
The Rusty Broom

Jun 16th, 2017
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  1. iKamal: [mani!!]
  2. ChurchAeki: (Yo yo)
  3. Tsaaq: ((Hey guys.))
  4. AleXander17456: [Hey.]
  5. SleeperStatus: ((hey hey))
  6. iKamal: Kam smiled seeing Charles mess with the camera by the door. She got up and went up to him handing him her beer."why don't you go take a break...I'm going to go help out at the bar. Karen is due for a break." Karen nodded and handed him the menu. Ka walked over to KAren."Break time hun I'll take over." Kam picked up a bar towel and saw Travis just look around and not say anything. she looked at the new guy and offered a smile."what would you like to eat hun?"
  7. ChurchAeki: Charles cursed in italian at the camera as it continued to act up, he would look down at the tablet and tried to troubleshoot it; it worked for a moment before Charles grunts out in fustration and almost slammed the tablet onto the ground but stopped himself midway of tossing it. "Fucking piece of shit." Just then the Camera would start to act properly and Charles glance at the wires one more time before looking down at the screen, sighing in relief.. Hearing Kam come up to him and hand him a beer he would smile at her tipping the bottle neck towards her before taking a swig. "Mmmm, I'm good baby, we need security." As she walked away he looked at the tablet screen again as he walked around the place, glancing at the camera's that were around before he took a seat at the bar. Charles would spot travis off in the distance and nods his head to him over his shoulder before he looked over to the guy Kam was serving; with a slight shrug he would turn his attention to his beet.
  8. ChurchAeki: beer*
  9. AleXander17456: -Thinking for a moment he was a bit taken back by Kam- "I'll have some eggs please, Scrambled with some ham and a little cheese and I might regret this later but i'll have a fireball while I wait...Please" -he said as he tried to relax and really take a load off, He ran his hand threw his messy head of hair, trying to fix it best he can-
  10. AleXander17456: [god this is just bad...]
  11. SleeperStatus: -Travis nodded his head at Charles as he then reached into his pocket pulling a cig out and lighting it, for some reason he was a bit stressed today and he didnt know why. He took a long pull from his cig letting it go slowly as he looked around the bar he then spotted Kam and he sent her a warm smile-''Whats going on Kam?''-he said sitting in the booth taking another drag of his cig-
  12. AleXander17456: I never knew I was this rusty.
  13. iKamal: She wrote down his order and nodded her head. She called back to the kitchen as she opened the door."CARLOS! order up!" carlos nodded his head."Si jefe." he went back to go work on the order and Kam went back to the bar and mixed up a fireball for the new guy and set it infront of him. It was pretty quiet in the rusty handle. Aside from the regulars who were enjoying their meals and chating. A few playing pool in the back. Kam ran up Ken's order on her touch screen regster. She grabbed a little black menu and made her way over to Travis and tucked the black menu in her regular men and slid it over to Travis."nothing jsut working on this bar..there is something special for you in there...make sure to spread the word..." in the black book was the secret menu.-
  14. Tsaaq: Libi drove down the street with a blunt in her mouth. She passed where the Rusty Handle had been. Her gaze fixed on her rearview mirror. She put her hearse in reverse without remorse, almost nicking a car that had been in front of the bar. She double parked, which was probably illegal, but she didn't care. Libi got out of her hearse and clipped whatever was left of her blunt and pushed the door open and stood there a moment, seeing the back of Travis' head. She pursed her lips and made her way up to the bar, leaning her elbows on it. "Hey jackass." She greeted him, trying to sound casual, seeing some new guy. "Kamisha." She nodded in her direction then glanced down at the black menu.
  15. Tsaaq: you're fine
  16. SleeperStatus: ''Sup bitch''-Travis said as he watched libi sit down next to him, he then grabbed the black menu and started to look through it his eyebrows rising as a smile started to peak. He then set the black menu down and proceeded to smoke his cig before taking his pack out to offer libi one-
  17. AleXander17456: "Thanks." -he said to Kam as he finished his cig and left it in a near ash tray, Once he had his shot he downed it as fast as he could, His eyes shooting wide for a moment and he sighed as he let it burn. The fimular burn he liked so much, When Kam arrived back at the bar he noticed all the cameras and couldn't help but make a comment about them- "Alot of cameras here for a resturant."
  18. iKamal: The little blak book ocnsited of many drugs that they offered along with some services provided by a few of the waitress and waiters. even one of the cooks."Libi..." she turned and went back to the bar. she leaned against the bar beside Charles. She smiled to the new guy."Well therehas been people known to steal and cause trouble we are instaling cameras to make sure our items are fine."
  19. Tsaaq: She was still staring at the menu and rose an eyebrow as she looked over to Travis. "Who are you calling a bitch, pencil dick?" She nudged him playfully then took a cigarette from him, placing it between her lips and lighting it. She sighed and rolled her eyes. "Still with this shit?" She muttered before turning to her. "The fuck is that?" She asked Travis in a low voice.
  20. ChurchAeki: Charles would finish off his Corona as soon Libi stalked her way inside of the bar; slipping from his stool he would glance at Kam before he moved over to Libi's and Travis table, clearing his throat he would open his mouth to speak. "I'm only doing this because I don't want you to think I don't love Kamisha." His face twisted up as he looked over his shoulder to Kam before looking back to them both. "I give her everything she wants, everything she needs and deserves; yes I might...okay I do have anger issues but Kam knows how to deal with them. I love her and she loves me if not she would of not taken me back countless times. I wish you respect our relationship and what goes on between us, because frankly it no one elses business but her and I's; or decisions in the end." That took a lot out of Charles, his jaw tense now and then as he talked but he meant every word.
  21. ChurchAeki: (Ignore the boxs sorry working on something for the RP :D)
  22. SleeperStatus: ''Its a black book with drugs and shit in it that i guess people could order...but trust me i got more than enough at home''-he chuckled before looking at libi-''How would know if my dick was a pencil dick if you never seen it i think it looks pretty nice to be honest''-he then looked up at Charles as he began to talk to libi-
  23. AleXander17456: "Right." -Ken answered, Not completely convinced- "If that's what you need to tell people." -he mumbbled to himself, He wasn't born yesterday and he had been in the shit before but it didn't have anything to do with him so he left it be and just conitnued to wait for his food- "You've guy's been open long?" -He asked as he tried to start some kind of conversation-
  24. iKamal: She shook her head."No we just bought the place out it's been aroun for years though." Carlos came out of the kitchen and set Ken's plate down infront of him. Kam watched Charles and sighed hoping therewouldn't be trouble with him and Libi. She looked at Ken."What is your name again?"
  25. Tsaaq: She took another look at the black book. "...Why?" She whispered. "You can think what you want... But it's always better to have a second opinion." Libi told Travis then furrowed her eyebrows as Charles came over. She took a slow drag from her cigarette and crossed her legs while listening to him. She exhaled the smoke from her lips and shifted in her seat. Libi pursed her lips and stared blankly at him. Once he was done with his whole spiel she gave an unconvinced shrug. "Okay." She muttered, taking another drag.
  26. SleeperStatus: -Travis listened to him finish he was trying to mind his own business continuing to smoke his cig as he looked around the bar before pulling his phone out because it was ringing. It was an ex he just clicked the sleep button placing it back on the table-''Lib go get me a beer''-he said slipping his black card across the table at her as he finished his cig-
  27. ChurchAeki: He shook his head and gave a huff to her reaction; she couldn't even give a proper response after all that happened last night he thought to himself. "Don't know why I bothered." He waves her off as he turned from their table and made his way back to the bar, slipping back on the stool he looked to Kam as she spoke to the guy. "Babe, get me another yeah. I'm going to go to the back to get the Monitor up back there."
  28. AleXander17456: -His food finally brought to him he started to dig in, It was no secret he was seirously hungry. After a moment he looked over at Kam while also hearing some comotion behind him, That would have caught anyone attention. You could cut the tension in the room with a knife.- "I didn't give it." -He asnwered-
  29. iKamal: She reached into a mini fridge grabbing a corona popping it opening and handing it to Charles."Here babe. you are going to need the key too." she dug in her pocket and handed it to him. He had yet to put the pass code on the door in the back. she turned to Ken and smiled."Oh well I'm Kam if you even care to know." she went to the register printing his recipt and setting it beside him.
  30. Tsaaq: Libi had shrugged again. "Bullshit artist." She muttered, she knew all too well, since she herself had been one. She scoffed at Travis and took the black card. "And whatever I want? Yeah, whatever I want." Libi stood, switching her hips as she let the cigarette hang from her mouth. "A beer and two fingers or whiskey." She told Kam, pulling the cigarette from her mouth and exhaling the smoke as she glanced at the unfamiliar face. "Here, charge it to this." She went to hand over Travis' card.
  31. SleeperStatus: -Travis watched as she walked over to get him his beer and whatever she was getting he smiled as he sat there patiently on his phone waiting for her to bring him his beer-
  32. ChurchAeki: *Takng up the Corona and the key, he would slip off the stool and headed to the back while tilting his head back to drink some of his beer on the way to the office. Once he was at the office door he pushed the key inside the door and opened it heading in, locking the door after it shut. He inhaled deeply and placed his beer on the desk before moving over to the big CCTV screen and began to mess with the wires, trying his hardest no to shock himself like he did a few hours ago.*
  33. AleXander17456: -He returned a smile to Kam as she gave her name and printed his recipt- "Oh bleive me I care very much." -he turned to look over at Libi who approached the bar and offred to pay for the meal, He slid his hand out of his pocket where he was about to pay and replied to Libi- "Tell your boyfriend over there I said thanks for the meal." -he said as he stood up from his stool and grabbed another cig from his jacket and took a drag as he lit it in his mouth letting it hang off his lips a bit-
  34. iKamal: Kam took the card and rang up more stuff for Libi. she slid the card and raised a brow to the knew guy. she handed the card back to Libi and got her the beer and bottle of whiskey. she knew aglass of whiskey wouldnt be enough for libi so she just charged her for the bottle." anything else lib?"
  35. iKamal: [that bastard left his card XD]
  36. AleXander17456: [That's never good.]
  37. ChurchAeki: (lol go wild with it)
  38. Tsaaq: ((I was afk -.-))
  39. iKamal: [libi has it too o.o oh damn he gonna go broke]
  40. AleXander17456: [That's what it seems like.]
  41. Tsaaq: She rose an eyebrow at the new guy and pursed her lips. "Yeah I'll let him know, just kidding he's not my boyfriend. He's some guy I keep around because he likes my asshole-ness." She said, taking the glass and attempting to sip it. That was a joke, she threw the liquid back and cleared her throat. "Nothing else, yet." She told Kam.
  42. ChurchAeki: *A loud shout would come from the back, a hard bang would beheard and then constant cursing. Charles has shocked himself again and he hit the wall in response before moving over to the desk and chugging down his beer to gain courage to go back near that damn TV.*
  43. AleXander17456: "Well I can see why." -There was something deffintly allureing about Libi, about both these women. He conitnued to sit for a moment as she slid his jacket on and slowly finished his smoke- "I think i'm gonna really like this place." -he said with a small smile as he leaned forward a bit, moveing his head left and right to strech his neck a bit till he checked the time on his phone then slid it back on his pocket. Till he heard some comotion- "That doesn't sound good."
  44. iKamal: Kam nodded to Libi."alright hun just let karen know your order." Karen came back from her break and slid behind the bar. Kam smiled to Ken."Glad oyu like it here...what ever your name is." she moved from behind the bar."I better make sure he hasn't killed himself." she made her way to the back and knocked on the door to the office."charles..."
  45. Tsaaq: "You can?" She asked him. She didn't flinch when she heard the sound. "Yeah, I'll let her know." Libi said before raising an eyebrow at the male. "I'm sorry, who are you again?" She asked him skeptically, beginning to drink Travis' beer. She glanced over her shoulder when Kam went towards the back of the bar then turned her attention back to the male.
  46. ChurchAeki: "What?!" He shouted out in fustration, before the door swung open; seeing it was Kam he would sigh and lower his eyes. "Sorry..." He says as he took a step back, if she looked his face would be sweaty and tools were all over the office floor. "Got damn Tv bit me again." He chuckles and moved over to the Tv trying once again to having it work.
  47. iKamal: She raised a brow at him as he swung the door open. she covered her mouth with her hand trying not to laugh at him."Just leave the tv alone for abit come out and have a beer with me. we got the tablet to recordeverything." she shrugged hershoulders."plus you been at it all day."
  48. AleXander17456: "Name's Ken." -he answered as he continued to enjoy his smoke- "Be sure to tell your other bartender friend, Seems like she really wanted to know too..." -He heard some shouting and wonders what exactly it was but again it wasn't his busniess so he let it be-
  49. Tsaaq: She leaned back a bit in her seat, puttng her cigarette our on the counter of the bar. She went back to sipping from the beer bottle. "Oh, I'm sure she'll hear it or whatever." Libi told him in a monotone before smirking and attempting to look around the corner. "Or maybe... I'll tell her after all." She snickered and resumed sipping.
  50. ChurchAeki: Charles would jump back from the TV as Kam spoke, sparks flying as he did so before he completely gave up and gave into her words. "It's this fucking old ass place....should of knocked the damn thing down." He moves over to her and kissed her forehead. "Alright, I'm done...." He wrapped his arm around her waist and walked out with her, using the hand towel that was draped over his shoulder to wipe his face. "Anything interesting going on up front." He says closing the door behind them and locking it with the key before handing it to her.
  51. AleXander17456: "Right and Your name is?" -he asked as he fisniehd his smoke too and smashed it into a ash tray, he turned a bit in his seat to look over at LIbi and give her some more attention, He had to admit she was very attractive. She had that Edge that Ken deffintly liked-
  52. iKamal: She jumped as sparks flew."jesus Charles!" she huffed and stomped on the sparks to make sure they didnt catch the place on fire."Have a professional deal with it." she smiled as he kissed the top of her head."No jsut some new guy and Libi." she shrugged her shoulders as she watched him lock the door. she pats her hair abit to make sure it wasnt a mess.
  53. Tsaaq: She pursed her name. "Ivanna Cumalot." Libi answered him jokingly then put the bottle down as she crossed her legs. "Why? Does it matter?" She asked in a monotone.
  54. ChurchAeki: Coming up to the front his arm would come from around Kam as he moved to the mini fridge behind the counter; bending down he would pull out another Corona and popped the top off before leaning against the counter of the side. "We don't need to hire anyone, I can do this.....I did it for my place. The problem is this old building and the wiring." Tilting his head back as he drank his corona.
  55. iKamal: She rolled her eyes."Yeah but a professional would get it done faster without burning my bar down." she placed her hands on her wide hips looking at him."Just call someone to get it fixed properpyl. they know how to wire old places." she cleaned off a few of the tables and wiped the tables down.
  56. AleXander17456: "No...Not if you like old spy movies and being punny, Ms.Cumalot." -he teased as he finally stood from his stool- "Either way, I got to get going. Thanks for the meal and eye candy, I look forward to seeing you again soon." -he said with a smile as he made his way out and over to his car. His blue Nissan 350z and pulled out of the lot a bit quickly and began to speed off-
  57. AleXander17456: [That's all for me right now Got to go grab something really quick.]
  58. Tsaaq: ((Alrighty.))
  59. ChurchAeki: He shrugs with the bottle till up to his lips, until he pulled it away and sat it on the counter. "I'll think about it." He looked over his shoulder to her and then notice the Juke box. "You think we need a new sound system?"
  60. ChurchAeki: (See ya)
  61. AleXander17456: [if it's cool, can I park for a bit?]
  62. ChurchAeki: (Go into the bathroom, but sure.)
  63. Tsaaq: "No problemo." She said. Libi pursed her lips as he stood. "Well then, see you around Ken doll." She said with a wave of her hand. She glanced over to Charles and Kam as she watched them speak. Her eyes lowering to her empty glassas she swirled her finger around on the table top.
  64. AleXander17456: [It won't take long, I'll just stand over here.]
  65. ChurchAeki: (np)
  66. iKamal: She handed the dishes to Karen."What no I love that jukebox. it's vintage and cute." she shrugged some and smiled waving to the new guy."see ya come again." she collected a few of the empty beer bottles on the bar top and motioned for KAren to fll libi's glass seeign she charged her for a bottle of whiskey.
  67. ChurchAeki: "It might be cute to you, but it's limited to certain songs." He glanced over to Libi as Karen came over to fill her glass, before looking back to Kam. "Least we can add a new system, we can keep that thing still."
  68. Tsaaq: She jumped a little and saw Karen come over at begin to fill her glass. Libi had been lost in thought before that so she was caught off guard. "Stop." She scoffed, taking the bottle from the woman. "I can do it myself." Libi went to take whatever was in the glass and practically splashed it into her mouth as she put the bottle down.
  69. iKamal: "Fine we can just put it in the office how does that sound?" she looked Karen"just leave her with the bottle." Karen nodded her head and backed away from libi. She sighed some and looked around the returant. she was trying to keep herself busy.
  70. ChurchAeki: "Take a break, Karen can handle it for now and in the office is we put speakers out here." He grins as he took his bottle with him while he moved around the counter. "How about you talk to Libi...." He says as he moved to the back towards the bathroom to take a piss.
  71. Tsaaq: Libi moved her leather jack further on her shoulders and resumed staring into space while letting her thoughts drift her into a trance. She would shake her head, cringing a bit as she hurriedly grabbed the bottle of whiskey and began to swallow the firey liquid down.
  72. iKamal: She nodded her head and sighed some. she looked at Libi and frowned. se slid up on the stool beside her."Libi..."she cleared her throat abit."I'm sorry about yesterday...I know you are just looking out for me and all but I really do love Charles. and I love hanging out with you. "she fiddld wit hher fingers and looked down at them."I know he isnt the greastest guybut he is my guy. I know you dont agree with my lifestle andall and that you think I should leave like everyone else does but there ismore to us then just arguing and stuff." she waitedfor libi to give her hr signture I dont care response that libi always gave to people.
  73. Tsaaq: She lowered the bottle as Kam approached and leaned her elbows on the surface of the bar. "Oh there's no denying that. You definitely love him." Libi said as she tilted her head a moment and sat up. "I mean, whatever... I guess." She muttered before shrugging. "If by lifestyle you mean getting your ass beat because he's a controlling shit, then sure. I know a lot of people who disagree with that shit." She pursed her lips and took hold of the bottle once more as she fell silent. "You can't change people y'know..." She finally said.
  74. iKamal: She sighed some."You don't have to agree with what he does to's my choice to stay. I just hope we can stay friends. I don't like fighting with you Libi. you are the only friend I got. Even if carles hates you and the feelings are neutral between you two. she frowned some and she nodded her head."I know he won't change...deep I know but I feel like he could if he tried."
  75. Tsaaq: She kept her lips pursed and she shook her head at Kam. "Yeah? You had a bunch of people jumping down my throat like they were Damian's cock or something yesterday. Like I'm this horrible fucking person or some shit." She scoffed. "Yeah I hope we can stay friends too. I just don't need another corpse as a friend." Libi said. "I don't hate him." Libi rolled her eyes. "But he sure hates me... And I'm sorry. It's super easy to press his buttons. It's almost like he's asking for it. Begging even." She muttered. "He could change, but he won't. Not unless he wants to. Not because of love or you or any of that shit. None of that matters. If you want to be a piece of shit you're gonna be that. Trust me. I know." She said before shrugged. "But whatever. I don't really care. Do what you want." She whispered. "I can't control people."
  76. iKamal: "I didn't ask for those people to jump down your throat they just did. but I should have told them to mind their own business to though." she frowned some and bit herlip."You are right libi...again I'm sorry" she wrapped her arms around Libi's shoulders and rested her chin on her shoulder and smiled hugging her. Shewhispered to her."You act hard but I know deep down you got a soft spot somewhere libi I wont tell anyone."
  77. Tsaaq: Libi gave Kam a skeptical look. "Mhm." She hummed. "It isn't their fucking business." She muttered. "It's fine! I told you." She sighed dramatically, turning to Kam. She attempted to wriggle from the embrace. Libi looked very stiff and awkward in the moment, patting Kam's shoulder. "It's okay. You know I really don't care." She said in a monotone before she whispered to her. "Soft spot?." She said, screwing up her face. Mostly because she hated the mention of having feelings ever. "Yeah, it's my g spot." She said before taking a swig of the whiskey bottle she had.
  78. ChurchAeki: Does Kam want to fuck Libi?
  79. iKamal: She let Libi go and chuckled."yeah i've probably hit a few times too." she joked back about hergspot. she hopped off the stool and fixed her shorts because her big ass was starting to poke out abit.- "any way.." she reached over the ocunter and handed Libi a little black menu."check that out."
  80. Tsaaq: Uhhhh idk? lmao.
  81. ChurchAeki: Or does Libi want to fuck Kam?
  82. ChurchAeki: (I'm sorry but I needed to ask XD The moment just brought a Whiff of it.)
  83. Tsaaq: Libi does not want to fuck Kam, Libi is not gay lol.
  84. Tsaaq: She shook her head at her. "You wish." Libi said as she took the black menu, opening it carefully. "That retard Travis said it was drugs, is that true?" She asked in a low voice.
  85. Tsaaq: ((Smfh >.>))
  86. ChurchAeki: (It's nap time guys....I'll see you all tomorrow. )
  87. ChurchAeki: (Then I'm RP bound for five days enjoy it while you can.)
  88. iKamal: She nodded her head and whispered."and some of the waitress are offering other services...even one of my cooks who is a male is for females." she shrugged some
  89. AleXander17456: Still wanna rp?
  90. Tsaaq: um yeah?
  91. AleXander17456: Okay, How do you wanna do this? I'm wispering because I didn't wanna introupt.
  92. Tsaaq: Just come back people do it all the time
  93. Tsaaq: She pursed her lips as she stared at the menu. "Unless this cook has a gigantic cock I don't think I'm gonna pay for... I don't know. What can I do with him? Anal?" Libi asked with a raise of her eyebrow then went back to reading the list of drugs. "Might need some of this shit though when I'm having a shitty day and none of the guys are around to give me some shit."
  94. iKamal: [demi! mi amor!]
  95. Demiguise: ((Kam My love<3))
  96. AleXander17456: Hmm seems a bit lazy, but sure why not.
  97. Tsaaq: I mean, unless you can think of something that's your options.
  98. AleXander17456: I just figured they'd meet up soemwhere elss like at her bar but it's whatever.
  99. AleXander17456: [back]
  100. AleXander17456: [and Hi Demi]
  101. iKamal: She nodded her head."For the right price you can do what ever you want with him." she chuckled and she nodded hre head to Libi as she looked over the menu."So you and Damian doing good? What about that Travis guy? I could see you with him but not Damian. Damian seems to cuddly for you. I don't know I might be wrong I really don't know him that well."
  102. Demiguise: ((Hiyo ^^))
  103. Tsaaq: "Then why am I paying for sex? I'm not Travis." She scoffed, beginning to chuckle. "Every guy wants to fuck me. It's nothing new. He'll just have to get over it." Libi muttered at the mention of Travis, closing the menu. "Damian and I are fine." She said, beginning to frown. "Gross, me and Travis? He's an idiot. I mean he's my friend and I like him but... You don't really know Damian, you're right. He's a badass." She said. "You just haven't seen it in action."
  104. iKamal: She nodded her head." Soe girls aren't pretty like you me Ive seen them.." she laughed some and sighedn."I guess I'll ahve to get to know him more before I really judge him. He seems cool though. I think I yelled at him...on accident."
  105. AleXander17456: [Guess I'll post in again.]
  106. iKamal: [brb]
  107. Demiguise: ((Tyt, nearly done with my post))
  108. Tsaaq: ((tyt.))
  109. Tsaaq: Libi widened her eyes a moment. "Really?" She asked, not really understanding such a concept. "He won't be around for the rest of the week... He's busy." Libi frowned and lowered her head. She let her sadness subside when she heard Kam's words. "Yeah I think he told me about that. He said you were doing heroin or some shit?" She asked.
  110. iKamal: [imma be slow cause im cooking]
  111. Tsaaq: ((Okie dokie.))
  112. Demiguise: Having just finished one of her cam sessions her confidence was soaring, She always smoked before hand to help out with the nerves so by the end, she felt alive. Ugh, She loved her job, Sixty to a hundred people paid Twenty-five every half hour just to see her sit there and insult them, what more could you ask for? Before leaving she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Skin tight PVC leggings, heels to die for, Dark red lipstick and hair pinned and curled to perfection. Everything about her screamed 'I know I'm sexy.' The only thing she couldn't leave the house in was her homemade bra which consisted of just two strips of thick black tape. Throwing over a flowing black shirt she kept the tape on as her own little secret before leaving her apartment and heading to the nearby bar. One or two whistles were cast her way and she was sure to keep an uninterested face, she was too good for most of these idiots. Pushing open the door Kam was the first people her eyes go too. ''Hihi bitches.'' her five-inch heels clicking on the floor as walked over.
  113. iKamal: [afk baby emergency....]
  114. Tsaaq: ((Tyt.))
  115. Demiguise: ((Tyt D:))
  116. iKamal: [ok bk sorry she had poop on her hand o.o]
  117. iKamal: KAm raised a brow looking at Libi"What no I did coke..I just am allergic to it I guess or something in it." she heard the door open and looked up seeing vic and smiled big."Hey hooker. Whatare you up to?" she chuckled softly.
  118. Demiguise: ((Weba and lmfao hooker))
  119. AleXander17456: -It didn't't take long for it to dawn on Ken, there was really no reason to go home, He had lived in Silver Hill all his life and not one person at that restuarant recgonized him. To a extent he feld kind of proud about that but then on the other hand it was kind of fucked up. He had his place and he understood that, But then he had a taste of more. He decidded to make his way back and see if Ms.Cumsalot was still thirsty, Pulling a hard 180 turn at a stop light he proceeded to make his way back and quickly pull into a parking spot and made his way back in to the handle, where he sat Libi and Kam sitting together with someone else he hadn't met yet. He made his way to a empty seat by Libi and orderd- "Two more of whatever she just had."
  120. Tsaaq: "Allergic... To coke?" Libi repeated narrowing her eyes at Kam. "Okay. Try something else I guess?" She suggested, turning her body a bit as Vic showed up. Libi blinked a moment and shook the practically empty bottle. She knew the minute she stood she'd be wasted. She rose an eyebrow once Ken returned and ordered her more alcohol. "Oh, just in time." She spoked in a monotone and smirked.
  121. Demiguise: Vic made a pfff sound with her lips. ''Most expensive hooker you'll eveeerr fucking meet.'' She giggled before leaning against the counter. ''Just thought I'd stop by, grab something to drink. Speaking of which I'll take a Double Disaronno and Coke if I can.'' She gives her a smile as someone else joins them, ordering drinks for Libi. With a small nod to greet him her attention one again turns back to Kam. ''How you doing today girly?'' The Brit slid onto the stool beside her, crossing her legs and placing her little black clutch in front of her.
  122. AleXander17456: "Well I do aim to please, Something i'm sure you'll learn sooner or later." -he said as they were handded there drinks and he took a large swig of it, and clenched his eyes for a moment to let out a sigh- "Yeah, That's some heavy shit...Though I shouldn't be suprised."
  123. iKamal: Kam shrugged"It made me super itchy. " she hsrugged to Libi as she went behind the counter and smiled to Vic." yeah yeah coke sure." she got Vic what she wanted. Kam loved working the bar. even though she had a bartendar. KAm looked at the one guy who she still didnt know his name yet."yeah what ever..." she rolled her eyes at the guy.
  124. iKamal: [ok brb finishing dinner gotta mke plates and move laptop]
  125. Demiguise: ((Tyt))
  126. Tsaaq: She saw Kam's focus was more on Vic at the moment so she shrugged, since the day before she was talking shit and all. She decided to turn away a moment. She brought her drink to her lips and sipped it calmly. She raised at eyebrow at the male. "Okay Ken doll, dial it back." Libi said, rotating her index finger then resumed drinking. She put the glass down and shrugged. "When you drink like... Everyday? You kind of need the hard stuff to get wasted." She told him.
  127. Tsaaq: ((Tyt.))
  128. Demiguise: ''Cheers Kam.'' She thanks her. Since they first went out Vic had never been able to order something for herself, Kam was always the one who stepped in and got it for her. Talk about being Awkward. With her drink in hand, she takes small little sips, the sweet almond flavour tickling her tongue then warming her throat on the way down. With nothing else to do at the moment, she takes our her phone and checks her pay for the day. -Let's see...Sixty-two tokens that's over a grand. Guess I can take the day off tomorrow.- A pleased grin graces her face.
  129. AleXander17456: "Fair enough." -he said another swig- "I just figured you used your little card up by now and I didn't have much going on anyway, and It seems your friend is pre-occupied." -he said as he checked his phone once again- "So Is drinking all you do? Or do you actually dilliver people in the dead man wagon you got back there?" -he asked-
  130. iKamal: Kam smiled and nodded herhead."No problem Vic." she looked at Libi and te new guy and smiled to them."You guys need anything or are you good?" she leaned down grabbing her clipboard to take inventory. she jsut didn't really feel like talking to douchbag mcgee. she sighed and began to count the bottles under the br.
  131. Tsaaq: Libi overheard the girl speaking but remained silent. She turned to Ken and furrowed her eyebrows at him. "Drinking is one of the things I do... Consistently." Libi told him, furrowing her eyebrows at him as she glanced down at Travis' card. "Do I count as a corpse?" She asked in a monotone before turning to Kam. "I'm almost done with this." Libi said, shaking her glass. "You got anything old?"
  132. AleXander17456: "No thank you, I'm good with this." -he responded to Kam and gave her a friendly smile, Then returned to asnwer Libi- "Not at all, I actually find it a bit ironic because your the most lively person I've met in a log time, Which is why I asked." -he responded-
  133. iKamal: [sorry had to reload the room im trying to find this npc i put in here
  134. Tsaaq: ((She's by the table.))
  135. Demiguise: Twirling her finger through her hair she got lost in Facebook posts for a few minutes, Only catching the ''got anything old'' question. Even then she zoned back out, there was nothing for her to partake in currently, her phone and drink were good enough right now.
  136. iKamal: Kam nodded her head."I got aged old wine in the back.That's the oldest thing I got here other then my dishwasher who doesn't speak a lick of english." she came up and poured some jack into Libi's glass. she looked at Vic and smiled."You sure have really blossomed by the way from being shy to this." she chuckled some-
  137. AleXander17456: did you see my post?
  138. Tsaaq: i did I was waiting to post.
  139. iKamal: [hey dickhead!]
  140. Polyblank: ((sup buttmunch))
  141. Demiguise: ((Hiiiiyo Polypocket))
  142. Tsaaq: Libi darted her eyes a moment and looked over to Ken once more. "Uh, wow. Thanks?" She said with a raise of her eyebrow. "Are you trying to get me to suck you off or something?" She asked him. "Ugh, wine? What am I? A soccer mom?" Libi asked with a roll of her eyes. "Yeah that's fine." She waved her hand at the glass and drank some more, looking over to Vic as Kam spoke.
  143. AleXander17456: "Umm No, If I was i'd just ask you. You don't seem like the type to beat around the bush, Just paying you a compliment is all." -He answered as he finally finished his drink and left the empty glass on the counter, He felt a vibration from his phone and started to answer a few messages as he conitnued to chill at the bar-
  144. iKamal: you can buy tvs etc etc etc for it
  145. iKamal: [wrong chat XD]
  146. Tsaaq: ((Smfh!!))
  147. iKamal: [dont you shake your head at me woman! XD]
  148. iKamal: KAm chuckled looking at LibiYou could probably fit a soccer team in your hearse if you lay them right." she grinned at her picking on her abit . she finished taking inventory. she poured Ken another glass.
  149. Demiguise: Vic downs the rest of her glass just as Libi says something about sucking the guy off causing a coughing fit to happen.The Brit managed to calm herself down in time to let out a breathy chuckle at her friends compliment. ''I suppose in my line of work you can't be a shy ol' bean anymore.'' She shrugs and pushes her glass away from her. ''That and money helps grow your confidence.'' She smiles at both the girls, feeling a little sorry for the poor guy at the end, his talk was getting him nowhere.
  150. Tsaaq: "Yeah probably. Soccer teams are a whole group of fucking kids right? You don't mean the adult soccer teams right?" Libi asked, holding her glass in her hand. "Well thanks Ken... And I don't beat around the bush. Unless you're into that kind of thing." She shrugged then rose an eyebrow at Vic. "Uh, line of work?"
  151. iKamal: Kam smiled and nodded her head."Yeah that's true Vic..I guess you can't" she chuckled and thought about Libi's question."Yeah unless they are like huge kids or something." she shrugged some and went to the register to count the cash and check it to be sure she didnt loose money.
  152. AleXander17456: -For a moment Ken wasn't really paying attention as most of his focus went to his phone as he went into a text frenzy for a moment longer, not even noticeing this other chick who started choaking on her drink. It was then that once her was finishing up he replied- "Hmm? Oh yeah sure...Did you want anything else or are you good on the wine?" -he asked-
  153. Demiguise: Vic turns to look at Libi. ''Oh I'm an online fantasy fulfiller and dominatrix.'' She presses her lips together and shrugs her shoulders. ''People pay to request something for me to dress up as or just sit there belittling them.'' The Brit goes back onto her cam-page and shows both girls her earnings for today. ''Each token is worth around 20 bucks, I got sixty two just today. That's over a grand. It's good money but you've gotta have some balls. Men on there don't like weak women.''
  154. iKamal: She looked at the website."Hey Libi that is perfect for you. you are great talking shit to men." she laughed and smiled pulling the money out of the register counting it."I don't have time for that kind of stuff and Charles would kill me if he ever found out."
  155. Tsaaq: "Right, little kids would fit fine back there. Not saying I'm trying to be a mom or anything." She rose an eyebrow and continued to sip. "Ah." Libi nodded her head, she wasn't very savvy in computer shit. "That's a lot of dough." She said quietly. Turning to Ken again. "I'm good. Thanks. I'll let you know when I want you to spend money on me again." She told him before looking to Kammie. "Yeah... I do. Cause it's funny. And they hate it. I mean I sell my nudes on snap once and a while but I never really considered anything like that."
  156. AleXander17456: "Mhm, Sure." -he said sarcasticly as he stood up and pulled out a large wad of folded up cash, He started to suffel threw it for some of his bigger bills and paid for there drinks, Noticing Vic talk about her job and show her cam girl site, Once she explained his intest vanished. He wasn't into that kind of thing, Why pay for anything like that unless you couldn't get it anywhere else. Once he finished putting away his money his phone went off again and he stpped aside to take a call over to a booth where he couldnt be heard-
  157. Demiguise: Vic raised her brow at Kam, unable to tell if she was joking or not. That was until the mention of Libi selling her own nudes. ''See the good thing about this is you don't even have to get naked. I've only stripped once and that was during a private show, 400 a pop for privates.'' She taps her chin with her finger, maybe this could benefit her income too. ''Say if you wanted to get into this, I could send you my link. If you put me down as your 'WebMother.' We both get a fifteen percent bonus for your first month. After that, you can take me off.''
  158. iKamal: Kam put the money away and looked at Libi and Vic and smiled."You should do it Libi. that's alot of jack daniels." she smiled and leaned against the bar seeing Ken walk off. she raised a brow some."he doesn't seem very interesting..." she shrugged her shoulders and looks back at the girls.
  159. Tsaaq: Libi pouted her lips. "But I look so good naked..." She trailed off. She gave the two girls an incredulous look before biting the inside of her cheek. "I don't know." She muttered. "I get free booze at Bottom's Up all the time anyways, and steal shit all the time." Libi said, looking over her shoulder at Ken then turned back to the girls. "I'll think about it I guess." Libi said. "I don't really get computers." She said in a lower tone. "Who? Ken?" She asked. "He's just looking to get his dick wet, same story different name."
  160. AleXander17456: [Funny.]
  161. Demiguise: ''I don't doubt that.'' She smirked before shrugging her shoulders once more. ''No bother to me either way, just let me know if you do decide to give it a go.'' The conversation then turned to someone called Ken. ''Ugh, I hate guys like that, Which is a shame because most guys are like that.'' She looks over at him and tilts her head. ''Eh, Oh well.'' So many new faces around now, She was only gone a year, how things change so quickly made her stomach churn.
  162. AleXander17456: -Ken conitnued his phone call for a moment, Making sure to keep his voice down as best as he could but it was deffintly noisey on the other end of his cell, He was starting to get more annoyed with the current situation he was dealing with and finally just replieed- "Look, I don't have time for any of this right now, Your going to have to figure it out without me....It's not hard man, either Fix it, Scrap it or sell it simple." -he hung up his phone then slid out his booth again and oreded a few mote drinks- "Hey, Let me get a few shots of wisky." -he said as he reached into his pocket sliding out a bill that he laid on the table for Kam.-
  163. iKamal: Kam shrugged her shoulders."So basically another Travis."She looked at him putting a few shot glasses on the bartop infront of him and pouring whiskey in each glass. she took the bill and rang t up putting it in the cash register."I should really put a tip jr out.."
  164. Tsaaq: "Alright, I'll let you know." She said with a nod then went to sip more liquor from her glass. "Yeah, can't really avoid shit like that. Y'know?" She shrugged at Vic. "Uh, yeah. Tip jars are the shit." Libi said to Kam. "Well I don't know about all that but maybe. I just met the guy." She shrugged as Kam gave him some shots.
  165. AleXander17456: "Yeah." -he replied to Kam's comment for a tip jar and started to down his shots as soon as he got them- "And you shouldn't judge someone you don't know. Espically when you don't even know there name." -He told Kam, Finally finishing his last shot the looked over at Libi- "And excuse me, Who are you to talk about me like that? Ms.Cumsalot." -He said to the both of them with a slight tone, not really giving them a chance to asnwer he just took a seat at another end of the bar-
  166. iKamal: KAm alughs."I can do whatever I want. LAst I check you don't pay my I can say what I like about who I like." she turned back to Libi and Vic. "Ms.Cumsalot that should be your cam girl name Libi. That is if you go with it."
  167. Demiguise: ((phone one sec sorry))
  168. Tsaaq: ((Tyt.)
  169. AleXander17456: No lie that kidn of pissed me off.
  170. Tsaaq: ummm why
  171. AleXander17456: Her character instantly became two-faced because she jsut talked about not judgeing soemone she doesn't know and she does just that, and actually I and everyone else who comes here is paying her bills.
  172. Tsaaq: ooohhhhh
  173. Tsaaq: idk man, thats kinda her style in general though
  174. Demiguise: Ken suddenly piped up, telling Kam and Libi to pipe down in his own way and Vic just sat there, wondering what the hell was this guys problem. As usual Kam lightens the mood back up again.''Ah...I'm afraid that name might already be taken.'' She wiggles her glass and smiles to her old school friend. ''Can I get another please sweetheart? Also whatever anyone else wants, Might as well spend the money whilst I got it.'' The Brit puts it down and looks over to Ken who was now sat as far on the other side of the bar.
  175. AleXander17456: So umTwo-faced gotcha.
  176. Tsaaq: ((Sorry I'm here.))
  177. iKamal: [no she isnt she is a ghost]
  178. Demiguise: ((Oh shit, get's the holy water))
  179. iKamal: [-gets salt- o.o\
  180. Tsaaq: Sheglanced over to the male and peered at him while frowning a bit.. "Oh no no no. That's not how this works." Libi said to Ken. "I do and say what I want, the end." She said gave him a challenging smirk and took a sip from her drink. "Kam stop. I don't even know if I'm actually doing that." Libi said with a laugh and a shake of her head. "Whatever anyone else wants you say?" She repeated with a raise of her eyebrow.
  181. Tsaaq: ((Also I'm not a ghost.))
  182. AleXander17456: this point was a bit more drunk than normal, that and a little sleep deprived considering now he'd be out like a light and just wasn't used to this mixture of sleepiness and liquor, That and his tolerance was being tested by the gang over at the garage not even sure what the girls said or were talking about at this point, He rested his head in his hand as he tried to snap out of it, debating on getting some coffee or something else to wake him up a bit-
  183. iKamal: Kam shrugged her shoulders some."Well I gotta get going guys..I got to feed the fur babies and be back ehre in the morning. I'm so calling a professional for that tv in my office." she smiled to the m both "See ya later"
  184. iKamal: [i gotta go shower ]
  185. Demiguise: ((Take your time))
  186. Demiguise: ((Is music playing in the bar?)
  187. Tsaaq: ((Not unless somebody goes to the jukebox I think.))
  188. Demiguise: Vic smiled wildly at Libi and took out a twenty. ''Whatever you want.'' She corrected and handed it over to the barmaid who was back with her drink already. ''Cheers.'' As Kam said goodbye she gave her a quick side hug before sitting back down and blowing air between her lips. After drinking half her glass she turns back to the few people in the bar. ''So.'' She claps her hands together. ''Let's get some music going, Silence makes me want to die..'' Walking over to the jukebox she runs her finger down the glass, reading as she goes. There wasn't a lot she knew but one old classic stuck out like a sore thumb. A large drum roll then suddenly. ''YOU AIN'T NOTHING BUT A HOUND DOG.'' She wiggles her legs like Elvis as a few people chuckle.
  189. Tsaaq: She waved at Kammie as she made her exit. Libi polished off whatever was leftover in her glass. She smirked and nodded. "Sweet." Libi said as Vic got up and went over to the jukebox. "Play some cool shit." She called out before glancing at the falling asleep Ken. She turned away awkwardly. "Okay this works." Libi called out, halfly wishing Travis was around to give her a cigarette.
  190. Tsaaq: ((Hey kikiiii.))
  191. Covet: [Hola! :P]
  192. Demiguise: ((Hiyyyo))
  193. Tsaaq: ((Pinup shit is Libi's thing, Angel you biiitch.))
  194. Covet: [Eh.. It's got a mexican flair to it. XD]
  195. Tsaaq: ((DOESN'T MAKE A DIFFERENCE!))
  196. AleXander17456: --Ken was finally starting to snapout of his weird funk. The music helping a bit, Till he had a idea, He sat up still a bit tired but he started to pat himself down for a sec looking for something in his jacket.- "Shit...Anyone have a lighter?" -he asked as he continued to look for a moment not being able to find it it seems-
  197. AleXander17456: Yeah running out of ideas -_-
  198. Tsaaq: Ideas for what?
  199. AleXander17456: on what tf to do...
  200. Tsaaq: With your character?
  201. AleXander17456: Yeah.
  202. Tsaaq: Um what ideas do you need, you're in a bar? Do whatever you want?
  203. AleXander17456: But there's only so much to do, He's not going to drink anymore,your already playing music, he's nto going to eat anything...
  204. AleXander17456: I'm kind of rping my byself.
  205. AleXander17456: by myself*
  206. Tsaaq: Then talk to people idk why I have to walk you through this you know how to rp >.>
  207. AleXander17456: I haven't rp'd in a bit, I'm very rusty it seems.
  208. Tsaaq: Seems to be going well to me I can't really tell a difference
  209. Tsaaq: ((Hang on you guys I'm making spaghetti.))
  210. Demiguise: ((Okie))
  211. Covet: [Yasss spaghetti!]
  212. Demiguise: She flung her hips from side to side as a creepy guy came from one of the booths and started trying to dance with her. -Shit time to put those three acting classes to good use.- With that she bent down and gripped her ankle. ''Owww...Tssst.'' Vic tiptoes over to the booth Ken was sat in as it was the closest one without more than one person in. ''Sorry Dude, Another time.'' She smiles at the guy as he walks outside, probably embarrassed about her obvious rejection. The Brit sighs and looks over to Libi with an awkward 'oops' look on her face.
  213. AleXander17456: [You went to the booth I was at or over by me at the bar?]
  214. Demiguise: ((To the booth))
  215. Demiguise: ((sorry it's 1am for me, english is hard right now))
  216. AleXander17456: [okay.]
  217. AleXander17456: [No your fine just making sure.]
  218. Tsaaq: ((Back, spaghetti came out great.))
  219. AleXander17456: [wb]
  220. Tsaaq: "A lighter?" Libi repeated before shrugging. "Nah. My friend usually carries around one of those." Libi grit her teeth and shrugged, looking over to Vic and laughed. "Wow, that guys life must suck am I right?" Libi asked with another snicker leaving her lips.
  221. AleXander17456: "Shit" -he mumbled to himself till he then stood up and made his way out to his car to check and sure enough he found his own lighter and a his back of ciggerits, He made his back in and noticed a pool area, He decidded to check out as he lit up a smoke.- "This will do." -he said as he grabed a rack and started to rack up the balls setting up for his own game, He chalked up his stick as he got ready to Que, takeing a deep inhald as he let his ciggerite hang from his lip, Leaning in to make his first shot-
  222. Covet: Angel made her way into the bar, then scrunched her nose up. She really didn't want to be here, but she'd seen Libi's hearse outside and wanted to see what she was up to. She looked around sauntered over to where she was standing and talking with another girl. "Hola Libs, What's goin on?" She asked her tilting her head to the side.
  223. Demiguise: ((Time for me to jump ship i'm afraid, tired and gotta be up early. I'll be on tomorrow. bubyeee.)
  224. Tsaaq: She watched Ken walk away from the bar and go in the back to play pool. She smirked as Angel came over to her. "Hey bitch, nothing much. I was just hanging out. I'm bored." She shrugged.
  225. Covet: "What a coincedence. I'm bored out of my fucking mind. I have a goodie bag, I was going to take one and go hang out at the park on the playground equipment. Quinn said she was already there with the puppy if you wanna come with." She said offering that up, "Better than this shithole at least. I see they installed cameras. Must have gotten pissed about your stool theivery."
  226. AleXander17456: -Ken conitnued to play pool himself the loud smak of the balls clashing together to move around could be heard threw the room, e moved around to line up some more shots he found it helpfull a good way to focus, He was finnaly a bit relaxed as he continued to play-
  227. Tsaaq: Libi shook her head while she snickered. "We're going to the park?" She asked with a raise of her eyebrows. "That sounds dope. I could use some uppers. Plus I've got some tea to spill." Libi said looking down at the stool and getting up. "Fuck that. I'll take shit still nobody can fucking stop me. I just don't want to take anything right now."
  228. AleXander17456: Your heading out?
  229. Covet: "Oh? Well then, let's blow this popsicle stand, I'm game to hear all about it." She grinned turning on her heel towards the door. So they could go do hoodlum things at the park.
  230. Tsaaq: Going to the park apparently lol.
  231. AleXander17456: that's cool i'll just leave then. We can rp later I guess.
  232. Tsaaq: Dont want to meet her friends, Libi is probably gonna be in there all night
  233. AleXander17456: Your going to have to invite him, He's not just going to wanna join.
  234. Tsaaq: Fine.
  235. Tsaaq: She looked in the back at Ken. "Hey... This guy bought me shit." She said pointing at the guy in the back then looked over to Angel. She put Travis' credit card in her jacket.
  236. AleXander17456: -_- really?
  237. Tsaaq: She could've just walked out
  238. AleXander17456: but that's how you mentione someone?
  239. AleXander17456: actually you know what I have to go anyway.
  240. AleXander17456: I'm apprently needed else where
  241. AleXander17456: we can rp later.
  242. Tsaaq: I'll be in the park until 2 EST
  243. AleXander17456: [Love to stay and continue this rp, But I gtg.]
  244. Tsaaq: I highly doubt I'll be changing rooms
  245. AleXander17456: So I'll up at the park I guess.
  246. Tsaaq: Alright sounds good.
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