
Xi Feng and Yoshi - The Spirit Heist!

Feb 9th, 2014
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  1. [18:17] <Feldion> Xi waves Reisuki off before leaning back against the wall. She takes a long sip of her sake just savoring its fruity taste quietly.
  2. [18:22] <Deedles> Chiyoko sat up as she drank the rest of her sake "And then there were two." she said with a smile as she looked across at Xi.
  3. [18:26] <Feldion> "And one more bottle," Xi points out, wondering just how they'd gotten through one already. "Thanks for letting me stay here again. That's really nice of you. Very nice."
  4. [18:28] <Deedles> "It's no problem. I remember when I first arrived here on my own, I felt really out of place since I knew no one, but even just one person being welcoming can change all that." Chiyoko replied as her smile widened.
  5. [18:31] <Feldion> "Who welcomed you? Those guys or this master of f-....flames person?" Xi's face scrunches as she tries to recall his name. "Sanre?"
  6. [18:32] <Deedles> "Leewan." Chiyoko corrected her before shaking her head "But, nah, not him, I was very wary of him at first. It was actually Bourbon, the Earth Mentor." she told her
  7. [18:33] <Feldion> "Earth or r-lightning?"
  8. [18:35] <Deedles> "Earth. Her husband, Satzu, is the Storm Mentor." Chiyoko said as she chuckled and refilled her glass.
  9. [18:37] <Feldion> "Are there other woman mentors?" Xi remembers her own training; all her own mentors were women as befitted the Society.
  10. [18:38] <Deedles> "There's Meilin, the Metal Mentor, and Tsula, the Wood Mentor." Chiyoko replied, before sipping at the sake.
  11. [18:40] <Feldion> "Half and half...the same numbers, that's...honorable, right." Xi nods seriously. "More places should be like this place."
  12. [18:41] <Deedles> "The Mentors aren't chosen for their gender, but simply because they embody the Element that they represent." She told Xi with a slight laugh. "They're all as eccentric as each other, in their own special ways."
  13. [18:42] <Feldion> "And able to kick ass?"
  14. [18:45] <Deedles> "Oh yeah, most definetly." Chiyoko laughed properly this time.
  15. [18:49] <Feldion> Xi laughs with her, resting her cup on her lap. "I want to fight them. I've never seen how good I am outside of Rhuyun."
  16. [18:49] <Deedles> Chiyoko smirked "Have fun with that." she said
  17. [18:51] <Feldion> "Oh, you don't think I can do it?" Xi questions with a tooth-bearing smile.
  18. [18:54] <Deedles> "I know you can't do it." Chiyoko stated as she leaned her chin in the palm of her hand, her smirk widening. "I don't know what your Mentors were like back in the Society, but these guys are no push-overs."
  19. [19:00] <Feldion> Xi leans forward picking up her cup and slapping it onto the table, face a grin. "I'll work my way up to them through you and Rei and those guys!"
  20. [19:05] <Deedles> Chiyoko grinned "Sounds like a plan!" she agreed as she mimiced Xi's actions
  21. [19:06] <Feldion> "I make amazing plans!" Xi announces, pouring herself and Chiyoko another cup. "I always succeed at them too!"
  22. [19:44] <Deedles> "Always?" Chiyoko returned with a raised brow and a smile.
  23. [20:04] <Feldion> "Well, not a-always," Xi admits reluctantly, "I'm not marrying the Empress but I'm sure if I tried~"
  24. [20:05] <Deedles> "You sure if you tried, what?" Chiyoko urged her to continue with an amused look.
  25. [20:07] <Feldion> Xi gestures at herself. "With all my charms, I could woo her! I just don't want to, not since she and that guy are totally sneaking behind the barn~"
  26. [20:18] <Deedles> "That guy?" Chiyoko raised an eyebrow in question
  27. [20:20] <Feldion> "S...Sh..." Xi stares down into her cup. "Shen!" She shouts downing her cup right after in celebration.
  28. [20:22] <Deedles> Chiyoko blinked "...Those two?" she sipped some of her drink as she pondered, thinking back to when they'd all been gathered. "Hm, yeah, now when you mention it, but... Are you sure?"
  29. [20:23] <Feldion> Xi pokes herself right in the chest. "Phoenix! Never wrong about this...these things! Totally rolling hay those two!"
  30. [20:24] <Deedles> Chiyoko looked up at the ceiling as she rested her chin on her hand "Huh... Who'd a thought?"
  31. [20:27] <Feldion> "I mean could become his or her concubine or something but..." Xi ponders it. "They're young love. It's all new to them, right?" Xi narrows her eyes at Chiyoko to see if she recognizes her amazing points. "They just want each other, no room for someone on the side yet!"
  32. [20:28] <Deedles> "How do you mean?" Chiyoko wondered, a bit confused at the current subject.
  33. [20:31] <Feldion> "To get...influence with them! I mean she's gonna be Empress and he'll be Emperor or her consort. I could be the best Advisor but if that doesn't work out, I've got to have back-up plans."
  34. [20:32] <Deedles> "Like what?" Chiyoko leaned forward, getting more and more curious with Xi's plans.
  35. [20:34] <Feldion> "Like sleeping with one or the other," Xi thinks then laughs out loud, "Or both, maybe! Being able to give ideas and listen to them, even if it just in the bed chamber....or I could be a great warrior for them, their champion! Or..." Xi thinks hard. "All kinds of things!"
  36. [20:47] <Deedles> "Sleep with both of them?" Chiyoko's eyes widened as she disappeared into her own mind "... Wow..."
  37. [20:52] <Feldion> Xi leans over the table to shove Chiyoko in the shoulder. "Hey! What are you picturing?!" Xi chides her with a teasing grin.
  38. [20:53] <Deedles> "Something hot." Chiyoko confessed with a grin, before downing her drink again.
  39. [20:56] <Feldion> "Hmph," Xi sits back down with a thump flashing her own smile, "I should hope so! It could be nothing less, you pervert!"
  40. [21:00] <Deedles> "I guess some would call me that, and yet I am a virgin." Chiyoko paused at that, swaying faintly as the alcohol had its effect "I guess I'm a perverted coward." she stated in an almost profound manner.
  41. [21:02] <Feldion> "What are you afraid of?" Xi asks, pouring herself another cup. "You obviously have an interest!"
  42. [21:03] <Deedles> "Making a fool out of myself." Chiyoko confessed with a loud sigh.
  43. [21:04] <Feldion> "Did you make yourself...did you..." Xi slaps the table. "Did you make a fool of yourself the first time you drank?"
  44. [21:08] <Deedles> "Yeah, I did." Chiyoko replied as she blushed
  45. [21:10] <Feldion> "See? But you're drinking now! It's embarrassing but it's fun!" Xi laughs. "You do it anyway!" Xi grins at Chiyoko before a thought strikes her. "D-do you want to hear something that happened in my first time?"
  46. [21:13] <Deedles> "Sure!" Chiyoko grinned as she rested her arms on the table, leaning towards Xi.
  47. [21:16] <Feldion> Xi leans forward to. "S-so, we learned some techniques. Daoist sexual techniques, we had to be taught those. So, I was with my mentor for those and all naked, just me and them." Xi's face somehow goes even more red. "He was kinda thin but really mmmm, you get me? Anyway, we get on the bed and he tells me about chi and all and I-"
  48. [21:17] <Feldion> Xi crushes a hand against her face as if she's trying to bury herself in it. "I fart really loud."
  49. [21:18] <Deedles> Chiyoko threw herself backwards as she burst out laughing, banging a hand against the floor as she chipped for breath for a while. "Ahaha! PRICELESS!" she managed to exclaim between laughs as she pointed at Xi.
  50. [21:20] <Feldion> Xi has her hands on her own belly as she tries to contain her own laughter. "O-ow, it hurts to laugh. It was so /terrible/!"
  51. [21:32] <Deedles> "You're telling me!" Chiyoko laughed still as she slowly began to sit up
  52. [21:34] <Feldion> "H-he stared at me for a few seconds after that," Xi manages to continue. "Then he farted too and that's the story of how my first time started!"
  53. [21:37] <Deedles> "Pffft!" The black haired girl rolled onto her side
  54. [21:37] <Feldion> "Want a-another?" Xi asks as she stifles her quaking giggles.
  55. [21:38] <Feldion> Xi flicks Chiyoko's cup.
  56. [21:38] <Deedles> "S-sure!" Chiyoko choked on her laughter
  57. [21:42] <Feldion> Xi pours, hands shaking but only a little sake spills. She carefully places the bottle upright. "So, sex is embarrassing, right? But it's fun...from what I got to have anyway. Two years ago," Xi groans. "Feels like /ages/."
  58. [21:42] <Feldion> "That girl who ran off with that guy is so lucky..."
  59. [21:43] <Deedles> "I can imagine!" Chiyoko said as she sat up straight "No one you'd like to run off with?"
  60. [21:45] <Feldion> Xi sighs. "I was supposed to run off with the Emperor! This fit boy f-found on some hidden farm, tanned and muscular and kind and so good-looking." Xi makes a frustrated noise. "With a horse with, like, radiant hair which he'd pull me up on and we'd go beat up the Emperor together....."
  61. [21:45] <Deedles> Chiyoko chuckled "That's quite a romantic image."
  62. [21:47] <Feldion> Xi settles her face on the table. "Didn't come true though." Xi looks up at Chiyoko. "What about you? Got a thing for Shen? You were just picturing him~"
  63. [21:50] <Deedles> "I ... I did, once." Chiyoko confessed as she blushed, taking a long drink of her sake. "He was the one who saved me when Tsuwan, my master, tried to kill me... He just burst forward out of nowhere, lightning crackling around him." she rested a cheek in one of her hands "It was quite a sight, but... After he and the others left to continue their journey I found that my feelings changed.
  64. [21:50] <Deedles> I don't necessarily want to be with him, I just want him to acknowledge my strength..."
  65. [21:52] <Feldion> "Was-wasn't it Shen who said you are good at fire?"
  66. [21:53] <Deedles> "Yeah, but that's just through word of mouth, he hasn't actually gotten to experience me fighting yet." Chiyoko said as she idly drew circles on the table with her index finger. "So, I want to spar him at some point, once he's trained more and gotten used to losing his sight."
  67. [21:55] <Feldion> "Mmm, so you're not jealous about him and Mingxia?" Xi pours the last of the sake into Chiyoko's cup.
  68. [21:57] <Deedles> "I guess part of me is, I would of liked to at least get in bed with him once, but..." Chiyoko sighed "That's such a shallow request in comparison to love, if that is what is going on between them."
  69. [22:01] <Feldion> "Unrequited lust~ Feelings burning in the loins~ Restless nights alone~" Xi sing-songs.
  70. [22:04] <Deedles> Chiyoko went red again "Quit iiiiiit!" she said before downing her sake.
  71. [22:07] <Feldion> Xi chuckles low. "Poetry touches the soul and truth~"
  72. [22:08] <Deedles> "Maybe, but it doesn't help the situation!" Chiyoko complained
  73. [22:11] <Feldion> "But it's fun to tease you!" Xi laughs at the ceiling, falling onto her side. "One of us enjoys it!"
  74. [22:11] <Deedles> Chiyoko grumbled under her breath as she laid down on her back "Such fun for you!"
  75. [22:13] <Feldion> Xi slides her foot under the table and pokes Chiyoko's leg lightly with a toe. "Ok, I'll stop it~"
  76. [22:14] <Deedles> Chiyoko chuckled "I don't believe you." she retorted
  77. [22:16] <Feldion> "Untrusting maiden~ Belly full of sake and moans~ I will poke her again~" Xi pokes Chiyoko's leg again.
  78. [22:17] <Deedles> Chiyoko laughed at that, one of her arms coming to rest against her forehead. "Hardy-har-har..." she said sarcastically, despite smiling broadly.
  79. [22:19] <Feldion> Xi squirms on the floor trying to get comfortable. "Want another?" She sings with a grin.
  80. [22:20] <Deedles> "Sure! Why not?" Chiyoko threw her arms in the air
  81. [22:23] <Feldion> "Devilish sin drink~ Bottle lies empty on table~ Morning suffering~"
  82. [22:24] <Feldion> "Or, Night full of laughter~" Xi ponders
  83. [22:24] <Feldion> .
  84. [22:24] <Deedles> "Now that's poetry!" Chiyoko praised
  85. [22:25] <Feldion> Xi grins. "And my mentors always said my poetry was terrible! They can...they should hear me now! You're an inspiration~" Xi pokes Chiyoko again.
  86. [22:27] <Deedles> "Well, if that's the case then you can come by and drink as much as you want!" Chiyoko stated as she sat up to grin at Xi.
  87. [22:30] <Feldion> "As long as you're buying! I'll come by any time~" Xi grins back from her position on the floor.
  88. [22:32] <Deedles> "Sure, I'm certain I can yoink some from Leewan anyway." Chiyoko grinned
  89. [22:33] <Feldion> "It sounds like he likes his drink," Xi narrows her eyes at the bottles on the table. "We finished all of ours..."
  90. [22:34] <Deedles> "He's a Drunken Master, of course he loves his drink!" Chiyoko said as she gestured broadly.
  91. [22:35] <Feldion> "Maybe...maybe we should raid his stash!" Xi suggests, pushing herself up to rest herself on her arms.
  92. [22:35] <Deedles> "Ohh, we totally should!" Chiyoko agreed with wide eyes.
  93. [22:38] <Feldion> Xi moves to stand. "It's late...he'll be in his house, won't he?"
  94. [22:39] <Deedles> "Depends, sometimes he sleeps at the temple." Chiyoko replied as she scratched the side of her head.
  95. [22:39] <Feldion> "Either way," Xi gives Chiyoko her hand, "we'll have to be super sneaky~"
  96. [22:40] <Deedles> She accepted the hand "That we will. Yoshi might be around too!"
  97. [22:42] <Feldion> Xi pulls Chiyoko to her feet. "Then we'll be even sneakerer. It will be our victory over them!"
  98. [22:43] <Deedles> "Yes!" Chiyoko agreed, raising a triumphant finger into the air "We shall show them!"
  99. [22:44] <Feldion> "And drink their drinks!" Xi pumps her own finger into the air.
  100. [22:47] <Deedles> "And then laugh!" Chiyoko added with a sagenod.
  101. [22:48] <Feldion> Xi grips Chiyoko's shoulder with a serious expression. "Only after we get out otherwise they'll hear us."
  102. [22:48] <Deedles> Chiyoko stared at her, quiet for a moment before she nodded, slowly.
  103. [22:49] <Feldion> Xi stares back. "I don't know where his house is. You need to lead."
  104. [22:50] <Deedles> "I'll try... Never danced before." Chiyoko replied before she shook her head "Wait, what am I saying?" she took Xi's hand and began leading her out of the house.
  105. [22:51] <Feldion> Xi stumbles, surprised by the pull, but rallies and dutifully follows. "You've never danced before?"
  106. [22:52] <Deedles> "Nah, never." Chiyoko replied honestly, swaying slightly as she showed the way to the Fire Temple.
  107. [22:53] <Feldion> "You've sung to some boy in an inn but never danced?" Xi points to a back alley and sneaks into it. "No one ever asked you to dance?"
  108. [22:55] <Deedles> "Nah, never." Chiyoko repeated with a shrug and a grin.
  109. [22:56] <Feldion> "I'm taking you dancing some time. It's fun!" Xi sneaks through the alley checking the corners as they make their way to the temple.
  110. [22:58] <Deedles> Chiyoko giggled "Sure! Tell that to the poor guy I've danced with when his feet have been crushed." she said as she checked around a corner before moving across the street and into the next alley.
  111. [23:00] <Feldion> Xi thinks, "I'll wear boots." She decides when they've reached the next alley.
  112. [23:04] <Deedles> "Good idea." Chiyoko nodded in an exagerated manner.
  113. [23:05] <Feldion> "I said I was good at ideas!" Xi agrees happily."
  114. [23:06] <Deedles> "You are!" Chiyoko agreed happily before she pressed a finger to her lips, making a hushing noise.
  115. [23:07] <Feldion> "Oh, ri-..." Xi presses a finger to her lips as well. "Quiet time."
  116. [23:15] <Deedles> Chiyoko nodded as she showed the way to the wooden bridge that lead to the peak the Fire Temple is on.
  117. [23:16] <Feldion> "Is the bridge creaky?" Xi asks as Chiyoko points it out.
  118. [23:19] <Deedles> "Nah, it's really sturdy." Chiyoko replied with a grin
  119. [23:19] <Feldion> Xi nods. "Then they won't know we're coming." Xi heads out with Chiyoko.
  120. [23:20] <Deedles> The black haired girl lead the way as they snuck across the bridge.
  121. [23:20] <Feldion> Xi watches their backs. "Where is the stash in the temple?"
  122. [23:21] <Deedles> "It's in one of the side chambers, Leewan keeps a room full of his own brew there!" Chiyoko told her as she giggled
  123. [23:22] <Feldion> "Can we sneak straight in there or do we have to go through the temple?"
  124. [23:29] <Deedles> "We'll have to go through the temple."
  125. [23:32] <Feldion> Xi nods and squeezes Chiyoko's hand. "We can do it. We're sneaky, right?"
  126. [23:33] <Deedles> "The snea-!" Chiyoko hushed her voice as she whispered "The sneakiest."
  127. [23:35] <Feldion> "The sneakiest." Xi whispers back with a grin. " are we getting into the temple?"
  128. [23:45] <Deedles> "Through the main entrance, I thought." Chiyoko blinked
  129. [23:46] <Feldion> Xi narrows her eyes at the entrance. "Ok."
  130. [23:47] <Deedles> Chiyoko pressed a finger to her lips "Shhhhh..." she started sneaking... well, as well as you can sneak while drunk.
  131. [23:49] <Feldion> Xi accomplished much the same.
  132. [00:00] <Deedles> They sneak through the large entrance hall of the temple, and the Fire Altar, surprisingly well.
  133. [00:00] <Feldion> Xi checks both directions in the hallway they've ducked in before saying, "we're really good."
  134. [00:01] <Deedles> "Yeeeeeeeah." Chiyoko grinned broadly as she wobbled slightly.
  135. [00:07] <Zero_Atma> Yoshihiro was in the kitchen at the time, rolling out some freshly floured dough over a cutting board. At first he didn't notice a thing, until he catches the soft sound of footfalls shuffling by, leaving his dough to peek his head out onto the hall. "...what are you guys doing?" he asks after watching them walk so slowly and stealthily, it looked a bit silly from where he stood.
  136. [00:07] <Feldion> "Ah, one of those guys! What do we do, Chi?"
  137. [00:10] <Deedles> "Run!" Chiyoko exclaimed, dramatically, before she began sprinting through the hallway.
  138. [00:14] <Feldion> Xi has no choice but run off with her, linked as they are. "See you later, guy!" Xi laughs as they race away.
  139. [00:17] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi just gives Chiyoko a confused look before she turns and dashes off in the opposite direction, Xi following right after her. "Wha? hey, wait!" he insisted, giving chase, not having the slightest clue why they were running.
  140. [00:27] <Deedles> Chiyoko ran, but not as fast as Xi who took the lead.
  141. [00:27] <Feldion> Xi is suddenly the one pulling Chiyoko along. "Which way?!"
  142. [00:28] <Deedles> "To the right, here!"
  143. [00:29] <Feldion> At the turning, Xi flings out a near-invisible thread which wraps itself around a light fixture at the very end of the hall. With a sharp yank, she and Chiyoko catapult into the adjoining hallway.
  144. [00:30] <Zero_Atma> "Why are you running?!" Yoshi calls out to them, still utterly baffled as to why he was chasing them without reason, hot on Chiyoko's heels unril Xi tows her along by a litteral thread.
  145. [00:31] <Deedles> "Woah!" Chiyoko exclaimed as she was pulled along "Don't talk to the enemy!" sheinsisted to Xi as they kept running.
  146. [00:34] <Feldion> "Reckless odd causes~ Drunk on sake and spring youth~ Faster than a boy~" Xi sings.
  147. [00:34] <Deedles> "That is also poetry!" Chiyoko chimed from behind her
  148. [00:35] <Feldion> "It is haiku!" Xi breathlessly agrees
  149. [00:35] <Feldion> .
  150. [00:36] <Zero_Atma> "Get back here!" Yoshi insisted, shaking a fist at them, unrelenting in his chase.
  151. [00:37] <Feldion> Xi spots another turning up ahead. "Again?"
  152. [00:37] <Deedles> "Yeah!" Chiyoko replied to Xi before turning her head to stick her tongue out at Yoshi. "No!"
  153. [00:40] <Feldion> "I have an idea!" Xi shouts as they round the corner and suddenly Xi stops and they fall against a wall together as Xi summons up her rebellious reserve of chi. "Invisibility go~" She whispers.
  154. [00:41] <Deedles> Chiyoko slapped a hand over her own mouth as she tried to keep herself from giggling.
  155. [00:42] <Zero_Atma> Yoshihiro skits around the corner, looking ever which was as he had lost sight of the two girls, cursing under his breath.
  156. [00:52] <Zero_Atma> "Now where did they go..." Yoshi muses, eyes darting all over the hallway, something was definitely off here. That's when he notices a subtle difference in the shape of the wall beside him. This is when he tries to hide a grin, knowing that they must be there, but doesn't give them away just yet. "Gotta find them!" he says before moving further down the hall to disappear around the corner. There he lies in wait until they reveal t
  157. [00:53] <Zero_Atma> until they revealthemselves, trying to figure out exactly where they were going and what they were up to...
  158. [00:54] <Feldion> Xi takes a big breath of air as she lets the invisibility fall. "I think we pulled it off," she giggles, nudging Chiyoko with her shoulder.
  159. [00:54] <Deedles> "We're the best." Chiyoko cheered quietly
  160. [00:55] <Feldion> "Now, which way's Leewan's stash?" Xi grins in anticipation.
  161. [00:55] <Deedles> "That way." Chiyoko pointed further down the corridor and a door to their left.
  162. [00:56] <Feldion> "Let's go then," Xi takes the lead pulling Chiyoko after her, humming happily under her breath.
  163. [00:57] <Deedles> Chiyoko grinned broadly as she followed Xi
  164. [00:57] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi waits until their footsteps had passed his own hiding spot, peeking around the doorframe with narrowed eyes. "Hmm..."
  165. [00:58] <Deedles> Chiyoko opened the door for Xi as they reached it
  166. [00:59] <Feldion> "How courteous~" Xi teases as she ducks into the room.
  167. [01:02] <Deedles> Chiyoko giggled as she followed Xi inside.
  168. [01:03] <Feldion> Xi inspects the room and its contents.
  169. [01:05] <Zero_Atma> "So that's what they're after..." Yoshi muses as he slinks from his hiding spot, taking a long sip from his gourd, grinning as he pads down the hallway to the open door.
  170. [01:06] <Deedles> Chiyoko jumped as the door opened, looking like a startled cat.
  171. [01:08] <Deedles> Chiyoko jumped as she heard someone by the door, looking like a startled cat.
  172. [01:09] <Feldion> Xi turns sharply as Chiyoko freezes up a bottle already in hand. "Oh."
  173. [01:10] <Zero_Atma> Yoshihiro is leaning against the door-frame, a broad grin on his face, waving to them with a free hand. "Looking for something?"
  174. [01:10] <Deedles> "Yeeeeeeah..." Chiyoko replied slowly
  175. [01:12] <Zero_Atma> "You know what master Leewan does to people who steal his wine?" Yoshi asks them, looking between the two girls who had been caught red handed.
  176. [01:13] <Feldion> Xi looks at Chiyoko.
  177. [01:14] <Feldion> Then she looks at Yoshi.
  178. [01:14] <Feldion> Then she looks down at the floor.
  179. [01:14] <Deedles> Chiyoko looked thoughtful "I don't, actually..." she confessed
  180. [01:14] <Feldion> Then back at Yoshi. "I have no idea."
  181. [01:17] <Zero_Atma> "He makes you stand on one foot with a jug of wine on your head..." Yoshi begins, which didn't sound all that bad at first. "While standing on hot coals..." he adds, his grin widening. "And if you spill even a single drop you have to do a hand-stand instead!"
  182. [01:18] <Deedles> "I guess you found that out the hard way." Chiyoko grinned at him
  183. [01:19] <Feldion> Xi surreptitiously looks for another way out.
  184. [01:21] <Zero_Atma> "I'm not finished!" Yoshi tells them, taking this time to close the door behind him. "If you spill it again he makes you eat one of the coals..."
  185. [01:23] <Feldion> Finding nothing, Xi ponders her next course of action.
  186. [01:24] <Deedles> "What if we share some with you?" Chiyoko offered as she tapped her lips in thought
  187. [01:42] <Zero_Atma> Yoshihiro pretends to gasp. "Trying to bribe your way out of it? for shame." he waggles his finger at them.
  188. [01:43] <Feldion> Xi steps forward, gaze lowered, stance more demure. "Well," Xi raises her eyes to meet Yoshi's directly, "you wouldn't let Leewan do that to us, would you?"
  189. [01:45] <Deedles> Chiyoko looked at Xi before she nodded in agreement with what she said.
  190. [01:54] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi just stares at the Phoenix for a moment, losing his train of thought, then shakes his head. "Naw, I suppose not..." he says, rubbing the back of his neck. "I was just kidding, Leewan wouldn't do something like that."
  191. [01:56] <Deedles> "Awww, Yoshi, you're so sweet." Chiyoko praised him with a bright smile
  192. [01:58] <Feldion> "You really are!" Xi smiles at him. "So, we're free to go?"
  193. [02:00] <Zero_Atma> "Now just hold on." he steps toward them slowly, looking to each of the girls in turn, pointing at them in a scolding fashion. "If you wanted wine you could have just asked." he insisted, picking up a jug that was nearby. "You're talking to Leewan's favorite student here, I'm sure he won't mind if we have a bit." he grins before tossing the jusg toward them. "I'll have him show me how to make more of it later."
  194. [02:02] <Deedles> Chiyoko fumbled as she caught the jug, doing a balancing as she nearly dropped it, resulting with her falling onto her ass. "Ow!"
  195. [02:03] <Feldion> Connected as they are, Xi falls with her. "O-ow, be careful, Chiyoko!"
  196. [02:04] <Zero_Atma> Yoshihiro chuckles at the sight before offering them both a hand to help them up. "Come on, my little thieves, lets go to the kitchen and I'll make you something tasty to go with your wine."
  197. [02:05] <Deedles> "Dinner and wine?" Chiyoko tutted as she shook her head "You're a greedy man, Yoshi, inviting two girls on a date." she waggled a finger at him scoldingly, mimicing his previous action.
  198. [02:06] <Feldion> "Just like you imagined, Chi~" Xi sings quietly to the other girl.
  199. [02:07] <Deedles> "S-shush!" Chiyoko muttered
  200. [02:09] <Feldion> Xi laughs before turning to Yoshi, "I am a bit hungry!"
  201. [02:10] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi just laughs before turning and pushing the door open. "I've always longed for things I was told I couldn't have!" he smiles while motioning for them to follow. "This way."
  202. [02:11] <Feldion> Xi follows after him, saying to Chiyoko, "I guess I get to taste Yoshi's cooking without winning that bet!"
  203. [02:11] <Deedles> "Seems like a win-win situation." Chiyoko grinned as she walked along side Xi.
  204. [02:12] <Feldion> Xi waves a hand dismissively. "Like I could ever lose."
  205. [02:12] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi peers back at them with a raised brow. "What kind of bet?" he asks.
  206. [02:13] <Feldion> "Who could get the most free drinks at the bar!"
  207. [02:13] <Deedles> "I offered to convince you to cook whoever won a meal!"
  208. [02:14] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi chuckles when he hears this. "So, who won?"
  209. [02:14] <Deedles> "We only stayed long enough to get one bottle, which Xi got, so... Xi, I guess." Chiyoko shrugged
  210. [02:15] <Feldion> Xi points at Yoshi. "Get cooking!"
  211. [02:17] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi waves a hand at her. "Patience, patience!" he insisted. "A good meal takes time to prepare." he motions over to a table once they reach the kitchen. "Go drink some more while I get things ready."
  212. [02:18] <Deedles> Chiyoko put the jug down on the table before she had a seat.
  213. [02:19] <Feldion> Xi takes her own seat, finally releasing Chiyoko's hand after all that. "Mission accomplished~"
  214. [02:22] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi first grabs a glass and fills it with some of the wine from the jug, taking a sip of it with a thoughtful look. "Hmmm..."
  215. [02:23] <Feldion> Xi pours herself and Chiyoko some. "Is it a good one?"
  216. [02:23] <Deedles> Chiyoko nodded "It's Leewan's own brew, after all!"
  217. [02:25] <Feldion> Xi takes a sip and her face lights up. "Wow! It's really good! So much better than stuff we were having before, Chi!"
  218. [02:25] <Deedles> "I know..." Chi smiled happily as she sipped at the wine herself, taking it slower with this one.
  219. [02:27] <Zero_Atma> "Alright, I think I know what to do with this." Yoshi says before gathering his utensils, throwing open cabinet doors and container lids to pick out what ingredients he needed.
  220. [02:29] <Feldion> Xi watches Yoshi as she savors the wine. "Are you a fire-user too?" She asks him.
  221. [02:31] <Zero_Atma> "That's right." Yoshi confirms. "I'm actually the first one to show Chiyoko how to use fire chi."
  222. [02:32] <Deedles> "He was indeed." Chiyoko confirmed inbetween sips.
  223. [02:38] <Feldion> Xi nods, taking that in. "When did you learn to cook?"
  224. [02:39] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi throws out a few strips of beef that he had cut up onto a skillet. "About the same time I started training under Leewan."
  225. [02:41] <Feldion> Xi turns to Chiyoko. "Is he a good cook too?"
  226. [02:41] <Deedles> "Yup, an awesome cook." Chi said with a sagenod
  227. [02:44] <Zero_Atma> "I learned from the best!" Yoshi insisted, steaming up some rise while the beef sizzles in the pan.
  228. [02:44] <Feldion> "So this Leewan is an awesome cook, brewer, and he married?"
  229. [02:47] <Deedles> "No..." Chiyoko chuckled "But he and Tsula get along quite well... Don't think it's anything serious though."
  230. [02:48] <Feldion> "It's like that, huh?" Xi blinks. "Four of the masters are involved with each other?"
  231. [02:49] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi picks up a bag of spices and throws it over the beef before setting it aside to pick up a knife and moving to the cutting board where some vegetables were waiting to be chopped up.
  232. [02:49] <Deedles> "If casual sex is being 'involved', yeah." Chiyoko replied
  233. [02:51] <Feldion> "The port a sailor returns to most often must be his home port," Xi nods to herself, feeling sage-ly.
  234. [02:54] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi tosses those veggies in with the beef and stirs it all up. "Nearly finished!" he tells them, already starting to get plates ready for them.
  235. [02:56] <Feldion> Xi sniffs and then licks her lips. "It smells great already~"
  236. [02:56] <Deedles> "Just wait til you taste it~"
  237. [02:58] <Feldion> "I have patience!" Xi protests. "Some patience!"
  238. [03:00] <Zero_Atma> Yoshihiro smiles as he grabs a spoon to divide the stir-fry between the two plates, as well as dich them up a heaping ball of rice each, and on the side they might be surprised to see a fresh, steamy dumpling waiting for them as well. "Ta-da!" he places a plate in front of each of them.
  239. [03:02] <Deedles> "Ohhh...!" Chiyoko smiled broadly, before she grabbed her chop sticks and tucked in nearly instantly.
  240. [03:04] <Feldion> Xi pauses as she picks up her chopsticks, a memory of etiquette standing like a guard before her hunger. "Thank you for the meal," she says doing a little bow before tucking in just as voraciously.
  241. [03:05] <Feldion> "Ahhhh, so goood~" Xi holds her head as her mouth works through the simple, but brilliantly layered flavors.
  242. [03:06] <Deedles> Chiyoko nodded in agreement, saying nothing as she was half-way through the dumpling.
  243. [03:06] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi stands beside the table with his hands on his hips, smiling proudly as they enjoy his work, taking a seat to have some more wine. "Glad you like it."
  244. [03:08] <Feldion> "You'll make someone happy," Xi says. "Very happy!" Xi tucks in some more.
  245. [03:10] <Deedles> Chiyoko swallowed as she nodded "That's for certain." she grinned across at Yoshi as she leaned she propped her cheek against her hand "You'll make some gal a lucky wife someday!" she declared
  246. [03:13] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi chuckles at their compliments. "I certainly hope so." he admits from behind the rim of his cup.
  247. [03:14] <Deedles> "Ohhh?" Chiyoko leaned forward as she smiled at him curiously.
  248. [03:16] <Feldion> Xi leans forward to. "Got your eye on someone?"
  249. [03:16] <Feldion> too*
  250. [03:19] <Zero_Atma> "You could say that." Yoshi admits, looking down at his glass thoughtfully. "Though I'm not sure how she feels about me now...and she's married."
  251. [03:21] <Deedles> "You want a married woman?" Chiyoko blinked
  252. [03:22] <Feldion> "That's a tough one!"
  253. [03:22] <Zero_Atma> "You could say she was stolen from me, among other things." Yoshi says with a hit of bitterness in his tone, drinking deeply from his glass.
  254. [03:23] <Deedles> Chi glanced at Xi before she reached across the table to lay a hand on Yoshi's shoulder "...Want to talk about it?"
  255. [03:27] <Feldion> Xi refills Yoshi's glass, looking sympathetic.
  256. [03:28] <Zero_Atma> "We've talked about this before." Yoshi points out, his gaze shifting to Xi for a moment. "You know more about it than you might think."
  257. [03:28] <Deedles> "We have?" Chiyoko blinked
  258. [03:31] <Feldion> "Oh?" Xi looks down at the table. "Oh!" She exclaims. "Oh..." She finishes.
  259. [03:32] <Deedles> "What... ?" Chiyoko looked at Xi, still not catching on.
  260. [03:32] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi nods. "Exactly." Xi seemed to pick up on it pretty quickly. "Now you see how complicated it is."
  261. [03:38] <Feldion> Xi turns to Chiyoko. "The guy who married his childhood friend..."
  262. [03:49] <Feldion> Xi returns to eating her food. No sense letting it go cold!
  263. [03:49] <Zero_Atma> "My cousin is going to have a lot to answer for when we're ready to go back to Jinlong, you can bet on that."
  264. [03:51] <Feldion> "It seems like everyone in this group has someone they want to kill," Xi muses.
  265. [03:54] <Deedles> Chiyoko quietly continued eating, the frown remaining on her face.
  266. [03:55] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi shakes his head. "I don't want to kill him." he corrects the Phoenix. "I want him to live with what he's done." he explains. "He might have a few broken limbs, and a face only a mother could love, afterwards but I won't kill my own blood."
  267. [03:57] <Deedles> "I could do it for you..." Chiyoko muttered from behind her cup
  268. [03:58] <Zero_Atma> "I appreciate that, but I wouldn't feel right about it." Yoshi replies. "Though, I have been meaning to ask you something..."
  269. [03:59] <Feldion> Xi continues to enjoy her wine and food while listening in.
  270. [03:59] <Feldion> "Oh?" *
  271. [04:00] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi leans on his elbow, looking across the table at her, speaking in a much more serious tone. "Any way you could get me inside that estate?"
  272. [04:01] <Feldion> "If we can get into Jinlong, I can get us inside that estate." Xi replies. "With the right words, he'd /invite/ us in."
  273. [04:05] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi grins broadly at that. "Good, because I'm gonna need your help getting in there...and probably getting out too."
  274. [04:06] <Feldion> "I think some of my style's talents will help there~ Don't worry as long as we don't attract the whole city I can get us out fine."
  275. [04:06] <Deedles> "Considering what you said you very well might." Chiyoko pointed out with a grimace
  276. [04:08] <Zero_Atma> "Then I want you to promise me something." Yoshi insisted. "If something happens I want you to get Mizuki and yourself out of there."
  277. [04:08] <Feldion> Xi rolls her eyes. "I promise but I'm good enough I'd get everyone out of there. Even your dog if you have one."
  278. [04:10] <Zero_Atma> "Just Mizuki." Yoshi repeats himself. "I'll probably need your talents to free my uncle as well."
  279. [04:10] <Deedles> Chiyoko looked thoughtful as she popped a piece of beef into her mouth, remaining quiet as she listened to the two.
  280. [04:12] <Feldion> "So either we assassinate the most powerful noble in his estate first or go free a notorious traitor to the Emperor from prison."
  281. [04:13] <Feldion> "Doing either one will make the other harder."
  282. [04:14] <Zero_Atma> "Hmm...we might just have to split up..." Yoshi thinks aloud. "I think the White Peony could help in busting ny uncle out." he slams his fist into an open palm. "But Takeshi is MINE."
  283. [04:15] <Feldion> "If we're doing both at the same time...finishing one could shift the guards away from the over to provide an escape...way."
  284. [04:17] <Zero_Atma> "This is going to take a lot of planning..." Yoshi sighs, one of his hands sliding over his face. "The more I think about it the more I wish we could just go now..."
  285. [04:18] <Feldion> "I'm a bit drunk," Xi giggles. "Can we do it in the morning?"
  286. [04:20] <Deedles> "And if you're planning to involve the White Peony you really should be having this discussion with Shiina present." Chiyoko reminded him, rather firmly.
  287. [04:20] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi shakes his head. "This will have to wait." he replies. "We're not ready to go back to Jinlong just yet." he smiles, somewhat. "But, I'd really appreciat your help..."
  288. [04:21] <Feldion> Xi smiles, "then I'll provide it! For the price of more cooking! Payable in a-...advance!" Xi tips her bowl and finishes her food with a sigh.
  289. [04:23] <Zero_Atma> "You got yourself a deal!" Yoshi's broad smile returns. "I do all the cooking for our little group anyway."
  290. [04:24] <Feldion> "Spirits! That sounds great..." Xi finishes off her cup of wine then glances at the bottle unsure. "I...I probably shouldn't drink any more."
  291. [04:26] <Zero_Atma> "I have a little something to take care of it in the morning." Yoshi pipes up. "But you're probably not gonna like it, and it doesn't work for everyone."
  292. [04:26] <Deedles> Chiyoko finished her plate of food before returning to her drink.
  293. [04:27] <Feldion> XI stands unsteadily to her feet. "Sleep would be nice first."
  294. [04:28] <Zero_Atma> "Suit yourself." Yoshi replies, killing off the wine left in his glass. "Probably a good idea, still have some packing to do..."
  295. [04:29] <Deedles> "Sleep it is." Chi agreed as she nodded and stood. She smiled down at Yoshi, swaying faintly. "Thank you for the food."
  296. [04:29] <Feldion> "Packing?" Xi asks as she grabs the bottle from the table.
  297. [04:30] <Zero_Atma> "Myself, Jian, Shen, and a few of the mentors are going to train a bit deerer into the mountains." Yoshi explains. "Wanna come with us?"
  298. [04:32] <Deedles> "All of you? I'm sure the Empress will be lonely." Chiyoko chimed with a raised brow.
  299. [04:32] <Feldion> "Sounds fun~ I'll think about it when I'm sober, ok?" Xi leans down and gives him a peck on the cheek. "Thanks for the food~" She laughs and heads out of the kitchen.
  300. [04:32] <Deedles> Chiyoko quickly waved at Yoshi "Sleep well!" she said hurridly as she swiftly followed Xi.
  301. [04:33] <Feldion> "Everyone's really nice!" Xi says as Chiyoko catches up to her, quickly falling to leaning on the other girl.
  302. [04:33] <Deedles> Chiyoko laughed softly "I told ya." she said
  303. [04:34] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi waves to them as they take their leave. "See you later!"
  304. [04:34] <Feldion> "Mmmm, yeah." Xi waves back at Yoshi. "All the guys are taken," she says as they walk away with a sigh. "And they're all nice."
  305. [04:36] <Deedles> "There are other nice guys." Chiyoko said with a smile "But for now... lets get some sleep."
  306. [04:37] <Feldion> They walk for a while before Xi asks, " many beds do you have?"
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