
Add Duxter Awards

Nov 7th, 2011
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  2. #=== Duxter Award API ===
  3. #
  4. # Fill this out if you wish to add an award to the SQL Table!
  5. # Optional fields are marked as (Optional)
  6. # id : enabled : name : description : category : stat : value : maxawards : commands : conditions
  7. #
  8. # the ID number of the achievement. Auto Incriments.
  9. - id [int(11)]
  10. #
  11. # Do you want the achievement to be enabled immediately?
  12. - enabled [tinyint(1)]
  13. #
  14. # What is the name of the achievement?
  15. - name [varchar(128)]
  16. #
  17. # What's the description of it?
  18. - description [text]
  19. #
  20. # make sure to pick the right category of the stat you want to track!
  21. - Category [varchar(32)]
  22. - blockcreate
  23. - blockdestroy
  24. - damagetaken
  25. - deaths
  26. - itemdrop
  27. - itempickup
  28. - itemuse
  29. - stats
  30. #
  31. # What stat do you want to track? (Check Category again if you haven't)
  32. - stat [varchar(32)]
  33. - blockcreate
  34. - blockID
  35. - blockdestroy
  36. - blockID
  37. - damagetaken
  38. - total
  39. - fall
  40. - Arrow
  41. - suffocation
  42. - fire
  43. - Entity
  44. - mob
  45. - deaths
  46. - total
  47. - fall
  48. - unknown
  49. - fire
  50. - mob
  51. - creeper
  52. - skeleton
  53. - etc..
  54. - itemdrop
  55. - itemID
  56. - itempickup
  57. - itemID
  58. - itemuse
  59. - sign
  60. - stats
  61. - chat
  62. - chatletters
  63. - lastlogout
  64. - lastlogin
  65. - totalblockcreate
  66. - armswing
  67. - respawn
  68. - command
  69. - playedfor
  70. - login
  71. - teleport
  72. - move
  73. - totalblockdestroy
  74. - lastlogin
  76. #
  77. # How many times do they have to do said action to earn award?
  78. # (eg. destroy 64 glass, create 4 torches, have 1 day play time)
  79. - Value [int(11)]
  80. #
  81. # How many times can they earn said award?
  82. - maxawards [int(11)]
  83. #
  84. # (Optional) What command should be executed?
  85. # /item <name or id>, /money <amount>. Separate with ;
  86. - commands [text]
  87. #
  88. # (Optional) What kind of conditions should they have?
  89. # eg. !Guest = No Guests, Member = Members only
  90. - conditions [text]
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