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a guest
Feb 19th, 2018
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text 35.11 KB | None | 0 0
  1. Testing started at 5:20 PM ...
  2. /home/ngi/.rbenv/versions/2.2.8/bin/ruby -EUTF-8 -e $stdout.sync=true;$stderr.sync=true;load($0=ARGV.shift) /home/ngi/.rbenv/versions/2.2.8/bin/cucumber /home/ngi/workspace/silverstone/Drive-Auto/tests/functional/features/Systems/cluster_view_systems.feature --format Teamcity::Cucumber::Formatter --expand --name "^Cluster display smoke test$" --color -r features
  3. Build tdriver_parameters.xml
  4. 2018-02-19 17:20:04 +0200 [DEBUG] [PLATFORM] -------------------- Environment was initialized: HOST --------------------
  5. 2018-02-19 17:20:04 +0200 [DEBUG] [PLATFORM] Operations connection parameters: |ip=| |user=ngi| |password=| |port=22|
  6. 2018-02-19 17:20:04 +0200 [DEBUG] [PLATFORM] -------------------- Environment was initialized: IMC_EMULATOR --------------------
  7. 2018-02-19 17:20:04 +0200 [DEBUG] [PLATFORM] Operations connection parameters: |ip=| |user=bldadmin| |password=| |port=22|
  8. /home/ngi/workspace/silverstone/Drive-Auto/tests/functional/features/step_definitions/platform/workers/screen_shot_rest_api_worker.rb:26: warning: else without rescue is useless
  9. 2018-02-19 17:20:04 +0200 [DEBUG] [SCBE] Using Staging Credentials ...
  10. /home/ngi/.rbenv/versions/2.2.8/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/testability-driver- warning: undefining `object_id' may cause serious problems
  11. /home/ngi/.rbenv/versions/2.2.8/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/testability-driver- warning: undefining `object_id' may cause serious problems
  12. 2018-02-19 17:20:05 +0200 [DEBUG] [SCENARIO] Starting new dbus session for RSE
  13. 2018-02-19 17:20:05 +0200 [DEBUG] [PLATFORM] -------------------- Environment was initialized: ISC_EMULATOR --------------------
  14. 2018-02-19 17:20:05 +0200 [DEBUG] [PLATFORM] Operations connection parameters: |ip=| |user=bldadmin| |password=| |port=22|
  15. 2018-02-19 17:20:05 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] Running capture dbus-launch &
  16. 2018-02-19 17:20:05 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] dbus-launch & was successful
  17. WARNING: The formatter Teamcity::Cucumber::Formatter is using the deprecated formatter API which will be removed in v4.0 of Cucumber.
  19. Tags: @@SIL-375, @@SIL-368, @@SIL-299, @@SIL-283, @@SIL-294, @@excluded_device
  20. 2018-02-19 17:20:05 +0200 [DEBUG] [SCENARIO_START] CURRENT FEATURE: Cluster Display - Systems
  21. 2018-02-19 17:20:05 +0200 [DEBUG] [SCENARIO_START] CURRENT SCENARIO: Cluster display smoke test, Examples (#1)
  22. 2018-02-19 17:20:05 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] Running rm -rf /tmp/core_dumps/*
  23. 2018-02-19 17:20:05 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] rm -rf /tmp/core_dumps/* command was successful
  24. 2018-02-19 17:20:05 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] Running dir_exists? /tmp/core_dumps
  25. 2018-02-19 17:20:05 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] dir_exists? TRUE
  26. 2018-02-19 17:20:05 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] Running dir_exists? /home/ngi/workspace/silverstone/Drive-Auto/tests/functional/shoomee_logs/core_dump_output
  27. 2018-02-19 17:20:06 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] dir_exists? TRUE
  28. 2018-02-19 17:20:06 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] Running dir_exists? /home/ngi/workspace/silverstone/Drive-Auto/tests/functional/shoomee_logs
  29. 2018-02-19 17:20:06 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] dir_exists? TRUE
  30. 2018-02-19 17:20:06 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] Running dir_exists? /home/ngi/workspace/silverstone/Drive-Auto/tests/functional/shoomee_logs/dlt_logs
  31. 2018-02-19 17:20:06 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] dir_exists? TRUE
  32. 2018-02-19 17:20:06 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] Running file_exists? /home/ngi/workspace/silverstone/Drive-Auto/tests/functional/shoomee_logs/dlt_logs/cluster_display___systems_00008_cluster_display_smoke_test__examples___1_.dlt
  33. 2018-02-19 17:20:06 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] file_exists? TRUE
  34. 2018-02-19 17:20:06 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] Running rm -rf /home/ngi/workspace/silverstone/Drive-Auto/tests/functional/shoomee_logs/dlt_logs/cluster_display___systems_00008_cluster_display_smoke_test__examples___1_.dlt
  35. 2018-02-19 17:20:07 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] rm -rf /home/ngi/workspace/silverstone/Drive-Auto/tests/functional/shoomee_logs/dlt_logs/cluster_display___systems_00008_cluster_display_smoke_test__examples___1_.dlt command was successful
  36. 2018-02-19 17:20:07 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] kill_process command was successful for dlt-receive
  37. 2018-02-19 17:20:07 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] Running exec (nohup dlt-receive -o /home/ngi/workspace/silverstone/Drive-Auto/tests/functional/shoomee_logs/dlt_logs/cluster_display___systems_00008_cluster_display_smoke_test__examples___1_.dlt > /dev/null 2>&1 &)
  38. 2018-02-19 17:20:07 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] exec command was successful
  39. 2018-02-19 17:20:07 +0200 [DEBUG] [QTTAS] Try to kill qttasserver
  40. 2018-02-19 17:20:07 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] kill_process command was successful for qttasserver
  41. 2018-02-19 17:20:07 +0200 [DEBUG] [QTTAS] Try to starting qttasserver
  42. 2018-02-19 17:20:07 +0200 [DEBUG] [RYE] /usr/bin/qttasserver > /tmp/services_logs/qttas_logs/cluster_display___systems_00008_cluster_display_smoke_test__examples___1__qttas.log & command was successful
  43. 2018-02-19 17:20:08 +0200 [DEBUG] [QTTAS] qttasserver was successfully started!
  44. 2018-02-19 17:20:08 +0200 [DEBUG] [PIDSTAT] Try to start pidstat
  45. 2018-02-19 17:20:08 +0200 [DEBUG] [RYE] pidstat -hrudI --human -C shoomee 1 > /tmp/services_logs/pidstat_logs/cluster_display___systems_00008_cluster_display_smoke_test__examples___1__pidstat.log & command was successful
  46. 2018-02-19 17:20:08 +0200 [DEBUG] [PIDSTAT] pidstat was successfully started!
  47. 2018-02-19 17:20:08 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] Running capture hostname -I
  48. 2018-02-19 17:20:08 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] hostname -I was successful
  49. 2018-02-19 17:20:08 +0200 [DEBUG] [HDAINI] Create directory for path: /tmp/IMC/HDA.ini
  50. 2018-02-19 17:20:08 +0200 [DEBUG] [HDAINI] Directory successfully created for path: /tmp/IMC/HDA.ini
  51. 2018-02-19 17:20:08 +0200 [DEBUG] [HDAINI] Write HDA file to : /tmp/IMC/HDA.ini
  53. qHttpServerPort=5000
  54. enableBars=1
  55. imc=1
  56. clusterEnabled=0
  57. fuelAutonomy=9999
  58. lowFuel=0
  59. activeConnection=1
  60. bearerType=2
  61. cellularStatus=1
  62. isTCUFitted=1
  63. surfaceConfigDriverSurfaceSizeWidth=800
  64. surfaceConfigDriverSurfaceSizeHeight=480
  65. surfaceConfigDriverHeaderHeight=48
  66. surfaceConfigDriverFooterHeight=60
  67. clientIP=
  68. testFrameworkIP=
  69. vehicleBrand=1
  70. vin=00000158526437741
  71. logLevelBitMask=4294967295
  73. 2018-02-19 17:20:08 +0200 [DEBUG] [SCENARIO] Trying to create directory and empty file /tmp/IMC/HDA.ini on remote sut
  74. 2018-02-19 17:20:08 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] Running mkdir -p /tmp/IMC
  75. 2018-02-19 17:20:08 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] mkdir -p /tmp/IMC command was successful
  76. 2018-02-19 17:20:08 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] Running capture touch /tmp/IMC/HDA.ini
  77. 2018-02-19 17:20:08 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] touch /tmp/IMC/HDA.ini was successful
  78. 2018-02-19 17:20:08 +0200 [DEBUG] [SCENARIO] Successfully created /tmp/IMC/HDA.ini from test env to app env
  79. 2018-02-19 17:20:08 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] Trying to upload /tmp/IMC/HDA.ini via SFTP to /tmp/IMC/HDA.ini. Recursive? => false
  80. 2018-02-19 17:20:08 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] Trying to start an SFTP session with params: ip=>, user=>bldadmin, pass=>, port=>22
  81. 2018-02-19 17:20:09 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] SFTP connection established
  82. 2018-02-19 17:20:09 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] Uploaded /tmp/IMC/HDA.ini from test env to app env /tmp/IMC/HDA.ini
  83. 2018-02-19 17:20:09 +0200 [DEBUG] [MAPGETTER] about to run mapgetter for... Germany Set RUN_MAPGETTER=false if you want to use pre-loaded map
  84. 2018-02-19 17:20:09 +0200 [DEBUG] [MAPGETTER] Command for map(s) downloading: timeout -s SIGKILL 1200 /opt/mapgetter/mapgetter /var/db/ext/nav/HDA/map Germany
  85. 2018-02-19 17:20:09 +0200 [DEBUG] [MAPGETTER] Trying to download map(s) for: Germany
  86. 2018-02-19 17:20:09 +0200 [DEBUG] [MAPGETTER] 0 tries to download map(s)..
  87. 2018-02-19 17:20:09 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] Running capture timeout -s SIGKILL 1200 /opt/mapgetter/mapgetter /var/db/ext/nav/HDA/map Germany
  88. 2018-02-19 17:20:10 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] timeout -s SIGKILL 1200 /opt/mapgetter/mapgetter /var/db/ext/nav/HDA/map Germany was successful
  89. 2018-02-19 17:20:10 +0200 [DEBUG] [MAPGETTER] Target dir: /var/db/ext/nav/HDA/map
  91. Selected packages:
  93. World map
  94. Europe
  95. Germany [1770MB]
  97. Progress: 100%
  98. 2018-02-19 17:20:10 +0200 [DEBUG] [SCENARIO] Preparing trace short_invalidenstr.nme
  99. 2018-02-19 17:20:10 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] Trying to upload /home/ngi/workspace/silverstone/Drive-Auto/tests/functional/resources/traces/short_invalidenstr.nme via SFTP to /var/db/ext/nav/HDA/map/gps.log. Recursive? => false
  100. 2018-02-19 17:20:10 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] Uploaded /home/ngi/workspace/silverstone/Drive-Auto/tests/functional/resources/traces/short_invalidenstr.nme from test env to app env /var/db/ext/nav/HDA/map/gps.log
  101. 2018-02-19 17:20:10 +0200 [DEBUG] [SCENARIO] GPS file short_invalidenstr.nme was copied to /var/db/ext/nav/HDA/map/gps.log
  102. Tags: @@sil_systems, @@sil_gerrit, @@ShoomeeCluster25, @@SILQASYS-1050, @@env_bat_hw_excluded, @@merged
  103. 2018-02-19 17:20:11 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] kill_process command was successful for dbus_simulator
  104. 2018-02-19 17:20:11 +0200 [DEBUG] [RYE] /opt/dbus-simulator/dbus_simulator -traceTime /tmp/IMC/HDA.ini > /dev/null 2> /tmp/services_logs/dbus_logs/cluster_display___systems_00008_cluster_display_smoke_test__examples___1__dbus.log & command was successful
  105. 2018-02-19 17:20:11 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] Running exec (export IXC_TYPE=IMC;export HDA_CONF_DIR=/tmp/IMC;export AGENT_PORT=43200;export FONTCONFIG_FILE=/opt/shoomee-sil-theme/fonts.conf;/opt/shoomee-sil-theme/shoomee -testability -noDebugDashboard -debug -noRemoteConfig -skipLicenseWarning -acceptTermsAndConditions -disableNoMapInstalledDialog -disableICD -noTransitions -clusterView>/dev/null 2>null &)
  106. 2018-02-19 17:20:11 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] exec command was successful
  107. 2018-02-19 17:20:16 +0200 [DEBUG] [REST_API] Checking the imc is started
  108. 2018-02-19 17:20:16 +0200 [DEBUG] [REST_API][objectName=AppConNavigation][visible=true]
  109. 2018-02-19 17:20:18 +0200 [DEBUG] [REST_API][objectName=AssistancePage][visible=true]
  110. 2018-02-19 17:20:19 +0200 [DEBUG] [REST_API][objectName=AssistancePage][visible=true]
  111. 2018-02-19 17:20:20 +0200 [DEBUG] [REST_API][objectName=AssistancePage][visible=true]
  112. 2018-02-19 17:20:21 +0200 [DEBUG] [REST_API][objectName=AssistancePage][visible=true]
  113. 2018-02-19 17:20:22 +0200 [DEBUG] [REST_API][objectName=AssistancePage][visible=true]
  114. 2018-02-19 17:20:23 +0200 [DEBUG] [REST_API][visible=true]
  115. 2018-02-19 17:20:24 +0200 [DEBUG] [REST_API][visible=true]
  116. 2018-02-19 17:20:25 +0200 [DEBUG] [REST_API][visible=true]
  117. 2018-02-19 17:20:25 +0200 [DEBUG] [REST_API][visible=true]
  118. 2018-02-19 17:20:26 +0200 [DEBUG] [REST_API][visible=true]
  119. 2018-02-19 17:20:27 +0200 [DEBUG] [REST_API][objectName=AssistancePage][visible=true]
  120. 2018-02-19 17:20:28 +0200 [DEBUG] [REST_API][objectName=AssistancePage][visible=true]
  121. 2018-02-19 17:20:29 +0200 [DEBUG] [REST_API][objectName=AssistancePage][visible=true]
  122. 2018-02-19 17:20:31 +0200 [DEBUG] [REST_API][objectName=AssistancePage][visible=true]
  123. 2018-02-19 17:20:32 +0200 [DEBUG] [REST_API][objectName=AssistancePage][visible=true]
  124. 2018-02-19 17:20:33 +0200 [DEBUG] [REST_API][visible=true]
  125. 2018-02-19 17:20:35 +0200 [DEBUG] [REST_API][visible=true]
  126. 2018-02-19 17:20:36 +0200 [DEBUG] [REST_API][visible=true]
  127. 2018-02-19 17:20:37 +0200 [DEBUG] [REST_API][visible=true]
  129. ElementNotFoundError: Timeout 15 seconds was reached during verification at
  130. { sut.test_object_exists?(:name => page) || sut.test_object_exists?(:type => page) }
  132. ./features/step_definitions/framework/api/rest_api_helpers.rb:10:in `block in verify_true'
  133. ./features/step_definitions/framework/api/rest_api_helpers.rb:7:in `loop'
  134. ./features/step_definitions/framework/api/rest_api_helpers.rb:7:in `verify_true'
  135. ./features/step_definitions/framework/api/rest_api.rb:288:in `verify_true'
  136. ./features/step_definitions/steps/pages.rb:7:in `/^I am (not )?on the ([\w:]+) (?:page|panel)$/'
  137. ./features/Systems/cluster_view_systems.feature:18:in `Then I am on the AssistancePage page'
  138. ./features/Systems/cluster_view_systems.feature:13:in `Then I am on the AssistancePage page'
  140. Skipped step
  141. 2018-02-19 17:20:39 +0200 [DEBUG] [PIDSTAT] Try to stop pidstat
  142. 2018-02-19 17:20:39 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] kill_process command was successful for pidstat
  143. 2018-02-19 17:20:39 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] Running capture cd ;ls *qml_error*|wc -l
  144. 2018-02-19 17:20:39 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] cd ;ls *qml_error*|wc -l was successful
  145. 2018-02-19 17:20:39 +0200 [DEBUG] [SCENARIO] Scenario exception message: Timeout 15 seconds was reached during verification at
  146. { sut.test_object_exists?(:name => page) || sut.test_object_exists?(:type => page) }
  148. 2018-02-19 17:20:39 +0200 [DEBUG] [SCENARIO] Scenario exception cause: #<ElementNotFoundError: Timeout 15 seconds was reached during verification at
  149. { sut.test_object_exists?(:name => page) || sut.test_object_exists?(:type => page) }
  150. >
  151. 2018-02-19 17:20:39 +0200 [DEBUG] [SCENARIO] Scenario exception backtrace: /home/ngi/workspace/silverstone/Drive-Auto/tests/functional/features/step_definitions/framework/api/rest_api_helpers.rb:10:in `block in verify_true'
  152. /home/ngi/workspace/silverstone/Drive-Auto/tests/functional/features/step_definitions/framework/api/rest_api_helpers.rb:7:in `loop'
  153. /home/ngi/workspace/silverstone/Drive-Auto/tests/functional/features/step_definitions/framework/api/rest_api_helpers.rb:7:in `verify_true'
  154. /home/ngi/workspace/silverstone/Drive-Auto/tests/functional/features/step_definitions/framework/api/rest_api.rb:288:in `verify_true'
  155. /home/ngi/workspace/silverstone/Drive-Auto/tests/functional/features/step_definitions/steps/pages.rb:7:in `/^I am (not )?on the ([\w:]+) (?:page|panel)$/'
  156. /home/ngi/workspace/silverstone/Drive-Auto/tests/functional/features/Systems/cluster_view_systems.feature:18:in `Then I am on the AssistancePage page'
  157. /home/ngi/workspace/silverstone/Drive-Auto/tests/functional/features/Systems/cluster_view_systems.feature:13:in `Then I am on the AssistancePage page'
  158. 2018-02-19 17:20:39 +0200 [DEBUG] [REST_API][visible=true]
  159. 2018-02-19 17:20:41 +0200 [DEBUG] [SCREENSHOTER] Trying to convert the screenshot. Find captured screenshot here /home/ngi/workspace/silverstone/Drive-Auto/tests/functional/screenshots/
  160. 2018-02-19 17:20:41 +0200 [DEBUG] [REST_API][visible=true]
  161. 2018-02-19 17:20:41 +0200 [DEBUG] [REST_API][visible=true]
  162. 2018-02-19 17:20:42 +0200 [DEBUG] [REST_API][visible=true]
  163. 2018-02-19 17:20:42 +0200 [DEBUG] [REST_API][visible=true]
  164. 2018-02-19 17:20:43 +0200 [DEBUG] [REST_API][visible=true]
  165. 2018-02-19 17:20:43 +0200 [DEBUG] [REST_API][visible=true]
  166. 2018-02-19 17:20:44 +0200 [DEBUG] [REST_API][visible=true]
  167. 2018-02-19 17:20:44 +0200 [DEBUG] [REST_API][visible=true]
  168. 2018-02-19 17:20:45 +0200 [DEBUG] [REST_API][visible=true]
  169. 2018-02-19 17:20:45 +0200 [DEBUG] [SCREENSHOTER] It seems no active windows for capturing screenshots
  170. 2018-02-19 17:20:45 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] Running dir_exists? /tmp/core_dumps
  171. 2018-02-19 17:20:45 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] dir_exists? TRUE
  172. 2018-02-19 17:20:45 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] Running [ "$(ls -A /tmp/core_dumps)" ] && echo 'Not Empty' || echo 'Empty'
  173. 2018-02-19 17:20:46 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] [ "$(ls -A /tmp/core_dumps)" ] && echo 'Not Empty' || echo 'Empty' command was successful
  174. 2018-02-19 17:20:46 +0200 [DEBUG] [CORE_DUMP] No any core dump in /tmp/core_dumps
  175. 2018-02-19 17:20:46 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] Running capture ls -la /tmp/core_dumps
  176. 2018-02-19 17:20:46 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] ls -la /tmp/core_dumps was successful
  177. 2018-02-19 17:20:46 +0200 [DEBUG] [SCENARIO] total 8
  178. drwxrwxr-x 2 bldadmin bldadmin 4096 Feb 19 15:18 .
  179. drwxrwxr-x 11 bldadmin bldadmin 4096 Feb 19 15:20 ..
  180. 2018-02-19 17:20:46 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] kill_process command was successful for dlt-receive
  181. 2018-02-19 17:20:46 +0200 [DEBUG] [SCENARIO_STOP] CURRENT FEATURE: Cluster Display - Systems
  182. 2018-02-19 17:20:46 +0200 [DEBUG] [SCENARIO_STOP] CURRENT SCENARIO: Cluster display smoke test, Examples (#1)
  183. 2018-02-19 17:20:46 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] kill_process command was successful for shoomee
  184. 2018-02-19 17:20:46 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] kill_process command was successful for shoomee
  185. 2018-02-19 17:20:46 +0200 [DEBUG] [SCENARIO_START] CURRENT FEATURE: Cluster Display - Systems
  186. 2018-02-19 17:20:46 +0200 [DEBUG] [SCENARIO_START] CURRENT SCENARIO: Cluster display smoke test, Examples (#2)
  187. 2018-02-19 17:20:46 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] Running rm -rf /tmp/core_dumps/*
  188. 2018-02-19 17:20:47 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] rm -rf /tmp/core_dumps/* command was successful
  189. 2018-02-19 17:20:47 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] Running dir_exists? /tmp/core_dumps
  190. 2018-02-19 17:20:47 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] dir_exists? TRUE
  191. 2018-02-19 17:20:47 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] Running dir_exists? /home/ngi/workspace/silverstone/Drive-Auto/tests/functional/shoomee_logs/core_dump_output
  192. 2018-02-19 17:20:47 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] dir_exists? TRUE
  193. 2018-02-19 17:20:47 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] Running dir_exists? /home/ngi/workspace/silverstone/Drive-Auto/tests/functional/shoomee_logs
  194. 2018-02-19 17:20:47 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] dir_exists? TRUE
  195. 2018-02-19 17:20:47 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] Running dir_exists? /home/ngi/workspace/silverstone/Drive-Auto/tests/functional/shoomee_logs/dlt_logs
  196. 2018-02-19 17:20:47 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] dir_exists? TRUE
  197. 2018-02-19 17:20:48 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] Running file_exists? /home/ngi/workspace/silverstone/Drive-Auto/tests/functional/shoomee_logs/dlt_logs/cluster_display___systems_00009_cluster_display_smoke_test__examples___2_.dlt
  198. 2018-02-19 17:20:48 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] file_exists? TRUE
  199. 2018-02-19 17:20:48 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] Running rm -rf /home/ngi/workspace/silverstone/Drive-Auto/tests/functional/shoomee_logs/dlt_logs/cluster_display___systems_00009_cluster_display_smoke_test__examples___2_.dlt
  200. 2018-02-19 17:20:48 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] rm -rf /home/ngi/workspace/silverstone/Drive-Auto/tests/functional/shoomee_logs/dlt_logs/cluster_display___systems_00009_cluster_display_smoke_test__examples___2_.dlt command was successful
  201. 2018-02-19 17:20:48 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] kill_process command was successful for dlt-receive
  202. 2018-02-19 17:20:48 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] Running exec (nohup dlt-receive -o /home/ngi/workspace/silverstone/Drive-Auto/tests/functional/shoomee_logs/dlt_logs/cluster_display___systems_00009_cluster_display_smoke_test__examples___2_.dlt > /dev/null 2>&1 &)
  203. 2018-02-19 17:20:49 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] exec command was successful
  204. 2018-02-19 17:20:49 +0200 [DEBUG] [QTTAS] Try to kill qttasserver
  205. 2018-02-19 17:20:49 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] kill_process command was successful for qttasserver
  206. 2018-02-19 17:20:49 +0200 [DEBUG] [QTTAS] Try to starting qttasserver
  207. 2018-02-19 17:20:49 +0200 [DEBUG] [RYE] /usr/bin/qttasserver > /tmp/services_logs/qttas_logs/cluster_display___systems_00009_cluster_display_smoke_test__examples___2__qttas.log & command was successful
  208. 2018-02-19 17:20:49 +0200 [DEBUG] [QTTAS] qttasserver was successfully started!
  209. 2018-02-19 17:20:49 +0200 [DEBUG] [PIDSTAT] Try to start pidstat
  210. 2018-02-19 17:20:49 +0200 [DEBUG] [RYE] pidstat -hrudI --human -C shoomee 1 > /tmp/services_logs/pidstat_logs/cluster_display___systems_00009_cluster_display_smoke_test__examples___2__pidstat.log & command was successful
  211. 2018-02-19 17:20:49 +0200 [DEBUG] [PIDSTAT] pidstat was successfully started!
  212. 2018-02-19 17:20:49 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] Running capture hostname -I
  213. 2018-02-19 17:20:50 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] hostname -I was successful
  214. 2018-02-19 17:20:50 +0200 [DEBUG] [HDAINI] Create directory for path: /tmp/IMC/HDA.ini
  215. 2018-02-19 17:20:50 +0200 [DEBUG] [HDAINI] Directory successfully created for path: /tmp/IMC/HDA.ini
  216. 2018-02-19 17:20:50 +0200 [DEBUG] [HDAINI] Write HDA file to : /tmp/IMC/HDA.ini
  218. qHttpServerPort=5000
  219. enableBars=1
  220. imc=1
  221. clusterEnabled=0
  222. fuelAutonomy=9999
  223. lowFuel=0
  224. activeConnection=1
  225. bearerType=2
  226. cellularStatus=1
  227. isTCUFitted=1
  228. surfaceConfigDriverSurfaceSizeWidth=800
  229. surfaceConfigDriverSurfaceSizeHeight=480
  230. surfaceConfigDriverHeaderHeight=48
  231. surfaceConfigDriverFooterHeight=60
  232. clientIP=
  233. testFrameworkIP=
  234. vehicleBrand=1
  235. vin=00000158526437741
  236. logLevelBitMask=4294967295
  238. 2018-02-19 17:20:50 +0200 [DEBUG] [SCENARIO] Trying to create directory and empty file /tmp/IMC/HDA.ini on remote sut
  239. 2018-02-19 17:20:50 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] Running mkdir -p /tmp/IMC
  240. 2018-02-19 17:20:50 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] mkdir -p /tmp/IMC command was successful
  241. 2018-02-19 17:20:50 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] Running capture touch /tmp/IMC/HDA.ini
  242. 2018-02-19 17:20:50 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] touch /tmp/IMC/HDA.ini was successful
  243. 2018-02-19 17:20:50 +0200 [DEBUG] [SCENARIO] Successfully created /tmp/IMC/HDA.ini from test env to app env
  244. 2018-02-19 17:20:50 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] Trying to upload /tmp/IMC/HDA.ini via SFTP to /tmp/IMC/HDA.ini. Recursive? => false
  245. 2018-02-19 17:20:50 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] Uploaded /tmp/IMC/HDA.ini from test env to app env /tmp/IMC/HDA.ini
  246. 2018-02-19 17:20:50 +0200 [DEBUG] [MAPGETTER] about to run mapgetter for... Germany Set RUN_MAPGETTER=false if you want to use pre-loaded map
  247. 2018-02-19 17:20:50 +0200 [DEBUG] [MAPGETTER] Command for map(s) downloading: timeout -s SIGKILL 1200 /opt/mapgetter/mapgetter /var/db/ext/nav/HDA/map Germany
  248. 2018-02-19 17:20:50 +0200 [DEBUG] [MAPGETTER] Trying to download map(s) for: Germany
  249. 2018-02-19 17:20:50 +0200 [DEBUG] [MAPGETTER] 0 tries to download map(s)..
  250. 2018-02-19 17:20:50 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] Running capture timeout -s SIGKILL 1200 /opt/mapgetter/mapgetter /var/db/ext/nav/HDA/map Germany
  251. 2018-02-19 17:20:52 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] timeout -s SIGKILL 1200 /opt/mapgetter/mapgetter /var/db/ext/nav/HDA/map Germany was successful
  252. 2018-02-19 17:20:52 +0200 [DEBUG] [MAPGETTER] Target dir: /var/db/ext/nav/HDA/map
  254. Selected packages:
  256. World map
  257. Europe
  258. Germany [1770MB]
  260. Progress: 100%
  261. 2018-02-19 17:20:52 +0200 [DEBUG] [SCENARIO] Preparing trace short_invalidenstr.nme
  262. 2018-02-19 17:20:52 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] Trying to upload /home/ngi/workspace/silverstone/Drive-Auto/tests/functional/resources/traces/short_invalidenstr.nme via SFTP to /var/db/ext/nav/HDA/map/gps.log. Recursive? => false
  263. 2018-02-19 17:20:52 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] Uploaded /home/ngi/workspace/silverstone/Drive-Auto/tests/functional/resources/traces/short_invalidenstr.nme from test env to app env /var/db/ext/nav/HDA/map/gps.log
  264. 2018-02-19 17:20:52 +0200 [DEBUG] [SCENARIO] GPS file short_invalidenstr.nme was copied to /var/db/ext/nav/HDA/map/gps.log
  265. 2018-02-19 17:20:52 +0200 [DEBUG] [HDAINI] Create directory for path: /tmp/IMC/HDA.ini
  266. 2018-02-19 17:20:52 +0200 [DEBUG] [HDAINI] Directory successfully created for path: /tmp/IMC/HDA.ini
  267. 2018-02-19 17:20:52 +0200 [DEBUG] [HDAINI] Write HDA file to : /tmp/IMC/HDA.ini
  269. qHttpServerPort=5000
  270. enableBars=1
  271. imc=1
  272. clusterEnabled=0
  273. fuelAutonomy=9999
  274. lowFuel=0
  275. activeConnection=1
  276. bearerType=2
  277. cellularStatus=1
  278. isTCUFitted=1
  279. surfaceConfigDriverSurfaceSizeWidth=800
  280. surfaceConfigDriverSurfaceSizeHeight=480
  281. surfaceConfigDriverHeaderHeight=48
  282. surfaceConfigDriverFooterHeight=60
  283. clientIP=
  284. testFrameworkIP=
  285. vehicleBrand=1
  286. vin=00000158526437741
  287. logLevelBitMask=4294967295
  288. clusterType=3
  289. surfaceConfigClusterSurfaceSizeWidth=1920
  290. surfaceConfigClusterSurfaceSizeHeight=790
  292. 2018-02-19 17:20:52 +0200 [DEBUG] [SCENARIO] Trying to create directory and empty file /tmp/IMC/HDA.ini on remote sut
  293. 2018-02-19 17:20:52 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] Running mkdir -p /tmp/IMC
  294. 2018-02-19 17:20:52 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] mkdir -p /tmp/IMC command was successful
  295. 2018-02-19 17:20:52 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] Running capture touch /tmp/IMC/HDA.ini
  296. 2018-02-19 17:20:52 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] touch /tmp/IMC/HDA.ini was successful
  297. 2018-02-19 17:20:52 +0200 [DEBUG] [SCENARIO] Successfully created /tmp/IMC/HDA.ini from test env to app env
  298. 2018-02-19 17:20:52 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] Trying to upload /tmp/IMC/HDA.ini via SFTP to /tmp/IMC/HDA.ini. Recursive? => false
  299. 2018-02-19 17:20:52 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] Uploaded /tmp/IMC/HDA.ini from test env to app env /tmp/IMC/HDA.ini
  300. 2018-02-19 17:20:52 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] kill_process command was successful for dbus_simulator
  301. 2018-02-19 17:20:52 +0200 [DEBUG] [RYE] /opt/dbus-simulator/dbus_simulator -traceTime /tmp/IMC/HDA.ini > /dev/null 2> /tmp/services_logs/dbus_logs/cluster_display___systems_00009_cluster_display_smoke_test__examples___2__dbus.log & command was successful
  302. 2018-02-19 17:20:52 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] Running exec (export IXC_TYPE=IMC;export HDA_CONF_DIR=/tmp/IMC;export AGENT_PORT=43200;export FONTCONFIG_FILE=/opt/shoomee-sil-theme/fonts.conf;/opt/shoomee-sil-theme/shoomee -testability -noDebugDashboard -debug -noRemoteConfig -skipLicenseWarning -acceptTermsAndConditions -disableNoMapInstalledDialog -disableICD -noTransitions -clusterView>/dev/null 2>null &)
  303. 2018-02-19 17:20:53 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] exec command was successful
  304. 2018-02-19 17:20:58 +0200 [DEBUG] [REST_API] Checking the imc is started
  305. 2018-02-19 17:20:58 +0200 [DEBUG] [REST_API][objectName=AppConNavigation][visible=true]
  306. 2018-02-19 17:21:01 +0200 [DEBUG] [REST_API][objectName=AssistancePage][visible=true]
  307. 2018-02-19 17:21:01 +0200 [DEBUG] [REST_API][objectName=AssistancePage][visible=true]
  308. 2018-02-19 17:21:04 +0200 [DEBUG] [REST_API][objectName=AssistancePage][visible=true]
  309. 2018-02-19 17:21:05 +0200 [DEBUG] [REST_API][objectName=AssistancePage][visible=true]
  310. 2018-02-19 17:21:07 +0200 [DEBUG] [REST_API][visible=true]
  311. 2018-02-19 17:21:08 +0200 [DEBUG] [REST_API][visible=true]
  312. 2018-02-19 17:21:09 +0200 [DEBUG] [REST_API][visible=true]
  313. 2018-02-19 17:21:11 +0200 [DEBUG] [REST_API][visible=true]
  314. 2018-02-19 17:21:12 +0200 [DEBUG] [REST_API][objectName=AssistancePage][visible=true]
  315. 2018-02-19 17:21:13 +0200 [DEBUG] [REST_API][objectName=AssistancePage][visible=true]
  316. 2018-02-19 17:21:14 +0200 [DEBUG] [REST_API][objectName=AssistancePage][visible=true]
  317. 2018-02-19 17:21:15 +0200 [DEBUG] [REST_API][objectName=AssistancePage][visible=true]
  318. 2018-02-19 17:21:16 +0200 [DEBUG] [REST_API][objectName=AssistancePage][visible=true]
  319. 2018-02-19 17:21:18 +0200 [DEBUG] [REST_API][visible=true]
  320. 2018-02-19 17:21:19 +0200 [DEBUG] [REST_API][visible=true]
  321. 2018-02-19 17:21:21 +0200 [DEBUG] [REST_API][visible=true]
  322. 2018-02-19 17:21:22 +0200 [DEBUG] [REST_API][visible=true]
  324. ElementNotFoundError: Timeout 15 seconds was reached during verification at
  325. { sut.test_object_exists?(:name => page) || sut.test_object_exists?(:type => page) }
  327. ./features/step_definitions/framework/api/rest_api_helpers.rb:10:in `block in verify_true'
  328. ./features/step_definitions/framework/api/rest_api_helpers.rb:7:in `loop'
  329. ./features/step_definitions/framework/api/rest_api_helpers.rb:7:in `verify_true'
  330. ./features/step_definitions/framework/api/rest_api.rb:288:in `verify_true'
  331. ./features/step_definitions/steps/pages.rb:7:in `/^I am (not )?on the ([\w:]+) (?:page|panel)$/'
  332. ./features/Systems/cluster_view_systems.feature:19:in `Then I am on the AssistancePage page'
  333. ./features/Systems/cluster_view_systems.feature:13:in `Then I am on the AssistancePage page'
  335. Skipped step
  336. 2018-02-19 17:21:23 +0200 [DEBUG] [PIDSTAT] Try to stop pidstat
  337. 2018-02-19 17:21:24 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] kill_process command was successful for pidstat
  338. 2018-02-19 17:21:24 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] Running capture cd ;ls *qml_error*|wc -l
  339. 2018-02-19 17:21:24 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] cd ;ls *qml_error*|wc -l was successful
  340. 2018-02-19 17:21:24 +0200 [DEBUG] [SCENARIO] Scenario exception message: Timeout 15 seconds was reached during verification at
  341. { sut.test_object_exists?(:name => page) || sut.test_object_exists?(:type => page) }
  343. 2018-02-19 17:21:24 +0200 [DEBUG] [SCENARIO] Scenario exception cause: #<ElementNotFoundError: Timeout 15 seconds was reached during verification at
  344. { sut.test_object_exists?(:name => page) || sut.test_object_exists?(:type => page) }
  345. >
  346. 2018-02-19 17:21:24 +0200 [DEBUG] [SCENARIO] Scenario exception backtrace: /home/ngi/workspace/silverstone/Drive-Auto/tests/functional/features/step_definitions/framework/api/rest_api_helpers.rb:10:in `block in verify_true'
  347. /home/ngi/workspace/silverstone/Drive-Auto/tests/functional/features/step_definitions/framework/api/rest_api_helpers.rb:7:in `loop'
  348. /home/ngi/workspace/silverstone/Drive-Auto/tests/functional/features/step_definitions/framework/api/rest_api_helpers.rb:7:in `verify_true'
  349. /home/ngi/workspace/silverstone/Drive-Auto/tests/functional/features/step_definitions/framework/api/rest_api.rb:288:in `verify_true'
  350. /home/ngi/workspace/silverstone/Drive-Auto/tests/functional/features/step_definitions/steps/pages.rb:7:in `/^I am (not )?on the ([\w:]+) (?:page|panel)$/'
  351. /home/ngi/workspace/silverstone/Drive-Auto/tests/functional/features/Systems/cluster_view_systems.feature:19:in `Then I am on the AssistancePage page'
  352. /home/ngi/workspace/silverstone/Drive-Auto/tests/functional/features/Systems/cluster_view_systems.feature:13:in `Then I am on the AssistancePage page'
  353. 2018-02-19 17:21:24 +0200 [DEBUG] [REST_API][visible=true]
  354. 2018-02-19 17:21:26 +0200 [DEBUG] [SCREENSHOTER] Trying to convert the screenshot. Find captured screenshot here /home/ngi/workspace/silverstone/Drive-Auto/tests/functional/screenshots/
  355. 2018-02-19 17:21:26 +0200 [DEBUG] [REST_API][visible=true]
  356. 2018-02-19 17:21:26 +0200 [DEBUG] [REST_API][visible=true]
  357. 2018-02-19 17:21:27 +0200 [DEBUG] [REST_API][visible=true]
  358. 2018-02-19 17:21:27 +0200 [DEBUG] [REST_API][visible=true]
  359. 2018-02-19 17:21:28 +0200 [DEBUG] [REST_API][visible=true]
  360. 2018-02-19 17:21:28 +0200 [DEBUG] [REST_API][visible=true]
  361. 2018-02-19 17:21:29 +0200 [DEBUG] [REST_API][visible=true]
  362. 2018-02-19 17:21:29 +0200 [DEBUG] [REST_API][visible=true]
  363. 2018-02-19 17:21:30 +0200 [DEBUG] [REST_API][visible=true]
  364. 2018-02-19 17:21:30 +0200 [DEBUG] [SCREENSHOTER] It seems no active windows for capturing screenshots
  365. 2018-02-19 17:21:30 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] Running dir_exists? /tmp/core_dumps
  366. 2018-02-19 17:21:30 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] dir_exists? TRUE
  367. 2018-02-19 17:21:30 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] Running [ "$(ls -A /tmp/core_dumps)" ] && echo 'Not Empty' || echo 'Empty'
  368. 2018-02-19 17:21:31 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] [ "$(ls -A /tmp/core_dumps)" ] && echo 'Not Empty' || echo 'Empty' command was successful
  369. 2018-02-19 17:21:31 +0200 [DEBUG] [CORE_DUMP] No any core dump in /tmp/core_dumps
  370. 2018-02-19 17:21:31 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] Running capture ls -la /tmp/core_dumps
  371. 2018-02-19 17:21:31 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] ls -la /tmp/core_dumps was successful
  372. 2018-02-19 17:21:31 +0200 [DEBUG] [SCENARIO] total 8
  373. drwxrwxr-x 2 bldadmin bldadmin 4096 Feb 19 15:18 .
  374. drwxrwxr-x 11 bldadmin bldadmin 4096 Feb 19 15:20 ..
  375. 2018-02-19 17:21:31 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] kill_process command was successful for dlt-receive
  376. 2018-02-19 17:21:31 +0200 [DEBUG] [SCENARIO_STOP] CURRENT FEATURE: Cluster Display - Systems
  377. 2018-02-19 17:21:31 +0200 [DEBUG] [SCENARIO_STOP] CURRENT SCENARIO: Cluster display smoke test, Examples (#2)
  378. 2018-02-19 17:21:31 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] kill_process command was successful for shoomee
  379. 2018-02-19 17:21:32 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] kill_process command was successful for shoomee
  380. 2 scenarios (2 failed)
  381. 8 steps (2 failed, 2 skipped, 4 passed)
  382. 1m26.394s
  383. 2018-02-19 17:21:32 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] kill_process command was successful for shoomee
  384. 2018-02-19 17:21:32 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] kill_process command was successful for shoomee
  385. 2018-02-19 17:21:32 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] Trying to download /tmp/services_logs via SFTP to /home/ngi/workspace/silverstone/Drive-Auto/tests/functional/shoomee_logs. Recursive? => true
  386. 2018-02-19 17:21:32 +0200 [DEBUG] [OPERATIONS] Downloaded /tmp/services_logs from app env to /home/ngi/workspace/silverstone/Drive-Auto/tests/functional/shoomee_logs host env
  388. Process finished with exit code 1
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