
Midnight Escapade

Oct 6th, 2016
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  1. Midnight Escapade (Cutefic)
  2. >Lori had abruptly awoken in the middle of the night feeling lost in darkness as she shifted around in her bed, feeling her surroundings to get a better idea of where she was
  3. >She came to the conclusion that she had waken up in the same position she had fell asleep, body resting on the same pillows, covers, and mattress.
  4. >She deeply exhaled as she sat up groggily from her rude awakening and stretched while looking over at her sister
  5. >Though the blonde faced her wall, Leni rested peacefully as her sister smiled at the sight
  6. >Something about seeing her sister in such a harmonious state truly made Lori happy
  7. >The 17 year old slouched her shoulders & back as she begrudgingly stepped out of her bed and into the hallway
  8. >She felt the fabric of the floor rub against her feet as she practically dragged them across the carpet of said hall
  9. >Lori had taken her time with the stairs, fearing one slip would send her flying downwards and waking up the entire household in a frenzy
  10. She had slid her hand across the kitchen wall in a sporadic manner in an attempt to find a light switch
  11. Her efforts would not be in vain as a blinding light escaped from the bulb above her head at the sound of a click
  12. >The eldest child rubbed her eyes in comfort from the offsetting change and walked as quietly into the kitchen as she could
  13. >She grabbed a transparent cup from a nearby cabinet and turned on the faucet
  14. >While she didn’t enjoy tap water, the dryness in her throat didn’t have a specific kind of quench for liquid
  15. >Lori filled the cup to about ¾ and greedily drunk down the entire thing within seconds
  16. >The first sound to escape her lips after her refreshing experience was a sigh of contentment as she carefully sat down the glass to avoid any excess noise
  17. >She stood there with her hands on the edge of the cold, metal sink for what felt like an eternity before looking turning around and making her way up the now semi-lit pathway
  18. >She jerked her head back around and looked at the timing on the conventional oven
  19. 11:46
  20. >She sighed depressingly, realizing it was to early to be preparing for school but also too late to be up and about with a good excuse
  21. >Going over her options, Lori decided the best options would be to retreat back to her confined sanctuary for a go at trying to sleep once more
  22. >As she took her first step on the incline to her room, she could’ve sworn she heard faint giggling
  23. >She stopped dead in her tracks waiting to see if she would hear it again
  24. >To her dismay, it seemed like her tired mind was playing tricks on her since the laughter didn’t continue
  25. >Lori shrugged it off as nothing and continued her way upstairs, eventually reaching the top
  26. >As the blonde turned to her room's general direction, she heard the same giggling again but this time she knew where it came from
  27. >She slowly turned her head to the farthest right door which was smack dab on the end of the corridor
  28. >Lincoln’s room
  29. >What was even more peculiar about this is that the giggle didn’t sound like Lincoln’s
  30. >He didn’t exactly have the most manly laugh but this one sounded more unique than usual
  31. >The whole situation felt surreal to her, causing her to pinch herself in case this was just a dream
  32. >To her surprise, she was not experiencing some sort of phantasm
  33. >Lori softly made her way to Lincoln’s door with every step being more careful than the last
  34. >When she was a few baby steps away from his door, she noticed his nightlight was plugged in
  35. >Seeing it was strange, considering he hasn’t used one since he was 7, thinking he gave to one of the younglings some time ago
  36. >She slid to the apparently cracked door, making up for her last few steps
  37. >The near adult peered in the room, her eyes easily fixating to the light due to her previous encounters with the kitchen
  38. >What she saw definitely surprised her but she dare not gasp at the view that layer before her very eyes
  39. >Lori saw Lincoln, awake while reclining on his wall with a large grin and brush in hand
  40. > ‘But why?’ Lori thought to herself
  41. >That’s because his 13 year old sister leaned forwards in front of him, giving him a better view of her hair
  42. >To be honest, Lori didn’t even know it was Lynn at first since Lynn RARELY ever let her ponytail down except for showering but even then that was given
  43. >So it was definitely weird to see Lynn willingly let her flowing locks be seen, let alone brushed, by their younger brother
  44. >She was still skeptical until the mystery female spoke up
  45. > “How are you so good at brushing?”
  46. >It WAS Lynn’s voice! But that still begged the question: Why was she getting her hair pampered by Lincoln, especially at midnight?
  47. >The white haired child took a second before responding, as if he was still processing an answer
  48. > “Well…you know that I do Lola’s hair, right?”
  49. > “Yeah?”
  50. > “Let’s just say that I learned very quickly to adapt on grooming women because of her”
  51. > The sporty chick lightly chuckled at his remark, knowing fully well what he meant
  52. > She still remembered when she ate the last pudding cup, only to find her favorite soccer ball deflated the next morning with a distinctive pink play knife still lodged in it
  53. > “To make things short, I’m now very skilled at things like this thanks to her"
  54. > “Yeah…I understand”
  55. > “So why did you come to me anyway?”
  56. > Lynn now looked uncomfortable as she squirmed around slightly before retorting
  57. > “Leni promised me she would a few weeks ago after I told her about straightening it but she never got around to it; probably forgot.”
  58. > “Why didn’t you come to me immediately like you always do?”
  59. > Lynn scoffed at his question, him clearly not understanding the fault in it
  60. > “Please, bro. You know I can’t just go to you about girly stuff like this. You couldn’t even tell that a chick was crushing on you for pete’s sake!”
  61. > The boy merely rolled his eyes at her remarks, especially her last one. Ironically, Lynn didn’t know about Ronnie and Lincoln’s secret relationship nor did any other of his sisters
  62. > “Sorry that I didn’t think someone liked showing me their feelings with abuse. By that logic, you must really like me, huh?”
  63. > Not only did the brunette not appreciate his sarcastic voice but she also didn’t enjoy his implications of Lynn’s crush on him, which may or may not have existed
  64. > A quick elbow jab into the stomach knocked some sense into Lincoln while it also knocked some air out of him
  65. > “I was *wheeze* just kidding! Jeez”
  66. > “Dang right you were”
  67. > “Can I at least ask one more question?”
  68. > *sigh* “What?”
  69. > “Why come to me this late at night?”
  70. > Now it was Lynn’s turn to be embarrassed as she stammered for a viable answer
  71. > “W-well, I was a little hesitant to ask the others because they’d probably think I was joking or something. So whenever you were my last option I just kinda threw my hands up and said ‘Why not?’ Do you have a problem with that or something?!”
  72. > “No. In fact, I like spending time with you alone. It reminds me of when we used to do everything together.”
  73. > Those words hit Lynn deep as she knew he was completely right. The DID do everything together when they were kids
  74. >They played together, ate together, and even bathed together! But suddenly, they just stopped
  75. >Most likely because their interests branched off two completely different ways like a fork in the road of life
  76. >They started hanging out less and less and the addition of more kids didn’t exactly help, either
  77. >Still, Lynn always did enjoy having private time with Lincoln before it was yanked away by another sibling, younger or older
  78. > “Why do you think I always come to you?”
  79. > “But you just said…”
  80. > “Not that, ya dweeb! I meant sports. Why do you think I come you first for practice or when I’m bored?”
  81. > “I just thought I always got the shortest stick out of the bundle, ya know? Like you do it to me because you like seeing me in pain.”
  82. >The sporty chick merely shook her head slightly at her brother’s ignorance before continuing on
  83. > “I could ask anybody enough times to force them into playing with me. I bet I could even Lisa to join in if I really tried. I go to you because I miss the times when we use to play together, too. Now its just a hassle to get you outside!”
  84. >Lincoln remained silent at Lynn’s rant even after she finished it, not knowing she felt the same way
  85. >He felt kinda stupid for not realizing it sooner
  86. >His first response came in the form of a small laugh before following it up with words
  87. > “Then why didn’t you just say so?”
  88. > “What?”
  89. > “If you just wanted to have some time alone with me by playing sports, then I’ll definitely do it!”
  90. > “ Wha…R-really?!”
  91. > “Yup. In fact, why don’t we start tomorrow? Maybe you could take me for a morning jog before school?”
  92. >The 13 year old barely managed to not squeal at her brother’s statement
  93. >This is what she had always wanted her brother to say or at least along the lines of it
  94. >She was ecstatic beyond belief but tiresome at the same time
  95. >Lincoln set the brush aside and swiftly tied her hair back into her signature ponytail with a nearby band
  96. >You might be wondering where Lori was when all of this was occurring
  97. >She was listening the entire time, with her head no longer peeking into the room out of fearing the potential notice
  98. >Their voices were somewhat soft even when they ‘attempted’ to yell aloud
  99. >Minus the visionary option, she could still make out what was happening in her head, counting for when Lincoln was elbowed
  100. >She found it kind of heartwarming to see her little brother to be such a big person about something like this
  101. >But that positive feeling turned negative on a dime when she heard Lynn utter a few words
  102. > “I guess I’m off to my room!”
  103. >Simultaneously, Lori’s mind was flooded with panic and options on how to avoid being a snooper but every passing second eliminated more and more of a plan’s chance of succession
  104. >Right when Lynn was about to open said door, Lincoln unintentionally saved Lori by calling for the athletic brunette
  105. > “You don’t have to leave, ya know”
  106. >Lynn spun around with a confused look plastered on her face, seeing Lincoln at the far right of his bed, patting the open space for an extra guest
  107. > “But I thought you hated having me as a roommate”
  108. > “Don’t worry, I’m over that now. Your kinda fun to have around when you aren’t beating me up!
  109. >Lynn smirked at the offer and happily obliged after she jumped over to the empty area
  110. >Lori waited a moment before slowly turning around and making a light-footed dash for her room
  111. >She swiftly moved past the door and into her bed where she immediately passed out due to physical exhaustion
  112. >The last thing that passed through her mind was a mental picture of Lynn and Lincoln peacefully sleeping together in his bed, while Lynn snored loudly
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