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Jul 8th, 2015
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  1. Triggered by Gerrit:
  2. Building in workspace /home/jenkins/.jenkins/workspace/Sknerus-Android
  3. > git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree # timeout=10
  4. Fetching changes from the remote Git repository
  5. > git config remote.origin.url ssh:// # timeout=10
  6. Fetching upstream changes from ssh://
  7. > git --version # timeout=10
  8. > git -c core.askpass=true fetch --tags --progress ssh:// refs/changes/50/550/1
  9. > git rev-parse 6f1f6bb73d9fd1f28b1c3a18d9e9c678fcb8a28c^{commit} # timeout=10
  10. Checking out Revision 6f1f6bb73d9fd1f28b1c3a18d9e9c678fcb8a28c (master)
  11. > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10
  12. > git checkout -f 6f1f6bb73d9fd1f28b1c3a18d9e9c678fcb8a28c
  13. > git rev-parse FETCH_HEAD^{commit} # timeout=10
  14. > git rev-list 19bdd316911bdcec77ae87b262c6fb1f8598faec # timeout=10
  15. Cleaning workspace
  16. > git rev-parse --verify HEAD # timeout=10
  17. Resetting working tree
  18. > git reset --hard # timeout=10
  19. > git clean -fdx # timeout=10
  20. [Sknerus-Android] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/
  21. + echo GERRIT_CHANGE_MSG=SSAN-259 added dagger, retrofit, retrolambda, gson dependency. Fixed lint errors with pro gurard. Retrofit adapter, pojo
  22. + sed 's/\([A-Z]\+-[0-9]\+\)/<a href="https:\/\/\/browse\/\1">\1<\/a>/g'
  23. + echo APPLICATION_ID=pl.sknerus.sknerusapp
  24. [environment-script] Adding variable 'GERRIT_CHANGE_MSG' with value '<a href="">SSAN-259</a> added dagger, retrofit, retrolambda, gson dependency. Fixed lint errors with pro gurard. Retrofit adapter, pojo'
  25. [environment-script] Adding variable 'APPLICATION_ID' with value 'pl.sknerus.sknerusapp'
  26. [Gradle] - Launching build.
  27. [Sknerus-Android] $ gradle -DGERRIT_BRANCH=master -DGERRIT_PATCHSET_REVISION=6f1f6bb73d9fd1f28b1c3a18d9e9c678fcb8a28c -DGERRIT_EVENT_ACCOUNT_NAME=michal.brewczak -DGERRIT_CHANGE_URL= -DGERRIT_EVENT_TYPE=patchset-created -DGERRIT_PROJECT=Sknerus-Android -DGERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER=550 -DGERRIT_SCHEME=ssh '-DGERRIT_PATCHSET_UPLOADER="\"michal.brewczak\" <>"' -DGERRIT_PORT=29418 -DGERRIT_REFSPEC=refs/changes/50/550/1 -DGERRIT_PATCHSET_UPLOADER_NAME=michal.brewczak '-DGERRIT_CHANGE_OWNER="\"michal.brewczak\" <>"' -DGERRIT_CHANGE_COMMIT_MESSAGE=U1NBTi0yNTkgYWRkZWQgZGFnZ2VyLCByZXRyb2ZpdCwgcmV0cm9sYW1iZGEsIGdzb24gZGVwZW5kZW5jeS4gRml4ZWQgbGludCBlcnJvcnMgd2l0aCBwcm8gZ3VyYXJkLiBSZXRyb2ZpdCBhZGFwdGVyLCBwb2pvCgpDaGFuZ2UtSWQ6IEk0ZjcwZTZmMDIwMDA0MjU0NGI1ZGIzMjlhZTI5MjFkNTEzMzk2NmEzCg== -DGERRIT_NAME=Gerrit -DGERRIT_TOPIC= "-DGERRIT_CHANGE_SUBJECT=SSAN-259 added dagger, retrofit, retrolambda, gson dependency. Fixed lint errors with pro gurard. Retrofit adapter, pojo" '-DGERRIT_EVENT_ACCOUNT="\"michal.brewczak\" <>"' -DGERRIT_CHANGE_ID=I4f70e6f0200042544b5db329ae2921d5133966a3 -DGERRIT_EVENT_HASH=1981655425 -DGERRIT_VERSION=2.11.1 -DGERRIT_PATCHSET_NUMBER=1 -DGERRIT_CHANGE_OWNER_NAME=michal.brewczak build connectedCheck installJenkinsRelease
  28. :app:preBuild UP-TO-DATE
  29. :app:preDebugBuild UP-TO-DATE
  30. :app:checkDebugManifest
  31. :app:preJenkinsReleaseBuild UP-TO-DATE
  32. :app:preReleaseBuild UP-TO-DATE
  33. :app:prepareComAndroidSupportAppcompatV72220Library
  34. :app:prepareComAndroidSupportPaletteV72220Library
  35. :app:prepareComAndroidSupportRecyclerviewV72220Library
  36. :app:prepareComAndroidSupportSupportV42220Library
  37. :app:prepareDebugDependencies
  38. :app:compileDebugAidl
  39. :app:compileDebugRenderscript
  40. :app:generateDebugBuildConfig
  41. :app:generateDebugAssets UP-TO-DATE
  42. :app:mergeDebugAssets
  43. :app:generateDebugResValues
  44. :app:generateDebugResources
  45. :app:mergeDebugResources
  46. :app:processDebugManifest
  47. :app:processDebugResources
  48. :app:generateDebugSources
  49. :app:processDebugJavaRes UP-TO-DATE
  50. :app:compileDebugJavawarning: No processor claimed any of these annotations: retrofit.http.GET,dagger.Module,,dagger.Component,retrofit.http.Body,,javax.inject.Singleton,,dagger.Provides
  51. warning: No processor claimed any of these annotations: javax.annotation.Generated
  52. /home/jenkins/.jenkins/workspace/Sknerus-Android/app/src/main/java/pl/sknerus/sknerusapp/mvp/ warning: [rawtypes] found raw type: MvpPresenter
  53. public abstract class MvpFragment<V extends MvpView, P extends MvpPresenter> extends Fragment implements MvpView {
  54. ^
  55. missing type arguments for generic class MvpPresenter<V>
  56. where V is a type-variable:
  57. V extends MvpView declared in interface MvpPresenter
  58. /home/jenkins/.jenkins/workspace/Sknerus-Android/app/src/main/java/pl/sknerus/sknerusapp/mvp/ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to attachView(V) as a member of the raw type MvpPresenter
  59. presenter.attachView(this);
  60. ^
  61. where V is a type-variable:
  62. V extends MvpView declared in interface MvpPresenter
  63. /home/jenkins/.jenkins/workspace/Sknerus-Android/app/src/main/java/pl/sknerus/sknerusapp/mvp/ warning: [rawtypes] found raw type: MvpPresenter
  64. public abstract class MvpActivity<V extends MvpView, P extends MvpPresenter> extends AppCompatActivity implements MvpView {
  65. ^
  66. missing type arguments for generic class MvpPresenter<V>
  67. where V is a type-variable:
  68. V extends MvpView declared in interface MvpPresenter
  69. /home/jenkins/.jenkins/workspace/Sknerus-Android/app/src/main/java/pl/sknerus/sknerusapp/mvp/ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to attachView(V) as a member of the raw type MvpPresenter
  70. presenter.attachView(this);
  71. ^
  72. where V is a type-variable:
  73. V extends MvpView declared in interface MvpPresenter
  74. /home/jenkins/.jenkins/workspace/Sknerus-Android/app/src/main/java/pl/sknerus/sknerusapp/screen_main/ warning: [rawtypes] found raw type: Adapter
  75. public class MainRecyclerViewAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter {
  76. ^
  77. missing type arguments for generic class Adapter<VH>
  78. where VH is a type-variable:
  79. VH extends ViewHolder declared in class Adapter
  80. 7 warnings
  82. :app:compileRetrolambdaDebug
  83. :app:compileDebugNdk UP-TO-DATE
  84. :app:compileDebugSources
  85. :app:preDexDebug
  86. :app:dexDebug
  87. :app:validateDebugSigning
  88. :app:packageDebug
  89. :app:zipalignDebug
  90. :app:assembleDebug
  91. :app:checkJenkinsReleaseManifest
  92. :app:prepareJenkinsReleaseDependencies
  93. :app:compileJenkinsReleaseAidl
  94. :app:compileJenkinsReleaseRenderscript
  95. :app:generateJenkinsReleaseBuildConfig
  96. :app:generateJenkinsReleaseAssets UP-TO-DATE
  97. :app:mergeJenkinsReleaseAssets
  98. :app:generateJenkinsReleaseResValues
  99. :app:generateJenkinsReleaseResources
  100. :app:mergeJenkinsReleaseResources
  101. :app:processJenkinsReleaseManifest
  102. :app:processJenkinsReleaseResources
  103. :app:generateJenkinsReleaseSources
  104. :app:processJenkinsReleaseJavaRes UP-TO-DATE
  105. :app:compileJenkinsReleaseJavawarning: No processor claimed any of these annotations: retrofit.http.GET,dagger.Module,,dagger.Component,retrofit.http.Body,,javax.inject.Singleton,,dagger.Provides
  106. warning: No processor claimed any of these annotations: javax.annotation.Generated
  107. /home/jenkins/.jenkins/workspace/Sknerus-Android/app/src/main/java/pl/sknerus/sknerusapp/mvp/ warning: [rawtypes] found raw type: MvpPresenter
  108. public abstract class MvpFragment<V extends MvpView, P extends MvpPresenter> extends Fragment implements MvpView {
  109. ^
  110. missing type arguments for generic class MvpPresenter<V>
  111. where V is a type-variable:
  112. V extends MvpView declared in interface MvpPresenter
  113. /home/jenkins/.jenkins/workspace/Sknerus-Android/app/src/main/java/pl/sknerus/sknerusapp/mvp/ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to attachView(V) as a member of the raw type MvpPresenter
  114. presenter.attachView(this);
  115. ^
  116. where V is a type-variable:
  117. V extends MvpView declared in interface MvpPresenter
  118. /home/jenkins/.jenkins/workspace/Sknerus-Android/app/src/main/java/pl/sknerus/sknerusapp/mvp/ warning: [rawtypes] found raw type: MvpPresenter
  119. public abstract class MvpActivity<V extends MvpView, P extends MvpPresenter> extends AppCompatActivity implements MvpView {
  120. ^
  121. missing type arguments for generic class MvpPresenter<V>
  122. where V is a type-variable:
  123. V extends MvpView declared in interface MvpPresenter
  124. /home/jenkins/.jenkins/workspace/Sknerus-Android/app/src/main/java/pl/sknerus/sknerusapp/mvp/ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to attachView(V) as a member of the raw type MvpPresenter
  125. presenter.attachView(this);
  126. ^
  127. where V is a type-variable:
  128. V extends MvpView declared in interface MvpPresenter
  129. /home/jenkins/.jenkins/workspace/Sknerus-Android/app/src/main/java/pl/sknerus/sknerusapp/screen_main/ warning: [rawtypes] found raw type: Adapter
  130. public class MainRecyclerViewAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter {
  131. ^
  132. missing type arguments for generic class Adapter<VH>
  133. where VH is a type-variable:
  134. VH extends ViewHolder declared in class Adapter
  135. 7 warnings
  137. :app:compileRetrolambdaJenkinsRelease
  138. :app:compileJenkinsReleaseNdk UP-TO-DATE
  139. :app:compileJenkinsReleaseSources
  140. :app:lintVitalJenkinsRelease SKIPPED
  141. :app:proguardJenkinsRelease
  142. :app:dexJenkinsRelease
  143. :app:validateJenkinsReleaseSigning
  144. :app:packageJenkinsRelease
  145. :app:zipalignJenkinsRelease
  146. :app:assembleJenkinsRelease
  147. :app:checkReleaseManifest
  148. :app:prepareReleaseDependencies
  149. :app:compileReleaseAidl
  150. :app:compileReleaseRenderscript
  151. :app:generateReleaseBuildConfig
  152. :app:generateReleaseAssets UP-TO-DATE
  153. :app:mergeReleaseAssets
  154. :app:generateReleaseResValues
  155. :app:generateReleaseResources
  156. :app:mergeReleaseResources
  157. :app:processReleaseManifest
  158. :app:processReleaseResources
  159. :app:generateReleaseSources
  160. :app:processReleaseJavaRes UP-TO-DATE
  161. :app:compileReleaseJavawarning: No processor claimed any of these annotations: retrofit.http.GET,dagger.Module,,dagger.Component,retrofit.http.Body,,javax.inject.Singleton,,dagger.Provides
  162. warning: No processor claimed any of these annotations: javax.annotation.Generated
  163. /home/jenkins/.jenkins/workspace/Sknerus-Android/app/src/main/java/pl/sknerus/sknerusapp/mvp/ warning: [rawtypes] found raw type: MvpPresenter
  164. public abstract class MvpFragment<V extends MvpView, P extends MvpPresenter> extends Fragment implements MvpView {
  165. ^
  166. missing type arguments for generic class MvpPresenter<V>
  167. where V is a type-variable:
  168. V extends MvpView declared in interface MvpPresenter
  169. /home/jenkins/.jenkins/workspace/Sknerus-Android/app/src/main/java/pl/sknerus/sknerusapp/mvp/ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to attachView(V) as a member of the raw type MvpPresenter
  170. presenter.attachView(this);
  171. ^
  172. where V is a type-variable:
  173. V extends MvpView declared in interface MvpPresenter
  174. /home/jenkins/.jenkins/workspace/Sknerus-Android/app/src/main/java/pl/sknerus/sknerusapp/mvp/ warning: [rawtypes] found raw type: MvpPresenter
  175. public abstract class MvpActivity<V extends MvpView, P extends MvpPresenter> extends AppCompatActivity implements MvpView {
  176. ^
  177. missing type arguments for generic class MvpPresenter<V>
  178. where V is a type-variable:
  179. V extends MvpView declared in interface MvpPresenter
  180. /home/jenkins/.jenkins/workspace/Sknerus-Android/app/src/main/java/pl/sknerus/sknerusapp/mvp/ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to attachView(V) as a member of the raw type MvpPresenter
  181. presenter.attachView(this);
  182. ^
  183. where V is a type-variable:
  184. V extends MvpView declared in interface MvpPresenter
  185. /home/jenkins/.jenkins/workspace/Sknerus-Android/app/src/main/java/pl/sknerus/sknerusapp/screen_main/ warning: [rawtypes] found raw type: Adapter
  186. public class MainRecyclerViewAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter {
  187. ^
  188. missing type arguments for generic class Adapter<VH>
  189. where VH is a type-variable:
  190. VH extends ViewHolder declared in class Adapter
  191. 7 warnings
  193. :app:compileRetrolambdaRelease
  194. :app:compileReleaseNdk UP-TO-DATE
  195. :app:compileReleaseSources
  196. :app:lintVitalRelease SKIPPED
  197. :app:preDexRelease
  198. :app:dexRelease
  199. :app:packageRelease
  200. :app:assembleRelease
  201. :app:assemble
  202. :app:compileLint
  203. :app:lint
  204. Ran lint on variant debug: 25 issues found
  205. Ran lint on variant release: 25 issues found
  206. Ran lint on variant jenkinsRelease: 25 issues found
  207. Wrote HTML report to file:/home/jenkins/.jenkins/workspace/Sknerus-Android/app/build/outputs/lint-results.html
  208. Wrote XML report to /home/jenkins/.jenkins/workspace/Sknerus-Android/app/build/outputs/lint-results.xml
  209. :app:lint FAILED
  211. FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
  213. * What went wrong:
  214. Execution failed for task ':app:lint'.
  215. > Lint found errors in the project; aborting build.
  217. Fix the issues identified by lint, or add the following to your build script to proceed with errors:
  218. ...
  219. android {
  220. lintOptions {
  221. abortOnError false
  222. }
  223. }
  224. ...
  226. * Try:
  227. Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
  231. Total time: 1 mins 24.973 secs
  232. Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' changed build result to FAILURE
  233. Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' marked build as failure
  234. [android-lint] Collecting Android Lint files...
  235. [android-lint] Finding all files that match the pattern **/lint-results.xml
  236. [android-lint] Parsing 1 file in /home/jenkins/.jenkins/workspace/Sknerus-Android
  237. [android-lint] Successfully parsed file /home/jenkins/.jenkins/workspace/Sknerus-Android/app/build/outputs/lint-results.xml with 25 unique warnings and 0 duplicates.
  238. [android-lint] Computing warning deltas based on reference build #23
  239. [WARNINGS] Skipping publisher since build result is FAILURE
  240. Recording test results
  241. ERROR: Publisher 'Publish JUnit test result report' failed: No test report files were found. Configuration error?
  242. Skipped archiving because build is not successful
  243. Finished: FAILURE
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