
Butterscotch and Milf

Oct 7th, 2014
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  1. >Two pegasi were slowly flying through the air
  2. >one was holding a neatly wrapped gift
  3. >"So Scotch, what did ya get Dusk for his birthday?"
  4. >the yellow pegasus turned his attention to his rainbow-maned friend
  5. >"Oh, I got him a book."
  6. >Rainbow Blitz lowered head into his hooves
  7. >"AW MAN, I got him a book too..."
  8. >he swung his head back towards his friend
  9. >"Wait! What kind of book?"
  10. >"well, um, it's called "Irwin's Guide to Magically-Imbued Fauna" and it's got stuff all about magical animals, like... manticores and cockatrices an-"
  11. >Blitz cut off his friend with his laughing
  12. >"Dude, you still giving him crap about that time he found a cockatrice?"
  13. >the butter yellow pegasus lowered his head slightly
  14. >"n-no. It's just I asked Dusk and he said he didn't have this book yet..."
  15. >that was a good idea, to ask Dusk what books he wanted
  16. >Blitz wished he thought of it
  17. >"...and if I haven't had found him, he would probably ended up a lawn ornament in front of Zecora's house..."
  18. >they both snickered at that thought
  19. >"so, um, what kind of book did you get him?
  20. >the blue pegasus thought for a second
  21. >"I- uh, don't even remember what I got him."
  22. >what if it was something he already had?
  23. >that wouldn't be cool
  24. >"how can you not remember what you got him, Blitz?"
  25. >"Hey, I bought it like a month ago."
  26. >buying ahead, that was a smart idea
  27. >...right?
  28. >"But anyway"
  29. >the blue pegasus spoke up
  30. >"We'll stop by my house, I'll take a quick shower, get ready, get our gifts, we may head by the bookstore, then we'll go to the party. That sound good?"
  31. >"It sounds good to me"
  32. >"Okay!"
  33. >they both flew in silence for a few moments
  34. >"Hey Scotch?"
  35. >"yes?"
  36. >"Have you ever, like, really met my mom?"
  37. >"um, No. Not like a formal introduction or anything like that..."
  39. >the motherly mare was curled up on the couch, enjoying the peace and quiet
  40. >a blanket draped over her rear legs as she ate her fruit-and-yogurt treat
  41. >with a growing stallion, she had to make the most of her down time
  42. >she closed her eyes as she listened to the wonderful sounds of silence
  43. >
  44. >the rattling of the doorknob caught her attention
  45. >but who could-
  46. >"Hi mom!"
  47. "Hi Blitzie."
  48. >it was just her son
  49. >...and some other pony
  50. "Oh, and who is this, dear?"
  51. >she eyed the slender, pink-maned, yellow-coated pegasus that walked in behind her son
  52. >Oh he is a cutie
  53. >she set her treat aside as she threw the cover off her and moved to a new position, seated on her rump
  54. >"oh yea, Mom, this is my good friend Butterscotch."
  55. >she smiled at the timid looking stallion that seemed to be hiding behind Rainbow Blitz
  56. >"um, hello ma'am"
  57. >oh such a gentlecolt
  58. "Hello, Butterscotch dear"
  59. >he seemed to try to hide his face beneath his hair
  60. "Blitz, honey, you said that you wouldn't be home until late. What happened?"
  61. >"Oh. I just had to stop in real quick. I gotta take a shower and then we're heading to a party."
  62. "A party?"
  63. >"Yeah. a birthday party"
  64. >her stallion turned his attention to the other stallion
  65. >"Scotch, you'll be alright waiting in here won'tcha? I won't be but, like, a few minutes"
  66. >"i, um..."
  67. >Blitz was already headed down the hall
  68. >"Just make yourself at home, dude."
  69. >the door to the bathroom slammed
  70. >Scotch stood in the middle of the living room
  71. >nervously fumbling about the present in his hooves
  72. >the mare was studying him with her eyes
  73. >looking him up and down
  74. >mama liked what she was seeing
  75. >she quickly shot him a seductive look
  76. >then she patted her hoof on the couch right beside her
  77. "Butterscotch, dear, take a seat"
  79. >"um, okay, ma'am"
  80. >Butterscotch slowly made his way to the couch
  81. >he slowly sat down on the exact opposite corner, as far away from the mare as he could
  82. >sitting up straight, he was looking about her living room, eyeing the various knick-knacks and souvenirs of days past
  83. >her eyes were locked onto him
  84. >examining him
  85. >his handsome face, somewhat petite wings, his slender legs, the butterflies on his flanks
  86. >she focused on his flanks for a second
  87. >and his beautiful coat and simply-styled mane
  88. >he seemed well-maintained
  89. >or at least somewhat better maintained than her rough and tumble son
  90. >such a stark contrast, really
  91. >but they were both beautiful in their own way
  92. >Butterscotch's wandering eyes met hers
  93. >he seemed to sink into the couch a tiny bit
  94. >she could have sworn that he squeaked
  95. >she licked her lips slightly before speaking up
  96. "So, Butterscotch..."
  97. >the stallion stared towards her with his soft eyes
  98. "What do you do for a living?"
  99. >"...oh, I take care of animals."
  100. "Awwww, I love animals!"
  101. >he meekly smiled at her
  102. >the mare scooted slightly closer to the stallion
  103. "Do you take care of cute little puppies and pussycats?"
  104. >"oh, Yes!"
  105. >she noticed that he seemed to relax a bit
  106. "what about baby chicks?
  107. >"Oh yeah, and I also..."
  108. >she let him go on for a bit, questioning him and letting him talk about all the different types of animals he cared for
  109. >while she inched ever so closer to the handsome little stallion
  111. >"And I- um..."
  112. >he finally noticed that she was close to him
  113. >like, her flanks almost touching his close
  114. >"Ma'am, I um..."
  115. >his voice went to nearly a whisper
  116. >she looked at him sternly
  117. "Butterscotch, Can I ask you something"
  118. >she asked in a somewhat serious tone
  119. >Mother Mode: Engaged
  120. >Butterscotch sank further into the couch
  121. >"o-okay..."
  122. >he looked scared
  123. "So, tell me about this party you and my Blitzie are going to"
  124. >"I-um-it's our f-friend Dusk s-Shine's birthday tom-morrow, and, well-um, the party is tonight, cause, cause he's g-going home to s-see his parents tomorrow..."
  125. >she had made this poor stallion sweat bullets
  126. "So who's going to be at the party?"
  127. >"J-J-just a few of our f-friends, and a-a-a ccouple of, um, other ponies..."
  128. >he barely squeaked out those last few words
  129. >was she really that intimidating?
  130. "Nothing... Bad... is going to happen at this party, is it?"
  131. >his eyes went wide
  132. >"Oh no ma'am. It's a, um, B-Bubble Berry planned it a-all, so it's going t-to be, a um, nice get-together"
  133. >this poor colt, maybe she should back off a bit...
  134. "Okay, that's good"
  135. >Butterscotch sighed in relief as she leaned back a bit
  136. "It's just, I don't want my little Blitzie falling into the wrong crowd"
  137. >she smiled her warm smile to the stallion
  138. "I wouldn't know what to do if he was drinking or getting with any wild mares"
  139. >Scotch seemed to want to cover his face with the present in his hooves
  140. >"Oh, w-we don't do any-anything like that..."
  141. "And that's good! You're such a kind little gentlecolt."
  142. >Scotch smiled a bit
  143. "And you wouldn't want to make your little marefriend mad, would you?"
  144. >the stallion started to turn a deep shade of red
  145. >"I-um, actually, I, I-I don't have a m-marefriend..."
  147. *GASP*
  148. >she leaned backwards, with her hoof to her mouth and her eyes wide
  149. "Really? Such a handsome young stallion like yourself is all lonely?"
  150. >Scotch was now a shade of crimson, hiding under his hooves
  151. "No cute little mare to hug, or give cuddles..."
  152. >she leaned slightly closer and whispered while giving a seductive look
  153. "...or get kisses from?"
  154. >If Butterscotch could sink any further into the couch, he would be through it
  155. >"N-No..."
  156. "Awww, well why not?"
  157. >she huffed with her hooves on her hips
  158. >"W-well, I, um..."
  159. >she gave him a few seconds to stop stumbling over his words
  160. >"I-im too shy, and I can't... talk to... m-mares"
  161. "Awwww"
  162. >he was really precious when he was flustered
  163. "Well, let me help you. It's a shame you don't have a line of mares waiting to be with you."
  164. >"N-No, you d-don't have to..."
  165. "Nonsense!"
  166. >she scooted her flanks slightly closer to him and teased her hair up with a hoof
  167. "Okay, so let's pretend I'm a pretty mare..."
  168. >"But y-you are a pretty mare..."
  169. >she was taken aback by his innocent statement
  170. >she smiled, his words had warmed her heart
  171. >and somewhere a bit further south...
  172. >she leaned onto him, and put her hoof on his chin
  173. "Aww, there you go! You got that down pat!"
  174. >she put one hoof on the arm of the couch, the other on the back
  175. >she had blocked him in
  176. >she had him right where she wanted him
  178. >Butterscotch's eyes had gone wide, his pupils pinpricks
  179. >he had sweat forming on his forehead
  180. "so Butterscotch, have you ever kissed a mare before?"
  181. >"I-i-i-i..."
  182. >did one time, on the cheek, on hearts and hooves day count?
  183. >"um... No."
  184. "Okay, well it's real simple..."
  185. >she leaned in real close to the stallion
  186. >his eyes snapped shut
  187. >he was shaking nervously
  188. >he could feel her warm breath on his nose as she got closer
  189. >he was so close to freaking out
  190. >he couldn't do this. not with his friend's mom. that he just met.
  191. *Mwah*
  192. >Scotch sat there
  193. >something had touched his lips, then left
  194. >had she only pecked him on the lips?
  195. >he opened one eye
  196. >the mare was sitting back, with a smile on her face
  197. "There, that wasn't so bad, was it?"
  198. >he just stared at her
  199. >"n-no"
  200. "And that was a kiss. So how was it?"
  201. >he smiled slightly
  202. >she returned with her smile
  203. >"it..."
  204. >he could feel the heat radiating from his face
  205. >"It was..."
  206. >she had an expectant look on her face
  207. >It was nice"
  208. "That's good. Now let's show you how to really kiss!"
  209. >"Wha-"
  210. >she practically dove onto Butterscotch
  211. >her mouth connected to his
  212. >she was exploring his mouth with her tongue
  213. >the poor flustered stallion was trying to move from underneath her, but she had him pinned to the couch
  214. >he felt her hoof travel slowly down his body
  215. >he looked at her closed eyes in shock
  216. >when her hoof cupped one of his yellow orbs, he started to freak out
  217. >"mmMMmm! MmmmMmm!"
  218. >he couldn't make words.
  219. >her tongue was tied to his
  220. >he had to sit there whimpering as her hoof explored his most private area
  221. >and he was starting to react to her touching
  222. >she was enjoying every second of it
  224. >The mare laid on top of the trembling stallion
  225. >his chest quickly rising and lowering underneath her
  226. >she continued to explore his mouth, his tongue weakly trying to wrestle with hers
  227. >his quick breaths hitting her face
  228. >her hoof continued to feel about him until it brushed against his growing member
  229. >Butterscotch inhaled sharply as she touched it
  230. >he would have gasped, but his mouth was occupied
  231. >the motherly mare slowed her tongue and started to back off of the stallion's mouth
  232. >she lightly bit his lower lip
  233. >she pulled back and slowly let his lip go, breaking their connection
  234. >as she sat smiling above the stallion, she took in a deep breath
  235. "Oh Butterscotch..."
  236. >the mare said in her most seductive tone
  237. "How was that?"
  238. >Scotch's soft, wide eyes were darting about
  239. >he was shaking with terror and seemed to be trying to bury himself between the back and seat cushions.
  240. >if he had his way, they wouldn't find him until they went hunting for loose change
  241. >she smiled at the stallion
  242. >a part of her wished that the roles were reversed, with her being buried into the couch
  243. >with her being pounded in pure ecstasy
  244. >but she didn't mind having to take the lead
  245. >...she actually kind of enjoyed it
  246. >the mare gave him her best bedroom eyes as she spoke up
  247. "Okay, now let's show you something special"
  249. >she leaned in close, her chest touching his again as she stuck her free hoof underneath the stallion
  250. "You need to know this trick, especially if you get yourself a cute young pegasus"
  251. >Butterscotch's already blushing face seemed to intensify
  252. >she wrapped it behind him, stopping when it came to the spot right in between his wings
  253. "Okay, put your hoof right here on me."
  254. >she softly said to him as she patted his back
  255. >Scotch was too scared to move
  256. >she leaned in close and whispered to him
  257. "It's okay, dear. Go ahead"
  258. >one of his nervously shaking hooves slowly reached around and lightly touched the spot between her raised wings
  259. "oooh, right there"
  260. >she cooed to him
  261. "Now just rub back and forth..."
  262. >his hoof lightly teased the sensitive spot on her back
  263. "dear, put just a little more pressure into it..."
  264. >she started to arch her back as he did what she requested
  265. "oooohHHhhhh~"
  266. >this is just what she needed
  267. >she was grinding herself on Butterscotch's leg
  268. >she returned the favor, rubbing the sensitive spot on the stallion's back
  269. >"mmmMHhhff"
  270. >he closed his eyes while stifling a moan and biting his lower lip
  271. >she felt something warm and firm pressing into her soft stomach
  272. >it was just the reaction she wanted from him
  274. >the mare slowed her grinding until her hips were barely moving
  275. >she leaned up and began to reposition herself on the stallion's legs
  276. >as she moved away from him, Scotch's hoof slipped from her back and snapped to his chest in a defensive position
  277. >she was now straddling the poor stallion
  278. >her thicker thighs on top of his sleek legs
  279. >she looked longingly into his eyes
  280. >his timid, trembling eyes
  281. >this poor stallion, she thought
  282. >every emotion and thought and hormone rattling around inside him
  283. >well, he was a pure, kind, innocent virgin
  284. >she had even given him his first real kiss
  285. >had she ever taken a stallion's virginity before?
  286. >...not that she knew of
  287. >well, she was about to rock his world...
  289. >her eyes began to slowly wander southwards on his body
  290. >as she started to look down, she saw Butterscotch close his eyes
  291. >she sat above him, ogling his body
  292. >his shy handsome face, wings firmly clamped to his sides, his naturally thin stomach...
  293. >lucky
  294. >and his...
  295. >Oh there we go
  296. >what had poked her in her tummy
  297. >his erect member, standing tall and proud
  298. >right in between her legs
  299. >not even an inch away form her
  300. >she licked her lips as she took in this sight
  301. "ooooh~"
  302. >it is absolutely wonderful...
  303. >his modest lengt-
  304. >aw who am I kidding
  305. >It's the perfect size
  306. >Not laughably tiny, not freakishly huge
  307. >more than enough for her to work with...
  308. >the fine slightly darker yellow color, his thickness, the large head...
  309. >she could even feel his tightly drawn scrotum beneath her
  310. >her breathing began to get quicker
  311. >she started slowly grinding again
  312. "...i'm impressed, Butterscotch"
  313. >he still had his eyes closed and hooves to his chest
  314. >he was going to open his mouth to say something...
  315. >"I- aaAHhhhmmmm..."
  316. >her touch to his most sensitive part turned his words into a long moan
  317. >his eyes opened as his hooves shot to his face, covering his mouth
  318. >her hoof was lightly trailing up and down his rigid shaft
  319. >she smiled to the stallion while rubbing him
  320. "Okay now, Scotch, I think you'll like this..."
  322. >she began to slide her body down the stallion's legs
  323. >he leaned up with one eye slightly open to watch her
  324. >the mare stopped when his member was right in front of her face
  325. >with one hoof she continued to lightly stroke him, and the other began to toy with his balls
  326. >he lightly moaned in response
  327. >she admired his perfect, sizable butterballs
  328. >how did he keep all this hid on that petite body of his?
  329. >as she felt their weight with her hoof, she leaned in close
  330. >her warm breath tickling his sensitive orbs
  331. >he had started to squirm involuntarily
  332. >she let go of his length in response
  333. >then she lifted his balls up, contemplating if she should...
  334. >nah
  335. >she'll leave his butt alone
  336. >he has enough going on right now, last thing she needs is for him to faint from sensory overload
  337. >the mare moved back up into position, his member almost touching her snout
  338. >she looked up to him and their eyes met
  339. >the stallion tried to open his mouth again to say something...
  340. >*GASP*
  341. >the mare had lightly kissed the head of his penis
  342. >she flashed her motherly smile and half-lidded eyes at him
  343. "...all you have to do is lay back and enjoy it!"
  344. >she quietly giggled
  345. >this was one of her most favorite things to do
  347. >the mare kissed his member again
  348. >but this time her lips stayed attached to it
  349. >he twitched in response
  350. >she slowly opened her lips and took the very tip of his shaft into her mouth
  351. >her tongue lightly circling it
  352. >"oOoh m-my~"
  353. >Butterscotch cooed in an almost melodic tone
  354. >she looked up to see his reaction
  355. >his head was lying back on the couch, staring up
  356. >maybe now he was finally relaxed...
  357. >she started bobbing her head up and down
  358. >taking in just under an inch of his length
  359. >she was enjoying his intoxicating taste in her mouth
  360. >running her tongue all over it
  361. >the stallion lightly moaned
  362. >she could feel his very heartbeat with her lips
  363. >he began to tense up a bit
  364. >she was up to a good rhythm now
  365. >her hoof, still fondling his balls, felt them begin to pull closer to his body
  366. >Oh yes
  367. >she took in another half an inch of his length while starting to quicken her pace ever so slightly
  368. >her reward for a job well done would be here soon enough
  369. >and from the way he tasted so far...
  370. >she couldn't wait
  371. >it had been too long since she'd done this
  372. >with every up and down motion, she took a tiny bit more in each time
  373. >he began twitching more in her mouth while he moaned
  374. >soon...
  375. >she was almost halfway down his length now
  376. >going at it like the pro she believed she was
  377. >just a little bit longer...
  378. >he would have his relief soon
  379. >and she wou-
  380. >
  381. >she froze in place
  382. >halfway down Butterscotch's dick
  383. >he started lightly thrusting into her after she stopped
  384. >her eyes grew wide as she stared up at the stallion
  385. >panic started to set into the motherly mare
  386. >she thought she heard a door open
  388. >Butterscotch was still thrusting timidly
  389. >trying to ease just a bit more of himself into her mouth
  390. >such a wonderful feeling...
  391. >her warm, wet mouth on his-
  392. *Ba-BAM!"
  393. >it sounded like something hit the floor
  394. >Scotch's eyes shot open in sheer terror
  395. >a muffled "Aw crap!" came from down the hall
  396. >their wide eyes met
  397. >hers filled with shock, his jaw trembling with fear
  398. >the mare thought about how she was so caught up with this stallion, she momentarily forgot about the other one in her house
  399. >and the stallion was thinking about exactly how mad could a pony get for being caught with their mom's face in his crotch
  400. >both ponies sat perfectly still
  401. >they were afraid to move
  402. >then they heard it
  403. >hoofsteps
  404. >down the hall
  405. >and heading towards them
  406. >they didn't need to say it, they both knew it
  407. >the mare quickly removed Butterscotch's member from her mouth with a light smack of her lips
  408. >Blitz's mom quickly scrambled into an upright position
  409. >then pulled Butterscotch to a sitting position besides her
  410. >he sat there, unmoving as she wiped her lips
  411. >he was getting closer
  412. >the mare threw her hooves around Butterscotch and leaned in close to his ear, whispering to him
  413. "Scotch, dear, your pride is showing!"
  414. >the pegasus broke out of his shock to look down at himself
  415. >indeed, he was showing off
  416. >Blitz was almost...
  417. >Butterscotch's rear legs snapped shut and his front hooves quickly shot in between them
  418. >just as Rainbow Blitz came out of the hallway
  420. >"Dude, I just dropped my present for Dusk and warped the box..."
  421. >>the rainbow-maned stallion looked up to see his mom hugging his best friend on their couch
  422. >Blitz stopped in place as a look of confusion grew on his face
  423. >"wha..."
  424. >Butterscotch was trembling, his hooves doing their best to hide his erection
  425. >he swallowed and tried to speak up, but barely making more than a whisper
  426. >"t-this... I-i-"
  427. >dontpanicdontpanicdontpan-
  428. "Butterscotch was just telling me about how he takes care of all types of cute little animals."
  429. >his mother spoke up with a cheery tone
  430. >"oh" the blue pegasus spoke up
  431. "Isn't that just so sweet, dear?'
  432. >she began to squeeze Scotch in her hooves, rubbing his cheek with hers
  433. "Oh, and he is just such a kind, gentle young stallion!"
  434. >Blitz smiled to his mom while nodding his head
  435. >"yeah, Scotch is pretty cool like that, isn't he?"
  436. >he turned his attention to his friend
  437. >"So I'm ready. You about ready to go, dude?"
  438. >the sheer horror of almost being caught was doing a good job of deflating Butterscotch's member
  439. >"i- um, yes..."
  440. >Blitz turned and headed towards the door as both his mom and friend stood up from the couch
  441. >"Okay, bye mom!"
  442. "Rainbow Blitz"
  443. >she said in that sweet but concerned tone only an experienced mother could do
  444. >he stopped and turned back to her as his friend huddled beside him
  445. "Are you not going to give me a hug before you go?"
  446. >"Aw mom... but Scotch is..."
  447. >the motherly mare wrapped her hooves around his neck
  448. "Now you be careful, dear."
  449. >"I will..." he said in a slightly annoyed tone
  450. >she held this hug just long enough to be embarrassing for him, then
  451. *Mwah*
  452. >she planted a kiss on his cheek
  453. >"Mom!"
  454. >she simply smiled at her thoroughly embarrassed son
  455. >"Okay, we're gon-"
  456. "Wait."
  457. >"what?"
  458. "One for Butterscotch too, it's only fair"
  459. >she wrapped her hooves around the timid pegasus, leaned in close to his ear ans whispered to him
  460. "...maybe we can finish what we started later..."
  462. >Butterscotch gave a shocked look while Blitz's mom hugged him
  463. >he felt uncomfortable, in more ways than one
  464. >then she planted a light kiss on his cheek too
  465. *Mwah*
  466. >Blitz stared at his friend's face as it turned bright red
  467. >"Dude!"
  468. >Scotch's pupils became pinpricks
  469. >he just kept repeating the words "don't panic" inside his head
  470. >"Don't be getting fresh with my mom!" he said in a joking tone
  471. >the motherly mare looked at Butterscotch
  472. >for a split second, she thought he was gonna faint
  473. >but he didn't
  474. >he regained his balance pretty quickly
  475. >"Okay, goodbye mom."
  476. >her stallion started towards the front door
  477. "Goodbye sweetie. Don't stay out too late, now"
  478. >"I won't."
  479. "And you be careful too, Butterscotch."
  480. >she smiled at him
  481. >"um, I will, ma'am."
  482. >and just like that, both stallions were off
  483. >but she did watch the butter yellow one as he flew off
  484. >longing for him...
  485. >
  486. >she was left alone to enjoy the silence again
  487. >a whole house to herself
  488. >the mare plopped her rump back onto her couch and laid back
  489. >she couldn't stop thinking about that timid little stallion
  490. >just how perfect he was...
  491. >so handsome, and kind
  492. >and his wonderful body
  493. >she chewed her lip as one of her hooves headed south
  494. >
  495. >no, wait
  496. >she headed towards her bedroom
  497. >she needed one of her toys for this
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