
FED: Betrayer War: Alex Chase

Jan 22nd, 2022 (edited)
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  1. Name: Alex Chase
  2. Age: 26
  3. Class: Soldier
  4. Special: Anti-Cavalry
  5. Character Skill: Weapon Saver
  6. When you make an attack, there is a (Luck*2) % chance your equipped weapon will not degrade in quality.
  7. Affinity: Wind
  9. Personal Fault: If Alex enters combat with a Necromancer or its Promotions, -10 Crit until next turn
  10. Personal Skill: If Alex is beneath 50% Max HP, +15 Evasion
  11. Personal Skill: When receiving healing from any source while Alex is below 50% HP, +5 HP recovered
  12. Personal Skill: --
  14. Preferred Stats: Skill, Defense
  15. Weapon Skill: Polearm (C), Lance (D)
  17. Level: 9
  18. Total Level: 9
  20. Base Stats:
  21. HP: 36+2 (100%)
  22. STR: 6+1 (50%)
  23. MAG: 0
  24. SKL: 5 (70%)
  25. LUK: 1 (30%)
  26. DEF: 6+1 (50%)
  27. RES: 0 (30%)
  28. SPD: 4 (40%)
  29. MOV: 5
  30. CON: 8
  31. AID: 7
  32. LED: 0
  34. Levels Gained:
  35. Level 2: +1HP, +1STR, +1SKL, +1DEF, +1SPD
  36. Level 3: +1HP, +1SKL, +1DEF, +1SPD
  37. Level 4: +1HP, +1STR, +1SKL, +1DEF, +1SPD
  38. Level 5: +1HP, +1SKL
  39. Level 6: +1HP, +1STR, +1SKL, +1LUK, +1DEF
  40. Level 7: +1HP, +1STR, +1SKL, +1RES, +1SPD
  41. Level 8: +1HP, +1LUK, +1DEF, +1RES,
  42. Level 9: +1HP, +1SKL, +SPD
  44. Current Stats:
  45. HP: 48 (100%)
  46. STR: 11 (50%)
  47. MAG: 0
  48. SKL: 12 (70%)
  49. LUK: 3 (30%)
  50. DEF: 12 (50%)
  51. RES: 2 (30%)
  52. SPD: 9 (40%)
  53. MOV: 5
  54. CON: 8
  55. AID: 7
  56. LED: 0
  58. Supports:
  61. Inventory:
  62. Name | Type ( ) | Rng | Wt | Mt | Hit | Cr | Ql
  63. Iron Lance | Pier (E) | 1 | 6 | 5 | 80 | 0 | 17/40
  64. Vulnerary (1/3)
  65. Iron Lance | Pier (E) | 1 | 6 | 5 | 80 | 0 | 40/40
  66. Vulnerary (3/3)
  68. Battle Stats:
  69. Iron Lance
  70. Rng: 1
  71. AT: 16
  72. Hit: 105
  73. Crit: 5
  74. AS: 9
  75. Eva: 15
  76. DG: 3
  78. Bio: Alex Chase grew up in a soldier’s household in the capital. Both of his parents where officers that meet on the battlefield and fell in love. Alex grew up with discipline and tales of loyalty and heroism. It was expected that Alex would follow in his family’s footsteps and trained from an early age to do so.
  80. Alex was right on track to live the average soldier’s life. However, tragedy struck at him. Shortly before applying to be an officer a call was sent for reinforcements in a nearby small town. All three members of the Chase family were deployed to the call. What they arrived to was a group of magic users going on a killing spree, slaughtering everyone in sight. While trying to suppress the chaos that was going on Alex’s father was stuck down by a Necromancer. This sent both Alex and his mother into such rage they almost didn’t survive the encounter. Because of this Alex failed his officer testing and was stuck for a as a rank-and-file soldier for a time.
  82. Alex trained for a time and got another opportunity to join the rank of officer. While on a standard patrol of a nearby town, reports of a large wild Wyvern came into them. Alex’s Unit was the only one nearby and so had to go and take care of it. They were able to track it down and began to try to take it out. During the hunt Alex’s commanding officer fell and upon seeing this the rest of the troop began to waiver. Alex seeing this made a blind charge at the Wyvern and in a stroke of luck managed to hit it in the eye. Seeing this hit rallied the troops and together they were able to beat it down. Because of this Alex was prompted to an officer position.
  84. Alex is still looking to create a name for himself and find ways to bring honor to his family in place of his father.
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