

Feb 12th, 2015
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  1. I have no idea how common it is, and I highly doubt it was that common at all, but I dated a girl from Romania who didn't think the moon was real.
  2. We were looking up at the sky when she turned to me and said "You know, we're just looking at a reflection." I asked her what she meant by that.
  3. She said how everyone knew the moon was nothing more than reflected light bouncing off the Earth and projected on the sky. Now, I'm not one to jump and and tell folks that they're wrong, but I was young. I just couldn't let this one stand. I explained my problems with this theory. Finally, in frustration I asked her how did she explain the moon landings.
  4. "Those people faked it." she said.
  5. "What people?"
  6. "You know" she looked around nervously. "The Jews."
  7. The rational part of my brain said that she was just a messed up woman, repeating what a crazy (and, frankly, racist) relative told her. The romantic part of me wants to believe that people in Romania don't believe in the moon, because there's something beautiful about something so ridiculous. Romanians, please, when you pop this bubble of my belief, do it gently.
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