
Canterlot Crusaders (Prologue)

Feb 7th, 2019
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  1. > Today was the day, and Twilight was so excited.
  2. > After years of service in Celestia's army her brother Shining Armor was being promoted to general.
  3. > It had been months since she had last seen him. Being most recently deployed to the east to quell an uprising of rebel insurgents.
  4. > News of his victory spread like wildfire across the country. Twilight had heard the rumors concerning the nature of his triumph, but she anxiously awaited to hear what really happened upon his return to the capital.
  5. > Cutting her lessons with Celestia short she excitedly ran through the halls of Canterlot Castle. Heading straight for the barracks where her brother was no doubt residing.
  6. > As she cut across the courtyard a familiar shape appeared out of the corner of her eye. Halting her right in her tracks. A towering figure with gleaming white armor.
  7. > Standing next to the large knight was a woman in a pink regal dress.
  8. > Twilight groaned audibly in disgust. As she knew exactly who it was.
  9. > Senator Mi Amore Cadenza. Unofficial ruler of the Crystal Empire. A province in the northern half of Equestria. Comprising of mostly rich nobles and their subjects.
  10. > Twilight tiptoed closer until she was within earshot. Knowing that the two of them had a history together. She wished that Shining would get his head of the clouds though. A soldier, even a general, wasn't allowed to fraternize with senators, dukes, or any noblemen for that matter.
  13. > "It's not nearly as exciting as being able to travel the country as you do." The pink panther chortles.
  14. > "You might think about it differently if you were constantly under the threats of thieves and bandits." Her brother remarks.
  15. > "That only makes it more exciting. Surely a man of your caliber is thrilled at the chance to test his mettle." Cadence replies.
  16. > "I feel violence is a thing to be avoided, not encouraged. Besides, sellswords and farmers are hardly a challenge for seasoned fighters like myself." Shining retorts.
  17. > "I suppose you're right. Nevertheless, I'd love to see how you move in action." She giggles to herself.
  18. > "I'm sure there are many things you wish to see." Shining whispers softly.
  19. > Twilight had heard all that she wanted to of this conversation and ceased hiding behind the pillar just a few feet away from them.
  20. "Welcome home Shiny!" Twilight bellowed as she ran into his arms.
  21. > "Twily! Where did you come from?"
  22. "I was looking for you. When you weren't at the barracks I got worried that you weren't going to come and see me."
  23. > "Of course I wanted to see you. I just got a little sidetracked."
  24. > "It's been awhile Twilight. How have you been?"
  25. "Fine, thank you, senator."
  26. > "There's no reason to be so formal Twilight. We're friends aren't we?" Cadence asks.
  27. > Twilight had a million and one things she wanted to say to her, but she bit her tongue on all of them.
  28. "Of course," Twilight remarked.
  29. > "I'll let you two have some time alone. Until we meet again my knight in shining armor.
  30. > The senator waltzes away with a slight sway in her hips. Obviously trying to entice her brother's gaze.
  33. > "So how much did you hear?" Shining inquires.
  34. "Enough to make me sick to my stomach. What do you see in her anyway?"
  35. > "You mean aside from her bountiful bust and voluptuous rear?"
  36. > Twilight should have guessed. Having known better to ask such a stupid question.
  37. "God, boys are all the same. All they care about is sex and how big their sticks are."
  38. > "Are you saying those things aren't important? Because they are."
  39. "And what about me? I'm just as important as Cadence aren't I?"
  40. > "Of course you are Twily. You're family. And Cadence is a very influential senator. Both of you mean the world to me."
  41. "Are you sure that's all she is? I noticed there was more than one thing standing at attention when I gave you that hug."
  42. > Shining Armor averts his gaze. Unable to offer an explanation.
  43. "You better make this up to me later. I want to spend the rest of the day with you." Twilight demands as she points at him accusingly.
  44. > "Okay, okay. Just promise you won't tell anyone."
  45. > Twilight felt a small amount of satisfaction about having something over her brother, but that's not what she really wanted.
  46. > "Can we at least do some sword practice? I don't want to be your pack mule while you shop for books again."
  47. "For someone who's getting blackmailed you sure have a lot of suggestions. Now, about what happened in Chaslate? Are the rumors true?"
  48. > Before he could answer a thunderous boom cut him off. Causing the ground to briefly shake beneath them.
  49. > Twilight loses her footing but braces herself up against a column. While Shining Armor plants his feet firmly. Riding out the shock wave before spinning on his heels towards the origin of the blast.
  52. > A cloud of black smoke could be seen emanating from the western wall. In the same direction of the barracks and armory.
  53. "What was that?" Twilight asks startled.
  54. > "I don't know, but I'm going to find out."
  55. > Shining draws his sword and begins running towards the source of the disturbance.
  56. "Wait, I'm coming with you."
  57. > "No, you get inside the castle proper. I'll come find you when I know it's safe."
  58. "I'm Celestia's apprentice. I can handle myself. Besides, you'll be there too."
  59. > Shining Armor didn't like the thought of putting his sister in harm's way, but he didn't have time to argue. Lives could be at stake.
  60. > "Fine, but stay close to me."
  61. "Always."
  62. > The two rush to the scene unsure of what they'll find but determined to face it regardless.
  63. > As they close the distance the sounds of battle could be heard just up ahead. The clash of weapons and the screams of the dying.
  64. > As the duo reach the end of a corridor they turn a corner to gaze upon dozens of Canterlot's loyal soldiers in the midst of battle.
  65. > Their assailants were men and women all dressed in generic gray armor. None of which matched one another, nor had any engravings with an insignia or crest.
  66. "Descendit pluerit sole!" Twilight shouts.
  67. > She fires a concentrated mass of light energy at the nearest intruder. Hitting him square in the chest. Causing him to fly backward and land with a thud. He skids across the ground briefly before stopping and lying motionless on the floor.
  68. > "It's the rebels! Give'm hell!" Shining shouts.
  69. > As he charged into the fray Twilight followed close behind. Firing off spells from her tome left and right.
  72. > As Shining pushed forward Twilight protected her brother's blind spot. Making sure no one got within twenty feet of them without having to dodge her blinding balls of death.
  73. > The two siblings continued to spearhead the counterattack until they reached the western gate. Where more enemy troops continued to funnel into the castle grounds.
  74. > "We have to close the gate. Twilight aim for the control tower."
  75. "I'm not in range. Plus, I can't level a building"
  76. > "You won't have to. Just hit the gears holding the door up."
  77. "On it."
  78. > Above all the commotion a gruff and angry voice could be heard near their intended target.
  79. > "Keep fighting we need to buy more time!"
  80. > Apparently he was coordinating the attack, but buy time for what?
  81. > The commander observes from a distance as they both inch closer and closer to the gate.
  82. > "Kill those two! I'll give a thousand bits to the man who can bring me their heads."
  83. > The sporadic flow of troops suddenly becomes a tidal wave of death waiting to crash down upon them.
  84. > "We have to retreat. Follow me." Shining instructs.
  85. "O-okay." Twilight stutters.
  86. > The two turn tail and run down a series of alleyways. With dozens of bloodthirsty rebels hot on their heals.
  87. > After about a minute of relentless pursuit Shining and Twilight reach a dead end. Turning to face their persistent attackers.
  88. > "Twilight, formation sword and shield."
  89. "Got it."
  90. > He was referring to the tactic of him standing in front blocking while she hangs back and attacks from a distance.
  93. > "Nowhere left to run imperial scum."
  94. > "This is your last chance to surrender. Do so and your lives will be spared." Shining says.
  95. > "Are you daft? We have you surrounded, and there's no one coming to your rescue."
  96. > "You may have numbers, but you all lack real strength."
  97. > "The only strength in war is having more troops than the opposing side, and the rebellion grows stronger every day."
  98. "You're all just a bunch of crooks. Swindlers and murderers have no chance of overthrowing this country."
  99. > "You know nothing of our struggles you spoiled wench. Before the rebellion, I couldn't even provide for my family. Famine and disease were all we knew. Then, the rebels offered me a chance to change all that."
  100. "If you were struggling why didn't you petition for relief?"
  102. > "Half a dozen attempts all rejected. Months went by as our people suffered, and what did your precious Celestia do? NOTHING!"
  103. "That's not true. It can't be."
  104. > "Enough talk. Today we will have retribution!"
  106. Twilight Sparkle Lvl. 1 Cleric
  107. ⦁ Cleric- A servant to her god who wields healing white magic.
  108. Inventory: Thani
  109. ⦁ Thani- Light magic that does bonus damage to armored and mounted units. Only Twilight can use it.
  110. Prf: - Might: 8 Weight: 1 Hit: 100 Critical: 0 Range: 1-2 Uses: 45/45
  111. Skills: Lumina, Miracle
  112. ⦁ Lumina- Allows one to cast light magic equal to their staff proficiency
  113. ⦁ Miracle- Chance to half the damage of a lethal blow
  114. Weapon Lvls: Sword-E Staff-C
  115. HP: 19 Spd: 6
  116. Str: 3 Lck: 6
  117. Mag: 10 Def: 2
  118. Skill: 8 Res: 7
  119. Movement: 5 Constitution: 5
  120. EXP: 0
  123. Shining Armor- Lvl. 1 Sword General
  124. ⦁ Sword General- Seasoned soldier with high defense that specializes in wielding swords.
  125. Inventory: Iron Blade, Vulnerary- 3/3
  126. ⦁ Iron Blade- A large, powerful blade that's a bit hard to wield. Its weight makes consecutive attacks difficult.
  127. Prf: C Might: 10 Weight: 13 Hit: 70 Critical: 0 Range: 1 Uses: 40/40
  128. ⦁ Vulnerary- A common healing item that restores 10 HP.
  129. Skills: Resolve, Counter
  130. ⦁ Resolve- Increase Str, Skill, and Spd by 1.5x when health is below 50%
  131. ⦁ Counter- Half of the damage taken is dealt back to the foe
  132. Weapon Lvls: Sword- B Lance- D
  133. HP: 34 Spd: 10
  134. Str: 15 Lck: 8
  135. Mag: 7 Def: 22
  136. Skill: 14 Res: 6
  137. Movement: 6 Constitution: 23
  138. EXP: 0
  140. > "Twilight things are going to get hairy. Do you have a healing staff?"
  141. "No. I left it with Celestia."
  142. > "Then take this."
  144. > Twilight received a vulnerary.
  146. > "You're going to need this more than me."
  147. "But what about you?"
  148. > "I'll be fine. Now, get ready."
  150. > Objective: Rout the Enemy
  152. > The first wave of soldiers charge without hesitation; however, none of them do any significant damage to Shining. He cuts two of them down while Twilight picks off the rest.
  153. > The second group is more cautious and try their best to maneuver past him to attack her instead. Even though they're more coordinated they're efforts ultimately prove fruitless.
  156. > The lack of open space actually works to Shining And Twilight's advantage. Funneling their enemies in such a way to make it nigh impossible to get past.
  157. > Archers try safely shooting volleys from a distance, but find little success in their attempts. Twilight occasionally fires a spell out in retaliation but focuses primarily on the foes in front of her.
  158. > More troops continue to rally around them, but it's obvious that they were losing morale.
  159. > "What's taking so long? Those two should have been dead by now. I have places to be. I suppose if you want something done right you have to do it yourself." The enemy commander growls before galloping on horseback to his opponents.
  160. > With his steel axe raised high above his head he swings with all his might to decapitate the white knight. Shining raises his shield to block, but the force and momentum of the attack knocks him off his feet.
  161. > What few soldiers remained took this opportunity to attack once more. As Twilight helped Shining to his feet she casts a different to stall for time.
  162. "Solis Flare!"
  163. > A bright light shoots from her hand into the sky above. Growing more intense until it reaches its apex. Exploding with the magnitude of ten suns.
  164. > With the enemy dazed and confused the sibling duo finish off any stragglers stupid enough to stick around. Leaving their leader all alone.
  165. > "How can this be? We had every advantage!"
  166. "It's not too late. Surrender now and I'm sure Celestia will show mercy." Twilight demands.
  167. > "You can keep your mercy. A war is coming and not even the tyrant Celestia will come out unscathed."
  168. "Then, you leave me no choice. Descendit pluerit sole!"
  169. > Once more a giant ball of white light manifests from Twilight's book. Only this time it hangs suspended in the air high over the barbarians head.
  170. > With one hand she slams the tome shut. Causing the spell to drop and kill both the horse and its rider.
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