
10.02.20 Press Conference LGBTQ

Oct 22nd, 2020 (edited)
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  1. The County of Santa Clara
  2. October 22, 2020
  3. Live Stream - Briefing Live stream
  4. 2:00pm PT
  7. Maribel Martinez: So two on one side two on the other side with six feet apart in between all right perfect Carolyn we're good Great, Good afternoon, Buenas tardes we're here to provide a brief brief statement um my name is Maribel Martinez the Director for the Office of LGBTQ Affairs we have some brief statements um on the on Pope Francis's acceptance of LGBTQ people and support for legal rights for same-sex couples Pope Francis became the first pontiff to endorse same-sex Civil Unions in a in comments of a documentary that premiered Wednesday in this feature-length film Francesco which aired in Rome Film Festival the Pope noted homosexual people have the right to be in families they are children of God you can't kick someone out of a family nor make their lives miserable for this we have to have Civil Union Law that that way they will be legally covered we are encouraged by the words of Pope Francis and hope that this is a beginning of a shift within the Catholic Church to fully embrace LGBTQ peoples. In the County of Santa Clara we strive to create a community that is accepting affirming and inclusive of LGBTQ individuals and families through the work of the Office of LGBTQ Affairs and the Division of Equity and Social Justice when it opened in 2016 the Office of LGBTQ Affairs was the first of its kind in the Nation at the County level locally the office and the County's LGBTQ residents have benefited from the wonderful support of our diverse and embracing faith leaders but more still is needed to be done it is wonderful to know that LGBTQ people around the Globe are now one step closer to experiencing full acceptance from faith communities we know that for many in our community religion can be a great source of comfort or a source of injury we applaud Pope Francis for standing up for LGBTQ communities with that I'll turn it over to our Former Elected Official Ken Yeager the first openly out gay uh elected in Santa Clara County and the Executive Director for BAYMEC Foundation
  10. Ken Yeager: Thank you Maribel it's wonderful to be here today making comments on really what is a very historic moment in the LGBTQ movement it's also wonderful that we're here at Jim McEntee Plaza where we know that the County of Santa Clara flies the rainbow flag and the transgender flag every work day this is a Center that has been working hard for decades to include everybody in our community in our social life I couldn't help but think of all of the young LGBTQ youth that are still suffering by growing up with families and a church that still believe that they are somehow evil or sinful or that they need to change who they are and I just know that there was just a lot of hope that was created when those kids heard on the news that their Pope was in support of Civil Unions for LGBTQ people what a remarkable statement that is given given the Millennium of of the hatred that the Catholic Church has had for Gay people I know that we have a long ways to go before the Catholic Church is going to actually endorse Civil Marriages, Civil Unions and when they will be able to conduct marriages in the Catholic Church but one thing that we know here in Santa Clara county and in California it's the first step that matters the first step and that's what we finally have today with the Pope expressing support for Civil Unions we know that we have a long ways to go but there's no doubt that one day the Catholic Church is going to be accepting of Civil Unions and of LGBTQ people and that is going to improve the lives of millions of Catholics and people from other conservative religions and so those kids can know that they are whole people they don't need to change and that they are going to be accepted in society thank you
  12. MM: We'll now hear remarks from our Health Officers Dr. Sara Cody followed by Dr. Marty Fenstersheib
  15. Dr. Cody: I want to thank Maribel and thank Ken it's wonderful to be here and we in the Public Health Department are so pleased to hear this development if it provides even a handful of LGBTQ people with a greater sense of well-being and freedom then it's a good thing we know that inclusion acceptance and a sense of belonging are good for our health and in Santa Clara County under the leadership of Former Supervisor Ken Yeager and Former County Health Officer Marty Fensterscheib we have made great progress in ensuring that the entire community of LGBTQ people and their families are living full healthy and happy lives and I as always am so proud to be an ally and to be living and working in this community thank you
  17. Dr. Marty Fenstershieb: Thank you all for being here today it's great to see you all and while I applaud pope Francis's more inclusive stand today his need for this action is really a reminder to us all that the LGBTQ community doesn't enjoy equal rights in many many parts of the World and even in this Country and that these Rights remain still very very fragile and while I hope that the religious communities Catholic and others continue to move forward in welcoming and including the LGBTQ community individuals we must not see any actions in this Country in our Country that would take away Human Rights one through very hard-fought battles including the Right to Marry in this Country during these very challenging times living through this Pandemic it's always heartening though to see acts of courage and love let this action today be an example to all of us thank you
  19. MM: This concludes our comments in English I'll next like to introduce Ricardo Romero Morales who will provide some comments in Spanish
  21. MM: Thank you that concludes our statements we will be available for any one-on-one interviews or any other comments thank you so much
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