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a guest
Oct 25th, 2014
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  1. nuxwin@dev:~$ ssh vu2012@
  3. _ __ __ _____ _____ _____
  4. (_) | \/ | / ____| / ____| | __ \
  5. _ _____ | \ / | | (___ | | | |__) |
  6. | | |_____| | |\/| | \___ \ | | | ___/
  7. | | | | | | ____) | | |____ | |
  8. |_| |_| |_| |_____/ \_____| |_|
  10. Welcome to your restricted shell.
  12. If you need a specific command, get in contact with your reseller.
  14. i-MSCP InstantSSH plugin with jailed shell support.
  15. Copyright (C) 2014 Laurent Declercq <>
  19. BusyBox v1.20.2 (Debian 1:1.20.0-7) built-in shell (ash)
  20. Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.
  22. vu2012@reiserfs:~$ help
  23. Built-in commands:
  24. ------------------
  25. . : [ [[ alias bg break cd chdir command continue echo eval exec
  26. exit export false fg getopts hash help jobs kill let local printf
  27. pwd read readonly return set shift source test times trap true
  28. type ulimit umask unalias unset wait [ [[ adjtimex ar arp arping
  29. ash awk basename blockdev brctl bunzip2 bzcat bzip2 cal cat chgrp
  30. chmod chown chroot chvt clear cmp cp cpio cttyhack cut date dc
  31. dd deallocvt depmod df diff dirname dmesg dnsdomainname dos2unix
  32. du dumpkmap dumpleases echo egrep env expand expr false fgrep
  33. find fold free freeramdisk ftpget ftpput getopt getty grep groups
  34. gunzip gzip halt head hexdump hostid hostname httpd hwclock id
  35. ifconfig init insmod ionice ip ipcalc kill killall klogd last
  36. less ln loadfont loadkmap logger login logname logread losetup
  37. ls lsmod lzcat lzma md5sum mdev microcom mkdir mkfifo mknod mkswap
  38. mktemp modinfo modprobe more mount mt mv nameif nc netstat nslookup
  39. od openvt patch pidof ping ping6 pivot_root poweroff printf ps
  40. pwd rdate readlink realpath reboot renice reset rev rm rmdir
  41. rmmod route rpm rpm2cpio run-parts sed seq setkeycodes setsid
  42. sh sha1sum sha256sum sha512sum sleep sort start-stop-daemon stat
  43. strings stty swapoff swapon switch_root sync sysctl syslogd tac
  44. tail tar taskset tee telnet test tftp time timeout top touch
  45. tr traceroute traceroute6 true tty udhcpc udhcpd umount uname
  46. uncompress unexpand uniq unix2dos unlzma unxz unzip uptime usleep
  47. uudecode uuencode vconfig vi watch watchdog wc wget which who
  48. whoami xargs xz xzcat yes zcat
  50. vu2012@reiserfs:~$
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