. 139:07
  6155. well Cheryl incorrect the record what
  6156. 139:09
  6157. the fuck is the difference
  6158. 139:10
  6159. not much ones Hillary Clinton the others
  6160. 139:13
  6161. David Brock remember David Brock helped
  6162. 139:19
  6163. found correct the record I did not
  6164. 139:21
  6165. recall that but thank you for reminding
  6166. 139:22
  6167. you know it's weird isn't it it's like
  6168. 139:26
  6169. life is a fractal you know it's it's I'm
  6170. 139:30
  6171. a firm believer in the butterfly effect
  6172. 139:32
  6173. or every little choice that you make in
  6174. 139:35
  6175. how you live your life and engage with
  6176. 139:37
  6177. fameless' can have like massive
  6178. 139:39
  6179. ramifications and the biggest of the big
  6180. 139:41
  6181. picture and you can follow these little
  6182. 139:44
  6183. water droplets flowing down the fractal
  6184. 139:47
  6185. before they fall off the edge and you
  6186. 139:49
  6187. know land who knows where it only takes
  6188. 139:50
  6189. a little nudge here and there especially
  6190. 139:53
  6191. near the beginning of an event happening
  6192. 139:55
  6193. too wildly chain is the way its outcome
  6194. 139:58
  6195. is yes theory chaos theory and
  6196. 140:03
  6197. catastrophe theory and just you know
  6198. 140:06
  6199. think back three years did you ever
  6200. 140:08
  6201. expect we would fucking be here no no I
  6202. 140:13
  6203. did not so he's perfectly honest I
  6204. 140:17
  6205. thought there'd be more achievements in
  6206. 140:20
  6207. gamergate well here this is my
  6208. 140:25
  6209. philosophy on that and it actually comes
  6210. 140:27
  6211. right back to what I was saying a minute
  6212. 140:28
  6213. ago let me use a firearms analogy you
  6214. 140:34
  6215. can have a gun that shoots straight as
  6216. 140:35
  6217. an arrow and you pointed a target that's
  6218. 140:38
  6219. ten feet away you fire a bullet and it
  6220. 140:40
  6221. hits exactly where you're aiming it you
  6222. 140:43
  6223. fire at a target 10 miles away or 10,000
  6224. 140:47
  6225. yards away say the tiniest little
  6226. 140:51
  6227. imperfection in the barrel the tiniest
  6228. 140:53
  6229. little nudge against that bullet at the
  6230. 140:55
  6231. start of its journey is gonna throw it
  6232. 140:57
  6233. off by dozens of feet by the time it
  6234. 141:00
  6235. traverses all that distance going down
  6236. 141:01
  6237. there small changes that happen early on
  6238. 141:06
  6239. in an event over a long period of time
  6240. 141:09
  6241. have
  6242. 141:10
  6243. SIV effects and I think that's one of
  6244. 141:12
  6245. the one of the few credible arguments
  6246. 141:15
  6247. that you can really make that gamergate
  6248. 141:17
  6249. led to something like Trump you know
  6250. 141:20
  6251. it's it's we joke about it it's a meme
  6252. 141:22
  6253. you know God knows the freakin sjw media
  6254. 141:25
  6255. likes blaming us for it so they can rope
  6256. 141:27
  6257. all their boogie men into one nice
  6258. 141:28
  6259. little picnic basket
  6260. 141:30
  6261. but I think the reality is that we we
  6262. 141:34
  6263. kind of grabbed the system and we shoved
  6264. 141:36
  6265. it hard we kicked it in the fucking
  6266. 141:39
  6267. balls and we're not gonna see results in
  6268. 141:41
  6269. six months in a year in two years in
  6270. 141:44
  6271. three years but the sjw's and their
  6272. 141:49
  6273. their cultural Marxist ilk didn't
  6274. 141:51
  6275. accomplish all of this in two or three
  6276. 141:53
  6277. years either the long march through the
  6278. 141:57
  6279. institution's is is uh I'm gonna quote
  6280. 142:01
  6281. sticks hexon hammer for a minute it's
  6282. 142:03
  6283. leaning harder to one side than a
  6284. 142:05
  6285. one-legged unicyclist doing ninety down
  6286. 142:08
  6287. the autobahn because we fucking shoved
  6288. 142:10
  6289. it that way and it's it's it's it's a
  6290. 142:16
  6291. matter of patience really I think like
  6292. 142:19
  6293. we get blamed for everything gamergate
  6294. 142:21
  6295. is still a almost daily fixture in the
  6296. 142:24
  6297. media some we're living rent-free yes
  6298. 142:28
  6299. you cannot say with a straight face that
  6300. 142:31
  6301. we have not had a major impact we may
  6302. 142:34
  6303. not know what that impact is because
  6304. 142:37
  6305. we're not inside the loop on all these
  6306. 142:39
  6307. these you know quasi-governmental
  6308. 142:42
  6309. corporate ideological academic
  6310. 142:45
  6311. shenanigans going on throughout the
  6312. 142:46
  6313. world we try to be but we have a we have
  6314. 142:51
  6315. a absence of diggers these days we don't
  6316. 142:56
  6317. know how big it is we don't know how big
  6318. 142:57
  6319. it's going to get it's still progressing
  6320. 143:00
  6321. it's still spiraling it's uh you know
  6322. 143:04
  6323. it's probably not even going to end
  6324. 143:06
  6325. during our lifetime and that being said
  6326. 143:09
  6327. there's also a lot of little concrete
  6328. 143:11
  6329. things that the ki a guys and you know
  6330. 143:14
  6331. no offense but somebody like you who's
  6332. 143:16
  6333. kind of pulled back from a lot of it
  6334. 143:17
  6335. aren't going to know about I mean he'll
  6336. 143:19
  6337. V is still active the gamergate threads
  6338. 143:22
  6339. have never stopped
  6340. 143:23
  6341. we pushed Operation torrential downpour
  6342. 143:26
  6343. pushing for better localization in games
  6344. 143:28
  6345. this was just some number of months ago
  6346. 143:30
  6347. in that caught
  6348. 143:32
  6349. we're running operations against tree
  6350. 143:34
  6351. house I'm not sure exactly how the whole
  6352. 143:36
  6353. localization issue got worked into our
  6354. 143:38
  6355. core goals over there but it did and
  6356. 143:40
  6357. there's been a lot of progress on it
  6358. 143:44
  6359. just a lot of little things like that
  6360. 143:46
  6361. now there's still day-to-day stuff
  6362. 143:49
  6363. that's happening it's just not the
  6364. 143:50
  6365. massive explosions of whoa holy shit
  6366. 143:53
  6367. it's happening that we had for that
  6368. 143:55
  6369. first you know eight or twelve months
  6370. 143:57
  6371. this thing kicked off I suppose still
  6372. 144:06
  6373. given that has been now three years
  6374. 144:08
  6375. since the start that the effects it
  6376. 144:12
  6377. would least be a little more visible
  6378. 144:15
  6379. than Kotaku begrudgingly offering their
  6380. 144:22
  6381. disclosures well article here's what
  6382. 144:25
  6383. I'll point out on that it's not the
  6384. 144:27
  6385. concrete thing that Kotaku did in
  6386. 144:30
  6387. begrudgingly admitting their their
  6388. 144:33
  6389. potential ethical violations and their
  6390. 144:35
  6391. articles it's Kotaku the entire state of
  6392. 144:38
  6393. being I'm not sure how old you are but
  6394. 144:42
  6395. I've gotten the impression that you're
  6396. 144:43
  6397. you're one a little bit older crowd kind
  6398. 144:45
  6399. of like I am 25 okay you're still
  6400. 144:49
  6401. probably old enough to remember when
  6402. 144:51
  6403. Kotaku was a somewhat respected
  6404. 144:53
  6405. publication yes I do okay what is
  6406. 144:57
  6407. Kotaku's reputation today everywhere not
  6408. 145:01
  6409. just with us the the opposite of that
  6410. 145:03
  6411. exactly we did that gamers kind of the
  6412. 145:09
  6413. hardcore crowd already knew that sites
  6414. 145:11
  6415. like Kotaku and polygons were shit you
  6416. 145:14
  6417. know we'd known it for a good number of
  6418. 145:15
  6419. years the last time I think Kotaku was
  6420. 145:17
  6421. good you know I was still in fucking
  6422. 145:20
  6423. college but now it's the mainstream they
  6424. 145:24
  6425. know this is the analogy that I used on
  6426. 145:27
  6427. a chain here probably in a discussion
  6428. 145:29
  6429. maybe a month ago I said gamergate died
  6430. 145:33
  6431. in the same way that a cell that's
  6432. 145:35
  6433. infected
  6434. 145:36
  6435. the bullet dies it ceases its internal
  6436. 145:40
  6437. function and then the husk busts open
  6438. 145:42
  6439. releasing the virus into the bloodstream
  6440. 145:44
  6441. to flood the entire system they may not
  6442. 145:48
  6443. use our hashtag but gamer gates memes
  6444. 145:51
  6445. and our way of thinking have spread all
  6446. 145:53
  6447. over the Internet the gaming communities
  6448. 145:56
  6449. were the catalyst for this everybody is
  6450. 145:59
  6451. a gamer the guy who makes your fucking
  6452. 146:00
  6453. pizza Papa John's as a gamer fucking Vin
  6454. 146:05
  6455. Diesel plays video games mr. t did
  6456. 146:09
  6457. commercials for world of warcraft ok
  6458. 146:11
  6459. your grandmother plays candy crush
  6460. 146:13
  6461. everybody is either part of or connected
  6462. 146:17
  6463. to somebody by word of mouth
  6464. 146:19
  6465. who plays fucking video games and our
  6466. 146:23
  6467. ideas went mainstream in the gamer
  6468. 146:25
  6469. community and spread like wildfire
  6470. 146:28
  6471. you don't need to use the hashtag to
  6472. 146:30
  6473. shit on Kotaku you can pop into a Kotaku
  6474. 146:33
  6475. thread today on any gaming forum and
  6476. 146:36
  6477. you'll find people who have never heard
  6478. 146:38
  6479. of gamergate shitting all over them we
  6480. 146:42
  6481. did that we might not have a we might
  6482. 146:46
  6483. not have a flag to raise at Iwo Jima but
  6484. 146:49
  6485. we caused a paradigm shift that's
  6486. 146:52
  6487. something I think we are perfectly free
  6488. 146:53
  6489. to claim credit for and enjoy well one
  6490. 146:59
  6491. other thing I suppose we're responsible
  6492. 147:03
  6493. for the the FCC guidelines yep that I
  6494. 147:09
  6495. think that is especially a big
  6496. 147:12
  6497. achievement because well I mean he'll
  6498. 147:14
  6499. now the in the Freedom of Information
  6500. 147:16
  6501. Act request that we got back didn't they
  6502. 147:18
  6503. cite both Kotaku inactions threads and
  6504. 147:21
  6505. links to Deep Freeze yes they did yes
  6506. 147:24
  6507. they did but considering now the the
  6508. 147:28
  6509. rise in half fall I guess of YouTube
  6510. 147:34
  6511. personalities content that that's pretty
  6512. 147:38
  6513. huge yeah this is also the force of the
  6514. 147:41
  6515. Empire striking back they would not be
  6516. 147:44
  6517. targeting people like PewDiePie if they
  6518. 147:47
  6519. did not understand what a threat they
  6520. 147:49
  6521. are
  6522. 147:50
  6523. in the current environment like we're
  6524. 147:52
  6525. issuing a issuing not exactly issuing
  6526. 147:56
  6527. mouths getting dry and trying to find a
  6528. 147:59
  6529. proper term here we we kind of ushered
  6530. 148:02
  6531. in a new era the I'm gonna go on a
  6532. 148:07
  6533. little bit of a a quick diatribe here
  6534. 148:09
  6535. just to kind of give you the background
  6536. 148:10
  6537. of my thinking but I used to read a lot
  6538. 148:12
  6539. of history and philosophy books when I
  6540. 148:14
  6541. was young I yeah I was a kid grew up out
  6542. 148:16
  6543. in the country television had four
  6544. 148:18
  6545. channels my mother hated video games so
  6546. 148:20
  6547. I didn't get to play him until I was
  6548. 148:21
  6549. like 16 I read a lot and I came up with
  6550. 148:26
  6551. this I had a question I had described
  6552. 148:31
  6553. real quick give me a give me a one
  6554. 148:33
  6555. sentence description of a king can I can
  6556. 148:39
  6557. I use a game of Thrones no just be as
  6558. 148:43
  6559. boring and bland as you can first thing
  6560. 148:45
  6561. that comes to mind an individual who
  6562. 148:48
  6563. rules over a large populous not
  6564. 148:53
  6565. democratically chosen okay
  6566. 148:55
  6567. can you describe him what's he look like
  6568. 149:00
  6569. gold lots of gold
  6570. 149:06
  6571. obviously crown because there ain't some
  6572. 149:09
  6573. king without a crown alright so this
  6574. 149:11
  6575. this was a thought that I had I'm trying
  6576. 149:13
  6577. to I want to spell it all out here at
  6578. 149:15
  6579. once so I don't take too long and so I
  6580. 149:16
  6581. don't sound too retarded you know the
  6582. 149:21
  6583. way the first king if you think about it
  6584. 149:24
  6585. the way human tribal civilization
  6586. 149:26
  6587. developed almost all of them fell into
  6588. 149:28
  6589. this same kind of mold where you have a
  6590. 149:30
  6591. single patriarchal leader who passes
  6592. 149:35
  6593. their authority down in a hereditary
  6594. 149:37
  6595. manner from the king to the Prince to
  6596. 149:39
  6597. the princes son so on and so forth
  6598. 149:41
  6599. of course we've all moved away from that
  6600. 149:43
  6601. and in this modern day but for the vast
  6602. 149:45
  6603. majority of especially Western
  6604. 149:47
  6605. civilization's
  6606. 149:48
  6607. way back in the day this is kind of how
  6608. 149:49
  6609. it all started and so you have to ponder
  6610. 149:53
  6611. how the original king got chosen the
  6612. 149:55
  6613. very first one and I think a reasonable
  6614. 149:59
  6615. argument could be made that you would
  6616. 150:01
  6617. take the population of the city or
  6618. 150:03
  6619. city-state
  6620. 150:04
  6621. a tribal village or whatever you're
  6622. 150:05
  6623. looking at and you would kind of filter
  6624. 150:07
  6625. it so you have a hundred people you
  6626. 150:10
  6627. filter out the ten of the eldest and
  6628. 150:13
  6629. wisest of them and then you take those
  6630. 150:15
  6631. ten and you take the five they're the
  6632. 150:17
  6633. strongest of those and of them you take
  6634. 150:20
  6635. the two that are the best orators or
  6636. 150:23
  6637. have done the best negotiations with
  6638. 150:25
  6639. other tribes or something like that and
  6640. 150:27
  6641. then this being you know barbarian times
  6642. 150:29
  6643. maybe you make those two guys fight to
  6644. 150:31
  6645. the death Highlander style for the
  6646. 150:32
  6647. blessing of the gods or some shit anyway
  6648. 150:35
  6649. the winner is the representative of the
  6650. 150:38
  6651. best qualities of the tribe he's the
  6652. 150:40
  6653. wisest man he's the strongest man he's
  6654. 150:43
  6655. the the most reasonable man with the
  6656. 150:46
  6657. best judgment and this is the person
  6658. 150:48
  6659. that they appoint as the first King
  6660. 150:50
  6661. because who could be better a leader
  6662. 150:51
  6663. than that and the question that I was
  6664. 150:54
  6665. trying to answer is why would Kings pass
  6666. 150:57
  6667. their lines down in a hereditary manner
  6668. 150:59
  6669. and the answer that came back was
  6670. 151:01
  6671. because it would be expected that the
  6672. 151:03
  6673. King's successor his son would be
  6674. 151:06
  6675. educated by the king and take on his
  6676. 151:09
  6677. qualities the father teaches the son to
  6678. 151:12
  6679. be honorable teaches him to be wise
  6680. 151:14
  6681. teaches him to be to make smart
  6682. 151:16
  6683. decisions to negotiate properly and
  6684. 151:18
  6685. things like that there are certain
  6686. 151:19
  6687. attributes that you could expect would
  6688. 151:21
  6689. be passed down well the question that
  6690. 151:24
  6691. comes up is what do you do about the
  6692. 151:27
  6693. asshole prince who will become king the
  6694. 151:30
  6695. reason why monarchies kind of died out
  6696. 151:32
  6697. and why dictatorships are bad you know
  6698. 151:35
  6699. it's said that the best form of
  6700. 151:36
  6701. government that you can have as a
  6702. 151:38
  6703. benevolent dictatorship and that's
  6704. 151:40
  6705. probably true in all honesty but the
  6706. 151:43
  6707. problem with dictatorship is dictators
  6708. 151:45
  6709. aren't immortal and sooner or later you
  6710. 151:47
  6711. get the asshole dictator who comes in
  6712. 151:49
  6713. afterward and the the thing that I was
  6714. 151:53
  6715. trying to understand in my readings back
  6716. 151:55
  6717. in these days was why would anyone
  6718. 151:57
  6719. follow an asshole Kingdom obviously a
  6720. 152:01
  6721. king is not a god he has to have people
  6722. 152:03
  6723. under him willing to follow and enforce
  6724. 152:05
  6725. his orders so if everybody you know you
  6726. 152:09
  6727. have a just a noble King and his son is
  6728. 152:11
  6729. a douche bag and the King dies and the
  6730. 152:13
  6731. son takes over why does anyone listen to
  6732. 152:16
  6733. the douche bag still
  6734. 152:17
  6735. when if nobody was willing to obey him
  6736. 152:19
  6737. he could be ousted in a heartbeat any
  6738. 152:22
  6739. three people could walk up on him and
  6740. 152:24
  6741. March him out of the castle and then the
  6742. 152:25
  6743. kingdom could just appoint a new king
  6744. 152:27
  6745. who wasn't an asshole and the answer
  6746. 152:31
  6747. that I eventually came to was that it
  6748. 152:33
  6749. has to do with a I think human beings
  6750. 152:36
  6751. are subconsciously susceptible to
  6752. 152:40
  6753. associating the trappings of quality
  6754. 152:44
  6755. with the position that traditionally
  6756. 152:46
  6757. carries and you actually just gave me a
  6758. 152:49
  6759. perfect example when I asked you to
  6760. 152:51
  6761. describe a king you didn't say the
  6762. 152:54
  6763. smartest man in the village or the
  6764. 152:56
  6765. kingdom you didn't say the wisest man
  6766. 152:58
  6767. you gave a physical description of him
  6768. 153:01
  6769. you said he had power that was not
  6770. 153:03
  6771. democratically elected he has lots of
  6772. 153:05
  6773. gold and he wears a crown so if you take
  6774. 153:09
  6775. a plumber and you give him power and
  6776. 153:11
  6777. crown and a bunch of gold does that make
  6778. 153:13
  6779. him a king the answer of course is no
  6780. 153:17
  6781. but people come to associate the
  6782. 153:20
  6783. trappings the crown the sceptre the robe
  6784. 153:22
  6785. the throne with being the king even if
  6786. 153:27
  6787. the person who is occupying that
  6788. 153:28
  6789. position doesn't deserve them because
  6790. 153:30
  6791. they don't have the qualities that
  6792. 153:32
  6793. establish the kingship in the first
  6794. 153:34
  6795. place in fact it's so bad that we apply
  6796. 153:37
  6797. them after the fact as adjectives we'll
  6798. 153:39
  6799. say that this person was a good King
  6800. 153:41
  6801. this person was a wise King this person
  6802. 153:44
  6803. was an asshole King and a tyrant where
  6804. 153:48
  6805. the original concept of the idea that
  6806. 153:52
  6807. these trappings were granted the kind of
  6808. 153:54
  6809. reward was their qualities as a person
  6810. 153:57
  6811. and now I'm going to make my point this
  6812. 154:01
  6813. is why people still listen to the
  6814. 154:03
  6815. fucking media the media that we have
  6816. 154:07
  6817. today is not the media it is wearing the
  6818. 154:11
  6819. trappings of the legitimate media that
  6820. 154:13
  6821. we used to have people see them come up
  6822. 154:16
  6823. the channel name is still CNN you still
  6824. 154:19
  6825. have the two guys sitting behind their
  6826. 154:20
  6827. desk wearing suits with
  6828. 154:22
  6829. world map or whatever in the background
  6830. 154:24
  6831. and they're talking about current events
  6832. 154:26
  6833. people associate those trappings with
  6834. 154:30
  6835. news with honest journalism because the
  6836. 154:33
  6837. original conception of journalism and
  6838. 154:35
  6839. the news media is an industry was
  6840. 154:37
  6841. awarded those trappings in return for
  6842. 154:40
  6843. doing a good job of informing the public
  6844. 154:42
  6845. and so you wind up with this weird
  6846. 154:45
  6847. scenario where you have the imma steal a
  6848. 154:48
  6849. popular term here you have the red pill
  6850. 154:50
  6851. to people for whom it's clicked that the
  6852. 154:55
  6853. King doesn't deserve to be a king he's
  6854. 154:58
  6855. an asshole he doesn't have the qualities
  6856. 155:00
  6857. of a king no matter what he's wearing
  6858. 155:02
  6859. and he shouldn't be in power and those
  6860. 155:05
  6861. people are always going to conflict with
  6862. 155:08
  6863. the other half of the population who are
  6864. 155:11
  6865. still kind of following this human
  6866. 155:14
  6867. psychological trend where they associate
  6868. 155:16
  6869. those trappings with the qualities they
  6870. 155:20
  6871. don't say that this man is a great man
  6872. 155:22
  6873. he's wise he's intelligent he's all this
  6874. 155:25
  6875. and all that therefore he should be king
  6876. 155:28
  6877. and thus he should have a crown in a row
  6878. 155:31
  6879. of in a throne they pointed the guy and
  6880. 155:33
  6881. say well he's sitting in the throne and
  6882. 155:35
  6883. he's got the crown in the robe ergo he
  6884. 155:38
  6885. is the king they don't take it that one
  6886. 155:41
  6887. step up they don't recall the original
  6888. 155:43
  6889. intent behind the trappings and so the
  6890. 155:46
  6891. two factions fight and it's those people
  6892. 155:49
  6893. who the King can count on even if he's
  6894. 155:52
  6895. an asshole king to continue enforcing
  6896. 155:54
  6897. his authority where if everybody was
  6898. 155:56
  6899. aware of the you know the original
  6900. 155:58
  6901. intent behind the trappings they could
  6902. 156:00
  6903. just unload him off the throne and kick
  6904. 156:02
  6905. him out and we have the same problem
  6906. 156:05
  6907. going on today with the media you and I
  6908. 156:07
  6909. and the rest of gamergate err in the red
  6910. 156:09
  6911. pill army we got to watch the son of a
  6912. 156:12
  6913. bitches in real time perform an act of
  6914. 156:15
  6915. Saito Genesis on us lie about us lie
  6916. 156:18
  6917. about things that we were personally
  6918. 156:20
  6919. involved in we know that it's a fraud
  6920. 156:24
  6921. but at the same time what we have is the
  6922. 156:28
  6923. people outside of our group the SJW is
  6924. 156:31
  6925. the worst of them all because they also
  6926. 156:33
  6927. bring their cultural Marxist nonsense
  6928. 156:35
  6929. the mix is a reinforcing factor they
  6930. 156:39
  6931. look at the median they say that's the
  6932. 156:41
  6933. media that these are the people who
  6934. 156:43
  6935. argue that Trump loosening libel laws
  6936. 156:46
  6937. infringes freedom of the press this is
  6938. 156:50
  6939. not the press that we have what we've
  6940. 156:52
  6941. got is propaganda outlets wearing the
  6942. 156:55
  6943. trappings of the free press and I think
  6944. 156:59
  6945. the greatest hurdle probably of our
  6946. 157:00
  6947. times is making the a significant enough
  6948. 157:03
  6949. majority of the masses to become aware
  6950. 157:07
  6951. of this that they that they might
  6952. 157:11
  6953. actually be able to do something about
  6954. 157:12
  6955. it because right now the emotion against
  6956. 157:15
  6957. it is bigger than it's ever been at
  6958. 157:17
  6959. least in any history I'm aware of in the
  6960. 157:19
  6961. United States but we still haven't
  6962. 157:21
  6963. gotten big enough to have palpable
  6964. 157:22
  6965. change yet that can certainly say having
  6966. 157:28
  6967. God having worked in in media yeah you
  6968. 157:34
  6969. you will day a certain sort of power
  6970. 157:37
  6971. over people you you control their
  6972. 157:40
  6973. perception just language alone changing
  6974. 157:45
  6975. around terminology it is enough to
  6976. 157:48
  6977. change how people view things why we see
  6978. 157:51
  6979. the shifts from well a simple one from
  6980. 157:56
  6981. illegal immigrant to undocumented
  6982. 157:58
  6983. immigrants you know an interesting thing
  6984. 158:00
  6985. I stumbled across a while back was the
  6986. 158:02
  6987. publishers of the style guide who
  6988. 158:06
  6989. actually make those recognize our
  6990. 158:10
  6991. colossal fucking sjw's yes they are
  6992. 158:15
  6993. that's another axis we've been
  6994. 158:18
  6995. infiltrated on have you noticed this as
  6996. 158:21
  6997. well there's been a shift from the
  6998. 158:25
  6999. leftists and general sjw's from using
  7000. 158:29
  7001. the term equality to equity uh-huh keep
  7002. 158:34
  7003. in mind that equity inequality are not
  7004. 158:37
  7005. the same thing
  7006. 158:38
  7007. they're the wreck like it's on paper
  7008. 158:41
  7009. stems from the whole theory of justice
  7010. 158:44
  7011. by John Rawls and that's basically the
  7012. 158:47
  7013. text
  7014. 158:48
  7015. for the modern social justice movement
  7016. 158:51
  7017. that it is perfectly okay to give
  7018. 158:54
  7019. certain and specific advantages to
  7020. 158:57
  7021. people that are considered marginalized
  7022. 158:58
  7023. or otherwise underrepresented in order
  7024. 159:02
  7025. to balance the scales visually yep it's
  7026. 159:08
  7027. all about appearances of superiority and
  7028. 159:11
  7029. oppression absolutely oh dear God
  7030. 159:20
  7031. critical theory was one of the classes
  7032. 159:22
  7033. that I had to take for my journalism
  7034. 159:24
  7035. minor funnily enough so I picked up a
  7036. 159:29
  7037. lot of a lot of that stuff in there well
  7038. 159:32
  7039. on the upside you have that working
  7040. 159:34
  7041. knowledge of your enemy's weapons it's
  7042. 159:35
  7043. always helpful
  7044. 159:36
  7045. absolutely it's like now I don't know
  7046. 159:43
  7047. well I know you did frequent for gym
  7048. 159:48
  7049. yeah on and off several times over the
  7050. 159:50
  7051. years I'd actually come away from a long
  7052. 159:53
  7053. absence when I came back to be four
  7054. 159:54
  7055. gamergate how how how closely did you
  7056. 159:59
  7057. follow their Scientology opps that
  7058. 160:03
  7059. happened during the time that I was away
  7060. 160:05
  7061. although I could I look quite a bit of
  7062. 160:07
  7063. the history in the long march afterwards
  7064. 160:09
  7065. okay that all that happened about a year
  7066. 160:12
  7067. to a year and a half after I first
  7068. 160:15
  7069. started frequenting this site but that
  7070. 160:21
  7071. was one of those things where you
  7072. 160:22
  7073. basically had to learn the terminology
  7074. 160:25
  7075. to talk about it and talk about it to
  7076. 160:32
  7077. Scientologists and that's something that
  7078. 160:34
  7079. I've noticed has been repeated since
  7080. 160:37
  7081. Leah Remini started doing her
  7082. 160:40
  7083. Scientology expose ace like you've got a
  7084. 160:43
  7085. you've got to know the lingo if if
  7086. 160:46
  7087. you're even going to get your words out
  7088. 160:49
  7089. to these people pretty much the same
  7090. 160:53
  7091. thing with far left social justice
  7092. 160:58
  7093. cultural marxists now
  7094. 161:01
  7095. you have to know the terminology they're
  7096. 161:04
  7097. using you have to be able to decipher
  7098. 161:06
  7099. what they mean when they say things like
  7100. 161:08
  7101. cultural appropriation or something that
  7102. 161:14
  7103. that would be kind of obvious like black
  7104. 161:16
  7105. and brown people right that's another
  7106. 161:19
  7107. thing that's that's sort of been shifted
  7108. 161:21
  7109. to instead of people of color which
  7110. 161:23
  7111. would include you know Asians what we
  7112. 161:26
  7113. would think of as Chinese Japanese
  7114. 161:28
  7115. Vietnamese Korean that's not descent to
  7116. 161:32
  7117. black and brown folks because the
  7118. 161:37
  7119. typical Asians that we think of still
  7120. 161:39
  7121. benefit from white privilege right so I
  7122. 161:43
  7123. noticed that they rarely have anything
  7124. 161:46
  7125. to say about Native Americans - very
  7126. 161:49
  7127. very rarely usually if they do it's
  7128. 161:52
  7129. about the fact that the u.s. is on
  7130. 161:56
  7131. occupied territory or the Dakota access
  7132. 162:00
  7133. pipeline or oh god don't even get me
  7134. 162:03
  7135. started on that debacle the
  7136. 162:07
  7137. appropriating headdresses or don't say
  7138. 162:10
  7139. you're 1/16 Cherokee because you're
  7140. 162:12
  7141. bullshitting that that sort of thing I
  7142. 162:15
  7143. find that there is a very loud silence
  7144. 162:21
  7145. on reservations on prevalence of
  7146. 162:26
  7147. alcoholism among native peoples that
  7148. 162:31
  7149. sort of thing it's largely about
  7150. 162:33
  7151. cultural appropriation and occupied
  7152. 162:37
  7153. territory right I think what it boils
  7154. 162:40
  7155. down to at least in my opinion is that
  7156. 162:42
  7157. they get offended over the things that
  7158. 162:45
  7159. they have been taught they should be
  7160. 162:46
  7161. offended by rather than the things that
  7162. 162:50
  7163. are actually causing problems for these
  7164. 162:52
  7165. demographic groups that they're claiming
  7166. 162:53
  7167. to defend yep and right now it seems
  7168. 162:57
  7169. like black people are are the big ones
  7170. 163:02
  7171. to to really focus on especially since
  7172. 163:05
  7173. black lives matter which was funded by
  7174. 163:12
  7175. major
  7176. 163:14
  7177. George Soros there you go I almost call
  7178. 163:20
  7179. him a doctor but I don't want to insult
  7180. 163:22
  7181. the phd's no but holy shit and we almost
  7182. 163:31
  7183. managed to make it through this whole
  7184. 163:32
  7185. conversation without naming the Jew
  7186. 163:36
  7187. almost although given the current time
  7188. 163:41
  7189. and the fact that I still have some
  7190. 163:44
  7191. things to accomplish today yeah that's
  7192. 163:47
  7193. why I was gonna say that up myself
  7194. 163:48
  7195. suppose we'll have to leave it here but
  7196. 163:54
  7197. kind of like this kind of think this
  7198. 163:56
  7199. needs to happen again probably with a
  7200. 163:59
  7201. little more fanfare yeah you know the
  7202. 164:02
  7203. way things are it's my original promise
  7204. 164:05
  7205. to the board was that I wouldn't do
  7206. 164:07
  7207. streams or IRC chat so there wouldn't be
  7208. 164:09
  7209. any risk of being corrupted by the same
  7210. 164:11
  7211. pack of Twitter troll assholes who wound
  7212. 164:14
  7213. up co-opting and wrecking our first two
  7214. 164:16
  7215. boards I think after two years of being
  7216. 164:20
  7217. the board owner and still retaining my
  7218. 164:22
  7219. sanity I'm pretty sure I can handle a
  7220. 164:23
  7221. stream or two probably so as long as
  7222. 164:27
  7223. schedules permit as well yeah if you
  7224. 164:30
  7225. invite me to IRC I will find you let
  7226. 164:36
  7227. that let that be the moral of the story
  7228. 164:38
  7229. don't don't attempt to Doc's acid man
  7230. 164:41
  7231. because you will end up on an FBI watch
  7232. 164:44
  7233. list attempting is funny
  7234. 164:48
  7235. succeeding will get your ass in trouble
  7236. 164:50
  7237. I just have to wonder it's like you
  7238. 164:54
  7239. think about Seattle for truth in his
  7240. 164:57
  7241. fucking trial right now what are the
  7242. 165:00
  7243. odds what are the odds that somewhere
  7244. 165:04
  7245. that faggots folder in his entry and it
  7246. 165:06
  7247. is floating around between the hands of
  7248. 165:08
  7249. the people involved in setting his trial
  7250. 165:10
  7251. up we will never know but just you would
  7252. 165:17
  7253. think that the FBI might be somebody
  7254. 165:19
  7255. that they would call concerning his
  7256. 165:20
  7257. circumstances
  7258. 165:22
  7259. it'd be interesting that's a hence
  7260. 165:25
  7261. that's a happy little thought in the
  7262. 165:26
  7263. back of my mind so last question before
  7264. 165:30
  7265. we close it out acid who you think wrote
  7266. 165:33
  7267. the tighten posts and what do you think
  7268. 165:35
  7269. of it from the chat um I actually know
  7270. 165:38
  7271. who wrote the tighten post I'm not going
  7272. 165:41
  7273. to say too much about it because I don't
  7274. 165:43
  7275. want to let too much slip as far as what
  7276. 165:45
  7277. I think of it it was like a lot of the
  7278. 165:48
  7279. early material that came in the support
  7280. 165:50
  7281. of GG revolt it raised up a few good
  7282. 165:53
  7283. points and then it turned them around
  7284. 165:55
  7285. always finding some way to kind of
  7286. 165:58
  7287. tangle it back against the main body of
  7288. 166:00
  7289. GG for my personal philosophy I'm not
  7290. 166:05
  7291. exactly the type who drifts with the
  7292. 166:07
  7293. winds but I firmly believe that wherever
  7294. 166:09
  7295. this whole non movement consumer revolt
  7296. 166:14
  7297. wants to go the only choice that I have
  7298. 166:17
  7299. to make is do I want to follow them or
  7300. 166:19
  7301. is it time for me to step aside telling
  7302. 166:22
  7303. them what they should and shouldn't be
  7304. 166:24
  7305. doing and then throwing a hissy fit if
  7306. 166:26
  7307. they decide not to listen to me is not
  7308. 166:28
  7309. an option try to persuade try to argue
  7310. 166:32
  7311. but when you come out with you know the
  7312. 166:35
  7313. ethics cuck type condemnations and all
  7314. 166:40
  7315. the various other kind of shaky nuri
  7316. 166:41
  7317. that went on especially back in those
  7318. 166:43
  7319. days when everything was so hot I can't
  7320. 166:46
  7321. say that I support I probably support
  7322. 166:50
  7323. maybe a third of the content that was in
  7324. 166:52
  7325. the tighten post and probably zero
  7326. 166:54
  7327. percent of its overall intentions
  7328. 166:56
  7329. related to the rest of GG as a whole if
  7330. 167:00
  7331. that's a satisfactory answer I suppose I
  7332. 167:06
  7333. don't have to be well anyway I suppose
  7334. 167:11
  7335. everyone who stuck around came in thank
  7336. 167:15
  7337. you guys
  7338. 167:16
  7339. yeah it was interesting I was kind of
  7340. 167:19
  7341. glad to see a smaller audience it's it's
  7342. 167:22
  7343. always nice to to not have to be
  7344. 167:25
  7345. watching the chat for comments and
  7346. 167:27
  7347. outrage you can just kick back and talk
  7348. 167:32
  7349. and monologue without interruption
  7350. 167:35
  7351. I apologize for monologuing too much no
  7352. 167:38
  7353. no no no no no no no that's that's what
  7354. 167:40
  7355. this was for
  7356. 167:41
  7357. this is this was for this was for
  7358. 167:43
  7359. monologues for God's sake there's a time
  7360. 167:46
  7361. and place and this was it well the
  7362. 167:49
  7363. problem is when I do it in text I always
  7364. 167:51
  7365. sound like such a fucking artist it I
  7366. 167:54
  7367. even notice it myself like I'll be going
  7368. 167:55
  7369. back through old the archives or
  7370. 167:57
  7371. something and I'll see a post that I
  7372. 167:58
  7373. made you know twelve months ago it's
  7374. 168:01
  7375. like I remember that conversation but I
  7376. 168:04
  7377. don't remember like why do I sound so
  7378. 168:06
  7379. energetic or angry it's like I don't
  7380. 168:09
  7381. remember being upset about any of that
  7382. 168:11
  7383. at all it's just something that comes
  7384. 168:13
  7385. out of me and the way I type I guess
  7386. 168:15
  7387. hopefully I did a little bit better via
  7388. 168:17
  7389. voice chat I think I think you did all
  7390. 168:22
  7391. right even for a $25 best buy headset
  7392. 168:25
  7393. yeah I can't hear myself on this so I
  7394. 168:28
  7395. hope I don't sound like too much shit no
  7396. 168:30
  7397. it's nuts alright alright well anyway I
  7398. 168:34
  7399. suppose we will close this out so thanks
  7400. 168:37
  7401. again everybody thanks for joining me
  7402. 168:39
  7403. the acid man and we will see if we can
  7404. 168:43
  7405. do another one of these in the future
  7406. 168:44
  7407. yeah might be fun
  7408. 168:46
  7409. alright hat you have a good night
  7410. 168:47
  7411. alrighty you too bye
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