
Prologue D: Dumisani

Sep 19th, 2013
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  1. [12:33] <~Radio_GM> ---The Coltifornia Campaign, Group 80---
  2. [12:34] <~Radio_GM> ---Prologue D: Dumisani---
  3. [12:34] <~Radio_GM> Well, here you are. You've been trundling onward through the Sierra Neighvadas, powering through like the strong, armored rhino you are. Yes, a rhino! In Coltifornia! Strange thought, isn't it? Then again, Coltifornia had always been known for its rather offbeat culture, so who’s to say neigh to that?
  4. [12:34] <~Radio_GM> You’ve long since left the mountains behind, traveling along the banks of the torpid Equestrian River on a trail that’ll hopefully lead you to a rest stop. The air is warm and thick, especially now that noon has come. Oh, yes, it’s a hot day in Coltifornia, the sun beating down mercilessly upon your head. It’s almost enough to make one wish that the skies had remained sealed.
  5. [12:34] <~Radio_GM> Yet onward you go, built like a tank to outlast just about anything that stands in your way. It may be slow going, but you’ll get there! Eventually, that is.
  6. [12:34] <~Radio_GM> The trail is dusty and the world quiet. All of Coltifornia is yours now, and so what you do next is up to you.
  7. [12:39] * Dumisani snorts softly and stops quick to shake herself, metal armor clanging noisily as clouds of dust rise around her. With her strength, the armor seems almost weightless as she moves, though each step shakes the ground around her slightly as she pushes forward, an unstoppable force with no intent of turning off course any time soon.
  8. [12:51] <~Radio_GM> On and on and on you go. Yet the scenery does not change, and you notice nothing out of the ordinary save the faint bubbling of the Equestrian right next to you. As you go on, you do reach a fork in the road. Wait, hold on, a fork? The directions you were given had mentioned no such thing, and you're unclear which will take you the right way. Which do you choose?
  9. [12:52] * Dumisani blinks slowly, looking down each fork before deciding in the left one.
  10. [12:55] <~Radio_GM> The left fork continues on for a while, as you pass a large white boulder to your right. Yes, there it is! You had been told that there would be a white boulder somewhere by the road to tell you that you were on the right path. You can go on confidently now, without a worry.
  11. [12:57] <~Radio_GM> As you go on, though, you begin to hear a noise coming through the haze, somewhere to your left. It sounds like a child crying.
  12. [13:00] * Dumisani flicks her ears towards the sound, turning slower to face the general direction. "Hello?" She says in her gruff, deep alto voice.
  13. [13:00] <~Radio_GM> The sound does not stop, but it certainly does sound clearer now. It seems to be coming closer, towards your direction.
  14. [13:02] * Dumisani snorts softly and starts walking towards the sound, keeping her keener ears forward.
  15. [13:03] <~Radio_GM> The sound gets louder and louder, and as you walk off the trail to investigate in the grass, you eventually find the source of the crying. It is a small, young filly, who can't be much older than eight years old. She is an earth pony, with an orange coat and brown mane. She sits atop a small rock, whimpering and crying into her hoof.
  16. [13:04] * Dumisani trots a bit closer. "Hello? Are you okay little pony?"
  17. [13:05] <~Radio_GM> The filly's ears perk up behind her, as she looks around, and suddenly cries out in shock at the sight of an enormous rhino behind her. Not knowing better, or what to do, she begins to back away, eyes wide in fear, locked on yours as she tries to find a way to run away.
  18. [13:08] * Dumisani steps back a little. "It's okay. Not here to hurt you." She carefully reaches up and removes her bladed helmet, smiling warmly at the filly.
  19. [13:13] <~Radio_GM> The filly does not see all that reassured, as she makes a bolt for it away from you. She trips on a rock, though, where she falls flat onto her stomach, crying out in her fear.
  20. [13:14] * Dumisani frowns a little. "Are you okay? I just want to help..."
  21. [13:16] <~Radio_GM> The filly whines, as she shakes her head. "Y-you're scary! Please go away!' She cries. "Mama...Mama, where are you?"
  22. [13:17] * Dumisani lays down. "I'm sorry... But I'm nice, really... I can help you find your mama... Would that be okay?"
  23. [13:18] <~Radio_GM> The filly sniffles into her hoof, not answering Dumisani directly at first. "Wh-who...who are you...?"
  24. [13:18] <Dumisani> "Dumisani. A traveler. Heard you crying from the trail... Wanted to help."
  25. [13:21] <~Radio_GM> The filly wipes her tears from her eyes, as she gets shakily to her hooves. "Can...can you help me find Mama?"
  26. [13:22] * Dumisani nods. "Do my best. Protect you until then."
  27. [13:24] <~Radio_GM> The filly trots over. "OK..." She eyes you with wariness and fear still written in your eyes, but she stands by your side nonetheless. "I last left Mama behind over there somewhere..." She indicates the direction with a hoof.
  28. [13:26] * Dumisani smiles, allowing the filly to move closer. "Want to ride? Promise I won't hurt you."
  29. [13:28] <~Radio_GM> "On your back? O-OK..." She slowly climbs up onto the much larger rhino and mounts her back. In spite of herself, she gives off a small giggle.
  30. [13:30] * Dumisani chuckles and puts her helmet back on before standing up again. "Hold tight. And point again where you last saw her, please?"
  31. [13:32] <~Radio_GM> The filly gives a small smile, nodding as she indicates the direction once again.
  32. [14:18] * Dumisani smiles and trots in the direction the filly pointed. "What's your name?"
  33. [14:20] <~Radio_GM> The filly bounces a little atop Dumisani's head, her smile growing. "Silk Scarf. What about you?"
  34. [14:21] * Dumisani chuckles softly. "Dumisani."
  35. [14:22] <~Radio_GM> The filly rolls it a bit in her mouth. "Du-mi-sa-mi." She repeats the name, before giggling a little. "Can I just call you Dumi?"
  36. [14:22] * Dumisani smiles. "Don't mind that. Go ahead."
  37. [14:24] <~Radio_GM> The filly smiles, but it fades at once. "Mama..." She sniffles.
  38. [14:24] * Dumisani frowns. "You miss her."
  39. [14:26] <~Radio_GM> She nods. "I really do...I want my mama..."
  40. [14:26] <Dumisani> "We'll find her."
  41. [14:27] <~Radio_GM> The filly just sniffles, as you continue onward in the direction that she last pointed out.
  42. [14:29] <~Radio_GM> You walk a ways forward, and you don't see anything really out of the ordinary for a while...but you suddenly come across some scuffs in the grass that look vaguely like hoofprints. Looking closer, you see an ominous sight - small patches of blood, still fresh, on the grass. The scuffs seem to continue onwards in a different direction.
  43. [14:30] * Dumisani frowns deeper and starts following the tracks.
  44. [14:31] <~Radio_GM> The filly notices Dumisani pause and change direction, and she looks down into her face. "What's the matter?"
  45. [14:32] <Dumisani> "Found tracks. Hoofprints."
  46. [14:33] <~Radio_GM> "Are they Mama's?"
  47. [14:34] <Dumisani> "Not sure... Have blood. Need to hurry."
  48. [14:35] <~Radio_GM> The filly's eyes widen. "B-blood?!" She cries. "Mama! Mama!" She begins to weep again.
  49. [14:36] <Dumisani> "Hold tight. We're going to find her. I promise."
  50. [14:38] <~Radio_GM> The filly shakes and shudders but manages to pull herself together with a few rattling sighs.
  51. [14:38] * Dumisani speeds up as she follows the tracks, nose to the ground
  52. [14:44] <~Radio_GM> You pick up the pace, but you find nothing. A hot breeze begins to blow from behind you, but you see and hear absolutely nothing. The trail goes on for a good while, as Silk continues to whimper on your back.
  53. [14:45] * Dumisani stops and stamps a hoof into the ground. "Just keeps going!"
  54. [14:46] <~Radio_GM> The filly says nothing. Tired and exhausted from crying so much, she has curled atop your back and begun to nap. She whimpers softly in her sleep, but remains otherwise calm.
  55. [14:47] * Dumisani grumbles and keeps walking, determined to find this filly's mother
  56. [14:52] <~Radio_GM> Still, you notice nothing, your efforts as fruitless as they ever were. Silk continues to nap on your back as another half-hour passes by.
  57. [14:53] * Dumisani sighs and stops for a moment, wondering how long this trail could lead.
  58. [14:59] <~Radio_GM> You recall that the riverside trail on which you were travelling, in the Pre-War era was once popular for cyclists and ponies out for a stroll along the river. Long ago, it had been a trail for supply wagons to an old powerhouse that used the river's current to provide electricity. Indeed, if that map you saw a while ago s any indication, if you continue in the direction towards where the trail of scuffs was leading and keep walking, you should be able to find the remains of the old powerhouse.
  59. [15:01] * Dumisani rests for a few more minutes before following the trail again.
  60. [15:05] <~Radio_GM> It isn't long until you reach an old structure of brick and corroded metal sitting beside a dry watercourse. The building is simply fashioned, looking like an enormous brick more than anything else. Leading away from the building are three sets of long, towering poles, the remains of the electrical wires that hung between them dangling in the wind, some snapped cleanly in half. Beside the powerhouse itself is a large wheellike object sitting in the dry waterbed, though no water is there to make it run.
  61. [15:07] <~Radio_GM> In the still air surrounding the remains of the old structure, Dumisani can hear the sound of ponies within. She can hear barking orders, a few sharp cries - and then, cruelly enough, the sound of a whip lashing. A sharp cry of pain follows.
  62. [15:09] * Dumisani 's ears fold back and she starts looking for a door.
  63. [15:10] <~Radio_GM> The filly wakes up, giving a small gasp as she realizes what's going on. "D-D-Dumi? Is Mama in there...?"
  64. [15:11] * Dumisani nods. "Go hide. I'll bring her out."
  65. [15:11] <~Radio_GM> "Wh-where?"
  66. [15:12] * Dumisani looks around. "Can put you in a tree. High enough to protect you."
  67. [15:13] <~Radio_GM> There is indeed an old tree beside you, long dead but with branches low enough for Silk to reach, yet high enough to hide her from danger. Silk nods. "OK...please find Mama soon..."
  68. [15:14] * Dumisani nods and sets her into a nook between two branches. "Be safe."
  69. [15:15] <~Radio_GM> Silk nods with a soft whimper and hides herself deeper in the branches.
  70. [15:16] * Dumisani goes back to looking for a door
  71. [15:17] <~Radio_GM> You can see the main door leading into the facility, but as you approach closer you can see it is flanked by two guards. They are both stallions, looking nervously about with their weapons.
  72. [15:19] * Dumisani snorts softly and hides herself as best as possible in the underbrush, taking in a deep breath
  73. [15:23] <~Radio_GM> The grass, unfortunately, does not hide you very well, as you snap on a twig on the ground as you try to lower yourself in the underbrush. The sound is unnaturally loud in the still air, and the guards perk up at once, seeing the large rhino in front of them. Crying out wildly, they charge upon you at once, beginning to fire their weapons. There isn't a way around this; you're going to have to fight them.
  74. [15:24] * Dumisani snorts and charges at one of them, lowering her bladed, metal encased head.
  75. [15:30] <~Radio_GM> You charge and attack viciously at the first guard that's charging towards you. Unfortunately, it is to no avail, as you miss your shot. Meanwhile, the guards open fire with their own weapons upon you.
  76. [15:33] <~Radio_GM> The bullets roar as they discharge from the barrels of the guards' pistols, landing in your armor. The bullets do not penetrate your thick armor, but they do bruise you rather badly. It's certainly enough to hurt.
  77. [15:34] * Dumisani grunts as each bullet impacts her hide and armor, turning to charge at the closest guard once more.
  78. [15:38] <~Radio_GM> Again, you miss the guard, as they yelp with terror at your nonetheless impressive display of strength. And again, they open fire upon you.
  79. [15:39] <~Radio_GM> The bullets fall upon you once again, denting your armor a little and bruising you once more.
  80. [15:43] * Dumisani bellows in irritation, swinging around and charging once more.
  81. [15:57] <~Radio_GM> Your attack lands true now, as it gores the first guard, the stallion roaring with agony as he doubles over, winded, blood sheeting down his leather armor. The other pony howls with rage as he fires upon you alone, the other too stunned to do anything for now.
  82. [15:58] <~Radio_GM> His attack lands a bullet onto your side, your armor blocking the bullet from penetrating but causing you a great deal of pain nonetheless.
  83. [15:59] * Dumisani grunts and staggers a little at the impact, then turns, filled with rage, towards the other guard and charges headlong.
  84. [16:01] <~Radio_GM> Your attack misses, unfortunately, once more, as both he and his companion redouble their efforts upon you.
  85. [16:02] <~Radio_GM> The wounded stallion's attack goes wide, his aim suffering along with his chest. The other's shot hits, but in a particularly armored section of your torso that you can barely feel.
  86. [16:04] * Dumisani snorts and swings her head at the stallion she'd just missed, then bringing it back around for a second attack.
  87. [16:06] <~Radio_GM> It seems that fate is not content to make this easy for you, as both of your attacks miss their intended targets. Again, the guns fire at you.
  88. [16:06] <~Radio_GM> But then fate takes a kinder turn, as their attacks likewise miss.
  89. [16:07] * Dumisani bellows a war-cry and swings again at the nearest guard.
  90. [16:09] <~Radio_GM> The unwounded stallion is unwounded no more as both of your attacks savagely latch into his chest. He falls to the ground, twitching, until he is no more.
  91. [16:09] <~Radio_GM> The other one, in a last-ditch effort, fires at you wildly.
  92. [16:14] <~Radio_GM> His own first shot goes wide, but the next one manages to punch through a weak spot in your armor and embed in your shoulder.
  93. [16:15] * Dumisani grunts and glares at the stallion, putting her head down and charging once more.
  94. [16:16] <~Radio_GM> Perhaps it's just your wounded shoulder, but your savage attack misses the stallion. He fires once again at you.
  95. [16:17] <~Radio_GM> His own shot lands against another armored section of your torso that doesn't hurt nearly as much, but still manages to sting.
  96. [16:18] * Dumisani growls and charges again, steam puffing from her nostrils.
  97. [16:19] <~Radio_GM> And again, you miss. Fate is a cruel mistress. The stallion seems to simply give up, as he turns to try and run off now.
  98. [16:22] * Dumisani bellows in rage and charges after him, bent on spearing the stallion on her blade-tipped horn.
  99. [16:25] <~Radio_GM> Your target continues to elude you, as your attack fails to meet its target. He continues to flee, back towards the powerhouse facility.
  100. [16:26] * Dumisani roars and redoubles her efforts, charging right at the stallion
  101. [16:28] <~Radio_GM> And again...once again, he manages to avoid the attack. But now, he has run out of space to run, pressed into a corner of the old brick building right by the door, as he turns and looks to you, issuing a helpless cry as he can only watch his own demise.
  102. [16:36] <~Radio_GM> He whimpers pathetically at your attacks, which are nothing short of terrifying as they crumple the brick round him, though he can't move, paralyzed with fear. you can hear surprised shouts from inside.
  103. [16:43] * Dumisani roars one last time and slams her head into the stallion horn-first, putting all her strength into the attack
  104. [16:44] <~Radio_GM> There is the sound of organic crunching, a rattling death-noise, and the stallion crumples to the ground, dead at last.
  105. [16:45] * Dumisani snorts and scavenges what she can from the body before heading back towards the door
  106. [16:49] <~Radio_GM> The stallion carries nothing save a ruined piece of leather armor that is of no use to you, as well as a 9mm Pistol, a bottle of dirty water, and 18 rounds of 9mm ammunition.
  107. [16:50] * Dumisani grumbles and takes the loot before heading to the door and roughly kicking it
  108. [16:58] <~Radio_GM> The door comes down with a loud splintering of wood, as you hear surprised shouts from inside. You can see a large group of ponies, all mares, sitting on the floor at various points of something that appears to have once been a turbine room. Lined along the edges of the room, their once-green paint peeling, are some odd circular-shaped machines that seem to have been part of the facility's electrical systems.
  109. [16:58] <~Radio_GM> The mares cry out in surprise as this new stranger appears, running to the edge of the wall and cowering, their eyes filled with fear at what horrors might be next.
  110. [17:00] <~Radio_GM> Your eyes are drawn to a peculiar symbol painted on the wall near which the mares are cowering, that of a horseshoe with an overlaid star. As far as you can tell, it has been painted recently.
  111. [17:01] * Dumisani frowns as she steps inside. "Who painted that?" She points her massive hoof at the symbol on the wall
  112. [17:03] <~Radio_GM> The mares shrink away at your booming voice, but one of them steps forward with a relatively level voice. "It was already here when we were brought here."
  113. [17:04] * Dumisani snorts, but visibly relaxes. "Who brought you?"
  114. [17:06] <~Radio_GM> The same mare answers, the others too frightened to speak. "They did. The ones in leather. We were grouped together, and brought here. Most of them left, leaving behind a few to guard us until they came back..." She stops, eyes widening. "They could be coming back even now! We need to get out!" She approaches Dumisani, no trace of fear in her voice as she does so. "Will you help us?"
  115. [17:08] * Dumisani nods. "I will." She winces slightly as her shoulder stings. "Fought two of them already."
  116. [17:11] <~Radio_GM> Another mare notices Dumisani's wounded shoulder. "O-oh! You're hurt!" She rushes forward. "I think they kept some medical supplies in here..." She calls over her shoulder. "Curtain Call! Give me a hoof here!" At that, a large, brawny-looking mare steps forward, and soon the two manage to crack a wooden box open. Dumisani can see that both mares have been savagely whipped, their backs red and raw with lines.
  117. [17:12] * Dumisani frowns more. "You need it more."
  118. [17:14] <~Radio_GM> The second mare and Curtain Call immediately respond in unison. "Nonesense." The mares approach with a healing potion, a syringe, a tweezer, and a bandage. "This may be a bit painful, but please try to keep still." They remove her armor, administering the syringe to her leg as it quickly goes numb. In go the tweezers, which the mare expertly manipulates with telekinesis to yank the .offending slug of metal out of Dumisani's shoulder. The other, who had been named Curtain Call, approaches with the healing potion and tosses its contents into Dumisani's maw before she can protest any further, as the other mare bandages her shoulder.
  119. [17:14] <~Radio_GM> As they finish, Dumisani can hear a familiar voice from over her shoulder. "Mama!"
  120. [17:15] <~Radio_GM> There is the sound of hooves running. "Silk Scarf! Silky, dear, you're alright!" Dumisani can hear the sound of laughter and embracing, and if she cares to look she can see a mare holding Silk Scarf tight in her forelegs. Silk looks a great deal like her mother.
  121. [17:18] * Dumisani blinks, looking over and smiling. "Said I'd find her."
  122. [17:20] <~Radio_GM> Silk looks to you and grins happily. "Thanks, Dumi!" Her mother eyes you warily, but gives you a smile and a nod nonetheless. Her filly notices, and prods her mother. "Aw, Mama, Dumi's nice! Go on, talk to her!" At that, the mare gingerly steps forward and approaches Dumisani. "Hello..."
  123. [17:21] <~Radio_GM> Silk sits and giggles.
  124. [17:25] * Dumisani chuckles and takes off her dented, blood splattered helmet. "Hello. Name's Dumisani."
  125. [17:30] <~Radio_GM> The mare smiles weakly. "I'm Soft Sheet. I-" She is suddenly cut off as the first mare who spoke to you bellows out. "Everypony out! We need to leave now before they come back!" Soft Sheet turns to you, looking into her saddlebags and pulling out a small slip of paper, passing it to you. "Please, Dumisani, you'll find me and Silk there. Should you ever come by, please step inside!" She gives DUmisani a genuine smile before scooping her filly up and meeting with the others who are starting to flee the Powerhouse in droves. Midst the hubbub, you still manage to see Silk wave and hear her final farewell.
  126. [17:30] <~Radio_GM> "Bye, Dumi!"
  127. [17:30] <~Radio_GM> Within seconds, the powerhouse is empty, the only sound left that being of creaking wood. You are now alone.
  128. [17:32] * Dumisani smiles softly and gives the paper a look, ready to put her helmet on in moment's notice
  129. [17:40] <~Radio_GM> The paper is an old, tattered business card. It seems to advertise a laundry service in San Ponecisco, called "Squeaky Clean". The address is 213 Ocean View Street. San Ponecisco?
  130. [17:41] * Dumisani chuckles, putting the card in her saddle bags, putting her helmet back on, and heading back out of the power plant.
  131. [17:43] <~Radio_GM> The mares you saved are long gone. You can see their hoofprints scattered about in all directions. Their captors will be in for a nasty surprise when they return. You, on the other hoof, soon find your way back to the main trail and find your way along.
  132. [17:46] * Dumisani smiles and, with a slight bounce in her step, continues her pace towards the city in the distance
  133. [17:47] <~Radio_GM> You find yourself approaching a set of lights in the distance as the evening approaches. At long last, atop a hill, you see a sign telling you that Trotters Fort is but 2 miles away. What with the night coming soon, this would be a good place to rest.
  134. [17:50] * Dumisani looks around for a comfortable place to settle down, taking off her helmet once again
  135. [17:53] <~Radio_GM> There, you can see it, standing sentinel in the valley below – Trotters Fort. It certainly can provide a comfortable place to stay. And off you go, with the same dogged determination that is an innate part of who you are, in the same spirit of the Coltifornians who came here long ago. Perhaps, some day, you’ll find yourself among them. Look out, Coltifornia! Rhino incoming!
  136. [17:53] <~Radio_GM> ---End Prologue D---
  137. [17:53] <~Radio_GM> ---Dumisani has completed the quest, “Where’s Mama?”---
  138. [17:54] <~Radio_GM> ---Dumisani has reached Level 3!---
  139. [17:54] <~Radio_GM> ---Dumisani has gained 10 Karma!---
  140. [17:54] <~Radio_GM> ---Dumisani has gained the quest trait, “Steelhead”. When the going gets tough, you sure get going. Your persistence has helped you in many a difficult situation, and yet through it all you have managed to keep a compassionate heart. Whenever you engage in combat, you gain +2 to your AGI stat. This applies only to combat! Moreover, wherever Karma is gained, you gain 20% of whatever would ordinarily be gained from your actions in addition to the original. But be warned! This applies also to losing Karma.
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