

Sep 3rd, 2016
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  1. Fate/GUDAGUDA Honnoji
  2. (Thanks to Kyte for the text dump.)
  4. Prologue: This World is Surely the Sengoku Era of Heroic Spirits
  6. The event starts off midway through a conversation between Roman and Da Vinci.
  8. >Roman: Intruders in Chaldea? No way! Where could they have come from?!
  10. Da Vinci confirms that it really does seemed to have happened, and seems puzzled with the readings she's getting. Mashu runs in at this point and asks Roman why he called a state of emergency. Then she notices you're here too and and says good morning.
  12. >You: What'd you eat for breakfast?
  13. >Mashu: Today I had sunny-side up eggs, dried seaweed, and miso soup. And for dessert I had some boiled pumpkin.
  15. The ingredients were taken from what little reserves Chaldea has, so Mashu strived to make a simple yet airtight menu.
  17. >Roman: Pumpkins, huh. I thought we harvested more than enough of them.
  18. >Roman: Wait, that's not the point here!! The intruder, the intruder!
  20. You could also observe that Mashu seems healthy today, which leads to a much shorter conversation that Roman interrupts almost immediately.
  22. Mashu is surprised to hear the situation and promptly decides to go find this intruder. As always, she'll be counting on you for help.
  24. A bit later, Mashu is near the source of the reaction. She can't find anything at first, but then Roman yells out to look behind her. She does and...
  26. >???: Nobunobu!
  27. >Mashu: !?!?!????
  28. >Roman: ...Wha?!
  29. >You: Huh?
  30. >???: Nobunobu!
  32. Faced with a weird chibi thing, Mashu is pretty perplexed. But Da Vinci warns her to be careful. Judging by the readings, it's much stronger than its looks would imply.
  34. >???: Nobunobu!
  35. >Mashu: Master! Look ou-
  36. >???: That's far enough!
  38. A mysterious woman smacks the thing away before it could attack you. Surprised at her sudden entry, Mashu asks who she is.
  40. >???: It's nice to meet you, I am the Shinsen... No, um... Oh, I know. Please call me Sakura Saber.
  42. Sakura Saber came to this world in pursuit of that strange lifeform you saw just now.
  44. >???: Hold it, assassin! Don't leave me behind like that!
  46. Another woman rushes in, panting for breath. She quickly composes herself, claims that she wasn't strained at all, and praises her stamina. Mashu once more asks who the two are, and the new ??? takes that as a cue to introduce herself.
  48. >???: Hm? Me? I am the Demon King of the Sixth Sky, Nobu... No, a demon. Yes, I am the Demon Archer!
  50. Mashu seems to doubt that "Sakura Saber" and "Demon Archer" are really their names, but goes with it. Then Roman interrupts to report he's discovered the source of the strange creatures. It seems that somehow, Chaldea and some separate space have intersected. And if you don't cut it off, Chaldea will be overrun by those weird things. Da Vinci adds that she's calculating the Ley Shift coordinates now, so you and Mashu should come back. Mashu agrees, then asks what Sakura Saber and Demon Archer are going to do. Sakura Saber says they have the same goal as you, so they'd like to tag along. She asks if Demon Archer's fine with that, and Demon Archer exasperately (and exhaustedly) agrees. She then bombastically declares she'll be lending you a hand.
  52. Cut to the Ley Shift room, where Roman and Da Vinci have just finished Ley Shifting the four of you. Roman's locking on to you and Mashu so the usual comm channels will go through when he wonders how exactly Sakura Saber and Demon Archer ended up manifesting in Chaldea in the first place. Da Vinci responds there's an astronomically high chance they're related to that strange space. But more importantly, she passes Roman some notes on something she noticed before Ley Shifting your group. Reading it, Roman is surprised that those weird things from before seem to turn into something similar to a Shadow Servant when they fuse together.
  54. But regardless, Roman believes you and Mashu will be able to sort it out. So with that all said, Roman's going to put everything he's got into... going to bed. He stayed up late last night commenting on Magi☆Marie's blog, you see. Da Vinci apparently follows it too, because she points out that whenever Magi☆Marie mentions Roman she shits on him. She wonders if Roman's being punished or something, but he claims it's a reward.
  56. Roman really does need a nap though, but before he can leave Fou jumps him. Roman's surprised Fou didn't want to tag along, apparently because Fou had a bad premonition.
  58. Over with your group, Mashu reports that the Ley Shift was successful before trying to figure out where you ended up. Ignoring her, Demon Archer observes that the Imperial Capital's Holy Grail has run amok and created a strange space. Mashu wants to know just what she means by "Imperial Capital's Holy Grail", but Sakura Saber interrupts to warn that enemies are approaching.
  60. Once that's over with, Mashu asks about the Holy Grail again. Sakura Saber explains that in the Holy Grail War in her and Demon Archer's world, somebody started fiddling around with the Holy Grail. The result was it going nuts and... Demon Archer finishes that it led to her subconscious and the real world starting to blend. Worse yet, when those things split off from her they took a bunch of her power with her. So while she's supposed to be "Last Boss Class", she's pretty much an 0.5 Star Servant now. You could say she's been dropped back to level 1.
  62. >You: Star?
  63. >Demon Archer: Even though I was certain that I'd be 5 Star level, why did this happen...?
  65. You can also be understanding, which will lead to Sakura Saber apologizing for the trouble on Demon Archer's behalf.
  67. Mashu tries to steer the conversation back on track by asking if she'd be right in saying that those weird things are incarnations of Demon Archer's subconsciousness and power. Demon Archer answers that it's something like that. You can either point out how irresponsible the two Servants are (Sakura Saber will apologize for getting you involved and say you can feel free to complain to Demon Archer) or comment on the enemies only having one eye (Demon Archer flusteredly explains the other eye's just covered with hair, like Mashu. Mashu asks not to be grouped together with those things).
  69. Mashu once more tries to get back on track by pointing out they picked some things up from the last battle. They appear to be a bowl and an iron pot. Demon Archer exclaims that the magical energy that flowed out of the grail has taken a shape matching her consciousness and turned into "valuable things". Mashu is confused since as far as she can tell there's nothing special about a black pot and an old bowl, but then Da Vinci cuts in and asks if she can take a look. She does and... also can not find anything remotely valuable about them at all.
  71. >Demon Archer: You rude southern barbarians! People like you who don't understand Japanese aesthetics should be knocked around by Rikyu!
  73. 南蛮人 ("southern barbarian") was a term used to describe Western Europeans visiting Japan prior to the Edo period. And Sen no Rikyu was a major influence in Japan's tea culture.
  75. Da Vinci is initially still unconvinced the bowl and pot have any worth, but then she takes a closer look and suddenly her interest ignites. She recognizes they're tea utensils, and wants to head to her workshop to try making her own. Much to Mashu's shock, Da Vinci's "indescribably charmed" by the unrefinedness of the tea kettle and the plain form of the bowl. You can either proclaim that Japan's aesthetics are the world's aesthetics (Demon Archer is pleased and says she'll reserve a temple somewhere or the other to drink some tea with you) or ask if the tea kettle is going to explode (Sakura Saber reassures you it won't, but Demon Archer isn't so sure).
  77. Mashu tries to rerail the conversation yet again by noting that for now, your group should try to reach the center of the Singularity. Sakura Saber says she has a feeling she and Demon Archer will be relying on you and Mashu, and preemptively gives thanks. Demon Archer just says that if you're done, it's time to get going. You're off on a journey to unify the nation by force.
  79. Or the more specific, a journey of Tenka Fubu, which could be translated all sorts of ways. But what's important is that it was the motto of a certain daimyo. I'm sure you can guess who.
  81. ---
  83. First Act: Surprise!! GUDAGUDA Okehazama
  85. ---
  87. Second Act: Dashing!! GUDAGUDA Sandan Uchi
  89. ---
  91. Third Act: Trouble!! GUDAGUDA Houimou
  93. ---
  95. Fourth Act: Great Victory!! GUDAGUDA Tenka Fubu
  97. ---
  99. Final Act: Great Fire!! GUDAGUDA Honnoji
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