Guest User


a guest
May 30th, 2018
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  1. en:
  2. global:
  3. back: "go to homepage"
  4. panel: "panel"
  5. gotohome: "go back to the home"
  6. homepage: "homepage"
  7. slogan: "We do our best!"
  8. next: "next"
  9. previous: "previous"
  11. movie:
  12. movie: "Movie"
  13. movies: "Movies"
  14. duration: "duration"
  15. author: "author"
  16. tags: "tags"
  17. provider: "provider"
  19. tags:
  20. displaing: "Currently displaing content for tag "
  21. top: "Popular tags"
  23. signup:
  24. signup: "registration"
  25. details: "your''s settings"
  26. username: "username"
  27. password: "password"
  28. password_repeat: "repeat password"
  29. email: "email"
  30. thanks: "Thanks for signing up!"
  31. emailsent: " We're sending you an email with your activation code."
  32. canopenid: " You can now login with your OpenID."
  33. fatalerror: "Sorry, there was an error creating your account"
  35. user:
  36. error:
  37. mail: "^Incorrect email address format"
  38. login:
  39. presence: "^You must enter login"
  40. length: "^Login too short"
  41. uniquness: "^The login you enetered is busy"
  42. format: "^The login you entered is incorrect"
  43. name:
  44. presence: "^You must give your name"
  45. length: "^Your name is too short"
  46. format: "^Incorrect name format"
  47. mail:
  48. presence: "^You must give yout email addressl"
  49. uniquness: "^The email address you entered is already in our base"
  50. format: "^Incorrect format of email entered"
  51. length: "^The email address you typed in is too short!"
  52. openid:
  53. uniquenss: "^This identity already exists in our base"
  54. password:
  55. noconfirm: "^Passoword requires conformation"
  56. confirmation: "^Passwors was incorrectly confirmed"
  57. presence: "^You must give your password"
  58. length: "^The password you typed in is too short!"
  59. login: "login"
  60. logout: "logout"
  61. signup: "register"
  62. kokpit: " (user panel)"
  63. asignup:
  64. donthave: "No Account?"
  65. username: "login"
  66. password: "password"
  67. repeat_password: "repeat password"
  68. remember_me: "remember me"
  69. login_with_openid: "login using OpenID"
  70. openid-login: "OpenID ident URL"
  71. details: "Details"
  72. submit: "log in"
  73. lostpassword: "lost password?"
  74. tlogin: "log in"
  75. permission_denied: "Permission denied"
  77. admin:
  78. panel: "enter admin zone"
  80. openid:
  81. bad-login: "First you must register that OpenID ident in our database"
  82. using: "login using OpenID"
  83. login: "OpenID ident url"
  84. missing: "Sorry, the OpenID server couldn't be found"
  85. invalid: "Sorry, but this does not appear to be a valid OpenID"
  86. canceled: "OpenID verification was canceled"
  87. failed: "OpenID verification failed"
  88. setup_needed: "OpenID verification needs setup"
  90. menu:
  91. main: "main menu"
  93. session:
  94. error: "Can't login with provided: "
  95. success: "Logged in!"
  96. logout: "Logout successfully!"
  98. movies:
  99. movies: "movies"
  100. watch: "watch"
  101. edit: "edit movies"
  102. new: "add new movie "
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