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Apr 23rd, 2018
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  1. General:
  2. DisabledServer: '&cThis command cannot be executed here.'
  3. UnableToConnectToServerRedisBungee: '&cThe server could not be joined.'
  4. Party:
  5. Error:
  6. CommandNotFound: '&cThis command does not exist!'
  7. NoPermission: '&cYou don''t have the permission to execute this command!'
  8. CommandUsage:
  9. Join: '&8/&7Party join &8- &7Join a party'
  10. Invite: '&8/&7Party invite &8- &7Invite a player into your party'
  11. List: '&8/&7Party list &8- &7List all players who are in the party'
  12. Chat: '&8/&7Party chat &8- &7Send all players in the party a message'
  13. Leave: '&8/&7Party leave &8- &7Leave the party'
  14. Kick: '&8/&7Party kick &8- &7Kicks a player out of the party'
  15. Leader: '&8/&7Party leader &7 &8- &7Makes another player to the party leader'
  16. Command:
  17. General:
  18. ErrorNoParty: '&7You need to be in a party.'
  19. ErrorNotPartyLeader: '&cYou are not the party leader.'
  20. ErrorGivenPlayerIsNotInTheParty: '&cThe player &e[PLAYER] &cis not in the party.'
  21. ErrorNoPlayer: '&cYou need to specify a player.'
  22. ErrorPlayerNotOnline: '&cThis player is not online.'
  23. DissolvedPartyCauseOfNotEnoughPlayers: '&7The party was dissolved because of
  24. too less players.'
  25. PlayerHasLeftTheParty: '&bThe player &6[PLAYER] &bhas left the party.'
  26. ServerSwitched: '&bThe party has joined the Server &e[SERVER]&b.'
  27. Chat:
  28. ErrorNoMessage: '&7You need to give in a message.'
  29. Prefix: '&7[&7PartyChat&7] '
  30. ContentColor: '&7'
  31. PartyChatOutput: '&e[SENDERNAME]&7:[MESSAGE_CONTENT]'
  32. Info:
  33. Empty: empty
  34. PlayersCut: '&7, &b'
  35. Leader: '&3Leader&7: &7[LEADER]'
  36. Players: '&8Players&7: &b'
  37. Invite:
  38. GivenPlayerEqualsSender: '&7You are not allowed to invite yourself.'
  39. CanNotInviteThisPlayer: '&cYou cannot invite this player into your Party.'
  40. AlreadyInAParty: '&cThis player is already in a party.'
  41. AlreadyInYourParty: '&cThe player &e[PLAYER] &cis already invited into your
  42. party.'
  43. MaxPlayersInPartyReached: '&cThe max size of a party is [MAXPLAYERSINPARTY].'
  44. InvitedPlayer: '&6[PLAYER] &bwas invited to your party.'
  45. YouWereInvitedBY: '&7You were invited into &6[PLAYER]''s &7party!'
  46. YouWereInvitedBYJSONMESSAGE: '&7Join the party by using the command &6/Party
  47. &6join &6[PLAYER]&7!'
  48. YouWereInvitedBYJSONMESSAGEHOVER: '&aClick here to join the party'
  49. InvitationTimedOutInvited: '&7The invitation of &6[PLAYER]''s &7party is timed
  50. out!'
  51. InvitationTimedOutLeader: '&7The player &6[PLAYER] &7has not accepted your invitation!'
  52. Join:
  53. PlayerHasNoParty: '&cThis player does not own a party.'
  54. AlreadyInAPartyError: '&cYou are already in a party. Use &6/party leave &cto
  55. leave this party.'
  56. PlayerHasJoined: '&bThe player &6[PLAYER] &bjoined the party.'
  57. ErrorNoInvitation: '&cYou cannot join this party.'
  58. Kick:
  59. KickedPlayerOutOfThePartyOthers: '&bThe player &6[PLAYER] &bwas kicked out of
  60. the party.'
  61. KickedPlayerOutOfThePartyKickedPlayer: '&bYou have been kicked out of the party.'
  62. Leader:
  63. SenderEqualsGivenPlayer: '&7You cannot make yourself to the new party leader.'
  64. NewLeaderIs: '&7The new party leader is &6[NEWLEADER]'
  65. Leave:
  66. NewLeaderIs: '&bThe leader has left the party. The new leader is &e[NEWLEADER].'
  67. YouLeftTheParty: '&bYou left your party.'
  68. General:
  69. PartyPrefix: '&7[&7Party&7] '
  70. HelpBegin: '&8&m-------------------&r&8[&7&lParty&8]&m-------------------'
  71. HelpEnd: '&8&m---------------------------------------------'
  72. Friends:
  73. General:
  74. CommandNotFound: ' &cThe command does not exist.'
  75. NoPermission: ' &cYou don''t have the permission to execute this command.'
  76. PlayerIsOffline: ' &7The player &e[PLAYER] &7is not online or you are not his
  77. friend.'
  78. NotAFriendOfOrOffline: ' &7The player &e[PLAYER] &7is not online or you are not
  79. his friend.'
  80. NoFriendGiven: ' &7You need to specify a friend.'
  81. NoPlayerGiven: ' &7You need to specify a player.'
  82. PlayerIsNowOffline: ' &7Your friend &e[PLAYER] &7is &coffline&7 now.'
  83. PlayerIsNowOnline: ' &7The friend &e[PLAYER] &7is &aonline&7 now.'
  84. RequestInfoOnJoin: ' &7You &7have &7friend &7requests &7from: [FRIENDREQUESTS]'
  85. DoesNotExist: ' &7The given player &7does not &7exist'
  86. GivenPlayerEqualsSender: ' &7You cannot specify yourself as player argument.'
  87. Prefix: '&8[&7&lFriends&8]'
  88. HelpBegin: '&8&m-------------------&r&8[&7&lFriends&8]&m-------------------'
  89. HelpEnd: '&8&m-----------------------------------------------'
  90. RequestInfoOnJoinColor: '&e'
  91. RequestInfoOnJoinColorComma: '&7'
  92. GUI:
  93. Hide:
  94. ShowAllPlayers: ' &aNow all players will be shown.'
  95. ShowOnlyFriendsAndPeopleFromTheServer: ' &eNow only friends and people of server
  96. team will be shown.'
  97. ShowOnlyFriends: ' &6Now only your friends will be shown.'
  98. ShowOnlyPeopleFromTheServer: ' &7Now only players from the server team will
  99. be shown.'
  100. ShowNobody: ' &cNow no players will be shown.'
  101. CommandUsage:
  102. List: '&8/&7friend list &8- &7Lists all your friends'
  103. MSG: '&8/&7friend msg [name of the friend] [message]&r &8- &7Send a message to
  104. a friend'
  105. ADD: '&8/&7friend add [name of the player]&r &8- &7Add a friend'
  106. Accept: '&8/&7friend accept [name of the player]&r &8- &7Accept a friend request'
  107. Deny: '&8/&7friend deny [name of the player]&r &8- &7Deny a friend request'
  108. Remove: '&8/&7friend &7remove &7[name &7of &7the &7friend]&r &8- &7Removes &7a
  109. &7friend'
  110. Jump: '&8/&7friend jump [name of the friend]&r &8- &7Jump to a friend'
  111. Settings: '&8/&7friend settings &r&8- &7Change the settings'
  112. Command:
  113. Accept:
  114. NowFriends: ' &7You and &e[PLAYER] &7are now friends'
  115. ErrorNoFriendShipInvitation: ' &7You did not receive a friend request from &e[PLAYER]&7.'
  116. ErrorSenderEqualsReceiver: ' &7You cannot message yourself.'
  117. ErrorAlreadySend: ' &7You already have sent the player &e[PLAYER] &7a friend
  118. request.'
  119. Add:
  120. SenderEqualsReceiver: ' &7You cannot send yourself a friend request.'
  121. FriendRequestFromReceiver: ' &7The player &e[PLAYER] &7has already sent you
  122. a friend request.'
  123. FriendRequestReceived: ' &7You have received a friend request from &e[PLAYER]&7.'
  124. ClickHere: '&aClick here to accept the friend request'
  125. SentAFriendRequest: ' &7The player &e[PLAYER] &7received a friend request from
  126. you.'
  127. CanNotSendThisPlayer: ' &7You cannot send the player &e[PLAYER] &7a friend request.'
  128. HowToAccept: ' &7Accept the friend request with &6/friend accept [PLAYER]&7.'
  129. AlreadyFriends: ' &7You and &e[PLAYER] &7are already friends.'
  130. Deny:
  131. HasDenied: ' &7You have denied &e[PLAYER]s&7 friend request.'
  132. NoFriendRequest: ' &7You did not receive a friend request from &e[PLAYER]&7.'
  133. Settings:
  134. NowYouCanGetInvitedByEveryone: ' &7Now you can get invited into a party by &aevery
  135. &7player.'
  136. NowYouCanGetInvitedByFriends: ' &7Now you can &conly &7get invited into a party
  137. by your friends.'
  138. NowYouAreNotGoneReceiveFriendRequests: ' &7Now you are &cnot going to &7receive
  139. friend requests anymore.'
  140. NowYouAreGoneReceiveFriendRequests: ' &7Now you are &agoing to &7receive friend
  141. requests from everyone.'
  142. NowYouAreNotGoneReceiveMessages: ' &7Now you are &cnot going to &7receive messages
  143. anymore.'
  144. NowYouWillBeShowAsOnline: ' &7Now you will be shown as &aonline.'
  145. NowYouWilBeShownAsOffline: ' &7Now you will be shown as &coffline.'
  146. NowNoMessages: ' &7Now you are &cnot going to &7receive messages anymore.'
  147. NowMessages: ' &7Now you are &agoing to &7receive messages from everyone.'
  148. NowYourFriendsCanJump: ' &7Now your friends &acan jump &7to you.'
  149. NowYourFriendsCanNotJump: ' &7Now your friends &ccan not jump &7to you.'
  150. Introduction: ' &7These are your settings:'
  151. FriendRequestSettingEveryone: '&7At the moment you are going to receive friend
  152. requests from &aeveryone&7. To change this setting use &6/friend settings
  153. friendrequests&7.'
  154. FriendRequestSettingNobody: '&7At the moment you are &cnot going to &7receive
  155. friend requests. To change this setting use &6/friend settings friendrequests&7.'
  156. PartyInvitedByEveryone: '&7At the moment you can get invited into a party by
  157. &aevery &7player. To change this setting use &6/friend settings invite&7.'
  158. PartyInvitedByFriends: '&7At the moment you can get invited &conly &7by your
  159. friends into their Party. To change this setting use &6/friend settings invite&7.'
  160. CanJump: '&7At the moment your friends &acan jump to you&7. To change this setting
  161. use &6/friend settings jump&7.'
  162. CanNotJump: '&7At the moment your friends &ccannot &7jump to you. To change
  163. this setting use &6/friend settings jump&7.'
  164. ShowAsOnline: '&7At the moment you are shown as &aonline&7. To change this setting
  165. use &6/friend settings offline&7.'
  166. ShowAsOffline: '&7At the moment you are shown as &coffline&7. To change this
  167. setting use &6/friend settings offline&7.'
  168. ReceivePM: '&7At the moment you are able to &areceive &7private messages. To
  169. change this setting use &6/friend settings message&7.'
  170. DoNotReceivePM: '&7At the moment you are &cnot &7able to receive private messages.
  171. To change this setting use &6/friend settings message&7.'
  172. ChangeThisSettingsHover: '&aClick here to change this setting.'
  173. NotFound: ' &7The setting which was specified could not be found or you don''t
  174. have the permission to use this setting.'
  175. SplitLine: '&8&m-----------------------------------------------'
  176. Jump:
  177. AlreadyOnTheServer: ' &7You are already on this server.'
  178. JoinedTheServer: ' &7Now you are on the same server, like the player &e[PLAYER]&7.'
  179. CanNotJump: ' &7You cannot jump to this person.'
  180. List:
  181. NoFriendsAdded: ' &7Until now, you did not add friends.'
  182. FriendsList: ' &7These are your friends:LINE_BREAK &7- '
  183. OnlineTitle: ' &a(online)&7, currently playing on [SERVER_ON]'
  184. OfflineTitle: ' &c(offline)&7, last seen at [LAST_ONLINE]'
  185. TimeColor: '&7'
  186. OnlineColor: '&a'
  187. OfflineColor: '&c'
  188. PlayerSplit: 'LINE_BREAK &7- '
  189. MSG:
  190. CanNotWriteToHim: ' &7You cannot message this player.'
  191. NoOneEverWroteToYou: ' &7No player ever messaged you.'
  192. PlayerAndMessageMissing: ' &7You need to give a message.'
  193. PlayerWillReceiveMessageOnJoin: ' &7The player will receive the message when
  194. he goes online.'
  195. SentMessage: ' &e[SENDERNAME] &7-> &e[PLAYER]&7:[CONTENT]'
  196. ColorOfMessage: ' &7'
  197. Remove:
  198. Removed: ' &7You removed the friend &e[PLAYER]&7.'
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