
GeekShed still thinks I botted them when opal admitted to it

Nov 5th, 2017
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  1. 05:16:39 PM <-->> Techman ( has joined #lightirc
  2. 05:16:39 PM <--> Topic for #lightirc is "Welcome to the lightIRC support channel. English only! Use for bug reports, feature requests and support. See for information about latest connection problems with Flash Player"
  3. 05:16:39 PM <--> Topic set by valentin on Thu, 12 Jan 2017 07:36:44
  4. 05:16:39 PM <--> Channel #lightirc: 20 nicks (0 ops, 0 halfops, 2 voices, 18 normals)
  5. 05:16:41 PM <--> Channel created on Tue, 14 Dec 2010 04:48:13
  6. 05:21:25 PM <<--> You were killed by Tommy` (Lucifer!Scorpion!!Tommy` (lban evasion will not work))
  7. (rejoined)
  8. 05:22:26 PM <Techman> Tommy`: ?
  9. 05:23:11 PM <Tommy`> why are you here
  10. 05:23:22 PM <Techman> I'm trying to get in touch with the lightirc dev
  11. 05:23:38 PM <Tommy`> you are ban evading on this network
  12. 05:24:02 PM <Techman> I still am? I told you guys years ago that it was opal who was running bots here, and he even admitted to it
  13. 05:24:29 PM <Tommy`> and we are to believe that? for his word or yours?
  14. 05:24:34 PM <Techman> I had absolutely no hands in any botnet on IRC, ever
  15. 05:24:53 PM <Tommy`> it was proven same IP, that you used
  16. 05:25:09 PM <--> irc: disconnected from server
  17. 05:25:09 PM <--> *** You are permanently banned from GeekShed (You are banned from GeekShed for 0! Reason: Your behavior is not appropriate for the desired environment. Please grow up! :You may appeal it at!)
  18. 05:25:09 PM <=!=> Closing Link: Techman[] (User has been permanently banned from GeekShed (You are banned from GeekShed for 0! Reason: Your behavior is not appropriate for the desired environment. Please grow up! :You may appeal it at!))
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