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a guest
May 18th, 2016
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text 24.82 KB | None | 0 0
  1. vagrantfile:
  2. target: local
  3. vm:
  4. provider:
  5. local:
  6. box: puphpet/centos65-x64
  7. box_url: puphpet/centos65-x64
  8. box_version: 'false'
  9. chosen_virtualizer: virtualbox
  10. virtualizers:
  11. virtualbox:
  12. modifyvm:
  13. natdnshostresolver1: false
  14. showgui: 0
  15. vmware:
  16. numvcpus: 1
  17. parallels:
  18. use_linked_clone: 0
  19. check_guest_tools: 0
  20. update_guest_tools: 0
  21. machines:
  22. vflm_vytrsextutdd:
  23. id: MbM
  24. hostname:
  25. network:
  26. private_network:
  27. forwarded_port:
  28. vflmnfp_h8vy8j64cqq5:
  29. host: '8080'
  30. guest: '80'
  31. vflmnfp_bpkcsnsp746k:
  32. host: '2200'
  33. guest: '22'
  34. memory: '2048'
  35. cpus: '1'
  36. provision:
  37. puppet:
  38. manifests_path: puphpet/puppet/manifests
  39. module_path: puphpet/puppet/modules
  40. options:
  41. - '--verbose'
  42. - '--hiera_config /vagrant/puphpet/puppet/hiera.yaml'
  43. synced_folder:
  44. vflsf_b4xwjwyvgvuk:
  45. source: ./Maxlotto/www/
  46. target: /home/maxlotto/production
  47. sync_type: default
  48. smb:
  49. smb_host: ''
  50. smb_username: ''
  51. smb_password: ''
  52. mount_options:
  53. dir_mode: '0775'
  54. file_mode: '0664'
  55. rsync:
  56. args:
  57. - '--verbose'
  58. - '--archive'
  59. - '-z'
  60. exclude:
  61. - .vagrant/
  62. - .git/
  63. auto: 'true'
  64. owner: www-data
  65. group: www-data
  66. vflsf_beyaa4mpvnzn:
  67. source: ./Maxlotto/modules/
  68. target: /home/maxlotto/modules/
  69. sync_type: default
  70. smb:
  71. smb_host: ''
  72. smb_username: ''
  73. smb_password: ''
  74. mount_options:
  75. dir_mode: '0775'
  76. file_mode: '0664'
  77. rsync:
  78. args:
  79. - '--verbose'
  80. - '--archive'
  81. - '-z'
  82. exclude:
  83. - .vagrant/
  84. - .git/
  85. auto: 'true'
  86. owner: www-data
  87. group: www-data
  88. vflsf_olpb91y03mgd:
  89. source: ./Fetch/pusher/
  90. target: /home/fetch/pusher/
  91. sync_type: default
  92. smb:
  93. smb_host: ''
  94. smb_username: ''
  95. smb_password: ''
  96. mount_options:
  97. dir_mode: '0775'
  98. file_mode: '0664'
  99. rsync:
  100. args:
  101. - '--verbose'
  102. - '--archive'
  103. - '-z'
  104. exclude:
  105. - .vagrant/
  106. - .git/
  107. auto: 'true'
  108. owner: www-data
  109. group: www-data
  110. vflsf_mchl6tn6iuri:
  111. source: ./Fetch/app/
  112. target: /home/fetch/production/
  113. sync_type: default
  114. smb:
  115. smb_host: ''
  116. smb_username: ''
  117. smb_password: ''
  118. mount_options:
  119. dir_mode: '0775'
  120. file_mode: '0664'
  121. rsync:
  122. args:
  123. - '--verbose'
  124. - '--archive'
  125. - '-z'
  126. exclude:
  127. - .vagrant/
  128. - .git/
  129. auto: 'true'
  130. owner: www-data
  131. group: www-data
  132. vflsf_7hlhdfuwoktk:
  133. source: ./UtilityConnections/
  134. target: /home/uc/production
  135. sync_type: default
  136. smb:
  137. smb_host: ''
  138. smb_username: ''
  139. smb_password: ''
  140. mount_options:
  141. dir_mode: '0775'
  142. file_mode: '0664'
  143. rsync:
  144. args:
  145. - '--verbose'
  146. - '--archive'
  147. - '-z'
  148. exclude:
  149. - .vagrant/
  150. - .git/
  151. auto: 'true'
  152. owner: www-data
  153. group: www-data
  154. vflsf_of6uqi8x0oto:
  155. source: ./DKF/
  156. target: /home/dkf/production
  157. sync_type: default
  158. smb:
  159. smb_host: ''
  160. smb_username: ''
  161. smb_password: ''
  162. mount_options:
  163. dir_mode: '0775'
  164. file_mode: '0664'
  165. rsync:
  166. args:
  167. - '--verbose'
  168. - '--archive'
  169. - '-z'
  170. exclude:
  171. - .vagrant/
  172. - .git/
  173. auto: 'true'
  174. owner: www-data
  175. group: www-data
  176. vflsf_7dfd89y5ua1k:
  177. source: ./Image/
  178. target: /home/image/production/
  179. sync_type: default
  180. smb:
  181. smb_host: ''
  182. smb_username: ''
  183. smb_password: ''
  184. mount_options:
  185. dir_mode: '0775'
  186. file_mode: '0664'
  187. rsync:
  188. args:
  189. - '--verbose'
  190. - '--archive'
  191. - '-z'
  192. exclude:
  193. - .vagrant/
  194. - .git/
  195. auto: 'true'
  196. owner: www-data
  197. group: www-data
  198. vflsf_kakij8ifzr5u:
  199. source: ./CMS/
  200. target: /home/aljt/
  201. sync_type: default
  202. smb:
  203. smb_host: ''
  204. smb_username: ''
  205. smb_password: ''
  206. mount_options:
  207. dir_mode: '0775'
  208. file_mode: '0664'
  209. rsync:
  210. args:
  211. - '--verbose'
  212. - '--archive'
  213. - '-z'
  214. exclude:
  215. - .vagrant/
  216. - .git/
  217. auto: 'true'
  218. owner: www-data
  219. group: www-data
  220. usable_port_range:
  221. start: 10200
  222. stop: 10500
  223. post_up_message: ''
  224. ssh:
  225. host: 'false'
  226. port: 'false'
  227. private_key_path: 'false'
  228. username: vagrant
  229. guest_port: 'false'
  230. keep_alive: '1'
  231. forward_agent: 'false'
  232. forward_x11: 'false'
  233. shell: 'bash -l'
  234. insert_key: 'false'
  235. vagrant:
  236. host: detect
  237. proxy:
  238. http: ''
  239. https: ''
  240. ftp: ''
  241. no_proxy: ''
  242. server:
  243. install: '1'
  244. packages:
  245. - memcached
  246. - beanstalkd
  247. - nano
  248. users_groups:
  249. install: '1'
  250. groups: { }
  251. users: { }
  252. locale:
  253. install: '1'
  254. settings:
  255. default_locale: en_GB.UTF-8
  256. locales:
  257. - en_GB.UTF-8
  258. - en_US.UTF-8
  259. timezone: UTC
  260. firewall:
  261. install: '1'
  262. rules:
  263. fr_7ozcth1wrqtc:
  264. port:
  265. - '80'
  266. priority: '100'
  267. proto: tcp
  268. action: accept
  269. cron:
  270. install: '1'
  271. jobs: { }
  272. nginx:
  273. install: '1'
  274. settings:
  275. default_vhost: 1
  276. proxy_buffer_size: 128k
  277. proxy_buffers: '4 256k'
  278. proxy_connect_timeout: 600s
  279. proxy_send_timeout: 600s
  280. proxy_read_timeout: 600s
  281. names_hash_bucket_size: 128
  282. upstreams: { }
  283. vhosts:
  284. nxv_0la76ixu15z3:
  285. server_name:
  286. server_aliases:
  287. -
  288. www_root: /home/maxlotto/production/
  289. listen_port: '80'
  290. index_files:
  291. - index.html
  292. - index.htm
  293. - index.php
  294. client_max_body_size: 1m
  295. ssl: '0'
  296. ssl_cert: ''
  297. ssl_key: ''
  298. ssl_port: '443'
  299. ssl_protocols: ''
  300. ssl_ciphers: ''
  301. rewrite_to_https: '1'
  302. spdy: '1'
  303. locations:
  304. nxvl_2hw5sf5n0g14:
  305. location: /
  306. try_files:
  307. - $uri
  308. - $uri/
  309. - /index.php$is_args$args
  310. fastcgi: ''
  311. fastcgi_index: ''
  312. fastcgi_split_path: ''
  313. proxy: ''
  314. proxy_redirect: ''
  315. nxvl_4rev26lqkp15:
  316. location: '~ \.php$'
  317. try_files:
  318. - $uri
  319. - $uri/
  320. - /index.php$is_args$args
  321. fastcgi: ''
  322. fastcgi_index: index.php
  323. fastcgi_split_path: '^(.+\.php)(/.*)$'
  324. fast_cgi_params_extra:
  325. - 'SCRIPT_FILENAME $request_filename'
  326. - 'APP_ENV development'
  327. proxy: ''
  328. proxy_redirect: ''
  329. nxv_vw3ynvqoxhn3:
  330. server_name:
  331. server_aliases:
  332. -
  333. www_root: /home/fetch/production/public
  334. listen_port: '80'
  335. index_files:
  336. - index.html
  337. - index.htm
  338. - index.php
  339. client_max_body_size: 1m
  340. ssl: '0'
  341. ssl_cert: ''
  342. ssl_key: ''
  343. ssl_port: '443'
  344. ssl_protocols: ''
  345. ssl_ciphers: ''
  346. rewrite_to_https: '1'
  347. spdy: '1'
  348. locations:
  349. nxvl_sk2g8oyu2hct:
  350. location: /
  351. try_files:
  352. - $uri
  353. - $uri/
  354. - /index.php$is_args$args
  355. fastcgi: ''
  356. fastcgi_index: ''
  357. fastcgi_split_path: ''
  358. proxy: ''
  359. proxy_redirect: ''
  360. nxvl_qi6dbmn36mgi:
  361. location: '~ \.php$'
  362. try_files:
  363. - $uri
  364. - $uri/
  365. - /index.php$is_args$args
  366. fastcgi: ''
  367. fastcgi_index: index.php
  368. fastcgi_split_path: '^(.+\.php)(/.*)$'
  369. fast_cgi_params_extra:
  370. - 'SCRIPT_FILENAME $request_filename'
  371. - 'APP_ENV development'
  372. proxy: ''
  373. proxy_redirect: ''
  374. nxv_5t3ypsaac2hs:
  375. server_name:
  376. server_aliases:
  377. -
  378. www_root: /home/uc/production/public
  379. listen_port: '80'
  380. index_files:
  381. - index.php
  382. - index.html
  383. client_max_body_size: 1m
  384. ssl: '0'
  385. ssl_cert: ''
  386. ssl_key: ''
  387. ssl_port: '443'
  388. ssl_protocols: ''
  389. ssl_ciphers: ''
  390. rewrite_to_https: '1'
  391. spdy: '1'
  392. locations:
  393. nxvl_j2dri6ef7tmw:
  394. location: /
  395. try_files:
  396. - $uri
  397. - $uri/
  398. - /index.php$is_args$args
  399. fastcgi: ''
  400. fastcgi_index: ''
  401. fastcgi_split_path: ''
  402. proxy: ''
  403. proxy_redirect: ''
  404. nxvl_sagoobht9rgg:
  405. location: '~ \.php$'
  406. try_files:
  407. - $uri
  408. - /$uri
  409. - /index.php$args
  410. fastcgi: ''
  411. fastcgi_index: index.php
  412. fastcgi_split_path: '^(.+\.php)(/.*)$'
  413. fast_cgi_params_extra:
  414. - 'SCRIPT_FILENAME $request_filename'
  415. - 'APP_ENV development'
  416. proxy: ''
  417. proxy_redirect: ''
  418. nxv_v6mh8dju5vbf:
  419. server_name:
  420. server_aliases:
  421. -
  422. www_root: /home/image/production/
  423. listen_port: '80'
  424. index_files:
  425. - index.php
  426. - index.html
  427. client_max_body_size: 1m
  428. ssl: '0'
  429. ssl_cert: ''
  430. ssl_key: ''
  431. ssl_port: '443'
  432. ssl_protocols: ''
  433. ssl_ciphers: ''
  434. rewrite_to_https: '1'
  435. spdy: '1'
  436. locations:
  437. nxvl_7lje7fswmc42:
  438. location: /
  439. try_files:
  440. - $uri
  441. - $uri/
  442. - /index.php$args
  443. fastcgi: ''
  444. fastcgi_index: ''
  445. fastcgi_split_path: ''
  446. proxy: ''
  447. proxy_redirect: ''
  448. nxvl_1tp0npzbueaw:
  449. location: '~ \.php$'
  450. try_files:
  451. - $uri
  452. - $uri/
  453. - '/index.php?$args'
  454. fastcgi:
  455. fastcgi_index: index.php
  456. fastcgi_split_path: '^(.+\.php)(/.*)$'
  457. fast_cgi_params_extra:
  458. - 'SCRIPT_FILENAME $request_filename'
  459. - 'APP_ENV development'
  460. proxy: ''
  461. proxy_redirect: ''
  462. nxv_l4l6jf150d3e:
  463. server_name:
  464. server_aliases:
  465. -
  466. www_root: /home/dkf/production/public/
  467. listen_port: '80'
  468. index_files:
  469. - index.php
  470. - index.html
  471. client_max_body_size: 1m
  472. ssl: '0'
  473. ssl_cert: ''
  474. ssl_key: ''
  475. ssl_port: '443'
  476. ssl_protocols: ''
  477. ssl_ciphers: ''
  478. rewrite_to_https: '1'
  479. spdy: '1'
  480. locations:
  481. nxvl_quqoxpgl123s:
  482. location: /
  483. try_files:
  484. - $uri
  485. - $uri/
  486. - /index.php$args
  487. fastcgi: ''
  488. fastcgi_index: ''
  489. fastcgi_split_path: ''
  490. proxy: ''
  491. proxy_redirect: ''
  492. nxvl_bfr65dtv7evs:
  493. location: '~ \.php$'
  494. try_files:
  495. - $uri
  496. - $uri/
  497. - '/index.php?$args'
  498. fastcgi:
  499. fastcgi_index: index.php
  500. fastcgi_split_path: '^(.+\.php)(/.*)$'
  501. fast_cgi_params_extra:
  502. - 'SCRIPT_FILENAME $request_filename'
  503. - 'APP_ENV development'
  504. proxy: ''
  505. proxy_redirect: ''
  506. nxv_m658pkksgyjj:
  507. server_name:
  508. server_aliases:
  509. -
  510. www_root: /home/aljt/production/cms/
  511. listen_port: '80'
  512. index_files:
  513. - index.php
  514. client_max_body_size: 1m
  515. ssl: '0'
  516. ssl_cert: ''
  517. ssl_key: ''
  518. ssl_port: '443'
  519. ssl_protocols: ''
  520. ssl_ciphers: ''
  521. rewrite_to_https: '1'
  522. spdy: '1'
  523. locations:
  524. nxvl_yiuoczx5bwwt:
  525. location: /
  526. try_files:
  527. - $uri
  528. - $uri/
  529. - '/index.php?$args'
  530. fastcgi: ''
  531. fastcgi_index: ''
  532. fastcgi_split_path: ''
  533. proxy: ''
  534. proxy_redirect: ''
  535. nxvl_0h714rggjhqa:
  536. location: '~ \.php$'
  537. try_files:
  538. - $uri
  539. - $uri/
  540. - '/index.php?$args'
  541. fastcgi:
  542. fastcgi_index: index.php
  543. fastcgi_split_path: '^(.+\.php)(/.*)$'
  544. fast_cgi_params_extra:
  545. - 'SCRIPT_FILENAME $request_filename'
  546. - 'APP_ENV development'
  547. proxy: ''
  548. proxy_redirect: ''
  549. nxvl_jhg2yurx33l4:
  550. location: '~ /template'
  551. try_files:
  552. - $uri
  553. - $uri/
  554. - '=404'
  555. fastcgi: ''
  556. fastcgi_index: ''
  557. fastcgi_split_path: ''
  558. proxy: ''
  559. proxy_redirect: ''
  560. proxies: { }
  561. apache:
  562. install: '0'
  563. settings:
  564. version: 2.4
  565. user: www-data
  566. group: www-data
  567. default_vhost: true
  568. manage_user: false
  569. manage_group: false
  570. sendfile: 0
  571. modules:
  572. - proxy_fcgi
  573. - rewrite
  574. vhosts:
  575. av_zsdervzicjw0:
  576. servername:
  577. serveraliases:
  578. -
  579. docroot: /var/www/awesome
  580. port: '80'
  581. setenv:
  582. - 'APP_ENV dev'
  583. custom_fragment: ''
  584. ssl: '0'
  585. ssl_cert: ''
  586. ssl_key: ''
  587. ssl_chain: ''
  588. ssl_certs_dir: ''
  589. ssl_protocol: ''
  590. ssl_cipher: ''
  591. directories:
  592. avd_biyi0pou3h62:
  593. path: /var/www/awesome
  594. options:
  595. - Indexes
  596. - FollowSymlinks
  597. - MultiViews
  598. allow_override:
  599. - All
  600. require:
  601. - 'all granted'
  602. custom_fragment: ''
  603. files_match:
  604. avdfm_ignzuzjbq988:
  605. path: \.php$
  606. sethandler: 'proxy:fcgi://'
  607. custom_fragment: ''
  608. provider: filesmatch
  609. provider: directory
  610. letsencrypt:
  611. install: '1'
  612. settings:
  613. email: ''
  614. domains: { }
  615. php:
  616. install: '1'
  617. settings:
  618. version: '56'
  619. modules:
  620. php:
  621. - cli
  622. - intl
  623. - mcrypt
  624. - memcached
  625. - fpm
  626. - mysql
  627. pear: { }
  628. pecl:
  629. - memcached
  630. ini:
  631. display_errors: 'On'
  632. error_reporting: '-1'
  633. session.save_path: /var/lib/php/session
  634. date.timezone: UTC
  635. fpm_ini:
  636. error_log: /var/log/php-fpm.log
  637. fpm_pools:
  638. phpfp_z1cjota0v89h:
  639. ini:
  640. prefix: www
  641. listen: ''
  642. security.limit_extensions: .php
  643. user: www-user
  644. group: www-data
  645. composer: '1'
  646. composer_home: ''
  647. xdebug:
  648. install: '1'
  649. settings:
  650. xdebug.default_enable: '1'
  651. xdebug.remote_autostart: '0'
  652. xdebug.remote_connect_back: '1'
  653. xdebug.remote_enable: '1'
  654. xdebug.remote_handler: dbgp
  655. xdebug.remote_port: '9000'
  656. blackfire:
  657. install: '1'
  658. settings:
  659. server_id: fe72fcb0-2105-4107-b1fb-b4072f478982
  660. server_token: 18b0ed546e41e62955b92acf332086be458e8ffe191f5fbebb562577fdd85c98
  661. agent:
  662. http_proxy: ''
  663. https_proxy: ''
  664. log_file: stderr
  665. log_level: '1'
  666. php:
  667. agent_timeout: '0.25'
  668. log_file: ''
  669. log_level: '1'
  670. xhprof:
  671. install: '0'
  672. wpcli:
  673. install: '0'
  674. version: v0.19.0
  675. drush:
  676. install: '0'
  677. version: 6.3.0
  678. ruby:
  679. install: '1'
  680. versions: { }
  681. python:
  682. install: '1'
  683. packages: { }
  684. versions: { }
  685. nodejs:
  686. install: '0'
  687. settings:
  688. version: null
  689. npm_packages: { }
  690. hhvm:
  691. install: '0'
  692. nightly: 0
  693. composer: '1'
  694. composer_home: ''
  695. settings: { }
  696. server_ini:
  698. hhvm.server.port: '9000'
  699. hhvm.log.use_log_file: '1'
  700. hhvm.log.file: /var/log/hhvm/error.log
  701. php_ini:
  702. display_errors: 'On'
  703. error_reporting: '-1'
  704. date.timezone: UTC
  705. mariadb:
  706. install: '1'
  707. settings:
  708. version: '10.0'
  709. root_password: password
  710. override_options: { }
  711. adminer: 0
  712. users:
  713. mariadbnu_30rc55yttarj:
  714. name: development
  715. password: password
  716. databases:
  717. mariadbnd_rjfopc216mqg:
  718. name: fetch
  719. sql: ''
  720. mariadbnd_nse3qokjm188:
  721. name: utility
  722. sql: ''
  723. grants:
  724. mariadbng_kvjzkfw6d95g:
  725. user: development
  726. table: '*.*'
  727. privileges:
  728. - ALL
  729. mysql:
  730. install: '0'
  731. settings:
  732. version: '5.6'
  733. root_password: '123'
  734. override_options: { }
  735. adminer: 0
  736. users:
  737. mysqlnu_rxoxsp3izvk9:
  738. name: dbuser
  739. password: '123'
  740. databases:
  741. mysqlnd_cmqsxs69px15:
  742. name: dbname
  743. sql: ''
  744. grants:
  745. mysqlng_jjcawzn0w5bt:
  746. user: dbuser
  747. table: '*.*'
  748. privileges:
  749. - ALL
  750. postgresql:
  751. install: '0'
  752. settings:
  753. global:
  754. encoding: UTF8
  755. version: '9.3'
  756. server:
  757. postgres_password: '123'
  758. databases: { }
  759. users: { }
  760. grants: { }
  761. adminer: 0
  762. mongodb:
  763. install: '0'
  764. settings:
  765. bind_ip:
  766. port: '27017'
  767. globals:
  768. version: 2.6.0
  769. databases: { }
  770. redis:
  771. install: '0'
  772. settings:
  773. port: '6379'
  774. sqlite:
  775. install: '0'
  776. adminer: 0
  777. databases: { }
  778. mailhog:
  779. install: '1'
  780. settings:
  781. smtp_ip:
  782. smtp_port: 1025
  783. http_ip:
  784. http_port: '8025'
  785. path: /usr/local/bin/mailhog
  786. beanstalkd:
  787. install: '1'
  788. settings:
  789. listenaddress:
  790. listenport: '11300'
  791. maxjobsize: '65535'
  792. maxconnections: '1024'
  793. binlogdir: /var/lib/beanstalkd/binlog
  794. binlogfsync: null
  795. binlogsize: '10485760'
  796. beanstalk_console: '1'
  797. rabbitmq:
  798. install: '0'
  799. settings:
  800. port: '5672'
  801. users: { }
  802. vhosts: { }
  803. plugins: { }
  804. elastic_search:
  805. install: '0'
  806. settings:
  807. version: 1.4.1
  808. java_install: true
  809. instances: { }
  810. solr:
  811. install: '0'
  812. settings:
  813. version: 4.10.2
  814. port: '8984'
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