

Mar 29th, 2012
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  1. The frigate, SS Ursa, came out of her warp jump several hundred kilometers away from the FFA Yuno and her massive security zone. External cameras came online, feeding a view of Celaeno off in the distance, the Yuno invisible to the naked eye.
  3. Callisto Cionaoith rose from her command chair, "Transmit clearance codes and request permission to dock. Alert me in my quarters if any complications arise."
  5. A series of "Ayes" rose up from the bridge in acknowledgement as she exited the bridge. The hall way was glistening from a recent cleaning. While such stringent cleaning wasn't strictly required, it was a impressive sight for any visiting dignitary. More importantly to Callisto, was silencing any possible rumors about her ability as a commander. The specter of her father, head of the Shimmering Swords BattleGroup, already cast shadows on her career. What was expected of her and inevitable rumors of favorable treatment.
  7. The captain gave the proper passcode to her door through wireless cybernetics and strode into her small, but well furnished room. In the mirror stood an average height seventeen year old in a precisely cut, green fleet uniform. Her Boudiccan heritage stood out, burning red hair, piercing green eyes, and a natural body that most women would kill for.
  9. It took Callisto half an hour to change out of her military uniform, select a dress that showed off her figure yet still carried a dignified grace to it, and then attend to the details to make it just right. Her attire consisted of dark jade corset with a matching top skirt, with a matching purple skirt under it to bring out the colors. (Just look at the image, I can't do it justice with my lack of clothing knowledge )
  11. She looked herself over one last time, double checking that her blade was secure around her hip. Unlike so many nobles she had the unfortunate experience of knowing, she could actually use it with deadly efficiency in battle. Today, she wouldn't need it for such, but it did help to dissuade the notion she was a push over.
  13. Checking in on the ships position with a simple command from her cybernetics, she found they were almost within the security area and would be docking in approximately 30 minutes. A longer wait than normal, but expected. She sat down at her personal terminal and began to reread her research.
  14. ---
  15. Callisto was in good shape, but she was starting to break a sweat from the half kilometer walk through the halls of the ship. She made a mental note to not wear high heeled boots to these meetings, just like the last time she had come here.
  17. The map overlay in her vision pointed left at the next intersection, almost there. Good thing to, as the clock indicated only a few minutes remained until the Forge Council convened. She hurried the rest of the way and then as fast as the heavy security would allow.
  19. The last portal opened and a wash of cool air hit Callisto's face. She walked through the small tunnel and suddenly emerged into a large ampitheatre, surrounded by hundreds of people sitting, conversing amoungst themselves. They were her colleagues here, doctors, engineers, generals, and the like all were supposed equals in this room. She quickly walked up the stairs to take a seat at mid level.
  21. Down below, in what would have been center stage, five people sat at a conference table. Belladonna, the govenor of Celaeno and ex-leader of the Yuno, was talking with Bethel Forge, current de facto leader of the House. To Bethel's right was Morwyn Forge, a powerful individual thanks to her politcal savy. The second to last was Lellar, commander of the Forge Defense Fleet and second only to Ginger herself in terms of military heirarchy. The last was the ghastly green, disemboded head of Simon Heyne. Only a holoprojection of course, the head of technology was said to have wired himself to a specific spot on Suhail, but it was only rumor. Regardless, the avatar he choose was...disgusting. These individuals made up the Overcouncil, the group responsible for the bulk of the decision making for the Forge. Only Ginger Forge, whose appearance would signify the start of the meeting, held superior power.
  23. One chair sat conspiciously empty, once occupied by Aldabella Forge. With her emotional break down, she had stepped down from the position. This meeting of the council would of course be to decide who replaced her, the reason for the entire council being called..
  25. The clock struck noon, and Ginger appeared, her form floating over the conference table.
  27. Her voice boomed out over the wall speakers, "This meeting of the Forge Council is now in session. The first task will be to fill the vacancy on the Overcouncil. Please sign your name if you wish to be considered."
  29. Callisto's visual overlay popped a list up of those signing. She mentally sighed and signed her name. There was little chance that she would be selected for the position, but it was good to get her name out there and seen.
  31. A minute passed before the signing period closed and the list was projected around the room. Only thirty three people had put their name in out of the three hundred strong council. Almost instantly the list shrunk to 9 canidates, Ginger's culling of what she thought were improper canidates for the position. But Callisto's name was still on there! She could hardly believe it, but a Overcouncil member would still need to sponsor her to even be considered.
  33. Simon hardly took a second before sponsoring Lillie Koa. Callisto quickly looked up her bio, the head researcher for a psionic project. No other info avialiable? That...was more than a little strange, it wasn't even classified, just blank.
  35. While Callisto puzzled over it more, Lellar called out Ione Separo. At least her bio was there, current Queen of the Sunken City on Malkmus, degrees in political science, blah blah. Apparently she had set up an elective monarchy in the city, interesting, but hardly special.
  37. Morwyn called out Lawerance Vanwormer. Callisto didn't even need to bring up the bio for him, even though she did on reflex. He was the voidspawn that was spreading Eridani Universalis on Ancha. But he was more renown for his illrepute land gains on the planet. At this point, he almost owned an entire city, declaring himself the mayor. A vile creature.
  39. Belladonna shurged, deciding to not sponsor anyone. That left Bethel, who was tilting her head back and forth in indecision. Finally, she called out Callisto Cionaoith. Callisto Cionaoith, daughter of a Boudicca vassel house and... wait, what?
  41. Her mouth uncharaistically gaped open as she realized that was her. She had been sponsored, by the void she had a chance. She quickly closed her mouth and put her most dignified facade on display. She listened in on the conversation.
  43. Belladonna grimced at Morwyn, "I am sorry if I sound rude, but I wouldn't feel entirely comfortable with someone of such ill reputation having the position, no no."
  45. "Ah, but what of his skills in politics and with the void? Does he not offer a unique perspective?"
  47. Lellar shook her head, "Ione has greater skill in politics and we have many experts on the void present in the council."
  49. Simon's have a sigh, like one might give disobident children, "My my, do we really need more politicians on the board? We already have two. Why not let someone with someone who specializes in science join us?"
  51. Lellar was quick to come back, "Because Lillie doesn't have any bio. I'd never vote for someone who I didn't have information on."
  53. Bethel coughed before speaking up, "I believe Callisto will succeed in all your desires. She is a good diplomat, she has training in military procedures, and..." She looked to Simon, "Well, I suppose she doesn't have a science background, but that is what you and Ginger are for."
  55. Belladonna nodded, "She looks decent enough, having both military and diplomatic experience would be a boon to our decisions."
  57. The other three OverCouncil members weighed their options and Callisto held her breath. None of them were agreeing with one another, and with Belladonna and Bethel both backing her...she just may have that seat, just needed one more to tip the scales.
  59. Morwyn closed her eyes for a moment before speaking once again, "As no one is willing to support Lawerance, I move my support to Callisto."
  61. The other two conceeded rather quickly.
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