
Nuts & Bolts stuff to test

Jul 28th, 2014
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  1. Nuts & Buts notes
  2. 1) Consider cutting Crate (44) (2x Small Jets)
  3. -Test the speed variance between 3x Small Jets + 2 Large Jets and 1x Small Jet + 2x Large Jets
  4. 2) Consider cutting Crate (39) (Spoilers)
  5. -Test if spoilers effect flight handling, if not spoilers are likely irrelevant with current vehicle set.
  6. -If cut, Crate (2) needs to be re-routed to still be included.
  7. 3) Time how much time Jolly Dodger early / Jinjo note route saves
  8. -Determine all valuable aspects of this route
  9. -Determine all negative aspects of this route
  10. -compare, make changes if necessary.
  11. 4) Assuming the route is otherwise un-altered, determine if Banjoland 3 can be performed alongside Banjoland 6.
  12. -This will allow a wider number of parts available for the boat mission.
  13. -Consider doing Banjoland 1 late instead, determine if plausible and see how much Large Engine benefits Park Prix.
  14. 5) Consider obtaining Crate (11)
  15. -Determine if getting this crate is plausible
  16. -Consider acquiring it alongside Crate (32) for additional benefit.
  17. -Potentially doing orange Jinjo here for notes since it's nearby, just a consideration but probably a poor one.
  18. 6) Mess around with a Gyroscope and see if it is beneficial in anyway.
  19. -Freebie is acquired at 50 Jiggies
  20. -One via crate, tower combination from Bottles.
  21. 7) Determine if the Pill mission from Logbox can be consistently glitched
  22. -Acquire all parts leaderboards used and re-create their vehicle to better understand how the glitch functions.
  23. -If figured out, begin to strip parts to see if it can be made plausible in an any% vehicle.
  24. 8) Consider getting Crate (46) as it contains a Large Engine.
  25. -Hard to imagine a route where this is efficient, but it's possible.
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