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Yoshida Mania-Interrogation

a guest
Sep 8th, 2016
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  1. [22.06.2011 15:34:32] ARS|Mercantis: Well mr Edward will be not happy *sigh*
  2. [22.06.2011 15:34:33] 2011-06-22 15:34:41 SMT
  3. [22.06.2011 15:34:34] Largo::: We're taking you hostage, Zoner. For the time being.
  4. [22.06.2011 15:34:41] 2011-06-22 15:34:49 SMT
  5. [22.06.2011 15:34:41] Yoshida: Who is Edward?
  6. [22.06.2011 15:34:52] 2011-06-22 15:34:59 SMT
  7. [22.06.2011 15:34:52] ARS|Mercantis: Ames Research Station Administrator
  8. [22.06.2011 15:35:02] 2011-06-22 15:35:09 SMT
  9. [22.06.2011 15:35:02] Yoshida: We won't hurt you if you comply
  10. [22.06.2011 15:35:09] 2011-06-22 15:35:17 SMT
  11. [22.06.2011 15:35:09] Yoshida: Neither your cargo will be harmed
  12. [22.06.2011 15:35:14] 2011-06-22 15:35:21 SMT
  13. [22.06.2011 15:35:14] ARS|Mercantis: Well that will hurt our research
  14. [22.06.2011 15:35:18] 2011-06-22 15:35:26 SMT
  15. [22.06.2011 15:35:18] ARS|Mercantis: But well
  16. [22.06.2011 15:35:25] 2011-06-22 15:35:33 SMT
  17. [22.06.2011 15:35:25] Yoshida: Trust me on this one
  18. [22.06.2011 15:35:28] 2011-06-22 15:35:36 SMT
  19. [22.06.2011 15:35:28] Largo::: Where's that Mike?
  20. [22.06.2011 15:35:31] 2011-06-22 15:35:38 SMT
  21. [22.06.2011 15:35:31] ARS|Mercantis: I can't said anything I don't have gun hehe
  22. [22.06.2011 15:35:31] 2011-06-22 15:35:39 SMT
  23. [22.06.2011 15:35:31] Yoshida: It's just to lure the =CB= here
  24. [22.06.2011 15:35:33] 2011-06-22 15:35:40 SMT
  25. [22.06.2011 15:35:33] Yoshida: Mike
  26. [22.06.2011 15:35:40] 2011-06-22 15:35:48 SMT
  27. [22.06.2011 15:35:40] Yoshida: You were almost late
  28. [22.06.2011 15:35:51] 2011-06-22 15:35:58 SMT
  29. [22.06.2011 15:35:51] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: so...
  30. [22.06.2011 15:35:56] 2011-06-22 15:36:04 SMT
  31. [22.06.2011 15:35:56] Yoshida: so let's make it simple
  32. [22.06.2011 15:35:59] 2011-06-22 15:36:06 SMT
  33. [22.06.2011 15:35:59] Yoshida: you come with me
  34. [22.06.2011 15:36:03] 2011-06-22 15:36:10 SMT
  35. [22.06.2011 15:36:03] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: you let the whale go
  36. [22.06.2011 15:36:03] 2011-06-22 15:36:11 SMT
  37. [22.06.2011 15:36:03] Yoshida: and his Zoner will live
  38. [22.06.2011 15:36:11] 2011-06-22 15:36:18 SMT
  39. [22.06.2011 15:36:11] Yoshida: this*
  40. [22.06.2011 15:36:11] Death: Centrino was killed by an NPC
  41. [22.06.2011 15:36:23] 2011-06-22 15:36:30 SMT
  42. [22.06.2011 15:36:23] Yoshida: Is that clear Mike?
  43. [22.06.2011 15:36:26] 2011-06-22 15:36:34 SMT
  44. [22.06.2011 15:36:26] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: let the man go
  45. [22.06.2011 15:36:33] 2011-06-22 15:36:40 SMT
  46. [22.06.2011 15:36:33] Largo::: He's badly armed I think you can take him.
  47. [22.06.2011 15:36:43] 2011-06-22 15:36:51 SMT
  48. [22.06.2011 15:36:43] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: Zoner, move
  49. [22.06.2011 15:36:45] 2011-06-22 15:36:53 SMT
  50. [22.06.2011 15:36:45] Yoshida: Last chance Mike !
  51. [22.06.2011 15:36:50] 2011-06-22 15:36:57 SMT
  52. [22.06.2011 15:36:50] Largo::: We'll let him go after you've gone with Mr Yoshida.
  53. [22.06.2011 15:36:52] 2011-06-22 15:37:00 SMT
  54. [22.06.2011 15:36:52] Yoshida: come with me now
  55. [22.06.2011 15:36:58] 2011-06-22 15:37:05 SMT
  56. [22.06.2011 15:36:58] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: i wil go - but let him go now
  57. [22.06.2011 15:37:08] 2011-06-22 15:37:15 SMT
  58. [22.06.2011 15:37:08] Largo::: Alright, here's how it will be.
  59. [22.06.2011 15:37:16] 2011-06-22 15:37:23 SMT
  60. [22.06.2011 15:37:16] Yoshida: Move to the cloud in your east
  61. [22.06.2011 15:37:17] 2011-06-22 15:37:24 SMT
  62. [22.06.2011 15:37:17] Yoshida: Now
  63. [22.06.2011 15:37:22] 2011-06-22 15:37:30 SMT
  64. [22.06.2011 15:37:22] Largo::: You start going with Mr Yoshida, and when you are 14k away Zoner will inform you I let him go.
  65. [22.06.2011 15:37:33] 2011-06-22 15:37:41 SMT
  66. [22.06.2011 15:37:33] Yoshida: Start moving to the cloud to the east
  67. [22.06.2011 15:37:36] 2011-06-22 15:37:44 SMT
  68. [22.06.2011 15:37:36] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: let it be that way
  69. [22.06.2011 15:37:38] 2011-06-22 15:37:46 SMT
  70. [22.06.2011 15:37:38] Yoshida: or I will kill this Zoner
  71. [22.06.2011 15:37:44] 2011-06-22 15:37:52 SMT
  72. [22.06.2011 15:37:44] Largo::: Good. Start moving.
  73. [22.06.2011 15:38:05] Death: Grey_guard--Mihail was killed by The_Outcast (Gun)
  74. [22.06.2011 15:38:24] 2011-06-22 15:38:31 SMT
  75. [22.06.2011 15:38:24] Largo::: Amost finished, no reason to worry Zoner.
  76. [22.06.2011 15:38:40] 2011-06-22 15:38:48 SMT
  77. [22.06.2011 15:38:40] Yoshida: grab a fighter from Leiden and come
  78. [22.06.2011 15:38:40] 2011-06-22 15:38:48 SMT
  79. [22.06.2011 15:38:40] Largo::: Alright, you are clear to proceed.
  80. [22.06.2011 15:38:44] 2011-06-22 15:38:52 SMT
  81. [22.06.2011 15:38:44] Yoshida: after you finish with the zoner
  82. [22.06.2011 15:38:46] 2011-06-22 15:38:54 SMT
  83. [22.06.2011 15:38:46] ARS|Mercantis: roger
  84. [22.06.2011 15:38:48] Death: AJ was killed by an NPC
  85. [22.06.2011 15:38:50] 2011-06-22 15:38:57 SMT
  86. [22.06.2011 15:38:50] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: ok, now...
  87. [22.06.2011 15:38:59] 2011-06-22 15:39:06 SMT
  88. [22.06.2011 15:38:59] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: what's this all about, huh?
  89. [22.06.2011 15:39:01] 2011-06-22 15:39:09 SMT
  90. [22.06.2011 15:39:01] Yoshida: Taking hostage the zoner
  91. [22.06.2011 15:39:04] 2011-06-22 15:39:12 SMT
  92. [22.06.2011 15:39:04] Largo::: I don't have a fighter on Leiden
  93. [22.06.2011 15:39:06] 2011-06-22 15:39:14 SMT
  94. [22.06.2011 15:39:06] Yoshida: Was your fault Mike
  95. [22.06.2011 15:39:15] Death: The.Fool.On.Your.6 was killed by an NPC
  96. [22.06.2011 15:39:15] 2011-06-22 15:39:23 SMT
  97. [22.06.2011 15:39:15] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: oh, really?
  98. [22.06.2011 15:39:19] 2011-06-22 15:39:27 SMT
  99. [22.06.2011 15:39:19] Largo::: I'll come on something though, give me a moment
  100. [22.06.2011 15:39:20] 2011-06-22 15:39:27 SMT
  101. [22.06.2011 15:39:20] Yoshida: anything to fight him?
  102. [22.06.2011 15:39:21] 2011-06-22 15:39:29 SMT
  103. [22.06.2011 15:39:21] Yoshida: Yes
  104. [22.06.2011 15:39:24] Death: The_Outcast was killed by Grey_guard--Mihail (Gun)
  105. [22.06.2011 15:39:30] 2011-06-22 15:39:37 SMT
  106. [22.06.2011 15:39:30] Yoshida: If you brought your transport here
  107. [22.06.2011 15:39:33] 2011-06-22 15:39:40 SMT
  108. [22.06.2011 15:39:33] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: what did i do then?
  109. [22.06.2011 15:39:42] 2011-06-22 15:39:49 SMT
  110. [22.06.2011 15:39:42] Yoshida: We wouldn't need to take hostage anyone
  111. [22.06.2011 15:39:58] 2011-06-22 15:40:05 SMT
  112. [22.06.2011 15:39:58] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: still... we're one on one here...
  113. [22.06.2011 15:39:59] Death: StarLightRoyal was killed by an NPC
  114. [22.06.2011 15:40:07] 2011-06-22 15:40:15 SMT
  115. [22.06.2011 15:40:07] Yoshida: You seem a good guy so your life will be spared if you start talking
  116. [22.06.2011 15:40:19] 2011-06-22 15:40:27 SMT
  117. [22.06.2011 15:40:19] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: ahhh... hte talking...
  118. [22.06.2011 15:40:25] 2011-06-22 15:40:32 SMT
  119. [22.06.2011 15:40:25] Yoshida: Your name is Mike O'Neal
  120. [22.06.2011 15:40:26] 2011-06-22 15:40:33 SMT
  121. [22.06.2011 15:40:26] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: *smiles*
  122. [22.06.2011 15:40:27] 2011-06-22 15:40:35 SMT
  123. [22.06.2011 15:40:27] Yoshida: Right?
  124. [22.06.2011 15:40:56] 2011-06-22 15:41:03 SMT
  125. [22.06.2011 15:40:56] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: Liberty Navy Lieutenant Michael "Mighty Mite" O'Neal Junior
  126. [22.06.2011 15:40:59] Death: Cpt.Duke was killed by Janko (Gun)
  127. [22.06.2011 15:41:03] 2011-06-22 15:41:10 SMT
  128. [22.06.2011 15:41:03] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: to be accurate
  129. [22.06.2011 15:41:03] Death: Janko was killed by an NPC
  130. [22.06.2011 15:41:06] 2011-06-22 15:41:14 SMT
  131. [22.06.2011 15:41:06] Largo::.: start fighting him
  132. [22.06.2011 15:41:09] 2011-06-22 15:41:17 SMT
  133. [22.06.2011 15:41:09] Yoshida: Anything to do with the Mollys?
  134. [22.06.2011 15:41:15] 2011-06-22 15:41:23 SMT
  135. [22.06.2011 15:41:15] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: that was easy *laughs*
  136. [22.06.2011 15:41:30] 2011-06-22 15:41:37 SMT
  137. [22.06.2011 15:41:30] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: nah, never even fought any of 'em
  138. [22.06.2011 15:41:55] 2011-06-22 15:42:02 SMT
  139. [22.06.2011 15:41:55] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: mhm... what is the prize in this contest?
  140. [22.06.2011 15:41:59] 2011-06-22 15:42:06 SMT
  141. [22.06.2011 15:41:59] Yoshida: You seem quite confident, let's make you lose that smile in your face
  142. [22.06.2011 15:42:35] 2011-06-22 15:42:43 SMT
  143. [22.06.2011 15:42:35] Largo::.: I was docked on Padua, will take a few minutes
  144. [22.06.2011 15:45:12] Death: Sparatcus was killed by Sava (Gun)
  145. [22.06.2011 15:45:14] 2011-06-22 15:45:22 SMT
  146. [22.06.2011 15:45:14] Yoshida: stop running
  147. [22.06.2011 15:45:21] 2011-06-22 15:45:28 SMT
  148. [22.06.2011 15:45:21] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: why
  149. [22.06.2011 15:45:21] 2011-06-22 15:45:28 SMT
  150. [22.06.2011 15:45:21] Yoshida: I won't kill you
  151. [22.06.2011 15:45:36] 2011-06-22 15:45:43 SMT
  152. [22.06.2011 15:45:36] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: ok, so let's get back to talking
  153. [22.06.2011 15:45:36] Death: =LSF=Randy.Roden was killed by Fahrenheit (Mine)
  154. [22.06.2011 15:45:39] 2011-06-22 15:45:47 SMT
  155. [22.06.2011 15:45:39] Yoshida: I just wanted to cut that smile from your face
  156. [22.06.2011 15:45:51] Death: Mihail_Shamanev was killed by [212th]MNS-Zion (Gun)
  157. [22.06.2011 15:45:52] 2011-06-22 15:46:00 SMT
  158. [22.06.2011 15:45:52] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: oh, a good fight always make me smile
  159. [22.06.2011 15:46:07] 2011-06-22 15:46:14 SMT
  160. [22.06.2011 15:46:07] Yoshida: Not one which can actually cost your life
  161. [22.06.2011 15:46:16] 2011-06-22 15:46:24 SMT
  162. [22.06.2011 15:46:16] Yoshida: So you have Molly origin Mike?
  163. [22.06.2011 15:46:27] 2011-06-22 15:46:34 SMT
  164. [22.06.2011 15:46:27] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: nah, i'm puuuure zoner origin
  165. [22.06.2011 15:46:44] 2011-06-22 15:46:51 SMT
  166. [22.06.2011 15:46:44] Yoshida: Hmm that's why you were so sensitive with our hostage before
  167. [22.06.2011 15:46:49] 2011-06-22 15:46:57 SMT
  168. [22.06.2011 15:46:49] Yoshida: What is CB Mike?
  169. [22.06.2011 15:46:52] 2011-06-22 15:47:00 SMT
  170. [22.06.2011 15:46:52] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: just joined the LN because i was after one Rheinlander
  171. [22.06.2011 15:46:58] Death: =LSF=Randy.Roden was killed by Fahrenheit (Mine)
  172. [22.06.2011 15:47:09] Death: Yurika_Maru was killed by an NPC
  173. [22.06.2011 15:47:12] 2011-06-22 15:47:20 SMT
  174. [22.06.2011 15:47:12] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: it's Corona Battlegroup - part of LN
  175. [22.06.2011 15:47:28] 2011-06-22 15:47:36 SMT
  176. [22.06.2011 15:47:28] Yoshida: And in what you specialize?
  177. [22.06.2011 15:47:35] 2011-06-22 15:47:43 SMT
  178. [22.06.2011 15:47:35] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: excuse me
  179. [22.06.2011 15:47:42] 2011-06-22 15:47:49 SMT
  180. [22.06.2011 15:47:42] Yoshida: What's your task?
  181. [22.06.2011 15:48:07] 2011-06-22 15:48:14 SMT
  182. [22.06.2011 15:48:07] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: i fly transports mainly.... sometimes fighters like today - but i'm no hotshot
  183. [22.06.2011 15:48:25] 2011-06-22 15:48:33 SMT
  184. [22.06.2011 15:48:25] Yoshida: transports?
  185. [22.06.2011 15:48:29] 2011-06-22 15:48:36 SMT
  186. [22.06.2011 15:48:29] Yoshida: and what you do?
  187. [22.06.2011 15:48:34] 2011-06-22 15:48:42 SMT
  188. [22.06.2011 15:48:34] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: i'm head of =CB= supply and engineering division
  189. [22.06.2011 15:48:40] Death: Deludo was killed by an NPC
  190. [22.06.2011 15:48:50] 2011-06-22 15:48:58 SMT
  191. [22.06.2011 15:48:50] Largo::.: I suppose you don't need me anymore.
  192. [22.06.2011 15:48:53] 2011-06-22 15:49:01 SMT
  193. [22.06.2011 15:48:53] Yoshida: Don't make me start firing at you. I see and which is your base of operations?
  194. [22.06.2011 15:49:10] 2011-06-22 15:49:17 SMT
  195. [22.06.2011 15:49:10] Yoshida: Mostly to make him understand he won't survive if he starts running
  196. [22.06.2011 15:49:13] Death: Gair|EA was killed by an NPC
  197. [22.06.2011 15:49:16] 2011-06-22 15:49:23 SMT
  198. [22.06.2011 15:49:16] Yoshida: so ye, I still need you..
  199. [22.06.2011 15:49:17] 2011-06-22 15:49:25 SMT
  200. [22.06.2011 15:49:17] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: i'm based on Ames for now - we have a Lab there
  201. [22.06.2011 15:49:25] 2011-06-22 15:49:32 SMT
  202. [22.06.2011 15:49:25] Yoshida: I see
  203. [22.06.2011 15:49:28] 2011-06-22 15:49:36 SMT
  204. [22.06.2011 15:49:28] Largo::.: I know, you should concentrate on tricking him with talking, instead of threatening him with death.
  205. [22.06.2011 15:49:36] 2011-06-22 15:49:44 SMT
  206. [22.06.2011 15:49:36] Largo::.: It's your choice though.
  207. [22.06.2011 15:49:43] 2011-06-22 15:49:51 SMT
  208. [22.06.2011 15:49:43] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: any other questions?
  209. [22.06.2011 15:49:44] Death: Erika_Maru was killed by an NPC
  210. [22.06.2011 15:49:49] 2011-06-22 15:49:57 SMT
  211. [22.06.2011 15:49:49] Yoshida: So a Rheinlander make you join LN and become enslaved in the system?
  212. [22.06.2011 15:50:12] 2011-06-22 15:50:20 SMT
  213. [22.06.2011 15:50:12] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: // don't mind that, please
  214. [22.06.2011 15:50:18] Death: Mad_Jack was killed by an NPC
  215. [22.06.2011 15:50:52] 2011-06-22 15:50:59 SMT
  216. [22.06.2011 15:50:52] CONSOLE: Possible cheating detected: hjygoodboy
  217. [22.06.2011 15:51:12] 2011-06-22 15:51:19 SMT
  218. [22.06.2011 15:51:12] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: now... back to aour little chat...
  219. [22.06.2011 15:51:19] 2011-06-22 15:51:27 SMT
  220. [22.06.2011 15:51:19] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: it's a long story actually...
  221. [22.06.2011 15:51:27] 2011-06-22 15:51:34 SMT
  222. [22.06.2011 15:51:27] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: i was always a zoner...
  223. [22.06.2011 15:51:39] Death: Gair|EA killed himself (Mine)
  224. [22.06.2011 15:51:43] 2011-06-22 15:51:50 SMT
  225. [22.06.2011 15:51:43] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: ran a small transport company...
  226. [22.06.2011 15:51:46] 2011-06-22 15:51:54 SMT
  227. [22.06.2011 15:51:46] Yoshida: and you sacrificed your freedom to become enslaved in the system?
  228. [22.06.2011 15:51:48] 2011-06-22 15:51:56 SMT
  229. [22.06.2011 15:51:48] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: had a wife
  230. [22.06.2011 15:52:04] 2011-06-22 15:52:12 SMT
  231. [22.06.2011 15:52:04] Yoshida: Who intelligent person would do that !
  232. [22.06.2011 15:52:18] 2011-06-22 15:52:26 SMT
  233. [22.06.2011 15:52:18] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: and one day i realised that my wive is cheating on me
  234. [22.06.2011 15:52:37] Death: Marlboro was killed by Mihail_Shamanev (Gun)
  235. [22.06.2011 15:52:48] 2011-06-22 15:52:56 SMT
  236. [22.06.2011 15:52:48] Yoshida: with the Rheinlander? *laughs*
  237. [22.06.2011 15:52:50] Death: Janko was killed by an NPC
  238. [22.06.2011 15:52:54] 2011-06-22 15:53:02 SMT
  239. [22.06.2011 15:52:54] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: after some looking around it became clear to me that some rheinlander was screwing her
  240. [22.06.2011 15:52:56] Discovery Freelancer is a role-playing server. All attacks must be the result of some form of role play. Shouting "Engaging" or "Halt" is not sufficient.
  241. [22.06.2011 15:52:57] 2011-06-22 15:53:04 SMT
  242. [22.06.2011 15:52:57] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: yeah
  243. [22.06.2011 15:53:00] Death: [MG]Weedfire was killed by an NPC
  244. [22.06.2011 15:53:01] 2011-06-22 15:53:08 SMT
  245. [22.06.2011 15:53:01] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: so...
  246. [22.06.2011 15:53:12] 2011-06-22 15:53:19 SMT
  247. [22.06.2011 15:53:12] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: //sry
  248. [22.06.2011 15:53:43] 2011-06-22 15:53:51 SMT
  249. [22.06.2011 15:53:43] Yoshida: So you decided to avenge him by joining Liberty Navy and killing other innocent Rheinlanders for his fault
  250. [22.06.2011 15:53:52] 2011-06-22 15:53:59 SMT
  251. [22.06.2011 15:53:52] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: so i sold my whale, bought a sabre and chased him...
  252. [22.06.2011 15:53:59] 2011-06-22 15:54:07 SMT
  253. [22.06.2011 15:53:59] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: got shot by his buddies...
  254. [22.06.2011 15:54:04] Death: =LSF=Randy.Roden was killed by Fahrenheit (Mine)
  255. [22.06.2011 15:54:08] 2011-06-22 15:54:15 SMT
  256. [22.06.2011 15:54:08] Yoshida: Don't you see Mike that you are toyed ? They made you think
  257. [22.06.2011 15:54:15] 2011-06-22 15:54:23 SMT
  258. [22.06.2011 15:54:15] Yoshida: that all Rheinlanders are evil people
  259. [22.06.2011 15:54:16] 2011-06-22 15:54:24 SMT
  260. [22.06.2011 15:54:16] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: then some liberty raiding party took me...
  261. [22.06.2011 15:54:25] 2011-06-22 15:54:33 SMT
  262. [22.06.2011 15:54:25] Yoshida: and then they made you to join the L
  263. [22.06.2011 15:54:28] 2011-06-22 15:54:36 SMT
  264. [22.06.2011 15:54:28] Yoshida: LN*
  265. [22.06.2011 15:54:37] 2011-06-22 15:54:45 SMT
  266. [22.06.2011 15:54:37] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: so i kinda joined them
  267. [22.06.2011 15:54:38] 2011-06-22 15:54:46 SMT
  268. [22.06.2011 15:54:38] Yoshida: and risk your life for their own wealth
  269. [22.06.2011 15:54:50] 2011-06-22 15:54:58 SMT
  270. [22.06.2011 15:54:50] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: that's why i moved to =CB=
  271. [22.06.2011 15:54:57] 2011-06-22 15:55:05 SMT
  272. [22.06.2011 15:54:57] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: it's...
  273. [22.06.2011 15:55:01] 2011-06-22 15:55:09 SMT
  274. [22.06.2011 15:55:01] Yoshida: They use your emotions to promote their own agenda
  275. [22.06.2011 15:55:06] 2011-06-22 15:55:13 SMT
  276. [22.06.2011 15:55:06] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: let's say it's different
  277. [22.06.2011 15:55:24] 2011-06-22 15:55:31 SMT
  278. [22.06.2011 15:55:24] Yoshida: Corona is part of Liberty Navy. That alone suffices
  279. [22.06.2011 15:55:35] 2011-06-22 15:55:42 SMT
  280. [22.06.2011 15:55:35] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: i can't actually talk about it - even if my life is at risk...
  281. [22.06.2011 15:55:41] 2011-06-22 15:55:49 SMT
  282. [22.06.2011 15:55:41] Yoshida: You work for a system which systematically produces hatred and you are a toy on this Mike
  283. [22.06.2011 15:55:57] 2011-06-22 15:56:05 SMT
  284. [22.06.2011 15:55:57] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: but i can assure you that you will soon change your mind about =CB=
  285. [22.06.2011 15:56:05] 2011-06-22 15:56:13 SMT
  286. [22.06.2011 15:56:05] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: we have a...
  287. [22.06.2011 15:56:09] Death: Krimmler was killed by PolNov (Gun)
  288. [22.06.2011 15:56:15] 2011-06-22 15:56:22 SMT
  289. [22.06.2011 15:56:15] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: unique commander...
  290. [22.06.2011 15:56:33] 2011-06-22 15:56:40 SMT
  291. [22.06.2011 15:56:33] Yoshida: Heh, of course you have something to keep all of you together
  292. [22.06.2011 15:57:08] 2011-06-22 15:57:16 SMT
  293. [22.06.2011 15:57:08] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: you know what? You should really meet her in Lone Drunkard
  294. [22.06.2011 15:57:16] 2011-06-22 15:57:24 SMT
  295. [22.06.2011 15:57:16] Yoshida: You work for the LN which systematically protects the Ageira and Interspace
  296. [22.06.2011 15:57:21] 2011-06-22 15:57:29 SMT
  297. [22.06.2011 15:57:21] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: it's a bar on Barrier Gate
  298. [22.06.2011 15:57:21] Death: PolNov was killed by SV-Antares (Gun)
  299. [22.06.2011 15:57:23] 2011-06-22 15:57:31 SMT
  300. [22.06.2011 15:57:23] Yoshida: The real evil inside Liberty
  301. [22.06.2011 15:57:42] 2011-06-22 15:57:50 SMT
  302. [22.06.2011 15:57:42] Yoshida: And you are used for that
  303. [22.06.2011 15:57:45] 2011-06-22 15:57:53 SMT
  304. [22.06.2011 15:57:45] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: i really can't be specific about it...
  305. [22.06.2011 15:57:52] 2011-06-22 15:57:59 SMT
  306. [22.06.2011 15:57:52] Yoshida: Tell me Mike, what have you done in your life
  307. [22.06.2011 15:57:54] 2011-06-22 15:58:02 SMT
  308. [22.06.2011 15:57:54] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: but i can tell you...
  309. [22.06.2011 15:57:55] 2011-06-22 15:58:02 SMT
  310. [22.06.2011 15:57:55] Yoshida: to feel proud of?
  311. [22.06.2011 15:58:12] 2011-06-22 15:58:20 SMT
  312. [22.06.2011 15:58:12] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: actually i'm doing it now...
  313. [22.06.2011 15:58:25] 2011-06-22 15:58:33 SMT
  314. [22.06.2011 15:58:25] Yoshida: What you are doing?
  315. [22.06.2011 15:58:32] 2011-06-22 15:58:40 SMT
  316. [22.06.2011 15:58:32] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: it will be something to be proud of...
  317. [22.06.2011 15:58:39] 2011-06-22 15:58:46 SMT
  318. [22.06.2011 15:58:39] Yoshida: what is that?
  319. [22.06.2011 15:58:48] 2011-06-22 15:58:56 SMT
  320. [22.06.2011 15:58:48] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: the =CB= is not exactly what it seems
  321. [22.06.2011 15:59:13] 2011-06-22 15:59:21 SMT
  322. [22.06.2011 15:59:13] Yoshida: What is it then?
  323. [22.06.2011 15:59:38] 2011-06-22 15:59:45 SMT
  324. [22.06.2011 15:59:38] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: nah, you may kill me but i won't say a thing more specific about it
  325. [22.06.2011 15:59:44] 2011-06-22 15:59:52 SMT
  326. [22.06.2011 15:59:44] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: sorry, i can;t
  327. [22.06.2011 15:59:50] 2011-06-22 15:59:58 SMT
  328. [22.06.2011 15:59:50] Yoshida: Then don't bring CB in the discussion !
  329. [22.06.2011 16:00:04] 2011-06-22 16:00:12 SMT
  330. [22.06.2011 16:00:04] Yoshida: We are talking about you, not for whom you are working for
  331. [22.06.2011 16:00:07] 2011-06-22 16:00:15 SMT
  332. [22.06.2011 16:00:07] Yoshida: and the fact is Mike
  333. [22.06.2011 16:00:12] 2011-06-22 16:00:20 SMT
  334. [22.06.2011 16:00:12] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: i can see that you have good intentions - you seem like a good guy...
  335. [22.06.2011 16:00:15] 2011-06-22 16:00:23 SMT
  336. [22.06.2011 16:00:15] Yoshida: you have nothing to be proud of
  337. [22.06.2011 16:00:24] 2011-06-22 16:00:31 SMT
  338. [22.06.2011 16:00:24] CONSOLE: Possible cheating detected: Pirate_DroN
  339. [22.06.2011 16:00:24] 2011-06-22 16:00:31 SMT
  340. [22.06.2011 16:00:24] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: you have no idea
  341. [22.06.2011 16:00:37] 2011-06-22 16:00:45 SMT
  342. [22.06.2011 16:00:37] Yoshida: You are a toy in their plans. I was once too
  343. [22.06.2011 16:00:40] Death: WoloX was killed by an NPC
  344. [22.06.2011 16:00:45] 2011-06-22 16:00:52 SMT
  345. [22.06.2011 16:00:45] Yoshida: When I was working for Ageira..
  346. [22.06.2011 16:01:01] 2011-06-22 16:01:09 SMT
  347. [22.06.2011 16:01:01] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: *smiles* you will see...
  348. [22.06.2011 16:01:18] 2011-06-22 16:01:25 SMT
  349. [22.06.2011 16:01:18] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: mhmmm...
  350. [22.06.2011 16:01:21] 2011-06-22 16:01:29 SMT
  351. [22.06.2011 16:01:21] Yoshida: but then one day I thought.. Why they tell me that Hackers are evil people
  352. [22.06.2011 16:01:28] 2011-06-22 16:01:36 SMT
  353. [22.06.2011 16:01:28] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: i can tell you one thing though...
  354. [22.06.2011 16:01:40] 2011-06-22 16:01:47 SMT
  355. [22.06.2011 16:01:40] Yoshida: Listen to me Mike !
  356. [22.06.2011 16:01:49] 2011-06-22 16:01:56 SMT
  357. [22.06.2011 16:01:49] Yoshida: The people you are working for, are stupid
  358. [22.06.2011 16:01:54] 2011-06-22 16:02:01 SMT
  359. [22.06.2011 16:01:54] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: there is some action planned by CB High command...
  360. [22.06.2011 16:02:12] 2011-06-22 16:02:20 SMT
  361. [22.06.2011 16:02:12] Yoshida: and these stupid people call the intelligent people as evil simply because they cannot hurt them
  362. [22.06.2011 16:02:18] 2011-06-22 16:02:26 SMT
  363. [22.06.2011 16:02:18] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: An action that might free some of your friends of liberty prisons...
  364. [22.06.2011 16:02:27] Death: Versatil was killed by Karalynn.Steiner (Gun)
  365. [22.06.2011 16:02:35] 2011-06-22 16:02:43 SMT
  366. [22.06.2011 16:02:35] Yoshida: No real Hacker was ever caught alive
  367. [22.06.2011 16:02:42] 2011-06-22 16:02:49 SMT
  368. [22.06.2011 16:02:42] Yoshida: If you refer to dirty Rogues, I don't care
  369. [22.06.2011 16:02:50] 2011-06-22 16:02:58 SMT
  370. [22.06.2011 16:02:50] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: so they're all fake?
  371. [22.06.2011 16:03:02] 2011-06-22 16:03:10 SMT
  372. [22.06.2011 16:03:02] Yoshida: low ranked, insignificant
  373. [22.06.2011 16:03:06] 2011-06-22 16:03:13 SMT
  374. [22.06.2011 16:03:06] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: nah... i saw the prison lists
  375. [22.06.2011 16:03:17] 2011-06-22 16:03:24 SMT
  376. [22.06.2011 16:03:17] Yoshida: Real Hackers are regularl cardamine users
  377. [22.06.2011 16:03:19] 2011-06-22 16:03:27 SMT
  378. [22.06.2011 16:03:19] Yoshida: like I am
  379. [22.06.2011 16:03:22] 2011-06-22 16:03:30 SMT
  380. [22.06.2011 16:03:22] Yoshida: If we are caught
  381. [22.06.2011 16:03:24] 2011-06-22 16:03:31 SMT
  382. [22.06.2011 16:03:24] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: it's not about their rank
  383. [22.06.2011 16:03:39] 2011-06-22 16:03:46 SMT
  384. [22.06.2011 16:03:39] Yoshida: We will die from cardamine withdrawal in the prison
  385. [22.06.2011 16:03:58] 2011-06-22 16:04:05 SMT
  386. [22.06.2011 16:03:58] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: and how do you think... why we got prison liner brought to Ames?
  387. [22.06.2011 16:04:05] 2011-06-22 16:04:12 SMT
  388. [22.06.2011 16:04:05] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: to our lab?
  389. [22.06.2011 16:04:13] 2011-06-22 16:04:20 SMT
  390. [22.06.2011 16:04:13] Yoshida: Test on human beings?
  391. [22.06.2011 16:04:18] 2011-06-22 16:04:26 SMT
  392. [22.06.2011 16:04:18] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: Liberty is dirty
  393. [22.06.2011 16:04:22] Death: The.Fool.On.Your.6 was killed by an NPC
  394. [22.06.2011 16:04:22] Death: Arkansas was killed by Shield (Gun)
  395. [22.06.2011 16:04:23] 2011-06-22 16:04:31 SMT
  396. [22.06.2011 16:04:23] Yoshida: The people you work for
  397. [22.06.2011 16:04:23] 2011-06-22 16:04:31 SMT
  398. [22.06.2011 16:04:23] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: indeed
  399. [22.06.2011 16:04:33] 2011-06-22 16:04:41 SMT
  400. [22.06.2011 16:04:33] Yoshida: Are notorious in doing such evil things
  401. [22.06.2011 16:04:54] 2011-06-22 16:05:02 SMT
  402. [22.06.2011 16:04:54] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: i don't work for liberty... soon i won't be working for LN too...
  403. [22.06.2011 16:05:18] 2011-06-22 16:05:26 SMT
  404. [22.06.2011 16:05:18] Yoshida: Why?
  405. [22.06.2011 16:05:28] 2011-06-22 16:05:36 SMT
  406. [22.06.2011 16:05:28] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: because i work for =CB=
  407. [22.06.2011 16:05:30] Death: AJ was killed by an NPC
  408. [22.06.2011 16:05:37] 2011-06-22 16:05:45 SMT
  409. [22.06.2011 16:05:37] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: and there i will stay
  410. [22.06.2011 16:05:38] 2011-06-22 16:05:46 SMT
  411. [22.06.2011 16:05:38] Yoshida: Talk to me Mike, afterall I would have killed you if I wanted
  412. [22.06.2011 16:05:47] Death: _-Omega-_ committed suicide
  413. [22.06.2011 16:06:02] 2011-06-22 16:06:09 SMT
  414. [22.06.2011 16:06:02] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: i really can't - it's too many lives at stake
  415. [22.06.2011 16:06:09] 2011-06-22 16:06:17 SMT
  416. [22.06.2011 16:06:09] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: more significant than mine
  417. [22.06.2011 16:06:34] 2011-06-22 16:06:42 SMT
  418. [22.06.2011 16:06:34] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: if you really want to know more, try talking to my commander on Barrier Gate
  419. [22.06.2011 16:06:41] 2011-06-22 16:06:48 SMT
  420. [22.06.2011 16:06:41] Yoshida: If your eyes are really opened and you are able to see further
  421. [22.06.2011 16:06:47] 2011-06-22 16:06:54 SMT
  422. [22.06.2011 16:06:47] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: //check the forums - really
  423. [22.06.2011 16:06:51] 2011-06-22 16:06:59 SMT
  424. [22.06.2011 16:06:51] Yoshida: Then you should know that we, the Hackers, see further too
  425. [22.06.2011 16:07:03] 2011-06-22 16:07:11 SMT
  426. [22.06.2011 16:07:03] Yoshida: Share what you have with us, otherwise you are not use of me
  427. [22.06.2011 16:07:24] 2011-06-22 16:07:31 SMT
  428. [22.06.2011 16:07:24] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: so go on - kill me - in the name of your opened eyes or mind
  429. [22.06.2011 16:07:48] 2011-06-22 16:07:56 SMT
  430. [22.06.2011 16:07:48] Yoshida: No I will do something more terrible
  431. [22.06.2011 16:07:56] 2011-06-22 16:08:03 SMT
  432. [22.06.2011 16:07:56] Yoshida: I will leak this information to Liberty authorities
  433. [22.06.2011 16:08:12] 2011-06-22 16:08:19 SMT
  434. [22.06.2011 16:08:12] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: you can do it...
  435. [22.06.2011 16:08:17] 2011-06-22 16:08:25 SMT
  436. [22.06.2011 16:08:17] Yoshida: I guess this way, your meaning of life will be lost
  437. [22.06.2011 16:08:21] 2011-06-22 16:08:29 SMT
  438. [22.06.2011 16:08:21] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: and destroy something good
  439. [22.06.2011 16:08:31] 2011-06-22 16:08:38 SMT
  440. [22.06.2011 16:08:31] Yoshida: since this is what you fight for
  441. [22.06.2011 16:08:34] 2011-06-22 16:08:42 SMT
  442. [22.06.2011 16:08:34] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: something worth fighting for
  443. [22.06.2011 16:08:40] 2011-06-22 16:08:48 SMT
  444. [22.06.2011 16:08:40] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: even for a zoner like me
  445. [22.06.2011 16:08:58] 2011-06-22 16:09:06 SMT
  446. [22.06.2011 16:08:58] Yoshida: So
  447. [22.06.2011 16:09:03] Death: The_Outcast was killed by C.T.A.K.A.H. (Gun)
  448. [22.06.2011 16:09:03] 2011-06-22 16:09:11 SMT
  449. [22.06.2011 16:09:03] Yoshida: Tell me everything
  450. [22.06.2011 16:09:06] 2011-06-22 16:09:13 SMT
  451. [22.06.2011 16:09:06] Yoshida: blinded one
  452. [22.06.2011 16:09:07] 2011-06-22 16:09:15 SMT
  453. [22.06.2011 16:09:07] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: it'll be your responsibility...
  454. [22.06.2011 16:09:32] Death: MNS-Zion was killed by an NPC
  455. [22.06.2011 16:09:50] 2011-06-22 16:09:58 SMT
  456. [22.06.2011 16:09:50] Yoshida: No
  457. [22.06.2011 16:09:54] 2011-06-22 16:10:02 SMT
  458. [22.06.2011 16:09:54] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: nah, the chance that anyone will believe you is low... everyone knows i'm drunkard and not really sane...
  459. [22.06.2011 16:09:55] 2011-06-22 16:10:03 SMT
  460. [22.06.2011 16:09:55] Yoshida: It's your responsibility !
  461. [22.06.2011 16:10:10] 2011-06-22 16:10:17 SMT
  462. [22.06.2011 16:10:10] Yoshida: Actually you already said some facts
  463. [22.06.2011 16:10:17] 2011-06-22 16:10:24 SMT
  464. [22.06.2011 16:10:17] Yoshida: like.. the prison liner in Kepler
  465. [22.06.2011 16:10:21] 2011-06-22 16:10:29 SMT
  466. [22.06.2011 16:10:21] Yoshida: and the tests on humans
  467. [22.06.2011 16:10:35] 2011-06-22 16:10:43 SMT
  468. [22.06.2011 16:10:35] Yoshida: That is more than enough real evidence for the LN to check you out
  469. [22.06.2011 16:10:40] 2011-06-22 16:10:48 SMT
  470. [22.06.2011 16:10:40] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: nah.... i didn't even use the word "test"
  471. [22.06.2011 16:10:53] 2011-06-22 16:11:01 SMT
  472. [22.06.2011 16:10:53] Yoshida: Mike this is your last chance
  473. [22.06.2011 16:11:13] 2011-06-22 16:11:20 SMT
  474. [22.06.2011 16:11:13] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: go on... i will never be a traitor to what i believe in
  475. [22.06.2011 16:11:18] 2011-06-22 16:11:25 SMT
  476. [22.06.2011 16:11:18] Yoshida: Embrace the people who can see through
  477. [22.06.2011 16:11:19] 2011-06-22 16:11:27 SMT
  478. [22.06.2011 16:11:19] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: just as you
  479. [22.06.2011 16:11:29] 2011-06-22 16:11:36 SMT
  480. [22.06.2011 16:11:29] Yoshida: and tell us your plans
  481. [22.06.2011 16:11:34] 2011-06-22 16:11:42 SMT
  482. [22.06.2011 16:11:34] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: this is what i'm doing now
  483. [22.06.2011 16:11:43] 2011-06-22 16:11:51 SMT
  484. [22.06.2011 16:11:43] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: they just seem blind
  485. [22.06.2011 16:11:52] 2011-06-22 16:11:59 SMT
  486. [22.06.2011 16:11:52] Yoshida: Who is blind?
  487. [22.06.2011 16:12:08] 2011-06-22 16:12:16 SMT
  488. [22.06.2011 16:12:08] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: why can't you see that i'm doing all i can to help you?
  489. [22.06.2011 16:12:24] 2011-06-22 16:12:31 SMT
  490. [22.06.2011 16:12:24] Yoshida: Then why you don't tell me everything !
  491. [22.06.2011 16:12:33] 2011-06-22 16:12:41 SMT
  492. [22.06.2011 16:12:33] Yoshida: We are on the same side
  493. [22.06.2011 16:13:11] 2011-06-22 16:13:18 SMT
  494. [22.06.2011 16:13:11] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: nah, i can't do it. I can take you to my commander - she'd probably tell you - on one of your superiors
  495. [22.06.2011 16:13:21] Death: Skully was killed by an NPC
  496. [22.06.2011 16:13:22] 2011-06-22 16:13:30 SMT
  497. [22.06.2011 16:13:22] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: but i got strict orders
  498. [22.06.2011 16:13:31] 2011-06-22 16:13:38 SMT
  499. [22.06.2011 16:13:31] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: from someone i trust with my life
  500. [22.06.2011 16:13:40] 2011-06-22 16:13:47 SMT
  501. [22.06.2011 16:13:40] Yoshida: I want to speak with your commander
  502. [22.06.2011 16:13:43] 2011-06-22 16:13:51 SMT
  503. [22.06.2011 16:13:43] Yoshida: in your group comms
  504. [22.06.2011 16:13:54] A player who was killed in a PvP fight is not allowed to re-engage using any of his/her characters within 4 hours.
  505. [22.06.2011 16:13:54] Characters of a player who was killed in a PvP fight must not return into the same system for 4 hours. Check the server rules on the forums for the exceptions to this.
  506. [22.06.2011 16:14:12] 2011-06-22 16:14:20 SMT
  507. [22.06.2011 16:14:12] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: well... there are two ways - meet her in Lone Drunkard on Barrier Gate
  508. [22.06.2011 16:14:20] 2011-06-22 16:14:28 SMT
  509. [22.06.2011 16:14:20] Yoshida: or?
  510. [22.06.2011 16:14:25] 2011-06-22 16:14:33 SMT
  511. [22.06.2011 16:14:25] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: or call her on her comms channels
  512. [22.06.2011 16:14:32] 2011-06-22 16:14:39 SMT
  513. [22.06.2011 16:14:32] Yoshida: Which is?
  514. [22.06.2011 16:14:37] Death: Juichi_Lancing was killed by =LSF=Randy.Roden (Mine)
  515. [22.06.2011 16:14:48] 2011-06-22 16:14:55 SMT
  516. [22.06.2011 16:14:48] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: //brb
  517. [22.06.2011 16:14:59] Death: Dork-Dragon was killed by an NPC
  518. [22.06.2011 16:15:02] Death: LMC|-John.Ashford was killed by an NPC
  519. [22.06.2011 16:15:45] 2011-06-22 16:15:53 SMT
  520. [22.06.2011 16:15:45] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: her name is Scarlet Orias. //scarlet on forums
  521. [22.06.2011 16:15:59] 2011-06-22 16:16:07 SMT
  522. [22.06.2011 16:15:59] Yoshida: I see
  523. [22.06.2011 16:16:06] 2011-06-22 16:16:13 SMT
  524. [22.06.2011 16:16:06] Yoshida: However there is one last issue
  525. [22.06.2011 16:16:15] 2011-06-22 16:16:22 SMT
  526. [22.06.2011 16:16:15] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: i'm listening...
  527. [22.06.2011 16:16:33] 2011-06-22 16:16:41 SMT
  528. [22.06.2011 16:16:33] Yoshida: You told me many things but you were still unwilling to tell everything
  529. [22.06.2011 16:16:45] 2011-06-22 16:16:53 SMT
  530. [22.06.2011 16:16:45] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: yeah... and it will stay that way
  531. [22.06.2011 16:16:53] 2011-06-22 16:17:01 SMT
  532. [22.06.2011 16:16:53] Yoshida: That shows 2 things. You are fool and you tell everyone about your plan
  533. [22.06.2011 16:17:06] 2011-06-22 16:17:14 SMT
  534. [22.06.2011 16:17:06] Yoshida: Then I will have to terminate you right here before I talk to your commander
  535. [22.06.2011 16:17:28] 2011-06-22 16:17:35 SMT
  536. [22.06.2011 16:17:28] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: i am my commanders right hand...
  537. [22.06.2011 16:17:30] 2011-06-22 16:17:38 SMT
  538. [22.06.2011 16:17:30] Yoshida: or you are actually a toy
  539. [22.06.2011 16:17:48] 2011-06-22 16:17:55 SMT
  540. [22.06.2011 16:17:48] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: and i know what i can or what i can't tell you
  541. [22.06.2011 16:17:49] Death: Juichi_Lancing was killed by =LSF=Randy.Roden (Mine)
  542. [22.06.2011 16:17:55] 2011-06-22 16:18:03 SMT
  543. [22.06.2011 16:17:55] Yoshida: So the drunkard is the right hand of the command
  544. [22.06.2011 16:17:58] 2011-06-22 16:18:06 SMT
  545. [22.06.2011 16:17:58] Yoshida: commander*
  546. [22.06.2011 16:18:00] 2011-06-22 16:18:07 SMT
  547. [22.06.2011 16:18:00] Yoshida: Right..
  548. [22.06.2011 16:18:10] 2011-06-22 16:18:18 SMT
  549. [22.06.2011 16:18:11] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: yup...
  550. [22.06.2011 16:18:19] 2011-06-22 16:18:26 SMT
  551. [22.06.2011 16:18:19] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: you know... the CB is...
  552. [22.06.2011 16:18:25] 2011-06-22 16:18:32 SMT
  553. [22.06.2011 16:18:25] Yoshida: What is it?
  554. [22.06.2011 16:18:28] 2011-06-22 16:18:36 SMT
  555. [22.06.2011 16:18:29] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: known as rather loosy formation
  556. [22.06.2011 16:18:32] 2011-06-22 16:18:40 SMT
  557. [22.06.2011 16:18:32] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: in LN
  558. [22.06.2011 16:18:44] 2011-06-22 16:18:52 SMT
  559. [22.06.2011 16:18:44] Yoshida: More like a secret independent branch
  560. [22.06.2011 16:18:49] 2011-06-22 16:18:57 SMT
  561. [22.06.2011 16:18:49] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: so they dump as some loosers every now and then
  562. [22.06.2011 16:19:16] 2011-06-22 16:19:23 SMT
  563. [22.06.2011 16:19:16] Yoshida: Then everything is clear
  564. [22.06.2011 16:19:16] 2011-06-22 16:19:24 SMT
  565. [22.06.2011 16:19:16] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: i was kicked from line formation because of "mental instability"
  566. [22.06.2011 16:19:22] Death: LMC|-Luke.Walker was killed by Keepers.Vijaya- (Gun)
  567. [22.06.2011 16:19:24] 2011-06-22 16:19:32 SMT
  568. [22.06.2011 16:19:24] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: so...
  569. [22.06.2011 16:19:32] 2011-06-22 16:19:39 SMT
  570. [22.06.2011 16:19:32] Yoshida: so.. you are free to go
  571. [22.06.2011 16:19:38] 2011-06-22 16:19:46 SMT
  572. [22.06.2011 16:19:38] Yoshida: I will talk to your commander
  573. [22.06.2011 16:19:53] 2011-06-22 16:20:01 SMT
  574. [22.06.2011 16:19:53] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: go on and contact my commander //or me skype: totaloverkill
  575. [22.06.2011 16:20:15] 2011-06-22 16:20:23 SMT
  576. [22.06.2011 16:20:15] Yoshida: I will keep that in mind.
  577. [22.06.2011 16:20:26] 2011-06-22 16:20:33 SMT
  578. [22.06.2011 16:20:26] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: Have a smooth flight then
  579. [22.06.2011 16:20:31] Death: CFC_Atalante was killed by an NPC
  580. [22.06.2011 16:20:32] 2011-06-22 16:20:40 SMT
  581. [22.06.2011 16:20:32] Yoshida: You too.
  582. [22.06.2011 16:20:56] 2011-06-22 16:21:04 SMT
  583. [22.06.2011 16:20:56] =CB=Mike.O'Neal: //a nice roleplay ;)
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