
Radiant Dawn: New Choice Guidelines

Feb 12th, 2024 (edited)
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  1. There is no protection against New Choice activating multiple times in a row.
  2. All restricted choices reset each turn, OR when a unit is refreshed.
  4. A "choice" is made up of
  5. 1. An acting unit
  6. 2. An action
  7. 3. A target
  9. For example, say I try to shove Edward with Micaiah and get "new choiced". I can instead:
  10. - Shove Edward with someone other than Micaiah (changing the acting unit)
  11. - Use Micaiah's turn to trade with Edward or heal him (changing the action)
  12. - Use Micaiah's turn to shove someone other than Edward (changing the target)
  14. As a general rule, an action is defined by the menu option selected to complete it. This means:
  15. 1. Attacking with a different weapon is not a different choice, as they both use the "Attack" menu option
  16. 2. Using a thief's lockpick skill IS a different choice from using a key on the same lock.
  17. 3. Using Micaiah's Sacrifice IS a different choice from using a healing staff.
  18. 4. Gamble is a separate action from Attack. This is my favorite rule.
  20. There are two key exceptions to this:
  21. 1. Galdrar - Each chant is a unique action. (Biorhythm is a good mechanic.)
  22. 2. Items - Each item is a unique choice. Herbs, vulneraries, and elixirs are unique from each other. For example, you can use a vulnerary after an herb is vetoed. However, you cannot carry two herbs and try to use a second herb after the first is vetoed.
  24. --- Free Actions ---
  25. - Wait
  26. - Talk
  27. - Seize (or Escape, in cases where it ends the map)
  28. - Equip
  29. - Trade equipping, as long as the units do not exchange any items
  30. - Transforming/untransforming Laguz
  31. - Moving with Canto
  32. - Changing yellow unit orders
  33. - In the base: Shopping, forging, viewing info conversations, removing skills, raising support levels, conferring bonus experience, and managing inventories
  35. --- Actions that can be "New Choiced" ---
  36. - Attacking
  37. - Using a staff
  38. - Escaping, when NOT required to complete a map
  39. - Using any item (this includes during preps, and applies to stat boosters and promotion items)
  40. - Trading, when items are actually exchanged
  41. - Rescue/Drop/Shove/Smite
  42. - Galdrar (dancing)
  43. - Other class/skill-based map actions (Micaiah's Sacrifice, a thief's lockpick, Tanith's Reinforce, etc.)
  44. - In the base: Establishing new support partners, assigning skills
  45. - Sending an item to the convoy when your inventory is full (on the off-chance you get 8 vetoes in a row, just choose manually and go buy a lottery ticket)
  48. --- Other misc. rules/clarifications ---
  50. For anything I forgot to mention:
  51. Generally, the intuition/principle I tried to follow with these rules is that free actions are those that have no alternative, while "New Choice-able" actions are those that are one of several options. For example, base conversations are free because the alternative is just missing content with nothing else taking its place. There is no Plan B to missing Geoffrey's Brave Lance, so I think it's not very interesting to deny the chance to get it. This principle gets bent in a few key places for the sake of balance and/or fun, but it generally holds for most of the rules. My real highest priority is making sure that this is fun to watch!
  53. Dancing:
  54. - The targets of a dance are all vetoed individually. This means that if Rafiel fails to use Vigor for Micaiah and Edward, he cannot then attempt to use Vigor for only Micaiah, or for Micaiah and Leonardo. To be considered a new choice, ALL targets of the galdrar must change (or the Galdrar can be changed, if you really want to use Bliss that badly).
  56. Trading:
  57. - Trade equipping is free, but items cannot switch inventories for free. This is a blatant mercy rule that flies in the face of the rest of the challenge guidelines. This game is kinda hard, please be nice to me.
  58. - Trading, as a whole, is one choice. If the trade succeeds, you can exchange as many items as you want between the two units involved. You do not need to check for each item individually.
  59. - If a trade fails, you CAN attempt the same trade with the other unit's action - i.e. if Micaiah is blocked from trading with Edward, Edward can still try to use his turn to trade with Micaiah, as the "acting unit" and "target" are different.
  61. Items:
  62. - If using an item during battle preparations fails, you are still allowed to leave the item in the unit's inventory and try to use it on turn 1 of the actual chapter. Think of preps as just "turn 0".
  63. - Although keys can technically be used in two ways (Item>Use or the "Door"/"Chest" menu action), these are still one action. Thieves are the exception, as selecting their "Door"/"Chest" menu command would not consume the key, making them distinct choices.
  64. - The Spectre/Reaper/Daemon Card items ARE considered items, rather than attacks. This means they can be used against an enemy after attacking with a weapon has been vetoed.
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